lavaffair · 2 years
My Girlfriend Washed My Hair Today - Rated T
Inukag Week Day 3 @inukag-week
3k words for day three's promt: intimacy.
In universe with my story Begin Again.
warnings: a little suggestive but nothing too crazy. if you notice grammar mistakes pls look away I am so burnt out from work that I didn’t bother editing Im sorry 😭
Ao3 Link.
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Faint little sounds began to sweep through Kagome’s consciousness as sleep began fading away from her. She tried her best to ignore it in order to continue sleeping longer, but the light, consistent tapping in the kitchen didn’t allow for such pleasures. Begrudgingly, she opened her eyes and allowed for them to adjust to the lighting in her bedroom. The window besides her bed informed her that the sun was almost done setting as the darkness of the night began to spread across the sky.
She pondered, confused at the difference of time; because she swore that it was still daylight when she had fallen asleep. Wiping her eyes to try to remove some of the exhaustion from her body, she let out a small yawn and stretched her tired limbs.
“Yer finally awake,” Inuyasha called out from the doorway with a smirk, “I thought ya died on me.”
Kagome groaned, too tired to think of a comeback and fell back against the mattress. “How long have I been asleep?”
Inuyasha sat down beside her causing the bed to dip a little, watching as her body immediately sliding a little closer to him due to gravity. “Four hours.”
Only her head lifted off of the bed as she looked at him with a perplexed expression, “What! I wasted the entire day sleeping?!”
The half-demon laughed and bent forward to kiss her forehead, causing a happy chirp to escape Kagome’s lips. “You were tired, babe. You deserved that nap.”
Her head flopped back against the bed as she sighed, “All because of my job!” She cried in despair.
As tired as she felt, she was glad that she could wake up to Inuyasha each time she fell asleep, he was a beacon of comfort and warmth for her. They both have come such a long way, especially with their insecurities and doubts that stemmed from their pasts. They were friends before they became lovers, and that’s what made the transition so seamless.
Kagome yawned again as she rolled closer to Inuyasha, her hands automatically moving to play with the tips of his long, silver hair. “Do you want to take a shower?”
Inuyasha’s cheeks flushed a light pink, “Together?” he asked shyly.
He looked like he wanted to agree, but outwardly agreeing to the idea of doing something like that sounded like a bad move.
“You look adorable like that,” Kagome cooed as she sat up on the mattress, “And yes, I want to shower together. We’ve both been working like crazy, and even though you practically live with me now, it feels like I’ve barely spent time with you.”
She was pouting at him and looking at him with those big. brown eyes and Inuyasha knew he couldn’t deny her of anything. On top of that, she was right; even though they were stillneighbors, and he stays over 99% of the time it’s been a while since they’ve spent time together. Kagome’s been receiving heavy workload at her job, and Inuyasha has been getting more customers than normal. It’s only been a few days, but it has felt like weeks since they’ve simply existed together.
“I-if you’re okay with it, then I’m okay with it.” Honestly, he had no idea why he was acting so flustered. They’ve been dating for months now, and they’ve been physically intimate before, what’s so different about it now?
Kagome squealed happily, “I’ll get everything ready, stay right here!” She kissed him quickly on the lips, too fast for Inuyasha to process the sudden impact, and wishing she could have stayed there and kissed him for longer.
He sat on her bed in awkward silence, fidgeting with his fingers as he listened to her humming from the bathroom. All she wanted was to shower together, nothing more, nothing less; and it’s not like they haven’t talked about doing this before. Kagome’s always wanted to simply take a shower with him, because it’s intimate and vulnerable and she likes being close to him in any way possible.
Inuyasha wants that too, because who wouldn’t want to shower with their beautiful girlfriend? It was just the implications of it all, and how exposing everything is. He’s gotten very comfortable with vulnerability since they’ve started dating, but sometimes a little bit of fear lingers within him, and he can’t stop it from bubbling to the surface.
“Inuyasha!” She happily called out, voice echoing beautifully from the bathroom, “It’s ready!”
He blew out hot air from his lungs and stood up, inwardly hyping himself up for this new moment between them. Trucking into the bathroom, his nose was immediately hit with the scent of vanilla and strawberries; Kagome’s signature scent. The sweet, gentle smell relaxed him somewhat as he watched his girlfriend turn on the shower to start heating up the water.
She noticed the stiffness in his muscles and the worried wrinkles on his forehead, “Inuyasha? Are you okay?”
The half-demon sighed and smiled at her, shy and gentle, and moved to hold her, “Just nervous,” he simply answered.
Kagome hummed before kissing the arm closest to her lips, “You don’t have to do this, you know?”
He bent down to kiss the top of her head before leaning his chin over it, “As nervous as I am… I still wanna do it.” His fingers began to tickle her sides, laughing at the squeaky giggles that escaped her mouth, “Just ‘cause I’m not scared of bein’ open with ya.”
Hitting his biceps as a desperate plea for mercy, all Kagome could do was wiggle in his grasp as she struggled to escape the nonstop tickling. “And I’m-not-scared-“ she gasped out, “Of-hitting-you! Please!”
Inuyasha continued to tickle her, grinning madly at how cute she looked, “Or what?”
“I’ll bite you!” She cried loudly, groaning in frustration when all he did was laugh in reply.
Immediately he stopped tickling her sides and cupped her face in between his hands and stared at her with a toothy smirk, “Yer cute.”
She pouted at him while trying to regulate her breathing, “And you’re annoying.”
“Oh Kagome, you hurt my pride. Whatever shall I do?” He complained in mock hurt.
She poked his belly and grinned when he yelped from the sudden pain, “Big baby.”
“Yeah yeah,” he dismissed as he touched the water, immediately pulling back his arm from the boiling heat that touched his skin. “That’s hot as hell! You shower in that kinda water?!”
Raising an eyebrow, Kagome placed her hand underneath the flow of water and sighed as it warmed her up. “I do, yeah.”
His eyes widened at her in shock, “Ya didn’t even flinch.” He watched her shoulders shrug, smiling at him sheepishly and Inuyasha chuckled. “What a woman.”
Kagome bursted out laughing and decided to lower the heat of the water a bit for his comfort, “Oh just take your clothes off already!”
Inuyasha snorted, immediately removing his shirt and moving to take off his shorts. “I thought you’d never ask.”
He removed all of his clothes and teasingly gestured for Kagome to do the same, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. It made her roll her eyes, pretending to be annoyed by his playfulness, but as she undressed in front of him she couldn’t help but blush at the sudden exposure of her body.
Really, he’s seen her like this before, but for some reason it felt more revealing and unguarded this way. Without the blistering heat of the moment, where they feel nothing but carnal desire and need for each other, it just feels like a higher level of intimacy.
She caught his golden eyes on her, scanning her body slowly, and her breath hitched. His cheeks were flushed red, and it spread down his neck and chest, making him look like a little tomato.
“W-want to go in?” Her voice shook, completely failing her.
He’s looked at her this way many times before, but there was a new intensity building up between them that she couldn’t quite grasp, and every time his auburn eyes gazed at her she felt like she was on fire.
“You first,” Inuyasha rasped out, totally taken back by her beauty. To this day he has no idea how lucky he got, finding someone as beautiful as Kagome both inside and outside. She was like a dream, a woman you picture in your head that wasn’t real, someone so beautiful and ethereal that if she did exist; she would be completely untouchable.
And yet, Inuyasha had the opportunity to love her every single day, and he took every single chance to do that because she deserves it.
Nodding in response, she moved the shower curtain and stepped inside, the steam from the warm water kissing her skin and leaving dew drops on its surface. Inuyasha followed in afterwards, immediately shutting the curtain closed to prevent the heat from escaping more than it already has. The water was hitting Kagome’s back like a relaxing massage, and her face was heating up thanks to the water and the look in Inuyasha’s eyes.
“W-what do we do first?” He stuttered nervously, quietly cursing himself from how lame he just sounded.
Kagome smiled shyly at him and shrugged, “We take turns under the water, silly.” Slowly, she backed up to get under the rest of the shower head and closed her eyes. Allowing herself to relax, and forget for just a second that her boyfriend was watching her underneath the downpour of water. She let the water engulf her, completely soaking up her hair and wetting her skin.
While she stayed underneath the rinse, Inuyasha stared in awe; as if he was watching a goddess bathe underneath a waterfall. She seemed too delicate to touch, and he felt like he was seeing something he shouldn’t be. This act of showering together was incredibly personal, because you get to watch your partner and interrupt their alone time. However, a shameful and selfish part of him loved this, because he loves every single part of Kagome; whether it is physical, emotional, or mental. Knowing she feels comfortable enough to do this, trust him enough to partake in this moment, and share a new experience with each other touched his soul.
She was this beautiful, sweet creature that deserves to be worshipped and cared for; and he will make sure he does that, because he loves her more than anything else in the world.
Kagome emerged from underneath the water and wiped away at her face to remove the water droplets from her eyes. Her gaze fell on his and she blushed again, totally forgetting for a moment that he was in here with her. She briefly wondered if he had enjoyed watching her shower, but immediately shooed away the lewd thought. That’s a question she would ask him later, right now she just wanted to focus on this shared moment with him.
“Your turn,” she smiled at him.
His hands wrapped around hers as he pulled her in closely, their bare chests touching skin to skin. He shivered at the feeling of the water from her body touching his, and she laughed at his reaction.
“S’not funny,” he growled as he bent down to kiss her, muscular arms suddenly wrapping around her back to keep her stuck to him. He felt her arms snake around his neck as she kissed him back, it was slow and lazy; but held the same passionate that all of their kisses held.
Kagome pulled away from his lips first, smiling at him slyly before turning them around and gently pushing him underneath the shower head. He jumped in surprise from the heat of water and coughed.
“Kagome!” He laughed, “What happened to you wantin’ this to be ‘cute and intimate’?”
She giggled as she leaned back against the wet tiles, “I’m sorry! I didn’t meant to make you swallow any water!”
Inuyasha pushed his bangs back and grinned at her, the little fangs poking out of his mouth making him look malicious. “Come here and I’ll forgive ya!”
She shook her head, biting her lip in response, “Nope!”
“Wrong answer!” He yelled, gently grabbing her by the waist and pulling her into the water. She squealed, giggling like a madman as she held onto him, trying not to choke on water as he kissed her face and neck.
“We’re gonna stay in here forever if this keeps up!” She laughed, holding onto his arms tightly to not slip.
“I don’t see a problem with that,” Inuyasha replied huskily.
She gasped as he kissed her above her chest teasingly, he made sure he didn’t move lower; as tempting as it sounded, he wanted to keep this moment the way it was. Whatever happens when they get out of here, they’ll decide on that later, for now; he just wanted to enjoy this.
“Okay, okay!” Kagome reasoned, “If we’re going to be in here forever, we need to start using soap.” She gently tugged in his ear, “Which means no more kisses until after we rinse it off of us.”
Inuyasha’s lips landed on hers, kissing her languidly and fervently. Her back arched and her toes curled at the sensation, making their chests touch once again from the movement.
He pulled away and smirked at her, “I wanna wash ya.”
Her breath hitched as she nodded, “O-okay,” she replied. “I was going to ask you to, anyway.”
She backed away from the flow of water and handed Inuyasha her shampoo and conditioner bottles. The white bottles looked small in his hands, and she couldn’t help but think about how cute he looked. He squeezed out the contents onto his hand and rubbed them together, vanilla scented shampoo immediately kissing their noses. He motioned her to turn around, and once she did, he began to gently rub the shampoo into her hair. His claws were so gentle in her hair, the motions he did with his hands felt like a massage. Honestly, she could fall asleep with the way this felt; relaxing and de-stressing. The moment was gone too soon as he tapped her shoulder and told her it was time to rinse it off.
While she rinsed, he watched in bated breath at the beautiful woman before him. Truthfully, he wanted to pull her back in and kiss her senseless, but he knew better than to interrupt her during a shower. She just looked so incredible like this, naked and bare before him, and all he wanted to do was keep her close to him and hold her.
“Okay,” her voice echoed in the bathroom. “Time for conditioner?”
He nodded and they repeated the process, careful hands rubbing the contents into her hair and tapping her shoulder once again to alert her to rinse. However, she bent down and handed him her strawberry body wash, telling them that he can now wash her body too.
Inuyasha gulped, completely nervous and flustered, and began to spread the soap around her body. He rubbed at her arms and back, briefly taking a break to massage her shoulders since they were now slippery with soap. Afterwards, he spread the soap throughout the rest of her body, blushing madly when his hands touched certain parts of her that he loved to caress. Selfishly, he spent a little more attention on her chest, soaking in the little gasps and sounds she made whenever his fingers grazed over a certain spot.
While he continued to wash her body with her back against his chest, he tilted her chin towards his lips and kissed her. His hands rubbing soap against her chest and stomach, feeling every twitch from the muscles in her stomach and swallowing every gasp from her lips with his mouth.
Once satisfied with his work, he tapped on her tummy to let her know that she can now rinse off the soap and conditioner. Grinning to himself proudly at the look of bliss on his girlfriends face.
Kagome’s legs were shaking as she cleaned off the soap, doing her best to calm herself down after the intense intimacy they had just shared. After all the soap was gone, she stepped out of the water and pecked Inuyasha’s chest. “Okay Mr, it’s my turn now. Go wet your hair again.”
Inuyasha raised his hands in defense, “Yes ma’am,” he laughed.
After his long, silver hair was soaked in water again Kagome went to work. Spreading around the shampoo into his hair and gently massaging her fingers into his scalp, hopefully the movement allows him to relax for a little. He made her feel so relaxed, all she could do was hope that she could make him feel that way too.
While her hands massaged his scalp, Inuyasha closed his eyes and let go of everything around him; completely focusing on this current feeling. It felt so good, it was like he was on cloud nine. Her fingers moved against him so gently, as if he was this fragile thing that could break. There was a feeling bubbling in his chest as she continued her ministrations, and he pushed it back as best as he could.
“Go rinse,” her soft voice cooed, pulling him out of his trance.
Reluctantly he moved forward into the water, rinsing off the shampoo from his hair. He felt little hands tugging behind him as Kagome had gone ahead to help him clean his hair.
“Baby, what are ya doin’?” Inuyasha chuckled, “You’ve done enough.”
Kagome shook her head, forgetting that he couldn’t see her, “I want to do it.”
He let her, because who was he to tell her no? They were aware that he could do it on his own, and yet here she was, gently cleaning out the soap from his hair.
“You hair is so long, it needs conditioner.” She laughed, “Come back here so I can put some on.”
He listened to her and relished in the feeling of her hands in his hair again, practically falling asleep standing up as she did so. The tugging on his hair stopped, but before he could pout from how much he missed her hands in his hair, her small hands were on his back as she scrubbed him.
She was so gentle as she did it, using her body to rub some of the soap onto his, and her hands to reach other areas. Slender hands smoothed out and glided across his chest and stomach, leaving him extremely soapy there. Inuyasha couldn’t help but laugh, knowing good and well that she was enjoying himself just as much as he was.
When he went to rinse, she helped him out as well, wanting to be as close to him as she possibly could. With all of these new feelings, that feeling started bubbling up again in his gut, and he blinked away tears that formed in his eyes.
Kagome noticed the change in his face and stopped, moving to cup his cheeks instead and looking into his eyes. “Inuyasha?”
“I’m fine,” he reassured her, wrapping his arms around her once again. “You’re too good to me.”
Kagome smiled, moving to leave a little kiss on his chest. “I could say the same thing about you.”
Under the flow of water, Inuyasha bent down to meet her lips once again. They kissed until she was pressed up against the cold, wet tile. With her small hands tucked into silver hair while his clawed ones held her waist.
“Thank you,” he told her as he pulled away. “Yer the most incredible thing to ever happen to me.”
Kagome leaned up to kiss his lips in a chaste kiss, “Thank you for sharing this moment with me.”
“Let’s do it again tomorrow,” Inuyasha replied huskily, kissing her neck in feverish speed.
Kagome tilted her head against the wall to expose her neck, breathing out slowly, “Somebody’s excited,” she teased.
Inuyasha chuckled into her neck, “Baby, if we ever manage to get out of this bathroom, I’ll show ya just how excited I am.”
He continued to kiss her as she squealed, the warmth of the water hitting his back as he kissed her for everything that she was worth; and then some more.
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