#invasive species are like Biological Spam
randomalistic · 5 months
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I’m a year late to following up on this post but I didn’t forget.
Starlings have complex vocalizations, and a lot of it comes from mimicking the calls/songs of other birds. 💜 Pet starlings can learn to mimic human speech so well that they sound like mini tape recorders. Spamton Obviously fits this description with his vocal mimicry involving [Ad-Snippet Speech] and variety of weird glitchy noises he makes.
Invasive species/overpopulated
European starlings have an unregulated population and just keep Multiplying. Much like computer spam. They also lay blue eggs. (PIPIS.) Ads by nature are Invasive and obnoxious and outcompete other forms of content. Starlings usually outcompete native birds.
Mini Spamtons are born out of blue eggs and His Population is Uncontrolled And Rising. SOUND FAMILIAR.
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Iridescent black color
These birds always look a little greasy. A little shiny. It’s like they personally use Spamton's hair gel. Also their colors are very similar, look at this bird’s light pink feet and bright yellow beak!
Adapted to urban environments
European Starlings are generalists, so they’re adapted to live in disrupted environments and can get by on pretty much anything. This includes cities where they might feed off scraps. Spamton Also lives in a city dumpster and gets by on anything he comes across. This bird is Spamton. You agree.
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They’re generally pretty scrappy and loud and Obnoxious and invasive- yet very sociable w/ complex vocalizations/mimicry and get along well with people. Also you can legally have one as a pet :)
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