#invisible string mm | chapter three
invisiblestringmm · 6 months
chapter three
it could change but this feels like, like the calm before the storm
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a/n: you’re welcome & don’t forget to leave feedback! 🤍
tw: a bit of angst, brief mention of anxiety & rough pregnancy
2.208 words
There were times when you wondered how things would’ve been if Lily never existed - an unbearable thought, since you adored her more than anything in the world and would obviously do anything to make her happy, but where would you be now if you never met the love of your life? You frequently thought about how things would’ve been if Mason never shoved you away, nor ghosted you before you told him about Lily. So, besides your life, two others were living rent-free in your mind and the question “What could’ve been?” was constantly echoing in a soft yet agonising voice.
You never opened Mason’s message on your insta DM, but you never blocked him either for there was no point. The damage, if you could even call it one, was already done and you were more than certain about it on a Tuesday night, when Willow dropped Lily at your’s and her green eyes screamed “I’m so sorry”. Before you could question what had happened, your daughter walked in dragging her backpack and her usual cheerful personality, telling you what a fun afternoon she had with Summer, her mother, and her uncle Mason.
“I took Lily for ice cream like you said I could and they were there,” Willow was sharp to clarify when your widened eyes met hers - you watched your friend swallow hard, anxiously waiting for your reaction.
“Go to your bedroom, Lilian,” your daughter frowned at you and you noticed she pouted a bit. You sighed. “It’s alright, peanut. I just need to speak to auntie Willow, okay?”
Lily mimicked you and let out a sigh too, something that’d make you laugh if you weren’t so nervous. Still in her ballet clothes, you watched your daughter blow you a kiss and make her way to her bedroom, leaving the door open as you always instructed her and that made your heart melt a little. You were the luckiest mum in the world, how could you ever think of a life that Lily wasn’t a part of?
“Y/n, I swear to God I had no idea they’d be there. I didn’t even notice them there, it was Summer who spotted Lily and it was just her and the mum - what’s her na-”
Willow nodded, nervously. “I assumed it was okay to stay with them since the girls like each other so much and I didn’t even see him coming. I promise,”
“Will, it’s fine…” you sighed, defeated. This whole crisis was happening because of you, there was no one else to be blamed.
You were the one hiding your child from her father and his family - her family.
“I tried to leave immediately but Lils had just started eating her chocolate fudge and-”
“Oh gosh, was it a big chocolate fudge?”
“No,” Willow shook her head, chuckling. “We shared.”
You nodded, allowing yourself to breathe deeply and close your eyes for a second, feeling unexpectedly exhausted. “How was it?”
“He was very charming, particularly when she introduced herself,” you felt Willow run her hand up and down your back and found comfort in her eyes. “Lilian Maisie, she said.”
“Gosh,” you felt your gut wrench, heart pounding against your chest.
“I know this won’t make things any easier for you, but I think Jaz will probably try to reach you because she’d keep staring at Lily and Mason all the time.”
“Gosh,” you repeated, feeling your whole body weakening. Willow helped you sit on the sofa. “It’s because they look exactly like each other, isn't it?”
Willow slowly nodded, a sigh parting her lips. “The resemblance is undoubtedly uncanny,”
She didn’t stay long that evening, and you had to spend a few minutes reassuring Lily that you weren’t mad at her and that, sometimes, adults were complicated and needed to talk about important stuff - to which she wisely replied that you were a person before being her mummy and still loved you more than anything.
What made you obsessively wonder was: would she still love you when you tell her that her best friend’s uncle was also her daddy?
Willow’s prediction was confirmed when Jaz’s name popped on your notifications, asking when you’d finally accept her invitation to go out for lunch without the girls. It annoyed you a bit how much she insisted, not only because you didn’t feel prepared to face her, but also because things at work were hectic with the Holidays right around the corner. You also had your dad calling nonstop to know if he could take Lily to the Cotswolds before you had planned - according to him, she’d have a lot more fun staying there with her grandparents than with you, occasionally having to go to the office with you. He wasn’t wrong, but there was still the ballet recital on the weekend, so you two agreed he could take her the next day.
When Jaz started to call you instead of texting, you knew it was time to finally give in. Instead of going out, you two agreed it’d be a good idea to enjoy the opportunity to cook a nice meal, so your apartment was the chosen place and you were in charge of the groceries while Jaz fetched dessert and a bottle of white wine for you.
“I’ll have to make you a mocktail,” you said, giving her space to walk into your apartment.
“I definitely won’t decline it,” she giggled, and you noticed how her eyes quickly scanned your place. “I love the decoration. How do you keep it so tidy with that little hurricane?”
“You probably won’t believe it, but Lily is incredibly organised.”
“Hmm,” she muttered. “She got it from you, then.”
It was hard to swallow those words, especially with the knot that formed in your throat. Jasmine was so sure. You knew that she knew, and she knew that you knew - confusing, but clear as the day. You hadn’t been with Jaz many times and they had all been at the ballet studio, you spoke a lot through messages, but you felt oddly uncomfortable around her and you forced yourself to keep in mind that it wasn’t her fault, it was entirely yours.
“So, uh…” you started. “I never asked what we should cook but I’m trying to stay focused before the Holidays.” You giggled, Jaz mimicking you and nodding.
“Me too!”
Cooking made you feel relaxed, so despite the reason why Jaz practically forced this time together, you finally felt at ease again as you talked about the ballet recital and shared Holiday plans - you pointed at a photo of you, Lily, and your parents at Foxwoods House, surrounded by its beautiful garden. One your mum took great pride in.
“The estate has been in the family for a few generations and my great-grandfather built a small chapel there, to marry my great-grandmother,”
“That’s insanely romantic!” Jaz’s sigh was followed by a giggle. “I suppose your grandparents and your parents married there too?”
“Yes, it’s sort of a family tradition. My cousins married there too, and the babies were christened… It's really lovely, very private, and family-centered. The whole family is extremely close.”
“But the estate is your dad’s?”
“Yes and no,” Jaz raised an eyebrow and you chuckled, dividing your attention between her and chopping tomatoes as she focused on the garlic. “My grandpa was sort of inclined to gambling and almost lost the estate, but my dad saved it. It’s his, but like I said, we’re all really close so it’s not like he bans the rest of the family to go there and enjoy it when they need an escape.”
“Because you all grew up there?” you nodded. “Your dad sounds like a fantastic man.” You smiled at her, nodding too. He indeed was, and has always been the most supportive of all.
“He’s extraordinary. Lily is completely crazy about him to the point she’d move in with my parents without thinking twice.”
Jaz flashed you a sweet smile but said nothing. She wasn’t exactly discreet and her facial expression gave it all away, but she soon engaged in rambling about baby shopping, preparations for the baby’s arrival, and how her house was upside down with baby furniture arriving last minute. Rambling wasn’t your favourite thing, but it was better than her throwing hints about Lily’s father - the white wine and the smell of the red sauce cooking also made it easier to handle.
“Pregnancy was fucking hell for me, you know,” you blurted, interrupting Jaz, but she didn’t mind and seemed interested for you to continue. “The first 6 weeks were marked by HG, I was always in and out of the hospital, and the stress made it all worse.
You nodded. “Lack of emotional support. My parents were incredible but I was still a single mum.”
“Look, Y/n-”
“I tried to tell him.” Jaz gulped. “I need you to listen to me and let me finish the story without any sort of judgement.”
“I’ll do my best.”
This was it, the moment of the truth.
You left the chicken roasting at medium temperature and stood up on the other side of the marble kitchen island, watching Jaz taking a seat while holding her massive bump and taking a sip of her apple juice. Focusing on her bump seemed the best thing to do as you tried to find the proper words, and watching the way she softly stroked it made memories overflow your mind.
“It was just a one-night stand.” you sighed. “I don't want to justify my actions, I know I’m on the wrong side of the story here, but as young as I was, having the father of my child shoving me off the way he did when I went there to tell him just freaked me out.”
Then, you proceeded to tell her the whole story, but also how incredible it was being Lily’s mum. How giving birth was the complete opposite of the pregnancy and you were fortunate that things went as smoothly and as peacefully as possible, that your whole life changed once you held Lily in your arms and fed her your milk - you could see Jaz’s eyes sparkling with tears because she understood what motherhood meant and how you’d do anything and everything to protect your child from what you thought it could be a disappointment for her in the future. Mason turned his back on you that day before you could tell him, so how could he even support you?
You never said his name, but Jasmine’s next words were so full of confidence, that you knew you didn’t have to.
“You should’ve insisted, Y/n.”
You just nodded. “I know, and I want you to know that I regret it deeply because I had no right to deprive my daughter of being around her cousin, her amazing aunt…”
“Gosh,” you watched a single tear fall down her cheek. “He would’ve supported you.”
“You weren’t there, you didn’t see how badly he treated me. I was-” you sniffed. “I was so frightened, so lost.”
“Mason would’ve supported you.” The mention of his name made you finally allow some tears to roll down your cheeks. “And you named her after him…”
You nodded. “I wanted him to be around, somehow.”
“This is extremely tough for me but I don’t want to judge, so…” Holding her bump, Jaz stood up and unhurriedly made her way to you, her hand reaching yours and softly squeezing it. “I’m here for whatever you need, I’m here to be the aunt Lily needs and to support the both of you because I know that’s what you need.”
“Oh, Jaz,” you wanted to cover your face with your hands but Jasmine quickly pulled you to a hug, a clumsy one.
“I’ll be there when you’re ready to tell Mason, and I can’t wait to tell Summer that her bestie is her cousin.”
The rest of the day was followed by you showing Jasmine all of Lily’s baby pictures, telling her all the stories, and even repeating some of them - even if you insisted that it’d be incredible for her to find out everything about Lily by herself, Jaz said it’d still feel like the first time until she got used to being an aunt. She mentioned it was scary to see how much Lily and Mason look alike, that “Maisie” is the perfect middle name, and that she couldn’t wait to see their dynamic together. The hard parts were left out, but you knew that a paternity test would eventually happen for obvious reasons, no matter how much Lily looked like her father.
Jaz assured you that although Mason’s reaction would most likely be negative about what you’ve done, it wouldn’t extend to Lily and he wouldn’t reject her but it’d be a rough path navigating through the fact that he was a father and that his daughter wasn’t a newborn. And like she was reading your mind, she also assured you that he wouldn’t dare to try to take Lily from you.
This was the first time in five years, you knew that, somehow, things would end up fine no matter how hard the in-between was about to be.
next chapter
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justtheendoftheday · 5 years
AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
“Mr. Weyland, what I told you in there wasn’t bullshit. If you rush this, people will get hurt. Maybe die.”
A strange energy reading leads a team of explorers to an ancient extraterrestrial pyramid located underneath a remote island in Antarctica. But things take a turn for the worse when they learn that the structure is actually the battleground for a race of extraterrestrial hunters and their deadly alien prey.
Fright: 1.5 / 5 Crossover Events
To the movie’s credit, when it tries to generate horror it actually does an alright job. That being said, it almost never tries. The majority of the time it sacrifices scares to go for a more Action-flick kinda vibe.
Gore: 3 / 5 Incidental Alien Autopsies
Okay, so there’s certainly some gore. But it’s not the usual sort.
I mean, sure, there’s some impaling, bits are chopped off, chests are burst, organs are seen, etc. But the gory stuff is almost always one crazy alien doing something gory to another crazy alien. Outside of getting stabbed, there’s an oddly minimal amount of anything being shown done to a human. Some messed up stuff is implied to have happened to them, yes, but you almost never see it.
Jump Scares: Light
There’s certainly some potential startles, but it’s more of an action flick than a horror one, so it never bothers attempting any serious jumps.
While it certainly delivers a lot of Alien and Predator action, it never fully grasps onto any of the deeper elements from the respective franchises. If all you want is some Who-would-win-in-a-fight-between style action, it certainly delivers. However, it doesn’t really offer anything much beyond that.
There is something weirdly human about wondering who would win in various bizarre fantasy fights scenarios.
And what deeper expression of that is there then the weirdly long-running existence of Alien vs. Predators stories.
But the big question on everyone’s minds is whose decision was it to name it “AVP”?? I’m dying to know who was in charge of that decision.
Am I wrong here? I think we can all agree that “Alien vs. Predator” is a much better title. There’s just something about a “AVP” that that screams old people trying really hard to sound “cool.”
Anyhoo, before we get into it I should let you know a couple things:
I have only seen the theatrical PG-13 version of this one. I’ve heard word that there’s an extended unrated version, but I think it’s only available on fancy home media versions and thus I’ve never seen it.
Despite the fact that the filmmakers wanted AVP to be canonical for both franchises, both Prometheus and Alien: Covenant chose to completely disregard it. And I honestly can’t blame them, because this movie is so clearly meant to just be ridiculous action fun. So please don’t waste your time trying to figure out how this thing fits into the timeline.
Okay? So with that out of the way, here’s why AVP bugs me: it pays homage to all sorts of memorable visual elements of its respective franchises, but doesn’t even attempt to pay homage to any of their themes. So yeah, there’s predator heat vision and sneaking around all invisible. And sure, there’s chest bursting, facehugging, wee-little-mouth frenching, and all that good stuff.
But…that’s about it. If you look past those flashy actiony bits the film is rather thematically hollow.
The original franchises had very different styles, but like all horror movies they were both stories of survival. A big part of what makes stories of survival so intriguing is the excitement of seeing characters being pushed to their limits only to overcome them. We want to watch with rapt excitement as people are put against impossible odds only to keep going through sheer feats of wit, skill, and sheer determination.
And yet AVP basically puts all the characters into a death trap from which escape is more or less impossible. Characters are put up against impossible odds and then...well, then they just die.
It isn’t a story of survival so much as it is a string of people/aliens dying in X-treme ways. Everyone kind of feels like a redshirt more than a flesh-out character, because their choices never really have any impact and they’re really only there as meat for the grinder.
Now to be fair here, lots of movies sacrifice story and fulfilling character arcs for the sake of hardcore action. But this one takes it to such an extreme that they don’t even bother letting you know what most of the characters’ names are. And yet a while into the movie someone will be all like “WHATSYOURFACE! NOOOOO!” and I’m sitting over here thinking “wait, that dude had a name?”
When it comes to a movie like this the real question is who is this movie for? The way I see it there are three types of people that would be intrigued by AVP: 
People who want to see a movie that delves deeper into the lore of these respective franchises.
People who love bizarre B-horror movies.
People who just want to see xenomorphs have crazy fights with Predators.
If you’re in the first category and are looking for a movie that provides an interesting addition to your beloved Alien and Predator franchises? Well, you should probably lower your expectations.
But what if you already know the premise is inherently silly-good-fun and just want a crazy action fest, chalk full of predators (aka Yaujita/Hish-qu-Ten) and Aliens (aka xenomorphs) taking out humans and each other with signature style?
Well this movie certainly has lots of that!
Is it a quality example of that though? Well...that’s up for debate.
content warnings: ummm...shockingly I don’t think there are any serious ones here.
after-credits scene?: None.
Directed by: Paul W.S. Anderson
Written by: Paul W.S. Anderson
Country of Origin: USA...
[also the United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Germany, and Canada? I’m really not sure of what the story behind that is.]
Language: English
Setting: Bouvetøya Island, Antarctica
Sequel: Alien vs. Predator: Requiem (2007)
If you liked this you might also like: Aliens (1986), Predator (1987), Tomb Raider (2018), Freddy vs. Jason (2003), Cowboys & Aliens (2011), Sadako vs. Kayako (2016)
Context Corner:
Although it may seem odd, the connection between the Alien and Predator franchises actually goes back decades.
So the basic timeline goes like this:
Alien was the first one to hit the scene way back in 1979.
Then 7 years later (1986) its sequel Aliens was released.
A year after that (aka 1987) we got Predator.
The two franchises had nothing to do with one another, but they were both distributed by 20th Century Fox. Then later both franchises were licensed to the comic book publisher Dark Horse Comics.
The first time the world saw the two extraterrestrials cross paths was in a Randy Stradley and Chris Warner’s “Alien vs. Predator” chapter in Dark Horse Presents issue #36 in 1990.
Shortly thereafter the connection resurfaces as a pretty great easter egg in the 1990 film Predator 2, wherein you can see a xenomorph skull on the trophy wall in the Predator’s ship.
And ever since then it’s been a thing. Way before this movie ever came into being there were tons of Alien/s vs. Predator books, comics, video games (including a pinball video game), and even board games.
If you think Alien vs. Predator is still a slightly whacky concept, I feel compelled to mention that the crossover madness could have gone so much deeper! There are MULTIPLE examples of comics wherein the xenomorphs and predators encounter Batman...and Superman...and sometimes BOTH!
[I’m 100% serious. Look it up.]
“I wish you’d reconsider coming with us, Lex. Come on, don’t make me pull out pictures of my kids again.”
“Your kids aren’t that cute.”
“What if we got pictures of other peoples’ kids?”
“Want my advice?”
“Stay on the boat.”
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fmf-ff · 7 years
Chapter 1
"Justice," I heard my sister call out to me, but I didn't say anything just to get on her nerves. "Jus!" Rolling my eyes, I shook my head at her yelling through the house like she was crazy. Our mama taught us better than the ratchet shit she sometimes portrayed but that didn't stop her from acting like she knew any better. I couldn't really say much though, cause there were things I knew she wouldn't be proud of me doing. Justice and Justynne Gonzalez born to Richard and Angela Gonzalez just one year apart with me being the oldest. I've always thought it was amazing for us to be carried by the same woman, born and raised by the same parents, live together all those years and yet we could be so different. She was more of the outgoing, love attention type while I could settle for just a few friends and being invisible to the rest of the world. She loved the idea of saving herself til marriage, while I..well, I have a three year old daughter so that should say enough. She preferred weed, while I preferred to drink. She's been in multiple relationships, while for the longest I was with my daughter's father. She has friend after friend, while I've had the same two, outside of her, since middle school. But through it all, she was my sister and we loved each other through our differences. "Okay bitch, I know you hear me. Fuck you at? Niecy pooh tell mama, fuck you a-" "I wish you would Josie," I scolded while stepping out of the kitchen. "Make me hurt you Justynne" I watched as she stuck her tongue out, stepping around me with my daughter in her arms. My daughter, Josie Marie Jones, or Bugz as I called her, is the single most important reason of my being. She's my blessing, my miracle child and my heart. It was because of her I was back home, and able to push aside my ill feelings towards her dad. She had no part in our choices, and deserved to know who helped create her. "You just gone pass me up Bugz? You don't love mama?" My heart fluttered, watching her big doe eyes dart to mines with a smile as bright as day lighten the room. "Juice!" "Yeah, auntie getting her baby some juice." She clapped, waiting patiently on the counter after she sat her down to retrieve the juice. "So, tonight-" "Nope," I wasted no time in cutting her off, already knowing she was only trying to invite me out. "Don't look at me like that, no Nene. I'm not going out" "Oh yes you are hussie! Ma and daddy already said they'd watch Bugz since ya'll are back in town soooo, get over it" Bugz was now humming as she sipped from the juice carton she'd gotten from her auntie, oblivious to the conversation being held before her. Innocence was something I wish I could have back. "Nene, I haven't been out in over a year. I-" "Chile please, that's why ya ass is coming with me. Now feed my niece, give her a nap and take her to the parentals so we can get ready." "I guess me saying I'm not going out means nothing?" "Nope, now chop chop booski" Sighing, I watched her retreating figure before turning to face Bugz. "What we gone eat Bugz?" "Shiken nuggets!" I nodded, returning her smile. "Chicken nuggets it is..." **** Bugz had only been gone an hour and half a bottle of the Crown Apple had been finished along with two blunts. Even though I didn't like to party, it didn't mean I didn't like to or know how to turn up. I could get lit just like the next person could, and could probably hold my liquor better than most. Now when you mix the two substances, I was sure to be live at this club she had dragged me to. Gio's Palace was her choice tonight, a spot for twenty-five and up to enjoy good music and hopefully good people. The parking lot was packed, so when we entered to see the crowded establishment I wasn't even surprised. "Ayyy, -smoke something one time. Drank something one time, tear the club up one time. Smoke something one time-" "Smooooke," I smiled, bobbing my head to the beat while joining in with the adlibs. "Drank something one time-" "Draaaank, ayyyy get it bihhh" I laughed, grabbing ahold of her hand as we made our way up to the VIP section to get to the table she reserved for us. "Let me see stamps" My eyes traveled up the long frame belonging to the security guard blocking the entrance into VIP before sticking out my arm for him to shine his light over my wrist to see the invisible ink that we received upon entry into the club. "Thank you ladies, enjoy your time" We both mumbled a quick thanks before making our way to our table. "Yooo, this shit is live!" I nodded, not speaking a word as I looked around taking in the many bodies around us. "We need more drinks, shots orrrrr-" I turned to face Nene, giving her a knowing look as we both stated. "Bottle" "Be right back," she spoke in my ear then stood and briskly made her way over to the bar with my eyes on her the entire time. I was only alone about five minutes before I felt an intense gaze diverting my attention to that of a beautiful pair of brown orbs. I gasped, truly taken away by the force that hit me once our eyes connected; My heart rate increased, my stomach seemed to turn flips, and my thighs clenched at the sight of the man across from me. He was gorgeous, to say the least. His medium brown skin appeared smooth and scar free, his lips nice and plump, and to top it all off his possibly 6 foot stature screamed of confidence and a self assured boldness that I'm sure had yet to be turned down by anyone he had approached in the past. Which, just by looking at him, who in their right mind would turn him down? The man was sex on legs, a true God given gift for anyone attracted to the male species to ogle over. I've never seen anyone so...damn...sexy before. "Excuse me beautiful," without a care in the world, I took my time allowing my eyes to travel from his feet that were covered by what appeared to be a fresh new pair of white and black retro 12s, to a pair of light gray 501s that hung just right off his waist that led to the white polo fitting his frame before gazing over the strong neck that held up his perfect face. "Yes?" His eyes beamed brightly as the corners of his mouth lifted north, showcasing an award winning smile I'm sure would win any contest. "I've been watching you since you came up these stairs here, and I had to come speak-" "Oh?" My brow now lifted in question. "To say what?" My eyes dropped down to his mouth, watching as his tongue slithered out to moisten his lips, before lifting back to meet his gaze. "Well I was gone get ya name, and usually I don't do this but seeing how you damn near fuckin' a nigga in ya head-" he sat down beside me, getting close enough to let me smell the intoxicating fragrance he wore before leaning over to speak in my ear. "Why don't we head to the back and skip the introductions" What he stated was just that, a statement, and far from a question that he would allow me to answer. Did I mind? No Clearly not since I had allowed him to grab ahold of my hand and assist me up from the couch I was sitting on. And I still didn't mind as he led me past the envious stares of men and women, or even my sister who now held a bottle of apple Crown in her hand as she watched with a curious glare as I walked away with this stranger I had yet to figure out why I was allowing him this control. Control I'm sure he was used to. Control that I wasn't used to allowing a man to have... but I can't say that I would mind submitting to him. The hallway he led me to was dark and empty, probably a sign that I should snatch away from him and head back the way we'd come from. For all I know, he could be a serial killer. Or a rapist even...but I didn't care. Just like I didn't care as he let my hand go so he could unlock the steel door we stood outside of. Or once he pushed the door in and stepped back to allow me to enter the darkened room, and I damn sure didn't care once I felt his hand at my waist, pushing me against the door. Within a second, the light was flipped on but I wasn't allowed a chance to look around because soon as the switch was flipped, the door was locked and his lips were attached to my neck permitting a low groan to escape my own. His body leaned against mines, trapping me between him and the door as he continued to lick and suck on my hot flesh bringing me to a point of no return. There was no turning back now, he had released the part of me I had hidden for months now but this fire he had started needed to be tamed. Quickly "Strip" It was indeed a command he spat out, one I abided by in a matter of seconds. "All of it," he demanded after watching me step out of my black liquid high waist shorts and black g-string. I stood frozen, unable to perform the task I was given. His eyes had me locked in and momentarily stuck. A knowing smirk soon graced his face, his tongue slipping out again to wet his lips as he took two steps to stand in front of me. "I see you need help" I opened my mouth, but nothing came out so I settled for not saying a word..allowing him to take that as his cue to continue on with whatever he chose to do to me. For whatever reason, I trusted him to do as he pleased. "Can't speak now?" No, I thought while watching his hands undo the buttons of my blouse before slipping it off and down onto the floor. "Guess not, s'all good though baby. Imma have that ass screaming in jussst a second," his warm breath caused goose bumps to spread across my skin, or it could've been the feel of his rough yet gentle touch against my heated, awaiting mound. His hand cupped my love, "mm shit," he paused, allowing a finger to slide down the slit of my bare lower lips. "That pussy faaaaaat" I shivered, feeling his lips upon my skin. Fuck me!!! I screamed in my head, I wanted this man now. Right now, but for whatever reason he was taking his time and I wouldn't dare act like the fiend in need of her fix, even though I truly was. I gasped at the feel of coolness beneath me, when did he carry me over to this desk? The question wasn't even of importance, especially not once he stepped back and removed his polo, giving me a glimpse of what I would be scratching up- Hopefully. I watched as he undid his belt, his eyes trained on the task at hand. His movement was slow, now tauntingly unbuckling and unzipping his jeans before letting them drop in a pool around his feet. My eyes darted back to what he held between his legs, the bulge he hid wasn't one I could've guessed he held. It was large. So large my tongue decided to make an appearance, wetting the flesh of my lips as he pulled down the cotton material of his boxer briefs. "Mm" I hissed at my betrayal moan, not wanting him to know just how much I liked what was before me but it was too late now. The smirk he held let that be known. "You moaning?" I know he didn't expect me to answer, he heard me just as well as I heard myself. His body, just as naked as mines, approached me with my eyes still trained on his member standing at full attention. "Grab it," he commanded, and of course I obliged. His bottom lip now prisoner between his teeth, my hand gripping as much as I could of the hardened piece of art. Because that's what it was, art. A flawless; long, thick, slightly curved, and not too dark, piece of art...with a fat head. "Mm," I moaned again at my thoughts, feeling my girl cream at what I thought he could do. "You want it?" I nodded. "Talk to me then, tell me what you want me to do." Fuck me! I screamed again, now only if he could hear inside my head. That's where I was bold and said what I wanted, but since I didn't know him, the shy side of me spoke up. "I-i don't know" "Oh?" I was curious of his tone, it was as if he was quest-ion-ing. "What are you doing?" His lip was still hidden behind his teeth, but his hands...his hands were on my thighs, carefully spreading my legs apart as if they were precious cargo. "You nuttin' for a nigga already, tells me exactly what those pretty lips up top won't say." "Which is?" His head lifted, those pretty brown eyes said enough but what came out next was nothing but the truth. "You ready to get this dick wet" I groaned at the sound of his lust filled voice, definitely ready to do just as he said. "You want this dick?" His questioned went unanswered as I watched him grab ahold of himself and slowly slide it down my slit. "Huh?" I nodded. He smirked, shaking his head. "Guess imma have to teach you how to use ya words, yea?" "N-oooooooo," my eyes closed, my back arched, and my mouth dropped at his sudden invasion between my legs. "Fuuuuuuck," I hissed at the feel of him knocking against what felt to be my cervix. He was just that deep. "There you go baby, words" His hips rocked against me, giving me a chance to adjust to his size. He knew what he was working with. "You ready?" "Mm- for- for what?" "You ready?" My eyes opened at him asking again, gasping once I saw he was already looking at me. "Are...you...ready?" "Ye-yes" There was that damned smirk again, it was a look that made me nervous. His body retreated, but slowly pushed his way back in, adding a roll just before burying himself deep inside. "Remember, words" I nodded feverishly, anticipating his next move. "They can't hear you out there, so let me hear you." I nodded again, watching him pull out a little before his eyes met mines. "Words" Now even though I'm a freak and loved it rough, I wasn't prepared for what he had to deliver. He had my legs spread wide, damn near in a split as he gave relentless strokes to my awaiting core. His pumps were messy, just like I liked it. No use in going slow, my secretions were evidence of my eagerness. "Fuck this pussy tight" My moans sounded loudly throughout the room, each stroke producing a slushing noise showcasing my wetness for him. I tried my hardest to do more than just lay here, meeting about every other stroke of his with one of my own. "Shit, you tryna fuck me back?" His back arched as he continued to fuck me on his desk. He had my right leg perched on his shoulder while he leaned slightly to his right, allowing him to fuck me at angle and hit a spot that had my eyes rolling to the back of my head just a few minutes in. "Ohhhhh fuu-u-u-u, oh shit," I sounded out loud and proud, hell, it felt too good not to. "Yea, keep nuttin' on this dick, baby" He placed my leg back down on his desk only to pick my left leg up and on his shoulder to provide the same attention as he did to the other side. By this point, I was out done with how good he was dicking me down. My hands went from scratching his back, to tryna grip his chest, abs, and even his arms. But even his strong biceps weren't enough for me, my head turned side to side, unsure on what to do with so much pleasure. One hand slid down my face while the other gripped ahold of my hair, grabbing and pulling a handful at the feeling whirling in my toes. His light chuckle could be heard faintly but the wave of heat that rushed my body, seemed to cloud all my senses as I felt myself nearing my peak. Just a few more strokes and I'd be there. "Yo ass bout to cum ain't chu?" I nodded feverishly, letting my body relax so my orgasm could take over. "Fuck you grippin' my shit" "Ahhhh-" My eyes closed, his left hand gripped my neck giving a light squeeze, taking away all sound as he showed no mercy against my pussy. Within seconds I was cumming.. Cumming hard on his shaft. His hand left my neck, now rubbing back and forth against my clit as I squirted my release with him continuing to fuck me through my orgasm. "Yeaaa there it go, baby. Give me some more" His hips kept going, "no-no I can't" He ignored my panting, ignored the pushing of my hands, and when I tried scooting away he only picked me up and did the honors of slamming my body up and down his pole. "Mmhm, you gone do it again?" "I can't" "Oh?" There it was again, that questioning tone from before. "Guess imma have to-" He laid my body back down on his desk, only this time a little further back giving him space to climb up on it with me. "-show you I run this shit" As soon as the words left his mouth, his hands gripped my legs and once again spread them wide before he pushed back inside and picked up the same hypnotic stroke as before. "Got dammit!" "You gone give it to me again?" "I-" my mouth closed, unsure of what to say. Clearly no wasn't what he wanted to hear. "Shit girl" I moaned, hearing him broadcast how good it felt to him. His hand went to my neck, applying the perfect amount of pressure sending me toppling over the edge again with my juices squirting out of me. "Look at that shit, got a nigga soaked-ahhhh" My muscles contracted around him, involuntarily, at the low groan that escaped his mouth. "Fuuuuuck, ahhhh-" my body jerked up and down the smooth surface of his desk as he pumped rapidly against my core. His panting mixed with the sound of our bodies connecting was the only sound heard, my jaw dropped being literally fucked into silence by the handsome figure before me. "A nigga bout to-mm" My eyes shot down between us witnessing his semen shoot out onto my stomach, leaving a trail down to my thighs just as my fluids landed against his desk and I'm sure onto the floor. He kept his head hung low, his hands planted on either side of my face as he hovered over me. Even with my body still jerking beneath his, I could feel the weight of his thick member resting against the lower part of my stomach, just as I could feel the soft kisses he placed across my collar bone. We laid that way for a few more minutes before he slowly moved away from me. I took a moment to sit up, taking my time to slide off the desk with his assistance. "I uhh, got a bathroom right over there-" his hand pointed to the right, "-got some towels in there if you want to freshen up." I nodded my appreciation before moving around him to gather my belongings then headed to the bathroom to take him up on his offer. This stranger had entered my life and made me break a rule I'd created for myself and now stand in front of a mirror, his mirror, and judge myself for what had just taken place a mere five steps away from where I stood. "Look at you," I sighed, giving myself another glance after redressing, turning side to side to fully examine my being. "Turn up wit' a fuckin' thottie, huh Jus" Three quick taps on the door had me whipping my head around. "Yeah?" "You aight in there?" Hearing his voice on the other side, I bit my lip while moving to open the door, giving myself a final few seconds of solitude to prepare. I watched his eyes travel my body, the right side of his face lifting slightly into a smirk as his orbs landed on mines causing me to shift my weight onto my left leg. "I'm good" His brow rose in what I assumed amusement since he now smiled as he took a step closer, putting him directly in front of me with no space between us. "I know you good baby, but say-" He paused, glancing behind him and towards the door before looking back at me. "I gotta get back out there, what's ya name baby?" "Justice" "Justice," he repeated, nodding his head as if he approved. "Sexy ass Justice, I'll make sure you're taken care of but if any problems just let me know, coo'?" Up and down my head went, letting him know I understood. My cheeks heated at the feel of his finger rubbing smoothly amongst my cheek, no chance to hide the blush he produced. "Wait-" I called out as he opened the door. "What's your name?" He smiled, taking his time to respond. "Giovaughni, but call me Gio. Welcome to my club baby" My eyes shot to his, not believing I'd just slept with the owner. But seeing him wink before he turned and opened the door wider, I could see just how serious he was. "Come on, let's go" Slowly, I nodded, making my way towards him and soon out of the door. The sound of the music coming from the end of the hall was much louder on this side of the door, hopefully it was enough to drown out my judgmental thoughts along with a few drinks. Before I could escape the dark hall, I felt someone grab ahold of my hand causing me to turn and face whoever it was. "Biiiiitch, the fuck you go?" My jaw dropped once my eyes connected with my sister's, how could I forget about her? "I need-" my eyes traveled behind her at the tall figure approaching. He was already looking at me, smiling as if he knew something, which I'm sure that something was him adjusting my insides like he didn't have a business to run. He winked at me again, causing me to release a breath I didn't realize I was holding. My eyes followed him until I couldn't see him anymore, only bringing brought back to what was around me by the feel of my sister grabbing my hand again. "Justice!" "Huh?" "You said you need something" I glanced behind me, wanting just one final look of the man who called himself Gio but he was long gone. "J-" "Drink, I need a drink. Now!" The look she gave me was a curious one, I'm sure there'd be questions later but for now, I just needed music and drinks. Anything to take my mind off of what had just happened, if not, there would be another meeting taking place behind that steel door of his...
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