#iori lor
offshore-brinicle · 7 months
I don't know much about Iori, but do you think that she'd end up in/directly opposing Hermann, given the latter's 'wanting to destroy the mirror worlds' thing?
It would also be a nice way to loop her back into the story so Vergie can suffer again and also because she is very pretty.
I mean, it's pretty heavily implied Iori is somehow connected to the events of Limbus with Ruina's deleted ending scene having her propose making a company of E.G.O users to the Hana Association, and Lion, Panther and Wolf were her underlings too as said by Vergillius and the color of their name tags & outfits including these purple snake things in their designs, they are better seen in Vellmori's concept art since it seems she was actually the character designer for these three in specific rather than Nai_Ga like usual going by these sketches
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Actually even more interestingly in the topic of Iori and her power of travelling through multiple possibilities and how that is definitely connected to the mirror worlds there's a few details pointed out by Korean users
In Ruina, all of the guests to the library have their own icon/emblem/logo representing them, Iori being such a big deal as The Purple Tear gets her own, and now fastforward to Limbus and compare and contrast the shape of Iori's logo to Yi Sang's mirror he showed the League, a purple circle framed by three lines in the exact same angle.
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Even more is that some time ago I came across a tweet pointing out this detail from an official Iori standee where she's seen reading a book which on closer inspection the user had figured out was in fact meant to be a copy of the original Korean text of The Wings (I can no longer access the tweet since they seem to have deleted their account or changed @, but I had the image saved the image comparison on Discord. I looked into it and it was released last November too but the preview pic is so small I can't get a better look
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Either way thanks for giving me an excuse to share this information I deadass always forget to talk and I think it's extremely interesting and way too specific for it all to be coincidental
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pobopolybius · 1 year
Thoughts thoughts Demian thoughts
This post will be a mess but. Bear with me a sec. For a little while now I couldn't help but notice a distinct similarity between the pale shrine and Demian's colour schemes, primarily how his little necklace (?) gem looks a lot like the eye of the pale shrine.
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And now I got to thinking, Demian's attack against Kromer is done without any physical touch, quite similar to how the pale shrine deals damage by just standing near your employees, rather than physically attacking them like the other shrines, with the spikes, hands, and tentacles.
Pale damage is also the damage to one's soul, and from what we have seen so far of Demian's whole character is that his main goal is to get Sinclair to bare himself, or his soul, to the world. One's soul is also a prevalent theme in The Little Prince, as the prince gives up his own life so his soul may fly back to his comet with the rose, giving up his physical self for the spiritual self.
On the subject of the little prince, I was wondering what type of damage it did, expecting it to be pale. And I also checked Child of the Galaxy's because his necklace reminds me of the child's stone ego gift, however, I found both abnormalities do black damage instead, to the body and mind.
That threw me in for a loop, as it's hard to associate Demian with the black shrine, until I noticed someone else with ties to snakes, much like himself, has a similar colour scheme to that of the black shrine, that being, of course, the purple tear herself.
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It's also interesting to notice that Iori is implied to hop between dimensions according to battle dialogue, in a similar fashion not just as to how the little prince hops between planets, but also, as to how the black shrine attacks, with piercing spikes that seem to tear through reality.
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I'm not entirely sure how to explain what I'm thinking and I am 99% cornplating this but. I dunno. I think Iori and Demian are not just, as obviously noted, incredibly powerful, but also they absolutely have some form of relation to one another. The theming of snakes in project moon always comes back to Iori, I mean hell, even our lovely snake Yesod is purple (joking), but yeah. I think her and Demian have some relation to one another. The Little Prince being dead, Iori having lost her child. Who knows!
Edit: check reblogs I added more to this!
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1000dactyls · 1 year
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Star of the city
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ayavanni · 1 year
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this is why don is happier
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7rus7m3 · 5 months
RG - Red Gaze, PT - Purple Tear, LP - Little Prince, DC - Divine Comedy. Grammar mistakes can appear due to me not being very fluent in English.
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So… After the new Demian scene appeared, I found it convenient to finally unleash my Dante=Sinclair pentagon theory, based on some assumptions I made from reading the source books of all of these characters. Before I start, I need to aknowledge some other things:
1. I don’t find this theory as something that actually will happen, since it may be based on my own biased opinions towards some of the characters included
2. Most of my assumptions are made through reading into intertext of the source books and how it would look more cool to potentially appear in a game. PM interpretation of books may be completely opposite from mine, so ig we will see how close I was later
3. I don’t use other sinners for my theory, since most of them are not marked, can’t use shin from what we know and/or mostly have finished self-centered story. The only one that probably will be added to pentagon is Faust, since her source is too important for Hesse as a writer and the motif of soul duality exists as an important topic in both Demian and Faust books. Also she knows too much about the Stars from what we can see in the prologue and later in her dialogues with us.
Part 1. Purple Tear
PT=Demian’s mother feels like canon already for me, but maybe just because I discussed it too much with my friends. So the main point of this theory is that Demian and PT appear to have the same main themes as characters and have similar powers, so him being Iori’s son will be natural. For example, the snake theme being introduced to us with Iori’s snake eyes in Leviathan manga or with the blue snake representing Demian on LCB Sinclair art. Multidimensional traveling powers, Shin being mostly PT’s disciples thing etc etc. Also Demian had purple eyes on his first promotional art and even though it was changed later, it is still an important thing that was planned by PM. For me it's an obvious moment for a lot of reasons, but in reality they just feel like relatives and the more you think about it the more it becomes obvious. 
As Demian’s mother, she becomes frau Eva naturally and potential Sinclair milfhunter’s interest. 
Also I believe in Iori as a higher-up person in Limbus Company assumption. As a person, who sees countless possibilities, her choices on sinners of LCB feels natural and the fact that Vergilius out of all people becomes our guide just approves it to me. 
So I added ‘Demian’ to her as a source just to start, but we can also add ‘Little Prince’ as I believe that she also represents the snake from the start of Prince’s adventure on Earth and his end on it. The Snake claims to have some sort of space-traveling power after all and while representing Birth and Death of Prince on Earth, she's a good pick for a mother figure representation.
Part 2. Red Gaze
Not too much to say here, but the obvious things we know. The Shin user triangle, even though Verg and Demian probably ain’t ever met each other once, still exists in the context of this theory. We can or can not draw a line between Demian and Vergilius, but I like to do it for the sake of making a point how they both are PT’s disciples. 
The christmas trauma line here is mostly for funsies, but it’s obviously not a coincidence on how the whole Sinclair’s family killing incident happened at the same time as Vegilius’ orphanage incident and how both suspicious shin users just watched them suffer to mentor them later. 
Dante and RG are connected through Divine Comedy, which is told directly from the game. 
Part 3. Demian
The most interesting and most intertextually written character in the game.
Sinclair being the rose became more believable to me than him being the fox after a new scene, but I still think both can be true. As we know from Demian book - Sinclair is final destination of Demian’s journey, from whom Max parted for unknown reasons (basically not answered his letters while doing his own fun stuff ig) and even tried to adapt to live in the world ignoring his marked nature (the “I am actually a lieutenant” scene in the 7th chapter). He is meeting Sinclair at first to part with him later just to end up becoming a metaphorical part of him at the end, probably dying physically. The same happens with Prince and Rose relationships in the LP. From them meeting suddenly to part later because of Prince’s complicated feelings to Prince finally coming back to her after learning how to love her and realizing her importance for his existence as a person in the metaphysical form, leaving his physical body behind. The story is too similar for Sinclair to not be Rose. The main counterargument here is the fact that we don’t know when Demian started his journey and Sinclair quoting dialogue of LP with fox. I still believe that Sinclair-Rose theory is more likely though, but Sinclair-Fox is still leading us to doomed yaoi in the end.
The Demian-Beatrice part comes from ‘Demian’ as a source too. Sinclair met Beatrice as his muse and basically Demian’s replacement as an image of his own ideals in life, she became a reason for him to stop his self-destruction path. Young love for Sinclair here is more of a reason to keep moving forward to become a better person than actual loving feeling. She is a mythological muse, but not a romantic interest fully. And in an attempt of engraving her image (haha engraving aspect), he accidentally draws Demian instead. We can put it as a direct equation of her to Demian and as a method of inserting an androgynous archetype into Demian’s character. I think of Demian-Beatrice as a cool way to introduce us to Paradiso later with him being our new guide instead of Vergilius. It will become a more logical guess later, in the context of the main part of this theory.
Part 4. Dante and Sinclair
So… Dante is a book version of Sinclair with part of Demian’s soul inside him theory… The main thing from where we should start to think about this is the whole number dilemma within Sinclair’s coat. He should’ve been the 10th Sinner before Dante appeared, but then got changed to 11th. Which is funny since 1.0 and 1.1 is a funny version number calambour. So, questions that theories answers:
1.Demian having sudden interest in Dante and giving him riddles that mostly answers the nature of more of a Demian himself as a person, than giving Dante actual usable information
2.Dante seem to have mark 
3.”What will become of me who have been robbed by me”
4.Sinclair is the only sinner we resonated with out of his Canto
5.Sinclair Canto only focusing on the first two chapters of the book, but not taking it as full. His Canto takes not even half of a book, but focuses on a really small part of it. Moby-Dick is a pre-story in Canto V, same basically for Canto I and Canto IV, we are close to the ending of CaP in Canto II and we have seen the true ending of WH in one of the Mirror Worlds with Cathy and Hareton.
6. Why they aren't changing numbers on Sinclair's coat for six Canto already
7. How Demian is able to understand us and how we are able to deeply understand Demian's feelings
8. Why we have any connections to Demian in the past and why we owe him a drawing of all things (Sinclair was a painter in the book)
9. Star is the main motivation of Dante
10. The whole engraving aspect thing. Again, Sinclair was a painter in the book and used drawing as a way to analyze his instinctive feelings
11. Dante having religious motifs and powers associated with either Tree of Life or Tree of Knowledge. Sinclair’s EGO “Branch of Knowledge” naming based on that
12. Dante’s White Night motifs. White Night is basically an Antichrist, but also a God, which connects it with the concept of both god and demon and connecting it with an Abraxas
Maybe some other questions are answered too if you think about it for a little. This is just a very solid assumption that will explain why Demian is so important for us and why Dante seems like a descendant of the Star in the prologue. As a character having another big source book I also believe in him having his own Canto and if he is a part of Dante's character then we should have the duo Canto for both Dante and Demian.
Main thing is how it happened. It's mainly fanfiction from now on. We know that there are Mirror Worlds where the whole book plot is already happened at some point (Cathy and Hareton scene in C6). So one of these basically is the one where Sinclair journey happened some other way. Maybe it was the one, where Demian helped him before the whole Kromer situation happened. After that moment in book Sinclair fastly falls back to his family and stops questioning their beliefs, so in my theory he could after all have a prosthetic operation that he was destined to before incident. That way we have his life going more calmly and as a son of prosthetic factory owner he could become a big and rich person. That would explain why Panther, Lion and Wolf were very excited over killing him. So, Sinclair of this universe goes over his way just like book Sinclair and participate in the whole June-985 thing. What else happened in June? World War 1 start. Sounds stupid, but WW1 is the main thing to change the world in Demian as a book. So the start of new world is destined to be in June-985 in the City setting, which represents WW1 starting in the Real World. The whole thing happens, and Demian either dies or merges with Sinclair to become some sort of part of him. To prevent the whole June-985 thing from happening, Sinclair travels back in time (which basically not the same, but another Mirror World) using Golden Bough and tries to engrave something that is a key to preventing the whole mass death thing. Limbus World Demian is pissy with Demian from future trying to stop the new World from happening, so he confronts us, but tries to do it in his own way. That way Dante is Sinclair from future from other mirror world and is partly a Demian himself.
In the LP, Pilot also is a child-like adult, really similar to Little Prince in some way. I personally like to read his journey with Prince as a metaphor for himself maturing and letting go his childish side, which Is again connects Dante to Demian.
So, Dante=other Sinclair=Pilot=partly Demian.
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thecatkennel · 8 months
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a certain group of fixers
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individual sprite section!!
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patchworkmirage · 11 months
Uh uh wife tbh creature [ iori ]
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oh hey it’s the purple tbh. our favorite old woman yuri
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sleepyminty · 4 months
There are two type of strongest person in the city and they take no shit against damages
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ill be honest i could not be bothered to keep looking for a quote that fits Iori so i just kinda chose a random snake one i was saving for someone else
Happy birthday snake granny. 28/08
Also its "Tear" as in "Tear"drop not "Tear" as in a Fabric "Tear".
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kriorisfavoritenail · 7 months
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I practiced using a template and obviously took the opportunity to make more kriori
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It’s so fascinating to me how Xiao is as a character. I didn’t expect much of her but she ended up easily being one of the most profound characters in the game. And this is just going off the impression I have before the story of her last reception. I’m clueless as to how her character climaxes specifically.
Also wow, I am genuinely so sad about what happened to Philip. Argalia really was right when he said that Philip only wanted to cry. Which makes it even more tragic with how Argalia manipulates him. Philip is probably the most unique member of The Reverberation Ensemble, because while every member is unique in their own way, Philip is special, because he himself is a victim. He has still done a horrible, even unforgivable thing, but that was him fully Distorted. Can he really take accountability for being manipulated by Oswald and Pluto into a distortion, then going on to kill 80,000 people? What really gets me is the one line he utters before the Reception of The Purple Tear, where he just utters one sentence, I don’t remember what he said, but I remember the deep sadness it carries, and how much of a bad situation he’s gotten himself into, being a distortion that’s part of The Reverberation Ensemble.
Speaking of The Purple Tear, I am having a lot of trouble understanding her character. She’s an odd one that’s for sure. Also GILFy as all hell.
Also I have done most of the Briah Abnormality suppressions. It’s so fascinating how each Abnormality is the manifestation of a metaphor or story, and represents certain deep concepts that can be mutually rooted in the perception of humanity’s “Universal Unconscious”. What especially sticks out to me are The Wizard of Oz based Abnormalities, who just interest me so much and remind me that I should probably read the original book to better grasp the themes. I do know that they’re meant to represent a unifying theme of Kindness.
Anyways, when next I play, I’m going to reach what is without a doubt probably one of the biggest moments in the game narratively speaking, The Realization of The Floor of Natural Sciences.
I don’t know what’s going to happen, but it’s gonna be big.
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patchworkfox01 · 7 months
Guess who's back it again with another Limbus Theory??? It's me! This is a much simpler theory than Faust being some kind of twist villain, but it's still an interesting one.
So I was thinking about Hong Lu, and how in a good chunk of his identities, he brings up how his grandmother had guided him to these positions. If we look back at Library of Ruina, a certain character, while not directly stated to be referred to by Roland as grandma, DOES seem to act as a guide to several important people. That person would be, of course, Iori.
While I haven't read Dreams of the Red Chamber, Hong Lu's intent to experience earthly desires could perhaps be what caught Iori's eye, her guiding him towards Limbus Company, and away from his home. We know that Iori plays both teams as she needs due to her abilities to see [seemingly] the future and alternate realities. She's likely well aware of how sending Hong Lu to Limbus Company will play out. After all, she did send Roland to the Library, more than likely knowing the events of the game would happen beforehand, including her own demise and resurrection.
That's really all I can think of to say here but like, I really hope you enjoy my silly speculation
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simon-milfhunter · 10 months
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Iori merch is so cute I love my wife, Iori looks so cute when she's enjoying herself
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fishfishiee · 2 years
The Purple Lady (TMA x LoR)
I got into TMA black hole and now I'm stuck in it. What else could I do beside making a Ruina crossover, right? This one is about Iori who took a stroll in London. Timeline wise, this happened in S3 of TMA between episode 114 and episode 116.
I also posted in AO3! here
Statement of Yuna Carter, regarding a woman she met at a café nearby. Original statement given in May 15th, 2013. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.
[Statement begins]
I don't know if what happened to me count as something… supernatural? But if what my friend said about this place is true, I think you're going to accept my story anyway. She worked here, you know? I won't say who, but she worked with artefacts, I think. 
It started as a normal night. I was stopping by a café before going home for the night. When I was just about to sit down, I noticed her standing across the road. She was Asian, I think. It wasn't until she came over that I realized she might be older than I thought she was. Still, she was… unusually tall for a mature woman. Very elegant, too. She wore a long purple coat that was made from snake skin, I believe. Or maybe something with snake skin pattern on it. Her hair was long, so long that it reached her ankles. She carried a long, black case that she strapped on her back. I wondered if she was a musician or something. 
Apparently my stare was a bit too obvious. She noticed that I was staring, but instead of getting angry, she smiled and waved at me. I was embarrassed when she crossed the road and came into the café. Thankfully, the café was empty at the time, so no one noticed my awkwardness. She spoke in fluent Korean, which surprised me a bit, since she introduced herself as Iori. 
I apologized for staring, but she waved me off and said that she was used to it. We chatted for a bit, things like the weather and about the café that we were in. We went quiet for a while before I asked her if she was a musician. She shook her head and gestured to her case, saying that it had her swords in it. Iori then said that too may law enforcers stopped her because of them, so she stored them in a case instead. 
I really couldn't tell if she was joking or not, since she was so casual about it. I thought that maybe she was some kind of stage performer, and the swords she mentioned were her props. Then I asked her what was she doing in London. She smiled mysteriously and said that she was here by accident. “Did you got on the wrong bus or something?” I asked again. Iori looked so amused by my question. I asked what's so funny, and by then Iori was fully chuckling. 
“You asked me the same exact questions last time” She said.
“Oh well. I'll be leaving after this anyway, so I'll humour you. This world has nothing on what I'm looking for after all.” She said.  This is the point where Iori said some weird stuff. Like, things that only comes from sci-fi fiction or something.
Iori said that she was a dimension traveller, and that she was searching for her son. She really didn't mean to come here, but a gap to another universe pulled her in instead. She arrived at an empty house that had a fallen tree on the garden. After that, she said she wandered around a bit before heading to the city. She then paused and looked at me. She continued that this was the fourth alternate version of this world that she visited, and in all of them I was always staring at her. According to her, on the second one I cut my stare short, and she didn't approach me. On the third one, this conversation of ours didn't last long, and I left after a while. 
At this point, I was convinced she was pulling a joke on me, so I scoffed at her. She then laughed and said that I was heading home from a friend called Jeanne, who just broke up with her boyfriend. 
“You told me that last time, too.” Iori said. 
She then went on and said that after I left, I was involved in a traffic incident and died. 
“This time our conversation was a bit longer than last time. I think it would be safe for you to leave now.” She said, still with a smile on her face.
“Of course, it's not a guarantee. Who knows, maybe this time you saw the car accident on your way home. You avoided that, but you got mugged and lost your life that way instead.”
“Why are you telling me this?” I asked. She just shrugged and told me that she was feeling a bit generous. 
I had enough of her at that point. I thanked her for her 'advice' and hurriedly left the café, eager to get away from the crazy lady. She bid me farewell with that amused smile of hers. I didn't want to admit it, but something about her told me that she wasn't lying. She never told me what happened to me on the first version, after all. It honestly scared me a little, so I decided to call my friend Jeanne and asked her to stay the night. 
That was a few days ago. I noticed that I became a lot… jumpier. At first, I told myself that I was being silly, but after a few… close calls, I was forced to admit that maybe, maybe Iori did predict my death. I wonder if she put a curse on me or something. Anyway, I don't really know what to do after this. It's not like I want you guys to find Iori for me or something. I just… want to tell my story to someone that might understand, you know?
If you do meet an older lady wearing a long purple coat, I suggest you turn the other way. I think you'll know it's her just from her looks alone. 
[Statement ends]
Martin submitted this one along with Anya Villete's statement regarding the house at Hill Top Road. I'm pretty sure the house that this Iori arrived at was that same, particular house. As for Ms. Carter herself, Yuna Carter was killed in a car accident after she left the institute. Basira also confirmed that a few years ago there were some reports about a strange woman carrying three swords around. Nothing could be found about this Iori aside from this statement, though. The café worker that served both Ms. Carter and Iori said that Iori left after finishing her tea, and he never saw her again. I hope that whoever Iori is, she really left this dimension and never came back. This statement does prove that the gap on that house might be a bigger problem than I thought it was. We were quite lucky, since Iori seemed genuinely uninterested in this world, but someday that gap might let in something that wants more.
End recording.
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