earlgreymon · 2 years
hot summer night
🍶 miyako + iori // [day 6] exam (challenge) - for @digiweek 2022 for this day, i'm trying to write about that one dynamic (and perhaps two characters) i rarely wrote about. this fic was tricky to write and i even finished this the last one among all the digiweek contents i created. but that's what this day is about, right? and frankly i'm happy with the result! this fic was inspired by this fanart. the first time i saw it, i knew i had to write about iori accompanying drunk miyako someday. this fic sets before kizuna and before miyako left for spain. idk why i remembered miyako having an exchange program instead of being a full-time student in barcelona. let's just assume it that way in this case, and sorry if i was wrong. at least i correctly implied miyako as a gemini (this is canon fyi). also, no, this is not a romance fic between those two, even though it has hot in the title (sorry i'm on title block so i only snatched one of the script's song titles). there's a minor kenyako, though. happy reading!
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Iori found Miyako in front of his cram school that night in June, looking very standout with her purple strands and cherry-tinted lips. It was easy to be in the limelight when you wore makeup and shirts with striking colours among students with crumpled uniforms and weary faces after studying for the whole day.
Her high-pitched voice didn’t sound like a mature college woman, however.
Iori sighed, getting a second-hand embarrassment because everyone’s attention diverted to him after she echoed his name. He proceeded to walk out and approached her, asking the obvious, “Miyako-san, what are you doing here?”
“Meanie. Is that something appropriate to greet to your senpai?” Miyako pouted for a second before returning to her jolly mood. “I happen to be around so I figure I can ask you to accompany me for a dinner.”
He glanced at her feet and atop of her head, only to find something was missing. “Where is Hawkmon?”
“Oh, I told Hawkmon to fly to your house with some food from my konbini. Armadimon is home, ne?” she responded. “Come on, Iori-kun. It’s been a long time since we had fun just the two of us. Isn’t this a perfect time now that I’m going to leave next week and the others are too busy with their freshmen stuff?”
It was not a bad idea at all. He initially planned to grab a takeaway because his mother and grandfather were out of town, but now with Armadimon’s dinner settled, he didn’t have to worry about his partner starving alone.
He just didn’t know that Miyako also had her own plan of ordering a bottle of sake right when they just stepped inside the yatai tent.
Iori took a seat beside her, eyeing her ever so cautiously. He remembered the day Miyako turned twenty last May, and she decided to celebrate it by secretly grabbing a can of beer from her store. She posted its photo in their group chat, prompting joyous reactions from Mimi and Taichi, in addition to a jealous wail from Daisuke. Miyako then seemed to embark on her personal adulthood venture, trying different types of liquor ever since.
 “…you do understand that I am still a minor, don’t you?” he said as he watched her pouring the sake into a cup.
“And why do you think that will stop me? It’s not like I’m asking you to drink along.”
“Just because I’m younger than you, that doesn’t mean I cannot tell you off.”
“Well, can you?”
He could, for real. He just chose not to.
Miyako then chuckled. “Don’t worry. It’s because you’re with me that I have to drink more responsibly. What will people say if they see a high schooler carrying a drunk woman home?” She took her first shot and whooped right after her cup was empty. “Ahh, this is sooo good! You’re going to love this once you turn legal.”
“To be honest, I cannot see myself drinking even when I reach the right age.”
“Aw, what a shame. I look forward to coming back here and sharing sake with you.”
He pondered, sipping his ice tea. “Well, perhaps I can make an exception for you.”
“Right? I don’t think lawyers can survive without attending nomikai,” Miyako instigated as she snatched the first fresh-grilled yakitori from their plate. “Speaking of which, is that what you really want to aim for? Go to law school and become an attorney?”
“That’s the plan for now,” Iori also grabbed a negima but did not bite into it before he finished with his answer. “I know it’s hard to enter a law school, so that’s why I sign up for cram school as early as possible.”
“Yeah, but I just—” Miyako sighed. “I don’t want you to keep studying and let your youth pass without having fun. You’re only in high school once, so do something crazy. Skip a class, have some dates, go on a summer vacation with your friends….”
Iori paused, looking at his faint reflection on the glass.
“I am having fun,” he continued. “I have a great time battling monsters and saving the world. It makes me realise that I want to fight for the right thing and help people to get out of iniquity. And I believe becoming a lawyer is a good way to accomplish that.”
He was aware of how idealistic he sounded just then. If he was with other people, they would certainly be laughing at his words, telling him that the world was too cruel of a place for justice to prevail and he should just stick to a dream that was more within his proximity.
But he wasn’t with other people right now. He was with Miyako, who cracked a smile while looking at him with proud glimmering behind her spectacles.
“That’s just really you,” she said. “I know you’re a good kid the moment I laid my eyes on you. And I hope you know that I’m always rooting for you, no matter what. After all, I’m the big sis who just loves my reliable Iori-kun a bit too much!”
And that was when Iori couldn’t help but giggle. He was used to people calling him mature even when he was a little boy, but once he wore the high school uniform and felt a lump growing in his throat, it was still surreal for him how he really reached the age of adolescence. That was why he was glad to have Miyako around because she was a constant reminder of how he would still be someone’s little brother.
Her phone suddenly vibrated above the table, and as she picked up to see what was on the screen, Iori noticed her face getting a bit red. Somehow, he reckoned it wasn’t because of the sake, yet he didn’t want to pry further so he chose another topic. “How’s your departure preparation?”
“No hay problema! I’m leaving on Wednesday’s noon, though, so I guess you can’t set me off to the airport.”
“Ne, sorry for that.” It was rather unfortunate for him that Miyako chose to fly to Barcelona instead of using the Digital Gate for the sake of enjoying that wanderlust feeling. Iori started to consider whether this would be the right time to skip a class just like she advised just now. “Is there anything I can help with?”
“Hmm. Just promise me to pick up when I video-call you,” she said before quickly adding, “oh, oh, I know! You can visit me during your summer break. Ask Ken and the others to join too!”
Just like that, he easily solved the puzzle. “Ichijouji-san?”
“Ah, yes! He’s helping me learn Spanish even though he’s busy with college,” Miyako responded, and Iori could hear her voice turn jovial at once. “He even texted me just now to check my progress. I think I should go meet him tomorrow.”
There was something stirring inside him that he tried to brush off by picking up another skewer. However, it was obvious he didn’t sound so thrilled when he blurted out, “Oh.”
And Miyako caught his reaction with pleasure. “I thought you no longer hate him.”
“I don’t hate him.”
“Are you jealous, then?”
But boy, did he never stray too far from the truth.
After all, he was a little brother who just cared about his big sis a bit too much.
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bossarmadimon · 5 years
What your favorite digimon ship says about you
(with apologies to @doubleca5t )
Taito: You think the anime has only gone downhill since Adventure.
Takouji: If you’d been born a few years earlier, you’d probably have been shipping Taichi and Yamato.
Tomato: If you’d been born a few years earlier, you’d probably have been shipping Takuya and Kouji.
Kiriki: If you’d been born a few years earlier, you’d probably have been shipping Thomas and Masaru.
Tagiyuu (Tagiru/Yuu): If you’d been born a few years earlier, you’d probably have been shipping Kiriha and Taiki.
Taiora: You absolutely refuse to acknowledge the epilogue.
Sorato: You appreciate the canon validation, but you absolutely refuse to acknowledge the epilogue anyway.
Joumi: You want to be stepped on by Mimi Tachikawa.
Koumi: Your ideal date involves confusing the hell out of each others.
Mira: Your favorite relationship dynamic is butch/femme.
Vamdemon/Piedmon: Your favorite relationship dynamic is a RuPaul’s Drag Race catfight.
Yamato/Gabumon: Your favorite relationship dynamic is powerbottom/service top.
Thomas/Gaomon: This is exactly the same joke as Gabumon/Yamato, but even more so.
Miyako/Hawkmon: This is exactly the same joke as Gabumon/Yamato, but you're heterosexual.
Wizartail: Your favorite relationship dynamic is the plot of the live-action Casper movie.
Mimato: You appreciate the fact having to work with nothing at all means you’re unlikely to contradict their canon interactions.
Joushirou: You’re just here for some disaster bisexuals.
Ogremon/Leomon: You’re just here for some baras.
Miyaora: You’re just here for some tomboys.
Jouyako: You’re just here for some meganes.
Ioyako: You just wanted good things for Iori, and really, who wouldn’t?
Taisuke: You ideal date involves getting your sempai to notice you.
Jouri: Your interest in sempai/kohai is outweighed only by your overwhelming love of height differences.
Miyami: Your ideal high school romance is nerd/prep.
Kouyako: Your ideal high school romance is nerd/nerd.
Yamasuke: Your ideal high school romance is band kid/jock.
Kenyako: Your ideal high school romance is marrying straight out of high school… oh, and you absolutely refuse to acknowledge the epilogue anyway.
Daiken: You are a firm believer in dating your best friend.
Daikeru: You are a firm believer in resolving love triangles by ignoring the axis.
Daiyako:You’re always a sucker for a dumbass in love.
Daiori: You’re always a sucker for an unsuspecting bystander having to deal with a dumbass in love.
Hikeyako: Your favorite relationship dynamic is two women tired of dealing with one dumbass in love’s bullshit.
Mimori: This is exactly the same joke as Mimato, except even more so.
Daikari: You are heterosexual.
Takari: You are heterosexual and you absolutely refuse to acknowledge the epilogue.
Angemon/Angewomon: You are extremely heterosexual.
RenaLeo: You are extremely heterosexual and you are a furry.
RenaFlame: Your interest in hetero furry ships is outweighed only by your interest in twinks.
Veetail: You are a furry, and you don’t mind being weird about it.
Mukeni: You just wanna fuck villains, and really, who wouldn’t?
Jurato: You are a firm believer in keeping things canon and keeping things wholesome.
Jenkato: You are a firm believer in keeping things gay and keeping it to the main characters only.
Patatail: This is exactly the same joke as Jurato, but you’re also a furry.
Juri/Leomon: You’re always a sucker for breaking the cutie.
Jenruki:You’re always a sucker for slow burn.
Rukato: You are a firm believer in 👏 men 👏 getting 👏 pegged
Takazu: Your addiction to dumbasses in love got so bad that one day you went “Hey, you know what’s even better than a dumbass in love? Two dumbasses in love.”.
Ryuki (Ryou/Ruki): Your favorite relationship dynamic is Prom Queen/Prom King.
Renamon/Rika: you either want a girlfriend who can bridal carry you, or you want to bridal carry your girlfriend.
RenaGuil: Your ideal high school romance is jock/dumbass.
ImpRena: Your ideal high school romance is jock/goth.
ImpTerrier: Your ideal high school romance is goth/theater kid.
ImpCulu: Your ideal high school romance is goth/dumbass.
Ryokazu: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of hero worship.
Hirota: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of accidentally kissing.
Takumi: This is exactly the same joke as Daikari, but even more so, and with some actual canon validation.
Kouzumi: Your interest in heterosexual pairings is outweighed only by your crippling addiction to edgy boys who have trouble talking about their feelings.
Junzoumi: You just wanted good things for Junpei, and really, who wouldn’t?
KouKou: You’re always a sucker for incest.
Tomoya: You want to fuck brother figures.
RanaKaze: You’re just here for some monster girls.
LordKnightmon/Dynasmon: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of high camp.
Yohmas: You can’t resist the draw of shipping the good-looking ones together.
Yosaru (Yoshino/Masaru): Your interest in bitter rivalries is ouweighed only by your love of bickering married couples.
Daitsuma: You want to fuck father figures.
Ikushino: You want to fuck mother figures.
DaiLeo (Daimon/BanchouLeomon): Your ideal date involves going to the gym and spotting each others.
Meguki (Megumi/Miki):You’re always a sucker for characters who are in desperate need of more screen time.
Thoka (Thomas/Chika): Your favorite relationship dynamic is a third grader telling their teacher they’re gonna marry them when they get older.
Ikuka: You’re always a sucker for reformed bad boys.
Dairata (Daimon/Kurata): You’re always a sucker for a character who starts off as a complete asshole and then gets much, much worse.
Akaki: Your favorite relationship dynamic is bickering married couples.
Taiyuu: Your favorite relationship dynamic is enemies to lovers.
Taikirou (Taiki/Zenjirou): You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of one-sided rivalries.
Neiki (Nene/Taiki): You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of stalking.
Zenjine: Your ideal date involves walking in on each others.
Kirine: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of deep-seated mistrust.
Kirijirou: Your favorite high school romance is jock/jock.
Zenjiri: You believe there is nothing stronger than the bond of two people who are sick of one man’s bullshit.
LilySting: If you’d been born a whole generation earlier, you’d probrably be shipping Patamon and Tailmon.
BallisShout: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of “Guy Love”.
BeelMerva: Nothing gets you on board faster than characters who have no idea where they are going with this.
Aigiru (Airu/Tagiru): You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of bullying.
Tagiki (Tagiru/Taiki): If you’d been born a whole generation earlier, you’d probrably be shipping Taichi and Daisuke.
Harai (Haru/Ai): If you’d been born a whole generation earlier, you’d probrably be shipping Juri and Takato.
ToraEri: Your favorite relationship dynamic is feuding youtubers with UST.
Eriru (Eri/Haru): You either want a girlfriend that could kick your ass, or you want to be a girlfriend who kicks her boyfriend’s ass.
ToraHaru: Your ideal date is livestreaming together.
Harujin: You’re always a sucker for shippers on deck.
Maigo (Maki/Daigo): You would’ve shipped Juri/Leomon, but you thought Juri didn’t get broken hard enough.
Meimi (Meiko/Mimi): Your favorite relationship dynamic is cinnamon roll/sinnamon roll.
Ryou/Milleniumon: You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of trying to kill each others.
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