#iran budget tour
letsvisitpersia · 4 months
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We offer amazing Iran tours that suit you the best. From cultural and historical tours to adventurous hikes, we provide comprehensive services and experiences that will make your trip unforgettable.
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mansipatel5 · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Choosing Turkey Travel Packages
In the regional Turkish language, Turkey is often referred to as Türkiye. It is primarily found in Western Asia, in the Anatolian peninsula. Since one leg is connected to Europe and the other to Asia, it is also referred to as a bridge between the two continents. The Black Sea, Marmara Sea, Aegean Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea border the nation on three sides. It is the homeland of Turks who long ago migrated from Mongolia's interior. Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Greece, Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, and Syria are all within modern Turkey's borders.
When it comes to the area, the Turkish race initially settled in western modern Turkey, where they went on to reside under the name Selcuk Beylics. The Osmanoullar community was established in the region where Bursa was the capital, some 4-5 hours' drive from Istanbul today, as a result of the separation of Selçuk Beylics into several groups over time. They transferred the capital from Bursa to Istanbul in later years. They lived through the golden eras when their borders stretched across tremendous periods. They eventually reached a point of stagnation and dissolution and handed the historical reins over to the Modern Turkish Republic.
Understanding Your Travel Style and Preferences
Understanding your travel tastes and style is the first step in selecting Turkey Holiday Packages. Think about the following:
Who are you as a traveller? Are you a daring backpacker or a pampered traveller seeking a more relaxing experience?
What do you find interesting? Do you favour outdoor pursuits like hiking and environmental exploration or are you more interested in history and culture?
What is your spending plan? What are your financial limits for a tour package?
What kind of transportation do you prefer? Would you like to take the bus, the train, or the aeroplane?
What kind of lodging do you prefer? Do you feel at ease staying in hostels or hotels, or do you like private lodging?
You can focus on tour packages that are suited to your needs by focusing on those that fit your travel interests and style.
Researching and Comparing Tour Options
Researching and contrasting tour choices is the next stage after you have a firm grasp of your travel interests and style. Here are a few pieces of advice:
Make use of reliable travel websites: Check out Turkey Holiday Packages from credible online sources as they offer testimonials and rankings from tourists who have taken the tours.
Visit the websites of the trip operators: The majority of tour operators have their websites where you may obtain details about the tours they provide, including itineraries, costs, and lodging choices.
Read Reviews: You may learn a lot about the tour's quality, the degree of customer care, and the entire experience from reviews written by other tourists.
Compare costs before choosing one product over another. Take into account the tour's overall worth and what is included in the cost. Some Turkey Travel Packages From India may appear more expensive, but they provide greater value for the money since they provide more activities or better accommodations.
Key Considerations for Choosing a Turkey Tour Package
There are numerous important factors to keep in mind when contrasting Turkey Travel Packages From India.
1. Itinerary: Finding a tour package that includes the locations and activities you are interested in is a good idea. Take into account the tour's duration and speed. Will you feel rushed or that you'll have plenty of time to visit each place?
2. Inclusions: Make sure you are aware of the tour package's inclusions. Does it include lodging, travel, meals, and entertainment? Do you need to budget for any additional fees or expenses?
3. Tour size: The magnitude of the excursion should be taken into consideration. Which do you prefer—a smaller, more private one or a bigger, more communal one?
4. Tour guide: Your trip can be greatly improved by a skilled and amiable tour guide. Make sure you check the tour guide's licence and read customer feedback.
Finding Turkey Travel Packages From India that allow you flexibility in terms of the schedule and activities is important. You will then have the option to go exploring on your own or to forego participating in activities that bore you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q 1: Are private tours or group tours preferable for seeing Turkey?
A: That depends on what you desire. Private Turkey holiday packages from mumbai can be customised to your unique interests and demands, while group tours are typically less expensive and provide a social experience.
Q 2.Is travelling to Turkey safe?
A: Travellers can feel secure visiting Turkey. But you should always proceed with caution and pay attention to your surroundings.
Q3. When is the ideal time to travel to Turkey?
A: The months of April to May and September to November are ideal for travelling to Turkey because of the nice weather and reduced tourist traffic.
Q 4: Is a visa required to enter Turkey?
A: The majority of visitors do require visas to enter Turkey. You have two options for applying for a visa: online or at the airport.
Your travel interests, money, and style must all be carefully considered before selecting the ideal Turkey holiday packages from mumbai. You may choose wisely and have an unforgettable trip to Turkey by doing your homework, comparing your alternatives, and considering crucial factors like itinerary, inclusions, tour size, tour guide, and flexibility.
To make your tour the most suitable for you, don't forget to read reviews, ask questions, and don't be scared to customise it. Considering all there is to see and do in Turkey, picking the appropriate vacation package might be crucial. You won't regret it, so go ahead and reserve your ideal Turkey vacation package today!
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nada-khader · 1 year
With 612 flights and 80,000 passengers, Cairo International Airport achieved a new traffic record on Monday.
The Civil Aviation Ministry reported on Tuesday that there were 612 flights and 82,000 people passing through Cairo International Airport (CIA) on Monday, marking the airport's busiest day for air travel and arrivals since it opened.77,000 passengers per day were the previous records, which was reached on December 30, 2022.
The highest operating rates for incoming and outgoing flights from CIA, as well as the number of incoming and outgoing passengers, were achieved thanks to the efforts of all personnel, said Civil Aviation Minister Muhammad Abbas Helmy.
According to Helmy's remark, "Cairo Airport faces significant challenges in managing the continuous increase in air traffic and growth of passengers and flights."
According to Egypt's comprehensive development strategy and Vision 2030, "we must sustain progress on efficient services and continuous infrastructure expansion to meet the demand for travel and tourism."
Egypt, whose economy primarily depends on tourism, recently loosened visa requirements for visitors from China, Iran, India, Turkey, Morocco, and Algeria in an effort to boost the sector after COVID-19-related losses.
In addition, the government has stated that it anticipates 15 million visitors to Egypt in 2023 and that plans are being made to increase hotel capacity to accommodate 25 to 30 million visitors by 2028.
Egypt is a fascinating country with a rich history and culture. There are many different types of Egypt trips available, from budget-friendly vacations to luxury tours.
Egypt is a great place to learn about ancient history, explore ancient ruins, and relax on the beach. Egypt shore excursions are an unforgettable experience that you will cherish for a lifetime.
Alexandria shore excursions are a great way to explore the city's rich history and culture. There are many different tours to choose from, so you can find one that interests you.
Port Said shore excursions offer a variety of opportunities to explore many sites in Egypt such as Cairo pyramids and museums.
Cairo top Tours offers beach accommodations, city tours, and chances to explore the diverse environments of Luxor and Hurghada through our Safaga shore excursions.
Sokhna shore excursions will provide a memorable vacation in 2023.
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tlaquetzqui · 3 years
What are the problems with Firefly? I've only ever heard people gushing about it.
A long (but not complete) list:
The Confederacy analogue just wanted to be free and the Union analogue just wanted to oppress them for literally zero reason. Nobody even points out that an Independent victory would likely have just resulted in their territories devolving into the petty fiefdoms of the crime-lords who run most of the places the show takes place in.
The Companions are both Orientalist as all fuck (they’re a creepy fetishized version of a middle-schooler’s understanding of geishas), and a creepy libertarian and first-world white feminist fantasy about “sex work” that does not actually resemble anything in the real world that has ever existed, nor can. (The highest ranked o-iran in pre-Meiji Japan were somewhat similar…but they had to spend years as sex-slaves with no right to refuse clients, before they got to that point.)
The Reavers are one-dimensional monsters, which, aside from the troubling implications given they’re the “Space Western” equivalent of “Indians”, is a wasted opportunity to do something interesting.
Why didn’t they just re-terraform Earth That Was? Gotta be easier than schlepping light years to another group of stars and terraforming dozens of planets, never mind how unlikely it is that more than a tiny number of planets would be remotely livable for any length of time, even if terraforming didn’t actually take tens of thousands of years if it’s possible at all.
The Alliance, that’s supposed to be so oppressive, lets Mal have a spaceship, and even name it after a battle he fought against them in. No government would let Mal have a spaceship, the things are WMDs—the spaceship equivalent of 9/11 is an extinction event. Just in general, they forget to be oppressive whenever the plot needs them to allow something.
The Operative in the movie just wants a world without sin, but he sure acts like a Metal Gear villain whose dream is Outer Heaven, the utopia of mercenaries. The Hands of Blue are the most clownishly conspicuous assassins in the history of fiction.
The episode “Out of Gas” only happens because they impose the realistic outcome of a spaceship design (the engine in the pressurized compartment) that nobody would use, precisely because of what happens in that episode. We excuse you putting the engine inside because this is space opera and you don’t have the budget to depict EVAs (or remote-controlled waldos) when they have to work on the engine, but you can’t then have them suffer the realistic consequences of a design they’d never realistically use.
There are no Asians with speaking parts despite the widespread use of East Asian material culture. Whedon’s excuses for this (that Summer Glau “kinda looks Asian” and that no Asian actors who auditioned were “cute enough”) are contemptible and disingenuous.
The “Chinese” in the show is not only so mangled that Chinese bootleg DVDs subtitle it “speaks galactic language”—as in they don’t even recognize it as an attempt at their own language—but Whedon felt that he was permitted to make up his own profanity, like “Mother of God and all her wacky nephews”. Because it’s not like Chinese profanity is actually easily found, particularly in Hollywood, given LA has a gigantic Chinese-American community.
Who gives their slave-telepaths super-soldier training? Who lets someone with a head full of secrets tour a facility full of slave-telepaths?
Whose testing for new drugs consists of the two steps “drawing board” and “full-scale field trial”? If they did one human trial in between, they would have at least found the “99% of subjects go catatonic” result, if not the “1% turn into Reavers”.
The exchange “Psychic? That sounds like something out of science fiction.” “You live on a spaceship, dear.” Which means that spaceships, which are so common even Mal can have one, are still a matter of science fiction in the 26th century—just like tanks and submarines are for us, right? Since they first appeared in Wells and Verne stories over a century ago, I mean. (This is a thing with Whedon: his characters have the audience’s assumptions, not their own. In one of the Buffyverse shows, a guy goes into a clock tower with a rifle…to shoot himself, because that’s totally how you’d do it, if you didn’t want to fake out an audience you aren’t supposed to know you have into thinking you’re going to perpetrate a mass shooting.)
You can, in fact, stop a signal, it’s called jamming. You probably throw up massive ECM whenever engaged in space battle, to disrupt the enemy’s missiles if nothing else. Know who jam their enemy’s comms before attacking? The Trade Federation in Phantom Menace and the Grand Army of the Republic in Attack of the Clones. That’s how Naboo and the Separatists, respectively, know attacks are imminent. The people who made Firefly know less about military science fiction than George “Armies with Blasters Would Totally Use Formations Designed for Musket Volleys” Lucas!
There’s actually more, but I think I’ve made my point.
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seedfinance · 3 years
Drew Binsky on How He Got Started Traveling the World
Select’s editorial team works independently to review financial products and write articles that we believe will be useful to our readers. We can receive a commission when you click on links for products from our affiliate partners.
There are 197 countries in the world, and YouTube travel vlogger Drew Binsky has only two left to visit: Jamaica and Saudi Arabia.
His passion for travel began as a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison when he had the opportunity to study abroad in Prague in 2012. It was then that he decided to make the world a priority.
He didn’t want to go into the company after college even though he had a degree in economics. When a friend told him about a program to teach English to children in a city outside of Seoul, he seized the opportunity. His experience in South Korea cemented his desire to travel: after teaching for two years, Binsky set out to visit every country in the world.
While teaching in South Korea, he started sharing his travel experiences on a blog called Hungry Partyr, which documented his travel and nightlife experiences. The blog’s success led him to launch a YouTube channel and a Facebook page in 2015.
A stroke of luck would help Binsky’s Facebook page and YouTube channel grow in popularity. In 2017, he made a video about a three-day guided tour of North Korea that went viral and received nearly 10 million views. After seeing the success in his video, he devoted his energy to creating more content for YouTube and Facebook.
Bring people together with YouTube
For Binsky, the appeal of traveling and sharing his story and the stories of others lies in emphasizing the common humanity between his viewers and those who are considered foreigners in distant lands.
“I have my heart in countries like Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Turkmenistan, Iran, Lebanon – these countries that everyone is afraid of,” says Binsky. “And [my viewers] think it’s just a war zone and they think it’s so unsafe. But when you go there and meet people and connect with the human aspects of these countries, that’s really nice. “
Travel vlogging has not been an easy task for Binsky, and he stresses the importance of realizing that traveling to a new country can bring a number of unique challenges. He struggled to shoot videos in Libya and countries in Central and West Africa, for example, because people were more skeptical about being filmed.
“I love the challenge,” says Binksy. “And I love trying to overcome these struggles. At the end of the day, I’m just trying to share the best stories I can share.”
Binsky’s best budget travel tips
Binsky started traveling on a budget, but in recent years travel vlogging has become quite lucrative for him.
He now has 2.7 million subscribers on YouTube and more than 4 million followers on Facebook, and he makes money off of social media advertising, branded offers, and selling his own merchandise and an online travel hacking course. And he’s no longer a one-man show – Binsky has a team of 26 to help him produce content. His business is well on the way to hitting seven-figure sales this year.
Still, he believes that travel is easy and cheap when people are strategic. He recommends travelers in regions like Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Latin America to stay in low-cost countries and skip regions like Western Europe and Scandinavia, as well as countries like Australia, Singapore, and Dubai where travel costs can be higher.
Binsky suggests that budget-conscious travelers looking to keep accommodation costs down could opt for a hostel or use a service called CouchSurfing, which connects travelers with locals who offer free rooms.
For American travelers, Binsky recommends using credit cards to finance their trips. (International travelers can find it much more difficult to get approved for these cards.)
Choose a credit card that suits your lifestyle
Chase Sapphire Reserve®
10x points for Lyft trips through March 2022, 3x points for travel worldwide (immediately after you receive your $ 300 annual travel credit), 3x points for restaurants including eligible delivery services, takeaway and al fresco dining, 1x point for every 1 US dollars for all other purchases
Welcome bonus
Earn 60,000 bonus points after spending $ 4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months after opening your account
Annual fee
Introduction of APR
Regular annual interest
16.99% to 23.99% variable
Fund transfer fee
Foreign transaction fee
Credit needed
Binsky is particularly enthusiastic about the Priority Pass Select Lounge Pass because it gives him access to lounges at international airports, some of which include amenities such as free massages, showers and sleeping accommodations.
Due to the flexibility of the award categories, he recently signed up for the Amex Business Gold Card. New cardholders can also take advantage of the Welcome Bonus: Earn 70,000 Membership Rewards® points after spending $ 10,000 on eligible purchases within the first three months of card membership. For him, spending on Facebook advertising is a high priority, so he can get four times as many points back in this category.
American Express® Business Gold Card
On the safe side of American Express
Get more rewards with 4X Membership Rewards® points in two selected categories where you spend the most each month and get 25% points back after booking a flight with Pay with Points (up to 250,000 points back per calendar year).
Welcome bonus
Earn 70,000 Membership Rewards points after spending $ 10,000 on eligible purchases within the first three months of card membership
Annual fee
Introduction of APR
Regular annual interest
14.24% to 22.24% variable
Transfer fee for the credit
Foreign transaction fee
Credit needed
While the pandemic slowed Binsky’s travel habits for a few months between March 2020 and June 2020, he has been on the road again since June 2020, often doing Covid-19 tests and itching to complete his last two countries, which he plans to do in October.
For prices and fees for the American Express® Business Gold Card, click here
Note to editors: Opinions, analysis, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are solely those of the Select editors and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by third parties.
source https://seedfinance.net/2021/08/14/drew-binsky-on-how-he-got-started-traveling-the-world/
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alexsmitposts · 4 years
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Why are Tel Aviv and Washington Inflaming the Situation in the Persian Gulf? During the run-up to the anniversary of the insidious assassination of Iranian General Soleimani – and after one month had passed since the equally controversial massacre of leading nuclear physicist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh – Israel and the United States, which are ones responsible for this atrocity, are demonstratively increasing their military presence in the Middle East, and doing so in demagogic fashion under the guise of fearing “retaliation from Iran”. The United States, located both at a considerable distance from Iran and outside the range of its missiles, having provoked this crisis clearly fears only a missile attack on its diplomatic mission in Iraq, as well as other American facilities in the region. Washington is trying to validate these fears with reports from American intelligence services, according to which pro-Iranian armed formations that can deliver a “retaliatory strike” have allegedly stepped up their activity in Iraq. However, on December 21 Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh denied these suspicions, which especially resounded in recent statements made by US Secretary of State M. Pompeo about the alleged complicity of pro-Iranian militia in the latest rocket strikes executed on Baghdad’s “Green Zone”. Along with that, Khatibzadeh wrote on Twitter that for Tehran “attacks on diplomatic facilities are unacceptable”. Washington still dispatched additional warships and a squadron of fighters to the Middle East, and demonstratively conducted a nonstop flight of a B-52 strategic bomber that has the ability to carry nuclear weapons, by doing so intending to “intimidate Tehran”. In addition, on December 21 a US naval unit entered the Persian Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz that included a USS Georgia (SSGN 729) Ohio-class submarine, which carries up to 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles and is capable of taking on board up to 66 special operations service personnel, as well as two Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruisers: a USS Port Royal (CG 73) and a USS Philippine Sea (CG 58). Previously, at the end of November, a USS Nimitz (CVN-68) aircraft carrier was sent off the Persian Gulf “to help contain the enemy”; this was rationalized by the need “to have additional defensive capabilities in the region in case of any unforeseen circumstances”. As far as Israel goes, it clearly fears a “retaliation strike” from Iran since, given the Jewish state’s modest size, a successful attack on it could actually terminate its existence. This is especially true if the strike were to hit the Dimona Nuclear Research Center, which is considered to be the site where Israeli nuclear weapons originated; Tel Aviv neither confirms nor denies that the center exists. Incidentally, Ayatollah Mohammad-Ali Movahedi Kermani already delivered a warning to Israel that “if Iran decides to put up resistance, then one missile strike on the Dimona reactor would be enough”. It is clear that Iranian missiles will not really be launched at Dimona, since this is fraught with consequences that entail nuclear contamination and destruction not only for Israel, but for Iran and quite a few neighboring countries across the region. And that is why the Iranian media occasionally names another target: the Israeli city of Haifa. Israel, fearing the hysteria itself that potential military action could unleash, in a speech made by IDF Chief of General Staff Aviv Kochavi on December 21 cautioned Iran not to attack Israel, stating that “the Jewish state will retaliate against any aggression”. Along with that, A. Kohavi evidently pointedly forgot to mention that it is not Iran, but Israel itself, that has already demonstrated its aggressive stance toward the Islamic Republic to the whole world by organizing and initiating acts of terrorism and assassinations – and not only against nuclear physicist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. After all, this is far from the first time that Iranian scientists and leading representatives from Iranian society have been killed by an Israeli act of terrorism. For example, in Tehran, five nuclear physicists have been assassinated recently – and this specifically includes Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam, the architect of Iran’s ballistic missile program. All this points to the systematic destruction of the best Iranian scientists employed in the defense industry, which is being accomplished by the international community with impunity. This series of assassinations of prominent Iranian scientists, politicians, and military personnel – who ended up being unacceptable for the United States and Israel – substantiates the suspicions first voiced long ago that Western intelligence services and Israel have adopted the terrorist practice of eliminating key personnel and various prominent figures in those countries with which they are at war; this is done to weaken their defense systems and technological potential. In addition to the words it speaks to help deter Tehran, Tel Aviv has taken a series of measures to test the combat readiness of its army against any potential foreign attacks, and is active about consulting with Washington – especially with representatives from the Pentagon – about how to work out joint coordination for the two countries to take military action against Iran. In particular, large-scale, unprecedented exercises came to an end in December, during which the capabilities of the three levels of Israel’s anti-missile defense (ABM) systems to neutralize various air threats were put to the test. Senior Israel Defense Forces officers, according to the Internet publication Breaking Defense, held “negotiations on coordination work” with their counterparts in the US Central Command (CENTCOM, which includes the Middle East) to bolster cooperation between the armed forces in the two countries “against Iran possibly taking revenge in the region”. According to this publication, the IDF has reached its highest degree of readiness, in particular with regard to repelling “some of the 140,000 missiles that Iran-backed Hezbollah has in Lebanon, and the Houthi rebels in Yemen”. At the same time, it has been reported that although the Israeli command does not disclose the details about how it prepares for war, its tactical and operational anti-missile defense systems, and long-range missile systems, are still on high alert. In addition, as reported by The Times of Israel, on December 17, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley arrived in Israel as part of his Middle East tour to discuss the threat that Iran poses to Washington’s allies, including the Jewish state. As part of preventive measures taken against the armed situation in the region potentially escalating, Israel began to actively spread out its naval fleet around Iran. An Israeli Navy Dolphin-class (Type 800) submarine carrying cruise missiles on board passed through the Suez Canal, and on December 21 demonstratively surfaced in the Persian Gulf, in the waters that stretch between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Dolphin is a series of German modified diesel-electric submarines that are specially designed for Israel, and which have from 6-10 torpedo tubes. Besides torpedoes, they are armed with mines and Popeye Turbo SLCM cruise missiles that have a range of up to 1,500 km, and are capable of carrying nuclear charges with a capacity of up to 200 kilotons launched from torpedo tubes. The Israelis regularly keep at least two of their submarines.in the Indian Ocean, in the immediate vicinity of the Persian Gulf. Today, in the assessments made by numerous experts, there is reason to presume that in January 2021, before Donald Trump leaves the White House, a joint American-Israeli missile strike could be launched against Iran, primarily to neutralize Iran’s air defense systems, as well as its nuclear industry facilities. However, while ramping up the degree of military tension in the region Tel Aviv and Washington cannot help but clearly see that Iran does not intend to attack either the United States or Israel. Iran is not in an ideal condition to wage war now, since its economy is seriously undermined by the restrictive measures imposed on its oil sales abroad, as well as by the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, the deficit inflicting its national budget, and the weakening of its national currency. Yes, military operations “against American and Israeli aggressors” can raise patriotic sentiments in the Islamic Republic for a certain period, but they would quickly drain the Iranian economy and militaristic zeal. In addition, hoping for a change in the attitude taken toward it after the White House administration changes, for political and economic reasons it would now be clearly disadvantageous for Tehran to carry out any large-scale “retaliatory strike”. Therefore, the maximum that Tehran is capable of doing today, without causing itself significant damage, is to carry out a special operation against the Israelis involved in the murder of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh – or to inflict a targeted strike on American facilities in the region through its “proxies”. As for the United States, Israel, and their allies taking military action against Iran right now, it should be kept in mind that the Islamic Republic, despite all its existing economic problems, is a pretty tough nut to crack in terms of its military, and aggression against it would have serious costs. And this cost is obviously unacceptable for either Trump or Netanyahu, who intend to keep pursuing their political careers.
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letsvisitpersia · 7 months
Are you thinking of traveling to Iran? These are the most important cities and attractions that you must see on your trip to Iran.
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theplaylistfilm · 5 years
Attn NYC: @FilmLinc's FREE Summer 50th Mixtape: Free Double Features is awesome. 📽️🎞️🍿
June 27 – Cléo from 5 to 7 (6pm) and The Portrait of a Lady (9pm) July 11 – Two English Girls (6pm) and Mulholland Dr. (8:45pm) July 18 – Come Drink with Me (6pm) and The Assassin (8pm) July 25 – The Leopard (6pm) and Happy as Lazzaro (9:30pm) August 1 – Stalker (6pm) and High Life (9:15pm) August 8 – School Daze (6pm) and Sorry to Bother You (8:30pm) August 15 – Nocturama (6pm) and Burning (8:45pm) August 22 – demonlover (6pm) and Elle (8:45pm) August 29 – Velvet Goldmine (6pm) and Her Smell (8:30pm) September 5 – Three Times (6pm) and Moonlight (8:30pm) September 11 – Audience Choice! (Voting to launch June 27.)
More details
June 21
Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, USA, 2019, 119m With the peerless style and rich perspective on Black America she brought to such acclaimed novels as Beloved, The Bluest Eye, and Song of Solomon, Toni Morrison has earned a reputation as one America’s greatest living writers. Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am is an artful and intimate documentary about Morrison’s life and work—from her working class upbringing in Lorain, Ohio, and her 1970s-era book tours with Muhammad Ali, to the front lines with Angela Davis and her own riverfront writing room—and the countless people she has inspired. Featuring interviews with Oprah Winfrey, Angela Davis, Hilton Als, Fran Lebowitz, and Morrison herself. A Magnolia Pictures release.
Filmmaker in person opening weekend!
June 28
The Plagiarists Peter Parlow, USA, 2019, 76m Co-written by experimental filmmakers James N. Kienitz Wilkins and Robin Schavoir, The Plagiarists is at once a hilarious send-up of low-budget American indie filmmaking and a probing inquiry into race, relationships, and the social uncanny. A young novelist (Lucy Kaminsky) and her cinematographer boyfriend (Eamon Monaghan) are waylaid by a snowstorm on their way to visit a friend in upstate New York and are taken in by the kindly yet enigmatic Clip (Michael “Clip” Payne of Parliament Funkadelic), who puts them up for the night. But an accidental discovery months later recasts in an unnerving light what had seemed like an agreeable evening, stoking resentments both latent and not-so-latent. Exhilaratingly intelligent and distinctively shot on a vintage TV-news camera, The Plagiarists is a work whose provocations are inseparable from its pleasures. A 2019 New Directors/New Films selection. A KimStim release.
Filmmakers in person opening weekend!
July 12
Rojo Benjamín Naishtat, Argentina/Brazil/France/Netherlands/Germany/Belgium/Switzerland, 2018, 109m English and Spanish with English subtitles In mid-’70s Argentina, at the height of that country’s infamous Dirty War, Claudio (Darío Grandinetti) is a well-heeled, cool-headed lawyer living with his wife and teenage daughter in a comfortable provincial suburb. When an innocuous dinner date ends in a startling altercation with a stranger, Claudio’s apparently placid lifestyle is disrupted, and fault lines begin to appear in the frictionless surface of his professional and domestic existence. What follows is a brooding, warm-hued fugue, where political calculations, economic stratagems, and tenuous social mores are played out with slow-burning ferocity against a harmonic bassline of barely repressed indignation and simmering paranoia. A Distrib Films release.
August 2
La Flor Mariano Llinás, Argentina, 2018, 803m (screening in 4 parts) A decade in the making, Mariano Llinás’s follow-up to his 2008 cult classic Extraordinary Stories is an unrepeatable labor of love and madness that redefines the concept of binge-viewing. The director himself appears at the start to preview the six disparate episodes that await, each starring the same four remarkable actresses: Elisa Carricajo, Valeria Correa, Pilar Gamboa, and Laura Paredes. Overflowing with nested subplots and whiplash digressions, La Flor shape-shifts from a B-movie to a musical to a spy thriller to a category-defying metafiction—all of them without endings—to a remake of a very well-known French classic and, finally, to an enigmatic period piece that lacks a beginning (granted, all notions of beginnings and endings become fuzzy after 14 hours). An adventure in scale and duration, La Flor is a marvelously entertaining exploration of the possibilities of fiction that lands somewhere close to its outer limits. An NYFF56 selection. A Grasshopper Film release.
Filmmaker in person opening weekend!
Part 1: 203m / Part 2: 188m / Part 3: 205m / Part 4: 207m
Parts 1 & 2 screen August 2-8 and parts 3 & 4 screen August 9-15; check filmlinc.org for more details.
Piranhas / La paranza dei bambini Claudio Giovannesi, Italy, 2019, 112m Italian with English subtitles The latest from Claudio Giovannesi (Fiore) is this singular coming-of-age story that won the Silver Bear for Best Screenplay at the Berlin Film Festival. Newcomer Francesco Di Napoli stars as 15-year-old Nicola, who leads a pack of cocksure hellions captivated by the lifestyle of the local Camorra as they descend into the violent, paranoid world of Naples’s dominant crime group. Based on the novel by Roberto Saviano, who co-wrote the screenplay and mined similar territory in his devastating Gomorrah, Piranhas is a haunting reflection on doomed adolescence. A 2019 Open Roads selection. A Music Box Films release.
August 16
What You Gonna Do When the World’s on Fire? Roberto Minervini, Italy/USA/France, 2018, 123m Italian-born, American South–based filmmaker Roberto Minervini’s follow-up to his Texas Trilogy is a portrait of African-Americans in New Orleans struggling to maintain their unique cultural identity and to find social justice. Shot in very sharp black and white, the film is focused on Judy, trying to keep her family afloat and save her bar before it’s snapped up by speculators; Ronaldo and Titus, two brothers growing up surrounded by violence and with a father in jail; Kevin, trying to keep the glorious local traditions of the Mardi Gras Indians alive; and the local Black Panthers, trying to stand up against a new, deadly wave of racism. This is a passionately urgent and strangely lyrical film experience. An NYFF56 selection. A KimStim release.
August 23
Genesis Philippe Lesage, Canada, 2018, 130m French with English subtitles Following his autobiographical 2015 narrative debut The Demons, Philippe Lesage continues to chronicle the life of young Felix (Édouard Tremblay-Grenier), now diverging to capture the romantic trials and tribulations of two Quebecois teen siblings. While the charismatic, Salinger-reading Guillaume (Théodore Pellerin) wrestles with his sexual identity at his all-boys boarding school, the more ostensibly grown-up Charlotte (Noée Abita) discovers the casual cruelty of the adult world that awaits her post-graduation. Lesage and his young actors depict the aches of becoming oneself with nuance, honesty, and compassion, and the result is one of the most beautiful coming-of-age stories in years. A 2019 New Directors/New Films selection. A Film Movement release.
August 30
The Load Ognjen Glavonić, Serbia/France/Croatia/Iran/Qatar, 2018, 98m Serbian with English subtitles Ognjen Glavonić’s wintry road movie concerns a truck driver (Leon Lucev) tasked with transporting mysterious cargo across a scorched landscape from Kosovo to Belgrade during the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. A companion piece to the director’s 2016 documentary Depth Two, The Load is a work of enveloping atmosphere that puts a politically charged twist on the highway thrillers it recalls: Henri-Georges Clouzot’s The Wages of Fear and William Friedkin’s retelling, Sorcerer. The streamlined premise gives way to a slow-dawning reckoning, in which implications of guilt and complicity slowly but surely sink in. A 2019 New Directors/New Films selection. A Grasshopper Film release.
September 6
Say Amen, Somebody George T. Nierenberg, USA, 1982, 101m One of the most acclaimed music documentaries of all time, Say Amen, Somebody is George T. Nierenberg’s exuberant, funny, and deeply moving celebration of 20th-century American gospel music. With unrivaled access to the movement’s luminaries, Thomas Dorsey and Mother Willie Mae Ford Smith, Nierenberg masterfully records their fascinating stories alongside earth-shaking, show-stopping performances by the Barrett Sisters, the O’Neal Twins, and others. As much a fascinating time capsule as it is a peerless concert movie, Say Amen, Somebody returns to Film at Lincoln Center in a gorgeous 4K restoration by Milestone Films, with support from the National Museum of African American History and Culture. An NYFF20 selection. A Milestone Films release.
New releases are organized by Dennis Lim and Florence Almozini.
More details, tickets and more.
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gurodoyi-blog · 5 years
Madagascar Visa on Arrival Help!
Desiring to learn more about the world usually includes travel restrictions and visa problems.  A whole lot of folks know English, clearly, but a great deal of instructions, media and so forth might be in French.  Get a Malagasy phrasebook, it is going to make life simpler.
The folks of India can benefit from e-visa facility provided by the nation.  Within this true manner, it's quite interesting to explore Canadian passport and the pleasant privileges Canadian citizens are sure to enjoy while flying across the 7 continents of earth.  The country will certainly be going to impress you with its attractiveness.
Finding the Best Madagascar Visa on Arrival Demonstrations may happen.  You are able to get your eVisa for Bahrain from their official site.  Visa on Arrival for Indians is among the most crucial topics for the citizens of India who wish to visit different countries.
Citizens with valid passports of these countries might apply for an Indian e-Tourist Visa. Please be aware there are certain countries that make it possible for you to enter easily in the event that you get a valid UAE residence visa.  Among the most fascinating West African country without needing to make an application for a visa is Ghana.
The continent is mostly packed with Western Cordillera a massive mountain formation.  With over 170,000 islands and 240 million people, it gives an incredible tourism experience.  Inhabited islands can be quite conservative and should you go, you will need to act based on the regional ways.
The Unexposed Secret of Madagascar Visa on Arrival While a few of these countries need you to get a visa immediately on arrival, some allow you stay for a predetermined period before you're going to be asked to get a visa, and a few will not even need you to get a visa, however long you spend.  On exiting Thailand, you are going to have to experience the passport control.  The small known Vanuata is another country you'll be able to explore without needing to make an application for a visa permit.
It is based on the country of your passport.  All western passport holders are entitled to a visa on arrival.  Now is a great time to have a global passport if you don't have one yet, as now you may see the list of visa-free countries for Ghana passport holders.
Haiti is among the most visited tourist destinations around the world.   IRAN Iran is situated in West Asia.  This South American country is a terrific destination for those who seek adventure.
Fiji is another top destination for travellers which don't wish to experience the rigours of requesting a visa.  Unfortunately, there's no Vietnam Embassy or Consulate in Madagascar at the present time.  Asia is undoubtedly the biggest and most populous continent on earth.
| There's no need to attend an embassy or consulate to finish a visa application beforehand.  So, no visa is obligatory for Indians to go to Nepal.  If your visa was denied, you might discover helpful information on Ineligibilities and Waivers on usvisas.state.gov.
Citizens with valid passports of these countries might apply for an Indian e-Tourist Visa. Please be aware there are certain countries that make it possible for you to enter easily in the event that you get a valid UAE residence visa.  Also, some countries may not demand a visa irrespective of the length of time you stay.
The Pain of Madagascar Visa on Arrival Even though a visa can at times be a must in order to be in a position to travel somewhere, it doesn't always guarantee you will enter that country since the border guard makes the last call.  Otherwise, it is possible to also elect for visa on arrival facility.  If you submit an application for a Visa on Arrival at the airport, you get to prevent any pre-trip hassle, but you will need to file your visa application and produce the payment at the airport itself.
The immigration window is just for those who already have the visa.  Based on the queue, you may have to wait up to two hours ahead of your visa is ready. Passport is a requirement and has to be valid for three or more months from date of arrival.
The Honest to Goodness Truth on Madagascar Visa on Arrival Thailand entry requirements are quite apparent.  All nationalities are qualified for the eVisa and the application only requires a couple of minutes.  In fact, lots of countries don't allow entry without a visa issued ahead of time.
If you're planning a worldwide trip, you will need to acquire your visa and other documentation right.  After document check, you will be provided a token number.  There are a lot of requirements that you'll need to fulfill in order to get a visa and they vary from nation to nation.
Madagascar Visa on Arrival - Is it a Scam? The economy of the nation is not too stable and the purchasing power of the citizens is quite low.  Within this true manner, it's quite interesting to explore Canadian passport and the pleasant privileges Canadian citizens are sure to enjoy while flying across the 7 continents of earth.  Travelling to Fiji is an excellent idea if you're attempting to choose a holiday that everybody in the family will love.
Ruthless Madagascar Visa on Arrival Strategies Exploited Thirty days visa is going to be granted at no cost on arrival, which will be extendable for the identical period.  Keep in mind your stay doesn't exceed 15-30 days.  It's possible to stay up to 90 days in Haiti and as expected you should have the ability to show that you're going to be returning at the conclusion of your journey.
Haiti is among the most visited tourist destinations around the world.   IRAN Iran is situated in West Asia.  This South American country is a terrific destination for those who seek adventure.
If you've got your evisa, then arriving via Libreville International Airport is the sole option to go into the country.  It's thought to be among the safest of the island destinations.  It is suggested to travel through Madagascar with a skilled tour operator if it's your very first time visiting.
Madagascar Visa on Arrival: the Ultimate Convenience! The continent is mostly packed with Western Cordillera a massive mountain formation.  Madagascar isn't a quick, one-week holiday you must give yourself a whole lot of time to find the island.  It's a self-governing island below the influence of Britain.
| The economy of the nation is not too stable and the purchasing power of the citizens is quite low.  Within this true manner, it's quite interesting to explore Canadian passport and the pleasant privileges Canadian citizens are sure to enjoy while flying across the 7 continents of earth.  The country will certainly be going to impress you with its attractiveness.
Things You Should Know About Madagascar Visa on Arrival Haiti is among the most visited tourist destinations around the world.   Traveling to visa-free and visa-on-arrival countries won't only enable your budget but in addition make it relatively simple to plan a vacation.  This South American country is a terrific destination for those who seek adventure.
All visitors to Madagascar are required to obtain a visa to enter the nation.  It's thought to be among the safest of the island destinations.  It is suggested to travel through Madagascar with a skilled tour operator if it's your very first time visiting.
The 30-Second Trick for Madagascar Visa on Arrival For more details, you may visit Niue official immigration site.  To submit an application for the eVisa, you merely will need to enter information like your name, address, date of birth, passport information, and travel plans.  After providing all of the documentation, travelers are requested to wait.
The neighborhood music is outstanding.  A whole lot of folks know English, clearly, but a great deal of instructions, media and so forth might be in French.  Get a Malagasy phrasebook, it is going to make life simpler.
The continent is mostly packed with Western Cordillera a massive mountain formation.  Madagascar isn't a quick, one-week holiday you must give yourself a whole lot of time to find the island.  It's a self-governing island below the influence of Britain.
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tappersia · 6 years
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Dubai tour
Dubai has transformed from a humble fishing village to one of the most cosmopolitan and innovative cities in the world today. Tracing its origins back to 3,000 BC, Dubai's inhabitants made their livelihood from fishing, pearl diving, boat building and sea trading, before the discovery of oil in the late 1960s. In 1971, Dubai joined its neighbours to form the United Arab Emirates, safeguarding the area's prosperity.
At first glance, flashy Dubai looks decadent and indecently expensive, but beneath the excesses of the modern metropolis lies a once-modest pearl-trading settlement, still visible between the behemoth buildings and monstrous malls. Even in the new city there are things to do and see cheaply or for free.
Best things to do in Dubai 
Ayyam Gallery
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Since it was founded in 2006, the impressive Ayyam Gallery – which operates across two blue-chip venues in Dubai and runs a third gallery in Beirut
– has showcased brilliant contemporary art by emerging artists from the Middle East. Check the website for details of exhibitions, which are typically free to access and usually thought-provoking. 
Camel Museum
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Beit Al Rekkab (House of Camels) celebrates camels and the role these ‘ships of the desert’ play in Arabic history, culture and literature. When Dubai was just a creek-side settlement, camels were everything to the Bani Yas Bedouin, from beast of burden and status symbol to provider of milk and medicine (camel urine can cure ulcers and alopecia, apparently), racing animals as well.
Dubai Museum
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Al Fahidi Fort, completed in 1787, is the oldest structure in this ever-evolving city – and the former palace and prison now houses Dubai Museum. Inside,
you can learn about Dubai’s past as a pearl-trading settlement and witness the incredible scale of change since 1960, when the modern metropolis began erupting from the sand. Items include instruments and weapons, and displays incorporate souqs, dhows and pearl- diving.
Jaddaf dhow-building yard 
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Nothing quite says Arabia like a dhow – the iconic sailing vessels that have plied the waters around the peninsula for hundreds of years. These ships are still made by hand in a traditional boat yard
in Jaddaf, across the water from Dubai Festival City. Watch artisans working their magic with teak and sheesham wood – using just hammer, saw, chisel, drill and plane – as they have done for time immemorial. Free.
Sheikh Saeed Al Maktoum House
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The former home of the current Emir of Dubai’s grandfather, this palace is now a museum (5a) where a fantastic photography display tells the tale of Dubai’s metamorphosis from Bedouin settlement to modern metropolis. The building itself is an architectural gem and has an ingenious inbuilt pre-air- conditioning cooling system. Nearby, find the Heritage and Diving Villages (5b), both of which are free-entry displays exploring Dubai’s pearl-diving history. Al Shindagha Heritage Village, Bur Dubai;
Indie screen scene 
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Not everyone in Dubai likes blockbusters in characterless multiplexes. The Scene Club meets monthly to screen the cream of world cinema, discuss the films’ themes and provide a networking platform for people interested and involved in independent filmmaking. These sessions typically take place in the main auditorium of the conference centre in Dubai Knowledge Village – just join the group online and register for a free ticket. thesceneclub.com; free.
Rooftop cinema
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Free films are screened under the
stars every Sunday at a rooftop cinema amid the gardens that top Dubai’s Egyptian-themed mall. The movies start rolling at 8.30pm, but rock up early to bag yourself a beanbag and a prime spot. Popcorn, hotdogs and beverages are available at Dubai’s standard scary prices, but at least the flick is free. pyramidsrestaurantsatwafi.com; Pyramids Rooftop Gardens, Wafi Mall, Oud Metha Rd; from 8.30pm Sun; free.
Al Fahidi Historic District 
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Whenever the futuristic glitz of the modern city loses its shine, go for a head- clearing wander through this historic ’hood, formerly known as Bastakia, and take a peek at Dubai’s past. This traditional Arabic area was settled by wealthy pearl traders and textile merchants from Bastak, Iran, in the late 19th-century, and its winding alleyways are now home to galleries in restored houses, bustling cafes and cool boutique hotels.
Beach life in Dubai
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If you’re not staying in a hotel based at a beach, you can either pay to use beach parks, or hit the free public beaches, which generally have fewer facilities. Burj Beach (11a) is gratis, with good views of Burj Al Arab, and Jumeirah Beach (11b) has a new 14km-long corniche running through it, which is perfect for running or walking. Public beaches have barbecues that cost about Dh5 to use. 24hr; admission free.
Take a yoga class
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The augmented reality of life in Dubai’s air-conditioned cityscape may leave you in need of some mental readjustment. If so, consider stretching out to the voluntary Friends of Yoga organisation, which runs free yoga classes every day at 5.30am and 7.30pm at 13 locations around the UAE, including Deira Creek, Bur Dubai Creek, Zabeel Park, JLT Park and Internet City.
Palm Jumeirah
Even if your budget doesn’t quite extend to staying in one of the eye- wateringly expensive hotels that dot
the Palm Jumeirah, you can still go island hopping on this artificial archipelago that blooms out into the Persian Gulf. Walk up the tree for free, or you could splash just a little cash on a return ticket for the monorail (palm-monorail.com; Dh25) that runs right along the trunk of this man- made marvel.
Street nights
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A community-based celebration of street culture, this award-winning festival embarks on an annual mission to entice people out of Dubai’s colossal air-conditioned malls and into the open, using live music, a line-up of street-food- style restaurants and the largest gathering of artists in the UAE, who get busy turning walls and fences into a canvas. Keep an eye on the website for details of the next event
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letsvisitpersia · 7 months
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Traveling on a budget doesn’t mean reducing the quality or missing out on an important part or experience.
By making smart choices and prioritizing cost-effective options, you can make the most of your travel budget and have an unforgettable trip to Iran.
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dubaitourpackage · 3 years
For Indians, Turkey is a land rich in history and colourful culture, filled with archaeological wonders, pristine beaches, and exotic, flavourful cuisines. It is a transcontinental country, bordered by Greece, Iran, Iraq, Bulgaria, Syria, and Armenia. At the same time, it cradles the Mediterranean Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea. All this makes it the place to be, for a perfect holiday for solo travellers, honeymooners, and families alike, with customized Turkey tour packages or Europe tour packages.
When you think of Turkey, you think of whirling dervishes, open-air markets, colourful hot air balloons dotting the skies, handwoven carpets with intricate designs, and all the many types of kebabs you’ll get to feast on. So with Turkey packages, why not explore all of it and more that turkey has to offer to its travellers on their Turkey trip.
Choose a departure city for your Turkey trip - Turkey Tour Packages from Ahmedabad, Turkey Tours from Bangalore, Turkey Holiday Packages from Chennai, Turkey Packages from Delhi, Turkey Packages from Hyderabad, Turkey Packages from Mumbai, Turkey Packages from Pune
Choose a theme for your Turkey Package -Turkey Honeymoon Packages, Turkey Family Packages, Turkey Beach Packages, Turkey Adventure Packages, Turkey Budget Packages, Turkey Luxury Packages
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tasteiran-blog · 4 years
Book Your Iran Tour Packages for a Hassle-free Trip
There are different stories we have heard about Iran from different sources. Traditional and unconventional,religious and extremely surprising, many people think that Iran is not a place for the tour. Let us clarify all those misconceptions. We must tell you that you haven’t heard the real side of Iran yet.
Book one of your required to book online Iran tour packages and explore the country with your family and friends. We would tell you that you will have a lifetime experience. However, you must find a reliable tour operator that can make your trip a big success. With their expert local guides, you can able to discover all the highlights of Iran such as the Golestan Palace, the Zoroastrian Fire Temple, Esfahan’s bustling bazaars,and much more. We ensure that you will experience modern Iran that you won’t get from your average news bulletin.
Iran is a place of opaque and mystery. Many prejudices are based on theirmisperception with the Arab world. The Persian Empire stretched from Greece to India with a vast ancient tolerant culture. There is a great history associated with Iran that you can also able to explore during Iran tours.
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With passing time, Iran became one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world. It is the place of lively bazaars, magnificent architecture, and mountain villages with a new, welcoming, and open population currently. We can understand that everyone is now so familiar with this place, but your Iran tours will take you beyond the rhetoric intoone of the best cultures of the world. All you just need to get in touch with a professional tour operator and book one of your Iran tour packages.
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In other words, you have to hire a professional tour operator for your Iran toursas you cannot envisage all possible problems which can occur. However, one of your Iran tour packagescan solve it. By hiring a reliable and expert tour operator, rest assured that you are in a safe hand. You won’t need to worry about anything and you just need to sit back and let them handle your trip.
They can arrange everything including transportation, hotels, tour guides, and the places you want to visit according to your budget and preferences. You can also tell them the places you want to explore. These tour packages are completely tailored. 
For the best yet affordable Iran tour packages.
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