#ironically this was the first ever piece of art i did of sol so some aspects of their design have since been tweaked or fixed LOL
grayscaleearts · 1 month
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i realized i never actually shared my attempt at my human in the official palia artstyle! sometimes you just want to give your character an "official" character card to match the characters in the game hehehe
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pandamintcats · 2 hours
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Light and dark mode side by side
The line between the light and the dark is so thin. Now, I am that line? I never asked but here I am. They say to become a Guardian you must show devotion, bravery, sacrifice and... Death... It's funny how I don't remember me, the life I had before this. I was chosen, but why?
I remember when I thought the light was my only guide. The enemies I once sought to destroy have become my greatest allies... Friends. The force that destroyed me has given me hope... [Laughs] I never knew the universe was a comedian.
The light, the dark, the gardener, the winnower... So different yet so same. I was fool, blind, naive... I was led by my eyes and not my heart. I think I see now but I am blinder than I ever was. I stand here, troubled but joyed that this war may finally be over. I am no fool that wars can never end, but I would die knowing I ended one so the youth may live.
I am no defender of the light or fighter of the dark. I am a defender of Humanity. I am a Guardian forged in light, given a power to survive and took a power to protect. I am not division between paracausuality. I am just human who has forgotten the bitter taste of death. Now it grips me but I will not fear.
The coming days draw nearer but I will not quiver. I have dove into the Dark below, dinned with the House of Wolves, taken the Taken King, risen like the Iron Lords, been forsaken by my greatest allies, walked between the shadows, leaped beyond the light, killed the Witch Queen, watched my light fall and now I will stop the Final Shape. I was chosen to protect and I will even if I breath my last breath.
I shall Become Legend.
This is the light version of the poster. Enjoy!! Link to the dark version. I am currently not selling this piece as a poster of any sort. Anyone who sells this to you is most likely a scam. Please beware!
I finally did it. I did my first ever fan-art for a video game and for Destiny.
The Final Shape Trailer came out a few days ago and I ran almost immediately out of my mind. I didn't start the game early but I always knew about it and now I'm here God willing, watching it's first saga come to an end.
Unfortunately, I wouldn't be among other guardians in this war. I really wanted to be but I currently can't until maybe later next year or if the game decides to be nice and go on sale during my next summer🤣. I can't be affording such right now so I might as well empower other guardians to fight for me. I'll be around Sol in the crucible or most likely Gambit helping however I can and with this poster art, I think I've done enough😂.
Destiny has come so far from when I first ever saw it. It's like watching a child grow. Ironically it's not even my favorite game but it has a special place in my heart. I don't want to rant anymore so I'll just cut to the chase. I wouldn't be posting any new art for some time... I'd be having exams soon. Well, that's all from me guys. I am extremely proud of myself and the game.
Eye's up guardians!
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lavendersoft · 4 years
My Soulmate’s Soulmate.
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Part: 8
Soulmate! AU
Synopsis: Before you meet your soulmate your world is black and white, without color. When soulmates meet, their world glows with vibrancy. The reality, however, as harsh and uncommon as it is, is that you are not always your soulmate’s soulmate.
Pairings: Jungkook x Reader, Taehyung x Reader, Jungkook x Taehyung (poly!au)
Warnings: N/A.
Author’s Notes: Guys. I’m so sorry I’ve left yall hanging for so long. College life is so stressful and finals are right around the corner so I've spent most of my time doing nothing but school. Anyways, I’m gonna try to get back on my grind and update more for yall. ily.
It’s been two months since your initial date with Tae.
It’s been relaxing, almost. Any negative feelings toward the man have slowly but surely dissipated since getting to know him personally. You pride yourself in calling it progress.
He really is the sweetest man- besides Jungkook, of course- you’ve ever met. He‘s funny too, in the cute sort of way. He has the sense of humor of a sarcastic angsty teen with a hint of wholesomeness that he tries to hide.
He’s passionate about his art, a borderline workaholic. When either you or Jungkook call him, nine times out of ten he’s in his studio working on a piece that “piqued his interest for the minute.”
He‘s thoughtful. He’s taken Jungkook out on multiple dates as well as yourself. Every time Jungkook comes back from one of their dates, he’s star-struck. He’d be in the best of moods, humming to himself while he puts on a love song playlist and dances with you around the living room. You haven’t seen him so giggly since the two of you started dating, like a teenager in love.
You think there might be genuine feelings between the three of you, that’s what keeps you so relaxed about your (some would say) unfortunate situation.
There are quandaries, as there would be in such a unique relationship. Bouts of jealousy erupt during the most random times. You remember about a week ago you caught yourself from slapping Taehyung’s hand away from Jungkook’s thigh while you all sat together on the couch, watching some cheesy rom-com.  The instinct came over you like a flash when out of the corner of your eye you saw Tae make the move. Jungkook had welcomed the skinship, obviously, opting to place his own hand on top of Tae’s. Clenching your jaw, you wiggle your way in just a little bit further into Jungkook’s side. You wonder if the last of this petty jealousy will disappear after a while. You don’t think that these feelings are directed at Taehyung personally. They were just fleeting instincts, not something that irks you constantly, like in the very beginning.
Just petty jealousy... that's all.
Tonight’s the big night. Jungkook had asked you if you were ready to take the next step last night.
“More ready than I’ll ever be.” You told him.
He was ecstatic at your answer and had instantly pulled out his phone to invite Tae over for dinner the following night, which was tonight.
You don’t know why you’re so nervous. His answer could only really be one thing. Yes. But that doesn’t stop your mind from brewing up things to worry about.
What if he says it’s too soon? What if he wants to keep it an open relationship? What if both you and Jungkook have been reading the signs all wrong?
What if he doesn’t feel anything romantic toward Jungkook? That was your biggest fear, as well as Jungkook’s probably.
“You're anxious,” Jungkook really could read you like a book. “You’re fidgeting.”
“I just want tonight to go perfectly. He has to be as comfortable as possible.” You reply as you toss the salad for the thirtieth time. 
“I agree. Maybe we should break out the alcohol?” He’s only joking but you actually think spiking your own drink might be the best option.
“The marinara sauce is burning.” He observes the red tomato sauce bubble over the pot.
“Shit.” You hiss, you’d totally forgotten while in your panic.
“It’s okay, Angel, I got it.” He chuckles, passing by you to the stove, stirring the pot, “Just relax. Everything will go fine.”
It has to. If it doesnt it might just be the end of your relationship, the one you’ve worked so hard to keep alive.
The light knock at the door pulls you out of your dark thoughts and back into reality. Jungkook gasps excitedly before pecking you on the cheek.
“I’ll get it!” He declares while padding over to the door. It swings open to reveal a tired but handsome Taehyung.
“Hey, Baby!”
A shiver runs down your spine when the word reaches your ears. Your movements freeze in pure shock.
“Hi, Babe.”
When did they start calling each other pet names?
You shake it off as quickly as it came. When you enter the hallway, Taehyung softly breaks the embrace between the two men to greet you.
“Sweetheart.”  He greets with a drowsy smile, pulling you into a tight squeeze.
“You hungry? I made spaghetti! Well, tried to.” You chuckle at your poor excuse for pasta.
“I’m starving. Haven't eaten since yesterday.” Taehyung admits, shyly.
“What?!” Both of your reactions were immediate.
“Since yesterday?!” Jungkook gapes.
“Well, it’s just I’ve been working on so many projects late-” His excuse falls short when Jungkook proceeds to guide Tae toward the dining room.
“That’s no excuse! No wonder you look so exhausted!” You begin to feel like a nagging mother but you just couldn't help it. You did care for the silver-haired artist and it pained you to know he wasn't properly taking care of himself. 
The ladle in your hand moves quicker than any kitchen utensil should, making Tae a plate first and foremost.
“Eat, please.” When the plate is set in front of him, he digs in.
“I didn’t even realize how hungry I was until about five minutes ago.” He beams with a mouthful of food. You can’t help but smile at how childlike he could be. He could be so cute when he wasn’t being a brooding sex god.
“Have you taken any breaks lately? When was the last time you slept?” Jungkook inquires. Tae purses his lips in thought, tapping his finger on his chin.
“Let’s see...I just left the studio about an hour ago, but I went straight to my house to shower so I could meet you guys. Before that, I was working for about thirteen hours and don’t think I took a significant break that entire time. So thirteen hours ago?” 
You could practically spot the exact moment Jungkook stops himself from banging his own head on the dining room table. 
“You’ve been working since six this morning?” You try to make your voice less accusatory this time.
“Yep. And I’ve finally finished that piece I’ve been working on for a week now! Jimin says we already have bids on it!” He’s glowing with pride, his smile lighting up the room so much you can’t even bring yourself to be angry at him.
“Well, congratulations. Now eat.” You joke as you shake your head.
When everyone’s done eating, the room seems a bit more heavy. The question in your head keeps growing until there’s no room for any other thoughts. Jungkook seems to be getting on fine though, as he reminisces on the last date they shared. Taehyung had taken him on one of his motorcycles. Jungkook couldn't stop talking about it for days, he had so much fun. You were genuinely happy for him.
You didn't realize you were biting your lip until Tae turned his attention to you,
“Got something you’d like to share with the class?” He jokes, gently nudging your calf with his foot.
Jungkook exchanges a quick look and a confident nod with you.
“Yeah, actually.”
“I’m all ears, Love.” His back straightens as if he’s giving you his full, undivided attention.
“So we- Jungkook and I- were thinking that since we all get along so nicely and, you know, we’re like soulmates and what not... um we were thinking-“
“Do you want to date us?” Jungkook blurts out. You deadpan at your impatient boyfriend.
“Uh, what he means is-“
“Absolutely.” You deadpan at your new impatient boyfriend, while Jungkook giggles beside you.
There’s a comfortable moment between the three of you as you all take in what this means. Blocking out all the needless worrying that you’re so good at, you concentrate on the warm feeling rising in your stomach.
"Finally,” Tae chuckles at himself, “It took you guys long enough! I was beginning to wonder if you guys were ever gonna ask me out. I was getting worried.”
“Hey. Being worried is my job.” You fake scold him, tapping him on the shoulder.
There was a silence that you couldn't ignore coming from your soulmate, Jungkook hadn’t even properly reacted when Tae said yes. But the nervousness ended when you saw what looked like tears gathering in his doe eyes.
“I'm so happy.” He says simply, voice slightly strained.
Taglist: @ourwhispersbecomeouranthems​ @fantasyjoon​ @ally22042000​ @ireadfanficsonthisleavemealone​ @embrace-themagic​ @lexi-tries-art​ @ccmemoirs​ @just-call-me-trash-can​ @karlykim92​ @omg-sol-s-dreamland​ @ironically-indifferent96​ @namjoonsslutakakoreanmanswhore​ @bumblekey93​ @teacuppeach​ @twilight-loveer​ @exochanyeoltao​ @pr1nc355y05h1​ @somiwin​ @ikinya-uwu​ @min-chimchim03
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gypsophiaa · 5 years
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click for better quality!
don’t repost! reblogs appreciated (・ωー)~☆
meet Stella, my Blood Donation / IkeVamp Persona! more detailed description under the cut!
she's not that different from my Cradlesona, but i did change some stuff that are half true irl to make her fit well in the ikevamp universe. i mean i wish i can speak and understand several languages so i downloaded duolingo skskskksks
go make your own Blood Donation! Here's my lil reference you can use, I added some more details to fit in the story :) also, a big thanks to @trulipan for the inspiration of using the character screen!
*disclaimer: the character screen belongs to Cybird, the character info and sprite are fan made :)
Basic Info:
Nicknames: Stella, Sol (Leonardo), Peaches (Arthur and Comte)
Birthday: October 21
Age: 25
Height: 156 cm
Nationality: Filipina
Blood Type: A
Eyes: bluish purple
Hair: gray platinum with bluish tips, short and wavy
Accessories: golden hoop earrings, sunflower pin (a souvenir she bought before arriving to the musee)
Features: beauty mark above her left lip, a fainter mark on her right cheek
Illnesses: sleep deprived (?)
Species: Human
Previous Occupation: Graphic Designer
Occupation: Right-Hand Woman (Assistant)
Arthur Conan Doyle, bickering writing buddy. They often get mistaken as siblings and it peeves them both. Stella dislikes his flirty and teasing personality a lot but she’s more than willing to lend a hand if he starts to run out of ideas (which is NOT her body). He loves to tease her and get her on her toes, which resulted to Sebastian lecturing him quite often. Ironically, they’re close friends
The Count of St. Germain, father-figure. They met when she accidentally dropped her sketch notebook. He complimented how she smelled like peaches and started calling her like that (which Arthur caught wind of and started teasing her for it). He spoils Stella rotten with chocolates, satiating her sweet tooth as much as possible to keep the smile on her face.
Leonardo da Vinci, language mentor. He was impressed when she understood what he was saying in Italian. Then tested her with Latin, German and Spanish. Stella was ecstatic to learn more languages causing his sly advances go over her head (much to everyone else’s relief). She organizes his room as best as she can as thanks.
Theodorus Van Gogh, mortal enemy but not really. He would always refer to her as “Arthur’s little sister” and it would often lead them to constantly bicker. However, both of them share the addicting love for pancakes and will eat it at any time of the day, this was one of the few times where they get along very well. Other times usually involve making Vincent happy and safe. Secretly, however, they look out for each other like actual siblings.
Sebastian, meme buddy. They converse in memes, confusing everyone else, when not too busy in work. She would often ask him historical facts about the others and appreciates him going the extra stretch (she likes listening to his history fanboying). He would also save her from Arthur’s teasing and Theo’s yelling, but sometimes he just stands at the corner and listen to them go mad because he finds it amusing.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, radio (I don’t know how to call it HAHAHAHA). Stella would intentionally pass by near his room just to listen to him play the piano, reminiscing the time where she had a violin. It had always been her dream to hear a live, professional recital of one of his pieces, so hearing him composing new ones just beyond a door made her very happy. Mozart knows she’s listening.
William Shakespeare, neutral but very afraid. Stella avoids him as much as possible, his words are very confusing and deep but she tries her best to understand and remain kind.
Napoleon Bonaparte, older brother figure. He knows her unusually strong peachy scent would attract others and he dedicated himself to protect her. She's probably the most casual one to wake him up — Stella earned the free slap card when he tries to kiss her as thanks for endearing his habit.
Jean D'arc, stranger. She hopes to get to know him better. She would always see him with empty eyes and worries for him. She would often secretly pray for his happiness. Jean knows this.
Osamu Dazai, laugh pill. Though she often gets startled when he enters through windows out of nowhere, its followed by laughter she couldn't control. He likes seeing her laugh and it encourages him to never use the door (much to everyone else's dismay).
Isaac Newton, neutral. They don't speak much. Stella would smile his way whenever she sees him but often receives averting eyes in response and a mutter of hello. She would sometimes lightly hop in Arthur's teases about apples.
Vincent Van Gogh, lover. Stella admires his works since forever and to see him alive and well in person brought tears to her eyes when she realized that everything happening around her was real. Their relationship grew gradually, taking soft steps together until they realized they were in love. She would always sit near him when he's painting at the garden and play with his pet raccoon. She melts when he smiles.
Personality: Artistic and bubbly, she finds beauty in everything. Very expressive, but she keeps a facade when she's sad and it is quite difficult to pin out. She's more than willing to help anyone with whatever she can do. She is easily pleased with the simplest things and gets overwhelmed with gifts. She's usually quiet but if you spark a conversation with her it can go on for a long while, she likes to listen to stories and experiences. She loves to learn different languages and cultures. Can be smart then a dumbass the next moment. Underneath the innocent face is a sultry attitude that she's mastered to control and portray to catch people off guard — though she gets flustered easily when complimented.
Before the Visit to the Louvre: A fresh graduate from BA Multimedia Arts, she earned enough money from commissions to travel to famous museums and relax before starting her work on an international news media site.
Adobong Baboy (A Filipino dish)
All the pets!!
Dressing up!!!
Warm colors
Modern day jokes
Skirt chasers
Being belittled
"Arthur's little sister"
Not knowing what is happening
Being stagnant (not doing anything)
Washing the dishes
Skills and Special Abilities:
Can understand several languages because of her constant travelling, speaks Spanish and Filipino very fluently.
Writes short stories
Can act like a completely different person if needed
Can go for three days without sleep or sleep for three days, no in between.
Inhales food like Kirby, her stomach has a void somewhere and she gets full very rarely.
Plays the violin (when she was a kid, very rusty today)
Paired with:  Vincent Van Gogh
Life in the Mansion: On a daily basis, she helps Sebastian in his duties. Sometimes, she can be found talking business and assessing deals with Theo. She can also be seen in her room rereading Arthur's first manuscripts and editing them. When taking a break, she's sitting by the garden and having tea with le Comte, or watching Vincent paint. She would drop by the library an hour before bed to have a quick foreign language lesson with Leonardo.
Other Info:
She sings when painting very softly, especially when its raining where the pitter patter can drown out her voice.
Cries a lot in her sleep, mostly because of overthinking. She's gotten used to a life where she would be happy for one moment and devastated the next.
She bites. Metaphorically and literally. Arthur got hurt because of it one time.
Bribed easily with sweets — to an extent. She's not that stupid.
Always screams when surprised from behind while quickly whipping around to slap whoever jumped on her. She got a terrible childhood history with those kinds of surprises.
Slaps people by accident when she gets all panicky and will constantly apologize for such a rude habit.
Secretly very horny and has earned a PhD in self control. (Really makes you think that she's actually Arthur's long lost sibling)
She can't smell her peach scent which drives her nuts. A lot of people had told her that since coming in to the mansion. She's never even had peaches before.
The scent grows stronger after sex and bathing, which she found odd because none of the products she uses has peaches as an ingredient. She even uses a different perfume every time but the peach scent still somehow overpowers it.
Vampires are the only ones who can smell the scent, human don't.
Never touch her notebook. Ever. She's insecure about whatever notes and doodles she has. She's hidden it deep in her closet that even she herself forgets.
When questioned why she "doesn't look like a Filipina," she answers with deadpan eyes and a bored look. "We were colonized by the Spaniards for 3 centuries. My grandfather is Spanish." She's tired of being asked often.
Has acted for school plays all her life.
Laughs at everything.
Cries when mad, it adds annoyance to herself.
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lavendersoft · 5 years
My Soulmate’s Soulmate.
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Part seven
Soulmate! AU
Synopsis: Before you meet your soulmate your world is black and white, without color. When soulmates meet, their world glows with vibrancy. The reality, however, as harsh and uncommon as it is, is that you are not always your soulmate’s soulmate.
Pairings: Jungkook x Reader, Taehyung x Reader, Jungkook x Taehyung (poly!au)
Warnings: N/A.
Author’s Notes: N/A.
“It’s me.”
Your feet seem to move on their own, taking you over to your own little part of the gallery.
“Those came to me in a dream one night, actually it was the night after I met you. I couldn’t stop thinking about you, so I drew you. It was the first time I’d ever dreamt in color which was pretty cool.” His hand rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment.
You smirk at his slight awkwardness. You haven’t known him long but still, his nervousness doesn’t suit him. He didn’t seem like the type to get embarrassed easily. This leads you to believe that he’s being completely honest and vulnerable with you.
Your eyes sweep over the little paintings. One, in particular, catches your attention.
“I think this one’s my favorite.” You smile, gesturing to one of the largest pieces. It was a stunning oil painting made with only shades and hues of blue. It featured you, well a dreamlike version of you, being held tightly by a male figure.
But the man has no face.
The arms of the faceless man wrapped around you protectively, the overall emotion seemed almost somber. At first, you instinctively assumed it was Jungkook. In reality, though, you knew what the faceless man represents. 
You frown slightly. Over the years, you’ve learned to trust your boyfriend. You’ve grown steadily more and more confident in your relationship, even after finding out about Jungkook’s persistent color blindness. In the past month, though, it felt like all of your efforts seem to be slipping through your fingers once again. You haven't felt at this much of a loss since that night.
But, last night something changed. There's been a shift.
Emerging back from your thoughts, you turn your attention back to the blue piece. It was beautiful. The shades compliment each other so nicely, but the meaning behind it was desolate.
“That one took the longest. Almost three days to finish.” He confesses.
“Who is he..?”
“He’s whoever you want him to be.”
Both. The faceless man represents both of your lovers.
“You’re really talented.”
“Thank you.” He replied softly.
The space between you both is closed when he steps closer. You didn’t think much of it until you turn from the artwork to face him.
He’s tall.
He’s really tall.
So tall, in fact, that you have to crane your neck to make eye contact. He’s never been this close and you can make out even the smallest details of his face. The beauty mark under his eye and on the tip of his nose, the warm golden brown color of his eyes, and his thick black eyelashes.
The heat from his chest and torso radiates off of him.
Your breath hitches when he brings up a soft hand to gently hold your chin.
You don’t stop him when he leans down and brushes his lips against your own. No, if anything you lean up to meet his advances.
It was a light kiss, no tongue or too much depth, but it was pleasant. Very pleasant.
When he pulls away you almost reach up to grab his neck and stop him, but you don’t.
“I’m sorry. I got carried away.” He genuinely looks guilty when he steps back. “I overstepped, I’m sorry.”
“No, no, don’t be. It was nice.” You can understand how hard it must be to have to keep yourself so distant when your soulmate is literally right in front of you, yet so out of reach. Your heart aches a little for him.
Then, images of Jungkook flash in your mind. He’s going through the same thing.
You can’t help but wonder if it should have been Jungkook to ask Tae on a date, to be here instead.
Then, he’d be the one kissing Tae.
A soft ticking beside you that captures your attention. The clock told 9:37pm.
“Oh, it’s getting late. I should probably head ho-“
You’re interrupted by the opening of the studio door.
A man with pale pink hair and paint-stained hands enters the main studio. He doesn’t even seem to notice the pair in the gallery although the door was still wide open.
He was fiddling with various paint supplies and looked deep in thought.
Taehyung taps you on the shoulder to get your attention before bringing a finger up to his lips, a devious smirk on his face.
He takes a few steps out into the studio with cat-like precision and stealth, until he was right behind the shorter man.
“I thought I told you no more overnight shifts?” Taehyung’s voice was the normal volume but it still made the man jump out of his skin. The tools he was working with falling to the ground.
“What the hell, Taehyung! You scared the shi-“ He freezes in surprise when he turns to see you behind Taehyung, trying to keep yourself from laughing.
“Oh, Hello.”
“Ah, Jimin this is Y/n, my um.. well my soulmate. Y/n, this is Jimin, my best friend and co-worker.” Taehyung introduces the two of you while stretching out a hand for you to take, drawing you closer.
Jimin immediately pulls you in for a hug, ignoring the annoyed look from his best friend.
“Oh, it’s so nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you. Taehyung literally never shuts up about you, actually. It’s always ‘Y/n this’ and ‘Y/n that’ and ‘Do you think Y/n would like this’ and-“
“-and I think it’s time to go. Bye, Jimin.” Taehyung deadpans and tugs you toward the door.
Jimin’s cute. His personality matches his hair.
“Go home and sleep, Chim. And no more painting in the lobby!”
You managed to wave goodbye to Jimin before being practically dragged out of the building by a blushing Taehyung.
Taehyung walks you up to your door. He acts like he doesn’t want to leave.
“I had a lot of fun,” you start after a long silence, “Let’s do it again. Maybe next time we can ride on one of those motorcycles you were talking about?” His face brightens up at this.
“Absolutely. Anything you want.” His eyes widen at a sudden realization. “Oh, and I’ll bring your clothes next time, since we forgot them in the studio.”
“I’d appreciate that.” You gently pull on his neck to place a soft kiss on his cheek before unlocking your apartment. “Goodnight.”
As soon as you close the door, you feel the presence of an excited Jungkook waiting impatiently, if you might add.
“You’re home, finally! Did you-” He glances you up and down with a slightly accusatory look on his face.
“That’s not what you were wearing when you left? Are those his clothes?”
“Oh, yeah. I slipped on some ice and got wet so we went to his studio to dry off.”
You pretend not to notice the way his eyes linger on the long white t-shirt that drapes over your body.
“Are you okay? You’re not hurt right?”
“No, I had a bump on my head but it’s gone now.” Wrapping your arms around him to soak up his warmth, you reflect on the occurrences that had happened tonight. One, in particular, keeps making itself known. Jungkook’s going to be so upset, he asked you specifically not to kiss Tae until he agreed to date but you did it anyway.
Should I even tell him?
“Well did you have a good time?”
“He kissed me.” You blurt out, your eyes not leaving his chest.
Okay, I guess I am telling him.
 You promised him you wouldn’t kiss Tae. You promised. He’s going to be so mad you just kno-
“Did you like it?”
You blink.
He blinks back at you.
“How did it feel? Was there a spark?”
“I can’t believe this. Jungkook! I was over here thinking you were gonna be pissed at me! Aren’t you angry?”
“I’m enraged. Was it good? It was good wasn’t it.”
The longer you stare at him the more confused you are. No trace of anger or sadness cross his face, only amusement and curiosity.
“It was.. different. Good. Really good. But different. It felt natural yet unnatural at the same time. Confusing, mostly. But he was really sweet about it.”
When he grins down at you, only then do you spot the flash of something dark in his eyes.
“That’s a good sign, right?”
Jungkook doesn’t sleep much that night. His thoughts won’t leave him alone. His emotions were everywhere, from one polar opposite to the other.
When Y/n had confessed that she and Tae kissed he was ecstatic, genuinely. It meant that there might a solid future between the three of them.
Then his mind started to wander further and further.
He had to admit, he was jealous. He didn’t know if who, or why, but he was.
Was he jealous of Taehyung, who went on a date with his girlfriend and kissed her, knowing that she’s in a relationship?
Or was he jealous of Y/n, who got to kiss his soulmate before Jungkook did?
He knows he has no right to feel this way. This was all his idea. Everything, from the polyamorous relationship with Tae to Y/n being the one to date him first.
His jaw clenches when the thought enters his mind again. The first time he’d felt the claws of jealousy was when he actually saw Taehyung picking up his girlfriend for the date.
He’d instantly gone into protective boyfriend mode. He hates that feeling. He hates being jealous. Jealousy has no place in his relationship, it’s always been about trust with Y/n.
This can’t work if they don’t trust each other.
Taglist: @ourwhispersbecomeouranthems @fantasyjoon @ally22042000 @ireadfanficsonthisleavemealone @embrace-themagic @lexi-tries-art @ccmemoirs @just-call-me-trash-can @karlykim92 @omg-sol-s-dreamland @ironically-indifferent96 @namjoonsslutakakoreanmanswhore @bumblekey93 @teacuppeach @twilight-loveer @exochanyeoltao @pr1nc355y05h1 @somiwin
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