lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
It is official my dudes~
Ikesona is a collective term for the Ikemen Series personas. Currently, we have Cradlesona for IkeRev (started by yours truly) and Sengokuna for IkeSen (started by @saphyhowl)
We'll also be hoping someone would start a persona trend over at MidCin and IkeVamp!
As always, you can use this updated guide to create your Ikesonas! You can add more or emit some, go do whatever! Let's make this community come closer! LET US LOVE YOU AND YOUR BABIES!!
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IkeSen OC - Haruna
Grand Duchy of Sengoku AU
Occupation: witch, a wanted criminal
Age: 25
Personality: edgy, depressive, short-tempered. She’s usually apathetic and indifferent to everything and everyone, but interactions with humans often end up in her getting furious. She’s a cynical, bitter young lady and doesn’t want to deal with people’s shit and avoids any humans.
Story: an orphaned daughter of lower nobility, but her father’s liege lord was very fond of them and was a good friend of her late father so when she lost her father, he took her in as a courtier. Since the noble valued simplicity and honesty, and kept only people he could trust, the environment was very welcoming and her perky, positive personality and good heart made her loved by pretty much everyone. Despite the hatred towards magic she was allowed to visit her relative, a witch, and spent quite a lot time with Kennyo, once she met him and didn’t buy his big bad wolf warning. But the reciprocated crush remained unresolved. Good times ended after she was requested to come to a higher ranked aristocrat’s court. Since her status as nobility was quentioned and torn down, things escalated, her powers went out of control, turned out to be the most destructive shit the world has seen, and she had to run to the forests to avoid execution for magic and murder, to her grand-aunt Nishi, a known powerful witch. There she was safe from persecution and could learn to control her dark magic gift, but was never the same gentle, sweet girl again, but remained bitter, angry and without any purpose in life. As a witch she meets Kennyo again.
IkeSen Relationships:
Kennyo - angst intesifies. But seriously, he’s the light magician to her dark magic, and couterparts her death magic with healing. They both just need to get themselves together.
Mitsunari - blinding sunshine and purification!
Bonds: Nishi (witch) - grand-aunt; Ginchiyo (young duches) - mutual disrespect and unwilling co-operation
Other people: Shingen - yet another murder attempt in her case, Masamune - girl, decide if you want to murder him or free him from a curse gdi
Random: Kennyo knew her mother, she was a big sister figure for him. Haruna can heal cancer but she doesn’t know that yet. What magic could be better for healing cancer than death magic? Cancer is literally over-healing of tissue, healing magic cannot deal with it at all. Hers very much can. Do I need to mention infections? Kill these bacteria, girl.
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ocenhaven · 5 years
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                ~ Avis Profile update & Woden Profile ~
After a while of working on now five? ...Seven? new OCs I finished working on my cradlesonas. Now to work on the next one but who?
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mayareth · 5 years
My other Cradlesona
Basic Infos:
Name: Cassiopée
Nickname: Cassie (by Fenrir only)
Birthday: August 22
Age: 23
Height: 166 cm
Blood Type: O
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Personality Type: ENTP-T
Eyes: emerald green
Hair: shoulder-length wavy dark brown hair (same as Dita Von Teese)
Accessories: diamond earrings (from Fenrir, of course), sometimes wear a red flower in her hair (like Frida Kahlo)
Affiliation: Red Army -> Black Army
Occupation: one of the best inventor in all Cradle (with Oliver). Since her childhood, she spent her time to create weapons, fashion accessories and other gadgets, girly or not. Like to make pastries and to train (running, fighting, ...) during the weekend. She is from the upper class so she has to attend a lot of parties, where her glamour is always noticed.
Lancelot Kingsley: cousin
Luka Clemence: cooking partner
Jonah Clemence: first crush
Oliver Knight: genius inventor partner
Seth Hyde: fashionista partner
Once again: too honest! She doesn't hesitate to fight against what others believe just to see what could happen. She doesn't care enough about emotions or what people think, she just does as she thinks it's the right way to handle things. Sometimes, she will debate defending an idea she doesn't even support just to see things from a different angle or simply because it's an unpopular opinion. Smiles a lot, could have been a really good spy. DARK. HUMOUR. She has a lot of stamina too. Creativity click dose maximum! Feminist, she values freedom for all above all else. Has a pretty anarchist side and would have loved rock and metal music! She is a vegetarian, as well as all my other Ikesonas.
Family and History:
Cassiopée is the only child of Lancelot’s aunt, his mother's sister. She received the best education she could have had so she is intelligent. She has developed very soon an ability to create things with everything she could find. It started with toys, then little ”houses” and products for insects and animals, jewellery and finally, as the rebel anarchist teenager she was, weapons. Of course, it displeased her family a lot but she saved her honour with her good manners and her oh-so-glamourous style. She first met Jonah at a party when she was 15 and loved his porcelain features combined with his dignity and the regal atmosphere when he was around. Also, their favourite dessert is millefeuille. When Lancelot found out (he secretly spied on her young cousin by reading her diary), he immediately told her to stay back, that his right-hand man only needed to focus on his duty and had no time for women. Cassiopée had her heart broken. Since then, she decided to get out of her bubble and spend more and more time in the Central Quarter.
Guns specialist whether it's to shot or to create them
Mind reader, reminds me of IkeSen Mitsuhide
Will always find the perfect outfit!
Professional prankster, Seth and Sirius know what I mean, just imagine her teamed up with Fenrir
Paired with: Fenrir Godspeed
Life in Cradle:
One day, Oliver noticed her reading a book about some complicated mechanical process. Seeing her potential, he asked her to help him in his workshop. She was 18 at that time and began to work on Fenrir’s weapons. One day, when the Ace of Spades came to fetch his new gadget earlier than planned, he noticed the young woman. It wasn't the best start between these two. Fenrir asked where was Oliver and what a weird girl was doing with what he ordered. Cassiopée fought back with a punchline that knocked out the magenta-haired man. Once he had recovered his mind, they started to fight and Cassiopée used the weapon Fenrir had ordered on him, making him sound like a chicken for three hours. When Oliver came back and see the mess his workshop was, with the Ace of Chicken in the middle of the room, he immediately understood what happened and scolded the two culprits. When Fenrir learnt who was Cassiopée, he felt really sorry for what he has done and invited her to eat some sweets in Cradle. She reluctantly accepted but soon, they were talkin as if they knew each other for ages. They reiterated the experience every weekend, with more and more teasing every time they meet, and started to train together. Of course, the Red Army didn't know all of that until Edgar spotted them laughing together, guns in one hand, making each other tasting chocolate covered fruit with the other hand. Cassie was severely punished and was locked up in her bedroom but somehow managed to escape and flew to Blanc’s house. When Fenrir heard what happened, he immediately came to check on her. She was completely lost, crying and wanting to leave this prison that was her world. When he took her in his arms, it was clear for both of them that what they shared was more than just friendship. That's when they exchanged their first kiss. Soon after, Cassiopée moved to the Black Army, where she met the other Chosen Thirteen and shared a room with Margareth (my first Cradlesona and Ray’s girlfriend because yes, my Cradlesonas live in the same AU), who soon became one of her best friends, before having her own bedroom.
Yes, I was inspired and created another Cradlesona for my second best boy! If Margareth was really a Cradle version of the real me, I tried to give Cassiopée a really different personality. Hope she will please you!
I might create an other Cradlesona soon for Jonah (because he deserves to be loved too).
Please welcome another daughter, Mother of all Cradlesonas @lovingsiriusoswald 💕
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pianoperson · 5 years
Second Cradlesona: Allen Wright, Heart Defenders President
Alright, I never knew I would make a second sona but here we are. This will be updated when I flesh him out more.
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[IkeSona]: Allen Wright
Basic Info:
Nicknames: Allen
Birthday: December 8
Age: 25
Height: 5’4 ½”
Blood Type: A
Eyes: Light red
Hair: Blonde
Accessories: None
Features: Honestly, he has such fine features that he’s got asked out a lot by girls in school.
Illnesses: None
Affiliation: Red Army
Occupations: Soldier; Heart Defenders President
Lancelot Kingsley: Allen sees him as his boss. He respects him but is intimidated by him, so he never really interacted with him.
Jonah Clemence: Jonah is not only someone Allen looks up to, but he is also Allen’s biggest crush. He is also the reason why Allen is determined to work hard and do things excellently.
Edgar Bright: He and Allen are friends. Edgar is well aware of Allen’s crush on the Queen (as if Allen could hide it) and enjoys teasing him.
Kyle Ash: Usually, their conversations involve Kyle reminding Allen about the importance of sleeping (and sometimes eating).
Zero: Zero is also Allen’s friend. He is the one Allen would talk to when he doesn’t want to be with anyone else. Sometimes, he talks to Zero about the more complicated parts of his feelings for Jonah.
Personality: Allen is a sociable introvert. He likes to chat with his fellow friends, but he needs to recharge, sometimes lasting a few days with minimal words. He is very easygoing, hard to anger, and he has a chill vibe that makes people think he isn’t very hardworking.  However, that relaxed hides a determination to do his best as a soldier, and like Jonah, he would always stand up for what is right. In fact, he sometimes overworks himself to the point he forgets to eat and sleep. Bring up Jonah, and he will be much more talkative and expressive. He’s not called the Heart Defenders President for nothing.
Getting praise from Jonah
Pasta (any kind, but if it is extra cheesy, even better)
His family and friends
Hugs (although almost nobody knows this because he’s very selective with who he hugs) (poor boy wants to hug Jonah but who hugs their superior?)
Anyone who insults Jonah (the one way you can get him pissed for a while)
Taking care of children (he would rather not dumb down his speech)
Acts of violence, corruption, theft, etc.
Feeling stupid
Family and History:
Allen Wright led a pretty good life. He was well-liked in school because he was smart and was always helping his fellow classmates by making reviewers for them. As a child, he could not wait to grow up so he can join the army for the sake of his parents. He is the only child in his family, so he was close with many of his cousins, especially his first cousin named Balthazar, who was two years older than him. They would always practice fencing together and occasionally, Allen would ask Balthazar for help in his studies.
Shortly before Allen graduated from college, however, Balthazar, who was in the army at this point, was reported missing for some time and eventually found dead near the forest. This broke Allen’s heart to the point he chose not to join the army and stayed with his family for a year after graduating. He had to join, however, for the sake of his family.
He was placed under Jonah’s command even when the latter has still yet to become the Queen of Hearts. Initially, he found himself getting defeated most of the time by the other soldiers in practice duels. One day, after being defeated once more, Jonah pulled him up from the ground and admonished him for not doing well when he has so much potential and talent and reminded him of why they fight. Ever since that day, Allen grew to admire Jonah, which grew into a crush on the Queen that he’s been harboring for two years and still holding strong.
Skills and Special Abilities:
Maths and sciences
Fanboying about Jonah
Paired with:  Jonah (hopefully)
Life in Cradle:
By day, Allen does his typical duties as a soldier. He would lend assistance to his fellow soldiers if ever they need. Occasionally, Edgar would come up to tease him about his crush on Jonah with timing so impeccable that if Jonah enters the room, Edgar would wear a calm expression as if nothing happened while Allen would be red as a tomato.
By night, he would meet up with the Heart Defenders in their secret room under the Red Army base, either chatting about anything that happened during the day or just straight up scream about Jonah.
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gypsophiaa · 5 years
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3* Cradlesona Suitor Event Card - Moonlight Bliss (Sirius)
“I know I don’t say this much but — I love you. I always will.”
“Good night, my little breath.”
“You feel very warm.. being held like this is very.. nice.”
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thank you @theundyingskeleton for the wonderful idea of making cards for our cradlesonas!! i had soooo much fun making this and aaaaa i want to create more lakefjlakj i know the homescreen is in japanese but it was the only hd one i found aaaaaa
*disclaimer: this work is not affiliated with Cybird. the home screen belongs to them. event, banner and “cg” is fan made.
don’t repost! reblogs appreaciated (・ωー)~☆
Cradlesona Suitor Event: A story event of your Cradlesona and their suitor during a romantic evening date. 
Sirius and Soph - Moonlight Bliss
Summary: After weeks of workload, Soph and Sirius finally gets to spend a day off together! “I heard there’s a super moon tonight, would you like to go gaze the night sky with me?” He holds her close and they cherished a peaceful night underneath the ethereal glow of the moon. “I know I don’t say this much but—I love you. I always will.”
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gypsophiaa · 5 years
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“shh.. let her sleep a little longer”
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the lil ferret is my Cradlesona’s pet and her name is Piper! she’s a lil potato sack that loves getting carried around by Chutney, Sirius got her the matching bandana and it made her very happy (´・ᴗ・`)
// pose reference retrieved here
don’t repost! reblogs appreciated (・ωー)~☆
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gypsophiaa · 5 years
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"I'll be home soon, I promise."
click for better quality! don't repost,reblogs appreciated ~♡
background illustration belongs to Cybird! i do not own it.
one last art piece before I start college! i'm gonna miss having all the time in the world to show my love for sirius and my sona hhhhh;;
icon art raffle giveaway is still on going!! hope to see you there
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gypsophiaa · 5 years
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don’t repost! reblogs appreciated (・ωー)~☆
meet Stella, my Blood Donation / IkeVamp Persona! more detailed description under the cut!
she's not that different from my Cradlesona, but i did change some stuff that are half true irl to make her fit well in the ikevamp universe. i mean i wish i can speak and understand several languages so i downloaded duolingo skskskksks
go make your own Blood Donation! Here's my lil reference you can use, I added some more details to fit in the story :) also, a big thanks to @trulipan for the inspiration of using the character screen!
*disclaimer: the character screen belongs to Cybird, the character info and sprite are fan made :)
Basic Info:
Nicknames: Stella, Sol (Leonardo), Peaches (Arthur and Comte)
Birthday: October 21
Age: 25
Height: 156 cm
Nationality: Filipina
Blood Type: A
Eyes: bluish purple
Hair: gray platinum with bluish tips, short and wavy
Accessories: golden hoop earrings, sunflower pin (a souvenir she bought before arriving to the musee)
Features: beauty mark above her left lip, a fainter mark on her right cheek
Illnesses: sleep deprived (?)
Species: Human
Previous Occupation: Graphic Designer
Occupation: Right-Hand Woman (Assistant)
Arthur Conan Doyle, bickering writing buddy. They often get mistaken as siblings and it peeves them both. Stella dislikes his flirty and teasing personality a lot but she’s more than willing to lend a hand if he starts to run out of ideas (which is NOT her body). He loves to tease her and get her on her toes, which resulted to Sebastian lecturing him quite often. Ironically, they’re close friends
The Count of St. Germain, father-figure. They met when she accidentally dropped her sketch notebook. He complimented how she smelled like peaches and started calling her like that (which Arthur caught wind of and started teasing her for it). He spoils Stella rotten with chocolates, satiating her sweet tooth as much as possible to keep the smile on her face.
Leonardo da Vinci, language mentor. He was impressed when she understood what he was saying in Italian. Then tested her with Latin, German and Spanish. Stella was ecstatic to learn more languages causing his sly advances go over her head (much to everyone else’s relief). She organizes his room as best as she can as thanks.
Theodorus Van Gogh, mortal enemy but not really. He would always refer to her as “Arthur’s little sister” and it would often lead them to constantly bicker. However, both of them share the addicting love for pancakes and will eat it at any time of the day, this was one of the few times where they get along very well. Other times usually involve making Vincent happy and safe. Secretly, however, they look out for each other like actual siblings.
Sebastian, meme buddy. They converse in memes, confusing everyone else, when not too busy in work. She would often ask him historical facts about the others and appreciates him going the extra stretch (she likes listening to his history fanboying). He would also save her from Arthur’s teasing and Theo’s yelling, but sometimes he just stands at the corner and listen to them go mad because he finds it amusing.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, radio (I don’t know how to call it HAHAHAHA). Stella would intentionally pass by near his room just to listen to him play the piano, reminiscing the time where she had a violin. It had always been her dream to hear a live, professional recital of one of his pieces, so hearing him composing new ones just beyond a door made her very happy. Mozart knows she’s listening.
William Shakespeare, neutral but very afraid. Stella avoids him as much as possible, his words are very confusing and deep but she tries her best to understand and remain kind.
Napoleon Bonaparte, older brother figure. He knows her unusually strong peachy scent would attract others and he dedicated himself to protect her. She's probably the most casual one to wake him up — Stella earned the free slap card when he tries to kiss her as thanks for endearing his habit.
Jean D'arc, stranger. She hopes to get to know him better. She would always see him with empty eyes and worries for him. She would often secretly pray for his happiness. Jean knows this.
Osamu Dazai, laugh pill. Though she often gets startled when he enters through windows out of nowhere, its followed by laughter she couldn't control. He likes seeing her laugh and it encourages him to never use the door (much to everyone else's dismay).
Isaac Newton, neutral. They don't speak much. Stella would smile his way whenever she sees him but often receives averting eyes in response and a mutter of hello. She would sometimes lightly hop in Arthur's teases about apples.
Vincent Van Gogh, lover. Stella admires his works since forever and to see him alive and well in person brought tears to her eyes when she realized that everything happening around her was real. Their relationship grew gradually, taking soft steps together until they realized they were in love. She would always sit near him when he's painting at the garden and play with his pet raccoon. She melts when he smiles.
Personality: Artistic and bubbly, she finds beauty in everything. Very expressive, but she keeps a facade when she's sad and it is quite difficult to pin out. She's more than willing to help anyone with whatever she can do. She is easily pleased with the simplest things and gets overwhelmed with gifts. She's usually quiet but if you spark a conversation with her it can go on for a long while, she likes to listen to stories and experiences. She loves to learn different languages and cultures. Can be smart then a dumbass the next moment. Underneath the innocent face is a sultry attitude that she's mastered to control and portray to catch people off guard — though she gets flustered easily when complimented.
Before the Visit to the Louvre: A fresh graduate from BA Multimedia Arts, she earned enough money from commissions to travel to famous museums and relax before starting her work on an international news media site.
Adobong Baboy (A Filipino dish)
All the pets!!
Dressing up!!!
Warm colors
Modern day jokes
Skirt chasers
Being belittled
"Arthur's little sister"
Not knowing what is happening
Being stagnant (not doing anything)
Washing the dishes
Skills and Special Abilities:
Can understand several languages because of her constant travelling, speaks Spanish and Filipino very fluently.
Writes short stories
Can act like a completely different person if needed
Can go for three days without sleep or sleep for three days, no in between.
Inhales food like Kirby, her stomach has a void somewhere and she gets full very rarely.
Plays the violin (when she was a kid, very rusty today)
Paired with:  Vincent Van Gogh
Life in the Mansion: On a daily basis, she helps Sebastian in his duties. Sometimes, she can be found talking business and assessing deals with Theo. She can also be seen in her room rereading Arthur's first manuscripts and editing them. When taking a break, she's sitting by the garden and having tea with le Comte, or watching Vincent paint. She would drop by the library an hour before bed to have a quick foreign language lesson with Leonardo.
Other Info:
She sings when painting very softly, especially when its raining where the pitter patter can drown out her voice.
Cries a lot in her sleep, mostly because of overthinking. She's gotten used to a life where she would be happy for one moment and devastated the next.
She bites. Metaphorically and literally. Arthur got hurt because of it one time.
Bribed easily with sweets — to an extent. She's not that stupid.
Always screams when surprised from behind while quickly whipping around to slap whoever jumped on her. She got a terrible childhood history with those kinds of surprises.
Slaps people by accident when she gets all panicky and will constantly apologize for such a rude habit.
Secretly very horny and has earned a PhD in self control. (Really makes you think that she's actually Arthur's long lost sibling)
She can't smell her peach scent which drives her nuts. A lot of people had told her that since coming in to the mansion. She's never even had peaches before.
The scent grows stronger after sex and bathing, which she found odd because none of the products she uses has peaches as an ingredient. She even uses a different perfume every time but the peach scent still somehow overpowers it.
Vampires are the only ones who can smell the scent, human don't.
Never touch her notebook. Ever. She's insecure about whatever notes and doodles she has. She's hidden it deep in her closet that even she herself forgets.
When questioned why she "doesn't look like a Filipina," she answers with deadpan eyes and a bored look. "We were colonized by the Spaniards for 3 centuries. My grandfather is Spanish." She's tired of being asked often.
Has acted for school plays all her life.
Laughs at everything.
Cries when mad, it adds annoyance to herself.
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IkeSen OC - Ginchiyo Grand Duchy of Sengoku AU
(Her hair is not supposed to be carrot coloured but it was the first time I tried red hair with Coloursofts and this paper... didn’t really let me layer enough to dim the colour so. It’s supposed to be more something between ginger and light brown, more of copper tint than carrot...)
Occupation: cursed princess in the tower, young duchess
Age: 20
Personality: perky, good-hearted, energetic; occassionally dominating, manipulative chessmaster. Not exactly two-faced or calculating, just constantly aware and adjusted to all the plotting around the ruler’s court and rebellions brewing in every second province. She’s spontanous, but filtering her reactions became her second nature. She’s keen to get to know her domain and people and firmly believes status means literally nothing, but she’s a bit conceited, overestimating herself and very proud and gets into trouble because of it. Surprisingly, she initially doesn’t have issues, no parental abandonment drama, no loneliness angsting, no heartbreaks, and it’s not really going to change much, aside of her bearing the burden of ruling an unstable and weak country.
Story: as the only child of the Grand Duke she was raised to be able to bear both the role of a consort and a ruler, but definitely preferred the lessons related to boys’ education and was running away from some of the most annoying lessons typical for girly princess stuff. Cursed at 12 when she attempted to steal from witch’s hut, locked in a tower and guarded by a copper dragon, with her curly, copper hair as a sign of the curse. She cannot leave the tower - it would wake up the beast that’s conveniently sleeping in a cave under her tower. The Grand Duke’s advisor looks for a new tutor and sparring partner for her and the Duke assigns Mitsuhide as the representative of the Oda to this task since her former tutor was from the Uesugi who are gossiped to take a rebel in.
Random: she’s non-binary, but doesn’t find either pronouns or the word for it, but settles down with what seems somehow satisfactory for her. She’s too busy to think about herself too much, she has a damn country to rule.
IkeSen relationships:
Mitsuhide - this ship is more often than not heading straight into rocks
Kennyo - platonic soulmate, father figure. Oh, and her kidnapper but oh well, that went awry.
Nobunaga - vassal, friend, with a hint of a fleeting crush, but hey, he’s taken and she’s married to work
Shingen -  sworn enemy; this is a spoiler for like the millionth volume I’d probably won’t manage to write before the Sun blows up
Other bonds: some foreign prince, his brother and his mistress Rikissa, I have a name only for the mistress unfortunately. Haruna (young witch) - mutual disresprect, dislike and quite smooth co-operation, but they still are disgusted in each other. Nishi (old witch) - the cursegiver, and some more sophisticated stuff.
Family: Grand Duke - father, Grand Duchess Kitsuno - mother, Taki - Duke’s advisor and partner, more fatherly to her than the Grand Duke.
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IkeSen OC - Copperscale
Grand Duchy of Sengoku AU
Occupation: mystery
Age: appears to be in his teens
Personality: cocky, confident, sometimes overconfident, whimsical, saviour complex I guess? He definitely likes effective and loud entrance but most of the time works in the shadows.
Story: at some point he starts to randomly appearing first on the borders of rebelled provinces then within the borders of the Oda, but seems to avoid direct interaction with the Uesugi, probably due to the difficulty of overplaying both Kenshin’s ninja and Shingen’s intelligence. Supposed to be someone’s ninja to work or spy in the shadows, he sometimes comes out to interfere. The interferences doesn’t seem to have any fixed goal, he’s pretty much appearing to save someone’s ass mostly or smoothen things out on a whim. He uses “Copperscale” as his name, but what’s his real name and affliation, remains a mystery. Suspected to belong to Kennyo’s circles, or at least follow someone doing so, but he’s known to mess with Kennyo’s plans too.
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mayareth · 5 years
My Cradlesona
Basic Infos:
Name: Margareth
Birthday: November 18
Age: 23
Height: 162 cm
Blood Type: A+
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Personality Type: INTJ-T
Eyes: dark brown
Hair: wavy-curly short dark blonde hair (50’s style)
Accessories: lava stone bracelet from the Land of Reason (a gift from her bestie), silver and emerald necklace (from Ray)
Affiliation: Black Army (neutral citizen before)
Occupations: worked in a bookshop before working for the Black Army as a personal assistant for Ray. Read when she has time, often historical novels. Army Medic during wartime.
Godspeed family: regular clients in her bookshop.
Fenrir Godspeed: friend.
Luka Clemence: cooking partner.
Kyle Ash: helps her to learn the basics of medicine when he is not drunk. Regular client for medicine books.
Lancelot Kingsley: one-time lover.
Jonah Clemence: client in her bookshop, organise their birthday party together, always asking information about Luka. Millefeuille eating partner.
Extremely honest (maybe too much) and strong-willed. She craves for knowledge. Introvert but can talk more easily when she is surrounded by friends in a good atmosphere. Ambitious, she likes to debate to defend her position. She doesn't smile often and is quite pessimistic but tend to be in a better mood since she joined the Black Army. Encourage those around her, even if she is not empathetic. She really wants to create a better world but has sometimes really too extreme ideas. She loves when she can enjoy quiet places in nature. More rational than emotional because she doesn't understand her emotions. Difficult to approach but once you are one of her friends, she will do anything for you. Perfectionist. She is a vegetarian.
Family and History :
She has a little brother and a sister, who are twins. Her family is from the Land of Reason. She fell into the Rabbit Hole when she was 16 years old. She was secretly raised by a couple who cannot have a child in Cradle, pretending she was their niece. The bookshop where she works belongs to them. She went to school along with Fenrir, who introduced her later to Ray and the other members of the Black Army. It was love at first sight between Margareth and Ray but they were both too shy to confess and waited for years before doing it.
Very good when it comes to talk to a crowd or improvise a speech.
Trained at self-defence by the Black Army.
Making Fenrir eating tomatoes without him knowing it.
Paired with: Ray Blackwell
Life in Cradle:
Her vast knowledge in both Land of Reason and Cradle’s History combine with her strong convictions and her loyalty make her major asset for the Black Army. She had been recruited by Fenrir, even though she had lost touch with her friends since her adoptive parents died during an attack of the Disciples (they were killed because of the compromising pieces of information they had about the Magic Tower). Since the attack, when she was 19, she had run the bookshop all by herself, letting go of her political and historical studies. The only moments of peace she had were when she was talking about medicine with Kyle or drinking (a little bit) with him, Blanc and Oliver. When she was 18, she attended a party and got drunk. She woke up in Lance's bed and, even though the night wasn’t bad at all, she decided to be more careful. Margareth was a bit anxious before joining the Black Army but she was welcomed as a friend and a new member of this big family. All started when Sirius decided to engage someone to help Ray with all the paperwork and when Fenrir mentioned the 23-year-old girl, all agreed that it has to be her. Outside of her work, she continues to run the bookshop during the weekends, she cooks a lot of healthy food with Luka, learns the flower language with Sirius and, most of the time, talks with Ray about everything and reads books with him in his bedroom. Nobody in the army was really surprised when their King asked his assistant out nor when she gladly accepted. Even though Fenrir was slightly brokenhearted at the beginning, he finally considered her as his second best buddy. Since then, Seth spends most of his time to check on them to see if Ray treats the lady correctly and Margareth became another child to take care for Sirius.
That was long! Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I appreciate to write it!
Thanks to @lovingsiriusoswald for the inspiration! Tagging @theundyingskeleton since she asked to see this.
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
ohhhh sengokuna, should i hop in?
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mayareth · 5 years
Please welcome another Cradlesona in our ranks
Basic info:
Name: Grace
Birthday: January 9
Age: 25
Height: 168 cm
Blood Type: B+
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Personality Type: ISFJ-T
Eyes: azure blue
Hair: wavy long golden blond hair
Accessories: she is never seen without the ruby and diamonds silver ring she has received from Jonah on her first birthday as a couple (which was also the day they officially became fiancés). Even before that day, she had always been wearing some jewellery: Victorian era inspired choker, discreet yet elegant earrings but also, as a firm believer in the medical properties of stones, different bracelets made of natural stones, each one corresponding to one of her problem/emotion.
Affiliation: it has always been a Red Army girl.
Occupation: as a high-ranked lady, she never had to work to live properly. She is often invited to balls and frequently organises tea party BUT not with her rich friends, more with middle/lower-class red people. Despite her way of life, she really wants to help others and is not afraid of having blood on her hands if it's to serve a great cause. (By ”blood on her hands” I mean operating people of course but if she has to kill, I think she would)
Clemence family: has always been partner with her own family
Jonah Clemence: arranged marriage partner then true lover
Kyle Ash: trained her to operate
Luka Clemence: appointed as her little brother by Jonah himself. Surprisingly, Luka seems to appreciate her new big sister.
PERFECTIONIST. That's her main personality trait and the reason she will often argue with Jonah. Yeah, she is stubborn too so if her vision of perfection differs slightly from Jonah’s idea, there will be a clash. It never lasts long though, often a few hours. The Queen of Hearts can't stand to be in bad terms with her beloved wife so he will go to her room with a mountain of her favourite sweets as an apology that she will gladly accept (she had already ordered a millefeuille to do the same but Jonah is always faster). Make out session afterwards and they disappear until the next morning because love is the strongest magic, isn't it? Despite her high position, she will never hesitate to get involved to help others. From raising found to operating people and soldiers for free during war times, she will always do what seems to be right following her own opinion. She despises superficial people and once you disappoint her, it's permanent. Better not be on her bad side if you want to achieve your projects. However, Grace can forgive but she never, never forget. She might seem haughty at first but she deeply cares for the others.
Family and History:
Grace was born in a noble red family. As the first of four children, she had an important duty since her first day on this world. Grace will get the best tutors, be a great student, knows all her family history as well as Cradle history and geography, dance and sing perfectly, learn how to play piano and violin, perfectly behave in society as the lady she has to be. The only thing she doesn't master is art. The pressure on her shoulders will only increase the day her three siblings are discovered dead in the Lake of Tears, seemingly drought by their nanny, a psychologically unstable woman from Black Territory whose corpse was found a few days later, hanging on a tree. From this day, Grace will develop a fierce hatred towards people from Black Territory. When she was a teenager, as a rebellion against her so strict education, she decided to become a vegetarian. If it was to go against her parent's convictions at first, it quickly turned out to be a real challenge for her but also a fight against animals suffering she wanted to lead. Determined and stubborn, remember.
Would have been a talented surgeon of she wasn't born to be a lady!
Can speak five languages from the Land of Reason fluently (French, Russian, Swedish, German and Spanish -> I suppose English is her native language)
She. Never. Gets. Drunk. She often does vodka shots contest with Lancelot and while he is crawling on the floor, she is still discussing scientific concepts with Kyle, when he is not drunk too from drinking beer with her earlier.
Paired with: Jonah Clemence
Life in Cradle:
Now that she is an only child, she has an important duty: marry a high-ranked man to keep the comfortable position of her family. The latter will choose for her at her 24th birthday: she will marry the Queen of Hearts, the eldest son of the powerful Clemence family. Grace had already met him a few times at parties before but she never really talked with him. We can tell it wasn't really love at first sight. He found her too independent and boring while she saw him as superficial and heartless. Pressured by both families, Jonah finally accepted to take her on dates, where they discovered both of them had a sweet tooth. They started to talk calmly around a cup of tea and discovered they had a lot in common. More than that, it’s like they were soulmates. For her 25th birthday, the young couple decided to officially get fiancés. Both families didn't want to let the occasion slipped and organised the perfect wedding in... Three months time. Before Grace's birthday, surprisingly, the couple hasn't really done more than some chaste light kisses on the lips. However, as the Clemence family had been invited to stay at Grace’s family mansion, Jonah and the young woman decided to secretly spend the night together. (Well, not so secretly if you pay attention to the disproving looks the parents gave to their children the next breakfast). Grace had met Margareth and Cassiopée (my other Cradlesonas) during some army meetings and if she tends to appreciate Margareth’s company, that's not the same with Cassiopée. She considered her as a traitor to the Crimson blood that runs through her veins. However, they finally got closer during a party to celebrate the peace between the two sides, where they found side by side at the table. Grace also met Luka on this evening (without him knowing who she was) and they got along very well until Jonah came to greet his dear little brother. The purple haired man had one last look for Grace, wishing her all the luck in the world to stand his arrogant older brother. (Luka will accept to be the godfather of their first child though)
Ta-daaaa! As promised, here is a Cradlesona for the lovely Queen of Hearts! As for Cassiopée, Grace is not really close to my personality but I wanted to do one to get with the man I share my birthday with 😁. This is another daughter for @lovingsiriusoswald, please welcome her in your big family!❤️
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mayareth · 5 years
My Sengokuna
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Name: Amaya
Birthday: November 18
Age: 24
Height: 162 cm
Blood Type: A+
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Personality Type: INTJ-T
Eyes: almond-shaped, dark brown
Hair: sand blonde, wavy-curly, short
Accessories: a bracelet made from wood and dried flowers. Her daughters have the same.
Affiliation: Oda forces
Occupations: Nobunaga’s official lucky charm but she is also his counsellor. Sometimes assist Hideyoshi in managing the maids and Ieyasu when he prepares medicines.
Nobunaga Oda: love of his life.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi: a really good friend, always team up to stop Nobunaga from eating too much konpeito.
Ieyasu Tokugawa: they have the same sharp tongue and tsundere vibes so this is no surprise they go along very well. Surprisingly, Ieyasu appreciated her pretty soon.
Masamune Date: sometimes cook with him. Initiated him to vegetarian cooking. Never hesitate to slap him when he flirts with her, let it be with her hand or her words.
Mitsunari Ichida: study buddies. He taught Amaya how to play Go and often lend her books.
Mitsuhide Akechi: a lot of debate about everything. He taught her how to use a gun so they train together.
Kenshin Uesugi: her best friend’s husband and godfather of her first daughter.
Shingen Takeda: Amaya definitely can't stand his sweet talk so she tries to avoid him most of the time.
Yukimura Sanada: definitely one of her best friends. A lot of teasing and dumplings. Meet at the market place, both really straightforward, it was a perfect match.
Sasuke Sarutobi: roommates when they were at university. Still really good friends. Often hang out with Yuki when they have the possibility.
Kennyo: pure hate. They just can't stand each other.
Very outspoken and direct
Cold at first but very loyal when you become friend with her
Fascination for space, History and politics
Like to learn foreign languages (she speaks French, English, German and Japanese)
Too stubborn sometimes
Hate to feel weak but wear her heart on her sleeves
Like to debate and defend her position
Too extreme in her ideas
PAIRED WITH: Nobunaga Oda (in another route of her destiny, she is paired with Yukimura but, well, that would be really too long to explain and I’m a bit too lazy to redo all of this again with another suitor 😅)
Amaya is not her real name. She changed it when she arrived in the Sengoku Era. Amaya means ”night rain” (she was born on a rainy November night). Originally born in Belgium, her real name is Madeline. She has one little brother and one little sister, who are twins and four years younger than her. She was studying political science and had the opportunity to go for a studying year abroad, in Tokyo. Amaya went to Japan with her best friend, Maureen (later called Rin), who was studying History. Their tutor at university was Sasuke. He was also their roommate. They have been sucked through the wormhole during a walk through the countryside. Sasuke still arrives four years before the two girls, who are separated since they land in different places.
Can influence Nobunaga’s decisions (what a skill)
Know how to defend herself (guns and Krav Maga)
Is a pro to hide konpeitos.
Is able to let Mitsuhide speechless!
That's a LOOONG story... In short, Amaya became chatelaine in Azuchi after the Oda forces found her lost in the woods. Really discrete at first, she became more and more confident as the days in Azuchi passed. When Nobunaga noticed she has interesting ideas, he began to play Go with her, strip-Go of course, but it allowed the two of them to talk and to get closer (even if Amaya didn't really enjoy the idea of ”strip-Go”... At first). They started a romantic relationship soon before a war between the Oda forces and the Uesugi-Takeda forces. I won't tell much more since I’m currently writing a fanfic about this but Amaya will meet Rin again and they will stick together, even if they stand on opposite sides. Amaya will have three children with Nobunaga: the twins Katsuhime (Princess of the Victory) and Katsutoshi (to win cleverly), a girl and a boy in 1586 and another girl, Asahime (Princess of the Morning) in 1590. Also, all the warlords know for the time-travelling thing.
Here are Katsuhime (black-haired) and Asahime (blonde-haired), Amaya’s daughter!🙂
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This is for the OCs week by @ikesennw
Hope Amaya pleases you!
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