heyyoungbaebae · 6 years
y'all ever just miss Bae's dumbass comments on his friend's posts? i hope when he's discharged he posts "dope return congrats" and then doesn't post for like a month because he's spending quality time with his wifey
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kuruttaa-blog · 5 years
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everyone shame @xjelani
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viforvictori · 6 years
Warning: Long Rant.
Y’all... I’m so mad. I came to terms that YG doesn’t treat his artists like people, and he never will, years and years ago. When he let BigBang ruin themselves for the cameras, when he let them sleep with rats in a one-room shack, when he let Daesung face 2011 by himself, and more recently, when he let Jiyong, Youngbae and Daesung fatigue themselves with both solo tours and then group concerts, and when he acted like Seunghyun didn’t even exist in July 2017. Even then, it’s unfathomable to me that someone can treat their largest, most integral source of income like absolute shit.
I truly did believe that during Seungri’s solo promotions he’d be treated humanely, at least. He’d be supported, at least. After all, it’s his first solo comeback in nigh on five years, and he’s the only active member of the megastar group BigBang who brought YG from the ground up and who are literally the only reason he’s able to have any relevancy or even produce more groups. Perhaps this is my fault for trusting a man - a rat, rather - who’s shown time and time again that loyalty and hard work and complete and utter devotion does not matter to certain people. 
Some people ask why YG gets so much hate. There’s a plethora of disgusting, vile things that YG has done over the years but his constant mistreatment of BigBang, especially Seungri, is disgraceful, even for a man consumed by industry.
Let’s put aside for a moment the fact that this Seungri has been denied a solo comeback for years and years while having to watch his family, his brothers, be given priority over him every time, and just focus on what’s actually happened during Seungri’s year. 
First of all, the album didn’t come until later on into the year, and as such, Seungri went on many shows without anything to promote. Grateful though I am to have been able to see Seungri on so many shows and be given the spotlight for once, he couldn’t bring attention to his actual work. This is a small misfortune though, in my opinion.
Once the album came out, we were happy! It’s a well-produced album with amazing songs, both old and new, combined with beautiful photobooks and impressive MVs to boot. We also got epic live stages from music shows~ We also got the privilege of a tour - something we had been expecting to be quite honest. The majority of the concerts seemed to have been incredible both for V.I.Ps and for Seungri, and I’m so happy and proud he’s had this opportunity. But apparently, Seungri has had little to no support from YG and YGE in making these concerts a reality. He’s had to spend his own money and use his own connections to secure venues and put everything together. YGE is supposed to take care of these things, being overseen by Seungri. Despite this major setback that should have lowered the quality of the concerts, Seungri has prevailed and most likely made huge financial sacrifices during this time, all because he doesn’t want to disappoint us.
This brings me to the most recent source of my anger towards YG. This concert in Hong Kong. Most people are probably aware by now, but Seungri was left to perform with only the Kwon Twins and without a band because HITECH, CRAZY and The Band Six were all sent to Thailand for BlackPink’s concert. (don’t even get me started on Jennie lately as well)
Now, the Kwon Twins and Seungri are very talented stage performers and, although I haven’t seen the concert, I know they will have done as well as they could given the circumstances. There are screencaps and videos of this circulating, but Seungri said that he talked with YG on the phone who
1) Did not know Seungri had a concert today
2) Asked him if he wanted back up dancers, and then promptly told him that he could do it by himself.
It will have been so, so tiring for the Kwon Twins and Seungri to be the only ones on stage. They couldn’t have many, if any, costume changes because they couldn’t leave the audience with nothing to entertain them while they change. Personally, I find it greatly disrespectful that YG wasn’t aware of Seungri’s schedule and that he told Seungri he could do it alone after asking him something as ridiculous as “do you need any dancers?”. YGE needs to get a hold of themselves. They must have known that BlackPink and Seungri’s schedule clashed, and they should have made preparations for it. BlackPink are four people and should require fewer backup dancers (unless they’re covering for Jennie lmao), whereas Seungri is one person, and would, therefore, need more dancers.
Seungri ultimately said that he was fine because he had V.I.Ps, but I hope he’s not tricked himself into forgiving YG for his words and actions today, or any other day. It’s not right by any standard that he should be treated like this when he’s mere months from leaving for the military. On top of everything that’s happened, he’s had to work his many side businesses and surely that’s taken a toll on him.
All I can hope for is that he manages to have a long, long rest before he enters the public eye again, and while he’s gone, I hope YG learns to appreciate what he actually has. Perhaps he’ll even consider treating his artists like people? It’s an unreal dream, but a dream nonetheless.
I know nobody will read this far down, but if you seriously did, thank you for actually taking your time to read my rant lmao <3 
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manslaughtcr · 5 years
*dabs* i am d o n e
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Hi. It's been a year since Jonghyun passed. I think I found out around the time that I'm writing this too. I don't think I'm taking it too well, to be completely honest. It all still feels raw and shocking and I hate it.
No matter how you chose to mourn, I hope Shawols are safe and don't harm themselves. I hope everyone stays together, and hopefully SHINee themselves are doing well, as well as Jonghyun's family and other friends. If you need someone to talk to, I'm available and I'm sure many many other Shawols would be happy to support those who are struggling. Again, please be safe, today of all days. Jonghyun wants us to look after ourselves.
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tvvinhost · 5 years
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i wanna just put it out there that i made this blog for once im done rewatching ouran & reading the manga, i probably won’t start writing until ive at least finished the anime but i want to thank you all for the follows it makes me so excited to start being active on here!! 😊
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wearegoingforthetop · 6 years
So y’all probably noticed a while ago but the most recent appreciation posts are fucked up on desktop so apologies for that, but unfortunately I have no way of fixing it because it’s an issue Tumblr has with me lately.
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honeysmilkteas · 7 years
@whoever told hoseok to stop his sound effects i hope u know john cenas gonna wrestle ur ass
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aflaxtonjaegerbomb · 6 years
It's been so long since I've listened to Sober that it's making me feel really nostalgic lmao
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artist-irrelevant · 7 years
One thing about Christianity that nobody really talks about is how one’s need for attention and validation from others diminishes greatly once you actually get to know God. Like… The God who hung the stars in the sky says that I’m more beautiful than said stars? Sweet. The guy that literally​ made the entire universe wants to know my thoughts and opinions? Cool. The entity that spoke the Earth into existence likes my art? Thanks dude. The same God who parted the Red Sea genuinely enjoys listening to me pluck away on my ukulele? That’s nice. The dude that actually made the Earth spin backwards that one time wants to know me personally? I'm down for that. The one and only omniscient and omnipotent God thinks I look really cute today? Aw shucks. God, who knows and loves me so dearly, cries for me when I'm hurt and falling apart? Good to know I'm not alone.
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ragdollieejo · 4 years
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i’m losing my shit
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wonuube · 4 years
i totally forgot that today was an upload date for htr so when i got the notification i fuckin spazzed out
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kuruttaa-blog · 5 years
i love only one ( 1 ) haruhi and it’s @tanukihost
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viforvictori · 6 years
I heard that more people understood the BlackPink reference rather than the Fantastic Baby reference in the Where R U From MV... That makes me kinda sad tbh. I guess it goes to show that there's a whole new demographic these days? I just expected everyone to get the seaweed hair lmao
Fantastic Baby is a Kween™
Please respect her.
and ji's hair was amazing during alive era fucking fite me
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manslaughtcr · 5 years
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you mean this mans?
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I posted about it on my main blog, but I'm taking a break from Tumblr for a while. Idk when I'll be back. I've got 2 things in the queue? Idk.
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