viforvictori Ā· 5 years
just wanna say that if you think taking Seungri out of BigBang's songs is even 100% possible
1) you don't understand anything about music
2) you're literally tearing apart Kwon Jiyong's legacy and life's work because you no longer support his family.
also? even if you don't support Seungri anymore and want ot4, it's impossible to deny that Seungri never had such influence, and wasn't a intricate, necessary part of BigBang. i'm not surprised you all dropped Seungri like he was nothing, but you'll fumble for excuses when they move their witch-hunt to other members. you're all transparent and i thank you for that, i'm now able to desociate with those who are delusional (those who appear to believe you know what the other members are thinking - that's you too!)
anyway, none of us know BigBang or what they're thinking, so y'all can stop saying "they'd never ______" etc.
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viforvictori Ā· 5 years
just wanna say that if you think taking Seungri out of BigBang's songs is even 100% possible
1) you don't understand anything about music
2) you're literally tearing apart Kwon Jiyong's legacy and life's work because you no longer support his family.
also? even if you don't support Seungri anymore and want ot4, it's impossible to deny that Seungri never had such influence, and wasn't a intricate, necessary part of BigBang. i'm not surprised you all dropped Seungri like he was nothing, but you'll fumble for excuses when they move their witch-hunt to other members. you're all transparent and i thank you for that, i'm now able to desociate with those who are delusional (those who appear to believe you know what the other members are thinking - that's you too!)
anyway, none of us know BigBang or what they're thinking, so y'all can stop saying "they'd never ______" etc.
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viforvictori Ā· 6 years
I hope this decision is just based on how heā€™s feeling right now, and that time away will give him time to think. As VIPs I hope we can support him and whatever decisions he makes but itā€™s so unfair and disgusting that he is being bullied out of the industry by people who donā€™t understand that the only thing heā€™s guilty of is trusting people too easily. Seungri has always done his best and itā€™s so obvious that he loves bigbang so itā€™s heartbreaking that all this has caused him to potentially what to leave permanently ā€œfor the sake of bigbangā€. Bigbang needs him, heā€™s so full of energy heā€™s like the life force of bigbang. I hope heā€™s speaking to his hyungs as often as he can and I hope theyā€™re all giving him all the support they can. If he wants to leave the industry for the sake of his own health and happiness Iā€™ll support that but the way in which it happened will always disgust me. People need to remember that heā€™s innocent until proven guilty and so far heā€™s been found guilty of nothing.
VIPs will support you whatever decisions you make Seungri, youā€™re an important part of bigbang and lots of people love you.
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viforvictori Ā· 6 years
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viforvictori Ā· 6 years
Calling all VIPs, this is a petition to have Mr. Kim- the one who started it all- to be investigated. There are now up to 4 women who have sent in reports of sexual assault done to them by Mr. Kim- these women deserve justice. Along with this, he has made untruthful accusations against Seungri and has many holes in his various stories about what happened at Burning Sun and so on. I will add instructions on how you can sign the petition if you would like to do so.
Guide to how to sign the petition to investigate Mr Kim
1. Go to the petition and tap on agree (ė™ģ˜)
2. Choose what account to log in to to sign petition
3. After signing into an account you will be redirected to the petition again and go back and select agree (ė™ģ˜)
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We are currently close to 9,000 signatures, and need 200,000 by the end of the month for Mr. Kim to be investigated. Please, if you want justice for Seungri- but more importantly for the victims of Mr. Kimā€™s assault, please take some time to sign the petition. It is a very fast process. Also please share this so that we can gain more and more signatures to reach the goal by the end of this month!
Thank you
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viforvictori Ā· 6 years
He ain't kidding when he said HE'S SEXY! šŸ˜
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viforvictori Ā· 6 years
I was hoping thereā€™d be some more clarity on this issue before I needed to make a post about it, but itā€™s turned into such a big thing that I donā€™t feel like I can avoid mentioning it.Ā 
This seems like one of the most fair-minded compilations of information so Iā€™m linking to it here. Ā  Like they say, please keep in mind that this is an ongoing investigation with new information being added all the time. Nobody knows anything yet for sure.
Obviously this is a very sensitive and controversial topic and this isnā€™t my personal blog so I wonā€™t give my opinions here. I just hope people will keep in mind that Seungri himself has not been accused of anything, so please donā€™t use this post as an opportunity to bash him, or BigBang by association.Ā  Unless or until thereā€™s a reason to say otherwise, this blog will continue to support him.
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viforvictori Ā· 6 years
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Chinese fans who won Seungriā€™s New Year Contest share their thoughts about him
cr. smilingears0522, fans on weibo
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viforvictori Ā· 6 years
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190120 Seungri ig update
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viforvictori Ā· 6 years
[011319]Ā Fans Furious With Yang Hyun Sukā€™s Horrid Treatment Towards BIGBANGā€™s Seungri During His Concert Tour
Yang Hyun Suk treated him like he was nothing.
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BIGBANGā€˜s Seungri has been touring Asia for his solo concert ā€œThe Great Seungriā€, with Sandara Park as his most recent special guest for his Hong Kong stop, but fans are currently up in arms over how poorly he has been treated during his tour.
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During his stop in the Hong Kong, he revealed that Yang Hyun Suk called him prior to his concert, asking him what he was doing. Seungriā€™s own boss didnā€™t even remember that he had a concert that day.
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Furthermore, Yang Hyun Suk asked Seungri whether he needed back-up dancers or not. Back-up dancers are a must for any solo concert, especially when the artist has dance tracks, so of course Seungri said he needed them. But Yang Hyun Suk said he can just do it alone, since heā€™s Seungri.
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To make matters worse, almost all of Seungriā€™s back-up dancers ended up performing with BLACKPINK for their concert in Thailand, leaving only 2 back-up dancers for Seungriā€™s entire show (Note, this is not BLACKPINKā€™s fault in any way).
Another issue that many of Seungriā€™s fans have is the complete lack of promotion and advertisement for his concert tour.
Fans have detailed how YG Entertainment has made zero effort in promoting his concert, specifically in the Philippines, and revealed that much of the promotion was done by VIPā€™s themselves.
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VIPā€™s around the world are rightfully pissed at Yang Hyun Suk, and are not afraid to voice their opinions on his favoritism.
Seungri had to perform a concert with NO live band, two (2) dancers and his own boss doesnā€™t even know about it pic.twitter.com/y3BKQz05hJ
ā€” š“ˆš‘œš’»š“‰ š’暝’¾š“Žš‘œš“ƒš‘” (@kwoniverse) January 13, 2019
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viforvictori Ā· 6 years
Warning: Long Rant.
Yā€™all... Iā€™m so mad. I came to terms that YG doesnā€™t treat his artistsĀ like people, and he never will, years and years ago. When he let BigBang ruin themselves for the cameras, when he let them sleep with rats in a one-room shack, when he let Daesung face 2011 by himself, and more recently, when he let Jiyong, Youngbae and Daesung fatigue themselves with both solo tours and then group concerts, and when he acted like Seunghyun didnā€™t even exist in July 2017. Even then, itā€™s unfathomable to me that someone can treat their largest, most integral source of income like absolute shit.
I truly did believe that during Seungriā€™s solo promotions heā€™d be treated humanely, at least. Heā€™d be supported, at least. After all, itā€™s his first solo comeback in nigh on five years, and heā€™s the only active member of the megastar group BigBang who brought YG from the ground up and who are literally the only reason heā€™s able to have any relevancy or even produce more groups. Perhaps this is my fault for trusting a man - a rat, rather - whoā€™s shown time and time again that loyalty and hard work and complete and utter devotion does not matter to certain people.Ā 
Some people ask why YG gets so much hate. Thereā€™s a plethora of disgusting, vile things that YG has done over the years but his constant mistreatment of BigBang, especially Seungri, is disgraceful, even for a man consumed by industry.
Letā€™s put aside for a moment the fact that this Seungri has been denied a solo comeback for years and years while having to watch his family, his brothers, be given priority over him every time, and just focus on whatā€™s actually happened duringĀ Seungriā€™s year.Ā 
First of all, the album didnā€™t come until later on into the year, and as such, Seungri went on many shows without anything to promote. Grateful though I am to have been able to see Seungri on so many shows and be given the spotlight for once, he couldnā€™t bring attention to his actual work. This is a small misfortune though, in my opinion.
Once the album came out, we were happy! Itā€™s a well-produced album with amazing songs, both old and new, combined with beautiful photobooks and impressive MVs to boot. We also got epic live stages from music shows~ We also got the privilege of a tour - something we had been expecting to be quite honest. The majority of the concerts seemed to have been incredible both for V.I.Ps and for Seungri, and Iā€™m so happy and proud heā€™s had this opportunity. But apparently, Seungri has had little to no support from YG and YGE in making these concerts a reality. Heā€™s had to spend his own money and use his own connections to secure venues and put everything together. YGE is supposed to take care of these things, being overseen by Seungri. Despite this majorĀ setback that should have lowered the quality of the concerts, Seungri has prevailedĀ and most likely made huge financial sacrifices during this time, all because he doesnā€™t want to disappoint us.
This brings me to the most recent source of my anger towards YG. This concert in Hong Kong. Most people are probably aware by now, but Seungri was left to perform with only the Kwon Twins and without a band because HITECH, CRAZY and The Band Six were all sent to Thailand for BlackPinkā€™s concert. (donā€™t even get me started on Jennie lately as well)
Now, the Kwon Twins and Seungri are very talented stage performers and, although I havenā€™t seen the concert, I know they will have done as well as they could given the circumstances. There are screencaps and videos of this circulating, but Seungri said that he talked with YG on the phone who
1) Did not know Seungri had a concert today
2) Asked him if he wanted back up dancers, and then promptly told him that he could do it by himself.
It will have beenĀ so, soĀ tiring for the Kwon Twins and Seungri to be the only ones on stage. They couldnā€™t have many, if any, costume changes because they couldnā€™t leave the audience with nothing to entertain them while they change. Personally, I find it greatly disrespectful that YG wasnā€™t aware of Seungriā€™s schedule and that he told Seungri he could do it alone after asking him something as ridiculous asĀ ā€œdo you need any dancers?ā€. YGE needs to get a hold of themselves. They must have known that BlackPink and Seungriā€™s schedule clashed, and they should have made preparations for it. BlackPink are four people and should require fewer backup dancers (unless theyā€™re covering for Jennie lmao), whereas Seungri is one person, and would, therefore, need more dancers.
Seungri ultimately said that he was fine because he had V.I.Ps, but I hope heā€™s not tricked himself into forgiving YG for his words and actions today, or any other day. Itā€™s not right by any standard that he should be treated like this when heā€™s mere months from leaving for the military. On top of everything thatā€™s happened, heā€™s had to work his many side businesses and surely thatā€™s taken a toll on him.
All I can hope for is that he manages to have a long, long rest before he enters the public eye again, and while heā€™s gone, I hope YG learns to appreciate what he actually has. Perhaps heā€™ll even consider treating his artists like people? Itā€™s an unreal dream, but a dream nonetheless.
I know nobody will read this far down, but if you seriously did, thank you for actually taking your time to read my rant lmao <3Ā 
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viforvictori Ā· 6 years
[011219]Ā For the love of ā€˜The Great Seungriā€™
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BEFORE I even begin, let me make a disclaimer: This article is not at all meant to diminish the efforts of promoters Jinquan Entertainment and VISM, with Loong Studio and Fei Long Wang for local support, to bring The Seungri Show: The Great Seungri Tour 2019 in Manila to the Philippines. The goal is to bring to light the efforts of fans in making sure that more people get to watch the concert.
On December 28 Loong Studio formally announced that Seungri of the Korean group Bigbang was coming on January 19 with The Seungri Show: The Great Seungri Tour 2019 in Manila at the Mall of Asia Arena. Ticketing started the following day.
A background for non-fans: Seungri is one-fifth of one of South Koreaā€™s best-selling artists, Bigbang. Other members of the YG Entertainment group include the groupā€™s leader, fashion icon G-Dragon, Taeyang, T.O.P and Daesung. Seungri is the youngest in the group and while the four members are in the military, he has been heavily promoting in various ways, including this concert tour. Sources said the local fans had voiced concerns about there being a short lead time for fans to buy tickets, but Seungri himself wanted to come to Manila to meet his fans.
Bigbang fans, known collectively as VIPs, began mobilizing efforts to raise funds to provide tickets to those who canā€™t afford it at the moment.
ā€œThe event was initially deemed not feasible according to the local organizers, but the event pushed through just weeks leading to the December 28 announcement in consideration of the VIPs that Seungri wanted to meet across Asia as part of his 2019 tour expansion,ā€ said a representative from Seungriā€™s fanbase GT2VI PH.
Projects related to the concert include encore banners, giveaways, VIP message boards and a donation drive for a Mall of Asia globe ad.
All of the efforts were heartwarming. Some VIPs ā€œlentā€ money to strangers by paying for the tickets in advance. A lot of fans donated to the efforts of Seungriā€™s Philippine fanbase.
One account on Twitter bought tickets for fans, requiring just a 50-percent downpayment with the balance to be settled on or before February 15.
For a donation of at least P500 (or any amount actually), you could help toward the purchase of a ticket for a VIP or an ad on Facebook or Instagram. Most of the fan initiatives were on Twitter.
I know that many of my Twitter friends donated huge amounts of cash to the fund-raising initiatives just to make sure everything was OK, all for Bigbang and Seungri. I myself made a humble donation. Non-fans may wonder why we do this. Aside from Bigbang, itā€™s really about sisterhood. We have VIP sisters everywhereā€”from Croatia to Indiaā€”and weā€™re bonded by a common love and respect for these five boys. By the way, Loong Studioā€™s media partners will also have some surprises for Philippine VIPs in the days leading to the concert. Follow @LoongStudio on Twitter for details.
For tickets, go to www.smtickets.com.
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viforvictori Ā· 6 years
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190110 Seungri Instagram Update
Tonight at 11 pm #SBS #karochannel Donā€™t miss it!!!
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viforvictori Ā· 6 years
You know, as someoneĀ  that fought against my own fandom over the opinion that Seungri shouldnā€™t enlist with the hyungs, Iā€™m super happy that he didnā€™t enlist at the same time as them and Iā€™m mega happy with all the content that we got. Like literally every single item on my Seungri wishlist happened!
Full albumĀ 
PhotobookĀ Ā Ā 
ConcertsĀ Ā 
Radio appearances
TV appearances
Festival appearances
Loads of pictures on instagram
He showed his apartment multiple times.
Unexpected bonus of a Netflix show.
For years I wanted to see pics of him with Hanna and not only did I get the pictures, I got videos and tv appearances.
For years I wanted to see pics of his parents when young, and he just released those as well.
He even gave us shower scenes that didnā€™t leave him feeling distressed.
He became a regular panelist in some shows and even got ajumas to fall for him.Ā 
His presence on some shows were so enjoyable that they earned the highest ratings not only for the show but even for the time slot. He even won aĀ ā€˜scene stealerā€™ award.
His styling changed and he wore beautiful 3-piece suits that fit him perfectly.
His music styling changed to songs that fit his personality and voice.
He was everywhere at the same time and he put out so much content constantly that it completely filled that empty void weā€™d have felt if all of BigBang had left.
And even though he finally got to enjoy the spotlight, do things his way and make his presence felt, he never, not even once, forgot to bring up his love for BigBang and his hyungs and has continuously reiterated that BigBang intends to return to us.
Thank you Seungri for staying with us and working so hard for the fans. I am well fed and content. šŸ’–
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viforvictori Ā· 6 years
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181230 Seungri Instagram Stories
So it looks he took a flu test and it came back negative. You still seem tired and keep coughing so you should still take some time to rest, ridiculous overachieving boy!!
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viforvictori Ā· 6 years
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Leecember D13Ā šŸ’•
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viforvictori Ā· 6 years
Itā€™s the 12th of December and that means itā€™s Seungri day! I think everyone has realised by now, but 2018 was Seungriā€™s year from start to finish. He went on countless shows, delivered an impressive, spectacular album with sound choreography to go along with plenty of talented feature artists. The MVs we got for 1,2,3! and Where Are You From were pure art, the photoshoots were magnificent and the looks were served on a silver platter just for us. Seungriā€™s solo tour was incredible, and he spoke about BigBang enough for us to fill that hole inside, even though this was his first chance in five years to own that spotlight. Now, as our baby panda prepares a final world tour (although heā€™s not coming to the UK as far as I know T_T) I canā€™t help but feel sad because Iā€™m going to miss him feeding V.I.Ps so well. Heā€™s looked after us with constant updates and Insta lives and random videos and DJ-ing his little peach butt off that I really havenā€™t had time to think about how much Iā€™ll miss him. I hope this world tour goes well, I hope he enters the military satisfied with his work this year, as he should be, and then I hope he serves well with confidence. Thank you, The Great Seungri. Youā€™ve conqueredĀ 2018 along with hearts all over the world and I can only wish you happiness in the coming years that weā€™ll miss you.
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Iā€™d also personally like to apologise - Iā€™ve been gone for a while because of my health and exams, but the last one is tomorrow and then I can rest and start making GIFs and writing again. Thanks to everyone for sticking around this long, I owe you one~
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