#is almost immediately followed by hubris and dumbassery
chaoticelegant · 5 months
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April 24, 2024
Hubris is signing up to give two different presentations to two different conferences the same week that four papers are due, that being next week…
Crusades paper is almost done, archeology paper is next. Then I have to write my talks, which is now plural because what even is sleep when talking about my research is in the line. Said research also needs to be finished, but it is lowest on my list of priorities as it is due the latest.
And I have a test to study for. But at least we are watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail in history.
Class registration opened for next fall, but one that I really wanted to take was only open to juniors and up, so I sent an email to the professor to see if an exception could be made. I got all the others I wanted.
Back to it I guess…
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