#is from dat big pp
velvetstreets · 9 months
If jack’s spine was straight he’d probably be like 6’5
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team-heavenly · 11 months
Chapter 22 - Part 2
Lest you've lost your way, click here to progress (regress?) back to Part 1.
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...Okay, now I'm officially worried.
Meanwhile, back in the Real World™️ (shout-out to my buddy @kantochampred!):
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Alright, I'm about to go off on a small side tangent here but I promise it's worth it-
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(Sorry to post your sins on main, Red 😔)
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(Why Do I Climb the Mountain? is a reference btw)
LMAO OKAY thank you for bearing with me, now back to the main show:
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Good job, neither of those two things is correct!
...Okay, Cherrim has replaced Drifblim, yes, but. Imagine this tiny seed holding Teresa and Andrea by their little stubby hands while riding the wind down the mountain.
I had to look up a walkthrough to identify that little Riolu to the right. Normally, that's an Exeggcute! (And the backup for Team Frontier, apparently).
The Third Station Pass was dubbed Great Turn, while the clearing was called:
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Admittedly, I had no idea what an "oubliette" was, so I did a quick search and...
Wait a minute, are you freaking kidding me-
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(Apologies for the small text at the start, let me know if I need to add an image description!)
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...No >:l
The only reason I left this in is because this happened:
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Oh my God yes PLEASE-
So fun fact, I actually did a dry run of the first few dungeons before doing it for real and taking photos. And the first time around, this gift was an Escape Orb? Which isn't bad, but I would 100% take the Reviver Seed over that any day.
The 4th Station Pass was named Sad Peninsula. (Florida? Dat you?) And the 4th Station Clearing? See below.
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But then!
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(Handsome Desolation? Is this where the handsome men in uniform... perish?! 😓)
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I feel like a large, prehistoric rock dino should be enough to scare most things, but I guess taking the even larger rock snake as backup can't hurt.
So we go through the 5th Station Pass, Sandy Way... (Only one letter different from Sandy Bay.)
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I. Don't remember why I took a picture of this. The downfalls of not immediately composing posts after the playthrough...
But yeah, those giant two-room dungeons with guaranteed MH's and a huge mass of enemies in the other room aside is definitely a theme and I hate it.
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Andrea consumed enough Gummis to obtain this IQ skill, which is awesome since Max Elixirs are so hard to come by.
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Look at this!! I'm pretty sure Blizzard only had 7 PP before! Yee haw!
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I wonder which Pokémon are the ones bothering Sneasel Pichu?
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OH NOOO!! I'm imagining this grisly scene where all these Combusken are just pecking Pichu to death.
Team Frontier happens to beat us to the punch:
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I love that Onix is so big that she blocks Nidoran F.
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Like all territorial encroachments in Mystery Dungeon, everyone just jumps right into the fray without listening to anyone 🙄
Honestly, all of Team Frontier was pretty based. Jolteon had an ability that allowed him to attack twice in a row (I think because the weather was different?) and he consistently used X-Scissor. Nidoran F had Sesimic Toss (55 damage) and Ice Beam. Deoxys had Attack Order, Seed Flare, Rock Wrecker(!), and Swift, the last hitting for 120 damage on a critical. Combined with Teresa's Chatter (when we finally got there, because you start off a ways from everyone), they didn't stay up for much longer.
Also Jolteon shielded me when Teresa got low on HP 🥺️
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"We owe you..." -> Yet another line from this game that never made any sense to me. (Unless it was sarcasm ig?)
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💀You what
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Hey, speaking of... I know Onix is huge and all, but have y'all seen Pichu since the fight started...?
(Beep boop, click here to advance to Part 3)
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1. 3D Modeling
As a designer, one of the most used forms of communication is 3D modeling. The reason for this is that it is one of the most visual and direct ways that an idea, space or object can be portrayed, and also to understand space and distribution better without having to resort to physical, real scale prototyping.
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http://vardehaugen.no/real-scale-drawings/ [Accessed: 2nd November 2022]
 Through the years there have been immense technological changes and advances , specially on 3D computer modelling programs. 3D modeling as presented by Autodesk (n.d.) is ‘the process of using a specific software to create a mathematical representation of a 3-dimensional object.’ (Autodesk, n.d.)
It is a market that has been expanding very rapidly and has allow for accessibility in the field since it has become less expensive, and more refined.
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PEREZ, S. (2021) Kitchen Project.
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PEREZ, S. (2021) Kitchen Project.
3D modeling can go from small scale object design, to big scale road planning. And since it is based on mathematical background, the precision is incomparable. For this, there is the sophisticated science of Photogrammetry and the technique of Stereophotogrammetry, that is the estimation of 3D coordinates of an objectto create a 3D mesh to form the shape of an object or space.
However architecture is usually limited to floor plans rather than 3D models because of the difficulties and technology required to represent all the complex information. Many programs rely on the manual input of data to be able to enter a stage recognition in which all the basic structure  is divided into layers.
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PEREZ, S. (2019) Kiosk.
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PEREZ, S. (2019) Kiosk.
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HUA, H.  (2014) ‘A case-based design with 3d mesh models of architecture’ Computer-Aided Design. 57 (2014) pp 54-60. Availiable from - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cad.2014.07.004 [Accessed: 20th October 2022]
3D modeling has been adapted into many fields in recent years, specially in media and design. Some of the most common examples we can see are in computer vision products, such as Xbox’s, Kinect, Playstation’s Move, etc. Many of this softwares even allow the users to actively interact with the programs, by having the programs recognize the user by infrared sensors.
All of this advances in 3D technology should continue being implemented in areas of Architecture and design to be able to provide a more in depth process of spatial understanding, as well as promoting tecnologies that can consequently provide cost reductions, less human error, and overall a more positive impact on the public since it facilitates the participation in the earliest stages of design.
VARDEHAUGEN (2015) Floor plan for Villa Stamsund [Online] Available at- http://vardehaugen.no/real-scale-drawings/ . [Accessed: 2nd November 2022]
AUTODESK (n.d.) 3D Modelling Software [Online] Available at- https://www.autodesk.co.uk/solutions/3d-modeling-software#:~:text=3D%20modelling%20is%20the%20process,in%20a%20variety%20of%20industries. [Accessed: 2nd November 2022]
PEREZ, S. (2021) Kitchen Project.
PEREZ, S. (2019) Kiosk.
HUA, H.  (2014) ‘A case-based design with 3d mesh models of architecture’ Computer-Aided Design. 57 (2014) pp 54-60. Availiable from - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cad.2014.07.004 [Accessed: 20th October 2022]
GAO, W., WU, C., HUANG, W., & LIN, B. (2021) ‘A dat structure for studing 3D modeling design behavior based on event logs.’ Automation in construction. [Online] 132 (2021) pp 103967. Availiable from- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2021.103967. Accessed: 22th October 2022]
SHAH, S., BENNAMOUN, M., BOUSSAID, F. (2017) ‘Keypoints-based surface representation for 3D modeling and 3D object recognition’ Pattern Recognition, [Online] 64(2017) pp29-38, Available from; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2016.10.028. [Accessed: 23th October 2022]
KUMAR, A. (2021) ‘1. Design for Creative and Immersive Technology in KUMAR, A, Immersive 3D Visualization. Berkley, Ca.: Apress. pp 1-6
0 notes
Rare Report Gives The Reality to You on Post Production Workflow That Only A Few People Know Occur
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You can input parameters, like that it’s a 23.976 project, and it’s very effective. “Remote control plug-ins for Avid Pro Tools and other DAWs are in development,” said Eventide’s VP of sales and marketing, Ray Maxwell. SMPTE has just ratified ST 2110 standards for IP transport in media workflows. The standard puts video, audio and ancillary data into separate routable streams as shown in the figure below.
ISIS 7000 – Requirements for Pro Tools
How many hours a day do actors work?
An actor's work hours may include early mornings, evenings, weekends and holidays. Filming days can run from twelve to as many as twenty hours. Feature films may involve working 5 days a week and can last up to three months of shooting.
Shared Projects requires shared network storage and more than one editor. Another timeline tip that Eddie shared was his process for choosing takes.
See how Strawberry helps #UniversityOfAuckland bring order and efficiency to their video production workflows, reducing stress and storage cost, while still allowing content creators to work in their preferred editing app. https://t.co/9uDp1Mq8a5 #PostProduction #AssetManagement pic.twitter.com/Svzb5ge6cj
— Projective Technology (@ProjectiveTech) May 29, 2019
BIN file contain ALL the data stored on the original disc including not only its files and folders but also its system-specifics information, for examples, bootable information, volume, volume attributes and any other system-specific data. A .BIN image file is not a collection of files or folders but is an exact duplicate of the raw data of the original disc, sector by sector. Usually, if there is an MPEGAV folder, then you have a VCD, which contains MPEG-1 video streams. Please note that sometimes (most often with VCD), there will be files with .DAT extension.
This is an important consideration when looking at collaborating or sharing your session with Pro Tools users not running 12.4. Converting the media from a copyright DVD or CD for example will not work without breaking through a layer of security protection. The process is also illegal and you are better off simply purchasing a digital format of the same media.
An Editor can choose to lock their bin container to the top, bottom, left, or right of the source/record.
Once you're in the web editor, you'll have access to most iWork app tools to make changes.
To borrow an analogy from the biology world, the assistant editor is like the digestive system of the human body.
Once you get over that 25-weddings-a-year mark, it makes a lot of sense for you to seriously look at outsourcing your jobs to a company that can guarantee you fast turnaround and consistent results.
While it is now quite common for directors, producers, and clients to give feedback remotely, it’s less common for the editorial team itself to be distributed across multiple locations.
Most editors drop footage into their library alphabetically, https://www.diigo.com/rss/user/projectivetech so any naming convention should keep this in mind.
Are you interested in learning more about Avid Media Composer 2019? Contact us!
The big buzz these days in post production nerd communities seems to be surrounding higher than 4K resolutions and the cloud. Everyone wants to be able to access, organize, and manage all of their media immediately — no one wants to wait. In earlier positions Frasco also was a product manager with expertise in the company’s graphics and editorial solutions. Post-production veteran Howard Brock is not sentimental about the past.
How do I convert a BIN file to ISO?
A BAT file is a DOS batch file used to execute commands with the Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe). The danger: A BAT file contains a series of line commands that will run if it is opened, which makes it a good option for malicious programmers.
Uploading a Project
You can also convert BIN to AVI, convert BIN to MP3 and more video & audio formats you like. I downloaded some video files with the .bin extension from the web, but I found that very few devices can recognize this file format, so I want to convert BIN to MP4 for compatible with more devices.
Every studio is hooked up to an EVO shared storage server and synchronized to Dropbox, enabling engineers, producers, hosts and other contributors to collaborate from multiple locations. Also sharing the captured file which is stored in Dell NAS Storage to our MAM system for non-linear editing in MAM production workflow. mediaREC counts with differents models, designed to fit your workflow and production needs, either software only or a software/hardware combo. mediaPLAY is a playout software application that supports playing all kinds of UHD/QFHD/FHD/HD/SD media files. mediaMOVE Densu Series is a compact cost effective appliance that can support FHD/HD/SD video gateways to ingest and transcode all kind of media files.
What does finishing mean in post production?
Post Production Scripts (Pps) A Post Production Script is your film on paper, shot by shot, word by word. Whether you are a Production Company, Broadcaster or Distributor, we can tailor a script that is right for you, including shot-lists, timecodes, dialogue, voiceover, captions, credits and music cues as required.
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tuyetthienduong · 6 years
Het liars
Wua het khoc
L tesm st day
Huhuhy ai nua xuat hien di
Jn bh ne gia bo dap xx hehe mbm
E em hoi ne kbn ha
Ha ha ha hihi mbm
Ko chua nguoi kbn nguo ifsng song nhat o wastelanx uong thay la tg xuoi cung too con lai om eht rii o truoc do dibh bim har nhan by all leaders em ra lenh
Bun2 tr run rung
Yeu bun 2 nhat hihi by team
Xiu j lon roi kapa diet roi ten al biet pp tui w etc do M xiu
J helo her. See thel igh t again em noi nha
Ele dom la buet iri gian di bha
Em bi tay j too hehe da xx ne do nha xiu co nhri do xiu kho giet thing tu tin thing em too hehe mbn
E m team doi thung me moi kia
Q ok bgin vnm
Minh vopy
K help me too
J helo do cc sach trouoe
Xai do chua ma doi nhieu by chuateam pika lam nguoi vo hinh luc can cho em
E toi dau roi m rhi vay duoc roi ai mun nho fau e gibg pau lkie u hat j. Hu gi nua
Help fan cuonh
J e em no ikieu re ylcem duoc ha thi hoo an gach nhu vong xoan ox ma
Q help cant find way to come back home sp dc oi j duoc a nha copy mn oi
Xiu ma vuong team no tinh lai roi dn thing I too
Soko nen hihi im de ddudud day lai
Minh helo fc ang moi do cubg ko sao wurb roi
Moi giet do neb manh dan vay a bdd thoi att by team binh phong again chho kcc
Doi y roi hih nl
J team kbghn bun2 tr theo
Cho em ngoi noi vopy sc em biet lau roi
Minh im la hihi tron o day aau
E nen twam do em
Ghe ku tyi ghr no con do ghe ho nanh sc ps paw hihi hi
J hihi hen gi thua ca paw ziu huhu csnh ko lai
Im la hieu hehe
Nhan lay cua may chi ni thieu du lam
Im cc
Paw co tr lon tri roi tr kia nen max bun2 tr theo hihi dua chan hihi lo cm
Paw paw paw bun2 ko hihi bien
Em join team nha
Ele help sau do sc hiru huhu
Nghia la visual ma hay max a gf hihi
Dungabc gi do co gia ca hihi ml em nl too cho hay j tr hihi nl
Hc hatmy chi khen im jerks nam hihi fua bhjn fay
Em noi lau roi ma j lo moi tot an toan do duoc tu cao o doi etc khoi can p that ra em bao hwt bc nhu m shit lam gi co ngan sach etc hehe mbu
Yeah thanks my han etc xiu nha
Tt nho cm roi thoay nan 11 tuoi nh vl
J tu noi tu hoeu thieu nguoi view
Hieu team
Just do it doi tinh sau
Chinh la tot ww
Help team thieu view kick j k
Du paw paw paw ne hhhi
Help hai thang kia do co loi att
Bun2 tr that
Xl da help but may la ai all
Hiwu team
Da ta hoang tgong hehe by teM ht
Lo cm vo em keu no lai a nguov si tr oi
Tr bao oi
J lo oi ma phai noi mai ok xiu nha
Xiu nh help cn
Da iour van che vi ko li do gi huhu hn nl
Minh ai dn cung vay a
May la ai the .... Team con nha rm nuo lum nhu o sc hihi
Bien by k team hihi co may dua anh a kick ne
Paw paw paw paw paw
Beit on nt team coy and paste nua a ktesm im live us
Paw paw paw paw paw Paw paw paw paw paw Paw paw paw paw paw Paw paw paw paw paw Paw paw paw paw paw Paw paw paw paw paw Paw paw paw paw paw
R mai lam gi
Bhjn live
Bhjn can nau
Paw paw paw paw paw Paw paw paw paw paw Paw paw paw paw paw Paw paw paw paw paw Paw paw paw paw paw Paw paw paw paw paw Paw paw paw paw paw
Paw dau di roo 1 trong sc a
Help do agsin k tjieu huhu thuong ke diet luon ni saif j tr ma
Huy an dem mang fiay dm met qua a hihi than dongh ihi
Jn kick do b hihi het chuyen
Nhan heylt ht tjeiu
Ppql tum lai a20 voo cl
Vai nhiep cjonh lo truoc mat ko a
Bat tai ma kiem xhuyen hoai why
Nguu dont know bon thu a
H uyen mang o gan quen roi hihi di theo lo cm de trai nhat vung j lon roi em
S goc vay moi tot em tr bun2 tr theo
Ele tr doi nay hua manh wua ong kia do ghe. Cm hay vl ld nguoi tot ko a kick do cho nguoi tot ganh huhu nao kk ne
J tr soc thay
Bayleaf dubg huhu ch
Em ko biet vu don phuong cua co att nha
Sad team live
Pay qurn cd roi huy binh phng again live
Emnhan hrt att
Bhjn dd why not from the beginning
J to forgwt ms mem do k pp anh etc ban ngoi nltruoc mat full thi quay di lam gi ghi di gan nua quan so roi
Chi pjep bat chuoc het tien an hihi
K twsm welcom to her world
J help reality ne em tai em ko co ban o truong a nghi hoai nhu rm nho a tai s22 lam ctn an nhu anh hihi nl no tre hon minh tt ma do gia dinh anh etc
Ad nhan sp hhi mbm
Nhan het do
S10 nhan cua ai muon hohi mbu
Wwww time travel
De gia xem lai roi noi nha nhcu quen roi huhu nl cai
Itsv true
Dont knwo
Still live
Sc ant xiu oi
Hieu team ma ko giai thixh duoc
Dt oi
Paw when me kia roi
E anh la anh vay nguoi du mon att noi keiu van chuong a nguu w sinh ba
Help team men hd wua j tr nhin cai yen kia
Von von vom
Dap cut cv ne
J moi gab fay tai ko co gi lam nhu fb ke moi lop 5 a muon nl hay du do xiu vl har cac mn oi
Cornell see att
R sp
Q minh tbt etc giong nhau mbm
Sao chua ve by lu wwww team
Dua nao len luhia im la hon hihi
Ele may by xao cho lai si con joc cua none huhu help np
Noi ko tnt moi hihi nl anh ho cua no
Vai em dao kua wm co than thonh ma kieu nhanh wua a lo cm
Lay khoc huhu
See kho thing
Du tien ko ha 1 ngay nua hihi nl
Hieymu twam diwt bon dua nha linh anh 21 thay wm jn
Ert yy uiii
Do max keiu p all
18 ngay helo
Hien do all con 1 ngay soc
J quen roi huhu no nhieu hihi xiu
Trum duoc fay lai ziu
S22 nya dep ma hn
Nt no nho roi sao lau vay ta
Gia tai su menh bu lam nhieu wua dau co ngu nhu tui may 2h/ ngay
S goc co gi do ko dung o day
S teM copy
J tien gannday a att a hihi
Em wwww
Paw let me livw yoi
Tr kia juhu i love you plz maery me
Linh len hinh la bd a gao vo dich roi nl
Quan ak uop mau thi de rhoo em p rheo ma xiu do cm re cycle tt hay tot nua wtc by q
Anh al ai anh la nguoi nhu the nao.
... Huhu nl j a q att ma gan lon ten mbm
Hwn gi nguo ibi di ngji att nghi cjoi ma ko an toan hihi nhu cu ff nha
Hai con kia qia
Helo j fan an ko duoc
Jelo copy akk
Ko co kinh taht te hihi nk
Em la ai mm
Vua ne mlt cho dung jc
Q em la ai. M.
Minh dung ma day kai
Helo cwnt find way hom so sad
Bun2 doc nguoc vui
Dungb2 twam gerk cac ne nl phai chubg hihi stalkwra
Bau nay nhieu khac h toi tham hoi mui mau vl do gio xhua thay
M tr ma si oi nua dep rrai cc cho ne thanks hua nhan
That ele tr oi too
J vi em moi ki giay tu cho credit card cua em ma no hu roi j do p a hihi nl
Qua em
Q vi hn tgabg nhieu wua rm chiu her noi roi nen cp tai nan ngoai duing hoai vua a
Minh hihi ht lo la vua roi a
M la tam diem cua vu nsy no dau co wuyen do tinh du lam oi
Tring nt ko a chet het roi muon moi haoi ma. By j linh jn etc
Em wwww sldang suy nggi
Help do taht conan
Ka gium haiz oai
Ny help idol vua gain
Ele ngay cang ko dang tin me moi nia
S goc doi ma vay moi hihi paw xiu oi hay mv paw paw
Tum lai lo cm u gi ma di biz shit hoai huhu nhac cho u thoi phai ko khong yu
E do thiet dau M help bc loi a hihi nl
Help tt oi do help em cho uobg nuoc duing 5% a ah dot de ahuy gia
Xiu fua nao chet. Roi help do
J gian nah hihi mai canh
E co yeam ma di theo hwt ha
Nguu co dia nao canh noi dau chan cet em ke di em xiu do that nho a do big ai noi joji
J help bat tai team agaib hihi mbm
Q help ninh than
Minh het cau roi em oi
Dubgb helo wuen nl roi
E sao nhieu vay hihi dat gai ve chu gi bo day
Dung hihi nl
Why do yoi know wjen yoire only 12 ...
Ko em xiu nl
Nguu thay mat gia vi nho huhu tji di ymduong la co ban ti quen roi toan de tu nhan ko do cm nl
Trum boi huy hia hihi gui lau roi
Em wwww
M no lo vu tome travel xong ra vay a 4 ty nh
Tt chui jieu xhua mau unicorn vo toi vay ma phai do xuong vi nhung con sc nay dau thau toi day dr hai vua toi deu dep vl nhan cach tot trubg thuc trong nghe nghiep rtc
All ban ni dsy roi xem lai
0 notes
joshuajacksonlyblog · 6 years
TOP-3 Underrated ICOs Within Last 2 Years: What Makes a Difference?
Once a blockchain startup takes off, it follows the goal to raise money for further development. Luckily, since 2017 there is a tool for crowdinvesting in new crypto businesses named ICO (Initial Coin Offering).
What goes on during an ICO is the following: a startup, looking for funding, issues digital tokens. Tokens are available for purchase during the ICO by every person in the market. Once you buy the token, you are the only owner of it and can sell, keep or withdraw it as you like. No governmental regulations may restrict the process.
In January — March 2018, there was raised about $6.3 bln via different ICOs. This amount already exceeds last year. It means the interest in ICOs is growing, and every young business is looking forward to it.
Let’s see what ICO is like for some start-ups.
ICO #1: Spectrecoin saves your budget making transactions anonymously
ICO date: November 18th, 2016 — January 6th, 2017
Cryptocurrency: XSPEC
Raised amount: $20K
Spectrecoin is one of 5 the most successful ICO start-ups in blockchain area nowadays. The idea of Spectrecoin is anonymous transactions among token’s exchange via Proof-of-Stake v3 consensus. The core of the business is an HD wallet based on ShadowCash protocol, what consumes a low amount of electricity and leaves no trace in the network. Today Spectrecoin’s market capitalization of it is more than $8 mln.
But who would believe if you say that a success to Spectrecoin came after an epic fail?
When CEO and Spectrecoin team inspirer — Mandica — became seriously ill, the ICO started fading out. Investors stopped believing in the idea proposed by the team. As a result, a bad reputation about Spectrecoin as a non-perspective startup spread out around the globe. Most of the supporters who already bought the tokens were upset and consider this as a sunk cost. Overall, only $20K has been raised during the ICO. Public ICO was closed on January 6th, 2017. 
It seemed that was it.
But things changed when Spectrecoin started to overcome the crisis in August 2017. A new development team has brought the second wave of Spectrecoin evolution. So far, the project is ongoing, and a new price of XSPEC coin is to be around $100-150 per coin. Keep in mind an initial coin offer of $0.001 brings the investors about 103628% profit.
Michael Morton, Director General of Morton Bitcoin Management said about Spectrecoin’s ICO:
Anonymous transactions existed for years. Even more, there are a number of existing cryptocurrency companies on the blockchain market that offer non-tracing solutions for safe transactions such as Montero, Zcash or DASH. But using startup solutions, oriented specifically on anonymous transactions like is Spectrecoin just much cheaper.
CEO and Founder of Nexxus Partners – Bob Wood – comments that diversity, utility requirements, scalability, infrastructure support, entrepreneurial capital, seller acceptance, and market solutions are the key factors in the checklist when making the decision whether or not to invest in an ICO.
ICO #2: Datum with ICO Potential of $45 mln Ended Pp with $30K
ICO date: October 27th, 2016 — November 27th, 2017
Cryptocurrency: DAT
Raised amount: $30K
A strong team lead by Roger Haenni — an experienced professional in big data startups launch, presented a new project named ‘Datum’. The idea behind Datum is to process and structure users’ data and sell it to any stakeholders under certain terms. Data is being collected from social networks, wireless peripheral devices or other sources of user behavior.
Once in October 2016 Datum team decided to try an ICO, project risks were determined as 3.7 out of 5.0, and the ICO campaign was interpreted as a high-risk one. Investors requested a big team of consultants for the project in order to keep it on track. Also, there were some comments regarding the huge spread in industries covered by Datum developers: there might be better to focus on 1-2 niches to satisfy.
Anyway, the Datum ICO was rated 2.5 out of 10 in a general scoring as high-risk to invest in. As a result, instead of millions of dollars money raised, the team received about $30K, what is definitely undertaken.
What makes people think differently?
Reasons to consider the potential of Datum:
1) Data ownership concept is not a new one. The concept stands for not only data collection by security offices but also people’s desire to keep the data hidden.
2) The largest data volume nowadays is in medicine industry. Plenty of people use cases which need to be controlled and regulated by the owner.
3) After buying the coins, Datum token owners become a part of a large network scale.
There should be some distractive option to stop giants like Google or Facebook to share and sell user data. What if after Datum there will be none? But that’s another story.
Datum is a company that plans on changing this by allowing users of its app to extract and backup their user data from various other apps and services and then share or even sell this data. Most importantly, the sharing is done anonymously by default, which will appease many people who worry about their personal information falling into the wrong hands.
Datum’s ICO looks fine now. But wasn’t the start-up another candidate to be kicked out of the business? 
Let’s have a look who else might face the same difficulties during ICO at the moment.
ICO #3: Paymon: Disruptive Technology or Another Ambitious Failure?
ICO date: February 2nd, 2018 — June 13th, 2018 (3 stages).
Cryptocurrency: PMNC
Raised amount: ICO is ongoing
Can you imagine a new blockchain, different from Satoshi Nakamoto’s one? Can you imagine transactions in cryptocurrency without any fee? What if we say you are now able to launch a company right in the network via a business platform? 
Let’s have a look what a disruptive technology allows that.
In 2016 in the city of Russia — Ekaterinburg, a group of students got the idea to adopt a revolutionary technology. They named it Hive.
Within 2 years an idea has grown in an IT-company Paymon with a core business for cryptocurrency holders and blockchain technology users. The team has expanded up to 20 members with a big pool of Big-3 advisors and supportive investors from Russia and abroad. The whole community of Paymon is developing rapidly along with presenting a new technology to the market.
The point of new blockchain technology — Hive — is to offer more opportunities for using cryptocurrency, except just investing, trading, and saving assets. The Paymon team develops a crosschain with smart-contracts, where users can exchange the coins quickly and without any fees.
Hive is currently disrupting existing solutions in the crypto world. Because so far there are no such services that give you a chance to make transactions for free while using a multifunctional solution. As a result, there are a lot of misunderstandings of the concepts overall. 
Why don’t you consider the following before you stop believing in Paymon?
Paymon develops a business platform ‘Profit’ specifically for one-second safe transactions and payments. You don’t need to buy an extra solution for business, once you join a Hive with its Profit platform.
Paymon helps you easily launch your business, start selling goods or services and receive payments in cryptocurrencies. No more long queues in tax office to register LLC.
Proof concepts are organized by every user identification and rating within the network.
New blockchain technology — Hive — disrupts an existing one by its DAG (directed acyclic graph) algorithm.
Paymon is more than currency exchange service: Paymon messenger + Paymon Wallet. Now you can unite all existing wallets of different cryptocurrency wallets in one with PMNC coins, and then easily send BTCs or ETHs to your friend or business partner.
Summing up, Paymon is for sure an ambitious project, challenging existing solutions in the world of cryptocurrency. But who believes in it? Wouldn’t a new technology become another underrated startup?
Paymon is now at the ICO stage, distributing its PMNT tokens. From the examples above, there are a bunch of sad stories about ICO difficulty to build a trust from the world. That probably reflects the mentality of crowdinvesting overall, when people feel skeptical and cynical towards disruptive solutions. 
Hopefully, Paymon might expect a different attitude and warmer welcoming at the ICO stage, since it has already overcome an era of early birds and has managed to build a strong Hive community in the market so far. Paymon consists of ambitious founders, consultants, developers, and analysts. Today it’s a promising business if some misconception won’t call it ‘scam’. 
What will Paymon’s future be like after ICO? Endorsement and people’s trust — make a difference.
On the one hand, ICO market is growing rapidly during last year. From January 2018 till March 2018 there was more than $6.3bln funded over ICO stages, which is already much more than during 2017.
On the other hand, there is a number of ICO frauds growing on the market as well. For instance, from the beginning of 2018 $9 mln is being lost on a daily basis. In April, 2018, there was a huge scandal in Vietnam regarding fresh ICO, which wasn’t an ICO at all, but a scam. Investors have lost about $600 mln of their money. Among all of those dirty ICOs it’s hard to see a worthy one, but you’d better.
Summing up, it’s really important to launch not only the great business, but to care about professional ICO campaign as well in order to build a trust within community and a reputation of a successful innovative business.
Images courtesy of Paymon
The post TOP-3 Underrated ICOs Within Last 2 Years: What Makes a Difference? appeared first on Bitcoinist.com.
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olusegundare · 6 years
Brother Samson and Sister Debbie’s Story Continues
Sister Debbie says, "maybe you CAN CONVINCE him sire"...(July 26, 2013)
As interesting as d course work is, dure to its applications to d economy of d Island but yet, one shall need 2 study hard 2 grasp d teknikal terms, so dat those terminologies be @ one's finger tips in case of adhoc tests... Several assignments dat shall be typed, binded and submitted too call for master's students possession of laptop (lapy as students call it) and printer these days... I have a laptop bc of d kind of work dat i do in d office, but I do not have a printer, I have been borrowing a friend's but I have come to realize dat there is nothing like what one has, a personal possession and I have contacted my love of d need to get a new model printer dat can as well photocopy documents...
My love wanted to send money to me so dat I get a new one where I am, bc d university environment is situated in a place dat is more populous and big than our Island...I howeva contered his suggestion based on d fact dat
..fact dat I may not know d original and it is beta one buys sth that is authentic, original, even if costlier than buying fake. The worrisome situation is our land is dat some of those marketers/retailers will tell u dat sth is original n collect d exact money dat one purchases original 4m some1 but they shall yet give one fake. When one complains and or take d products back 2 dem, dey shall start giving excuses, dey would neither change d product nor refund d money back, bc dey shal say goods once bought and paid for canNOT be returned... I remember a horrible experience dat a course mate had recently, when he bought his lapy, he paid 4 original substance, but when d retailer gave him a sealed carton, he discovered dat it was fake...d battery can not last an hour...and d packages installed on d system are not d latest windows... When he returned it, d man didnt change it 4 him, he took d law enforcement agencies dia, but instead of d matter being resolved it got aggravated...
It became a bottlenecked situation...the situation was time demanding, with my coursemate wasting his precious time @ d agencies offices, when he couldnt withstand d situation any longer due to his academic work, he let go d issue, handing d case ova to God... Yes God fights, God vindicates, God judges, but b4 dat happens, d naive would have suffered, as d adage of our parents say, "ki ilẹ to pa òsìkà, ohun rere pupọ yo ti bajẹ"... So my coursem8 abandoned d pursuit of d case, and had to borrow anoda one 4m one of his friend's, pending the time he raises money 2 get anoda one.,. Since I am ignorant in d field, and we have a brother in our church in d island who is knowledgeable in such products, I tell "mai" lord dat he shd give him money to assist us in getting a good, radiant, durable and original one even if some token shall be added, it is beta dan getting something dat one wont use 4 a mth b4 it packed up...
My love had a contrary opinion, he thinks dat may be d luck of my course m8 n dat I may not be a victim as he was, moreso, according 2 him, some of dose brethren n close pp, dey sometym also misbehave, getting wrong things 4 some1, particularly wen dey see dat u r a believer, dey know one wont do anytin, 1 wont be able 2 harass dem...He said he remembered dat broda Johnny asked anoda broda in d church who was in2 handsets 2 help him get new n latest Iphone brand, but d broda got 4 broda Johnny a substandard product @ d rate dey r selling standard product and he even collected extra-changes, which broda Johnny readily paid...but when broda Johnny started using d Iphone he discovered how substandard d so called standard product was...It really pained him...he confronted d broda, but filmsy excuses were presented to broda Johnny....The written disappointments all over broda Johnny made "mai" lord 2 ask from broda Johnny what d matter was, and he narrated everything to "mai" love n how
...n how disappointed he was in d so called brethren, bc accordin 2 broda Johnny, dis is d 2nd of d so called christian broda that shall disappoint him in getting authentic thing. As he said, he, bro Johnny did not even believe dat dia is any Christian broda @ all again, and wouldnt venture to introduce any Christian member to any outsider lest his reputation be dented, damaged b4 such people. "Mai" lord said, he had to sit broda Johnny down and tell him dat we r in d last days, d perilious times and dat such shd be expected in d christian gatherings. My love said he also shared one out of d many experiences he had with broda Johnny. The experience he shared with broda Johnny was d one dat he said comforted bRoda Johnny...The experience he shared was dis...
"Mai" lord has a friend in 1 of d developed countries, d man was a citizen of dat developed country by birth and afta graduation 4m university, bc he and my love attended d same university 2geda and dey lived in d same room 2geda while in d schl it was den dey started their friendship...Having studied each oda closely...d man knew "mai" lord 2 be a True Christian and noticed dat my love had not changed 4m his once profession as many were even despite all problems...So, "mai" love's friend intimated him dat he wanted 2 have a building in d Island n he shd help him out...Mai love said he connected a christian broda who is an engineer with his friend so dat he helped d man, but dis christian engineer duped d man, did shoddy job 4 him it took God's intervention 4 d man in developed country 2 trust my love again, bc he thought dey connived 2geda 2 dupe him. The structure built by d engineer had 2 be pulled down when d man came home 2 inspect d building n he asked "mai" love to make sure he
...sure he gets local pp, unbelievers if dat shal be d case and be supervising d project himself...dis was afta he was convinced dat "mai" lord had no premonition of all dat d so called christian engineer did 2 him. The house dat local pp built was as if it was removed/plucked 4m developed country n became situated/placed in our Island. This was when my love's friend became happy. With dis shared experience, d man, broda Johnny became happy n my love was able 2 tell him dat dia are real believers but it is only dat dey are extremely few now, thence, he shdnt just conclude like dat..."Mai" love said he told him dat dat is wat is happening in female-male relationships vizaviz proposals 4 courtships or datings which make many brothers and many sisters become afraid of starting relationship with a felowship member despite d fact dat she has known d person for months or years because dey feared d unknown, dey feared dat d person may afterall become and anoda wolf in sheep's clothing..
Thence, d so called sisters many atimes prefer outsiders, those who are not sound in faith to start dating than d so called believer bc according to sister Bum-bum, "if he wants to act funny, I shall also act funny calling him 2 his senses"...But d truth is dat dia r genuine believers out there, "mai" lord concluded with broda Johnny... When "mai" lord inboxed me dis msg because I was yet on campus wen I told him 2 get d thing ready 4 me, so dat wen I come home I shal take it along bc I was already "sick of his love"...despite saying dis he stil wanted me 2 get d thing where I am,...I also had 2 reply him, using his words, dat since he believes dia r genuine believers around, though fewer, then let us give d broda an element of doubt until he proves odawise, 4 afta all, retail prices are close irrespective of cities or villages.
"Mai" lord said "no problems, but that if d man happened to fai, u shal bear d liabilities, financial one of getting a new one or repairing d one he bought as d case may be". I replied dat "I agreed, but dat if he happened 2 get me d correct one, you shall add to my weekly wages..." "Owo l'obinrin mọ", lets wait and see" he said. So, he helped me contact d broda and d broda got me a printer...From my love's message, I assume he is satisfied with d product bc he is saying dat he may assist him 2 get some things, bc he said he wanted 2 computerize his office n coupled with d fact dat he is a "micro" writer, he may want to start storing his write ups and messages on d d system... When he informed me dat he wants him 2 get sth 4 him, I asked him 2 brief me of d devpt, d sudden change in interest in d broda, he refused, saying until I arrive "gan-ni a fi ji" he said in anoda tribe's language. "Ẹyin lẹmọ, ẹ o mã fi enia sinu "suspense" bi ẹnipe "island" ni mo wa pẹlu yin", I replied.
"Ẹ ma binu iya grammar", he said. "Boya ẹ o tillẹ fẹ ki n ka iwe mọ ni" I said. "why?" he replied. "Se ẹ o mọ wipe ti enia ba ti wa ni "suspense" ọKan enia ko ni papọ̀ ni iwaju awọn professors wọnyẹn ni?" I said. "Ẹ ma binu. Se ẹ mọ wipe emi o lọ suku ri, mi o mỌ bi o se nse enia", he replied. "Dont mis-interpret and or mis-quote me o, I did not say u did not go to school oh...am on my knees oh", I said. "Not in anyway annoyed...Just playing now..." he said. "hmn. Heave a sigh of relief. Alright. Back on my couch", i replied. "God bless u", he said. "Amen" I replied. "Do u know what?" He asked "Watz dat dearie love?" I asked. "Ẹyin ti "personality" yin ba ti jẹ "phleg" bayi, nkan ni" he replied "To ò, ẹ n lẹ o baba "personality" ki la se o?" I replied. "You are those Yorubas called "Rutu abọ́kọkú"" he said. "I think Yorubas erred in dat," I said "Why?" he replied. "Because "Rutu ko ba ọkọ ku, Rutu fi ìfẹ́ rẹ si ọkọ rẹ han ni" and is dia a law against dat?" I said.
"Not that I can think of at d moment" he replied. ""Mai" lord sire. I know u r wiser n more grounded in bible than I, but u can neva think of any, either now or in d future", I replied. "Yes madam grammar, I even forgot dat u have an award in bible teaching @ d felowship lately" he said. "Ẹyin na lẹ fun wa", I said. "I want u 2 know dat even Yoruba does not approve flirting. Yoruba wants some1 who shal sustain d geneology of d dead, and dat was what Ruth did, dat was what she exemplified". "Am all ears bible teacher", he said. "Thats what I want 2 chip in on dat "Rutu a bọkọ ku" slogan by our people", I said. "O.K" He said. "So, wat do u say of my personality class?" I asked. "What I am trying 2 say is d Phleg personality individual trusts pp so much and dey demonstrate such trusts to d extent dat if dey r grieved, "Ọlọrun nikan lo le gba ẹniyẹn"", "mai" lord's response. "To ò, e emi ni sẹyin ni bayi tabi ẹyin lẹ sẹ mi?", I asked. "O ò sẹ̀ mi. Mi o sẹ̀ ẹ́. But I am saying ko dara ki enia ma sẹ iru yin" he said
"Either phleg or sanguine or whatever, "ko dara ki a ma sẹ ara wa, a ò si le ma ma sẹ ara wa nigbati a ba ti jìjọ n ni ajọsepọ, nitori ẹniti enia ba n ba ni ajumọjọsepọ na ni enia ma nsẹ..." "Hun-hun", he said "Nitorina bi ẹniti enia ba mba ni ajumọjọsepọ ba sẹ ẹnikeji, nse ni ka ya pari rẹ lẹ́yẹ-o-sọka, ki a si tun bẹrẹ sini gbe ni" harmony", i said. "There is nothing like living in harmony, in unity...he said, "o ti dara o si ti dun to fun awọn ara lati ma jumọ gbé ni irẹpọ", "mai lord said. "Where is dat in d bible gan...isnt it in Orin Dafidi?" "Yep. 133, precisely". He replied. "Living in unity brings progress, it brings joy, it solidifies d more relationship", I said. "And What one thinks one may not be able 2 achieve in decades, with love, unity, one shall achieve it...dat's wat d apostles demonstrated while dey 1st received Holy Ghost, datz wat d book of Psalms 133 is teaching us", he added. "Huh, "mai" pastor sire", i said. "So my advice having understand what u mean when u said "your mind will be there", is dat u shd just take your heart off d printer until u arrive, "sefini"", he replied.
"I will try 2, I need 2 inform u dat during dis time dat I shal be coming home, there are duties outlined 4 me @ d office dat wil make me busy, bc my boss has been informing me of many pending files to treat", I said. "Alrit. Idi isẹ ẹni lati n mọ ẹni lọlẹ. May d Lord help u so dat u finish all in time", my love said.... It was as if we have parted for years, despite d fact dat we talk daily, despite d fact dat we chat daily, despite d fact dat we upload our pictures of interests daily, despite...but seeing is different...God is wonderful. I got 2 d Island earlier so dat I will have a taste of office work, do some works and take d rest home if possible so dat I finish up my part on schedule bc according 2 my boss, d headquarter wants d branch's report upd8 asap. I did not let him know of my take off time 4m d city so dat he wont calculatively arrive @ my arrival hour...when I dropped @ d garage, I phoned him dat our bus is about to take off, he wished me a safe journey...Then I asked of where he is and he told me in his office.
I board a taxi 2 his office...on getting 2 his office he told me dat he received an open trance abt 2 minutes before I called, seeing me alighting 4m a yellow bus n d environment was d Island's garage... "Ẹh-hẹn" was wat I said. "So, as I was thinking on d vision dat could it be dat u have arrived, dat was when u called saying u r about to take off...so i conclude dat u r yet 2 be here but dat u shal get home safely...dat was wat I later interpreted d trance 2 mean" he concluded. "God is great". I said. "This is bc d bus dat conveyed me here was yellow and dat was d exact tym dat I alighted 4m d bus, u are monitoring me spiritually "niyẹn" o. "Where d carcass is, d eagles gathered..." "So d scriptures say", I said interjectingly. "So whereever sons/daughters of genuine prophet of God are, his spiritual eye shall be with dem" he said. "Praise God 4 d office of prophets", I said. "Alleluiah to God", "mai" lord said. "So what do u bring 4 me?" He added. "Plenty of assignments 4m prof Josh-Josh", I replied laughing.
"Alright. We shal do justice 2 dat later, but, wat I mean is, wia r d edible things u brought 4 me", my love said. "I bought some fried chips, but I have given those @ sales department..." Interjecting, "I do now wanna know wat u give those @ d sales dept, I am talkin abt my own" he said. "Agbalagba. Ki lenia fe ra fun eyin agbalagba?" I asked. "Bring ur handbag n let me see", he said. I handed it ova 2 him, "e le ri nkankan nibe", I said. "I only come so dat I drop my bag in d office n go 2 my work place 2 get started wit my piled up office works", I enthused. "Okay o", he said as he collected my handbag n started opening it..."may God not let blade cut ur hands in my bag as u r removing its contents", I said, as I squeezed mysef tru d narrow path btw him n d wall, pressing my breasts on him, because I didnot want 2 excuse him off d road...walking 2 wia he used 2 keep his foods...he replied as I was squeezing mysef 2ru his back, "if blade cuts my hand, u will be misses nurse 2da, n treat me, awa o mọ wipe abẹfẹlẹ lotun ku ti ẹ n mu rin kiri bayi o"
I did not answer him as I move 2wads d place, he grasped my wrist n pulled me back 2 him...face 2 face with him, he said, "ẹniti ko mu nkan bọ fun ara ile, oun na ko ni ri nkan ti ara ile seto kale gbà"...I was struggling 2 free mysef, but he held me tight, then I said, "Ha-ha-ha? Tomode ba nse bi omode, sebi won ni agba a si ma se bi agba". "I wont "se ise agba" today" he said still holding my hand. "O dara. Wont u let me go to office again? Leave me I want 2 get going 2 my work place, "ti ẹ ba ni ẹ o ni nkankan fun wa", I said. "Okay. Walk back 2 wia u were b4", he said. "Leave my hand now", I said lookin @ his eyeballs lovingly n laughing..."bc if u dont leave my hand how wld i move back 2 d place"...i know he wil leave my hand...He left my hand, I walked 2 wia his food warmers are kept...I saw two food warmers..."mai" lord has prepared my own food, I think...I opened it...I found my favorite food, powdered yam flour, "amala dudu" with "abula"...This man sha, ...he likes disturbing himsef, why cant he prepare simple food...I thought 2 mysef...He didnt talk...i took out d food...placed it on table...cleared d books n cassettees of d table n arrange it properly...washed my hands, settled down to eat it, just then he spoke, "se ẹyin o tile le bere lowo eleti ki e to gba nitiyin ni? Ounjẹ yen ore mi to mbo lati ilẹ okere ni mo se fun o
...mo se fun o nitoripe o ni ó pẹ ti oun ti je amala pelu abula gbehin". "I am also your friend, your..." swallowing a bolus of "amala",...I mean d chief of all your friends "gan" sef...when your 2nd, 3rd etc friends arrive, take him and or them to the eateries or beta still go n prepare new foods 4 dem", I conclusively said as anoda bolus goes into my mouth. "Ki agbalagba o ma dana de ọmọde, arifin niyẹn o...", am I your mate? He said. "Nope "mai" lord sire"...putting succulent cow-leg, "bọkọtọ" into my mouth...sorry "mai"...um...lord sire. "Alright. Nibiti ounje ka yin lara de, e o tile le duro kajo jeun papo mọ, ...", he dips his hand into d washing bowl, washing his hand... "Ẹn-hẹn-hẹn! Kile nse?" I asked interuptingly. "Kilo jọ? Boya lẹ tilẹ rọju gbadura si ounjẹ yẹn ki ẹ to ma jẹ" he replied. "Ni ounje ti ngo gbadura si? Ẹ fẹ jẹ poison". I said. "I have been longing to eat your poison of love" he said.
 "Eh-he, "mai" lord has changed o, i think u dont like 2 eat love's poison b4 now?" I said. "Tabi ẹ o ma wo ogboju aya?" he said..."i may not like eating oda women's foods but obviously not yours...dat poison will effectively work". "But i think u said d food is 4 a visitor 4m d advanced country", I said, as i put anoda bolus into my mouth, d food is fairly hot, soft...well prepared... "Food rules n ethics say, "it is not good 2 speak while eating"" he said. "Ẹyin na lẹ n disturb mi, jẹjẹ mi ni mo n jẹun mi", I said. "So nothing dey shame you, eating a man's prepared food", he said. "What wil shame me 4 eating "mai" love's food", I said, he has also dipped his hand into d food n we r eating 2geda now... "Ki ẹ ma tile le gbawẹ iseju kan", he said. "Eyin ni woli. It is prophets who fasts regularly, but 4 church members as I am, the Lord is not hard on us", I said. "Is the Lord hard on us?" He asked eating. "Nope "mai" lord sire, but... Interjecting, "but what?" He said.
"But it is u who sees, hears, n gets many things 4m God coupled with d fact dat u wil want 2 prepare 4 d congregation...but 4 us, "ọmọ ijọ" we are enjoined 2 live faithfully, be loyal 2 God n our leaders...em, datz all", I said. "E n le o, omo ijo rere", he said. "O o baba woli", I said...we finished eating...packed d warmers n oda things 4m d table...went outside, bring out wat i brought 4 him...I handed dem ova 2 him "I know u can not but bring something 4 your love now...something dat is gr8, gud" he said. "And I know u cannot do without preparing a delicious meal 4 me", I said...while resting, we started examining d printer which was bought 4 us by d broda, d printa was gud...superb according 2 "mai" lord, d brand dat i loved...n d broda did not take extra-charge, he got it @ d exact price one of my friends said she got hers,...he told "mai" lord dat when he approached him dat he needed d substance, dat it coincided wit d time he was travelling 2 wia he used 2 buy dem in bulk price, which is usually cheaper...
Although he had it in mind 2 buy some that he would sell, but when "mai" lord got 2 him, he had 2 add ours, including it in his order at d company, so dat our wont in anyway tamper or alter d quantity he originally had in mind buying 4 sales @ d island... Wat he did surprised "mai" lord and he decided 2 use him 2 get some desktop computers dat he wanted 2 use in his office...He eulogized his faithfulness...a rare one among his contemporaries in d fellowship he said... @ 13:00 hours, i got up to get going 2 my office so dat I see if I can lay my hands on one/two things in d office b4 d closing hour... @ 13:20 hours, I got 2 my office...exchanged greetings with co-workers...give dem plaintain chips...den I was told dat my boss is around... "wia did he parked his car?" I asked. "Mechanic has taken it away 4 servicing", a staff replied... "Oh no wonder, I thought he wasnt around when I didnt see his vehicle around," I said...as I head towards his office, knocked @ his office's door.
"Yes? Who is there?" he asked. "Good afternoon sir, it's Debbie sir", I replied. "Oh, my Debbie, pls come right in", he said. "Yes sire," I said, opening d door and entered, genuflecting, "afternoon sire," I said again. "How has it been? How was d trip? When did you arrive? Today?" he bombarded me with questions. "Evrythin is fine sire. The journey was wonderful...I "Can you please take a sit?" he interjected, stretching his left hand to the seats opposite him.. "Oh. Thank you sire", I said, pulling out a chair to sit directly opposite him. "What do I offer you? Coffee?" He inquired. "This afternoon oga? Nope sire thanks. I am alright", i replied. "Oh, maybe cold water or soft drink will do?" He asked. "I am pretty fine sire," I said. "Thank you sire". "Okay o, if you said so", he said. "I arrived early 2da 2 see dose piled up works @ my desktop and see how I can attend to one or two b4 d day runs out..." "Oh", interjecting, "I think what u shall need attend to now may not be too many
Again, bc your junior staff said u have once taken him thru some of the steps in handling some of the works and he has been able to treat some of it, using d data plan u left behind...and what was initialy proving difficult, i think he was able to retrieve d package necessary for its handling 4m d system...so I think, we have made remarkable progress on your departments documentation dis week", he enthused. "Oh. That is lovely. Wonderful sire. A good news." I said. "Yes. It is. That is why it is gud dat a leader carries along his/her subjects in d execution of his/her duties so dat @ d appropriate time, such persons can assist him/her." he said. "I have shown him virtually all except some few things and it was bc of d limited tym n also dat we have not win a project involving such of late", I said. "Maybe dat is wat is left...or maybe he just didnt know how 2 go about it", my boss said. "I shall immediately attend to dat sire", i said. "So, how is broda Samson?" My boss asked
"He is pretty fine sir", I replied. "How is his work?" My boss asked. "All praise to God sire", I replied. "Lest I forget, I was @ his shop last week 2 get some cassettees and he was marvelous, he gave me special attention...pls extend my special appreciation 2 him 4 wat he did 4 me last week" my boss said. "I shal do dat sire", I said. "I want 2 ask u a question about him", my boss said. "Pls go ahead sire", I said, as I adjust myself on d seat 2 listen 2 wat he wanted 2 say. "Excuse me, which political party does he belong to?" my boss asked. "A political party or what sir?" I asked him again. "Yes. I mean is he a politician? Is he in any political party?" My boss asked. "Sorry sire", I said. "Yes, Debbie", Boss said. "You mean to ask whether or not my fiancé is a politician sire?" I asked. "Yes, sister Debbie, I want to know if he is a politician", my boss said. "He is not a politician sire, and from all I know about him, he does not belong to any political party or group", I replied
"Hen-hen? Is that so?" Boss said. "Yes sire", I replied. "And dont you know if he has an intention of joining a political party in d nearest future?" Boss asked. "Nope sire, I do not know, and I do not even think so sire", i replied...."but why do you ask such question sire". I added. "Well, 4 quite a while now, I have been reading some of his articles on social media, his comments, his posts, his responses to some of the Island's nagging issues of interest and I feel, well such a man we need in Politics to help in talking to some of d island's leaders who r not forthright in their dealings with d people, leaders bereft of ideas, a head without cerebrum, a head without thinking centers, a head without co-ordinations, leaders devoid of commoners pains, leaders who know how 2 use d poor people 2 get 2 d throne, but after getting there, they become demi-god, dey forget d commoners, dey drop dem, dey add 2 their sufferings belabouring dem, addin 2 their sorrows, trading d poor men's progress 4 setbacks n servitudes...So having been ffg him, I feel he has something to offer our island's people", Boss said.
"Hum!" I mustered. "Oh, sorry. But havent u noticed that?" Boss asked. "I have noticed it sire...I have even talked to him about it..." "Is dat so?" Boss interjectingly asked. "Yes sire", I replied. "Pls go on, what was his response when u discussed suc with him? You are the person who can pull him out of his political coccoon", boss said. "Oh! Do you think so?" I asked. "Yes. Positive about it Debbie", boss said "Well, I do not so think sire", I said. "Why? He loved you pretty well. He loved you closely. He loved you so much..." "Hum", interjectingly said. "Or do you have reservations about his love for you?" boss asked. "Nope sire. Not at all. I know he loved me dearly, and I loved him to pulp too...but convincing him on political matters? I do not think i can do that sire", i said. "But why do you think you cannot pull him out of his political coccoon 2 partake and participate in politics of d island?" boss asked. "When we discussed d issue, his reply was, "for now, he has no feelings and directives for such..."
Boss interupted, "no directives as how?" "Directives on his part means that God has not spoken to him on such for now, he said maybe in the future but obviously for now God hasnot said anything as per that, as such he added nothing like that is in my view" I replied. "When did you discussed dis with him?" Boss asked. "About 18 months ago" I replied. "That is quite a while, maybe he would have been visited by God now" Boss said. "Maybe sire. Maybe...He said "all his write-ups is aimed at helping one or two people in governance, so that they see the commoners view of what is going on in the Island" I said. "Well. Well. Well. It is true. One or two people in governance may stumble on such writeups, but, I think as good and true as dat is, I still think if he joins a political party, he will offer more than this and he will also know those in authority who can listen 2 him, for who knows, he may also become elected into an office later", boss conclusively said.
"As far as my interactions with him, when we actually come together closely, because, we have been together as church members before we started courtship, so when we actually started sharing our minds, views, objectives, visions, dreams of d future together, I have studies him closely and discovered dat his mind is absolutely not in politics, but maybe it is because he hasnt seen some1 to convince him, to enlighten him, to make him see reasons why he needs to take such step, joining political terrain, maybe God can use you to talk to him on dis issue, but as for me...Uhm? I do not so think". I said. "Alright Debbie...I will think about it", boss said. "The little I know about my lovely love, "mai" lord is that he does love to wait on God b4 taking a step, he doesnt just jump into any issue anyhow, he doesnt like being pressurized 2 do anything, and he hardly hides his feelings, he opens his minds on many issues, but on this politics, he hasnt talked to me about picking interests in it of late..." "Uhm", Boss interjected.
"I also assume his stance on d issue is particularly religious based...he has passed thru some teachings 4m his mentor...his mentor, d person he makes mention of his name regularly has admonished him not to dabble into politics for any reasons, he said, the man told him to ensure that he brings many people into Jesus' home with all he has...so my love is strictly pursuing that goal with all his might, vigour, strength, intelligence, knowledge...however, as I said afore, he may have reasons to change his stance if someone talks to him", I concluded. "The assignments b4 us now do not leave room 4 such @ d moment, but when we finish dis task b4 us, I shall try n see him one on one on dis crucial matter, showing him some examples of ministers of God who r into politics now", Boss said. "That shall be scintilating of you sire, and may God speak to you thru him", I said. "Amen" Boss replied. "Thank you for the care sire", I said. "What are we together for? We r together to share our burdens and ofcourse lift ourselves up", boss said "Yes sire", I replied. "I have just recieved anoda memo 4m headquarters that we need to work on something, please go and take the the printout from the printer's outlet over there and work on it together with other few things yet to be addressed..."ẹ ku irin na"..."Boss said. I stant up to get the print out 4m d printer and said ""ẹ se sire" I will work on all with speed and accuracy sire"... I left my boss' office...what a nice man...I thought to myself, as I walked to my section in d office...
Sister Debbie says, "maybe you CAN CONVINCE him sire"...(July 26, 2013)
"ki ilẹ to pa òsìkà, ohun rere pupọ yo ti bajẹ" (translation before the wicked died, so many good things would have been destroyed (it is a Yoruba Proverb meaning before the wicked is apprehended or killed, it would have wreck so many havocs
bRoda (translation brother)
"Owo l'obinrin mọ", (translation women exteem money than anything)  
"gan-ni a fi ji" (translation it is a Northern language meaning seeing)  
"Ẹyin lẹmọ, ẹ o mã fi enia sinu "suspense" bi ẹnipe "island" ni mo wa pẹlu yin", (translation you will be keeping one in suspense as if I am in the island with you, it is left to you)
"Ẹ ma binu iya grammar", (translation don’t be annoyed grammarian mother/woman
Boya ẹ o tillẹ fẹ ki n ka iwe mọ ni" (translation I doubt if you even want me to continue with this course)
"Se ẹ o mọ wipe ti enia ba ti wa ni "suspense" ọKan enia ko ni papọ̀ ni iwaju awọn professors wọnyẹn ni?" (translation don’t you know that if one is in suspense, one’s mind would be far off the Professors when they are lecturing us)  
Ẹ ma binu. Se ẹ mọ wipe emi o lọ suku ri, mi o mỌ bi o se nse enia", (translation don’t be annoyed. I hope you remember that I have not been to the four walls of any institution, thus I don’t know how people there used to feel)  
"Ẹyin ti "personality" yin ba ti jẹ "phleg" bayi, nkan ni" (translation those of you who has a Phleg like personality type, you are difficult)
"To ò, ẹ n lẹ o baba "personality" ki la se o?" (translation Thanks mr personality analyser, what have we (phleg) done on)  
"Rutu abọ́kọkú"" (translation Ruth who died with her hubby (This is a bible story in the book of Ruth in which the hubby of Ruth died and her mother in-law advised her to return to her people but she refused to return. Thus, people usually call ladies or women who love and expresses their love to their hubbies as Ruth)  
Rutu ko ba ọkọ ku, Rutu fi ìfẹ́ rẹ si ọkọ rẹ han ni" (translation Ruth did not die with her hubby, but she expressed her unflinching love to her hubby)  
"Ẹyin na lẹ fun wa", (translation You are the one who gave it unto us
Rutu a bọkọ ku" (translation Ruth who died with her hubby)
"Ọlọrun nikan lo le gba ẹniyẹn"", (translation it is only God who can save the person)  
"To ò, e emi ni sẹyin ni bayi tabi ẹyin lẹ sẹ mi?", (translation who has grieved the other person amongst us? Am I the one who grieved you or you are the one who grieved me?)
"O ò sẹ̀ mi. Mi o sẹ̀ ẹ́. (translation no one among us. You have not grived me, neither have I grieved you)
"ko dara ki a ma sẹ ara wa, a ò si le ma ma sẹ ara wa nigbati a ba ti jìjọ n ni ajọsepọ, nitori ẹniti enia ba n ba ni ajumọjọsepọ na ni enia ma nsẹ..." (translation it is not good for us not to grieve each other, and it is not possible that we will not grieve each other, because it is the person one interacts with everyday that one grieves)
Hun-hun",( translation Uhmn)
 "Nitorina bi ẹniti enia ba mba ni ajumọjọsepọ ba sẹ ẹnikeji, nse ni ka ya pari rẹ lẹ́yẹ-o-sọka, ki a si tun bẹrẹ sini gbe ni (translation therefore if the person one is having daily interaction with grieved the person, the right thing for them is to instantly resolve the matter amicably and continue to live together in harmony) "
o ti dara o si ti dun to fun awọn ara lati ma jumọ gbé ni irẹpọ", (translation “behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity”) "
 "Alrit.( translation alright)
 Idi isẹ ẹni lati n mọ ẹni lọlẹ. (translation one can only be called lazy person in one’s discipline but not another’s (it is a Yoruba proverb encouraging one to be hardwork so as not to be called lazy person
"Ẹh-hẹn" (translation Uhmn mn)
"niyẹn" o. (translation that is just what it connotes)  
"Agbalagba. Ki lenia fe ra fun eyin agbalagba?" (translation An elder person. What can one buy for an elder person)
"e le ri nkankan nibe", (translation you cannot see anything there)  
awa o mọ wipe abẹfẹlẹ lotun ku ti ẹ n mu rin kiri bayi o" (translation I have not know that you go about with naked blade in your handbags now)
 "ẹniti ko mu nkan bọ fun ara ile, oun na ko ni ri nkan ti ara ile seto kale gbà" (translation a person who fails to come home with something will equally not be given what those who are at home has reserved for him/her) ...
"Ha-ha-ha? Tomode ba nse bi omode, sebi won ni agba a si ma se bi agba". (translation Ha? If a child behaves childishly, the elders too are expected to behave like elders (in other words if a child behaves like a fool, the elders must wise up)
se ise agba" (translation I wont act like an elder)
"O dara. (translation that is good)  
"ti ẹ ba ni ẹ o ni nkankan fun wa", (translation if you said you have nothing for us)
amala dudu" (translation Yam flour)
abula" (translation potpourri soup) ...
se ẹyin o tile le bere lowo eleti ki e to gba nitiyin ni? (translation why cant you ask the person who has ear that you want to slap it before slapping it? (it is a proverb that one needs to make enquiries about some things before going ahead to do the thing)  
Ounjẹ yen ore mi to mbo lati ilẹ okere ni mo  se fun o nitoripe o ni ó pẹ ti oun ti je amala pelu abula gbehin". (translation I have prepared this food for a friend that is on his way from a very distance place because he called that it has been long that he ate yam flower and potpourri soup last)  
gan" translation in fact)  
"Ki agbalagba o ma dana de ọmọde, arifin niyẹn o...", (translation for elders to be preparing food for the younger person, that contempt on the part of the young one
Nibiti ounje ka yin lara de, e o tile le duro kajo jeun papo mọ, ...", (translation because of the degree of your hunger, you cannot even wait a while so that we eat the food together (People of this part of the world like eating together even from the same plate))  
"Ẹn-hẹn-hẹn! Kile nse?" (translation Uhmn mn, what are you doing?)
Kilo jọ? Boya lẹ tilẹ rọju gbadura si ounjẹ yẹn ki ẹ to ma jẹ" (translation what does it resemble? I doubt even if you prayed on it before you start eating it)
Ni ounje ti ngo gbadura si? Ẹ fẹ jẹ poison". (translation the food I forgot to bless? You want to eat poison.)
"Eh-he,( translation Uhmn mn)
"Tabi ẹ o ma wo ogboju aya?" (translation aint you seeing a bold wife)  
"Ẹyin na lẹ n disturb mi, jẹjẹ mi ni mo n jẹun mi", (translation You are the one disturbing me, I have been eating my food without issues)
Ki ẹ ma tile le gbawẹ iseju kan" (translation you cannot even observe a second fasting)
"Eyin ni woli. (translation you are a prophet
ọmọ ijọ" (translation I am a member of the congregation)
E n le o, omo ijo rere", (translation sorry o, a good church member) he said.
"O o baba woli", (translation Yes o, prophet)
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TOP-3 Underrated ICOs Within Last 2 Years: What Makes a Difference? - VipCryptoSignals.com
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TOP-3 Underrated ICOs Within Last 2 Years: What Makes a Difference? - VipCryptoSignals.com
Once a blockchain startup takes off, it follows the goal to raise money for further development. Luckily, since 2017 there is a tool for crowdinvesting in new crypto businesses named ICO (Initial Coin Offering).
What goes on during an ICO is the following: a startup, looking for funding, issues digital tokens. Tokens are available for purchase during the ICO by every person in the market. Once you buy the token, you are the only owner of it and can sell, keep or withdraw it as you like. No governmental regulations may restrict the process.
In January — March 2018, there was raised about $6.3 bln via different ICOs. This amount already exceeds last year. It means the interest in ICOs is growing, and every young business is looking forward to it.
Let’s see what ICO is like for some start-ups.
ICO #1: Spectrecoin saves your budget making transactions anonymously
ICO date: November 18th, 2016 — January 6th, 2017
Cryptocurrency: XSPEC
Raised amount: $20K
Spectrecoin is one of 5 the most successful ICO start-ups in blockchain area nowadays. The idea of Spectrecoin is anonymous transactions among token’s exchange via Proof-of-Stake v3 consensus. The core of the business is an HD wallet based on ShadowCash protocol, what consumes a low amount of electricity and leaves no trace in the network. Today Spectrecoin’s market capitalization of it is more than $8 mln.
But who would believe if you say that a success to Spectrecoin came after an epic fail?
When CEO and Spectrecoin team inspirer — Mandica — became seriously ill, the ICO started fading out. Investors stopped believing in the idea proposed by the team. As a result, a bad reputation about Spectrecoin as a non-perspective startup spread out around the globe. Most of the supporters who already bought the tokens were upset and consider this as a sunk cost. Overall, only $20K has been raised during the ICO. Public ICO was closed on January 6th, 2017. 
It seemed that was it.
But things changed when Spectrecoin started to overcome the crisis in August 2017. A new development team has brought the second wave of Spectrecoin evolution. So far, the project is ongoing, and a new price of XSPEC coin is to be around $100-150 per coin. Keep in mind an initial coin offer of $0.001 brings the investors about 103628% profit.
Michael Morton, Director General of Morton Bitcoin Management said about Spectrecoin’s ICO:
Anonymous transactions existed for years. Even more, there are a number of existing cryptocurrency companies on the blockchain market that offer non-tracing solutions for safe transactions such as Montero, Zcash or DASH. But using startup solutions, oriented specifically on anonymous transactions like is Spectrecoin just much cheaper.
CEO and Founder of Nexxus Partners – Bob Wood – comments that diversity, utility requirements, scalability, infrastructure support, entrepreneurial capital, seller acceptance, and market solutions are the key factors in the checklist when making the decision whether or not to invest in an ICO.
ICO #2: Datum with ICO Potential of $45 mln Ended Pp with $30K
ICO date: October 27th, 2016 — November 27th, 2017
Cryptocurrency: DAT
Raised amount: $30K
A strong team lead by Roger Haenni — an experienced professional in big data startups launch, presented a new project named ‘Datum’. The idea behind Datum is to process and structure users’ data and sell it to any stakeholders under certain terms. Data is being collected from social networks, wireless peripheral devices or other sources of user behavior.
Once in October 2016 Datum team decided to try an ICO, project risks were determined as 3.7 out of 5.0, and the ICO campaign was interpreted as a high-risk one. Investors requested a big team of consultants for the project in order to keep it on track. Also, there were some comments regarding the huge spread in industries covered by Datum developers: there might be better to focus on 1-2 niches to satisfy.
Anyway, the Datum ICO was rated 2.5 out of 10 in a general scoring as high-risk to invest in. As a result, instead of millions of dollars money raised, the team received about $30K, what is definitely undertaken.
What makes people think differently?
Reasons to consider the potential of Datum:
1) Data ownership concept is not a new one. The concept stands for not only data collection by security offices but also people’s desire to keep the data hidden.
2) The largest data volume nowadays is in medicine industry. Plenty of people use cases which need to be controlled and regulated by the owner.
3) After buying the coins, Datum token owners become a part of a large network scale.
There should be some distractive option to stop giants like Google or Facebook to share and sell user data. What if after Datum there will be none? But that’s another story.
Datum is a company that plans on changing this by allowing users of its app to extract and backup their user data from various other apps and services and then share or even sell this data. Most importantly, the sharing is done anonymously by default, which will appease many people who worry about their personal information falling into the wrong hands.
Datum’s ICO looks fine now. But wasn’t the start-up another candidate to be kicked out of the business? 
Let’s have a look who else might face the same difficulties during ICO at the moment.
ICO #3: Paymon: Disruptive Technology or Another Ambitious Failure?
ICO date: February 2nd, 2018 — June 13th, 2018 (3 stages).
Cryptocurrency: PMNC
Raised amount: ICO is ongoing
Can you imagine a new blockchain, different from Satoshi Nakamoto’s one? Can you imagine transactions in cryptocurrency without any fee? What if we say you are now able to launch a company right in the network via a business platform? 
Let’s have a look what a disruptive technology allows that.
In 2016 in the city of Russia — Ekaterinburg, a group of students got the idea to adopt a revolutionary technology. They named it Hive.
Within 2 years an idea has grown in an IT-company Paymon with a core business for cryptocurrency holders and blockchain technology users. The team has expanded up to 20 members with a big pool of Big-3 advisors and supportive investors from Russia and abroad. The whole community of Paymon is developing rapidly along with presenting a new technology to the market.
The point of new blockchain technology — Hive — is to offer more opportunities for using cryptocurrency, except just investing, trading, and saving assets. The Paymon team develops a crosschain with smart-contracts, where users can exchange the coins quickly and without any fees.
Hive is currently disrupting existing solutions in the crypto world. Because so far there are no such services that give you a chance to make transactions for free while using a multifunctional solution. As a result, there are a lot of misunderstandings of the concepts overall. 
Why don’t you consider the following before you stop believing in Paymon?
Paymon develops a business platform ‘Profit’ specifically for one-second safe transactions and payments. You don’t need to buy an extra solution for business, once you join a Hive with its Profit platform.
Paymon helps you easily launch your business, start selling goods or services and receive payments in cryptocurrencies. No more long queues in tax office to register LLC.
Proof concepts are organized by every user identification and rating within the network.
New blockchain technology — Hive — disrupts an existing one by its DAG (directed acyclic graph) algorithm.
Paymon is more than currency exchange service: Paymon messenger + Paymon Wallet. Now you can unite all existing wallets of different cryptocurrency wallets in one with PMNC coins, and then easily send BTCs or ETHs to your friend or business partner.
Summing up, Paymon is for sure an ambitious project, challenging existing solutions in the world of cryptocurrency. But who believes in it? Wouldn’t a new technology become another underrated startup?
Paymon is now at the ICO stage, distributing its PMNT tokens. From the examples above, there are a bunch of sad stories about ICO difficulty to build a trust from the world. That probably reflects the mentality of crowdinvesting overall, when people feel skeptical and cynical towards disruptive solutions. 
Hopefully, Paymon might expect a different attitude and warmer welcoming at the ICO stage, since it has already overcome an era of early birds and has managed to build a strong Hive community in the market so far. Paymon consists of ambitious founders, consultants, developers, and analysts. Today it’s a promising business if some misconception won’t call it ‘scam’. 
What will Paymon’s future be like after ICO? Endorsement and people’s trust — make a difference.
On the one hand, ICO market is growing rapidly during last year. From January 2018 till March 2018 there was more than $6.3bln funded over ICO stages, which is already much more than during 2017.
On the other hand, there is a number of ICO frauds growing on the market as well. For instance, from the beginning of 2018 $9 mln is being lost on a daily basis. In April, 2018, there was a huge scandal in Vietnam regarding fresh ICO, which wasn’t an ICO at all, but a scam. Investors have lost about $600 mln of their money. Among all of those dirty ICOs it’s hard to see a worthy one, but you’d better.
Summing up, it’s really important to launch not only the great business, but to care about professional ICO campaign as well in order to build a trust within community and a reputation of a successful innovative business.
Images courtesy of Paymon
The post TOP-3 Underrated ICOs Within Last 2 Years: What Makes a Difference? appeared first on VipCryptoSignals.com.
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Some days, nothing beats a really good drive! If you have everything under control, you are not moving fast enough. Don't miss this Overtime at the brand new Jaguar & Land Rover Metropool Hasselt! DJ Thierry VonderWarth Adres van de nieuwe Jaguar & Land Rover showroom: Herkenrodesingel 39, 3500 Hasselt JARIG IN MAART? Kom als jarige samen met 5 andere vrienden je verjaardag vieren op Overtime en krijg een fles Le Couchon Brut cadeau! Wil je met je vrijgezellige collega's komen! Wij werken een formule op maat uit! Stuur een mailtje naar [email protected] • VIP Tafel met logo voor 10p: 380€, incl. een fles champagne, een fles sterke + frisdrank en hapjes! Reservatie mail naar [email protected] • Online voorverkoop: 10€/pp incl. welkomstdrank en buffet geserveerd door AtelierV • Kassa:15€/pp, incl. welkomstdrank en buffet geserveerd door AtelierV
Overtime at the new Jaguar & Land Rover Metropool Hasselt
THE FIRST EDITION WAS PURE MADNESS !!! Ready for the 2nd one ??? Like we told you, EVERY first Saturday of the month! >> FLASH goes VERSUZ The complete Flash Team is moving to Belgium's most famous club Versuz in Hasselt. -Dj's Alex Chesko & C-Snow -Our famous host Sylvain Daelemans -The beautifull Drag Queens. -Your favorite bartenders Tom & Alex We will make our own Flash Club in one of the big extra rooms of this amazing venue ! So practically this means you can take the regulair main entrance of Club Versuz. After the entrance you just have to follow the PINK carpet that leads you to our Flash Room. Ticket info: - REGULAR ENTRANCE: 10,00 euro You don't need to buy presale. - BUS TICKET: 20,00 euro This includes 1 entrance ticket + 1 bus ticket. The bus departs at 22.00h in front of Flash (Le You Brussels) going to Versuz and goes back from Versuz to Brussels at 06.00h -HOTEL ROOM TICKET: 85,00€ This includes 2 entrance tickets + 1 hotel room for 2pers at YupHotel Hasselt. (Check out at 14.00h) Get your tickets online (starting 15/03 ) or ask Alex Chesko, Sylvain Daelemans, Nick Devroey For VIP Table reservations contact: 0478 65 43 21 ------------------------------------------------ Vous en voulez encore plus? Des FLASH en dehors du dimanche? Eh bien nous avons une bonne surprise pour vous ! >> la FLASH s'installe au Versuz !!! Chaque premier samedi du mois la team complète de la FLASH sera présente dans le plus grand club de Belgique le Versuz à Hasselt !!! -Dj's Alex Chesko, Stewie Layhe, C-Snow -Notre maître de cérémonie Sylvain Daelemans -Nos magnifiques Drag Queens. -Nos barmen Tom & Alexis Nous allons recréer la Flash dans une des salles du Versuz spécialement dédiée au gay et leurs amis. Ticket info: - ENTREE : 10,00 euro sur place - TICKET de BUS: 20,00 euro ce qui comprend l'entrée et le transport ! Départ devant la flash (le you) à 22.00h Retour du Versuz à 06.00h -HOTEL : 85,00€ Ce qui comprend 2 entrées 1 chambre pour 2 pers jusque 14h au YupHotel Hasselt. Commandez vos tickets dès à présent (à partir du 15/03 ) auprès de Alex Chesko, Sylvain Daelemans Ou Nick Devroey For VIP Table reservations contact: 0478 65 43 21 ------------------------------------------------ Kan jij ook niet genoeg krijgen van de Flash feesjes op Zondag ? Dan hebben we goed nieuws ! >>FLASH goes VERSUZ Elke eerste zaterdag van de maand verhuist het volledige Flash Team naar België's bekendste club Versuz in Hasselt ! -Dj's Alex Chesko, Stewie Layhe, c-Snow -De geweldige host Sylvain Daelemans -De prachtige Drag Queens -Je favoriete bar mannen Tom & Alexies We maken onze eige Flash Club in 1 van de grote extra zalen van deze prachtige locatie. Praktisch gezien betekend dit dus dat je kan binnen komen via de gewone versuz inkom. Vanaf de inkom moet je dan gewoon de Roze loper volgen om bij de Flash Zaal uit te komen. Ticket Info: - GEWONE INKOM: 10,00 euro (Je hoeft hiervoor geen tickets te bestellen) - BUS TICKET: 20,00 euro Dit houd in: 1 toegangsticket + 1 bus ticket. De bus vertrekt om 22.00 aan Flash (Le You Brussel) en vertrekt in versuz terug om 06.00 richting Brussel. HOTEL ROOM TICKET: 85,00€ Dit houd in: 2 toegangstickets + een hotelkamer voor 2 pers in Yup Hotel Hasselt (Check out om 14.00) Online ticket verkoop start 15/03 Of vraag je tickets bij Alex Chesko, Sylvain Daelemans of Nick Devroey VIP Reservaties via: 0478 65 43 21
FLASH goes VERSUZ ✘Saturday April 1 ✘ Hasselt Belgium
For ages people party on Saturnights its THE night to get out and get all wet and wild , forget about everything and step into our world of musical pleasure! Our waiters give you the best service! Our Dj's give you the best music Versuz Star Residents with the ultimate Housy/Soulfull/Electronic vibe Main room Delafino Dave Lambert Peter Luts Patron Room: Mad-D Dj Frederico Belgium
Versuz on Saturnight
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TOP-3 Underrated ICOs Within Last 2 Years: What Makes a Difference? - VipCryptoSignals.com
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TOP-3 Underrated ICOs Within Last 2 Years: What Makes a Difference? - VipCryptoSignals.com
Once a blockchain startup takes off, it follows the goal to raise money for further development. Luckily, since 2017 there is a tool for crowdinvesting in new crypto businesses named ICO (Initial Coin Offering).
What goes on during an ICO is the following: a startup, looking for funding, issues digital tokens. Tokens are available for purchase during the ICO by every person in the market. Once you buy the token, you are the only owner of it and can sell, keep or withdraw it as you like. No governmental regulations may restrict the process.
In January — March 2018, there was raised about $6.3 bln via different ICOs. This amount already exceeds last year. It means the interest in ICOs is growing, and every young business is looking forward to it.
Let’s see what ICO is like for some start-ups.
ICO #1: Spectrecoin saves your budget making transactions anonymously
ICO date: November 18th, 2016 — January 6th, 2017
Cryptocurrency: XSPEC
Raised amount: $20K
Spectrecoin is one of 5 the most successful ICO start-ups in blockchain area nowadays. The idea of Spectrecoin is anonymous transactions among token’s exchange via Proof-of-Stake v3 consensus. The core of the business is an HD wallet based on ShadowCash protocol, what consumes a low amount of electricity and leaves no trace in the network. Today Spectrecoin’s market capitalization of it is more than $8 mln.
But who would believe if you say that a success to Spectrecoin came after an epic fail?
When CEO and Spectrecoin team inspirer — Mandica — became seriously ill, the ICO started fading out. Investors stopped believing in the idea proposed by the team. As a result, a bad reputation about Spectrecoin as a non-perspective startup spread out around the globe. Most of the supporters who already bought the tokens were upset and consider this as a sunk cost. Overall, only $20K has been raised during the ICO. Public ICO was closed on January 6th, 2017. 
It seemed that was it.
But things changed when Spectrecoin started to overcome the crisis in August 2017. A new development team has brought the second wave of Spectrecoin evolution. So far, the project is ongoing, and a new price of XSPEC coin is to be around $100-150 per coin. Keep in mind an initial coin offer of $0.001 brings the investors about 103628% profit.
Michael Morton, Director General of Morton Bitcoin Management said about Spectrecoin’s ICO:
Anonymous transactions existed for years. Even more, there are a number of existing cryptocurrency companies on the blockchain market that offer non-tracing solutions for safe transactions such as Montero, Zcash or DASH. But using startup solutions, oriented specifically on anonymous transactions like is Spectrecoin just much cheaper.
CEO and Founder of Nexxus Partners – Bob Wood – comments that diversity, utility requirements, scalability, infrastructure support, entrepreneurial capital, seller acceptance, and market solutions are the key factors in the checklist when making the decision whether or not to invest in an ICO.
ICO #2: Datum with ICO Potential of $45 mln Ended Pp with $30K
ICO date: October 27th, 2016 — November 27th, 2017
Cryptocurrency: DAT
Raised amount: $30K
A strong team lead by Roger Haenni — an experienced professional in big data startups launch, presented a new project named ‘Datum’. The idea behind Datum is to process and structure users’ data and sell it to any stakeholders under certain terms. Data is being collected from social networks, wireless peripheral devices or other sources of user behavior.
Once in October 2016 Datum team decided to try an ICO, project risks were determined as 3.7 out of 5.0, and the ICO campaign was interpreted as a high-risk one. Investors requested a big team of consultants for the project in order to keep it on track. Also, there were some comments regarding the huge spread in industries covered by Datum developers: there might be better to focus on 1-2 niches to satisfy.
Anyway, the Datum ICO was rated 2.5 out of 10 in a general scoring as high-risk to invest in. As a result, instead of millions of dollars money raised, the team received about $30K, what is definitely undertaken.
What makes people think differently?
Reasons to consider the potential of Datum:
1) Data ownership concept is not a new one. The concept stands for not only data collection by security offices but also people’s desire to keep the data hidden.
2) The largest data volume nowadays is in medicine industry. Plenty of people use cases which need to be controlled and regulated by the owner.
3) After buying the coins, Datum token owners become a part of a large network scale.
There should be some distractive option to stop giants like Google or Facebook to share and sell user data. What if after Datum there will be none? But that’s another story.
Datum is a company that plans on changing this by allowing users of its app to extract and backup their user data from various other apps and services and then share or even sell this data. Most importantly, the sharing is done anonymously by default, which will appease many people who worry about their personal information falling into the wrong hands.
Datum’s ICO looks fine now. But wasn’t the start-up another candidate to be kicked out of the business? 
Let’s have a look who else might face the same difficulties during ICO at the moment.
ICO #3: Paymon: Disruptive Technology or Another Ambitious Failure?
ICO date: February 2nd, 2018 — June 13th, 2018 (3 stages).
Cryptocurrency: PMNC
Raised amount: ICO is ongoing
Can you imagine a new blockchain, different from Satoshi Nakamoto’s one? Can you imagine transactions in cryptocurrency without any fee? What if we say you are now able to launch a company right in the network via a business platform? 
Let’s have a look what a disruptive technology allows that.
In 2016 in the city of Russia — Ekaterinburg, a group of students got the idea to adopt a revolutionary technology. They named it Hive.
Within 2 years an idea has grown in an IT-company Paymon with a core business for cryptocurrency holders and blockchain technology users. The team has expanded up to 20 members with a big pool of Big-3 advisors and supportive investors from Russia and abroad. The whole community of Paymon is developing rapidly along with presenting a new technology to the market.
The point of new blockchain technology — Hive — is to offer more opportunities for using cryptocurrency, except just investing, trading, and saving assets. The Paymon team develops a crosschain with smart-contracts, where users can exchange the coins quickly and without any fees.
Hive is currently disrupting existing solutions in the crypto world. Because so far there are no such services that give you a chance to make transactions for free while using a multifunctional solution. As a result, there are a lot of misunderstandings of the concepts overall. 
Why don’t you consider the following before you stop believing in Paymon?
Paymon develops a business platform ‘Profit’ specifically for one-second safe transactions and payments. You don’t need to buy an extra solution for business, once you join a Hive with its Profit platform.
Paymon helps you easily launch your business, start selling goods or services and receive payments in cryptocurrencies. No more long queues in tax office to register LLC.
Proof concepts are organized by every user identification and rating within the network.
New blockchain technology — Hive — disrupts an existing one by its DAG (directed acyclic graph) algorithm.
Paymon is more than currency exchange service: Paymon messenger + Paymon Wallet. Now you can unite all existing wallets of different cryptocurrency wallets in one with PMNC coins, and then easily send BTCs or ETHs to your friend or business partner.
Summing up, Paymon is for sure an ambitious project, challenging existing solutions in the world of cryptocurrency. But who believes in it? Wouldn’t a new technology become another underrated startup?
Paymon is now at the ICO stage, distributing its PMNT tokens. From the examples above, there are a bunch of sad stories about ICO difficulty to build a trust from the world. That probably reflects the mentality of crowdinvesting overall, when people feel skeptical and cynical towards disruptive solutions. 
Hopefully, Paymon might expect a different attitude and warmer welcoming at the ICO stage, since it has already overcome an era of early birds and has managed to build a strong Hive community in the market so far. Paymon consists of ambitious founders, consultants, developers, and analysts. Today it’s a promising business if some misconception won’t call it ‘scam’. 
What will Paymon’s future be like after ICO? Endorsement and people’s trust — make a difference.
On the one hand, ICO market is growing rapidly during last year. From January 2018 till March 2018 there was more than $6.3bln funded over ICO stages, which is already much more than during 2017.
On the other hand, there is a number of ICO frauds growing on the market as well. For instance, from the beginning of 2018 $9 mln is being lost on a daily basis. In April, 2018, there was a huge scandal in Vietnam regarding fresh ICO, which wasn’t an ICO at all, but a scam. Investors have lost about $600 mln of their money. Among all of those dirty ICOs it’s hard to see a worthy one, but you’d better.
Summing up, it’s really important to launch not only the great business, but to care about professional ICO campaign as well in order to build a trust within community and a reputation of a successful innovative business.
Images courtesy of Paymon
The post TOP-3 Underrated ICOs Within Last 2 Years: What Makes a Difference? appeared first on VipCryptoSignals.com.
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TOP-3 Underrated ICOs Within Last 2 Years: What Makes a Difference? - VipCryptoSignals.com
New Post has been published on https://vipcryptosignals.com/bitcoin-news/top-3-underrated-icos-within-last-2-years-what-makes-a-difference-vipcryptosignals-com/
TOP-3 Underrated ICOs Within Last 2 Years: What Makes a Difference? - VipCryptoSignals.com
Once a blockchain startup takes off, it follows the goal to raise money for further development. Luckily, since 2017 there is a tool for crowdinvesting in new crypto businesses named ICO (Initial Coin Offering).
What goes on during an ICO is the following: a startup, looking for funding, issues digital tokens. Tokens are available for purchase during the ICO by every person in the market. Once you buy the token, you are the only owner of it and can sell, keep or withdraw it as you like. No governmental regulations may restrict the process.
In January — March 2018, there was raised about $6.3 bln via different ICOs. This amount already exceeds last year. It means the interest in ICOs is growing, and every young business is looking forward to it.
Let’s see what ICO is like for some start-ups.
ICO #1: Spectrecoin saves your budget making transactions anonymously
ICO date: November 18th, 2016 — January 6th, 2017
Cryptocurrency: XSPEC
Raised amount: $20K
Spectrecoin is one of 5 the most successful ICO start-ups in blockchain area nowadays. The idea of Spectrecoin is anonymous transactions among token’s exchange via Proof-of-Stake v3 consensus. The core of the business is an HD wallet based on ShadowCash protocol, what consumes a low amount of electricity and leaves no trace in the network. Today Spectrecoin’s market capitalization of it is more than $8 mln.
But who would believe if you say that a success to Spectrecoin came after an epic fail?
When CEO and Spectrecoin team inspirer — Mandica — became seriously ill, the ICO started fading out. Investors stopped believing in the idea proposed by the team. As a result, a bad reputation about Spectrecoin as a non-perspective startup spread out around the globe. Most of the supporters who already bought the tokens were upset and consider this as a sunk cost. Overall, only $20K has been raised during the ICO. Public ICO was closed on January 6th, 2017. 
It seemed that was it.
But things changed when Spectrecoin started to overcome the crisis in August 2017. A new development team has brought the second wave of Spectrecoin evolution. So far, the project is ongoing, and a new price of XSPEC coin is to be around $100-150 per coin. Keep in mind an initial coin offer of $0.001 brings the investors about 103628% profit.
Michael Morton, Director General of Morton Bitcoin Management said about Spectrecoin’s ICO:
Anonymous transactions existed for years. Even more, there are a number of existing cryptocurrency companies on the blockchain market that offer non-tracing solutions for safe transactions such as Montero, Zcash or DASH. But using startup solutions, oriented specifically on anonymous transactions like is Spectrecoin just much cheaper.
CEO and Founder of Nexxus Partners – Bob Wood – comments that diversity, utility requirements, scalability, infrastructure support, entrepreneurial capital, seller acceptance, and market solutions are the key factors in the checklist when making the decision whether or not to invest in an ICO.
ICO #2: Datum with ICO Potential of $45 mln Ended Pp with $30K
ICO date: October 27th, 2016 — November 27th, 2017
Cryptocurrency: DAT
Raised amount: $30K
A strong team lead by Roger Haenni — an experienced professional in big data startups launch, presented a new project named ‘Datum’. The idea behind Datum is to process and structure users’ data and sell it to any stakeholders under certain terms. Data is being collected from social networks, wireless peripheral devices or other sources of user behavior.
Once in October 2016 Datum team decided to try an ICO, project risks were determined as 3.7 out of 5.0, and the ICO campaign was interpreted as a high-risk one. Investors requested a big team of consultants for the project in order to keep it on track. Also, there were some comments regarding the huge spread in industries covered by Datum developers: there might be better to focus on 1-2 niches to satisfy.
Anyway, the Datum ICO was rated 2.5 out of 10 in a general scoring as high-risk to invest in. As a result, instead of millions of dollars money raised, the team received about $30K, what is definitely undertaken.
What makes people think differently?
Reasons to consider the potential of Datum:
1) Data ownership concept is not a new one. The concept stands for not only data collection by security offices but also people’s desire to keep the data hidden.
2) The largest data volume nowadays is in medicine industry. Plenty of people use cases which need to be controlled and regulated by the owner.
3) After buying the coins, Datum token owners become a part of a large network scale.
There should be some distractive option to stop giants like Google or Facebook to share and sell user data. What if after Datum there will be none? But that’s another story.
Datum is a company that plans on changing this by allowing users of its app to extract and backup their user data from various other apps and services and then share or even sell this data. Most importantly, the sharing is done anonymously by default, which will appease many people who worry about their personal information falling into the wrong hands.
Datum’s ICO looks fine now. But wasn’t the start-up another candidate to be kicked out of the business? 
Let’s have a look who else might face the same difficulties during ICO at the moment.
ICO #3: Paymon: Disruptive Technology or Another Ambitious Failure?
ICO date: February 2nd, 2018 — June 13th, 2018 (3 stages).
Cryptocurrency: PMNC
Raised amount: ICO is ongoing
Can you imagine a new blockchain, different from Satoshi Nakamoto’s one? Can you imagine transactions in cryptocurrency without any fee? What if we say you are now able to launch a company right in the network via a business platform? 
Let’s have a look what a disruptive technology allows that.
In 2016 in the city of Russia — Ekaterinburg, a group of students got the idea to adopt a revolutionary technology. They named it Hive.
Within 2 years an idea has grown in an IT-company Paymon with a core business for cryptocurrency holders and blockchain technology users. The team has expanded up to 20 members with a big pool of Big-3 advisors and supportive investors from Russia and abroad. The whole community of Paymon is developing rapidly along with presenting a new technology to the market.
The point of new blockchain technology — Hive — is to offer more opportunities for using cryptocurrency, except just investing, trading, and saving assets. The Paymon team develops a crosschain with smart-contracts, where users can exchange the coins quickly and without any fees.
Hive is currently disrupting existing solutions in the crypto world. Because so far there are no such services that give you a chance to make transactions for free while using a multifunctional solution. As a result, there are a lot of misunderstandings of the concepts overall. 
Why don’t you consider the following before you stop believing in Paymon?
Paymon develops a business platform ‘Profit’ specifically for one-second safe transactions and payments. You don’t need to buy an extra solution for business, once you join a Hive with its Profit platform.
Paymon helps you easily launch your business, start selling goods or services and receive payments in cryptocurrencies. No more long queues in tax office to register LLC.
Proof concepts are organized by every user identification and rating within the network.
New blockchain technology — Hive — disrupts an existing one by its DAG (directed acyclic graph) algorithm.
Paymon is more than currency exchange service: Paymon messenger + Paymon Wallet. Now you can unite all existing wallets of different cryptocurrency wallets in one with PMNC coins, and then easily send BTCs or ETHs to your friend or business partner.
Summing up, Paymon is for sure an ambitious project, challenging existing solutions in the world of cryptocurrency. But who believes in it? Wouldn’t a new technology become another underrated startup?
Paymon is now at the ICO stage, distributing its PMNT tokens. From the examples above, there are a bunch of sad stories about ICO difficulty to build a trust from the world. That probably reflects the mentality of crowdinvesting overall, when people feel skeptical and cynical towards disruptive solutions. 
Hopefully, Paymon might expect a different attitude and warmer welcoming at the ICO stage, since it has already overcome an era of early birds and has managed to build a strong Hive community in the market so far. Paymon consists of ambitious founders, consultants, developers, and analysts. Today it’s a promising business if some misconception won’t call it ‘scam’. 
What will Paymon’s future be like after ICO? Endorsement and people’s trust — make a difference.
On the one hand, ICO market is growing rapidly during last year. From January 2018 till March 2018 there was more than $6.3bln funded over ICO stages, which is already much more than during 2017.
On the other hand, there is a number of ICO frauds growing on the market as well. For instance, from the beginning of 2018 $9 mln is being lost on a daily basis. In April, 2018, there was a huge scandal in Vietnam regarding fresh ICO, which wasn’t an ICO at all, but a scam. Investors have lost about $600 mln of their money. Among all of those dirty ICOs it’s hard to see a worthy one, but you’d better.
Summing up, it’s really important to launch not only the great business, but to care about professional ICO campaign as well in order to build a trust within community and a reputation of a successful innovative business.
Images courtesy of Paymon
The post TOP-3 Underrated ICOs Within Last 2 Years: What Makes a Difference? appeared first on VipCryptoSignals.com.
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