#is it not fair to say henry made a singular animatronic to look after his kid?
apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
How would you spell out the fnaf timeline?
okay so. i will only be focusing on the like main murders bc i do not care for things like sister location and fnaf 3 in the sense of their events taking place in the far future of the murders themselves (fnaf 3 taking place in 2023, for example). i only really care about the original kids and their timelines
before 1983:
- charlotte "charlie" emily is killed by william afton outside of a freddy's location, likely during her birthday party. the security puppet, programmed by her father to look after her, is too late to save her and finds her body in the alleyway as she's dying. her soul goes onto possess the puppet, adding two purple tear-tracks to its cheeks - william afton takes note of the change, and begins to suspect possession. wanting to learn more, he creates a series of animatronics with the sole purpose of luring and capturing children in order to test his theory (personal note: i think it makes much more sense for the funtimes to come before the missing children's incident. william was careful, at first, when it came to capturing kids, not wanting his person to be traced back, which is why he initially wanted to rely on animatronics to do his job for him) - during the opening of circus baby's pizza world, elizabeth afton is left alone with baby, and is scooped and killed. her brother witnesses this event, and is left traumatized by the experience, now fearful of any of his father's creations. his nightmares are haunted by animatronics with mouths in their stomach due to him witnessing this very incident - circus baby's closes before it even fully opens, and the funtimes are retired to an underground location
- bite of '83. evan afton (the crying child) is killed when placed into the maws of golden freddy during his birthday party - his soul goes on to posses fredbear, being the first of two to inhabit the suit - the springlock suits are officially retired after this incident
- missing children's incident - having continued his experimentations with remnant through animals, william afton officially infuses his first animatronic with a soul. a golden retriever puppy infused into mangle is afton's first successful experiment - lured by promises of her puppy being found, susie is killed first, and goes onto possess chica - the other three go onto possess their respective suits at whatever match you see fit (personally i think it's gabriel -> freddy, jeremy -> bonnie, fritz -> foxy) - cassidy goes onto possess golden freddy, joining evan's soul within the suit
and this is. very personal. i don't claim for it to be the official or perfect timeline, but by god do i actually have reasonings for things asides from "it fits my william afton headcanon ^_^"
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jaspitch · 4 years
Five Nightguards at Freddy’s (3)
Malayn's Archives- Archive 3
Malayn was a couple hours early so he could help clean up before working. And by help clean up, he actually meant annoy anyone and everyone who was cleaning up. Scott was shaking like a leaf when Malayn stood next to him, commenting on different techniques to stabbing people. Yeah, that's what he was talking about: Stabbing people.
As far as looks were concerned, Malayn could techinically be considered good looking. He had black hair that stayed straight and neat 24/7. It flowed down to the end of his ears, so still a bit long. He had ice blue eyes that almost seemed white, which scared everyone because he also had basically invisible pupils. Creepy, to say the least. He was 6′4, and though tall, was jealous of September, who at the age of 23, was still growing. Malayn wasn’t jealous of the fact that September was having brain surgery because the growing harmone in his head needed to be shut off though.
As twelve o’clock rolled around, he helped Justin lock up, who was complaining non-stop about him having to work on Sunday with Scott. Weekends required double-up shifts due to the amount of angsty teens that tried to 1. sneak in or 2. graffiti the walls. They even had three actual cops guard the place, varying each week. As far as Malayn was concerned, he’d rather have a shift with Scott if it meant he could flirt with Serenity, the cop this weekend. She had light pink hair and was of average height with sparkling green eyes. Slim and pretty, she had caught Malayn’s eye at first sight.
Of course, she also hated him, so getting a decent ‘hi’ was torture. Plus she was also so into her job, half the time she ignored everyone. The second cop, and the only boy, a seventeen year old kid named Alex. He had black hair and dark amber eyes and was unnervingly short. His glasses, which were thin framed and larger than his eyes (luckily they didn’t enlarge his eyes), did little to no help. He could see well already, so the glasses did nothing for him. Malayn wondered who the hell told him to wear glasses. Alex was a nervous wreck half the time, and wasn’t very open. He didnt stutter, but never seemed to look anyone in the eye and always rubbed his arm when talking.
The final cop who showed up was a 22 year old girl with light amber eyes and strawberry blonde hair that was currently a light brow. Sherrie was her name, and she was the friendliest of the group. Free-spirited and joyful, but not interesting. Malayn was almost done daydreaming when he felt Justin push a wad of keys into his hand. “Anyways, see ya later, Herrero!” Malayn flinched at his last name but waved goodbye and locked the door. He had about ten minutes until the main lights went off, so after slowly walking to the office he looked down the hallway. After a few moments, the lights shut off.
Malayn yawned and unlocked the desk drawer, picking up and studying a new, light gray Samsung tablet. What the hell was this? The tablet booted up quickly and turned on to Camera 2B. The graphics were about twenty times better, and the kitchen camera was actually on. Though this was great in Malayn’s eyes, it was also unnerving. He checked the paper on the wall and noted September’s shift was last night. So either Henry finally was fed up with people complaining about the old HP or September’s shift hadn’t gone completely as planned.
'As planned' usually meant not being dragged into the backroom and nearly killed, in case anyone was asking. Malayn groaned and leaned his head back, already born out of his mind. After a few seconds, an unnatural hotness overcame him, and he fiddled with his hands, trying to ignore it. As of recent, hot flashes had been wracking his body. It wasn't because once again, Fritz had left the heater on, or due to the fact his mind was hell-bent on Serenity, it was something else.
A familiar thought came to mind. Blood. Oh fuck no. That unhealthy obsession had definitely done something to poor Malayn's head. Pushing up his sleeves to look at the mangled scars on his arms, he groaned in frustration. In moments like these, he'd be cutting small cuts in something (usually bell peppers or tomatoes) to satisfy whatever the hell was telling him to kill people.
Thanks, Byron. Even though his step dad had been around since birth, Malayn insisted on calling him Byron. Byron was a manipulative, abusive, bitch. And only to Malayn, seeing as how he was the only kid that wasn't actually related to him. Maybe if Corren had stayed around, he'd have been there to comfort his younger brother. But he was dead.
Corren was Malayn's real brother. He was around thirteen when he died. Light brown curls, large blue eyes, freckles. Not much else was there to remember him by. He had been killed on the train tracks right outside of Washington County. Malayn preferred not to remember that scene, though it haunted him each night.
The rush of heat finally wavered and he sighed out of relief. A sudden noise made him jump, and he turned to look at Bonnie, who was about to step into the office. Slamming his fist down on the button, the door slammed shut right in the animatronic's face. It was a slow-ish night, to say the least. After about four hours of nobody coming to the office besides the once in a while Bonnie, Malayn granted it safe to go down the hallway to refill the coffee pot with water. Quickly walking to the kitchen, he turned on the water in the sink, and started to fill the pot up.
Malayn turned the water off, eyeing the door. The room temperature had dropped a good 10°. Something felt... Off, to say the very least. The male swallowed, making his Adam's apple move a tad. Slowly walking to the door, Malayn kept his eyes focused behind him. Once opening the door, the male looked in front of him, just to be met with dark purple. Slowly looking up, Malayn swallowed, matching eyes with two blaring red ones.
The rabbit reached for the man, but he ducked and turned, prepped to run to the other side of the kitchen. Scrambling towards the exit, he was met with Chica and Foxy gawking and ready to screech at him. Slamming the door shut, he turned around, already ducking under Bonnie's outstretched arms again. He darted out the first door, starting for the exit. Stopped ubruptly by a dark red arm with an attached hook, he stopped and turned down the other hallway, sprinting into the one and only party room.
Only having a few good seconds to gather his thoughts, the male started to look for some sort of escape route. Of course, he could jump in the vent, but he knew Fritz had left the heater on (again), and it would probably be best to not have an asthma attack because of how thick the air was in the vent. The only other option was to hide under a table or try and get onto the two boards that connected the middle of the roof and the frame of the building. With Foxy now almost at the door, Malayn went for the roof, latching onto the singular rope that dangled from the ceiling.
It was hard to reach, of course, because it’s end was dangling seven feet away from the ground, but Malayn was able to jump and make it. Starting to hurriedly make his way up to the top, he looked down for a split second to see Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, and Freddy all looking up at him. Each mascot had their hands raised, trying to grab his pant leg or maybe the rope. Giving a quick thanks to the constructors who hadn’t just yet finished the inside of the party room, Malayn pulled himsef up the rest of the way and sat down on the boards. 
Sighing, he rubbe his eyes. Fuck you, dad. If you didn’t exist, I wouldn’t be here. Damn right, had his stepfather not been a complete asshole all the time, he’d probably be some big-time corporate CFO or something. But no! “Well, my real sons needs their tuition payed. Malayn can take care of his own college.” And so here he was, life on the line, trying to pay his rent and college debt. Leonn and Carter had their daddy to pay for them, as where he, the outcast of the family, had to pay off his own debt. 
A sharp screech made the man jump, and he looked down. Foxy had hooked the rope and was tugging on it. The screech came again and then the rope went falling down, a small piece of flat metal going down with it. Okay, now he was fucking stuck up here. It would probably freak out anyone who was opening up to see him not there. Silently praying it would be someone like Storm or Jeremy, who wouldn’t ask questions and would just help. 
The animatronics below started to shriek with rage, which made Malayn cover his ears. It was horrific to hear them like that. Almost like a dying kid was wailing. Trying to sort out his thoughts, a single screech wracked through the  building. That noise- Wham! It hit Malayn like a truck of bricks. He almost fell backwards, and started to pant as he relived that horrific scenario again.
“C’mon, Mal! It’ll be fun. See?” Corren started to walk on the train tracks, hopping up and over each of the small rails undeneath. “I don’t know, Coryo. Mama said it’s dangerous.” Malayn was standing off to the side, rubbing his neck. Corren stopped and placed his hands on his hips. “Andy told me this place was deserted. No trains ever come here.” Malayn shrugged, “Yeah, but, Mama-”
“Mama this, Mama that! Here, how about this? I’ll run on ahead all the way to that oak tree. You can listen to my music with my headphones. I’ll be right back, okie dokie?” The brunette took off his headset, walked over to Malayn, and handed it to him. Malayn was ecstatic. He wasn’t ten yet, so he wasn’t allowd to have his own electronics. Corren letting him use his was amazing! “O-okay, fair. Just hurry back, Coryo.” Corren beamed and started running across the tracks, skipping through the rails as he started for the oak tree.
Slipping on the headset, Malayn picked a random song and started listening. He was so enthrolled, that he barely realized that he was now no longer standing still, but rather, walking on the tracks. Finally realizing this, the young boy smiled. This wasn’t so bad after all! Yeah it wouldn’t have been so bad had he heard Corren screaming at him to get off the train tracks, as a train was gaining ground on him. And by the time he finally moved over the earjack and asked “What?”, it was almost over. Hearing the loud hoot, Malayn looked to his left to see a train, mere meters from he was.
However, he never felt anything but a harsh push, before landing on the soft grass. Rubbing his head and looking up, Malayn got one final glimpse of his brother, his face contorted in a muted screech, before the train zoomed by. The shriek the train tracks made when the train went by sounded so similar to-
“Hey, Malayn! How the hell’d you get up there?” A smooth voice called from below. Malayn looked over the edge of the boards, staring down at two dark blue eyes. There, in his beautiful glory, was the one and only perfect Augustine Jamairica. He, one of two, was a man at the pizzeria who could easily get a girlfriend yet didn’t have one. “Uh, I climbed.” Malayn said, his voice a bit scratchy. “Want some help down?” Augustine pointed to a white ladder in the corner, which just fueled Malayn’s embarassment. How had he not seen that? “It’d be appreciated.”
With that, Augutine gave a perfect white smile before setting the ladder up and helping his co-worker down. The two walked out together after Augustine explained he ahd only come today to grab his headphones he left. they both split ways and before he knew it, Malayn was laying in his bed, half asleep. After finally drifting off to his slumber, he was surprised to wake up at 2:00, without any nightmares.
Malayn’s Archive Ends Here.
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