#is it platonic? yes. is it queerplatonic? also yes. is it romantic? yep
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Hello everyone! If you’re reading this, welcome to Rings of Power Valentines Week 2023! Thank you so much for your interest. Events like this help keep the fandom alive and thriving while we wait for season two to drop.
This is an event meant to celebrate the various relationships presented in The Rings of Power, whether romantic, platonic, or somewhere in between.
Below are some basic rules of the event and a quick FAQ. Please read it through thoroughly.
Love you all and I look forward to seeing what you guys make!
Event Rules
The event will start on Valentines Day (2/14/23) at 6AM PST and run until 2/21/23, closing at 12:00AM PST.
I will be tracking the tag #tropvalentinesweek2023 and do my best to reblog everything, but I’m just one person! To help me out you can also @ this blog, and if I haven’t reblogged your post then also feel free to message this blog with a link to remind me!
Here is the list of prompts - you can post as much for one prompt as you want! And you can skip prompts if you’re not a fan of one, or disregard prompts entirely and do whatever your heart desires. They’re just a guide. :) 
This is a LGBTQIA+ friendly space. Terfs absolutely are not welcome in any form. And I want to make it especially clear that people and content on the aroace spectrum are welcome!
All kinds of content are welcome, whether that be fics, headcannons, art, edits, fanvids, reader-inserts, cosplay, poetry, music, podfics, calligraphy, tiktoks, or handcrafts — if you make it, I’ll reblog it!
Absolutely no ship-shaming. If you don’t like a ship, then don’t consume the content. Ships will be tagged character x character (romantic) and character + character (platonic). If you don’t like a ship or it squicks you, please feel free to blacklist the tag. Harassment and negative comments about ships may bar you from participating in the event in the future
If you are posting to AO3 - you can add your work to the event collection! Optional, but highly recommended :) 
Do I Have to Sign Up?
Nope! All you have to do to participate and have your work shared is add it to the hashtag and preferably @ the blog
Do I Have to Follow the Prompts?
Nope! The prompts are there to jog creative juices, but you don’t have to follow them if you don’t want to.
Can I Post Late Or Skip a Day?
Yep! You don’t have to do every single day, and if you post a couple days late on a prompt that’s totally fine. Posting after the event closes is also fine, but sharing won’t happen nearly as fast or as reliably because I will no longer be actively tracking the tag.
Is NSFW Content Okay?
Yep! But please tag it as such and stick any explicit content under a read more.
Are Platonic and Queerplatonic Relationships Okay?
Absolutely!!! This is an event for all kinds of relationships and there will be days specifically devoted to those kinds of relationships as well, but you can post that kind of content all throughout the event.
Are OT3s/Polyamory Welcome?
Am I Limited ONLY to Characters and Places in the Show? 
Preferably, your work should include characters from the show, but you are absolutely not limited to what they have covered. Anything from Tolkien’s legendarium that tickles your brain is welcome, whether that’s kidnap fam, Celebrimbor and Narvi, Elwing and Eärendil, Celeborn, Celebrían, etc. etc. 
If you have any further questions, please feel free to message this blog, drop an ask, or message me on @gi-nathlam-hi
Happy posting! Have a dumb Elrond doodle per fandom tradition.
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~Namarië. Go towards goodness~
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truly-fantastic-me · 6 years
tagged by: no one
+ Basics:
- Do you have a magical/Pagan name? The closest I have to a “magical/pagan” name is the surname Haddock.
- How did you find Paganism? Toothless.
- How long have you been practicing? 5 years this year.
- Are you out of the broom closet? me? out of the broom closet?? in this shitty Christian-dominated society?? don’t make me laugh...
- Solitary or group practitioner? Solitary
- What is your path? pop culture paganism, spirit work, death, draconic, alien energies, with a vast ol’ mix of dragonkin, merfolkkin, vampirekin and fictionkin.
+ Deity:
- What’s your brand of deism? hard ass polytheism.
- Who is your patron God? I have three. but I’m not sure if I call them patrons?? just.. my gods??
- Who is your patron Goddess? n/a
- What Gods do you worship? Death (aka Arkay “from” the elder scrolls), Fathurmor (aka Toothless “from” the HTTYD soon-to-be trilogy) and Jel, a creator god  that once ruled over the planet Mars (along with others)
- Do you fear darkly aspected Gods/Goddesses, or rather respect them? Depends on which one?? I haven’t met each one, and if I did, I’m fairly certain that I wouldn’t fear them in a “omg they’re bad i wish they didn’t exist” but rather fear them in a “holy shit they’re intimidating do not piss them off”
Other than that, all the respect in the world goes to them in my eyes. They work their asses off the maintain the balance too and they should get the same respect “lightly-aspected” deities would get.
- Do you worship the Christian God? Nope, sorry.
- Do you worship animals? Or plants? no, but my respect goes to them.
+ Nature:
my spirituality isn’t really earth-bound...
- Do you regularly commune with nature? uh.. not really?
- Taken a camping trip just to talk to nature? well tbf, nature is a really nice place to be in and its very refreshing on the mind. So if I had the money, I would, but.. no. I haven’t. and it would more likely just to enjoy nature.
- Describe the moment you felt closest to Mother Earth? uh.. the closest to Mother Earth I have is Jel, who is very much respectful of nature.
- Do you have a familiar? i.. don’t?
- Have you ever called upon the powers of an animal in ritual? no
- Or a plant? no
- Do you hug trees? uhh.. i think i’ve hugged a tree spirit, does that count?
- Give them gifts? no
- What are your favourite plants to work with? N/A
- What are your favourite trees to work with? N/A
+ Wheel of the Year:
- What is your favourite holiday? uhh Halloween
- What is your least favourite holiday? labor day??? i apologize that my answers are so Christian-centric, but labor day just sounds capitalist to me.
i say this as i know literally nothing about labor day
if i’m really honest though, my least favorite holiday would likely be easter. for very personal reasons and not because of religious abuse
- Have you ever held a ritual on a holiday? uhh.. not really.
- Ever taken a day off work to celebrate a Pagan holiday? I’d love to be able to do that.. if I could work hahaha..
- Do you celebrate Yule on the 21st rather than the 25th? uhh, I say happy solstice, but that’s about it.
- Have you ever felt the veil thinning? I feel more spiritual energy when the veil is supposedly thinning.
- Ever danced the Maypole? uhh.. what’s that?
- Know what the Maypole symbolizes? i’m assuming its a sacred thing, so i’m not gonna say anything else in order to avoid disrespecting anyone.
- How do you usually celebrate the Pagan holidays? I.. just answered that question in all of the questions above..
like all of the questions above were literally just different forms of that question.
+ Divination:
- Do you use Tarot? I want to.
- Do you use runes? I want to
- Do you use a pendulum? yeah, but mainly for energy work
- Do you use dowsing rods? No.
- Do you use astrology? uhh. not really? its an interesting practice, but, i’m not really that much into it.
- Any other forms of divination? uhh..
+ Spells:
- What was the first spell you did? a forgiveness spell to allow myself to forgive someone who had hurt me. but tbf, I was kind of a douche to them too. like, incredibly ableist. ew. - What was the latest? just a devotional spell to my gods. - Ever done a love spell? no - A job spell? No
- A healing spell? I do healing energy manipulation sometimes? - What was the most powerful spell you’ve ever performed? probably the devotional work
- What deities do you usually call on? my gods??? what? do you honestly think i would call on gods that aren’t mine??? wtf no!
ok i’ve done that before quite a few times with Bastet and Hecate i’m so sorry.
+ Cryptozoology:
- Do you believe in vampires? yep
- Werewolves? yep - Shapeshifters? yep - Elves? yep - Fairies? yep - Dragons? yep - Nymphs? yep - Sprites? yep - Mermaids? yep, but merfolk - Satyrs? yep
basically, everything exists somewhere.
- Ever “seen” any of the above? i think by “seen” you mean encountered, but yes.
- Ever used any of the above in magic?  what do you mean by used?? I dont’ believe in using spirits for your own gain. the magick i use are usually from me, and if not, then they’re from my gods in the form of devotion.
- Do you have one of them as a personal guardian? yeah, my gods. One of them is a dragon, another one of them is literally Death Himself, and the other is a literal extraterrestrial creator god. there’s a few other gods that aren’t necessarily my “patrons” but i still think of them as family.
+ Random:
- Do you see a rabbit, a man or a woman in the moon? i see a night fury’s head tbh...
- Own a cat? no, but i wish i did.
- Do you work with chakras? i’m not hindu, so chakras aren’t really mine to work with??
- Do you believe in past lives? its only half my spirituality lol
- If so, describe a few briefly. uhh, lets see, being crucified, being burried alive, falling to my death, to name a few. i have more, but i can’t describe them as briefly as my deaths.
- Do you believe in soul mates? i do kinda. but like? its not in the way you think. its less romantic and more.. any kind of consensual relationship that two or more people feel connected enough to call eachother soulmates and that relationship can be platonic, queerplatonic, romantic, or sexual.
- Do you have a spirit guide? edit: uhh no and i prefer not to be culturally appropriative thank you very much
i apologize for changing the comment to this question. the previous answer wasn’t mine, but from someone that posted this meme before me. i know i should’ve when i did this meme.
- Is it always love and light? love and light? why should i have my paganism centered around only two aspects on the multiverse??? that’s so limited, dude. 
also, light =/= good and dark =/= bad.  anybody who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something.
tagging: whoever the fuck wants to do this
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hey I'm ace but i dont know whether I'm aro or biromantic. i never wanted to date or marry anyone, i think about dating and liking someone and it seems alien to me. but im struggling for 2 reasons 1. can i be ace/aro and still notice people? women, men etc people are all pretty even if i dont want to do smt about it 2. i have some traumas so i can't help but think my disinterest in people and romance are just a psychological issue. maybe im just not ready to date yet
can i be ace/aro and still notice people?
Yep, that’s entirely possible. You could be experiencing aesthetic attraction rather that romantic attraction. Aesthetic attraction is a strong desire to look at someone and admire them aesthetically, but no desire to do anything beyond that.
Other possibilities you might want to look into are platonic attraction or alterous attraction, which are often mistaken for romantic attraction, but don’t usually involve a need to have a romantic relationship with the person you’re attracted to.
Platonic attraction (also sometimes called queerplatonic/quasiplatonic/quirkyplatonic/QP attraction) is having a strong desire to bond or be important to the person you’re attracted to, but not wanting or needing to have a romantic relationship with the person you’re attracted to.
Alterous attraction is considered not wholly romantic or platonic, but where the focus is having a close emotional bond with the person you’re attracted to,
Both can be mistaken as romantic attraction by people who aren’t aware of them, and have similar feelings attached to them (like being nervous around the person you’re attracted to, thinking a lot about the person you’re attracted to, finding the person you’re attracted to super interesting, etc). So I’d definitely recommended reading up on those two types of attraction too if aesthetic attraction doesn’t feel right, and see if either of them match your experience.
i have some traumas so i can't help but think my disinterest in people and romance are just a psychological issue. maybe im just not ready to date yet
Yes, that’s also a possibility. Unfortunately it can be really difficult to tell if a-spec identities are related to trauma or not. Honestly I’d suggest just do your best to figure out how you’re feeling in the present, and what feels right to you now. And remember that if you do decide to identify as aro or aro-spec, if it is trauma related, and if you do eventually start to develop romantic feelings/feel ready to date, there’s nothing wrong with that. Sometimes labels are temporary for us or only useful for a certain time period. And that’s fine too. 
But you may also always feel like this, whether it’s trauma related or just how you happen to be wired. Which is why figuring out how things are in the present makes the most sense. 
Remember too that a-spec identities that are connected to trauma are just as valid as ones that aren’t.
All the best.
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