#is it poor form to bring pasta to a concert? am i going to do it anyway? yes to both
clumsyclifford · 2 years
2, 6, 11, 13, & 33 pls bella!! ♥️
thank you annie !!! answering these is probably gonna make me late to the acappella concert but i don't care <3
2. What’s a medium you’ve always wanted to try? aghhh i tried my hand at making gifs a while ago (like two years maybe lmao) but they were shitty because (1) i don't use or know how to use photoshop and (2) i don't know anything about gifmaking, so i haven't revisited it. but i would like to learn more about it and try to make actually good ones because when i hear gifmakers talking about shit like "coloring" the gifs im like ?? you do what to them ?? so yeah it would be nice to pull back the curtain on that at least a little
6. What’s a theme you find in your work? i answered this for hazel and i cannot think of another answer at the moment sorry lmao so i'm gonna copy/paste what i wrote for her
friendship! and also, the importance of kitchens! friendship is hugely important to me as a person with a shit ton of friends and also as a person who has never been in a relationship - considering i’m always writing fic that is about a romantic relationship i also always want to emphasize the importance of having people in your life who are not your Love Interest. and how much they can add meaning to your life in ways that are equal to but different than the way a Love Interest can.
11. What part of the process of creating brings you the most joy? answered this for hazel as well but let me think of something else!! OH when i write something that elicits the emotional reaction in myself that i want it to elicit in others. like if i write a line that's supposed to be funny and then every time i read it i laugh, that's a winner. or when i finish writing an emotional scene and then go back to reread it and am like holding my breath........THAT'S how you know.
13. Is there something you’d like to see created but you know you can’t/won’t do yourself? damn you and hazel really overlapped on these questions! i'll just copy/paste my answer for this one bc i don't think i have another:
probably! although to be honest usually it’s the reverse, where i don’t know that i want to see something created until it is, and then i see it and i’m like damn i wish i had done this but also i couldve never done this. it’s a great experience though because then once ive read it i can be like wow that was amazing because i got the same feeling i get when rereading my own work (the feeling of “this is exactly the thing i wanted to read”) but without having to put in all the effort of writing it !! it’s awesome. that is how i feel about @burstingsunrise’s muke fic interlude. i also feel this way about most of @reveriesofawriter’s writing.
33. Sneak peak at a wip 👀 oh gladly i love sharing stuff from my wips okay here's a little taste of what i'm writing for the songfic event hazel is running
“C’mon, tell me,” Michael wheedles. “Is it about Ashton again?” “Isn’t everything?” Luke sighs. “All your recent mental breakdowns have been about Ashton,” says Michael. “It was an educated guess.” “This isn’t a mental breakdown.” “You spontaneously dyed your hair,” Michael says with a shrug. “It’s at least kind of a mental breakdown.”
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