#is it the capricorn or the bipolar in me thatmakes me take on too much?
Ten Years of Fanfiction Mania
A few housekeeping notes.
2024 marks ten years since I started posting fanfiction and I've always wanted to mark an anniversary with something kinda fun. My original plan for this insane idea was to feature two of my completed fanfiction works per month and open my inbox to questions/discussions/headcanons, and yes prompts for outtakes and future takes, what have you for those particular stories. I have 12 completed multichapter fics that were not written as gifts for someone, and I fully intended to feature one of those per month plus a one shot or group of drabbles.
Obviously, I've fallen behind on that, mainly because I took on a little too much in the month of December (which is definitely one of my worst flaws so hahaha Hubris), but also because the response to the first featured fic, Wrapped in Red, was overwhelmingly larger than what I expected. Which... I absolutely love and cannot express how flattered I am that you all took such an interest.
So. I still have four prompts for Wrapped in Red in my inbox, and I fully intend to write them. So if you haven't seen yours yet, it's on my To Do list.
I wanted to wait until I'd written all of them before I feature another fic, but honestly... we could be waiting awhile for that. Instead, I'm going to go ahead and post what should have been the second December '23 featured fic, and in a few days, I'll post the first of the January ones and continue at an accelerated rate until I'm back on track. Since I don't anticipate nearly the same kind of response for most of my other stories, hopefully I'll still be able to catch up.
Thanks everyone for your patience, your understanding, and also for your love for my stories.
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