#is like???? acshyally ur wrong
sparrowposting · 1 year
I'm sorry but I have to disagree with your one post about pride flags. It's literally called a gay pride flag, not a gay celibacy flag. You may *personally* see it as a way to make gay people feel safe at a place and nothing more, but anyone else you'd show the flag to knows it's not signalling safety for individuals but a sign of complete endorsement for gay relationships, which is 100% against the church's teachings. There's no Catholic-appropriate reinterpretation of that flag's meaning.
I am going to be polite and adult about this anon, but like. Why did you think this was necessary?
It's not?
Do you think I'm stupid enough to not realize what most people think, even if I think that belief is erroneous and unnecessarily cruel? Do you think I'm SO detached from reality that I don't understand why people are getting their panties in a twist about the pride flag?
And fwiw, I support schools having pride flags and pride safe space stickers regardless of if they're gonna be like "uwu we have to uphold celibacy" or not. Frankly. Idgaf. I care about vulnerable kids and teens (and fuck it even adults) being welcome more than I care about anything else. I care about the marginalized being welcomed and loved in a supposedly universal church and faith, more than I care about hardlining doctrine.
This isn't even about my own personal opinions re sex, I sorta recused myself from that whole conversation when I decided to be single, for a variety of reasons most of which aren't even related to queerness. It IS about double standards, and othering of queers by Christians when straight people don't get half as much shit for doing "objectively worse" things even taking the strictest interpretations of church teachings.
But again. It's Sunday. It's sunny and warm. I have lovely things to do after mass and I'm not going to be angry at incorrect randos on the internet.
Good day, and I say genuinely without a hint of malice or sarcasm, I hope you find it in yourself to be kinder to queer folk. If you're sending completely unnecessary messages to strangers online, what do the people around you irl think?? I promise you, there's more of us than you think there are, and this kind of behaviour just signals that you're not someone to trust our whole selves with. That doesn't help anyone, and even if you're the sort to view evangelization as the end goal, view others as "means" to be "saved" rather than beloved human beings and ends in and of themselves, even then, this sort of attitude doesn't really help with those goals either.
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