#is seriously one of mames more insane plots
iguessitsjustme · 10 months
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Hi yes this is insane
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farewellneverland2004 · 2 months
What Do You Mean We Met Him Before He Got Punted, MAME?!
I was today years old when I realized Gun was in ep 10 of LITA!
I can't believe it completely slipped my mind for nearly two years!
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like, I remember this scene so well, yet I had no idea who these guys were! I just thought they were characters from another MAME book and just made a cameo for the novel readers! like those guys in at the end of ep 5!
Seriously though, remember those dudes?
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It's so funny, they're given this badass slow-motion entrance with Chai, who did actually do things(a dude who absolutely slayed btw). only for them to have no part in the show and don't even SAY ANYTHING! They were even in the opening credits, and what do they do? NOTHING! I don't even know their names! lol!!! I thought I heard they were characters in another MAME book, but I don't even have that proof! So Who Are They!? LOL!!
Anyway, when I first watched ep 10, I thought Lord S*x Crimes and his little Wormtail were just throwaway characters to reference another novel. They had so little effect on me I didn't even remember their faces when they came back in ep 13. God! My PhayuRain Bias was so big, I didn't even bother paying attention to the characters around the PrapaiSky plot!
Looking back at it, I missed so many PrapaiSky plot-related details it's insane! Like I can see how even in the beginning, before we even know their deal, just how much Gun GENUINELY HATES Pai
Like, look at this psychopath narcissist, or whatever he is just barely mask his emotion and tone behind words of modesty.
The way he barely makes eye contact with him like the jealous b*tch he is with his arms crossed, like having to be respectful toward Prapai makes him want to jump off a cliff.
(and Prapai barely gives him enough recognition to point out the fact that he's lost to him before while putting on his pretty sh*t-eating grin like the lovable scamp he is. Then when they leave just completely wipes their conversation from his memory like I did two years ago. lol)
I may have not talked about this before, but I am very open about how Gun is an arrogant Dumbass who makes way too convoluted of plans to commit a second-second s*x crime against his ex, and idk, embarrass Prapai? like I said, he's everywhere and those goons of his should have thought twice before going along with his way too convoluted plan to get away with.
But regardless of his stupidity, which makes him even better to hate, he also fits so well with the MAME Trend of Antagonists committing bodily harm to people because they feel insecure and are put in place by objectively way more competent men.
Such great acting from the dude who plays Gun. You can feel how pathetic yet also how silently enraged this dude is. and I love to hate a Villian who doesn't say his hatred out loud, but instead gives you enough passive clues through body language etc, (even if its only noticed a second time around), just how much the protagonist gets on his nerves. Give this man more roles, cause he's so good!
But please tell me if you guys also forgot they were in ep 10, cause I think I'm the only one and I'm embarrassed!
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