#is she even a bride anymore? since she got divorced lol
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*throws my headcanon at you and ducks away*
idk what my thought process was behind this other than they were both redheads and had songs about love and stuff (*゚益゚)ゞ
i think that since jack didn't have a lot of friends growing up due to night swan's protection, the only people he could see were his relatives and since the bride was a similar age to him they hit it off.
i have a few more hcs below the cut, and feel free to add ur own too i'd love to check them out (*・ε・*)
- they're both pretty popular in the danceverse and would regularly shout each other out and start fake beef lolol
- when they were younger, they would do each other's makeup with night swan's makeup lol
- when it was out that the bride was going through her divorce with the rasputin coach, jack was the first one to comfort her (and also talk tons of smack about rasputin)
- they like to make fun of each other's fashion a lot, but are secretly very influenced by each other
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Blushing Bride | myg
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a/n: sorry it’s so short and took so long. it seems my inspiration and motivation to write is still not at its fullest. hopefully i’ll get it back soon and i’ll come back and edit this. i also have only been to one wedding and that was like when i was 13 so i have no clue how they really go so sorry it’s not accurate lol.
pairing: min yoongi x reader
word count: 2.4k
genre: slight angst, fluff
warnings: doubts about marriage, implications of sex, fluff fluff fluffffff, marrying yoongi bc uwu
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Those six months passed by in a blur, and before you knew it, it was a week before your wedding. A week before you both state, “I do.” You could feel your nerves getting increasingly worse. Thoughts of whether Yoongi truly wanted to marry you were swirling around in your head. What if he was having doubts? If he didn’t want to have you as his wife anymore? Luckily, Yoongi was always there to get rid of those insecurities.
One night, as the two of you were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie, you voiced these insecurities, “Yoongi, are you sure you want to marry me?” He looked at you with confusion plastered on his face.
“Of course I do. I wouldn’t have asked you in the first place if I didn’t,” he mumbled, holding you closer to him. He didn’t know where these thoughts were coming from, didn’t know if you were the one starting to doubt it. 
Sighing, you placed your chin on his chest and gazed into his eyes, “I just- what if you regret proposing to me? What if later on you realize this was a mistake and want a divorce? That I’m not good enough for you? Not skinny or pretty enough? You always said you didn’t care for marriage." 
He could see the fear in your eyes and heard the way your voice started breaking. Yoongi felt his heart clench at the sight, and he pulled you into a chaste kiss, effectively cutting off your panicked rambling. 
"Hey, none of that. I’m in love with you so fucking much and I never want to lose you. I should be the one worried. You’re literally so perfect and deserve so much better,” Yoongi said calmly, his gaze locked with your own.
Pressing his forehead to yours he whispered “I will love you no matter how you look, baby. You’re perfect to me, even with all the flaws you think you have.” His sincere words had tears sliding down your cheeks as you leaned up to kiss him tenderly. 
“I love you too,” you muttered against his lips, sighing as he deepened the kiss and tugged you to lay on top of him.
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Shaking your head, you cleared your thoughts and focused back on the task at hand. It was now four days before the wedding, and tonight was your bachelorette party. Yoongi would be staying at the dorms while your friends came over to your shared apartment. There were drinks - lots of alcohol - and snacks on the table. A pile of movies was also arranged next to the refreshments. You’re making sure you have everything ready when you hear the doorbell. Walking over to your security system, you see the girls at your door, and you push the button to let them enter. 
“Y/n!!” Jinwoo shouted, pulling you into a hug. 
Chuckling, you pulled away from her “Hi, Jiwoon.” The others bring you into their own embraces, all stating how they’re ready for a night of fun. 
“I still don’t get why we weren’t allowed to hire a stripper,” Minsoo pouted as she crossed her arms. 
You giggled, leading the way to the living room where everything was, “Cause when Yoongi heard about it he got jealous and firmly stated there were to be no strippers." 
"We can still have fun without all of that, Minsoo,” Hana said, and you gave her a smile of gratitude.
If you were being honest, you didn’t even want an adult dancer. You were perfectly fine with a quiet night in. When the maknaes had told you they were bringing one to Yoongi’s bachelor party, you were the one to be jealous and put your foot down. So imagine your shock and anger when you receive a text from Jimin. 
Jimin: Sorry, Y/n. We couldn’t resist (; *image attached*
Inhaling a deep breath, you clicked on the message. A snort escaped you when you saw the picture. There Yoongi was, sitting on a chair with a bright red face. Someone was sitting on his lap with a flirtatious expression. It seems the ‘stripper’ they hired was actually Hoseok in short shorts and a crop top. 
“What are ya laughing at?” Jinwoo mumbled around the spoon in her mouth. There was chocolate sauce smeared across her lips and on her fingers. How the fuck did she already make a mess…?
You handed her your phone, allowing them to see the text “Apparently, Yoongi is getting a lap dance.” They all giggled, handing your phone back. The night went on, and you all had tons of fun.
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The night before your wedding you were a shaking mess, worried for the next day. Once again Yoongi was spending the night at the dorms while the girls stayed with you. They could all see you were nervous and they didn’t know what to do to calm you down.
“Y/n, are you okay?” Hana asked you, her voice quiet. You hummed, leg bouncing, only stopping when Jinwoo placed her hand on your thigh. 
Glancing at them, you could see their concerned looks, “I’m fine. Just worried and excited for tomorrow. What if I trip while walking down the aisle? What if he’s not even at the end waiting?” You worried your lip between your teeth, leg starting to bounce again.
“Please, Yoongi is so whipped for you, and so in love, he’ll definitely be there waiting for you,” Minsoo stated, distracting you as Hana pulled out her phone. 
Jinwoo grabbed your hand, “Yeah, you’re the love of his life, babes. I mean, c'mon, he’s literally getting married to you when he doesn’t care for an official marriage." 
Before you can say anything, Hana handed you her cellphone. When you gave her a perplexed expression she nodded to it. Looking down at it, you could see an ongoing call with Seokjin and brought it up to your ear.
"Hello?” you asked, not expecting Yoongi’s voice to come through. 
His voice is soft and full of love, “I hear you’re nervous? Is it for the same reasons, or is it something different?" 
"I’m just…scared I’m going to trip, or you won’t be there waiting for me…” you trailed off, knowing he wasn’t going to like your words.
Yoongi sighed, “Baby, I promise you, I will be there waiting because you mean the world to me. And if you trip, then I’ll be there to catch you. You don’t have to be scared, love." 
"Alright…I love you,” you breathed out, a small smile on your lips.
He chuckled, and you could tell he had a huge grin when he spoke, “I love you too, princess. I’ll see you tomorrow." 
You hung up and handed Hana her phone back, thanking her quietly for what she did.
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"Y/n, how do you feel?” Minsoo asked as she curled your hair. It was finally the day of your wedding, and your friends were helping you get dressed. 
You grinned, “I’m still anxious, but I think it’s more of an excited anxious.” She looked at you with happiness, glad you were feeling relaxed. 
“Oh, honey, you look so beautiful,” a soft feminine voice spoke. Glancing behind you in the mirror, you saw your mom and dad standing at the door. Minsoo backed up and allowed you to move around her. 
Quick to tug the two into a hug, you gave a soft greeting. “Hi mom, hi dad.” They returned the embrace, tears in their eyes as they took a closer look at you. 
“Oh, sweetie. You look so grown up. Yoongi is a lucky man,” your mom told you as she fluffed part of your skirt lightly. Your dad nodded, showing he agreed with his wife. 
A bashful smile appeared on your face, “I’m the lucky one.” Once you were dressed and ready to go, you all made your way to the doors you would be walking through. 
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As soon as the pianist started playing the wedding march, Yoongi could feel his hands become sweaty. He wasn’t having doubts, no, he was just afraid you wouldn’t be there, or that he would mess up his vows. He’s so caught up in his mind, that he doesn’t notice you making your way down the aisle with your dad. Only when Hoseok nudges him does he look up from the ground. 
His breath hitched in his throat and liquid gathered in his eyes when he saw you in your wedding dress with your makeup and hair done. You looked absolutely gorgeous, and he was so fortunate to be the one marrying you. His gaze was solely focused on you, and when your eyes met, he couldn’t stop the gummy smile that spread onto his face. 
When you saw Yoongi standing there in his black tuxedo with glassy eyes, you felt your heart beat faster. In just a few moments, you would permanently be his. You’d be Mrs. Min. Min Y/n. Yoongi’s wife. Your father handed you off to Yoongi once you reached the altar. Placing your hands in his, you gave him a shy smile. 
“You look so beautiful, princess,” Yoongi whispered so just the two of you could hear. 
A bright blush coated your cheeks, “Thank you, so do you.” He gave you his gummy grin and looked back to the priest as he started to speak. 
“Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Yoongi and Y/n in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”
Yoongi let out a loud sigh of relief when no one stood up or spoke. The guests laughed, causing him to blush with a shy smile. 
“From what I can understand, you two have your own vows you’d like to say?” the priest asked. 
Yoongi gulped, “I do- I mean yes, we wrote our own.”
Hoseok - his best man - laughed. Everyone could tell Yoongi was nervous, and you giggled, squeezing his hands. Once the priest gave him permission, your soon-to-be husband took a shaky breath in. God, please don’t let him mess up.
“Here I stand in front of you, the love of my life, to show you that you mean the world to me. Ever since I first saw you that night at the convenience store, I knew you were the one for me. You were sitting there just slurping up ramen - quite messily if I do say so myself,“ Yoongi started, teasing you at the end, earning chuckles from the guests. 
He fondly smiled at you, "I never really thought I would get married, it wasn’t that important to me. That is until I met you. As we grew together and became closer throughout the years, I realized that I would go through with all of this if it meant I got to spend the rest of my life, and even after it, with you by my side.”
“Y/n, you may now say your vows,” the priest turned towards you.
You cleared your throat, “Yoongi, I love you with all my heart. You are my best friend. Today I will give myself to you in marriage. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle.”
“I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you and to always hold you in the highest regard. I will always love you, no matter what, for the rest of our existence,” you said, unadulterated love in your gaze. 
A tear makes its way down your cheek and Yoongi raises his hand to gently wipe it away. You let out a teary giggle, sniffling as your thumb rubbed against the back of his hand.
“We will now have the exchanging of the rings,” the priest said as Hoseok holds out the rings.
Yoongi grabbed a your ring as the priest asked, “Do you take Y/n as your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?”
“I do,” Yoongi grins, placing the ring onto your ring finger. 
The priest looks to you, “Do you take Yoongi as your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" 
"I do,” your voice is filled with happiness as you place the band on Yoongi’s ring finger. 
He smiled at the two of you, “You may now kiss the bride." 
Yoongi grinned, his eyes closing as he put his hands around your waist. tugging you into a passionate kiss. You kissed back, letting your mouth part when his tongue licks your bottom lip. The two of you are too caught up in each other to hear the sounds of clapping and the rest of the members shouting. 
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The reception after the ceremony was filled with laughter, jokes, and dancing. Yoongi and you had multiple people coming up to congratulate you on the marriage. All of the members were tipsy on the fancy champagne. Jungkook was busy stuffing his face with food, Taehyung and Jimin were drunkenly dancing on the dance floor. Namjoon and Seokjin were seeing who could take the most shots. Hoseok was discussing the honeymoon with your husband. God, it felt so nice and made you feel bubbly calling him that. 
You were so caught up in your head, that you didn’t notice Yoongi coming up behind you until he had his palms on your sides. He leaned down and whispered into your ear, "Hey, princess. Are you ready to head out? We have to catch our flight in an hour.”
“Yeah, yeah I am,” you said, voice breathy as you felt his warm breath on your neck. 
He placed an open-mouthed kiss on your throat, his voice in a growl, “I can’t wait to see this wedding dress on the floor of our hotel room, baby girl.”
“I guess we should go then, huh?” you gasped, tilting your head to give him more room.
Yoongi smirked, “Yeah, let’s go, baby.”
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hiddeningrid · 4 years
cutting this text feels appropriate
this new medicine... god, i am looking forward to that 30 minutes every day between taking a new pill and having the effects of the old one slide away a little bit because that is the only time of the day that i feel any way lucid or normal.
also it’s great that this medication apparently carries a heightened risk of suicidal behaviors and thoughts, self-harm etc for people who’ve experienced that before in their life. i am definitely in the middle of that! which is fun to realize. the leaflet said to tell people you’re close to if you’re experiencing something like that, which made me laugh.
anyway, in other words, i have turned off the phone that i used for messaging “friends“ and blocked my sister and my friend who used to be my best friend but uuh apparently i just was Very wrong about thinking that way...’s numbers on the phone that i still use.
i just don’t see any point in trying to keep two phones charged up since they are basically silent all the time. it’s so much effort and i’m just done with it. and i don’t want to be stressing out about boohoo why hasn’t my sister called me back in 2 months or boohoo this or that so i’m just cutting that cord and being unavailable and that feels great honestly. my phone is now just for my doctor appointments etc, if i need to reach my mom and my cat instagram.
because i started an instagram for my cat. i’m gonna be sharing all my cat photos there instead :) i didn’t know that having likes and follows felt this great. it’s like pure serotonin down my veins when people like pictures of my cute cat.
also... wow this thing is hitting me again! haha. i’m starting to get woozy. yes, also! i have a grand plan for my life. i cried for hours last night but then i realized that this is actually a great opportunity for me. i mean, my friend not allowing me to have any kind of reaction to her basically saying i can’t go to her wedding and letting me know this by a whatsapp group text... lol can you believe that i thought that we were close like sisters or family? like i was just... delusional you know. and i am coming down on that delusion. while im going up with the self-destruction with these pills cos man, at night i just wanna cut my entire body up. the urge is real. but im a good fighter, mostly. well. anyway. my grand plan! my grand plan, yes. i’m gonna ace being on these meds, though the side effects are bad. but! i’m gonna ace it. i’m going into that brain MRI next week and i’m going to ace that. yada yada yada. and then i will do this physiotherapy. i will do my everything with this physiotherapy. i will use all my money again. i will go for it. and once i am better in some way, since i have to start believing that again, and when corona has passed, i can start to look for some new friends. these old ones? well, they all pretty much suck quite a lot. and by all i’m talking of like 3 people. man i don’t know even who to count as “friends” anymore! and one of them doesn’t suck but she is the bride-to-be’s sister so i am definitely loosing her in the divorce lool so. i am basically starting from a clean slate, which could be just an opportunity since my calendar is wide open. so it’s a mission!! i’m already in all these fb-groups of similar people who for one reason or another are looking for a new group of friends to hang out with. i’ll become more active in that and hopefully look at some brand new circles maybe some time next year.
and then when i’m somehow back to normal in my life. like i used to be super social, the type who could make a friend from sitting on the bus stop at the same time. i mean, i actually did that but only the one time lol. oh oops, i mean twice. i hope i will advance on the whole career-choosing psychologist thingy. and then i could like. maybe move on in my life. maybe move to a new city. new country? that’s shit that i loved. before i got sick. and this could all be in some way attainable, through a lot of effort. through small steps. through taking these pills and fighting through it. moving my neck 1 cm 40 times a day. i just.. i just want my life back. i want to have that feeling of being needed by friends again. i hate this life that i have. in fact, i hate almost everything else about it but for my cat. and when i say “hate“ i say it with a lot of passion. my best friend is literally dead because he was my darling cat who passed away. i love my other cat more than everything too but. it’s not the same. but i used to be that person who had 2 cats, really a lot of friends, like a lot more than i ever envisioned that i’d have, 2 jobs and art school that was really going somewhere. i’m gonna get some kind of version of that back no matter what it takes.
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 years
I wonder since Harry marries Meghan maybe they are gonna replace William with Harry as new King? Cause Meghan seems more lively and progressive and fit for the role of modern Queen, than Kate who is famously doesn't do her job as she should and just plain boring. I'm not sure Kate even popular in UK.
A) Kate is very popular.  She’s pretty and has lots of babies.  She’s brought a ton of tourism $$$ to that country.  People who already don’t like the monarchy bitch about her not doing as much, but people who like the monarchy like her because she was a beautiful bride, wears pretty clothes, and has adorable children that she seems to love.
B) The job isn’t a real job.  It’s going to things they want you to go to to bring awareness, and frankly you don’t even *really* have to do that if you don’t want to.  People do seem to forget when critiquing Kate that William is rumored to want her to not be out in the spotlight as much as his mother was because he doesn’t want a repeat of the Diana Effect where people think she’s a saint and obsess over her.  William wants as normal a life for his family as possible, which means that he is probably the one getting them out of engagements.  I really don’t give a fuck; he was born into it, he had no choice, he’ll do his duty when he has to but as it is right now he’s the eventual heir but not the Crown Prince, compared to Charles who has always had more active engagements because he’s always been the Crown Prince.  When Diana was alive she had more active engagements because she was the future queen, until she got divorced, and then she did a lot of things because she wanted to and was used to it.  Kate also has been preoccupied with being pregnant or raising babies for the last few years, and her pregnancies are not the easiest so I super don’t care if she doesn’t want to go out and about as much for that reason either.
C) I don’t think she’s boring, and I don’t think it’s fair or right to put Meghan and Kate against each other because it’s kinda gross to do that to women anyway, and they also are most likely friends, what with them being the wife and future wife of close brothers.  What you might see as boring, I see as someone having her shit together to the point where there isn’t much for the tabloids to talk about, and enjoying her privacy.  At the end of the day, did she know what she was getting into by marrying William and becoming a public figure?  Maybe, to an extent, as much as anyone can.  But she also was marrying the guy she loved, and I can’t really expect someone to not do that because the person’s a public figure and that’s not ideal.
D) There is absolutely no way that William will EVER be replaced by Harry lol.  Ever ever ever.  Harry does not want the crown.  WILLIAM does not want the crown, but he’s been raised knowing it will be his, which is why William has not gotten naked in Las Vegas.  I like both princes; Harry is more accessible for a reason.  William has spent his entire life knowing that someday he would be king and I’m sure he’s always been in a very difficult position because he hates the press and probably isn’t a fan of some aspects of his father’s side of the family, but…  He’s gonna do it.  Abdication is something the Windsors are soooo against.  When David (Elizabeth’s uncle) abdicated her father had to become king in a time of war.  It was chaotic and stressful, and though let’s be real Liz’s dad died because he had lung cancer, she’s apparently always blamed a bit of his death on the stress of becoming king in such less than ideal circumstances.  It was very traumatic for her, and it also led to her becoming queen FAR before she wanted to; she thought she’d have 10-15 years to be a normal mom and wife, at least.  Even if William were to abdicate (which would be entirely his choice, lol when people throw around Windsor abdication rumors they say “they” will “skip” someone; who is they???) which he won’t, or get into a tragic accident, which God willing he won’t, he has two, nearly three children who will be his heirs.  George and Charlotte are ahead of Harry.  The next baby, male or female, will be after them.  After Charles, four people would have to give up the throne or die for Harry to be king.  And for that matter, William and Kate could very well have another child before then, you never know.  Any legitimate child of William’s comes before Harry in the line of succession.  The fact that Harry has almost absolutely no chance of being king is part of the reason why there isn’t as big a fuss of him marrying a Catholic mixed race American divorcee actress.  They’re more forward-thinking than they were, sure; but it’s “bad” enough that Charles is married to Camilla, who’s just one of those things, and she’s very possibly not going to be queen when he becomes king, where Diana was very much expected to be when she was married to him.  Charles is gonna fight for that, but as it is Camilla should prooooobably be Princess of Wales.  And yet she isn’t.  His big obstacle tbh is that Camilla isn’t the mother of Charles’s heir, who will be the next Prince of Wales in all likelihood.  Kate will still be a step out of the norm as queen for the record--she’s a commoner and prooooobably wasn’t a virgin when she married William, seeing as they’d been shacked up for quite some time before they got married.  A far cry from Diana.
As it is, the only Windsor who’d have a remote chance of abdication is Charles because he’s not so popular, his wife is less so arguably, and he’s getting long in the tooth.  But conversely…  I think he does love William.  I think he probably would take that L so that William could have his normal-ish life for as long as possible, and it’s very probable that at this point Charles is ready to be king and since he’s spent his whole life preparing and arguably kinda ruined his own life and that of another person because he had the expectations of being king (if Charles had been Andrew, he probably could have waited and eventually told his mom to fuck off and marry Camilla like he’d wanted) on him.  He might as well be king for as long as he can be; and it would kinda be dishonoring his mother to abdicate, imo.  If Lizzie were ever to abdicate, which I doubt, I think it would only be because she was SEVERELY incapable of being queen anymore, and she’s still pretty spry for her age.
So in conclusion, I like Kate, I don’t care if she does her job which isn’t a real job the way people want or not because at the end of the day her family is a pretty meaningless historical institution who doesn’t really *have* to do shit, but people want them to in order to feel better about all the money they get because they were born or married that way.  I’m not interested in comparing her to Meghan.  And Harry will never be king; Meghan will never be queen.  Chances are that once queenie croaks you’ll be seeing a lot more of William and Kate, who will likely be past the “popping out babies like they’re cookies coming out of the oven” stage of their marriage anyway.  Which is arguably Kate doing her job lol–that line of succession is super secure.
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insomniasix · 7 years
Tragedia Coram Amandum Quae| Part I |
A/N: Alright, so this is something new. My heart is pumping like crazy posting this. I tried a different approach as I’ve never written in first person before, but I kinna like it. Let me know what you think. Should I change it back to third and continue or full on discard the whole idea of the AU.
Keep in mind that everything in here is full on complicated! Lol.
I’d also like something from you guys. I wanted to place some of your OCs in this story. I’d love for Six to get to know some new people. So anyone who wants their OC included, please let me know.
Thanks in advance for taking the time of your day to deal with me and my crazy ideas. 
Love you all! <3
Words: 2328
OCs: Six Ulric
Warnings: Mentions of smut, mentions of self-harm, swearing (Lots of it) complicated situations (If I’ve missed anything please hit me up, I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable!)
Introduction huh? Never really liked that part; never really good at it either. How about ‘Hey, I’m Six Ulric’? No, too plain. How about ‘I’m Six Ulric, and this is the story of how I died’? No, no, that’s even worse. Too prejudiced! Also, I can’t really tell you if I’m gonna die or not. What would be the point?
I got it! How about, I, Six Ulric, take you, the reader –of whatever this thing turns out to be, to the start?
I was born –no, no, I’m just kidding. That’s ancient history now.
I’m gonna take you to the time of my wedding to Prince Gladiolus Lucis Caelum. Mouthful, I know.
I’d love to say it was the happiest time of my life, and it was; in the beginning. Then shit went wrong and my world got fucked up –alright, side note: if you’re under aged or do not like the use of imprecations, indecent words and actions and violence, just stop reading; or get a life, you’ll see how wonderful and useful all the above really are; if you’re not and for whatever reason you’re still with me, buckle the fuck up.
I was probably the most horrible bride ever! My dress was torn to the edges and there were flecks of blood and dust all over it. Hey, it wasn’t really my fault that the dragon had attacked the day of my wedding! But, as the only dragon slayer in the region –and a royal badass, I had to take it down. Didn’t really want it ruining my big day.
The maids Gladio’s father had sent to help me put my face back on were royally pissed at how terrible my attire looked, but there was no time to do anything about it. They grabbed my blooded sword and threw me into my father’s arms so he could walk me down the aisle.
Father’s face was priceless. He was so proud of me! Part of me remembers him whispering I’d done a better job with the dragon, rather than picking the right man to marry, but what the Hell, I was only twenty at the time. The fuck did I know of love?
The Priestesses of God Noctis’ chantry had told our parents we were chosen as the Kingdom’s soulmates. Our fathers didn’t really give us a say in the matter. Fuck, with the way their minds worked I’m not sure Noctis, himself would be able to change them!
At that point, we didn’t really disagree either. I loved Gladio and he loved me. We even have matching scars to prove it. His idea. “This way the world will know you belong to me, as I belong to you.” He said as he made me run my blade down his face so he could do the same to me afterwards. Scars don’t really bother me, I already had plenty myself –self-inflicted or otherwise, one more –and a badass one at that, wasn’t really gonna change much.
Gladiolus and I had a secret relationship since we were fifteen. Stealing glances at each other in training. Always end up sparring together. His dick, accidentally, rubbing against me when he held me down until I gave up. His hands always ghosting over my ass at the changing room –or ball room. One thing led to another and we ended up having sex in the showers after sword play. Man, it was amazing! He was rough where he needed to be, but also so gentle; knowing, respecting the fact that it was my first time.
Then the Priestesses came along with their ‘news’ and we thought that was it. We didn’t have to hide anymore. We didn’t have to make excuses to see each other, or fuck whenever we felt like it.
How the hell did we end up like this?
Side tracked you, didn’t I?
Alright, where was I? Right, the wedding.
My father walked me down the aisle as we listened to the people gasping at the sight. I bet it wasn’t really my sparkly grey eyes or my shiny black hair that made them make those sounds. Think it was the blood? I think it was the blood! Considering I had just killed a small dragon and knowing it could be a lot worse, I decided to just ignore everyone and focus on my soon to be husband and my best friend, who stood behind the groom proudly, his suit also torn a bit as he was the only one who thought to lend the bride a hand.
Gladio turned to look at Ignis and laughed as the latter hid one leg behind the other. Smiling awkwardly at the thought of the groom’s best man not being at his best.
By Noctis, I was so proud of him!
The wedding was over with quick and once we were happily married, Gladiolus didn’t hesitate to tear the rest of the dress off me “You won’t be needing it again, my queen.” He said and boy, was he wrong!
About five months later, shit hit the fan!
I never really liked the idea of being a princess. My blood boiled easily and I always went looking for trouble. Something I had in common with my ‘soulmate’. So we decided to join the Dragon Hunt. We were to hunt down and kill every High Dragon of the region. It was the first time after five months that we actually agreed and were excited about something.
But the King wouldn’t have it. He already had second thoughts about the wedding and my manners, or lack of, so it didn’t take much more that the idea of his precious son going after his own death for him to start calling me names and blame me about everything.
Long story short, he thought I wasn’t the right one for his son and god damn it he made sure to change Gladio’s mind.
Didn’t take long either. One fight led to another and I got tired and hurt enough to get a divorce. A royal one! Papers were signed and news spread across Eos really fast. The few people who liked us together, and the Believers of Noctis’ words rioted a couple of days later.
Let’s say the pressure on King Regis’ shoulders was huge! It got so heavy on him he decided to give me a title and keep me in the Royal Court. Under-captain of the royal guard –the captain being my father.
My skills were good for one thing though; killing! I was top on my class –which included His Princely Ass. So Regis decided to also name me Royal Assassin. Put my skills to good use for his own convenience. Made me follow and execute contracts on his enemies.
Anonymity was my weapon. To the world, I didn’t exist. The kingdom knew about the Royal Assassin, the Moonshine, as they called me. They didn’t know who I was. Six Ulric was just another cop who followed orders, but Moonshine, she was legendary!
I made a name for myself. Through Eos, as Moonshine, and inside the Kingdom’s walls, as captain of the Crownsguard.
A couple of years later I married my best friend. The groom’s best man was the one for me. Ignis and I always did everything together. We loved each other more than life.
After a High Dragon had attacked the Kingdom, I was hurt pretty bad. I could feel my guts turning, twisting and burning after taking the beast down, with the help of the Crownsguard –which I had demanded.
We lost a lot of good people that day, but we saved a lot more.
Ignis never left my side. He held my hand and drew me back from the Beyond.
“I thought I lost you.” He said, and the warmth in his eyes were suddenly home. I had found my place in this world.
I was the one to propose, in case you were wondering. It was amidst an assassination mission we’d gone on together. The royal assassin and the mage. Sounds like a fairytale opening, doesn’t it?
The target’s bodyguard had changed his route, so he was there when we managed to take him down. Called the Guards on us as we ran for our lives.
Hiding behind the tree line outside of the castle and waiting for the way to clear up, I found myself staring at Ignis, I bet my eyes were sparkling because he stared up at me, a questioning look covering the green eyes I admire so much.
“What’s the matter?” he asked me, moving closer as he checked my body for any wounds “Are you hurt?”
“Take my hand.”
“Why?” the look on his face was priceless, worried, trying to understand what was going on in my mind.
“I’m trying to ask you to marry me here, Iggy. So take my damn hand!”
Our eyes met, and suddenly we were alone in the world. A knot tied in my stomach as I waited for him to answer. He didn’t right away, he just stared up at me and smiled before leaning in. Our lips touched and oh God I love him so much. I can practically feel it right now, as my mind runs back to that moment. The tingling sensation, the heat rising with every touch of our tongues, the warmth of his hands cupping my cheeks, bringing me closer to him.
To say that we didn’t move from our hiding spot is the understatement of the year. Sure the guards left a few hours later –things needed to be dealt with, after the target’s death, places in the line had to be filled with the right people. Ignis and I didn’t care. We spent the night together, in the woods, bodies intertwined and love radiating from both of us.
“The answer is yes. In case you were wondering.” Ignis finally said when we made an appearance in the Kingdom’s entrance.
We’ve been married for ten years now, and I’m certain, he is the only person in the world I care about. Nothing else matters! Everyone else has given up on me one way or another, except Ignis. Not even as my personality changed. When the smile on my face was only visible around him, or my victims.
Standing beside me, always! Like he promised to do on our wedding day.
He stood beside me when I caused him his eyesight, too. I destroyed his life and he kept on loving me like it’s the last thing left to do.
He stood between me and the fire breathing beast. Huge mistake! I only remember challenging the beast with a growing grin on my face, the heat of the battle getting to me once again. The dragon breathed in and its neck lit up, getting ready for the wave of fire it was about to spit. I heard Ignis’ voice, calling for me to move and then… blood. There was blood everywhere; on the ground, on my clothes; but it wasn’t mine. It belonged to Ignis.
I lost contact with the rest of the world for a while. I heard nothing. I saw nothing but the beast and my sword, cutting a thick line along its neck, the blood pouring on me, still burning hot.
When I came back to, I was clenching on Ignis, crying my eyes out and begging for him to stay with me. To forgive me. To live!
We headed back and the Court’s Healer took care of him.
Ignis woke up three days later, smiling up at me while caressing my cheek as I cried even harder, clenching to his hand. It will be two years tomorrow. Two years since the day I almost lost the man I love. I’m glad he’s alright, even if I can’t see him anymore.
What? You thought my shitty life would get better?
I told you about my first –failed marriage. I told you about my job, the one I love and the one I have to pretend I like for the eyes of the world. I told you about the man I adore and the horrible things that happened to him because of my battle sick attitude.
So let me take you to now, if you’re still with me that is.
Right now, I’m lying on a bench in my prison cell. Yeah, that’s right. I’m incarcerated. My own kingdom’s thanks for all the fucked up shit I’ve taken care of for them.
Because of my father. He declared himself a traitor when he run off with the Empire’s Princess, Lunafreya. A powerful enchantress.
Luna came with her father, Ardyn, the time traveler, to our Kingdom a year ago. Peace treaty, they said. Bullshit, I answered. But no one would listen to me.
My father fell for her, hard too. So he helped her and her father to some of the Kingdom’s most valuable secrets before leaving with them.
As the only remaining family of the traitor Nyx Ulric, the king took it upon himself to set an example of me. He deprived me of my titles and left me to rot. As it were, he wasn’t really going to miss me.
Gladio said he’d help, if I gave him a little something. That little something being the small amount of dignity I had left. So he stormed off when I told him to shove it! I wasn’t going to do that to Ignis, and to be honest with you –so you know I don’t do it often, I’d rather stay in jail, knowing that one day I will see Ignis again and actually be able to look into his eyes, instead of hiding behind the reasons for my actions.
Although, I wouldn’t complain if –hold on, the guard is here. Let’s pick this up next time, yeah?
Thanks for listening. It helps. I’ll see you later –if you haven’t had enough of my crap yet.
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dfnews · 7 years
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Episode Recap of "Joy's Wedding" "Joy's Divorce" will air in 2020.
Season 4, Episode 1 - June 12, 2017
"In the season premiere, Joy and Austin's wedding day finally arrives; and another Duggar reveals a surprise that leaves the guests in shock."
So here we are again. Another season of life of recaps and high blood pressure spikes for me. This year looks to be about the same as the previous years. Another Duggar marriage is conveniently arranged to fall at beginning of a new season. This time it's 19 year old tomboy Joy. Joy, who said she hates wearing dresses is now wearing a wedding dress. Joy who recently graduated from homeschool and then sadly stated she wasn't going to college or to work but would stay home and help her family. Did she ever have a choice? No!  Religious abuse is holding her hostage. This episode is about her transfer of authority. Authority from living under the rules set by her father to the rules set by her husband.
Jill married an outsider who pleased the Godbobber with his missionary wannabe a preacher ways. Jim Bob arranged that marriage. Jessa married a family acquaintance who pleased the Godbobber with his anti-abortion work and preaching ways. Jim Bob arranged that marriage. Jinger married an outsider who pleased the Godbobber by hating on Catholics and being a preacher. Jim Bob arranged that marriage. Now it's time to pick another child to sacrifice to keep the show on the air. Since Joy is young I'm sure the Godbobber thought it best to pick a family friends' son that he knows well and will keep her in the area. It will also connect him to the Forsyths business which the Godbobber has admired and advertised for years. So Joy has had a young man chosen for her because the Godbobber claims God talked to him and encouraged this betrothal and if she protests in any way, she will be hellbound and disowned. This is abuse. I hope one day a family friend will be able to convince these girls that what is happening to them is not godly...it's evil.
1. The episode opens up at Cross Church in Rogers. All of the Duggar kids have been married in different locations. Jill at Cross Church in Springdale, Jessa at First Baptist in Bentonville, Jinger at Church of the Ozarks in Siloam Springs and Josh in Florida. What is with all the different locations? Do the Duggars go all rock band on these churches and destroy the place so they are never allowed back again? My belief is that you should marry in the church you or your spouse was raised in which means all of the Duggar kids should have married in the homechurch of the blacked-out windows.
2. Austin arrives at the church carrying suits and is met by Laura DeMasie, the party planner. LOL! Laura has been working at IBLP cult headquarters for many years and her being called a party planner for the Duggars is ridiculous. Laura is 31 and heads up the COMMIT program along with many other functions for IBLP. She worked under Gothard and lived through the storm of his resigning due to sexual assaults. Laura visits the Duggars often and I tend to think her visits are for counseling purposes. She helps to keep the girls in line. Now she's Joy's party planner? Mmmmkay.
3. Joy arrives with her little sisters who she quickly abandons to greet Austin. She says all the gushy things a fundie girl is supposed to say to her godly arranged man. Her phony fundie smile and stare are near perfection. This is not the Joy we've watched grow up. She's some sort of pod woman now. Joy says "Today is the day I've been dreaming about for a very long time." She's 19! She only got her braces off a couple of years ago. She graduated from homeschool just last year! When she asks Austin if he can believe it...that they're getting married, he snorts and says, "No". He really doesn't look excited. After talking about what they think their favorite part of the wedding will be they go off to pray alone as all the couples before them were shown doing before their weddings. Same ole, same ole.
4. Michelle's friend Cindy is back as wedding designer. She probably should have skipped this disaster. Dried flowers thrown on the floor, hay and weeds hung like they've been lynched from the ceiling. All I can think is I hope the church has a good sprinkler system. The bridal party shows up for hair and makeup. We see Jessa for the first time this season and of course she's talking about herself and her wedding day. Jinger appears and acts all bubble headed about what to do with her hair. Jill shows up to talk about her baby belly. Nothing really interesting happening here and it goes even more downhill when the guys are being filmed. Cindy appears to pin the corsages on the guys and they all look kind of annoyed by her. It was probably all the judging her in her jeans that made them look pissy.   Can't have bossy pants wearing women tellng misogynistic jerks what to do. When Cindy tries to pin John she asks him if he's "Arrested anybody lately?" We don't get an interesting answer. We get John pretending to be stuck by the pin like an idiot. Then Joy suddenly appears during the pinning to ask Austin about how she should wear her hair. She looks terrified to make a decision for herself. Austin asks if she is going to wear a veil or not and Joy is like, you make the decision. I don't have the self-esteem to think for myself. I don't want to get beaten kind of look. Austin does try to get her to think for herself but I'm not sure if he was sincere.
5. Kendra shows up and flirts a little with Joe. I'm glad she's a talker. She might bring some life into this show if Joe doesn't squash the spirit out of her. We meet her dad, the ignorant, gay hating, youthful looking preacher who will be sealing the deal with Austin and Joy. I wonder if being stupid is the fountain of youth. Pastor Paul Caldwell is who TLC is promoting now on their channel. They may need to start hiding him like they do with Josh.  http://www.nwahomepage.com/…/church-pamphlet-offe…/148038088  
6. Michelle shows up with her baby voice on to introduce the bride in her gown. Joy looks good and Austin did decide for her to wear the veil. Luckily the dress is long enough to hide the old brown sandals she decided to wear. The Godbobber then shows up to repeat the same lines in his phony blubbering way as he did for all the other daughters. He says Joy is the most beautiful bride ever. He has said that about every daughter before he walked her down the aisle. I've got to think it's not a compliment anymore but has turned into an insult. An insult because he can't put any effort into treating his daughters as individuals.
7. Photos are taken of the guys. A million cupcakes are baked and decorated. The girls' photos are taken. Joy finds her voice when she starts yelling for the bridal party to take their places. The wedding is about to begin and she seems to want to get this over with it. As the time approaches we finally see her nerves take over. She looks like she wants to run and I am cheering her on. Jim Bob fumbles and says, "You're a good daughter." A good daughter? Seriously? She replies with, "You're the greatest dad." I think she's better than good since she ended up being molested due to her dad's inaction concerning a molesting son of his. When the old man croaks all the girls who were molested need to fight for his inheritance. They deserve it. But of course, because they live in an ungodly patriarchy, only the boys will be given any inheritance money. Screwed again.
8. Pretty music is played as the wedding party walks the aisles. I search for Josh in the crowd but TLC has gotten smart and hidden that slug somewhere good. Jenni bawls as she realizes she's losing another sistermom. Austin must have tried to run because he's dragged down the aisle by his mom and Michelle and some old guy walking behind him. He's trapped! Then a trumpet blasts and the music gets all thunderous which causes Joy to walk the aisle to make it stop. Thank you, Joy! Austin weeps and looks around for the nearest exit. I can see a peak of Joy's brown sandals as she walks the hay covered aisle and hee haw comes to mind.
9. And so it begins. The pastor talks a bit and then introduces John to conduct a song. Seriously, John, who is the least musical Duggar is leading the song by swinging his arms around and acting all serious conductor like. This is the point where I peed myself and had to pause the program to change my pants. Do people really do this at weddings? The song is a simplistic hymn about God being your friend when you're sad. I think Joy will need to sing that a lot in her marriage. They start off right away talking about the marriage covenant and then quickly to the vows and the rings. Austin seems to panic for a second when he thinks Joy's ring doesn't fit but it does and then they sign the business contract, I mean the marriage certificate, which is done during the ceremony. Then the parents come up to pray in a football huddle. Then they are pronounced man and wife and the couple kiss but it barely looks like they touched lips. I'm pretty much convinced they didn't really kiss. Nice acting though. Song-peed pants-marriage covenant talk-short vows-rings-signing the papers-huddle prayer-pronouncement-missed kiss and that's it? That all took about eight minutes. Please tell me TLC cut some of the wedding out and it wasn't really an eight minute wedding ceremony. The young couple run down the aisle like the church is on fire and then Joy is scared shitless by a confetti cannon. Oh yeah, that's a hee haw wedding. Who cleaned up that confetti? This is why Duggars never get married in the same place twice.
10. John talks about the short and sweet ceremony and then pronounces himself a "Bachelor til the Rapture". Considering the Rapture is make believe I guess John will never marry and will continue to sleep in the boys' dorm forever.  Laura, the IBLP cult party plannner, is still available. Maybe she can change his mind. The "reception" consisted of eating sugar in the church lobby. Jenni changes out of her bridesmaid dress as quickly as she can. Austin and Joy give thanks before cutting the cake and then kiss and this one looks like they didn't miss. Then they set up the bouquet throw where Joy just ends up handing it to Kendra and then Joe gets down on one knee and proposes after only courting for three months. She says yes and everyone cheers. Another handcuffed teenager prepared to be transferred from one authority to another.  Another wedding to kick off the next season. The show will go on for as long as there are Duggar kids to sell off. If they keep taking in kids, like Tyler, that may be until the next century.
I needs some sugar!
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