#i kinda get why the jd team would call her that
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*throws my headcanon at you and ducks away*
idk what my thought process was behind this other than they were both redheads and had songs about love and stuff (*゚益゚)ゞ
i think that since jack didn't have a lot of friends growing up due to night swan's protection, the only people he could see were his relatives and since the bride was a similar age to him they hit it off.
i have a few more hcs below the cut, and feel free to add ur own too i'd love to check them out (*・ε・*)
- they're both pretty popular in the danceverse and would regularly shout each other out and start fake beef lolol
- when they were younger, they would do each other's makeup with night swan's makeup lol
- when it was out that the bride was going through her divorce with the rasputin coach, jack was the first one to comfort her (and also talk tons of smack about rasputin)
- they like to make fun of each other's fashion a lot, but are secretly very influenced by each other
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fairydust-stuff · 8 months
Heathers 2018 thoughts on episode one
The show starts with JD's mom committing suicide and I remember. That she blew herself up in previous versions. But, I guess they had to censor it. So they had her gunshot to the head. I don't really get it myself.
It does take away from JD because I thought his mom blowing herself up was why he wanted to bomb the school.
Veronica realizes she doesn't know who she is. As she sits with the guidance counselor. Falling on platitudes of" I'm a good person."
Veronica trying struggling to know who she is isn't a bad move. It kinda makes sense the girl who joined a clique, doesn't know that kind of thing.
Um, I don't remember Veronica being basic though she was more of a cool rebel wannabe type. I thought that was why she was drawn to JD. Then again Heather C's opinion on Veronica is automadically not valid.
But Veronica feels basic and unimportant " How about this Veronica Sawyer is nothing."
Then in the next scene Betty shows up and it establishes Veronica & Betty are friends who are drifting apart. " You always had to be blue" Betty says with a laugh.
A nod to the movie's color scheme where Veronica is associated visually with blue. The scene ends after Veronica walks away with Betty declareing she always wanted to be blue. This suggests Veronica might be more domineering then she lets on.
Speaking of which, the Heathers are introduced in the next scene. They stroll into the cafateria and the slow mo scene is stirking and estblishes power.
But I got to agree with the internet on the costuming. Why couldn't the department just give every character a full wordrobe with their color? Its especally annoying because they make jokes about the characters color. " You always did think yellow was your color Heather." Then have her wear yellow for more then one scene. And Duke's gay villian wardrobe could still work in all greens. Maybe the make up department could of color coded their eye liner even.
Its also a little jarring once they start speaking. With Macnara being given the shut up Heather line from Chandler. I know on the surface having Duke and Macnara which roles doesn't seem like a big deal. However there was a reason Duke was the buttmonkey of the group in the movie. Duke was almost a nerd, they were bearly a Heather.
Even in this mordern Heathers take nerds are still uncool. So yeah makeing Duke the smart one. They should be at the gay nerd table but have landed a spot at the top of the hiarchy. That however is completely ignored in terms of motivation. Also the fact they have a quote " Gay nerd table" speaks a kind of underlying intolerance.
Furthermore even in 2010 and even today many social justice platforms still aren't big on trans & non binary people. So I still think Duke should of logically been the buttmonkey from the start.
(Also they have Chandler start abuseing them horribly anyway two episodes in even worse then in the movie. So why not just start with that dynamic?")
Also if Heather C builds her platform on social justice shouldn't Macnara still be the one she treats the best? Since it makes her look good to be seen being close with the Black lesbian? Furthermore later in the show Heather is shown being rather affectionate with Lizzy treating her like a kind of prodegee. So it comes off like a weird choice and due to later events plot device.
Anyway moving on so Heather shames Ram for wearing a redskin team T-shirt finding it racially insensative.
I know a lot of people complain about this. but I actually do like the highlighting of how bullies can use social causes as justification to humilate others.
Its not that Heather wants to have a dialog which would be within her rights. But instead she makes him strip, drags him in public and forces him to ask a girl to do a sex act, so he gets slapped. Its bullying disguised as social concern. (Which is something people who care about social justice should call out!)
But I do understand the complaints about how no wearing the collage T-shirt from the collage Ram wants to attend. Is not going to get him banned from said collage. And that really wouldn't care cause its their logo, so its in fact, not life ruining.
So the exacution is kinda crap which ruines the point they were trying to make.
Enter JD in the next scene. I have very mixed feelings about 2018 Heathers JD. Him coming off as so weird kinda doesn't work. Because JD's character kinda hinges on him being charming enough for others to overlook the red flags.
Here, he's just too red flag and utterly annoying in a pertencious way. Also, he doesn't do anything actually dark like fire a gun at some jocks. So I don't see why Veronica is interested in him. All he does is spout shit about how nothing matters.
The next scene involves Heather Duke and Veronica talking and transitions to them with slushies. Heather Duke offers to buy Veronica a slushie before hand. (Honestly I forgot they were friends before rewatching the movie due to the musical).
Where they see Macnara screwing their English teacher and realize she's fakeing being gay and???? Ok, I cann't pretend this plot point isn't stupid, because it is so dumb. Also the non binary person doesn't know bisexuals exist? If they wanted Macnara to piss off Chandler their were half a dozen ways they could do this better.
Also, they made Duke mean for no reason as they take a picture of this and seem gleefully ready as imuniation. Movie/ Musical Duke I could see doing this due to jealousy/ desire to see Macnara taken down a peg since she was a bystander to their abuse. But what is Duke's motivation for this? Their already Chandler's favorite here.
(I have further problems with this which i'll take about in later episodes.)
Next we have Veronica & Chandler at a party. And yeah rewatching this its not great. Veronica is a straight up ass for no reason. I know Chandler is toxic, but she's still trying to make an impression in front of important people. Veronica is openly being unsupportive and then blows off Chandler to have sex with a guy in the car. Wow what a great friend! I know Veronica isn't meant to be a good person but in this scene she's meant to be at the end of her rope with Heather C.
So yeah Chandler being pissed at her comes off as, understandable. Even if her responses are still nasty. Heather blows up at Veronica who accident or not did spill paint on her skirt. And then Veronica just calls her "fattie" which, ok in that instance is just straight up rude.
So they just both come off as straight up assholes. Even though its supposed to be Chandler pushed Veronica too far moment. I don't want to keep nit picking every movie change.
But the forced sexual favors from the movie was a way better move then this. Especially since the show reflects that 2010 Ohio, dismisses sexual assault towards women about as much as the 1980's.
If they didn't want to get into the nitty gritty of that fine, but should of replaced it with Chandler decideing to flat out humilate Veronica.
Here we can see the show starting to get rid of the aspects of Chandler's character that might make her too controversal to modern audiences. Which we'll come back to that later.
So Veronica is freaking out when JD comes into her room with the offer of " Lets snort aderall, make out and get slushies." Which ok terrible line but Veronica is sold somehow.
Also we're introduced to the fact Kurt is gay now which. Also get back to that later.
So JD and Veronica flirt and JD brings Nazi shit that was his dads to Heather Chandlers house. Also poisen pills get mentioned he grabbed by mistake.
They take a pic of her wearing a Nazi hat and wake her up. JD offers to give her the pic if she downs a bag of corn nuts which they laced and you know how this goes. Chandler dies because the prank stuff got swaped with the deadly stuff.
Fake suicide note, now a video yada yada.
And i'll do a part 2 because this was really long.
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thef1nalb0ss · 9 months
Faction Rankings: Week of September 4, 2023- September 10, 2023
He's not in a faction so I can't mention it in the rankings, but shoutout to Miz for the Invisible John Cena segment last week.
10. The O.C.
Typically, a win, especially one against one half of the longest reigning Tag Team Championships like AJ got last week against Jimmy, would be great. However, it came on the heels of AJ telling The Good Brothers and Mia that he didn't want him anywhere near his match after he slapped Karl's phone out of his hands. That stemmed from them not helping him when he got attacked by Jimmy backstage, but to be completely fair, that was something AJ started by threatening Paul. It remains to be seen if this was a breakup or just a temporary argument that will be resolved soon.
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9. LWO
No appearance this week. Gives them time to celebrate Rey's successful title defense at Payback at least.
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8. The Bloodline
Again, I'm not really sure how to write about The Bloodline anymore. Jimmy wants back in it seems. Not sure why since he was calling Roman corrupt a month ago. These are all points I made in the last ranking. He lost to AJ though, so maybe he won't be getting back in. No sign of Roman or mention of when we'll see him again.
Really the only reason The Bloodline is consistently in the top 10 is I take into account championships held in the faction, so it's rare that a faction with a champion isn't ranked. Roman's record breaking reign is kinda the only reason keeping them afloat, but even that seems like a loss when said champion is never around.
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7. Meta-Four
Unsurprisingly, Oro lost to Ilja. That's not a slight to Oro, just indicative of how good Ilja is (to the point where I'm really having trouble figuring out why he hasn't been called up yet if he isn't winning the title pretty soon). Noam's next defense is approaching, with Joe Coffey currently in the lead in the Global Hertiage Invitational.
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6. Damage CTRL
Iyo's next defense is set. After her and Bayley lost to Shotzi and Charlotte after Asuka took the title from Dakota at ringside, causing a distraction, her and Iyo had a staredown. Later, Iyo said she wanted Asuka in a match for the title, and that's been scheduled for next week. I can't imagine Charlotte is gonna be too happy about that...
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5. The Street Profits and Bobby Lashley
After The Judgement Day won against The Brawling Brutes, The Street Profits and Bobby confronted them. Bobby said that Judgement Day thinks they're going to be the next Bloodline, but in reality, it's going to be him and The Street Profits taking over.
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4. The Viking Raiders
They got the win against Drew and Matt after Kofi hit Drew on accident.
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3. Gallus
Again, I usually don't count Main Event/Lvl Up, but I count the matches that are part of tournaments on the shows I do count. Joe won against Tozawa as part of the Global Hertiage Invitational, putting him at 2-0 in the tournament. At 4 points, he's currently in the lead, with Butch just behind him at 3 points.
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2. The Judgement Day
JD may finally be getting in the good graces of The Judgement Day. After giving Damian a custom purple Money in the Bank briefcase, he won against Sami, with some help from Dominik. Damian and Finn also won against The Brawling Brutes on Smackdown. Dominik refereed a match between Dragon and Ali to determine the next challenger for the North American Championship, which was won by Ali after a fast count by Dominik. It seems that Dominik decided who he wanted to face next. We'll see if he ends up regretting that decision.
Rhea, on the other hand, will defend against Raquel this week, with Dominik barred from ringside. In addition to that, she seems a bit...off. She was quiet and seemingly distracted in a backstage segment where she told Dominik to make sure JD won against Sami. Perhaps it has something to do with her upcoming defense?
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1. Imperium
Gunther successfully defended against Chad in the main event of Raw last week. With that successful defense, he is now the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion ever.
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esperosisisaloser · 2 years
You’re right, kind of. It doesn’t mean that the 3 other independent judges rulings, that found him to be a wife beater are overturned though. Just that these 7 people who had access to social media through the trial whilst there was a huge smear campaign going on against her ruled this way.
They literally polled to find the place he was most likely to win that’s why they chose Virginia rather than California lol
Also how do you think they found her claim of speaking up against sexual violence to be deformation with malice against JD when she never spoke about him sexually assaulting her till 2 years after the article was published.
This whole thing is a mess.
If you're talking about the Sun Trail in the UK and the appeals, the more I look into that trail the more of a sham I think it is. It was all hush-hush behind closed doors, they barely let Depp speak/provide evidence. and the initial judge has been found that her son works for TalkRadio (a sister company of The Sun, ya know, the people getting sued she ruled in favor of). Also the trail didn't "prove he was a wife-beater" it said that the Sun "was allowed to call him a wife-beater"
2. As for the jury and social media, neither of us can say they did or didn't check social media behind closed doors, we're not omnipotent. But allow me to argue that it doesn't really matter if they did or didn't, because of that smear campaign you're talking about? Guess who entered the entire thing into evidence and served it to the jury on a silver platter? Amber Heard. She literally presented the smear campaign and all the support for Johnny Depp and rage against herself to the jury in the court. So if they were affected by that, it's nobody's fault but her and her teams.
3. I mean... Yeah??? Of course, they would go to the state they were most likely to win? That's just good lawyering??? They're not trying to lose their case lol, if they have better odds in Virginia then obviously they'd go there. This isn't some kinda gotcha it's just being smart??????????
4. It doesn't matter when she did or when she didn't claim it, she claimed it in the end. They decided it was false, and that means it's defamation. They decided she did it with the intent to harm him and his career, and that means it has malice. I could claim some dude did the same thing to me 20 years ago to his boss and that man would have the same grounds Johnny did in this case.
And finally something we can agree on, this whole this is a total mess.
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shijiujun · 4 years
Have you read 2020 bc of you book/novel? If so I'd there any sex scenes? From like the older brother and middle brother couple? Is there any differences or additions? Also do you know where I can read it sense I couldn't/still can't buy it?
yeap i read it. and nope it’s pretty much almost PG13, no explicit scenes, despite the misleading cover. some innuendo and discussion of top/bottom positions again -_- but it’s a pretty friendly book.
and i don’t know where you can read it sorry - if you want to buy it i think yesasia is still the easiest way to get it.
and since you asked i shall take this time to put in the additional parts of 2020 Because of You via the novel here (there aren’t a lot, it’s a pretty thin novel compared to MODC and Trapped, and there’s like double spacing between sentences):
Dad Yuan Wei Zhi & Cui Ying’s story - This wasn’t really explained in the show, so what happened was YWZ and CY lived together since young and they were a couple until YJC’s Korean mom stepped into the picture, and YWZ like the dick he was told CY that he was definitely going to marry the Korean lady because it’d be beneficial to his business, and he kinda broke up with her but expected her to wait for him? I think like 2 years later or smth he divorced the Korean lady (which led to her going back to Korea in tears) because he got what he wanted and he didn’t want to live another day without CY, so ya know,  he went to look for CY at the cliffs and that’s why they had the bet and everything, because CY was tired of waiting for him 
Jun Dao is the hot-headed brother and Jun Ping is the one who kind of is blur and mediates between his second and big brother - This was totally opposite in the show, and so Jun Ping and Jun Cheng’s relationship is better, that’s why JP had the keys to JC’s house (idk why it was necessary to switch it over but oh wells)
Kidnapping incident where YJC hung up - It was both Jun Dao and Jun Ping who were kidnapped, and yes, YJC still hung up on the kidnapper after he said “do whatever you want with them”
Xiang Shi’s backstory - So Xiang Shi’s family was rich before, until their fam’s company got caught in a crossfire between Jun Dao’s mom and YWZ, the fam lost their company and wealth to YWZ, but YWZ still let the Yang family i.e. XS’s parents oversee the company as his employees in a sense, but he needed a guarantee that they wouldn’t try to betray him or whatever, so XS’s mom sent him over to YWZ. Poor XS thought he was going to become some rich boy’s play thing and was gonna live like a servant and subject to abuse or whatever but he was okay with that if that meant his parents would stop being so worried about the whole thing, but of course he was shocked when he was picked up in a limo and then went to YJD’s house (which is where he’s lived alone all his life with only servants for company) and the first thing Jun Dao did was to ask him to play with him and they played until you know… a decade or so later
Xiang Shi was a bit pissed that Jun Dao didn’t tell him about YWZ looking for Lin Xun and granting the son who got to him first a wish - Because I think he wanted that wish for some reason? He might’ve asked Jun Dao to ask for something specific, probably to do with his own family, if JD got it, but he got over that quickly
Jun Ping, Jun Dao, Xiang Shi, Yue Rong and Lin Xun are indeed in the same university - And instead of meeting at the Taiwanese street stall for the food/alcohol part, they meet in the university’s cafeteria instead and there’s alcohol there because this school is kind of a luxurious school owned by the Yuans so… 
Lin Xun has four jobs when YJC met him and YJC made him lose all the jobs by stalking him (wtf….) so he would ‘work’ for YJC instead - He was working at the convenience store, as a tutor, at a petrol kiosk and delivery I think
The scene where YJC is sappy and confesses to LX in their house, and they’re interrupted by a phone call, it’s not for a meal, but because Xiang Shi is ill and Jun Dao was asked to go away so Jun Dao called his older brother hoping that he would know what to do - And LX and YJC go over to YJD’s house and Lin Xun helps out. Xiang Shi wakes up and gets a shock to see LX and YJD sitting there lmao. And then LX went to cook a chicken dish that had alcohol in it, so YJD has it, and that’s why he’s so like clingy to Xiang Shi after, and idk they never once like define their relationship and this CP still confuses me tbh
Epilogue 1: Yue Wu - She’s still terribly unlikeable in the novel, but they do say she’s good friends with Xiang Shi but she’s a bitch to him in the first scene they have tgt so bleugh - And then she screams at Jun Ping and is like: “You choose, do you want me or Yue Rong?” And everyone is confused?!!! Because she’s never been close to Jun Ping? So of course YJP would pick Yue Rong ??? And then she scolds Yue Rong for being a mistress????! Totally confused at this scene
Epilogue Two: Meal + basketball match - They meet up outside for like a picnic kinda thing I think and the three brothers compete with each other with bball, and it’s a mess because like they’re split brothers in one team and their boyfriends in another and dumbass Jun Dao keeps giving the ball to Xiang Shi, and then the other two bros do the same more or less later in the game
Epilogue Three: YWZ talking to CY at the cliffs - YWZ knows that YJC and LX are together, and he’s super chill about it and all approving like, hey nice that our kids are together huh? (wait till he finds out about the other kids)
Epilogue Four: YJC and LX - They discuss who’s on the top between YJD and XS -_- and then I guess sexy times ensue but we don’t see it
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scouts-mockingbird · 5 years
Dead Gay Son
Intro, Beautiful, Candy Store, Fight For Me, Freeze Your Brain, Big Fun Part One, Big Fun Part Two, Dead Girl Walking Part One, Dead Girl Walking Part Two, Dead Girl Walking Part Three, The Me Inside of Me Part One, The Me Inside of Me Part Two, Blue Part One, Blue Part Two, Blue (Reprise), Our Love is God 
To write these, I always start by listening to the song. This time, I listened to it all the way through, stopped youtube before it could subject me to listening to another goddamn song from this musical, imagined myself crumpling the concept of this song into a little ball and then tossing it into the garbage for my dog to retrieve later and chew to pieces.
So, yeah I’m not going to be keeping much of anything from this song. If you’ve got a problem with that, just leave this post now.
I don’t feel it’s overly necessary to explain why I hate this regressive song full of stereotypes that was written by straight men, which ought to have the alternative title “Performative Allyship: The Musical!” So I’m not going to go on a whole rant about how and why it’s bad. I’m just going to get right down to the fixes.
Oh, I usually start with something positive from the songs to appease folks who follow me for musical content (if any of y’all stuck around through my break). Umm…. Hmmm….. Welll.
OH! Any production of the musical that has JD dancing during this number is hilarious. I don’t think it’s intentionally hilarious, and it does nothing in terms of his character’s dignity, but it is funny as shit, so that’s something.
On to the fixes. Since we tossed out the song, here’s my whole new concept, which integrates a lot of things I tossed out from earlier movie/musical scenes. It also brings a thing I love from musicals, and the structure of the opening number, the Patter Song! This would be a big group number that’s structured like Heather Chandler’s funeral from the movie, with students standing in the front of the church to offer their prayers.
It highlights the very, very mixed feelings that the characters have about bad people who die young.That’s a good heavy theme and it works in the context of a musical where the emotions have to be bigger than they would be in a movie.
Start with Veronica, a little dazed, a little confused, still wondering if they really got away with murder. She’s conflicted, going back and forth between wondering if they did something good or if they’re damning themselves for a pointless mission that isn’t helping anyone.
Her classmates pray aloud, literally singing their dead classmates’ praises, before they go into an aside where they discuss their real feelings about the deceased. For the football team, they love them and state that they’ll miss the Quarterback and the… whatever the other football position is. Not their names, just their positions, possibly also referencing their discomfort upon realizing their teammates were gay.
The girls have more mixed feelings because they were fucking creeps, but now they’re dead and you’re not supposed to say bad things about the dead, right? I think this could be an amazing moment to foreshadow Heather M’s suicide attempt. She could talk again about how she’s handling things (Not Well) and reference the “The last guy I had sex with was actually gay and he killed himself like two days later.” That moment where she falls apart (I’ll get to it) will be a lot more impactful if it doesn’t come entirely out of left field. The girl has a lot of trauma, there’s no reason to shy away from showing it.
We could also set up how Heather Duke is sliding into the role of Leader now that Heather is dead and Heather might be losing her mind. Students start to look to her for direction, and maybe she dictates where she and Heather sit at the funeral or something, or cuts in line to be the first to pay her respects.
Also, call some attention to Martha where she keeps trying to step forward and sing, but people cut her off, standing in front of her and starting their lines so that she never gets a chance to. No one acknowledges that she’s there, as if she’s invisible. Eventually she leaves without saying anything. 
The other purpose of this scene in the movie is to show Veronica accepting the consequences of her actions and being genuinely freaked out when confronted with the fact that, though her life might have gotten easier, real people are suffering because of her actions.
Without the little sister character we see in the movie, this can be hard, but I suggest having Kurt or Ram’s dad (I literally cannot tell them apart and I Do Not Care) shuffle to the front of the church, teary-eyed and slow. He kneels down and sings “I loved my dead, gay son.”
It’s a funny line in the movie, but why not give it some weight? Why not let it be sad? Why not highlight that even though Kurt and Ram were shitty people, they had parents that loved them, and people who are suffering now that they’re gone? The scene closes on Veronica, turning to face the audience after that line so that we can see on her face how suddenly she realizes that people are dead and it’s her fault. This is the first moment she realizes that, yep, she kinda sucks.
Also, have everyone get a costume change into some fun eighties funeral clothes. 
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sol1056 · 6 years
EPs: "we chose Netflix to explore things like sexuality" (nothing was explored or was explicit for even 2 seconds) "when they told us u cant kill Shiro, we knew we could push the reveal 4 later" (so nice of them to admit they stopped our rep just to be able to kill him) "when we found out about byg we knew we coulnt kill Shiro & we thought we'll find rep w another character. Then we learned we could go on w/ Shiro as the rep" (theres ANOTHER REP WE DIDNT GET?? Was it vague then erased? Whatt??)
I think these are two separate issues. One is related to who made VLD, and the other is related to the EPs’ ignorance of characterization. The second overlaps with a bunch of asks I’ve recently gotten about race and representation, so here I’m just keeping it to a general discussion of characterization, with Lance as example. And then about Shiro in particular, how the EPs’ statements reveal their lack of thought.
Behind the cut. 
remember where these people came from
The team behind VLD is almost entirely formerly Nickelodeon. DreamWorks wanted to break into television on a much larger scale, and since they almost always promote from outside the company, they lured over Margie Cohn from her position as a Nick VP. As VP/exec levels tend to do, Cohn brought a bunch of people with her.
One of those was Mark Taylor, who’d been involved in both AtLA and LoK. Taylor, in turn, brought JDS, LM, and I think one or two of the other producers. Taylor also probably brought over Hamilton, Chan, and Hedrick, as known entities with proven track records. 
These are people who — for for the last ten or more years — have swum in Nickelodeon’s considerably more conservative fishbowl. It’s entirely possible (given what people tell me about storylines in HTTYD, and DW’s open support of She-Ra) the former Nickelodeon team automatically downgraded DW’s “go ahead and explore these heavier/darker topics” to mean “maybe kinda mention in passing but don’t be too obvious about it.”  
Now, to be fair, the EPs may have pushed for more LGBT+ rep, and their obstacle might not have been DW, but Taylor. It’d explain how the EPs could praise everyone (read: DreamWorks staff) as supportive, yet allso complain about pushback (read: Taylor’s Nickelodeon-influenced sensibilities). Two different parties were calling the shots. 
It’s also possible what the EPs saw as ‘rep’ was still considerably toned-down from what DW execs (and the VAs) may’ve expected. After all, that one-minute scene in VLD might’ve required an act of god at Nickelodeon. VLD’s staff may have genuinely considered this scene landmark because even that tiny bit was far more than their previous employer would’ve allowed. 
Cue the victory lap and excited chatter, and seeming blindness to Korra being long since surpassed by Steven Universe, Young Justice, Bob’s Burgers, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, RWBY, Rick and Morty, Clarence, BoJack Horseman, Danger & Eggs, Big Mouth, and Summer Camp Island. Remember, it wasn’t until 2016 that Nickelodeon would have a married gay couple (in The Loud House), and they’re not even central characters. The VLD staff may’ve thought itself bold, and unprepared for the reality of modern (non-Nickelodeon) audience expectations. 
No, I don’t think that absolves them. It just seems the most reasonable explanation. That is, short of seeing the EPs as so utterly cynical they’d pump up the audience for what amounted to a nothingburger in light of what else popular media now delivers. 
and then there’s representation
VLD’s troubles can all be traced to one crucial detail: the EPs don’t understand that characters are the bedrock of stories. And as such, there are no shortcuts.
Ever had the misfortune to catch a home decorating show? Here we have a windowless basement: mock up a mantle from polystyrene, paint the walls gray, put up sconces with flickering lightbulbs… it’s still a basement. It’s just now desperately pretending to be something it isn’t. The bones of the structure are undeniably American Suburbia, not generic castle keep, and those bones are integral to how we experience the space.
The average person isn’t trained to be aware of those bones — the underlying architecture — and its subtle impact on our experience, just as most non-storytellers aren’t trained to see how and where and why characters create plot. I guarantee you, though, you will never mistake a late-century Kmart for the Centre Pompidou or the Forbidden City or Mount Vernon. Just as you would never mistake a beginner’s first novel for Lord of the Rings or Left Hand of Darkness. 
That is, the dressed stone isn’t paint and plaster; it’s a core element informing (even dictating) height, width, and depth of a space. Characterization is the same: it must be structural. In turn, characters inform the breadth and depth of the story. If your characterization is shallow, wild swerves and dramatic reveals can make the story fun, but they will never make it deep. 
I empathize with the (hopefully genuine) intent to avoid making Shiro’s sexuality a ‘reveal.’ The unfortunate truth is: waiting 60+ episodes to even mention in passing makes it a reveal. It wasn’t structural, or viewers would’ve been sensing it from the very beginning. 
This isn’t a haircut or a pair of jeans. It’s a person’s identity, and that has crucial impact on hopes, fears, desires, and needs. It doesn’t start only once the audience is let in on the secret; it was always there. It should’ve informed the character’s actions and reactions all along. 
If Lance is Cuban, and the story takes place in a quasi-future America, then to understand Lance’s perspective, we need to ask questions like: is Cuba still under embargo? Is it a free democracy now, or did Lance’s family flee at some point? Is he part of an exchange program, or is there a lottery that let him come to the US for his education? Did he leave his family behind? How young was he, when he left? What was his childhood like, and how does that differ from what he found in America? What was his parents’ relationship like, and how does that influence his expectations for friends and lovers? 
Was he fluent in English when he arrived, or did he only become fluent later? Does his Spanish have a noticeable accent, and if so, has he felt isolated from other Latinx at school? Or is he the only Latino at the Garrison? Is he proud of his heritage, or ashamed of it? Did he get bullied for being foreign, and how did that change what he says/does? Even if America is joyfully multi-cultural, he’d still be an immigrant or foreigner, and that’s a different experience from a non-white community that’s multi-generation American. What was his impression of his new life? What compared favorably (or not) to his childhood? 
It’s not just, “He’s a boy from Cuba.” You have to think about what it means to be ‘from Cuba’ and how this is different from, say, growing up next door to the Garrison (like Pidge probably did). If you put that much thought into it, if you talk to people who’ve lived that experience, if you push yourself to imagine as deeply as you can how Lance’s life would have shaped him? 
By the time you’re done, Lance would never need to say a word. 
His reactions, his assumptions, maybe a few mannerisms, his humor, a few throwaway comments about his family or things he did as a kid — and there would be Cubans in the audience going, “hey, wait a minute, he’s just like my cousin.” Or brother or uncle or friend. By the time someone asks at a panel? Half the audience would be saying, yeah, we were right, Lance is totally Cuban. 
Or you don’t think about it, and you use stereotypes in hopes that’ll do the work for you. As @sjwwerewolf commented:
Man, I’m ready to rant about Voltron. I’m Cuban. Lance, oh boy, Lance. From season 1 on, he has been written as a huge stereotype. The flirtatious, passionate comic relief character who’s dumb. Like. He’s literally Antman’s sidekick. That character. All you need to make him a full caricature is like, “I have a gangster brother.“ 
The stereotype is a shortcut. It’s slapping on behaviors without thought for a real person’s experiences or perspectives. VLD is, sadly, full of them: the Latino (wannabe) lover, the big guy who likes food (with only the slightest twist to have him actually good at cooking), the boyish-girl who’s a brain and likes computers more than people, etc. 
just pull shiro out of a hat
At some point early on, the EPs said (once again in an interview, not in the story) that VLD is a world without homophobia. The story itself contradicts that ideal, or at least, it emphasizes a certain level of heternormativity over an open embrace of diverse relationships. What’s in our face for six seasons is Lance’s lover-boy stereotype, Allura’s attraction to Lotor, Lotor’s attraction to Allura, Matt’s attraction to Allura, and so on… and the closest we get to anything resembling an alternate attraction is one blush from a servant in a flashback, and Kuron’s startled reaction to Keith’s return. 
All VLD had to do was have Hunk mention his moms. Or Coran mention his late husband. Or Lance mention his sister’s wife. Something explicit to offset the heterosexual attractions going on. Frankly, for six seasons it was an open question whether homosexuality even existed in VLD: the absence of a negative is not proof of the presence of a positive. 
That absence means we really have no idea how being queer in VLD’s world would affect a character — and it would, have no doubt. Our sexuality affects every single one of us; it’s just that straight people have the benefit of seeing the roadmap of their sexuality played out in a million books, movies, and television shows. If you haven’t given thought to whether this is also true in your world, then you don’t really know how a character could discover, define, and map their sexuality, or how they’d quantify or qualify relationships that overlap their sexual preferences. You don’t understand the structure. 
That lack of thought means, nine times out of ten, the creator has said to themselves, “it’s easier to just say this character’s experience of their sexuality is exactly like the one I, as a straight person, vaguely recall having (that I never actually had to question because it was already mapped out for me, everywhere I looked).” That’s not a queer character. That’s a character with a label slapped on their forehead that says here be a queer character. It’s paint, because the structure underneath is straight person. 
Which means that of course the EPs could consider making someone else “the rep,” because they really seem to believe this is as easy as removing the label from Shiro’s forehead and sticking it on someone else. And it’s not. People don’t work like that. Sexuality is no more a simple paint-job than race, gender, culture, or dis/ability. Each of these things is etched on our bones, literally or metaphorically, and that changes us all the way through. 
The short version, then, is: no, we wouldn’t have gotten any other rep, just as we haven’t truly gotten any rep as VLD was delivered. Shiro has a label on his forehead, but unless and until the canonical story demonstrates this goes all the way down to his bones… he’s just a straight suburban basement with a mediocre paint job and some fake queer columns.
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The 100 (questions that is....not band or TV show)
1. If you were on a 2 hour road trip and could only listen to one song on repeat until the trip was over what song would it be? idk it would depend. Could be Neck Deep - In Bloom but also if you go with Dream Theater - A Change Of Seasons thats only like 4 plays :) 2. If heaven or hell didn’t exist and wasn’t a reward would you still make an effort in being a good person? Atheists believe in good. 3. What’s your poison? Vices etc. JD 4. What’s your favorite thing about your hometown? the football team lol.
5. Are you a better friend to your friends than they are to you? It's a mutual thing that we don't really talk lol. I'm a horrible friend to most people but one did say I was angel, which was a compliment cause she’s religious even though I’m not
6. Have you ever ran a red light? I can't drive, but I ignore traffic signs when walking. They're more of a suggestion than a rule especially in Glasgow.
7. Who is the most influential person in your life? I influence myself; fuck all y'all.
8. Give me a hot take. What’s the unpopular opinion you stand by? Love Island is pish
9. What would the ten year old you think about you now? 10yr old me wanted to be an astronaught so idk lol probably disappointed
10. What’s your favorite city to visit/live in? Town lol I don't do visits
11. Tell me the story of your first kiss. She asked me out and I was kinda dithering but then just as she was walking away I shouted yes at her like a fucking lunatic and she turned around like "....oh." Then we snogged :P
12. What was your yearbook quote (if you didn’t have one what would it be)? The romans didnt invent a great civilisations by having meetings. They did it by killing all those who opposed them.
13. What’s a non-sexual turn on for you? Millie's Cookies <33333
14. Who’s your favorite non-animated movie character? The wee old dear from Last Train To Busan <3
15. You fall into $10K and you have to spend it on yourself and not bills, what do you buy? Gig tickets, alcohol and stuff off my list
16. Have you picked names for your children yet? one
17. Do you have any talents? I'm very good at singing badly
18. Which would you prefer: Netflix and Chill or iTunes and Chill? Netflix or iTunes themselves. I ain't got no chill. And no-ones interrupting me if I'm listening to music/watching something
19. Fill in the blank: I want to ____ your _____. _hug_, _soul_
20. Is once a cheater always a cheater true? idk people can change but I'd say the relationship is forever ruined. Someone that cheated on me might not cheat again, but I wouldn't trust them anymore.
21. In one word, What was the reason your last relationship failed? complacency
22. What’s something therapeutic you do when you’re stressed? listen to music
23. What was your favorite non-Pixar Disney Film? Big Hero 6
24.  Ruin a first date in 5 words or less. "I like country music" :P
25. Drums or Flats? I thought this was about music or highheels but google says its about chicken. And I prefer boneless!
26. Do you remember your last dream? What about? No idea, I don't remember them much I'm just greatful for whatever sleep I can get.
27. Do you want your kids to go to church, synagogue, temple, mosque? why? Never! I don't want to fill their heads with nonsense and a life of trying to conform to outdated arbitrary rules just so they have a good afterlife.
28. If Gerard Butler, Russell Crowe, and Liam Neeson get into a bar brawl who wins? The press?
29. Looking back would you have lost your virginity sooner than you did or later? Sooner. The lateness was not for lack of trying
30. Do you have a favorite book? Not really but it used to be either Reaper Man or The Hitch-hikers Guide To The Galaxy
31. Fuck Marry Kill? Do I get to pick my own??????? Fuck - "Main Course" Marry - hahahaha no Kill - your hopes and dreams
32. Is college worth it? Why? Yes because its good to know things and worth it to get a better job so you're not working beside me :)
33. Favorite Cartoon growing up. idk I can't really remember what I watched.
34. What’s your favorite social media besides tumblr? I'm on Facebook more but that's just to play games mostly
35. Does your first crush still look good? I don't talk to her anymore but her pictures aren't too bad
36. Do you think starting a gofundme is begging or helpful? Depends on the reason, like I've seen one just for a sesh which is fucking stupid, but like Americans do them for medical bills or some legit reasons.
37. Sesame Street or Barney? Sesame Street! Cookie Monster<3
38. What you’re favorite R&B Album of all time? I hate them all.
39. What movie(s) do you know all the lines to by heart? I can quote bits of films but probably not the whole film
40. Would you date someone you met on here? idk like I prefer this as a more anonymous space to share things and rant about people who actually know me. If I'm doing this right no-one I meet on here should figure out who I am :) But yes I'd date y'all cause you're all wonderful peoples
41. Would you rather be too hot or too cold? Too cold, it's Scotland you know?
42. Would you date yourself? I dont think I could put up with my own shit. And if it was like really my personality in a female form we'd be far too fucking shy to speak to each other.
43. Apple or Android? Android, Apple is a cult
44. What is the first song that you can remember learning the lyrics to? Daydream Believer for my aunties wedding
45. What are 3 of your favorite Michael Jackson songs? I genuinely do not like any of them but Alien Ant Farm covered Smooth Criminal if that counts?
46. Fill in the blanks: it’s not cheating if ___ ____ ____. you haven't actually kissed or slept with the other person and you're only sharing inappropriate messages on facebook and they've already said they're not a homewrecker... sorry, too specific?
47. Could you put your dreams on hold to support your bf/gf pursuing theirs? my dreams have been crushed so it would depend on what theirs were
48. What’s is the title to your autobiography? The Life And Times Of A Fucknut
49. Is there someone you’re trying not to call or text right now? YES! SO MUCH. I want to message her all the time but she hasn't messaged me and i dont want to appear desperate even though I am so I'm not gonna message first although I check every 5mins if shes messaged me
50. What is your favorite emoji or emoji combination? :P or ;)
51. Do you have any deal breakers in relationships? cheating lol.
52. Are you Tre or Doughboy? I had no idea so I googled it and Wikipedia says "Tre is highly intelligent but has a volatile temper and lacks respect" which is so me :) Idk who doughboy is lol
53. Favorite movie? Don't really have one tbh. I have too many I want to watch to bother re-watching something i've seen.
54. How long do you talk to someone before you expect a relationship? when you talk to someone its the start of a relationship in the loosest sense of the word because friendship is still the relationship between two people
55. Ruin a first date in 5 words or less. repeat questions would ruin a date cause it proves you're not listening
56. How old are you and how old do you feel? I'm 29 but I feel the same as i always have
57. Tag your favorite tumblr blog. @evilsupplyco
58. Your house is burning down and your family is safe what is the one material item you’d grab? my phone'd already be in my pocket so laptop?
59. How long until you introduce your bf/gf to your family? theyve met
60. Fill in the blank: All you need in this life of sin is you and your ____. Nope. All you need in this life of sin is you. No and your anything
61. Kobe, Jordan, or Lebron? neither
62. What is your favorite Drake lyric? I hate everything he has ever said
63. Where did you meet the last person you fell in love with? I don't fall in love, I believe I only fall in lust/infatuation/obsession.
64. Do you know your love language? I joined a shitty website to find the answer. Apparently it's physical touch and then words of affirmation.
65. Take a Myers Briggs Personality Test: what are your results? No. I fail at these. The questions are never things that i would do so i feel like im unintentionally lying and it never sounds like me
66. How do you feel about Quentin Taurentino films? Violence and blood what could be better?
67. Fill in the blank: Get you someone who will ______. _worship you as the amazing and beautiful bad ass bitch that you are <-- actual drunken advice from me
68. What’s your favorite movie soundtrack? Spiderman 2 i actually had the album
69. What’s your favorite fragrance on the opposite sex? i dont care what they smell like as long as its not fags
70. Is there any magazine, blog, or publication you read weekly? Nope
71. Will you abstain from sex or go to marriage counseling? Why are these my only options? But I'm not going to counselling, if they have issues then they should just tell me :)
72. There’s two kinds of people in the world: Those who pour ketchup on their fries, and the ones who put it on the side to dip. Which one are you? The one who doesn't order ketchup at all.
73. Rough sex or slow sex? Both. Either. Any lol
73. Have you ever slept with a stranger? Nope. Not that I have anything against it I've just never had the opportunity
74. What’s your dream music collaboration? Produced by who (Dead or Alive)? idk but probably produced by rick rubin cause that guy does eeeeeverything lol
75.  What song will you probably conceive your kids to? Music would just be a distraction
76. Do you have a scripture or quote you live by? Nope
77. Finish this sentence: If men had birth control _____. itd be free
78. How long should sex last? As long as both partners need
79. What music do you listen to when you de-stress? Just whatevers next on the playlist
80. How soon should you text someone after getting their number? The next time you want to tell them something but they arent there beside you?
81. How do you feel about the 80/20 rule? Living in lol but its more like erm 20/80?
82. Is sex a determinate in a relationship? Yeah. Why would you get with someone if you're not at least somewhat attracted to them?
83. Is it wrong to move in with someone or “shack up” before marriage? Nope
81. Send me a never have I ever. Never have I ever enjoyed beer
82. What is your favorite video game of all time? Spyro The Dragon
83. Who is your favorite book/movie character? "SQUEAK" said the Death Of Rats
84. Can you define love as best as you can? Nope
85. Does size matter? I hope not, women like taller guys lol.
86. What is your favorite thing about the person you like? Physically? Personality? idk
87. Five Year plan? Go! Don't get fired, save money, get an actual house, buy stuff off my list?
88. If someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to? idk i dont understand me so why you asking me?
89. Do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? Do you identify yourself by the things you do? I don't tend to think of myself at all really... and why would I identify myself?
90. What does emotionally available mean to you? Someone who is not emotionally closed off?
91. Could you go into business with your ex? Hahahahahahahah no
92. What is the last song you sang aloud? I'd Rather Drown ineverletpeopleinandihaveyoutoremindmewhy
93. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? They do. They told me. It sucks cause it changes nothing except igniting that small bit of hope id given up on...
94. How do you prefer to obtain your music Streaming, Downloads, or Physical? Physical albums for artists I like, even though it just goes straight into the laptop anyway i still like having albums
95. Name an artist you like that your friends probably don’t listen to. What friends? But erm Archangels Revenge. I doubt the ex members listen to them as much as I do lol
96. Tag someone that’s probably her baby father. this makes no sense?
97. Post a selfie you really like. nope
98. Do you watch anime? What is your favorite? Death Note or The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya so far, but ive got a lot on my list
99. What’s the zodiac sign of the last person you dated? Aquarius
100. Do you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? I know that he is not either.
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survivor-guyana · 5 years
Episode 4: "I'm pan with a plan, and I'm here to make messy ass moves." - Maynor
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So... Dog food is salty as fuck. No wonder my dog downs the whole bowl of water after he's done eating... What the hell dog food makers
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SO THIS WHOLE dare challenge this has got me GOING right now. The whole impersonations and "Who will Win?" videos are going to be BIG indicators of who is close to from my tribe. BUT DEVON.... TOOK IT TO A WHOLE NOTHER' LEVEL. A NORMAL person would do a silly one y'know? Does this guy NOT do Sarah (someone I know he's close with) and state all these things he obviously knows about her. She goes to Michigan state, has a finsta, likes to make friends in games... etc. THEN THE PICK TO WIN VIDEO.... AGAIN A NORMAL PERSON WOULD DO SOMETHING SILLY. For example: I did JD and went on about how she is CANADIAN. DEVON GOES AND DOES: Jose and how he could be tricking us... and it's actually his strategy. I can not with this being anymore. BUT tbh I'm just GLAD he's making himself a bigger target than me in case we lose. ALSO: Chelsea showing that she knows stuff about Alyssa... ummmm NO. I'm scurrrred. As say they say in French I am "le fucked" here. TBH i'm NOT lying when I say I wasn't close to my old tribe. I literally was only close to Aidan but aside from that no one else. There was an alliance of Sarah/Aidan/Devon inside of the alliance of Dani/Maynor/Sarah/Aidan/Devon/ myself. It is driving me BONKERS that Devon (the one person I NEED on my tribe right now) is unintentionally and potentially fucking his game with his videos. This was avoidable imo. Johnny didn't say "you MUST put a target on your back"... THIS IS THE GUY I NEED TO STAY WITH ME. ALSO if I ever find out Alyssa is playing me I might cry. She's literally my bitch. She's awesome. I NEVER GET ALONG WITH GIRLS IN GAMES. EVER. I just know Sammy/Chelsea are close. I could see Alyssa being close to them too so I'm just trying to make myself as relevant as possible with Alyssa because if I don't she won't feel bad sending me out. If she has doubts about it I CAN WORK WITH THAT. Sammy is totally the glue between the faves on my tribe IMO. I just know I need to somehow get closer to Sammy. I just don't know HOW! Chelsea seems super quiet and it's hard to really get a read on her. I just hope we never have to lose because I will actually cry if José pops up with an idol and my ass gets sent packing.
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So me and Jones have gotten closer and closer!!! So has me Jones and Nick as an alliance. The challenge went pretty ok but we eventually lost in the end. There's a joint tribal happening right now so we're all a little shook. The Green team is thinking of a way to stay safe through it all. The other tribe seems like it has some pretty nice peeps on it honestly lol. I watched their intro videos and Danielle's stands out the most. (I think she's the pizza one lol). The Green Team was originally going to try and get Jenna to flip back with us but we're not sure if she even values us so now we're going to try and flip with the fans and somehow vote Jenna out.
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First of, can i say that i missed jones and tim. 😭❤️ Like im so happy i finally got to talk to them. I missed my DAD Jones. We have a duo alliance going on. I brought it up right when the joint chat was made. Its going to be great. As for the vote tonight. We are going to target Nick. And hope that Jenna stays with us.
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HNNNNN Jenna isn't going to flip on the fans to my knowledge which really fucks over a lot of things. Now I'm not sure if I'm gonna be targeted or Jones or Nick. TJ and JD can go home and I'll be fine but I'd hate to get out right now. In my head I'm like UGH JENNA JUST FLIP BACK TO FAVS you'll be in a good spot and won't jeopardize anything!!! And you'll almost surely guarantee Jury!!!! But on the outside Im like.. omg ya fans vs favs is over the swap did that snatched wig tea okurrt PEriod. I just wanted a simple tribal but now I'm losing my shit. If I go after Nikias I will JUMP.
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Honestly my allies bore me. I guess I trust them but I don't know... this other tribe seems to suck too. I just want a favorite to leave at this point because the fans are getting slaughtered. But Thomas is an interesting situation. We definitely have a past and he's the biggest threat but the devil you know is better than the devil you don't? But I know he'll pick Jess over me any day of the week I've been a little quieter so I predict people might have doubts but I'm loyal to my alliance for now. I'm just trying to lay low and make it to the merge before I can really be a crazy cunt. Nick is apparently the vote and I'm sad because he's also a minority? But not too sad because idk him.
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updates: Maynor, Mitchell, Tim and I make an alliance maybe possibly? also,, we're probs gonna surrender to the fans lmao sorry JD :(
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I think nicks going home but I’m kinda nervous. Jenna’s sticking with us fans apparently. Jonesy wants jenna out that’s all the tea I have
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I was prepared to flip when they brought up Jones’ name. Like nah. I would lay down my game for Jones aka Dad. For this vote cuz i think theres a swap coming after this vote. Hopefully. It looks like its Nick tonight which i am fine with.
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(i don't have the time/energy to film a video confessional) THEY'RE REALLY GOING FOR ME HUH MITCHELL THAT FUCKING RAT threw my name out to the rest of the fans because I suggested Jenna, and now they wanna vote me out (the only reason why I know is bc my king maynor told me) Maynor said he'd try to switch the vote, but right now, it's on me, and that's NOT OKAY HAHAHA. if it stays on me, then he's gonna flip. it's so INTERESTING how all I do is suggest someone who's a CLEAR MINORITY ON THE OTHER TRIBE to be voted out!! and then SUDDENLY some fake vague ass people wanna cherish her???? like suddenly she's the token person on the tribe??? that's fake as fuck and they know that. ok while i'm writing this,,, apparently the vote went off me. but it's also all up to JENNA like ARE YOU KIDDING. like,, y'all are a group of 5 people, you can come up with a decision on your own and she can go with it. like she's really chill, I like her I think she's cool, but she shouldn't be getting this treatment from a tribe that had her on the bottom before. i'm at a point where i'm just trying to get Maynor to flip to our side, because h's just as frustrated about this situation as I am. and I don't really want Nick to will me/tim his idol if we can get him to flip. ,,, so yeah *does fake ass stick out tongue thing*
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This vote is a MESS. At one point it was Jones and then its JD and now its TJ and now I want to JUMP from a cliff. Also Nick is two faced. Apparently he had an idol hunt group composed of Alyssa, JD, Whats her face, and Himself. He probably used MY idol clue and I want to fite him.
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Hi I’ve been very tired owo so I come out of nowhere and honestly I’m like, this is cute owo so now I’m just going to come out of nowhere when we swap, and honestly that’s cute :,)
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so according to Maynor it's between Jenna and Nick, i'm still trying to work my magic on Maynor, and I think it's working. hopefully a swap is coming sometime soon though so i can kick Mitchell's ass laksdjflsdkj
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I can't imagine being in a better position in this game. Think about it:
1. I got almost everyone's trust from the fans tribe. 2. I got swapfucked alongside Jess, who I barely spoke to prior. 3. I got connected with Jess and solidified a relationship. 4. I made connections with Sammy, Alyssa, Chelsea, and Jose. 5. We haven't lost a single competition, and now the other 2 tribes will be pitted against one another. Whoever votes in the minority will be forced to come to Jess and I, so in essence, we hold every ounce of power. Best case scenario: We get swapped into a tribe with current Hosororo and old fans, giving me the ability to pick and choose who stays and who goes. Worst case scenario: We get swapfucked and I need to make new relationships with alternative favorites. I would also be more than fine staying in the same tribe, considering there is a clear gap between our tribe and the other 2.
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Our tribe really thought Jenna was the swing vote. Bish it was actually me. Im pan with a plan and im here to make messy as moves. Jones aka DAD. ❤️ I think im going to flip and do Jenna. While my fans + jenna are doing Nick. Im really hoping there is a swap cuz if there isnt im screwed. But its a move and me and Jonesy are going to be the villians of the season. But at the end of the day. A favorite is still going home.
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Me and Jones went on call for an hour and talked about the vote. We're sticking with voting Jenna out. Jonesy worked her magic on Maynor and is getting him to flip. Also Mitchell is a bad bean akdjdjs. Anyways ... Me and My wig have decided to vote ... for Jenna Nick wanted me to play the idol on him since he's getting votes this round and Maynor may not flio but HNNNNN i dont want that target on me just as of now. It'd be too risky and since he made an idol hunt group without me on our OG tribe... I considered letting him will me the idol and then him getting voted out ajsjsksks.
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Well, there's no way of getting this to work unless Jones works her magic. I'm simply trying to get people to realize that I'm social and understanding of how this game gets played. Hopefully I can get people to want to keep me and play with me come a tribe swap or a merge.
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It’s been a weird round.  I fought my ass off in the challenge but to no avail.  This joint tribal has been a battle.  I think Maynor is flipping to vote out Jenna.  If I’m wrong it’s me with an idol in my pocket. But my allies Tim and Jonesy both feel confident in Maynor and you can’t win Survivor alone so I’m going to stick with my homies and not play my idol.  Gulp.  Wish me luck:
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Curse you hosts! Throwing us into a blender to vote someone out! RTQ-read the question, or so my professor always said. What do I do not not read the whole thing and forget to put a Guyana sign or even say it In my videos. Which leaves me scrabbling to do it all again. Dog food and fucking hot sauce bullshit is not something you want to do twice in one night, let alone in one week. Lesson for the day? READ THR MOTHER FUCKING QUESTION FOLKS!
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YALL I am so sorry about not making confessionals. It's just I always have a fear that I am wasting my time and that the confessionals won't even got posted...and like nothing interesting has happened on my tribe.  Here are some fun facts tho: after tonight me, Alyssa, José, and Chelsea are the only ones that have not gone to tribal. YEEHAW SKEET SKEET YALL.  I am living in paradise, I have connected w Devon and Jess pretty well.  Devon I know I can trust 100%, I am sure that Jess and Alyssa are pretty close but I still trust them too. I want to be reunited with JONESSSS I miss her.  CRYING IN THE CLUB RN.  We had a mini tribe call just to like chit chat and that was fun.  Jess also destroyed the comp and if José would not have been on our tribe I would have asked to sit out bc like I was still recovering from editing the music video. UMM what else. Oh we have that lit joint tribal that we do not have to go to #BLESS and Idk yall I am just waiting to go to tribal so I can play the game, it's hard coming up with stuff to do and have fun when u winnn.  I have just been collecting tea about the fans sooo
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THAT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO WORK OUT OH MY GOD BLESS MAYNOR HOLY FUCK I LOVE THAT MAN SO MUCH that's all for now xoxo, i'll do a more detailed video confessional later
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Not even going to lie.. I'm shitting bricks that José is going to fuck up this challenge for us. If he does RIP me in this game. I think I'm the one on the outs out of the 5 of us. Devon is connected with people like Chelsea who won't even give me the time of day.. I'm fucked. SO FUCKED.
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Lets start off with Jenna.  I am very sorry. Im sorry that i voted for you. Im a sorry that i made the move? No. I felt you were too close to Dani and Sarah and Aidan and Mitchell. And you had lots of power that tribal. I guess you can say you were sarah and i was kass in this vote. And chaos struck. No one knew my connection to my dad aka Jones and Tim. They are ❤️. I would protect them and i did. Am i ready for the fall out idk. Hopefully no one takes the temptation on our tribe cuz my ass will go right behind Jenna. If I cant do damage control.
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Welcome to my: "I Think I may Just be PMSING" rant for this round. BUT I JUST NEED A FUCKING PERSON IN THIS GAME. Someone who I know has my back at least 75%. I'm not asking for a miracle here.. I know someone having your back 100% isn't realistic at all. However, I just need someone who I know going forward will pick me over their old friends or tribe-mates if when we swap or if I make it to merge. Where is this all coming from? I have no idea. I just have a fucking weird feeling. I felt good with my tribe but for some reason something just feels OFF to me. This is probably my paranoia kicking in or my hormones? Only time will fucking tell.... If you'd ask me currently who I considered my person I would say it's Devon by fucking default.  WHICH IS REALLY SAD CONSIDERING HOW WE WERE PRE-SWAP. We swapped together, he has ACTUALLY given me information. BUT..... I know homeboy is looking out for himself first and will sell me out when time comes. SO that's not good for me in the future... I know he has a tendency to tell people the same things too so.. that’s a mood. I would have said Alyssa is my person HOWEVER, I don't see a scenario where she chooses me over Chelsea or Sammy on this tribe right now. In the future? Possibly, I won't rule that out at all.  But for the remainder of however long we have on this tribe... I don't feel good at all. She gives me almost no information and that could be a result of me not giving her information but I’ve honestly told her everything I know. Mitchell possibly being on the bottom, what went into the Lucy/Bee vote. That’s all I got. I physically can not give her anything else. SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING I KNOW. Maybe she doesn’t know anything? I have no fucking idea. I want to work with her SO BAD. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to work with SOMEONE MORE IN A GAME. BUT I fucking can’t shake the feeling of her stabbing me in the back if it came down to me or Devon. I'm trying not to let my paranoia show and I know I've let it slip a couple of times in conversations with Alssya/ Sammy. They ignored me for a good 20 minutes when I said it so it was obvious they were on a call or communicating someway. OR MAYBE IT’S MY PMS OR PARANOIA?!!!! I’m just sure I’ve STRESSED THIS FACT ENOUGH BUTTTTT: I AM FUCKING NERVOUS. I’m almost as nervous as a drug addict taking a fucking piss test right now.  If José pulls some shit in this challenge I’m going if we LOSE MY FUCKING COOL LIKE NO TOMORROW. The way I see the connections on this tribe right now is simple: Devon has connections with Sammy/ Chelsea.  Side note: Chelsea acts like I’m the plague in her pm’s.  She ignores me harder than I ignore all of my life responsibilities and I ignore them pretty fucking hard. I believe I’m closer to Alyssa than Devon is but will she have the votes if it came down to it? NO. Sammy is close to everyone. He’s my pick to win right now. He has everything a future winner has.
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Color me SHOOK. Im very surprised that they are handling the Jenna very calm and understanding. I might not have been in as much danger as i thought. I told them the truth about why I did the vote and all the reasons. The paranoia. My anxiety that was spiraling out of control. I didnt tell them tho of my connection to Jonesy 🦑❤️ But i want to thank Jones for calming me down from my anxiety before the vote. And to Sarah who helped me after tribal cuz my anxiety kicked up again after i couldnt talk to jones and people were confused on what happened and were asking around. I am much better today tho. A little calmer than last night.
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I am really bad at this, I so imma spill some tea, which I don't have much of. Me and Mitchell agreed to work together until merge then we would kill each other whenever it best suited us. Which was a good think to do because apparently I'm a scary comp beast :D If that is all I am remembered for at the end of this game I'll be happy <3 More to come but I am at work soooooo yeah, more to come ~finger guns~
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Also I have NO idea why everyone trusts Mitchell so much!! He’s a snake and if he doesn’t go home this week, the rest of my tribe are idiots
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Well...that was quick. Aidan taking the advantage is really interesting, and also very telling: 1. Do the fans have a clear majority? Sarah and Dani didn't trust Mitchell, and this would be the perfect time to knock him out. 2. Is Aidan ACTUALLY playing the game? He seems to have a grip on what will happen tonight, which is fearsome, considering he didn't do jackshit on the original fans tribe. 3. What is this twist for later tonight? I predict the advantage has to do with either picking the swapped tribes or sending someone to exile at the F15, making it 7 vs 7 with 1 at exile.
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It looks like they may have thrown the challenge? I might be screwed? Like not in the good way. 😏  They said Mitchell’s name and i want to believe them but how are you going to be like i dont want to go to tribal and hope someone else takes it to taking the temptation. Its very clear of their intention. I just hope they are telling me the real target. Cuz if not im dead. And ill be gone. If its me, its been great. Its been fun. I wish i could have lasted longer. But oh well. Sarah i hope you make it far. Jonesy ❤️ Kill it and take the title.
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oh my godddd, so sorry I forgot to do a confessional. I completely forget to do them when my tribe doesn't have to go to tribal. ;) I genuinely love my tribe so much and have actively talked to everyone ever since the switch. Now there's talk about swaps that may happen, but I don't want that to happen. :( The only good thing that could come out of a swap is that I would have an easier time choosing someone to vote out if need be, because by the looks of it, my current tribe is the most active and serious about making it to the top. I really don't want any switches to happen unless it's merge! Also, I don't think my tribe is ever going to talk in the temptation chat because we're all so on the same page. Ugh, I love them.
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I think Sarah is going home because Mitchell Aidan and I made an alliance. She threw both Mitchell and my name so.
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November 13 2017 / Target (part 1)
Hello Tumblr. Today's post is going to be about my time at Target. I got hired at US Bank today so I had to quit at Target. I am actually a little sad. Obviously I am not sad that I got a better paying job with more regular hours and paid holidays and a whole bunch of other perks but there is a lot that I will miss about Target. Most of what I will miss involves various co-workers. I became friends with a lot of people at Target. And even the people I didn't get to know too well were still interesting and fun to be around. I was only there for four months or so but it almost felt like I lived at that store sometimes. I didn't believe in the idea of a "work family" before I had a job. It does start to feel that way after a while. I loved a lot of the beauty girls. They're awesome. I probably worked with this girl Katie the most. She didn't always work very hard, which really bothered me at times and I complained about it, but ultimately she's a fun person to talk to and she's chill. I don't know if Katie liked me. Sometimes we seemed cool but other times I felt like she despised me. I'm not sure. The other beauty girl I got to work around a lot was Diddie (not sure if that is the correct spelling but honestly who cares). Diddie is old af. I felt sad for her most of the time. If I'm like 60 and working at Target, I'll probably kill myself. But Diddie is a chiller. She gets intense about doing things properly, which was hella annoying; it's Target, take a chill pill no one cares that much. But she was really nice if you did your job right and she knew everything about everything. A supportive, grandmother type, I think. I really liked working with this girl Kayla. She's the kind of girl I would fall in love with. She was great. I think we could have been good friends but I only got to talk to her a couple of times. I'll probably miss talking to Kayla. I didn't like my direct manager. She's one of the reasons I am leaving Target. She never liked me, and she was rude, a lot. And to be fair, I called out sick quite a few times. As a manager, I prolly wouldn't like me either. I think Sierra is probably a nice girl, she just had to deal with too much. At the Medford Target the team leads for hardlines are also the team leads for beauty (Sierra) and electronics (Cody). That just shouldn't be the case. I have opinions on who they should have as the team leads for those departments but it's not my problem anymore I guess so, good luck to them. I did like the electronics team lead. Cody was a cool guy. I always got a good laugh whenever I saw him. And that really wasn't due to anything he did, but I was still glad he was around. He was nice to me too. If I were to have stayed at Target I would have tried to transfer to either electronics or Starbucks. I loved the store manager. Art was so great. He's an awesome dude. He was always so happy to be at Target, which made it easier for me to be happy to be at Target. He radiated positivity. He could talk to anyone about anything. I don't know why Art works at Target. I think he could be doing really amazing things. Art did confuse me a bit as a person. He constantly talked about his wife and daughter but I got a vibe that he would totally cheat on his wife if presented the opportunity. And I could totally be wrong. I don't misread people too often I think but who knows. It's interesting because Art gives very similar vibes as Clark did (my acupuncturist I thought was my soulmate). I definitely would have fucked Art if given a chance. Haha maybe I shouldn't write that. The sales floor team lead was cool too. I think he was a bit misogynistic but honestly that ended up working in my favor so... oh well I guess. He's a really sweet guy. Kinda dopey but that's ok. Pat wasn't there when I started working at Target, and he definitely made work better. We needed a sales floor team lead. Oh man. You know who was horrible?? Kara. She's one of our HR people and she's the worst for that job. Completely unapproachable, very bitchy. She's passive aggressive and rude and I think probably a little stupid. I know she was fired once and honestly I don't know why tf they would rehire her. Jesus. Obviously I loved working around JD. I knew him from youth group. He's p cute. His smile is infectious. He doesn't say much but whenever he did say something to me it was nice. I never heard him complain about anything. And everyone loves him there. He's good at his job.I also liked seeing Hunter again. We had weird times in youth group but he was nice around Target. I loved one of the LODs. LODs were basically people who ran the store for a day. They rotated around. My fav was Sara (also not sure on that spelling). She was a bad ass. She was the perfect amount of intense and kind. I really felt like she cared about the store and the employees. And she had the greatest hairdos. Lowkey in love with her. Who else? I liked this one guy who worked in electronics. He gave off super weird vibes. I feel like if I spent enough time around him I could prolly write a novel about him. Just a weird dude but not in the typical sense. Like I could not tell you why he is weird. He was really nice to me too. Oh! And there was this new girl who started a few weeks before I quit. She is so beautiful. Not in a conventional way but in the sweetest way imaginable. She would always come to me with the cutest most basic questions. She has a real innocence in her eyes. Very deep though. She was quiet. I'll miss seeing her around, for sure. Ah. Target was such a supportive environment. Everyone was awesome. I guess I saved the most important co-worker for last. It wouldn't be a post about Target if I didn't write about the one I've been calling Target.
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Ep. 7: Like Juggling Chainsaws ~Kevin
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Okay so. that worked out well. I think that was pretty much the best way it could go, like obviously there's no perfect outcome or anything. So. I'm now in my third alliance that has Jay in it, and fourth alliance overall. Ashley's also in an f3 with JD and LA but anyone in that position would know they're the third wheel so thankfully she's like no. This is still good because she's gonna tell us all the tea they give her which Jay and I can compare to find out the truth. It's kinda amazing how the stars have aligned so that we're in the middle of everything. It's a stressful position but it feels great. We hold the power and we get all the info so we can make the best and most informed decision. I think it's best to come clean about our alliance with JD and LA (or J-LAD as Jay called them) lest we get exposed by them. Being in all these alliances is like juggling chainsaws, but like juggling chainsaws if you pull it off correctly you look really cool. Also it's good for our game and stuff. ________________________________________________________________ Okay I hate being in all these alliances like Drew's complaining to me about being on the bottom and like that sucks but I don't know what to tell you bc like I'm in this messed up tangled up web of alliances like I can't make any promises to you when I'm already committed to like half of the people in the game okay? Also Drew told me that like the f6 would be me Jay, JLAD, and Keegley, and that JLAD would be the swing bc there's no way that Keegley would align with Jay and I'm like OprahFingerWag.gif.  
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Kevin for the past YEAR AND A FUCKING HALF: Oh, Drew is such a rat, he's never worked with me, even though he always says he wants to, he would have flipped on me in Pompeii too, remember PI All Stars, remember Motu Maha, never trusted, always dissed, never stanned, he's a snake, why do you fucking do this to me every time, we could have worked together, we could have had everything!! Me: Kevin, I am with you and Jay above all others, this is my team, this is my family, and nobody is getting in the way of my family, this is it for me, y'all are it for me, let's do this Kevin: Well actuallyyyyyyy :~) Kevin: https://gyazo.com/4e0bbd0baf3d7d7c5b0da7c6557bb2c7 Kevin: okay so i'm sorry about that. it was kinda my uncertainty with jack like i mentioned before and paranoia and also i just wasn't like certain about steven since like this was my first round with him Kevin: this game just so messy Kevin: i'm honestly just taking this game one step (or round i guess) at a time Kevin: and i wish i could tell you something but i don't want to lie even more or make any promises yet bc like i said it's figuring things out one step at a time What's a guy gotta do to make a damn friend? Because the answer is clearly not "To make a friend, you have to be a friend." Not even for family. Not anymore.
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Drew needs to stop fucking winning so I can get him outta here. Next I thought Jack would be going but I guess no one else wants that?????? Saying its too easy to get him out.... Like bitch aint that what we want? I mean I could see Drew seeing a Jack vote coming and playing his rainbow idol on Jack to vote out whoever they want. But Kevin mentioned not even going for Jack and finally separating JD and LA. I like that idea but then I am scared some people will then just flip to Drew. And in an alliance of 4 that wouldnt be so great.
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Me: thankful that this round might be easier because everyone sane person in this game would want Drew out Drew: wins immunity Sigh. So I guess it's time for yet another fun round of screaming, panic, stress, overthinking, and even more screaming. It's time for us to separate the JLAD duo. From what Keegan said we're gonna split the votes between them and Jack. I personally wanna get rid of JD because I feel like she trusts me less than LA does, and idk she feels...shadier and like the more stubborn one. I feel like I have more wiggle room with LA? Probably? 
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Oh man. I dun goofed. I played an idol so wrong it's almost right. Everyone and their mother was saying the vote was between me and Steven but someone lieeeeedddd. Jay lied. And Kevin lied. I guess drew talked to both of them about blindsiding LA. And yet neither told me it wasn't my name so bye bye idol. Aaaaand now I'm in the "Wholesome Happening" alliance with Jay and Kevin. So that's interesting. Ashley is also in that with us. She says she's also with JD and LA in an alliance chat. Hopefully she sticks with us. I guess the plan for tonight is to break up JLAD, while throwing Jack's name out there in hopes of drew playing a rainbow idol on him. It's unlikely but maybe. Either way, as long as the four of us vote for JD or LA, we should all be safe moving forward. And now we have to hope Drew doesn't win immunity next challenge. 
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hhhhhhhhhhhso. Drew got immunity, which is annoying, because it means he probably won't play his idol tonight as we were all hoping. The plan is kind of....unsure at the moment. Kevin and I are still playing the middle, which kind of sucks and kind of is great because it feels like we have some power. I think I might actually be in a really good position on the tribe. Keegley trusts me and J-LAD trusts me, and Kevin trusts me. I might be able to wiggle in with Dreck. So that's good. The easiest thing would be to pick off Jack - probably everyone could agree on that and it wouldn't be too hard. But long term, this could be Kevin's and my only opportunity to separate LA JD. It feels like this may be the vote where we have to pick sides. But, from past games, I'm of course wary of making a big move and making myself known as a strategic threat. Hopefully I can pin it all on Keegan? I'm CONSIDERING the possibility of self-voting so that, after this vote, I can pretend that I was with everybody. If there's a majority on LA without me, that might be the best thing, but I still have to get the keegley+kev alliance to choose between JD/LA. My goal is to be able to make Keegan or WHOMSTEVER think that voting LA was their idea, not mine. Basically, after this vote, I want everybody to still love me and for everybody to be in my pocket. I think the self-vote might be the only way to preserve my position, because if I vote with either group, I'm gonna lose trust somewhere, and if I throw my vote, I'm going to seem like I was torn. With a self vote, I can pretend that I was 100% with EVERYONE and just blame it on...an excuse I haven't considered yet. Stay tuned. Hopefully tonight we'll see a bLAndside (Ali suggested that pun to me I'm so sorry.)
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I've done some research and the results will SHOCK you. Drew is basically the Jordan Pines of this season. -He's kinda a duo with Jack C -Jordan's close ally, Jack C, went home at f9. Drew's close ally, Steven, went home at f9. -Both have the Rainbow Idol -Everyone wants him gone but he keeps fucking winning immunity The facts don't lie. #StayWoke I just realized I'm killing two of my Taveuni children in a row I'm a horrible parent
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2. Who is in the best position? 17. Who has the most final two deals? 20. Who would you like to go on a romantic date with? I would say that me and lori are in the best position but that done not mean I have the most final two! It's it a final three anyway? Or did I not read something again? I'm flattered, that two people would want to go on a date with me <3 I know I'm hella cute~ hahah But okay, enough of the fun. The game is really starting to get me stressed, I don't wanna be the person that goes home with an idol in their pocket but I don't wanna waist it. I don't believe that the vote is for Jack, just doesn't make since at the point. I know I was all for sending him home before but at this point you need to keep the numbers, with eight people and there is always the possibility of flipping so me and LA need to decide asap who we are going to go to the end with but I think that we are leaning towards Ashley and Keegan just because we don't have that much trust for Kevin at this point. If we voted Keegan or Ashley now then the other one would get pissed and flip. On that I think that Jay would stay with us if we explained that we thought Kevin was playing both side, which I think he is and I know she is but at least she is telling us what is going on. This is literally the make or break it vote, I would use the idol to save the people that I want to but again, I don't want to waist it. But maybe if I can convince Jay that I'm throwing her name out there cus I think she is the flipper, tell her I have the idol and that I will use it on her then maybe we can still win this.... I might have to give her the idol and just pray that the vote isn't for me or LA again. I just  don't know if it is worth it... Is it worth it  or is it not worth is... THAT is the question! 
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Amanda So its been a while since I gave my thoughts on the game so here we go... We have 4 pairs right now. Keegan/Ashley, LA/JA, Kevin/Jay, Drew/Jack. Everyone wants to split up LA/JD, and it seemed to be working so far, but JD is catching on that these pairs are gonna have to cannibalize on each other soon, so she wants to get a head start on that. Then Jay had this crazy idea about intentionally self-voting? Like, I get her strategy but like, seeing it from this end, every vote is gonna count and if she doesn't vote, it could go very badly for her. I dont know what Drew is thinking because the kid hardly makes confessionals and he isn't in any alliance chats. ugh... To be perfectly honest, I really don't know how this vote is gonna go. 
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Okay! Game changer! JD just messaged me saying shes potentially willing to vote out LA and not work with her in order to advance her game and I'm......shook. I don't need to do anything devious if JD is willing to just go with the plan. I'm. whew.
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njkdhbfboajniog I DONT KNOW WHAT I AM DOING! I NEED ALI!! OKay so i don't know if I am really planing on doing this but I mean... maybe? I'm really worried that she is going to go home and I think that it's stopping my game. I need to stop worrying about what is happening in her game and just play mine. dear god.................................. If this is what happens then Ali is right and I am like... The chick that voted out her mom o.O If I think that I actually have the people voting for her though, we can vote where ever we want and I can play my idol on her but... My game... I dont know yet. A) 
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or B) 
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okay so my 'i dont know what Im doing' really just fucked me over. I'm dumb and I panic and I dont think about what I say and this is a prime example. ________________________________________________________________ I suddenly feel like Matt Fucking Summer in.... My season. ________________________________________________________________ Truthful I think that me and LA are on the bottom, that Drew is really good with talking with people and that he is ether in the process of flipping or has already flipped, you, jay, kevin and keegan. I think that if LA went home then I would be able to play my own game and maybe me, Ashley and Drew could go to the final, just with no alex. I also think it's stupid to take Drew to the end. so that's a no go if she goes home I dont have to worry about her but I also dont have to that solid extra person ether . ________________________________________________________________ After the mental mess I put myself though and the mess I made of things. I wouldn't be surprised if I go home tonight, but I still feel like Lori will go before me so I mean... Maybe. Hopefully. Well see if I life to make another confession
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Alright so I have a quick question, what the fuck. Jay told me JD came to her and was like hey I'm voting Kevin and Jay's like um maybe don't do that and JD's like so you're good to vote Kevin?? I know she's cracked but??? This is a new level. I have a feeling Drew might be up to this mishap but idk? That's kinda my automatic assumption but oh well. If any idol hijinks happen tonight I'm playing my idol because I trust approximately 1.5 people in this game. 
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Okay we're trying to vote LA again. It will hopefully be me, Kevin, Jay, Drew, Ashley, and Keegan, but who fucking knows anymore. All I know is I'm going to try to exploit my current confused status to get people to take me to the end.
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I'm way less certain about this tribal council than the last one. Last time I was confident about where everyone else was voting. With the way JD's been acting I'm a little nervous. And if Drew has done some crap then it's 4-4 with the other side having the advantage since Drew has immunity nnnn. I know Drew does want the other side out so hopefully he's not snaking me. Also just nervous because Jay and I's mist has been kinda fading. Our mist isn't even mist it's like, water vapor. Our status as a duo is obvious but since it's kind of a duos game at this point that doesn't make us a threat. Still though...yikes
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This is why Drew is going to win. I broke one time and told jay and Ashley that I wanted to vote for Lori and drew got a hold of it and now that's it. They are going to send her home and if I use my idol on her then I'm fucked because then no one will believe that I will vote her out. But then do I trust that they are voting out Lori and not me? Im not going to turn on her right now, not if it's to help someone else. If we vote Kevin and it doesn't work then I guess I'm gonna have to kiss some ass but otherwise... 20 minutes to go
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Either Kevin, me or JD are gonna get blindsided tonight. It's been too quiet. And its that kind of day. Rip.
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survivoremathia · 7 years
Ep. 5 "Operation 5 to Stay Alive" - Ali
New tribes, new me! So, this tribe is interesting. Its 3 Odysseus people (me, JD and Sam), 3 Olympus people (Logan, Rob and Eddie) and 2 Othrys people (Matthew and Duncan). Trevor warned us about the Olympus clique, so I think it'd be good if us three Odysseus people ally with Duncan and Matthew, and hopefully can gain control. I'm nervous though!
Also I just found out that newbie Ryan is irl friends with Logan so he will be first voted out- know that. 
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here are my thoughts on the tribe swap so I really haven't made any confessionals yet in this game and I'm sorry, but the OG Othrys tribe was kinda boring because we slayed so much. I was in an alliance with Ryan, Owen and David, but I really only full trusted Ryan and he's the only one I told about door #9 in the Labyrinth so we'll see if that info stays quiet for a while. However, now that we've swapped, this game has gotten really interesting. At first I was really terrified because I got separated from all of my allies, but now that I've taken the time to talk to everyone and get a sense of the tribe dynamics, I think I'm in a really good position. According to Sam, the only person I really knew at all from this tribe before this game, the Olympus 3 are a really tight alliance and have been friends from a previous game which is always super intimidating. Since those three are voting together, it kinda forces the three Odysseus member to stick together, and that puts Duncan and I in the middle. Duncan is the person I had the worst connection with on my original tribe, so being stuck with him again is both scary and rewarding because it sort of forces us together. Obviously, I trust Sam a ton and I'm really getting along well with Ali, and I think that leaving such a strong alliance in the game isn't the smartest idea in case we just go on an insane losing streak which is VERY possible given how stacked the other tribe is. However, Duncan thinks that trying to work with Eddie/Logan/Rob would be in our best interest because leaving those three in would make them the bigger targets and keep the two of us under the radar, which I agree with to an extent, but I don't get the feeling that the other three would be quick to turn on us if we sided with them. Maybe it's just because I have strong bonds with Sam and Ali, but I really don't want to vote against them. Duncan said he's close with Eddie, so that puts us in a really interesting position. If Duncan and I can't agree with what we want to do, it would tie, and rocks could eventually come into play. AND, we have no idea what the Labyrinth has let loose in this game! There's a lot of interesting factors that have come into play and I'm both super excited and super terrified.
Swap and I'm with my Olympus peeps? Amazing. I really like the newbies and I hope we can do something with them. I want Sam out, but I do think I'll be screwed. He knows the newbies longer than me. It's going to be a battle.
"i think i was trying to make help" - Samuel Rutan, in defense of his inebriated plan to put a target on Rob's back.
so this challenge is uh...interesting. I've admittedly not had the best attitude about our ability to win challenges because the other tribe is so stacked with people who can dominate, especially at a challenge like this where a lot of them have experience editing videos and stuff and we certainly do not. I think our tribe really lacks a certain cohesion necessary for this, and everyone feels like we don't really have a shot so people are moreso focused on surviving tribal even though we haven't even lost yet. Nobody is really stepping up to the plate. People are saying no ideas without offering anything to replace them, and not explaining why they don't like the ideas in the first place. Our music video really has no direction at the moment and we're just focused on getting it done so we don't look like fools who couldn't even turn in the challenge. The more I talk to people, the more I definitely see myself as a major swing vote this round. I just had a two and a half hour call with Eddie, Logan and Duncan and I really felt like we all bonded a bit. It's nice to just sit back and talk about life shit and boys and not worry about strategy for a while, but you always have to think about how you can use these personal bonds to your advantage. The person I want gone most at this point is Rob, but if that's not going to want to be possible, I need to be proactive in keeping Sam and Ali safe by suggesting JD as an alternate. I think I have a lot of power this round, and I'm going to capitalize on it. I don't care if it puts a target on my back; I've played this game MANY times, and I've learned that you should never miss out on an opportunity to put yourself in the best position possible. It's gonna take some Cirie Fields level misting to get Eddie and Logan on board to go after Rob, but if I can pull it off, I keep everyone on the tribe happy and I still maintain my power next round while getting rid of somebody I have no connections with. It may be ambitious, but ambitious is my middle name. Not really but...it's better than "Fucking".
Literally every confessional has had me saying I want to die or I'm dying in it? i dont understand? ANYWAY. My liver isnt working but we'll get there ig. I'm hoping I can team up with more experienced players and clocc some newbies but i think they are gonna want Rob. I DONT WANT THEM TO WANT ROB. ROB AND LOGAN ARE NED AND SARAH. DO NOT.
Me on call with Rob: what do you think we should do for this first vote Rob: I think we should target duncan. Me: Okay let’s try this again… What do you think we should do for this first vote I’m just going to ask him over and over again until he tells me what I wanna hear which is that we rope in Duncan and take out that snake Sam. Me when I finally get Sam’s blood all over my face, body, and hands: https://secure.static.tumblr.com/9a788ea893dbd408a839201df9d00f17/zytcgar/FT3noeef9/tumblr_static_tumblr_static__640.gif Also Matt and I are bonding on call right now and I’m just thinking about how I want him voted out after Sam https://38.media.tumblr.com/37eccabcb3a37667abaf56a3ae3ac081/tumblr_nh9mgbqDaM1sm1gf4o1_400.gif But like omg I just want sam OUT OF HERE. LIKE GET OUT OF HERE SNAKE. When Duncan wants me to vote out logan or rob if we go to tribal. Duncan: I mean Id tag along but maybe one of them can go first to make people less afraid of you all. Me: https://38.media.tumblr.com/cafd74179121e455c36ecd78471a2010/tumblr_nkpzoyDeZL1uokvyoo1_500.gif I got a lot of tea from my call with duncan last night though. We're snatching Sam and then we're snatching Matt. It's just happening. Matt is in a majority alliance with Ryan and this other guy on whatever tribe they're from I'm sure I look at the name I'll remember who it is so he's on the snatching list. Also Matt will run right to Lydia who I wanted to work with but I no longer think she will work with me. So this is all about lining up all my cannons to take a shot at her at merge. So first we snatch Sam who is probably cool with trevor who is cool with lydia and is super dangerous. And then we snatch matt who will run right to ryan and lydia once merge comes. Duncan also told me he has some cursed idol thingy which is super helpful for the future.
I don't have time for a video confessional this round so here we go. We won immunity which kind of sucks. I was prepared for tribal. I'm blood hungry. My goal was to vote out Other Ryan and hope Scott self votes and gets removed.  Other Ryan has not replied to me the last two times I tried to talk to him. Literally 0 social game.  And he didn't even SHOW UP for the challenge. No participation. No excuse. Nothing. So hopefully we lose the next one so we can cut these people. And then maybe cut Jay O too if we have the time- to spilt up him and Duncan. Looking at the other tribe - as long as Ali, JD, or Sam don't go home it will be good for my game. I really don't care who it is out of the others but preferably one of the Olympus folks. Hopefully my little newbie friends heed my warning about them. I have two alliances going at this point. One with owen and Lydia and another one with those two and RTP. I know I said in my last confessional that RTP can GO but I think I might work with him for a while. I am also making sure I stay tight with David and Jay.  And Isaac is becoming expendable. 
I think I might be screwed, I just have to talk to these people to get out Sam
The swap. I  was okay with it. As far as the four seasons goes, it couldn't have been better. We got slip down the middle and paired up with the one that were most comfortable with. 
I like Eddie and Matt, I was chatting with them but didn't think of it till later that its the same as our memory challenge. And might I add, they both kicked my ass. 
I'm scared of Eddie. I mean he's great and we have great conversations. but like, I looked at another season and he's a huge threat. If I had followed the season before he probably would have been one of my fav players. I think that's what sucks that most about lying to him right now. I have my group and I'm not leaving them but if we had started out on the same tribe I would have loved to have worked with him, should have mutinied. 
ALI!!!! My god like that extra vote couldn't have come at a better time XD 
I hate lying, like really I do, you wouldn't know it though. I put lying and stealing on the same place in the bad space. But here I am, lying, all in the name of a game. I think it's a huge reason why I feel like shit going into this tribal. But I've got a gut feeling that they are trying to put all the votes on Rob and then have him use the idol. Which is a good way to do it but i don't know. It's hard to read people over text. But I think me and Ali are voting for Eddie :/
I'm in trouble
I love myself
So I just got off call with duncan and basically flipped him back onto playing the idol on a rob and idoling out Sam. How beautifully iconic? I really need to save my gentle bean rob because people keep coming for him and he is smol and needs to be protected. Not only that but Sam is a rat. So it's a win win either way. Matt keeps saying it's about power and that he would want it to be more even on the tribe and I'm just like boiiiii fuck out my face. You're getting snatched next. Like why are you telling me this is about you wanting power on this tribe like WHY. Idk if he trusts me to tell me this but he shouldn't because I used it to go to duncan and say "hey you want rob out but if we vote rob out matt with have all the power. Next round he will be the swing between us and the newbies and that's everything you don't want. So if we can idol out sam then that will take all the power away from matt." And that basically had him shooketh and he immediately was like "ok ok i dont want that ill play the idol on rob". So here we are the idol is being played on rob, Sam is getting slain, and I'm probably going to be in a very good position on this tribe. What else can a boy ask for? A new car that's what. But I don't have the money for that yet so I'll just be happy with me being in a good position on this tribe. Anyway I gotta go back to werk bye.
Okay~~~ So what a cluster. We ended up with like three possibilities. But we all thing that Rob's going to use an idol, so there is no way we're voting him yet. But we want to target the old Olympians. That leaves Eddie and Logan, we really could care less with ones goes but personally Eddie scares me. In the game he scares me, he seems like a sweetheart and all but in game... honey-badger man. 
So, we're all voting for Eddie and in theory (if Duncan is really with them) then it's a 4-4 split. But with Ali's extra vote, we should win 5-4.  Here's hoping because I don't wanna be on the bottom.  
LOL so this is a #mess. This round started out like I thought. The Odysseus Three set their sights on the least active person, Rob, while the Olympus Three decided to target their old tribemate Sam because they're not sure they could trust him, putting myself and Duncan in the middle. However, things got a bit tricky when Duncan and I had different ideas about what to do. Duncan wanted to stick with the Olympus folks because of his close bond with Eddie, while I thought it made more sense strategically to side with Sam and the newbies. It kinda put us in a weird power struggle where we both knew that letting the other person get their way was giving them all the power. I don't trust Duncan enough to be sure that he wouldn't just ditch me for Eddie if it came down to it, and I'm sure he had the same reservations. Things started to get sketchy for me when I started campaigning against Rob to Duncan because Eddie and Rob immediately messaged me at the same time. Like...way to be subtle, guys. It really made me question where I stood in their eyes, and I wasn't about to put myself at the bottom of a 5 person alliance. I kept trying to convince Duncan that voting out Rob would put us in a powerful position but he didn't seem to want to go for it, and immediately I started playing the defensive. At that point, everyone on their side was acting so sketchy by trying to "play dumb" and downplay their closeness that I knew I needed to stick with Sam, JD and Ali. If it went to rocks...it went to rocks!! However, Ali received a godsend from the Labyrinth in the form of an extra vote, so our foursome is now able to pull off the numbers. Logan, Eddie and Duncan then all said they'd be willing to vote out Rob, but it all seemed a little too easy, especially after how sketchy they've been acting all day. JD and Ali then spearheaded a movement to actually vote for EDDIE in case they decide to play an idol on Rob. It's a huge move, and these newbies are here to play which I love to see, but it definitely scares me how everyone is gonna react next round. Even though Duncan and Logan will probably hate us, it's the best move to ensure our safety and that we can maintain a solid majority for the next few rounds.
Ugh, I loved our video so much, but Olympus' was amazing too... I mean Trevor waving a knife seductively? Iconic. Anywho, this vote is super complex. I've dubbed it, 'Operation 5 to Stay Alive', but to form this 5 is hard, our tribe dynamics are super complex. I mean, I'm kind of an outsider, and beggars can't be choosers when it comes to these things. Here is my breakdown of tribe dynamics atm: The Olympus 3: Logan and Rob are close, with Eddie with them, but potentially the 3rd? Then, I get the sense that Duncan is close with Logan and Eddie, which is problematic, as I think we should get rid of one of the Olympus people.... Hmmmmmnnnnn. Otherwise, I'm closest with JD and Matt. I'm scared for Sam, in that I'm concerned the Olympus three are gonna target him. I really hope Duncan is up for voting off an Olympus person, it just seems to make the most sense...
hey i love being on the road and making confessionals! so i lost another music video challenge--i've never outright won one of those before, so i didn't have good vibes coming in. no surprises. duncan and i talked a lot after the challenge about voting out rob and he was very cool about it, stating that he's more closer to eddie and logan. fine. i'm okay. i go to bed. this morning i did that™ on my thermo exam (woot!) and then went to the labyrinth. using my torch i found a bust that looked LIKE IT WAS ONCE WEARING A NECKLACE. damn you, father time. i almost found an idol for the first time in a year. i then found out that the former olympus members want to target me--not a surprise because i dumped their asses, but i really wish i had gotten that idol. what upset me more is that duncan is campaigning for me to leave. he was being suspicious by complimenting my new style of gameplay and such but it did hurt a little after he had said he wanted to work with me this go around. then LATER IN THE DAY ALI TELLS ME HE GOT AN EXTRA VOTE IN THE LABYRINTH so then myself, ali, jd, and matt began scheming for a positive. these newbies are willing to go to war for me , which I LOVE. we need more ferocious players. i'm so impressed. so, we're thinking eddie for tribal because he's the most adept of the bangladesh 3 to do damage, but we might have some more tricks up our sleeves come tribal tonight. ;)
hi these newbies are willing to go to rocks for me and i've never felt so giddy
OMG! also I just realized that, an hour before tribal, that we planned a blindside! A little slow but yes! Also, Duncan saying that me and Eddie were at work, I don't think I told him that, so there tots working together 
To clarify how our plan (me, Sam, Matt and JD) for this vote came about. Basically, the tribe was originally seemingly split 4-4 (Logan, Duncan, Eddie and Rob vs the 4 people above). I by some miracle, got an extra vote, saving us from a tie, and thus, we have 5 votes between us. Duncan may've flipped, we don't know, so we've made a majority amongst ourselves, to try and make his vote just seem additional. We are also nervous, as Logan said their casting their 'votes' plural, which could remake it into a tie eeek! :) Who knows, this could be my final tribal! If so, in the words of the legendary Sandra Diaz Twine, 'the queen stays queen, adios!'.
This vote? A mess?
This idol? A mess?
My future in this game? Probably a mess. Matt summers and I are swing votes and it's ugly because I need to use this idol tonight because I don't want to keep getting disadvantages in challenges. Ummm I'm so sorry Samuel. I'm willing to take a chance on the unknown as oppposed to having a shitty ally again. This could very well be my last confessional. Also I want to shout out my sister Ariel and Mitch! Love ya! *MWAH*
0 notes
survivoremathia · 7 years
Ep. 2 - "You May be Hot but You Can at Least Pretend to Laugh at my Jokes" - Isaac
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I am now in a trio alliance with JD and Lydia. We're like Destiny's Child, but I'm Beyonce of course. The strategy (originally thought of by JD), is what I've dubbed 'Destiny's Child and Destiny's Children'. Us three are the core three, who will each link up with another one of the children, to form a majority. We'll pool all the information together and control the tribe. Can you call us a thruple?
The next immunity challenge - Afterlife Crawl - is issued.
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Swedevivor. Whoever the branding team behind Swedish Survivor was needs to GET THEIR ACT TOGETHER. Swedevivor is a genius name! Anywho, just did the Elysium part of the challenge and I think I did okay (even though I took probably too long...)... I've not too pressed about this challenge, as Aleeza is the unfortunate obvious first boot if we go to tribal anywho.
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I'm feeling overwhelmed by this game, I haven't done anything for either challenge and I only know the names of three of my tribe members. It's like a ticking time bomb of when will I be voted off
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My confession? I love Jay. Right now I love Jay more than I love Abbey. Mostly because Jay needs the extra support, but I do. Love u both sm have a great night babes
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I just want my tribe to like me and I'm trying really hard because I feel like they don't™. Like lowkey everytime I make a joke it isn't acknowledged and I try very hard to come up with material. Also Samuel in particular I feel like doesn't like me. He kind of doesn't even acknowledge my existence? Like bye you may be hot but you can at least pretend to laugh at my jokes.
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Whew i think this is my first one so We voted out Linus bc he wasnt there (and because me matt ryan and Owen alligned) and now we slayed this fucking challenge we literally did that whew. I trust my alliance for now but we'll see about that in the future ColinHEY I DID SOMETHING. I ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING TO HELP OUT :') I can't believe I did that. Im cryin. I did something productive y'all. i saved us from going to tribal council. Now we're the only tribe still completely intact. I'm also starting to talk a lot with the people on my tribe?? And I think I get along with like everyone?? To think last round I was crying about how I wouldn't fit in bc I'm new and all and now IM DOING THAT.
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OH YEAH I ALSO HAVEN'T MADE A CONFESSIONAL SINCE LAST ROUND SO I'LL UPDATE YALL WITH MY NEW STRATEGY™. So I still love Logan and Trevor so much. I talk to them pretty much daily. Now I'm DETERMINED TO GET AN OFFICIAL ALLIANCE TONIGHT!!!! WISH ME LUCK YALL. Right now I still kinda wanna lay low. Like not to toot my own horn but I am a really good strategic player and manipulator, but I don't want to show that yet. I need to just play socially right now. I need to sit back, let others do stuff, and build a cute lil alliance around me. I'm stoked for this game now y'all have no idea
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Boy do I have a lot to talk about. So first off YAY! First alliance! Me, Ali and Lydia are calling our selves Destiny's Children. Kinda because our plan was to baby the others in the tribe to make sure they were comfortable, then when we had to we'd start kicking them off. I don't think we're gonna do that anymore but we are three and we are with the newbies so I don't think they'll notice. Or one of us will get blind sides. But really... Why? The three of us were the strongest in the first challenge and we /almost all/ bombed the last one. Get rid of the person not playing, they are the weakest link, so good bye.
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OKAY THIS IS THE THIRD TIME I'VE MADE A CONFESSIONAL IN LIKE THE PAST HOUR BUT I GOT A LOT TO SAY. Ok maybe adding Trevor and Logan into an alliance was  BAD IDEA they seem awkward and they both told me they used to not get along so this is a weird alliance dynamic. But they both still cute and sweet so I'll try to make it work. If this ends up biting me in the ass I'll cry.
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So gosh, I got a little worried earlier. Thought that my alliance member was picking a fight with one of the hosts. Dear god, worried as fuck I was. But that's what you get for only seeing one side of the conversation. I'm glad she spoke up, even if she didnt win the tie breaker and we still gotta go to tribal but it's alllll good. I'm glad she did it. Gave us a fighting chance and put two of our own in the labrynth too. And one of my own :D
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Once again, I have no clue what's going on this game. I'm just trying to float on by and get through to the next challenge and hopefully get to play
I'm pretty sure Ali is in control of our tribe, which I'm okay with as long as they can keep me safe
George and Aleeza are removed from the Odysseus tribe after officially quitting, which will be announced later in the episode.
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George and Aleeza just got removed from the tribe at the same time and then we were told a post was coming. Hopefully that means Aleeza was voted out or something because Aleeza is barely ever active in the tribe.
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my tribe won immunity I'm very happy but rip Lydia huh
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*blink*blink*.  The fuck just happened??!?!
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So I’m pretty sure Trevor just went to everybody and told them about the labyrinth in the rules things because I was talking to Rob and he said that Trevor told him and Logan about the Labyrinth rule things and I was like hm that’s funny. And now I look at the wiki and our tribe is the only tribe to have pretty much everyone go to the labyrinth I think. I kinda know about the game Trevor plays because I read generations confessionals when I was really bored one day. I know something he likes to do to build trust with people is throw them information that you would think he would only tell you because he trusts you when in reality it’s something that he just using to make you believe that he trusts you with important information. For example the labyrinth being one of those things. You would think that only somebody who trusts you would tell you a way to get into the labyrinth. Well Trevor knows that, and he’s trying to use it to his advantage and he’s not being very sneak about it. I don’t blame him I do the same exact thing but I don’t go to literally everyone and tell them that. People talk and now he’s already getting caught trying to have his hand in multiple cookie cookie jars. I’m happy I decided to call with Rob because after this call I feel like I have a few plays that I can make to survive our first tribal council. Whenever that is at least. First Rob told me that Logan doesn’t trust Trevor and there’s some bad blood between them and Trevor. Now say like I said in my last confessional it does come to one of us three bangladesh peeps being targeted cause that’s really the only smart thing for these people to do. I can just pull a Cady Herron and shove Logan right in front of a bus and just tell Trevor that Logan doesn’t trust him because of Divergent which he knows will be true cause I know nothing about that game so there’s no reason for me to know that without actually being told it. If it has to be someone from bangladesh I want it to be Logan cause Rob is someone who I do really trust for now. I don’t know whether I should hold onto the information about Logan not trusting Trevor or if I should tell him whenever we end up calling like he wanted to. I do really like Trevor as a friend but I also am thinking it might be good to eventually take him out if I see that there is an opportunity to now or at a tribe swap. I’m hoping Lydia will really want to work with me because if she is willing to I’m willing to actually be loyal to her and be a close ally to her. But I know her and Trevor are like the bestest friends so there is no chance of Lydia being loyal to me over him which I don’t like. I’m such a selfish player lkvwcwkkw. I feel like I trust Trevor, and I trust Lydia. But for some reason when I think about playing with the both of them like together I don’t trust them as much as playing with just one of them at a time. Just cause I feel like if it is us three together than I will always be the musketeer that’s on the outs and they will definitely trust each other over me. I need to take Trevor out so that Lydia doesn’t have that person that she is comfortable with to run to once we swap or merge. I want to be that person that Lydia trusts the most if I do end up working with her and that will never be me as long as Trevor is in the game.
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... in the words of a wise host called... Host 1... *" CATCH THESE HANDS"*
George and Aleeza officially quit the game, and a mutiny is offered in attempt to re-balance the tribes. Tribal council is cancelled.
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OH YIKES A MUTINY. Okay so unless Logan or Trevor both say they want to mutiny, I won't, under any circumstances. I don't see any benefit to mutiny at this point, like our tribe seems pretty solid and intact. I really hope no one from Oympus chooses to mutiny. It'd just be bad to lose someone at this point, I'd rather just wait for the tribe swap in a couple rounds. The only people on our tribe who I feel MAY leave would be Isaac and Sam. I'm not really that close with them but I still desperately want them to stay. Ugh yikes this makes things weird. There is a small sinking feeling inside of me that is saying Trevor will mutiny to be with Owen, his boyfriend. But I trust him enough that I think he'd at least tell me if he was going to, so then I can actually go with him. Then i'd at least be with Owen and Duncan, the only two people in this game I actually knew beforehand. But still, TL;DR, YIKES I HOPE NO ONE FROM OLYMPUS DECIDES TO MUTINY WE'RE DOING SO WELL. Sami guess now it's finally time to make a confession! so everything has been going relatively smoothly? i hasn't run into too much trouble because i haven't really given a reason for people to target me. however, the only person that i truly trust is trevor, but i feel like he's being highly targeted by all the others. that's frustrating. now, there's a mutiny offer, and trevor wants to go. i don't believe i have a target, but i don't want to lose him. and, i also feel that if i mutiny, i will create a target on myself. so it's very very difficult to make this choice. stay tuned, kids!
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Mutiny results: http://survivoremathia.tumblr.com/post/157927339256/mutiny-results
0 notes