#is that their scientific names?? DEFINTIELY NOT
zrllosyn-art · 5 months
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The kaiju that ate haru's arm. And an assortment of Haru centric sketches.
Also have a silly meme.
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sprocketsmusings · 1 year
5-6 months into my job and my favorite part so far (besides the hours of learning) is getting to ease people's worries.
I can't help but feel bad whenever I walk in and see the look on their faces when I say I'm the health inspector. Across the board it's the same deer-in-headlights stare. Just more so when it's someone's first day (which I've ran into a few times already).
Inspector's luck/curse. When I show up it's pretty much always going to be the worst timing.
So! What do I get to do? Try to be as laid back as possible. If some inspector is coming in grumbly and just pointing out every little thing that's wrong and comin' at them like some strict algebra teacher, they're doing it wrong.
95% of my job is basically education. I hate to let the cat out of the bag but we don't have the power people think we do (Well, ok, we do but it's only exercised in the most extreme cases). So *most* of what I need to do is develop relationships with people and it's A LOT better to ease them into a behavior change by being kind and down-to-earth than it is by beating their brow.
Because do they care to know the different nematodes and their scientific names or do they just want to make sure no one gets sick? Because bottom line that's all that needs to happen. Cook this thing like this, freeze it like this, get it from this supplier, and for gods' sake wash your hands.
That's it.
And sometimes all it is is some misconceptions like just because something is pre-cooked then it's safe. DEFINTIELY NOT THE CASE. Is it safer? Sure. But not 100%.
Ok, now I'm rambling. Maybe I'll drop whatever bits of knowledge I learn as I go through my coursework.
I'll sign off by saying: if you do encounter a health inspector coming in, don't worry, they're honestly only there to help. And if they act otherwise then that's they're own little ego talking and you don't really have anything to worry about unless roaches are covering everything, the coolers are down, and there's a fire in the back somewhere with sewage comin' in through the bathroom.
Outside of that? Don't sweat it.
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