#is that why is had that lv bag in his snap from this morning?
aquakris · 5 years
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oh...well this is a surprise🥴
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Terms of Engagement ch.6
Summary: Rus is still a kid himself and with his life turned upside-down, he has no idea how he’s going to take care of his baby brother. Having other kid skeletons appear in his world wasn’t exactly the help he was looking for.
Tags: Pre-Spicyhoney, Underfell Papyrus, Underfell Sans, Underswap Papyrus, Underswap Sans, Undertale Sans, Undertale Papyrus, Babybones, Scientist W. D. Gaster, Possible Past Child Abuse, Skellie Daycare, Growing Up Together, Big Brothers Caring For Their Little Bros, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Violence
Notes: Finally an update!
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Read Chapter Six on AO3
Read It Here!
Rus couldn’t say how long the walk to Snowdin was. He drifted in and out of sleep, occasionally blinking out hazily from the safety of strong arms to see Edge skirting more traps, working his way through icy puzzles, and before he realized it, he’d drowse off again. Healing magic was draining on both sides of the equation; the Monster doing the healing using up magic to urge bones to knit or HP to rise, and the one getting healed was stuck dealing with the unnatural aftereffects. Eating some good food or sleeping it off was about the only way to handle it, and Rus was fresh out of snacks.
The last time he roused, Rus lifted his head and found himself gaping at a tall, sturdy fence. Honestly, it was more like a wall with the same graffiti and barbed wire as the sentry post in the woods. Every few feet were roughly painted letters warning off XP hunters, declaring Snowdin under the protection of the Royal Guard. What that sentry post didn’t have was the shielding Rus could feel coming off of it, strong enough to make him cringe, beating a tattoo of warning inside his skull. No single Monster did that, not even a Boss Monster; that was the work of dozens, the spell constantly reinforced.
What kind of place had Edge brought him to?
Edge carried him up to the gate, lifting a heavy fist to pound on it. An eyehole slid open, two deep brown eyes surrounded by equally dark fur widening as they peered out. Rus flinched, curling in closer to Edge’s chest, away from the gaze he could feel moving over him.
“Protocol,” Edge snapped.
“Sorry, sir,” The Monster blustered out, “Password.”
“Tea kettle,” Edge said and there was the sound of many bolts being thrown before the door swung open. Edge strode through immediately, the gate quickly shut behind him.
“Bringing in a prisoner, captain?” The Monster sounded doubtful, like maybe this wasn’t the norm.
“No. A friend.” A hand on his skull urged Rus gently to look up and he did, blinking at a familiar face that was nonetheless unknown to him. Robbie was a massive Bear Monster back in his Snowdin. Here he was larger still, already fierce teeth larger and more saw-edged, and a large, furless scar ran jaggedly down the side of his face. But rather than threatening, he only seemed confused and Rus wince back as a Check fell over him.
“No LV?” Not-Robbie said disbelievingly. “How long as he been out of stripes?”
“Long enough,” Edge said, tinged with impatience. “Now let me through.”
The Bear scrambled back, mumbling apologies, but the weight of his gaze followed them as Edge strode away.
Inside the walls was a more familiar sight. Tidy houses, their windows lit, and if they maybe looked a little more rundown without the Gyftmas lights that liberally decorated his Snowdin, the windows crisscrossed with bars, it was still a relief to see Monsters on the street with grocery bags in hand and a small group of children in ragtag stripes playing, laughing and tossing snowballs as they ran.
Every Monster they passed spoke to Edge, a variety of greetings that all boiled down to a form of, “Good morning, Captain.”
None of them talked to Rus, though he could feel their curious gazes crawling up his spine.
There wasn’t really a way to describe the surreality of being carried up to a house that was a near exact copy of his own, sitting plumly in an entirely other world. Only this house had a row of locks strung down the door jamb rather than colorful lights, its windows barred with scrolling iron, and again Rus could feel shielding prickle over him. Edge shifted Rus to one arm as he undid the row of locks, opening the door and carrying him in. He kicked the door shut behind him, hard enough to make the house shudder.
“bro?” Called from the kitchen. “what are you doing home already?”
“I brought you a gift,” Edge called back. Rus tried not to cringe at that; he already felt a little like a bone drug home by an enthusiastic dog and there was a thought he shouldn’t be having after already nearly ending up a chew toy.
The kitchen door swung open and a short skeleton came out, wiping his hands on a towel. Red, it was Red, Rus’s blurred, childish memory laid overtop his vision, only instead of the boots he remembered, Red was wearing a pair of fuzzy pink slippers that seemed incongruous paired with his sharky teeth. No jacket in sight, he was actually wearing an apron of all things over his t-shirt and shorts, and when his crimson eye lights glanced over Rus, he only shook his head in resigned amused, “boss, what have i told you about bringing home strays?”
“I’d like to keep this one,” Edge said dryly. “Have a closer look, it took me a moment as well.”
That humor faded into shock as Red stepped closer. He froze, his sockets going wide, “rus? what the fuck are you doing here?”
“Brother,” Edge interrupted. He grunted, shifting Rus in his arms. “he’s cold and hurt, and not particularly light, if you don’t mind?”
“sure, yeah,” Red shook his head and stepped back out of the way, “yeah, fuck, bring him over here.”
Edge settled Rus on the sofa with a guttural sound of relief while Red shoved a somewhat tatty throw pillow under his leg and dragged a blanket off the back to tuck around him.
With an unexpectedly gentle touch, Red inspected the torn pant leg, tutting at the damage, “didn’t heal him? after all that bitching you put out while you was learning how?”
“I did.” Edge was turned away, kicking off his boots on the mat. “He was hurt too badly for me to finish, I couldn’t risk being drained out at the borders.”
“damn,” Red hissed, prodding at one of the bruises hard enough that Rus ground his teeth against a cry. “must’ve been nasty.”
“It was,” Edge’s voice echoed within the heavy chestplate as he struggled to lift it over his head. “He stepped into one of the razor-wire traps.”
Red let out a low whistle, “shit, good thing he still has his leg.” He moved that prodding finger up to Rus’s sternum and gave him a sharp poke. “didn’t hurt your chatterbox, didja?”
“what?” Rus managed, thinly. Years ago, he’d read Blue a bedtime story about a girl named Alice, lost in a Wonderland. He felt something like that now, the rabbit hole he’d tumbled through leading him someplace strange and awful, and Rus didn’t think he’d be surprised if the Queen came barreling through the kitchen door demanding his head.
“you’re awful quiet,” Red said, speculatively, jarring him from his tumbling thoughts. “shit, we ain’t seen you in close to twenty years, you got nothing to say?”
“i...yes, yes, i do!” Rus burst out. He heaved in a pained breath, all the strain piled on top of him since the moment he’d fallen through that awful shortcut clenching tight in his chest. No, no, it was much longer than that. Since the moment a portal stopped opening and he’d lost two of his only friends, and all of that poured out him in a tangled clot of words, “you...you complete asshole! you lying, stupid prick! you were supposed to come live with us, why didn’t...what happened to you, where did you go?! asshole!”
“yeah, that was more like what i expected.” Red settled back on his heels. He reached back to untie his apron, slipping it over his head. “couldn’t get through with the machine, am i right?”
“yes! it didn’t work, it only flashed warning lights,” Rus paused, took a deep, hitching breath before he said, “red, it wasn’t me, i swear, i had nothing to do with it. i really wanted you two to come stay with us.”
Red was already shaking his head. “course not,” he scoffed. “if’d been you, you would have taken along the kid and left me, yeah?”
“i…” He would have, had even thought of it in that first moment of panic when he saw Red’s LV. It was harder to admit that here, with Red looking straight at him and this newer version of Edge over by the door, peeling off that wicked armor.
But Red nodded knowingly, “yeah. it’s okay, rus. cause i was the one who did it. pulled the plug and the fuses, every one of ‘em.”
“you,” Rus said slowly. He’d always suspected something like that, played so many scenarios over and over in his skull. In one of them, Red was too afraid to leave his world, maybe, selfishly keeping his baby brother with him. That’d been one of the worst, too many times Rus curled up in his bed while that ran through his skull, picturing sweet little Edge afraid and weeping while his own cheek bones were soaked with tears. He wiped one away now on his sleeve impatiently. He wasn’t a kid anymore, and he wanted answers. “why? why would you do that?”
“He had to, Russy,” Edge said, low. Rus jerked his head to look at him. He’d stripped off the rest of the armor, all of it carefully settled on a sort of stand, and crimney, Rus’d helped Blue build his battle body, but compared to Edge’s, it was probably about as effective as tissue paper. But the differences without it was staggering; with the bulk stripped away, Edge was left in a plain black shirt and matching pants, and he was almost as lanky as Rus, forcing him to rework his mental picture of Edge yet again. But there was still something of the little kid Rus knew in there and it was in his voice as he soothed, “Let him explain.”
“ain’t much to it,” Red’s gaze was steady, but his face went pinched and tight, “we were packing up, getting ready to hit the portal over to underswap when they came.”
“XP Hunters,” Edge said, the words couched in a low growl.
Red nodded grimly. “the ones i’d taken care of earlier, turned out they had pals. edge and me took care of ‘em, but that was when i realized we couldn’t just pack up and go to underswap.”
“i don’t understand,” Rus whispered. But he was very afraid he did.
Red lightly tapped his forehead. “think about it, genius. the machine. we leave and the machine is sitting around waiting for any asshole to use, ain’t it.”
Helplessly, Rus shook his head, but wasn’t that the same thing he and Sans came to realize? Moving to a different world wasn’t the answer, the machine had to be active for it to work, it would always be left behind. But.
“i should’ve taken you two right, then,” Rus said thickly. His sockets burned, begging to cry over a child’s decision fifteen years gone. “shouldn’t’ve have let you pack anything, i should’ve--”
Edge made a low sound, face twisting as he reached out to him abortively, but he hesitated when Red waved him back.
“nah, don’t you get it?” Red said. He took Rus’s hand in both his own, cool phalanges gently squeezing. “ ‘s better that you didn’t. eventually someone would’ve come through. they’d’ve come and hurt you and blue, maybe did somethin’ worse. we couldn’t let that happen.”
“but edge, he could’ve--” Even as he said it, Rus knew the answer to that, Edge already shaking his head.
“I couldn’t leave my brother,” Edge said firmly, “Not even for you, Russy.”
Yeah, okay, he got that, but. “wait. you said you two took care of them.” He recalled what the sentry said about his lack of LV, swallowed hard and refocused on Edge. Who only stood straighter as Rus Checked him, eye lights flashing as he lifted his chin.
Papyrus: LV 7 70 ATK 40 DEF *he’s worried about you
“oh, kid,” Rus said, brokenly. He didn’t want to think about it, he didn’t, that sweet child, that little baby bones crying as burning cold LV settled into his soul. Edge who always giggled so easily and was so painfully astonished by treats and cheap magic tricks, and always, always, insisting that he and Rus would get married someday, oh, that poor little kid--
“I’m not ashamed of it,” Edge said stubbornly.
“he don’t need to be ashamed,” Red said and there was a touch of warning in his voice. “he hasn’t taken any more lv in years anyway. think you’d be proud of him, rus, he can take anyone down to 1 hp. that takes the fight out of most of em right quick. he sets those traps to keep the lv hunters at bay. edge got a pretty good look at your world back when you took the kiddos out to play and he was damned determined we could have something like that here in snowdin. it ain’t perfect but we do what we can.”
Rus swallowed hard. “but, the dogs--”
“I can’t completely control the others, that’s true,” Edge said. “We take turns in the Guard so that no one person’s LV gets too high, but the Dogs can be a little...enthusiastic.” He moved to sit by Rus’s feet, reaching out to carefully cradle his injured ankle in warm hands, fingertips smoothing over the bones as he checked them. “And I’m not a kid anymore, I left my stripes behind a while back, as you should know, the same as your brother. How is Blue, you were alone in the woods.”
“he’s….he’s good. he’s good. he’s...back home. i think.” Rus closed his sockets. Fear was starting to grow in his mind, threatening to overflow like bitter black coffee poured into a too-small cup. Please, let him be back home, don’t let him find his way here to this nightmare.
“hey, HEY!” The shout so close to his audial canal made Rus gasp, panic receding. Red studied him, his crimson gaze seeing Angel only knew what. Abruptly, Red stood. “yeah, okay, i think russy’s had enough for now, bro, his eye lights are about swirlin’.” He gave Edge a rough nudge with his elbow, jarring him from his inspection of Rus’s leg. “how’s about you get him some of the quiche i just took out of the oven, should be cool enough by now.”
Edge nodded curtly and stood. Rus watched him go. It was so weird to think that this Edge was the baby bones who used to beg for rides on his shoulders. He latched on to that observation eagerly, better to think about this, and if he didn’t think about Blue, about the void, then maybe it would be okay. From the look of him, Rus guessed Edge was probably still a few inches taller than him even without the boots.
“he’s so tall,” Rus mumbled. “brings new meaning to all grown up.”
“yeah, and it was a bitch to feed gettin’ him that way, too.” Brotherly indulgence and pride faded, and Red took on a grim look. “and don’t take it personal, the dogs coming after ya, they was only doing their job. snowdin is one thing, but out there in the woods, it can get pretty bad.” Red stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked on his slippered feet. “i’m getting that you’re about running on empty right about now, but i got one more question for you, rus, and it’s important. don’t take this the wrong way, it’s damned good to see ya, but what the fuck are you doing here? how the hell did you even get here without our machine?”
Rus shivered as he recalled that shortcut, the cold of the void crushing him, the feeling from the machine shadowing over his soul, and whispered, “i don’t know.”
“yeah.” Red sighed. He closed his sockets, rubbing a knuckle between his brow bones as if there was a growing ache there. “that’s kinda what i was afraid of.”
The kitchen door swung open again and Edge came out with a plate holding a generous portion of quiche. It was probably delicious, better than any of his own efforts at cooking, but it may as well have been sawdust for all Rus tasted of it. Didn’t help that he was hyper-aware of Red and Edge watching him eat, staring at him like a new Napstatton special.
As soon as he scraped up the last bite and forced it down, Red whisked the plate out of his hands. “okay, time for you to head upstairs and get some more sleep.”
“it’s the middle of the morning,” Rus protested. A gleefully hysterical voice chirped up in the back of his skull, that wouldn’t his brother love this? Rus actually protesting taking a nap. Easier to think of that than the simple fact that he didn’t know what else to do.
“You’re still healing,” Edge said firmly. “Trust us, Russy, we know how to handle injured Monsters.”
Yeah. He bet they did. But he didn’t protest as Edge leaned in, lifting him back into his arms. Rus awkwardly wound his arms around Edge’s neck, holding on. This was so much different than before, it felt weirdly intimate being pressed against Edge without that heavy armor between them. Stupid, really, he used to carry Edge around all the time when he was little, how was this any different. Just helping out while Rus couldn’t stand, was all, and Edge took the stairs a brisk two at a time, carrying him into a darkened room.
The light creeping in through the barred window didn’t give Rus much of a view, but he didn’t care. By the time Edge settled him on the bed, helping him draw up the blankets and settle his skull on the pillow, he was already half asleep.
“Sleep well, Russy.” A soft, rough whisper.
Rus rolled over, curling up on the mattress sleepily as he mumbled, “you can call me rus.”
“I really couldn’t.”
He wanted to question the soft amusement in those words, wondered what Edge meant, but he was so tired, There was a faint touch on his skull, fingertips maybe?
Then the door closed softly behind light footsteps and Rus sank into oblivious sleep.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 75)
📷 manip cred @southsidequeenie
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Colson wakes up groggy on the back of The Bus. Reaching for Luna with his eyes still closed, he's irritated when he remembers she's not there. Pulling his phone out, he looks to see if she called or anything. Nothing.
"She's always off somewhere...." He sighs, thinking to himself. Appreciating that Luna's independent but also feeling a bit lost himself when she's gone. Finding her was like growing an extra limb. When she's not near, his body has a phantom ache for her. "Lemme hit her up." He decides.
Shooting her a quick Snap, he sees his laptop sticking out of one of his bags. He pulls it out and digs through his red LV travel bag. Finding the things he wants, he settles back onto the bed.
Popping the flashdrive in that Luna gifted him for his birthday, he opens the file.
Sliding his hand down his pants, he starts stroking his cock in anticipation. Colson jerks off to himself fucking Luna for the first time. Watching himself with her. How they move and talk with each other. Her dominance and submissiveness, driving Colson to the brink. Throwing himself back, he explodes when his mind wanders to her warm mouth sucking his dick the morning she had given it to him to watch.
"God Damn, Loons..." He thinks of his future wife as he chuckles to himself.
Still sexually pleased by her. Even 3K miles apart.
Landing at LAX there's an unseasonable chill to the air. Luna pulls on a soft gray sweater. Knocking her bandana off. Shoving it into her bag, She pulls out a pair of sunglass.
Hopping an uber to Frannie's, she notices a Snap from Colson. He looks miserable.
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"What an Asshole..." She laughs to herself. Snapping him back with sass and love.
"OH MY GLOB! OH MY GLOB! OH MY GLOB!! OH MY GLOB!!!! Paris burts out, squeezing Luna.
Luna having told her and Frannie about her engagement. P let's her go, wanting to pop a bottle, asking Frannie if she has champagne. Luna and Frannie laugh as they hug and Frannie gives P directions. Still holding tightly onto Luna. Her bestfriend's a bit cynical and rightfully so, considering her own current divorce.
"I'm so happy for you!" Frannie gushes to Luna.
Knowing her Soul Sister all too well, Luna pulls out of the hug. She winces a bit, forgetting to take any pain meds for her gunshot wound.
"What was..." Frannie goes to ask.
Luna interjects. "Buuuutttt....??" She asks with eyebrows raised.
"But don't make the same mistake I did. I don't care how much you love him. Get a prenup. At least for your family's history." Frannie sighs, advising from knowledge.
Luna pulls her back into their hug. Squeezing Frannie tight. She had half expected this.
"I hear you, Frans." She says softly in her ear.
Both girls squeeze each other. Over a decade of love, life, pain and understanding passing through them. The pop of the champagne bottle startles them as they break apart, laughing.
"LOONS IS IN LOOOOOVE AND GETTING MARRIED!!!!" P shouts, handing glasses off.
The three bestfriends cheers and laugh together. Luna asking to keep it kinda low key until she tells her grandmother and Colson his daughter. Her two friends nodding.
The girls have lunch. Talking and sharing champagne. Admiring the sweetness of her ring. Luna telling them the plan to get married in TownHall before the first weekend in August. Inviting them to both the intimate affair and the weekend rager. Frannie and Paris laugh at Luna's usual unconventional way of doing things. Excited about the festivities. They share a joint before Luna has to go. She has a performance with Ashley tonight.
The three bestfriends hug when Luna's uber arrives. Congratulating her again. Giving her Love and Kisses with their See Ya Soons.
"Spill it." Paris says to Frannie once they've waved Luna GoodBye. "It's just quick. We seen 'em together, what? Once? And we were tripping balls. Everything's glorious when you're tripping balls." Paris throws her arm around Frannie's shoulder as they walk inside. "Then let's hang out with em. AND." She snaps the fingers of her free hand. "We gotta start planning her birthday party soon. Soooo... We're gonna need to talk to him anyway." P makes very valid points with her grin. Heading inside Paris can't help but ooze for her friend. She loves Luna and she love Love. Pulling up an old picture of them, P Congraulats one of her bestfriends on the sly. Or so she thinks.
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"The peanut butter to my jelly. The Rock to my Roll. I love you and am over the moon!!!
The Boys are in Philadelphia staying in Rittenhouse Sq. Right in the heart of the city. Colson, Slim and Baze have friends who live off of Lombard. Ashleigh hangs back, glad to be rid of their madness.
Walking over Colson gets a Snap from Luna.
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Laughing, he plucks a flower off a bush. Popping it behind his ear. Grinning as he Snaps her back.
"What up, Dawg!!"
They're greeted by their friend Tyree. Finding LaMar in the kitchen rolling up. Its Dark and Hell is Hot blares through the Philly condo. Cracking beers, slamming shots, they burn and catch up.
Soon heading to Cheerleaders, a stripclub/sports bar close by.
"You got something you wanna tell me?" Ashley blurts out to Luna.
"Well, Hello to you too, Pal." Luna responds laughing.
"Why's Paris BooLoven' you on Insta?" Ashley questions her.
"Seriously? What's it say?" Luna sighs.
"Nothing really but that she loves you and is Over the Moon" Ashley air quotes.
"Okay... Listen, I didn't call you because it literally happened last night and I wanted to tell you in person today..." Luna begins to explain.
"Okayy..." Her bestfriend peers at her.
Holding her phone in her hands so that Ashley can't see her fingers, Luna continues.
"Colson asked me to marry him last night." Luna tells her.
Stunned, Ashley says "Noooo..." With wide eyes. "What did you say?" She asks.
Luna shrugs before breaking into a grin. "I said Yeah."
Ashley squeals, grabbing for Luna's hand. Looking at the contraption on her left hand.
"What is this shit?" She asks bluntly.
Laughing, Luna explains how he forgot the ring but made her one out of his guitar string. And to shut the fuck up because she loves it.
"No... That's really... REEALLY You&Kells." She laughs, grinning.
Ashley pulls Luna in for a tight hug. Congratulating her bestfriend, telling her how happy she is for the couple. They link arms as they head to the stage to rehearse for tonight. Talking wedding plans along the way.
Cheerleaders is loud. Colson paying more attention to the Indians game than the girls.
Slim noticing the difference. Still his normal goofy, loud self, Colson interacts with the girls, talking and signing autographs but declines them on his lap.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Mar notices it also.
"He's getting maaaarried...." Baze teases Colson.
"YOOO!??" Ree flips around entering the conversation. "Tell me it's to that sweet piece of ass you did Bad Things wit!"
"Who???" Mar jumps back in.
Colson laughs, pulling a picture of Luna up on his phone. It's a simple sideshot of her.
"Damn, she got more tattoos than you do, Son!!" Mar exclaims.
"She looks like a fucking badass, Homie. How your lanky ass score that??" Ree busts Colson's balls.
"She knows what it is." Colson smirks.
Slim, Baze, Benny and Rook burst out laughing at him.
"Yo. LunaTic will fuck you up, Kells!" Rook calls him out.
Slim turns to their friends, explaining how Luna does NOT take anyone's shit. Including Kells. Joking that in the last two months that she's been around, he's seen her open more cans of whoop ass than Stone Cold Steve Austin could've ever ordered.
The Guys laugh hysterically at Slim's reference. Benny, Rook, Baze and Colson knowing it's true.
"Yo! So, you got a RIDA!? When we gonna meet Mrs. Homie?" Mar asks.
"She's in Cali right now performing but she'll be back before tomorrow night. Come to the show. We'll kick it after." Colson tells them.
Both men nod in agreeance. Wondering about this LunaTic who seems to have tamed such a Wild Boy.
They carry on drinking, laughing and teasing Colson.
"HOW YOU FEELING, WAZZMATAZZ?" Ashley asks, stalking around the stage.
She's the Headliner of the concert. Opening with Now or Never, Colors and Eastside. She nails a stripped down version of Closer before bringing Luna out.
"I SAID HOW YOU FEELING!??" She screams to their roars. "I did a song with my bestfriend. It's currently sitting at #1. And I'd like to think that it's because it's the truth." She continues, adjusting her earphone as she walks the stage. "All art is based on some sense of truth, and if our art is number one, it's because WE'RE NOT THE ONLY TWO PISSED OFF!!" She screams to the energetic crowd. "So I've got her with me tonight. The ONE, THE ONLY, THAT BROOKLYN FUCKING BIIITCH!!" Ashley screams introducing Luna to the venue's  explosion.
Luna comes out in a plain white tank and black skinnies.
"Did I hear people are pissed off?" Luna asks excitedly as she comes onto the stage. "FUCK right we are!!!!" She bellows to the audience's screaming agreement. "Let's show 'em how angry!!" She shouts looking at Ashley as the opening chords play.
Both girls begin to bounce with the melody, swinging their arms and legs wildly. Ashley blasts into the opening chorus as her band nails the chords. Fire exploding in the background.
🎶Keep a record🎶
🎶Of their wreckage🎶
🎶And their lies🎶
🎶We're starting to recognize🎶
🎶The weapon in our minds🎶
🎶They talk shit🎶
🎶But we won't take it 🎶
🎶This time🎶
🎶As I realize🎶
The band drops out as Luna comes in strong. Unyielding.
🎶I'm out for blood🎶
🎶And it won't be sweet🎶
Ashley's band picks back up as Luna sings. Bouncing and jumping around the stage, using her hands to express her points. Dipping low to touch fan's hands.
🎶Tired of having the rugs🎶
🎶Pulled from beneath our feet🎶
🎶Done trusting lies🎶
🎶Done trusting Men🎶
🎶Picking each other up🎶
🎶And putting ourselves🎶
🎶Back together again🎶
The masses chant with her. Growing louder as Luna calls out Society's standard of women. Luna dead panning certain lyrics.
The Girls cross paths, tossing their mics to each other as they hit separate corners of the stage.
🎶Come on Little Ladies🎶
🎶Give us a smile🎶
🎶No we ain't got nothing🎶
🎶To smile about🎶
Ashley and Luna rip through the lyrics as the lights pop and smoke billows. Belting together how they don't owe You a God Damn Thing.
Ashley kicks back in hard with the chorus. The stage explodes again with fire. The crowd venting along with the two bestfriends.
🎶Keep a record🎶
Ashley continues as her and Luna bounce and jump across the stage. Grinning and tossing each other satisfied looks as the crowd rages with them.
It's a volcanic experience as Ashley and Luna dance and sing across the stage with each other. Filled with passion and genuine resentment.
🎶I'm no sweet dream🎶
🎶But I'm a hell of a night🎶
Ashley taunts before Luna slides in.
🎶No I won't smile🎶
🎶But I'll slow you my teeth🎶
🎶And I might let you speak🎶
🎶If you just let us breathe🎶
Luna squats, bouncing up and down. Singing her lyrics. The Band dropping so Luna and the audience can scream together.
🎶We're tired and angry🎶
🎶Digging up The Hill🎶
🎶So scared🎶
🎶Is what you should be🎶
Luna and Ashley come face to face taunting the other to smile. Telling each other there's nothing to smile about. Fire igniting and lights blaring as they let loose about how they don't owe anyone a God Damn Thing.
Ashley singing about keeping a record of all wreckages and lies. Firing exploding as the two artists bop around the stage, screaming about injustice.
Playing and pushing off the other. They really are a force to be reckoned with. On and off stage.
The keytar comes on solely as Luna and Ashley hit MidStage together. The loud room singing with them claiming Luna's heart's desire.
🎶Women like me🎶
🎶Can be real nightmares🎶
🎶Completely aware🎶
🎶But I'd rather be🎶
🎶A real nightmare🎶
🎶Than die unaware🎶
🎶Women like me🎶
🎶Can be real nightmares🎶
🎶Completely aware🎶
🎶But I'm glad to be🎶
🎶A real nightmare🎶
The Girls both kick their limbs out while changing the last lines. Luna dipping down in front of her.
🎶So, save us🎶
🎶Your fucking Prayyyyerss!!!🎶
Before slaying the chorus together. Bouncing, grinning, bopping and jumping as the floor ruptures on fire around them with crowd.
Watching them, the two bestfriends are magnetic. Knowing each other's range, limit and place. They perform together as if they were back in Luna's bedroom. Jumping off of props instead of beds. In hindsight it's a beautiful thing to see how far they've both come. Never losing their core.
Grinning at each other, they storm into the chorus with the crowd. Thriving off each other on stage. Tossing mics as they pass, dropping them to signify certain lyrics.
Finishing the chorus together, Ashley goes first as The Girls hit separate corners of the stage.
🎶I'm not sweet dream🎶
🎶But I'm a hell of a night🎶
Luna singing after her. Ending the song.
🎶No, we're no sweet dream🎶
🎶But we're a hell of a night🎶
Coming back together, the bestfriends laugh and thank the crowd before Luna heads off.
Luna FaceTiming Sean as Ashley closes out the show with a hitting performance of Without Me.
"Heeeyyy!" She grins into the screen.
Chuckling, he asks what she wants. Luna explains how she's at WazzMaTazz. Ultimately, asking if she can borrow his jet tonight to get back to Philly for Colson's show tomorrow.
"What's in it for me?" The business man asks.
Luna laughs at Sean, replying that he'll have the pleasure of not feeling her foot up his ass.
"Alright, alright... You little Brooklyn Bitch..." He agrees with a laugh. "When you need it?" He asks.
"Uhhh.. Gimme like 2-3hrs?" Luna asks.
Diddy agrees, telling her he'll text her the details. Thanking him graciously, Sean warns her to stay out of trouble. Shaking his head as she smirks that she'll try, they say GoodBye.
Hanging up Luna sees she has a Snap from Colson.
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She opens it, thinking of how much she loves him.
Once Ashley's OffStage, they hang out with the other performers. Luna especially enjoying her conversations with Fletcher and Ellie Goulding. Luna being fans of theirs and vice versa.
Before long, Luna's saying her GoodByes. She's off to the hanger. Flying from CA to PA. Across the country for the second time in less than 24hrs.
The Adderall finally wearing off, Luna's feeling the weight of the day. She pops two 30s and sips on an Old Fashioned.
Sleeping for most of the 6hr flight. She arrives on the East Coast as the sun begins to rise. Luna has to look at her phone to figure out what day it is. Surprised that it's Tuesday.
Finally at the hotel, Luna takes a quick shower. Managing not to wake Colson until she wants to.
Crawling into bed with him, Colson's on his back. Luna kisses his cheek. Then his jaw. Down his neck to his collarbone.
He starts to stir as she lightly drags the tip of her tongue down his body. He doesn't have any clothes on. Luna kisses the top of his mound, his short pubes tickling her face.
Kissing his inner thigh, Colson reaches for her. Running his hands through her blonde hair. He calls out her name with a groan as she swirls her tongue around his hard cock's head.
Taking him in her mouth, Luna sucks Colson's dick, sliding and her gently twisting her wet hand along his base. Letting her free hand roam his body.
It being early in the morning and her suction firm and steady, Luna only needs to deep throat Colson a few times before he oozes into her mouth.
Both satisfied with her work, Luna swallows his load before washing her hands and climbing back into bed with him.
Laying on his chest, Colson strokes Luna's hair as he asks about CA. She gives him the details of her day. Him talking about how she'll meet Tyree and Lamar tonight.
They come up with the idea of flying Casie out to NY on Friday. He's thinking lunch with her, Patti and Emma. Telling them all together. Luna thinks it's a smart idea. They drift off together, cuddling.
Don knocks on their hotel room door around 11A. He doesn't bang anymore.
To be continued.....
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shadowrx · 6 years
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Kendra - Lv 00, Ch 02 by ShadowRx
Kendra - Chapter 02 - Helga Hammerfist rides again! (c) 2017 by Shadowriter (that's right, I wrote something this year!) ShadowRx.DeviantArt.com www.patreon.com/ShadowRx CONTENT WARNING: I don't need to give you content warnings, if you're in my gallery and bookshelf you have a pretty good idea what to expect. --- LEVEL: 00 --- Kendra was almost skipping as she hurried back down to the main building, through the double doors and into a fairly small side room off the cafeteria; there was no door, just an open arch separated the club room/lounge from the lunch area. Tim was already here helping Mark setup the table as she walked in. Chuck was about a minute behind her; "hey, d'you guys see Thrones last night?", he excitedly asked as he crossed the arch. "No TV", Kendra replied with a sarcastic smirk. "Of course", Mark said, "I'm recording the series". "Wasn't it so-", Chuck started. "Hey, NO SPOILERS!", Tim whined. "Hope you guys are ready to face the dragon without Alvius", Mark sneered, looking forward to putting the party through another lethal encounter unprepared. "Our cleric bailed?!", Chuck stammered, trying to figure out how they were going take down a blue without lightning resistance. "Where's Chris?", Kendra asked. "I told you, he sprained his ankle getting out of bed this morning. If you can't remember that, how do you expect to solve the *Riddle of the Dungeon*? Oh wait, that's right, you don't do puzzles, you just punch things.", Tim replied with a level of arrogance only Voxlorne the Almighty, Wizard Extraordinaire, Savior of the Five Kingdoms, Master of the Ring of... well, he wasn't sure yet, but you'd better believe it was damned cool; he almost died getting that ring from the Kobold's treasure room. "I punch Voxlorne in the throat... with an 18.", Kendra snapped sarcastically. "Voxlorne, you are having trouble breathing, you cannot speak or cast spells with a verbal component", Mark smirks, happy the PK-ing has started already. "What the hell, Ken, now we have no Wizard AND no Cleric!", Chuck says throwing his hands up in frustration. "Stay in character", the DM prods. Chuck clears his throat, then Sigmund the Stealthful succinctly asks of his teammate, "... what the fuck!?", then smiles with mock politeness. "Mark, ", Kendra begins out of character, "we're about to have no Thief too." "In game, please", Mark scolds. "Gladly", Helga smiles as she begins popping her knuckles. "Whoa, whoa; no-no-no-no-no. We're good. You're the leader, its your plan", Sigmund backpedals with his hands in front trying to talk her down, "its a good plan... now maybe we can sneak in without Vox announcing himself to the entire dungeon.". "Helga continues walking up to Sigmund, then when close enough she grapples", Kendra announced confidently smiling across the table. "Roll." "Base 12, but with +14 Athletics that's a 26", Kendra decrees in her best dwarven accent. "Ha! 17... lets see, with +8 Acrobatics... aw dammit", Chuck says as his smile evaporates into despair. "You have Sigmund, what do you do with him?", the DM queries. "I put my arm around his neck and say, 'see, its like I said, all your problems can go away with one well placed punch', then I give him a playful nuggie and let him go.", Kendra says playfully. She wasn't actually going to hurt him, but it was fun to tease him for a moment. "That's why you're the boss", Sig says with a weak smile, just praying he lives through this adventure. "It's been long enough, you can speak again Voxlorne", Mark states. Tim looks as though he's going to lay into her, then swallows as he sees Helga working out the kinks in her knuckles again, "I'm good." A moment later he pulls out a piece of paper and begins scribbling a note, then pauses a moment before handing it toward the DM. Kendra's eyes narrowed, "you'd better hope I don't make the save." 'How did she know I was going to cast polymorph', Tim thought as he pulled his hand back and crumpled the page. "You hear a rumble in the distance, it seems all of your fighting has awoken the dragon...", Mark states, trying to get the game moving again. All three players roll their eyes, knowing full well they hadn't made that much noise. "So, Boss, how's punching going to take down a dragon", Sigmund asks, hoping she has a plan. "Well, that depends...", Kendra pauses, tapping her finger quickly on the table before turning to the DM and asking, "is it a boy dragon?" Her comrades wince at the thought while Mark stares horrified then shakes his head, "you wouldn't..." Kendra just grins then winks, "how many dungeons do you know that come equipped with a speed bag." "Actually", Tim corrects, adjusting his glasses, "as its a member of the lizard family, it wouldn't have any external genitalia." "Roll initiative", Mark said. "16", Helga states. "11 for Sigmund" , Chuck added. "Voxlorne the Almighty, Hero of the Land, Beloved by-", Tim started "Just out with it", Mark admonished. Clearing his throat Tim continued, "Beloved by Tavern Wenches Everywhere, Friend to Man and Beast..." The table groaned as he went on. "Rolled...", he boldly continued as he dramatically tossed the d20 across the board. "...a one.", he meekly concluded, all his bravado gone. Chuck couldn't help but laugh, "Karma, dude, shouldn't have overplayed it". "The dragon got a 15, Kendra, you go first", the Dungeon Master finished. "Who's Kendra?", Tim and Chuck said in unison, smirking. "Oh gawd dammit, you know what I meant. Helga, what do you do?", mark snipped. "I throw a schite covered dart at the dragon... 22. 'Hey, *dragon*, here's schite in yer eye! Ha ha.", Helga boasts. "Why would anybody-", Tim starts, then gives up. "Dude, she's a dwarf.", Chuck explains. Tim and Mark shrug accepting the explanation. "The dragon charges toward you and attacks", Mark retorts. "You guys should run.", Helga nods to her comrades. "It bites you for 17 piercing damage. Roll a strength save.", the DM grins. "18. If its trying to hold me in its mouth, that's a grapple, I should be allowed to contest it with athletics, right?", Kendra smirks. "Yeah, go ahead.", Mark concedes. "28 then." "Okay, you're out. Sig?" "I'm going to listen to Ken- er, Helga. She's right, the dragon is pissed, it might be best if I got some distance and took cover.", Chuck replied. "Okay, and after everybody else on Earth went, its finally Vox's turn.", Mark chuckles. "Voxlorne the Almighty, Blessed Bearer of the Forbidden Fruit, Examiner of the Lost Chalice, Inventor of-" "So you spend your whole turn crying your titles to the dragon?" "Talking is a free action", Tim objects. "Not the way you do it", Kendra replied, to which Mark and Chuck nodded in agreement. "Okay fine, 'nice knowing you guys', I cast Lesser Invisibility and sneak out.", Tim retorts. Kendra tries to signal Chuck with her eyes to do the same. It takes him a moment to catch on, but then he confirmed with a single nod. Mark was busy looking at his monster manual, thus didn't notice the scheme going into effect. "Helga, your turn." "I punch it. 19." "You hit... barely." Kendra smiled, "I spend a Ki point to stun it for a turn." Tim and Chuck shared a knowing smile as the DM said, "Fine. Its your turn again.", his irritation clear. "I spend a Ki point for Flurry of Blows and go to town on the support column. Oh, and I do DOUBLE damage to inanimate objects." "Motherf-", Mark catches himself. "Hey DM... 'Rocks fall... your fucking dragon dies'", Kendra high fives across the table to the others as they clear the campaign. "Oh yeah, and for my movement, I get the hell out of there before the whole place comes down." . . . "P'pa, I'm home!", Kendra shouted as she came through the door. "Oh, Kendra, we have a guest", her father announces coming out of the kitchen. Smiling, he hugs his daughter then guides her toward the table. "I'd like you to meet-", he stopped short as he saw the old the woman sitting at the table, looking nothing like the beauty he was just speaking to. 'What the fuck', he mouthed silently to her, making sure Kendra didn't see his reaction before he went back to smiling. "Mrs. Gatsbrinkle", the woman says, extending her hand and standing up. "Ah- from across the street... you remember her, don't you?", Samile tried to recover his composure and reassure his daughter he hasn't lost his mind. "Dad, how could I remember someone you're introducing to me for the first time?", Kendra questioned, a very puzzled and serious look on her face, as though to ask if he were alright. "I thought maybe you'd- seen her... while you were out walking." "Sami", the old woman started, a little too familiar as she put her hand on his shoulder and gave him what Kendra worried was lustful gaze, " *always* a pleasure. Don't forget to do that thing you promised." "Yes of course, it must have slipped my mind", he replied nervously as he covered it up with another swig of coffee. 'He was nervous, but he didn't recoil', Kendra pondered then blurted out, "Oh my God, are you guys *sleeping* together?!" Coffee went EVERYWHERE as Sami cough-sneezed the brown liquid onto the floor and cabinets. "Not in some time, dear. Its good to see you again though.", she says as she lightly pinches Kendra's cheek, then walks out the door. "I'll be in my room", Kendra says, completely creeped out. Samile tries to chase Mrs. Gats- out the door, but by the time he got there she had vanished. "That wasn't funny", he admonished the heavens. "Yes it was", he heard whispered in his left ear, which was then licked by an unseen force; followed by laughter then silence. "Are you trying to make me look crazy!?", he shouted loud enough to make his neighbors nervous. "Imagine what I could do if you don't give my daughter her birthright", she breathed into his other ear, before taping him playfully on the nose. He could see her now... well, sort of; she was nearly transparent like glass, except for how light refracted around the edges. She moved in sensually for a kiss, but instead bit his lower lip, none too gently, but careful enough not to cause injury. She then tugged back and held it there dominantly for several uncomfortable seconds before kissing him and adding, "be a good boy and I'll come visit you later." . . . Kendra stared into her computer, mortified, googling the phrase 'mid life crisis'. A few minutes later there was knock at her door. "Kendra, sweetheart, I know that was a little weird. Please come out and talk to me." "Did miss cat-sprinkle leave?", she retorted with an edge of sarcasm that she immediately regretted. Her father had always been there for her, he did not deserve this cruelty... whatever it was he was going through, she should try to be supportive. Of course, that nagging feeling of responsibility didn't make the whole thing any less cringeworthy. "Yes. Fine. Enter.", she said trying not to sound upset. He opened her bedroom door and they stared in awkward silence for almost two minutes, neither knowing what to say to the other. Sami was the first to recover, "let's go out to eat." "Why?", she replied, still a bit worried that her father wasn't playing with a full set of dice. "Its your birthday... I know that was... disturbing, but forget about that for a moment- let's go out for a curry." "Curry?", still her tone sounded unsure. "Papa, you hate curry." "I don't hate it... I just don't love it as much as my father did. I haven't had one since you were a bachcha", he said with his hands about a foot apart signaling what she assumed to mean baby. Kendra glanced back at her search for just a second catching the phrase, 'reversion to native tongue'. That seemed to confirm it, poor P'pa, "Okay, fine." Then a little more confidently, "I would love to go out with my father and learn something about my heritage." (A statement more true than she could possibly know.) . . . "What would you like, something spicy? Ever had a Vindaloo?", Samile says looking excitedly at the menu. "This doesn't seem right, father", Kendra said looking through the menu options, "why would they serve beef in an Indian restaurant? Isn't that a sin?" "Not everyone believes the same, honey. But yes, the dish was originally supposed to be served with pork; though the Goan chefs that made the dish didn't share the Hindi objection to harming greater lifeforms, they were perfectly willing to use beef if someone asked them to. Its what the British liked best about them. Anyway, it actually started as the Portuguese dish carne de vinha." "Interesting, But the menu doesn't even mention pork.", Kendra said, taking it all in. "Not surprising, most Indian restaurants are actually the British bastardization of the cuisine. For some reason, they don't like pork in their curry, but that's why its offered with lamb and mutton. I bet we could get them to make it the traditional way if we asked though." "Since we're trying something new, why don't we have it made with a mix, a little bit of each, that way we'll know which is our favorite next time", Kendra suggested; the phrase 'next time' made her father smile, perhaps he had not completely ruined this day after all. "Its your birthday, I'm sure we could arrange that if we tell them.", as he's speaking he secretly nods to the waiter hiding as a patron at the table behind her. "No, P'pa, what if they sing?", she whined a little embarrassed by the thought of all the extra attention. "Sing? Nonsense. If anything they'll make a full on dance of it", he teased. "Papa", she sighed, completely mortified. "Honestly, darling, you make it too easy sometimes. Do you really think there's a Bollywood flash mob sitting in this restaurant waiting for me to snap my fingers?", his statement wasn't very convincing... perhaps because he stared too long trying to judge her reaction. "You didn't!", she denied. "I might have", he said with a smirk, then snapped his fingers to signal the mob. "Oh my god", was all Kendra could say as most of the people in the restaurant joined in the craziest choreography she'd ever seen in person, all of them moving wildly but in perfect sync. Even her father got up and started dancing... though he was a little out of step with the professionals. The dance lasted for several minutes, then abruptly ended as their food arrived. "You rented out the whole restaurant?", Kendra asked exasperated. "Not the whole restaurant", he shrugged. "We can't afford this, Papa", she gently admonished. "The way you've been eating, sweetheart, I think we can this once", he smiled, proud that he was able to do this for his daughter. . . . The food was amazing, so many flavors she had never tasted before... or perhaps she had, but never in these combinations; she couldn't tell anymore, the line between familiar and new was completely erased by the chef's masterful work. Perhaps most surprising, to her, was that the spice didn't bother her. Come to think of it, she's never really tried spicy food, but she's seen how other people freak out about it and now she can't understand why they would make such a fuss over it; the warmth was actually pleasant, almost sensual. For the first time in years she finished her plate; though now she was thinking about it, she was sure she'd regret it in the morning. Her father almost commented about how pleased he was to see her actually eat something, but quickly thought better of it remembering how touchy the subject was; best to save that minefield for another day. "Honey", he said to get her to look up from the empty plate she'd been staring at for the past few minutes, "I have one more surprise for you." Sami pulled a small wrapped present from his jacket pocket and handed it to her; it was maybe three inches across by an inch high. "What is this?", she asked not surprised by the gift as much as the size of the package, what could be in such a small box? If the dimensions were an indication, it was likely expensive, "Papa, you shouldn't have spent so much on me. I'm just happy being able to spend some time with you." "Well, if you don't want it", he teased, "I'm sure I would look fabulous wearing it." Too late, curiosity already had its hold, she had to at least know what it was, "now let's not be hasty, I didn't say that, I just wish you didn't have to work so hard to provide for us. I miss you, papa." "I know, but the house is almost paid off, two or three more years then I can cut back to just one job." "I love you, papa", she said giving him a hug before opening the gift. Followed shortly by, "oh my God. P'pa, this cost more than your car!" "What can I say, its a cheap car", he deflected. "You know what I mean, its too much", she felt very self-conscious about accepting something that may have cost him another year before retirement. "Don't make such a fuss, it didn't cost as much as you think...", he said leaning in at the end to add, "I found it outside the warehouse." He couldn't tell her where it really came from, not yet anyway. "I don't know what to say... thank you, papa" "Say you'll wear it", he suggested, at least partly out of self-preservation. It was the most gaudy looking gold medallion, intricately etched with amazingly complex patterns, as though the whole surface were a labyrinth without beginning or end. Or, maybe, a circuit of some kind, she sat there studying it for several minutes before her father asked if she were ready to go home. He had to repeat himself... twice, as she was completely engrossed in the puzzling necklace. . . . It was late by the time they got home, her father had to get ready to work graveyard. He kissed her goodnight and said he would see her tomorrow night when he got back from the store. Kendra held and stared at the medallion for hours without realizing it. She could swear that as she ran her finger over it there was a little glow in the pathways. She looked up to see that it was almost 3AM, she had less than four hours to sleep before school tomorrow. Cursing the time, she set the talisman on her dresser and went to bed. . . . Her dreams that night were extremely vivid, but also chaotic. It felt like she had barely closed her eyes when the alarm went off. < BACK: CHAPTER 01 | NEXT: CHAPTER 03 >
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