#is the modern red x blue blueprint
shin23lee · 3 years
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Happy 7 years to the absolute BEST thing to happen in Tumblr fandom history!
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widowsofchaos · 4 years
Poor Little Rich Boy
summary: you find out your boyfriend isn’t all that innocent as he seems.
warnings: yandere behavior, violence, and gore. dub-non con. Ya know the filthy vibes.
Pairing: dark college!Tony Stark x black!reader
a/n: this is my first time writing Tony so be gentle with me <3
do not respost my works!
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“I, Howard Anthony Walter Stark, being of sound, mind, and body do hereby declare that this document is my last will and testament. I bestow my legacy in the hands of my only heir, my son, Anthony Edward Stark. All my assets, finances, and chair as CEO of Stark Industries are now in his hands.”
A dull silent vibration shook in the confinement of Tony’s jean pocket, pulling him out of his sullen trance. Instinctively ignoring the notification, as he listened onto the blurred words of the lawyer reading his late father’s will.
Biting his lip to contain his swirling emotions -- aggravation to just collect his inherited earnings, and head home to you.
With a hazy eye-roll, Tony casually sneaked his palm into his pocket, retrieving the phone. As the family lawyer droned on reading, aged eyes glued onto the paper; Tony peaked at the screen, with the quick analysis of face ID -- his pupils dilated like saucers.
His nostrils flared, inhaling deeply, his chest heaving -- he gotta get home immediately. An iron grip onto the phone, he roughly dug it back into his pocket, his foot tapping against the carpeted flooring. Antsy.
God, please make time go faster.
His fingers itched to snatch the cellular device, internally screaming for another peak at the salacious cheeky messages.
Messages from you -- photos of yourself seated on his bedroom floor, in only a high-waisted thong, and his custom tailored blazer.
The creamy beige against your buttery smooth bronze skin was divine, Tony swears anything you wear is pulled off with elegance. Your brown areolas are slipping out just a tad bit from the flaps, a hint of what’s awaiting for him.
His cock hardened against the denim fabric, Tony salivates whenever you wear his clothing, his scent imprinting onto your flesh - of you in compromising positions, your neatly manicured fingers inside your panties, rubbing your swollen nub. Biting your plump bottom lip.
Another picture with a text, you were sipping from a glass, his best Scotch, with the typed words, “I miss you. I know my favorite boy is blue, come back home so I can take care of you.” Signed with a kissy face emoji, and a red heart.
You were leaning on your elbows, your bouncy ass in the air, legs bent upward with your ankles playfully interlocked in the air.
The glass of ale leaning downward against your teasing lips, and sultry eyes through the reflective mirror -- Tony’s cock twitched, oh he’s gonna eat you up when he gets home.
- It was midnight, the full moon shining bright in the inky indigo sky -- beaming upon the Stark manor. The white fluorescent solar satellite glistening upon the grand bedroom where two lovers lay satiated in bed.
Rubbing random circles by the pads of your fingertips on Tony’s sweaty broad chest, taming the beast into a purring feline.
“I love you.” Tony’s mild slurred speech infiltrated the serene silence, your nose scrunched up in glee. “I love you too.” you murmured in his neck, a lazy grin stretched on your face.
For hours, Tony, and yourself haven’t left the bedroom, stringing release after release -- letting Tony pinch, pull your hair, bruise, slap, and choke your soft flesh-- that’s what he loves about you, trusting him wholeheartedly with your body, and soul.
A lot of tears of euphoria, and fear of abandonment. Reassuring Tony that you would never leave him, breathy hymns of I love yous in his ear.
It’s been a couple of difficult few weeks, Howard Stark has passed at the age of 74. A fatal car crash taking his life, leaving behind his only son. It was only freshly five months ago that Tony lost his mother, Maria. Uterine cancer - multiple tumors.
Maria Stark, the matriarch of the family, was the light of Tony’s life. Maria was a saint, even at death’s door, she had a positive perspective. You can still recall her calling her tumors fruit bowls of pain - her tumors were the size of miniature melons; grew from the size of strawberries.
And when she died -- the already fractured relationship of father and son deteriorated to ash. Howard started becoming colder, more stricter on his son -- his disappointment fueling by the second.
Clayed into a modernized Narcissus -- guising his trauma with bloviating chatter to impress the little people. Boasting his youthful genius with no shame.
Tony may have been born from the finest cloth, a silver-spoon wedged in his mouth -- but he oozes the work ethic of a blue-collar joe.
Under the molden gait of a promising demigod is a fragile boy -- yearning for affection. A neglected child desperate for attention.
Sending nudes to your boyfriend while he’s attending his dead father’s will hearing -- many would deem that as distasteful -- tacky, even. But, you knew Tony’s coping mechanisms.
Frat parties, drinking excessively to the brink of oblivion, and copious amounts of sex.
Tony was raised in a household, where any emotional turmoil expressed to his father was shot down, except with his mother -- he needs a womanly touch.
He never saw his conquests as ladies, only whores to get his rocks off, but once he laid eyes on you -- sweet, and bubbly -- that little rich boy was a goner.
Succumbing to a dazed half-slumber, Tony’s cell phone rings at the bedside table -- you groaned at the intrusion. Flashing on the screen was Happy’s goofy grin, one of Tony’s closest friends. You mumbled a ‘of fucking course’, Tony cheekily chuckled at your frustration.
“Don’t worry, sweetcheeks. This won’t take long.” With the wisp of a lingering kiss on your hairline, Tony begrudgingly detached himself from you--proudly strutting his naked bare firm ass, picking up his boxers from the floor shamelessly displaying his hung cock, and balls.
“Nice ass.” you teased. Tony snorted, “Nice? Toots, it’s the finest ass. And you love it.” He winked at you over his shoulder, you giggled. Tony’s footfalls faded down the hall, his conversation blurring into the distance. You laid back down, sighing as you stared up at the ceiling, quickly getting bored.
Without Tony to entertain you, you had nothing to do. Maybe I could get a head start on my thesis? Your eyes languidly rolled to the corner of your lids, staring at your opened crumbled book-bag mocking you at the corner of the room, Fuck that. You grumbled.
Mindlessly deciding to get dressed, and search for substance. Hours of unadulterated love-making can take out a lot of energy.
Nimble quiet feet tip-toe down the stairs, covered in only Tony’s wrinkled white button-down, brown statuesque legs gracefully head to the kitchen -- but you halt in your tracks. A dim light seeps from the crack out of an office -- Howard’s former office.
Curiosity overwhelms you, biting down your tongue, you check your surroundings, making sure Tony is nowhere in sight. Earlier in the day, the office was locked -- why is it now open?
Open-palm press against the door, a tiny creak of the mahogany makes you cringe internally. Stealthy you walk into the office, nothing seems to be out of place. Maybe Tony was in here? Fidgety fingers skim against the polished wooden desk, at the corner of your eye, a mess of papers sit idly by.
You pick the papers up, fastly flicking through it. Statements declaring Tony as the new CEO of Stark Industries, royalties, and -- mechanic blueprints?
Your chest began heaving, breaths still choppy fuming out of your nose, your left eye twitched from the stressing bile rising. Here in your hands are the blueprints of a familiar vehicle -- Howard Stark’s car. Descriptive details on the full functionality of the car, why are these here?
Warm palms clutch your shoulders, soothingly rubbing, you flinch by the surprise, “You weren’t meant to see those.” A hot breath fan against your ear, you whimper, his voice sounded husky, menacingly.
Not daring to look him in the eye, frozen in your spot as if the soles of your feet grew roots in the flooring, Tony’s grasp on your arms tighten. “The old man was going to take me off the will. I know he was.”
A chaste kiss on your temple, “As if I didn’t take his shit over the years just for nothing. Blaming me for my mother’s death.” He grumbled against your skin, your blood running cold. There was no remorse in his voice, a hint of satisfaction.
This isn’t the Tony you knew.
A beast of his father’s making.
“Tony - I - I won’t tell anyone, I promise--” Tony shushed your stuttering, his rough hands snaking its travel to your waist, slithering his forearms around your torso, ensnaring you.
“I know, baby. I know you wouldn’t. You’re my good girl.” He spoke in your hair, small lingering kisses on your scalp. Tony was rocking your body back and forth, cradling you -- he can sense your fear.
With trepidation, you held his arms, a little shaky. “Tony, let’s just go back to bed.” Your voice was cracking, this isn’t the man you fell in love with, and you wanted to just run away as far as you can.
“You’re scared of me?” Although it was an intended question, its tone came off as a fact. Indeed you were terrified of him.
“No.” You spat too quickly for your liking. Tony gripped your chin, and twisted your head to face him, “I would never hurt you. I love you. Everything I do is for you.” Your breath hitched, his face was morphed into a sad feral puppy.
“I know. I know you do.” You feigned a weak smile, “I just didn’t think --” you stopped yourself before you vomited any other words. “Do what? Kill?” Tony cocked a brow, with a shit-eating grin. “I did it before. For you.” Tears were forming at the brim of his eyes, your doe-eyes widened, you began squirming in his arms. “Tony, what did you do?!” you shrieked, limbs failing.
Tony’s iron-grip didn’t let up, refusing to let you go, “He wasn’t right for you!” Tony bellowed on the top of his lungs, impulsive rage seeping through, fumbling feet colliding.
Both of your bodies falling to the carpeted floor as Tony tried to restrain your wrists, fumbling feet slipping. A miscalculated misstep sent you, and Tony colliding downward.
Tony’s weight pinning you down. Confusion making your head go dizzy, “What do you mean?” You whispered. Tony smashed his lips against yours, his hands cupping your cheeks, “You know what I mean.” His brows furrowed, gently his forehead on yours, his eyes staring into your soul.
Realization hits you like a freight train, flashes of your ex, the cops alerting you of his disappearance, Tony’s lingering shadow always appearing to provide comfort -- “Brock?” a lone tear trickle down your eye, down your temple, and hitting the carpet below. Tony nodded frantically.
Tony’s lips peppered against your face, your cheeks, your forehead, your eye-lids, your nose, your chin; mumbling affection against your tear-stained face.
It’s been three years since Brock vanished, rumors flew around campus from students believing he killed himself in some remote location, you lost him in the first years of university.
You were grief-stricken, but Tony, being the ever-present close friend lend a shoulder -- then soon, it blossomed into much more.
“Now, it's just us. We can start a new dollface.” Tony sniffled, hot tears drip upon your flesh, “We can start our own family” he rasps, “I can be a dad. A better father.” Your eyes widened at his suggestion.
A family? You both were just shy of twenty-one, and already Tony is mapping out your entire futures. You tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but it was futile.
Tony murmured nonono to your bodily request of escape, chasing clumsy blubbering kisses against your chavile. Your body began to be wrecked with sobs, your chest heaving.
“Don’t cry, baby. It’s better this way.” Tony’s brows were furrowed sorrowfully, his tremor low with ache. “You killed Brock, how could you?! I loved him!” Tony gripped your jaw, painfully his fingers kneading,
“Loved him?! He wasn’t right for you! You need me! I need you! No one is going to love you like I do. I loved you the first day I met you.” Harsh fingers rip off the fabric, exposing your breasts to the elements.
“You’re mine! No one can have you! I will kill anyone who tries to take you away!” Tony’s mouth plunged, fangs nibbling on your nipples, his entire mouth suckling your left breasts.
Tony’s left hand pinching your right nipple, twisting and slapping it roughly. You yelped, shutting your eyes closed. Your skin crawled, Tony’s brown eyes peered at you, dissatisfied that you refuse to look at him.
A sloppy pop echoed, “Look at me!” he slapped you, the crack of it pounding in your ears, the heat of the sting scorched throughout your cheek. Your eyes popped open, watery from the hit, Tony has never once laid a hand on you -- until now.
Nose to nose, “We’re gonna be a family--” one of his hands traveled down to tug down his boxers, his hard swollen cock is man-handled in his palm, you struggled to get away, but Tony clutched your wrists in one hand, and pinned it on the carpet.
Tony spit on your cunt, rubbing it within your velvety folds by the base of his veiny cock, earning a hiss out of you. “You’re going to look so hot swollen with our baby.” Your thighs twitched, Tony roughly forced your thigh to wrap around his torso, positioning himself.
“Please - Tony, please don’t”, you cried, Tony shushed you. Lining himself to your hole, with no hesitation, plunged his cock inside your pussy. You screamed, your back arching, “Feels lovely, right? Feels so fucking delicious - you were made for me.” Tony snarled, biting your chin, his tongue trailing your jawline, pistoning his cock inside you.
Dripping slick smears against your thighs, clenching onto his cock, a broken groan slips from Tony’s lips, “Fuck - yes, do that again.” You were blubbering tears down your cheeks, the inevitable pleasure Tony strings out of you is undeniable.
“You’re so tight, and warm.” He growled in your ear, “I can’t wait to have a baby with you. You all swollen, waddling around with bare-feet. You’ll be a great mother - just like mine.” He whispered, biting on your lobe.
You murmured muffled whines in the crock of his neck, bruising is slowly forming on your hips, fucking you like it’s the last time. Shivers run down Tony’s spine, time slows down.
Sweaty skin slapping against skin spurred him on, taking all of you. Your nails scratch at his palm, still bounding you down.
“I love you.” He whimpered, you bite your lip, refusing to sink into the instinct of saying it back. Tony perked his head up from your neck, growling, “Say it back!” he thrusted his pelvis against you, a cattle wail hit you, “Say -” thrust “it-” another thrust “-back!” his smile falters slow, a bruising touch.
He can see you slowly yielding, small pants of electric euphoria, “No!” you bite back.
Wet lips slant against yours. Your entire body jolting from his unforgiving pace, your back burning slightly from the rug beneath you.
Releasing your wrists, his rough hand find it’s way to your back, hiking you up, squeezing your ass in his fingers, bucking your hips; fucking you onto him, your nails dig into his sculpted back -- scratching for him to stop, but it felt too good.
You’ve become dizzy. Your teeth sink into his shoulder, hoping the pain makes him halt his actions, but it makes him harden inside of you.
There’s no space between you, melting into one, the friction, the heat; the tethers of reality blur into nothing.
“Please - say you love me.” Tony pleaded, his weary eyes sinking into yours. A robbery -- a heart-wrenching robbery of your soul, in an instant, you didn’t see a cold-blooded killer, but the mire of a lost boy.
He slowed down his thrusts, leisure movements, his brown orbs are glossy, “Say it, please.” Tony gently kisses you, not feverish, but you can taste the sweet commitment. Like he doesn’t own you, but he worships you.
“I love you.” you mumbled against his swollen lips, his eyes dilated, rubbing his nose against yours, “I love you” maneuvering your hips, squelching can be heard - sticky as honey, as the pace picked up.
Your fingers grip his soft fluffy hair, his balls slapping against your ass, “I love you, Tony.” You sucked on his bottom lip. He whimpered. His cock was coated in your juices, you can feel the swelling of his balls, and his uneven jerking movements -- he was close.
“Cum for me, baby.” Tony’s eyes were shut, he mewled, “Cum inside me, give me a baby, Tony.” The dam breaks. The window bursts open from a gust of wind, the full moon gleamed upon your sweaty sheen bodies, a howl erupts from Tony -- as the wolf within has been unhinged -- primal, feral fueled lust.
Toothy grin, all fangs lunged for your pulse point, devouring you. Squirted juices spray from you, splashing against his toned stomach, not once stopping, riding through the orgasm. Tony’s tongue peaked out, droplets of your cum sprinkling his mouth.
Your vision turns white, an inhuman scream leaves you, Tony collapses onto you.
He’s trembling, frightened, you massage his dome, “My sweet boy.” Tony sobs into your chest, ensnaring himself around your torso. You hugged him, cradling like a baby, as he cried water-falls.
“It’s okay.” You kiss his head, a lingering one, “It’s going to be alright.”
You’re all he has.
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drvrslcense · 4 years
Can’t Take My Eyes off of You (Percabeth)
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Word Count: 3k+
Pairings: Percabeth - Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase
Description: In which Annabeth is tired from Christmas shopping & plays a song.  
Warnings: FLUFF & also unedited work
Shawn Mendes’ cover is amazing! & If you can’t tell, I’m feeling all the feels- so please enjoy this & listen to this song on loop. 
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It's December 24 - the air was chilly and buzzing with that electric Christmas cheer. People all over the place were wearing big smiles, while some were scowling because of the tight crowds. Everyone was fighting their way through the crowds - everywhere you look, you'll hear someone mutter, "excuse me". 
Annabeth was normally a strategist, often considering buying Christmas presents beforehand - before all these craziness starts. But with finals on the horizon, Annabeth focused on her studies, forgetting to buy Christmas gifts. Now, she grumbles about procrastinating and forgetting to buy presents as she fights her way through the enormous crowds, her boyfriend Percy behind her. 
Percy was holding Annabeth's hand as the blonde continued to push through the crowd. Sometimes, his head would turn and he'd gaze in wonder to all those Christmas lights around the city, leading Annabeth to tug his hand and get him off his daze. There was no denying that this boy loved Christmas. He loves being with his family, spending time with his friends, and most of all, spending the winter break with his girlfriend. 
Annabeth was still fighting through the crowd, just wanting to get home. She'd already spent the entire chilly day out shopping for gifts, instead of just staying in and watching whatever crappy Christmas movie Percy likes to pick out. She and Percy were carrying shopping bags for presents - Percy did his own shopping too. While Annabeth bought stuff like perfumes for the girls and polo shirts for the boys, Percy bought foods. Dam foods. He bought his friend, Grover, a can fondant cake as a gag gift. Like a literal aluminum can fondant cake. You know those cakes that look like the thing they designed it after? That then turns out to be a cake? Yeah, that. Annabeth didn't know where Percy just find those. She almost berated him for buying those dam snacks and forced him to buy other gifts like a musical instrument for Grover or a box of LEGOs for Tyson, but she understood where he was coming from. And it was sweet, so she let it go, wondering if Percy bought a dozen soft pretzels or a gingerbread house for her. 
As they clamber through the busy streets to their apartment in the middle of this bustling city, Percy could feel both excitement and nervousness on his insides. His intestines felt like it was rising up to his throat and forcing him to throw up the spectacular soft pretzel he and Annabeth ate in the midst of the chaos. He bought something for Annabeth while they were out. He was sure it was pretty, even he thinks that it was forged by Hepahestus himself. He just wasn’t sure what Annabeth’s reaction would be when she sees or when he gives it. He knew that he wanted it to happen, it was just so nerve wracking to do that he avoided it. 
Annabeth sighed happily as they entered their apartment, dropping her bags near the door — in an orderly fashion — before flopping down on the couch. Percy dropped his bags messily on the table before opening the lights on their Christmas tree and flopping down beside Annabeth. The two admired the Christmas lights that danced before them. Their apartment was simple, small, but enough for the couple as they brave adulting. Annabeth was the one who designed the entire apartment. If it was her way, she would have designed their house. But because of high prices, urbanization, you know, the stuff, they couldn’t. Although Percy bets somewhere that Annabeth has a blueprint of her dream house. 
It was a two-bedroom apartment with a minimalist theme. Although it was tiny, it seemed so spacious and elegant, that their visitors (their friends) often teased them about being rich. Upon entering the door, you’d immediately see a view of the buildings outside with their big windows on the side. Their Christmas tree stood beside the windows, its lights flickering various colors of green, blue, and red. It was, by standards, a thin tree. Percy liked his tree big, but given the space of their apartment, it was impossible. So, they settled for that thin, green tree adorned with countless golden and silver colored balls - there was even a snowflake ornament and a golden star perched on top. 
That attention to the windows would be stolen away as eyes would be on their cozy, L-shaped couch, in front of that is their white, pear-shaped coffee table where an architecture book lay on top of. Percy often likes to put his feet on the coffee table, which he just does to annoy Annabeth who likes keeping things and orderly in their house. Their television was mounted on the wall across the couch. On the side of the apartment was their kitchen, it was L-shaped with a dining table in the middle. The dining table seats four persons and has a modern theme. It was round that whenever they have people over, they just add chairs.  
The couple stared off at their window which overlooked half of the city and the flickering of lights on their Christmas tree. The lights danced in a way that was enticing to the both of them and it was the only light in the room. The couple stared in silence, with Percy putting his arm around Annabeth, before she broke it and scrolled on her phone. Percy cuddled Annabeth on the couch before the blonde pushed him away for being heavy. 
Annabeth let out a weird sound - somewhere between a scream and a squeal -  as she saw something on her phone that Percy observed quickly lifted her spirits. 
"What?" Percy bolted upright. "What happened?" 
"This," Annabeth has a big grin on her face as she showed Percy her phone. It was a paused video of a curly-haired boy, sitting in front of the piano. Percy was confused, but he was interested as seeing it made all her exhaustion leave. 
"And what is 'this', exactly?" Percy asked, raising an eyebrow to Annabeth. 
"Just turn on the speakers." 
Sighing, Percy reached behind him and turned on their speakers. Annabeth quickly connected her phone and played something. 
You're just too good to be true 
The first line of the song plays and Percy thought the voice was familiar, he just couldn't remember who. But he knew the song, his mother often played it while he was growing up. All the while, Annabeth has this soft smile on her face and Percy decided it was heaven. He could give her the world and it still wouldn’t be enough. 
"Who is this?" Percy asked. 
"Shawn Mendes," Annabeth sighed dreamily, a big smile appearing on her face - she often reserved the smile for the special people in her life. Percy couldn't help the jealousy that stirred in him, but he shook it off, scolding himself as irrational. Instead, he raised his eyebrows, and a smirk toyed on his face - apparently, Annabeth is a big fan of Shawn Mendes. 
At long last love has arrived 
And I thank God you’re alive
Annabeth closed her eyes, feeling the way Shawn Mendes’ voice just flow to her ears. It wasn’t heaven, but it was pleasurable enough. She feels like floating on Cloud 9, where all her stress disappeared and everything else just melts away and all she could see was Percy’s dazzling sea-green eyes, tousled jet-black hair, and his smile. Damn, that smile. The song wouldn’t be the death of her, his smile would be. She couldn’t deny all these feelings she has for him, even though they’ve been a couple for years now. 
It all started out during high school. It was kind of cliche but Annabeth was glad she met Percy that young. Percy was a big part of her life, growing up as schoolmates despite not being close friends or enemies - he was just always there and Annabeth loved that about the two of them. They were always there for each other. Like that time in Mathlete where Annabeth competed against another school and won, she could see Percy cheering for their school in the crowds. Or when Annabeth rallied against their school overworking their teachers, Percy joined them. Or when Percy was awkwardly standing during Rachel Dare’s birthday bash and Annabeth joined him. That was when they first started talking and it all went from there. 
Funny how they went from strangers in high school to literally a couple living together in the middle of the city. Their journey up to now has been a wild ride, but Annabeth was glad that it ended here - in their apartment, with Percy beside her doing God knows what, but having his presence is a comfort to Annabeth. 
Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothing else to compare
The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak
While Annabeth closed her eyes during the song, Percy stared at her. He couldn’t help but admire her. She was pretty, no matter how much she denied it. Her piercing gray eyes were Percy’s favorite physical attribute of Annabeth. But what he admires most is her courage -  she is brave beyond compare, often heading head first into whatever difficulties they face. In fact, she was the one who asked him out. Percy was the one who was about to ask her out that night but Annabeth beat him to it, much to his frustration and his surprise. 
It was during their school prom night, both of them ditched in the middle of it, coming home to Percy’s apartment to have a spontaneous movie marathon. It was in the middle of it and Percy was overthinking about whether or not he should ask her out. He’d liked her for years and had done nothing. They have also been friends of two of these. It was a boring movie when Annabeth abruptly faced him and asked, “Wanna go out to lunch tomorrow?”. Percy was taken aback by that question and just stared at her. Annabeth misunderstood him as him rejecting her. She stood up to grab her things when Percy yelled, “No, wait.” Percy was wearing a nervous, but boyish smile that made Annabeth stop and smile at him. Percy grinned and before they knew it, they were dating and Percy couldn’t help but always notice her gray eyes, which he thinks turns stormy whenever she’s intense. 
Annabeth is captivating and Percy feels very lucky to have her in his life. He feels blessed by the gods to just be with her. Being around her presence made Percy feel whole. She is his best friend, partner, and love of his life. 
Something was weighing down on his pocket and he palmed it, feeling the small box’s sharp edges and velvet skin. Sighing, he set his hands on his palm and paced around thinking that Annabeth was probably too engrossed in the song to hear him pacing around. 
He was going nuts, not knowing what to do with the item. He was sure he wanted to do it during the holidays. But the great Percy Jackson doesn’t have any plans nor any ideas on how to proceed. He wanted to ask his best friend Grover, but Grover is quite chatty and he knew that it would spread within their friend group even before he does it, so no. And the others, well, it’s not that Percy distrusts them, it's just that feeling that he wants to do this by himself if he can’t tell Grover. And there’s also the feeling of pressure if someone knows. 
Of course Mr. Chase knows -- he’s already agreed on this whole thing months ago, when he pulled him aside during Annabeth’s birthday, asking Percy when he’d do it. 
Percy continued to pace around the room when his eyes laid on the bags of presents strewn across the apartment. Instead of just pacing, he decided to put it all under their Christmas tree. 
Annabeth heard the rustling of the paper bags and opened her eyes. “What are you doing, seaweed brain?” 
“Nothing,” Percy answered quickly. Too quickly that his heart sped up. “Just-- moving the bags under the tree.” 
“Oh, okay,” Annabeth answered, shooting him a small smile as he turned his back on her. Annabeth closed her eyes once again listening to the song. Percy released a relieve sigh as he saw Annabeth’s eyes closed. 
But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real
The song ended quickly. Too quickly for Annabeth’s liking. There was just something about Shawn Mendes’ voice that sounded so satisfying that everything weighing her down just melted away. 
She opened her eyes for a bit, setting the song to loop. And then closed it again, melting into her bubble of relaxation. 
Percy was happy that Annabeth’s in that state of bliss. Finals were stressing her out the last few weeks and today’s Christmas shopping just happened to be the cherry on top. 
Finishing up with moving the presents, Percy stood up, a smirk toying on his face as he got an idea. It was random and spontaneous, but Percy thought of it as romantic. The song was romantic and the ambiance set in the room with the Christmas lights and the bustling streets below just makes up a combination for a spontaneous slow dance in the middle of their living room. 
Percy started moving stuff around the room quietly, careful not to make Annabeth open her eyes. He moved the presents around once more, lining them up under the windows to make more room. Then, he moved the coffee table to the side. He wasn’t sure how he'd done it properly, stealth wasn’t one of his abilities. People would always deem him as ‘clumsy’, but he would call it ‘just someone not wanting to do it’. It was his way of denial that he was clumsy. 
Anyways, he let another song pass by. He smiled as he saw his work - the room has more space and everything just looked so perfect in his eyes. He was also proud of himself because he managed to do it all without making Annabeth open her eyes. 
You'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
As Shawn Mendes’ voice in the beginning of the cover filled the room once again, he cleared his throat in front of Annabeth and offered his hand. Annabeth opened her eyes and stared at it. 
“Come on, dance with me,” Percy said, opening his arms, and doing a motion of what looks like a slow dance. Annabeth laughed as she stood up and Percy’s breath was snatched. 
The way she stood up was so graceful, like a princess, that even without the ball gown and sparkling glass shoes, made his jaw drop. His smile widened and he offered his hand once more. Annabeth took his hand and playfully curtsied. The two of them shared a soft laugh before Annabeth placed a hand on his shoulder and he placed a hand on her waist. 
It took a few paces before the two of them were dancing in harmony. But when they did, it was amazing. It was like the whole world fits into his arms. He wasn’t nervous anymore. He was Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase’s boyfriend. 
Percy swayed Annabeth and she followed along. If anyone could see them, it would be like two rusty robots dancing together. But for them, this is perfect. 
“I love you,” Percy softly said while swaying. 
“Yeah?” Annabeth looked up at him, staring into his dazzling sea-green eyes. 
“Yeah,” Percy kissed her forehead, inhaling the scent of lemons. No matter how sweaty she was the whole day, her hair always manages to smell like lemons. 
“You know,” Annabeth started when they resumed back to their swaying.
“What?” Percy stared at her piercing gray eyes. It was mesmerizing, it was the only thing about her that makes her unique from Princesses. It was also one thing of Annabeth’s that Percy loved, among all of them. 
“I continually thank the gods for leading me to you. You’re a gift to me, Perseus Jackson,” Annabeth said, keeping her eyes trained on his chest. She noticed his outfit today which was a dark blue shirt and black pants which highlighted his height, which was six feet. She was shorter than him, by only a few inches. 
“Hey,” Percy lifted her face up, facing his hand under her chin. “I thank the gods, too.” 
Words can only do so much for the two of them. The two of them knew that it wasn’t just gratitude to the gods, but it was also gratitude and love for everything they’ve been through. It was all those gratitude for moments they spent, even moments they spent apart. It was those things that led them to each other. That ‘thank the gods’ thing were just filled with unspoken words, unspoken feelings that both of them were unsure how to express. It was those fun moments they shared like dates and celebrations. It was also those sad, comforting moments they shared when Annabeth failed her entrance exams. It was also all those fights that led them here in this moment. 
It was everything that made them. Sure, words won’t ever be enough, and they both aren’t sure if actions will be too. But for now, it is enough. 
“I love you,” it was Annabeth’s turn to say the three words. She tiptoed and kissed Percy’s cheek before they swayed again. 
Even after hearing those three words from Annabeth countless times before, Percy was sure he would explode every time. He couldn't believe that he’s here with Annabeth. Gods, he was completely smitten with her. It was an overwhelming feeling -- being loved -- that Percy thought he would explode. His love for Annabeth was also overflowing, he imagines it as something like the ocean - vast and immeasurable. 
Before the high note starts, Percy starts swaying Annabethas if they’re waltzing. And as the high note hits, Percy spun Annabeth around in which she turned all over the space in their living room. 
I love you, baby
And if it's quite alright I need you, baby
Percy was sure he was watching it in slow motion as Annabeth spun around, her ponytail flowing behind her. She was captivating, percy was so sure of it as he stared at her. It took everything in him to just stay in the moment and not let his mind wander off. 
The rest of the world falls away as the sight of her leaves him weak. Percy noticed the way Annabeth’s foot crossed as she spun, a careless smile on her face. He could see her eyes twinkling as she spun. 
Her hair hits Annabeth square in her face, making her stop. She stopped beside the Christmas tree and Percy could see just how bright she radiates beside their Christmas lights. 
Percy looked at her and the two of them shared a laugh and a big smile. 
“Come here,” Percy motioned her to spin back to him. 
This is now or never, Percy thought. 
To warm a lonely night, I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say
Annabeth was sure she was shining brightly, big bursts of happiness was radiating off of her, as Percy motioned her to spin back to him. 
At first, she felt ridiculous, just spinning round and round. But she let that feeling go as bliss took over when she realized she was sharing this moment with Percy. What was supposed to be a moment of relaxation after a long day of buying Christmas presents, turned out to be very joyous when Percy asked her to dance with him. 
It was perfect. This moment. 
If Annabeth could freeze a moment in time, this would be it - with the two of them dancing around their apartment to Shawn Mendes’ voice and just that moment of joy before Christmas. 
Stopping, Annabeth stumbled. Turning around a few times made her dizzy that Percy had to steady her before kneeling down. 
But when he did, Annabeth took a step backwards and her hands flew to her mouth where a gasp escaped.
“Is this happening?” Annabeth breathed out through her rapidly beating heart. 
“Yeah,” Percy said, opening up the small, orange, velvet box. It revealed a ring with a simple square diamond on top. It was perfect and Annabeth’s eyes watered as she saw the sparkling ring and the look on Percy’s eyes.
Percy chuckled nervously before starting his speech. “Annabeth Chase, when I first saw you, I was captivated. You were enchanting and perfect. But of course, me being me, let that go, knowing I was never up to your standards. But then that night at Rachel's party when you talked to me, I felt like I had a chance. And thus, blossomed a friendship, wise girl, that would lead to this. Gods, I’m so blessed to have you, wise girl. You are my best friend, my partner, and unmistakably the love of my life. So, Wise Girl, would you do me the honor of being your husband and marry me?”
Annabeth’s eyes were welling up in tears and she released a small laugh, “Never knew you could stomach that, Seaweed Brain.” 
Percy chuckled nervously as Annabeth grinned at him through her blurry sight. 
“But yes, seaweed brain, I’ll marry you,” Annabeth finally said, making Percy release a relieved laugh and throw his hands up. 
Percy was about to stand up when he remembered the ring still not being in Annabeth’s hand. “Oh right,” he said, grabbing the ring out of the box and placing it on Annabeth’s left ring finger.
It fits perfectly, Annabeth thought as she gazed in wonder at her ring. 
“It’s perfect,” Annabeth told Percy when he stood up beside her, placing his hands on her waist. 
“You’re perfect,” Percy told Annabeth, kissing her forehead. 
The blonde faced her fiance, and placed her hands around his neck before pulling him into a kiss. 
“I love you,” she said before pulling him again for a kiss, placing her left hand on his cheek. Percy smiled as he felt the cold metal of the ring on his cheek. 
Now that I found you, stay
And let me love you, baby
Let me love you
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secretgeometry · 5 years
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Anni Albers (American, born Germany, 1899-1994). Anni and Josef Albers both trained and taught at the Bauhaus, and shared the modernist aesthetic characteristic of that institution. Anni was a textile artist whose output straddled the line between functional craft and art. Well-regarded in the textile world, her work has, in recent years, increasingly attracted the attention of museum curators and gallery owners.
I put together a small selection of different works with an emphasis on graphic elements and pattern, including studies for textiles and prints. This is not meant to be a representative sample of her work; I chose images that look, to me, like textiles, but which also bear a resemblance to tendencies in abstract painting. 
Anni Albers at Black Mountain College, 1937. Photograph by Helen M. Post. Source.
Camino Real 1968. Felt, 116 x 105 3/4 inches. Source. This wall hanging was executed for a restaurant in Mexico, where the Anni and Josef Albers had traveled extensively.
Study for Camino Real 1968. Gouache on graph paper, 17 1/2 x 16 inches. Source.
Study for Triadic II 1969. Gouache on blueprint paper, 17 x 22 inches. Source. This was a study for a print.
Design for Tablecloth 1930. Gouache on paper, 12 x 9 3/8 inches. Museum of Modern Art, New York. 
Studies made on the typewriter. Typewriter printing in blue ink on paper mounted on board, 10 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches. Source. I believe she assigned studies like these to her weaving students.
Red Meander 1969. Screenprint, 28 x 24 1/2 inches. Museum of Modern Art, New York. I worked in an Ann Arbor art gallery during the semester I took the color class, and had an opportunity to handle one of these astonishing screenprints. The illusion of depth is even stronger in person. I believe that Eileen was correct, in class today, when she suggested that the silkscreen ink was thinned using a transparent extender.
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victoriagreen82 · 8 years
The Puzzling Adventure
 Puzzling Bubble Shooter Adventure is basically not a single game, but a whole game collection. This consists of a large number of challenging puzzles, which, however, do not need to be isolated from one another, but are linked by joking jump-and-run sequences.  
 The Puzzling Adventure is another milestone in the history of the innovative gaming experience for the Nintendo DS. The small console makes it with this adventure once again, as a successful game mix can look. It is not easy to find a specific genre with Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure. This is a funny combination of sidescroller and puzzle. For those who like to play games like Bubble Shooter, Pine Apple Chicken Crush or car parking games 3d 2017 new and the mysterious city",  
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The player is placed first in an exciting animated 2D world, in which the control is made by touchpen. High-resolution textures bring the game world to life. Unlike conventional sidescrollers, Henry Hatsworth is continually interrupted by puzzle inserts. And whoever believes that these are easy to crack, is a great mistake. In fact, this adventure is a real challenge, which will also allow riddles on the two screens of the Nintendo DS for many hours.
With Henry Hatsworth, Nintendo has created a figure for his handheld, which could still bring it to cult status. In a groundbreaking mix of sidescrollers and jigsaw puzzles, it has been possible to create a more graphically more appealing title that brings fresh air into the genre.
With the multiplatform title PuzzleQuest: Challenge of the Warlords, Infinite Interactive shows console, handheld and PC gamers that mind games in which colorful pebbles are rowed away from the board, can also come with a tactical play in the play area. Although the main focus is on knotage, the essential elements of a typical rolling game are not neglected, combined with a background story of the eternal struggle between light and shadow.
A hero chosen from four classes, with the name and gender to be determined, will be sent from place to place, where the opponents are waiting for their abortion. In multiplayer mode, the game is split-screen, but the X-Box also offers online battles. The graphics are beautifully and coherently drawn, but renounced completely on modern 3-D representation. On the PC, the mouse is operated, consoles and handhelds revert to the usual control. On the Wii, a remote controller is supported, but it is still a classic controller.
In Puzzle Bubble Shooter Quest: Challenge of the Warlords" is fought so that the same coins are placed in a horizontal or vertical row, similar to the Jewel Quest principle. The thing is tactical, as each opponent requires a different strategy. Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow fill the mana pool for spells, other symbols provide experience points, some gold, or damage your opponent. For their part they try to get round rows of stone. Spoiling the hero, later companions and upgrading their own castle against coins bring additional bonuses for the next battle.
A new player experience that goes beyond the old. Knobelfans are not deterred by complicated rules, but are blown with a fresh wind into a new dimension. The open-minded roleplayers here experience a different kind of game that they should not miss. What actually happens when you distribute a two-dimensional drawing in three-dimensional space? An excellent puzzle game, which has recently found its way into Google's Play Store under the name Blueprint 3D. We have looked at the game and tried to get to the heillose mess in the shortest time. Before the introduction of the CAD technical drawings in the form of Blaupausen were reduced to the two-dimensional space. Combining these Blaupausen with the idea of ​​modern 3D models, placing only the existing strokes in the three-dimensional space, without extending the drawing by further perspectives, one obtains a model, which can only be seen from a single perspective and otherwise as Heillose succession appears. No idea what that means? Look at the
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archienewling · 5 years
Light blue, right? That was one of Eleanor’s only requests. Well, much like the canopy bed, she wanted it fervently… until she didn’t.
Early on in our discussions about her room makeover, I had her flip through a paint fan deck and show me colors she liked (in general, not necessarily for the walls). She picked two shades of blue, jade green, and lavender. From there, we started choosing specific pieces to work into her room design. Much of what I’m bringing in that’s not sourced secondhand is from a One Room Challenge sponsor. (They’re making it possible for me to give my girl a room that would otherwise not be happening on this level right now and I’m so grateful.) I’ll list them together at the end of the post, and specific products will also be linked throughout so it’s easier to source things if you’re looking for something similar.
First, we focused on choosing a rug. She liked a lot of the Rifle Paper Co. x Loloi collection, so we were able to narrow down our choices pretty quickly. Once we decided on the Rosa black rug, that gave us a more concrete direction for paint and fabric colors. Great!
Now here’s where a six week timeline can really work against you. How accurately can I choose colors to work with the rug going solely off of the product photos? The exact paint color can wait a little longer, but I need to choose my fabric now to allow time enough for the order to arrive and for me to make something of it. So I was off to the Fabricut showroom to make some selections.
I’m going to make the headboard for Eleanor’s bed, pairing it with a box foundation and metal base from Tuft & Needle. Eleanor’s getting a new mattress too, moving on up from a twin size to a full. She’s thrilled! I showed her an upholstered bed that came in a bunch of colors to get an idea of what she would like. (The bed is sold through Target and Overstock in different fabrics and I would probably just buy it or the headboard if I wasn’t making one, but that wouldn’t be much of a challenge now would it?) I expected her to like some of the blues, and she did, but lavender was her favorite. Hmmm. She was drawn to the color early on, too.
I chose plenty of fabric options to fit our initial plans, mostly blues with some greens, but I made sure to grab a couple of purple options too. I had three pretty solid schemes to show E, along with the wild card lavender.
Surprise: light blue is out. Lavender, it is! Plus a beautiful red/orange, just because it looks so dang good with it.
Fabrics: Modern Moire • Conservatory • Devon • Edie • Inner Circle • 04227 • Flamme de France • Treviso
We were planning to bring a little lavender in through the bedding with a print, but we’re doing a whole lot more purple now. Is it going to work with the rug? It’s not actually IN the rug, but I think it’s looking good all together. Again, were it not for the timeframe, I would wait and make choices after seeing it all in person. But we move forward! (Really, it’s a wonderful thing. I take too long if not pushed sometimes.)
Wisteria Branches Jersey Bedding
Dream Quilt (Pomegranate)
Fabled Land Horse Pillow (Anthropologie, discontinued)
Signature Scallops Embroidered Percale Bedding
Devon Fabric (Lotus)
Devon Fabric (Orchid)
Fleece Blanket (Rose Blush)
Rosa Rug (Black)
Inner Circle Fabric (Panda)
Shropshire Fabric (Whisper)
Edie Fabric (Spice)
I’m also changing out Eleanor’s playfully modern light for the more classic Truax globe fixture from Crystorama, but then I’m bringing some of that irreverence back in with two Pop Wall Sconces from Blueprint Lighting in rubbed sage. I’ve also picked up an Art Deco dresser that I found through Facebook Marketplace, and E now has perhaps the most beautiful dresser out of all of us. I may be a little jealous. It also has handles that look like little mustaches, a fact that she likes very much! I’m calling this image “round pretty things for Eleanor’s room.” Accurate, yes?
Do I need a little lamp on the dresser? Maybe. And we have a bookshelf to prep for painting. And lambrequin construction and shapes to research, because oh yes. I’m finally getting around to making some lambrequins! It’s going to be lovely.
Follow along with the One Room Challenge participants!
• At Charlotte’s House  • Design Addict Mom  • Erika Ward Interiors  • Erin Kestenbaum  • Girl & Grey • Gray Malin  • Hommeboys  • I Spy DIY  • Jewel Marlowe  • The Learner Observer  • Making it Lovely •  Nicole White Designs  • Old Brand New  • Oscar Bravo Home  • Place of My Taste  • The Rath Project • Room for Tuesday  • SG Style  • Undecorated Home  • Veronica Solomon  • Media BH&G  • TM by ORC
My One Room Challenge Sponsors
Thank you to the following sponsors for generously providing product. • Blueprint Lighting • Crystorama • Fabricut • Garnet Hill • Loloi • Tuft & Needle
My One Room Challenge Posts
Follow along from the beginning! • Week 1: My Daughter’s Room • Week 2: The Design Plan
And check out my previous One Room Challenges! • Spring ’16: Our Bedroom and Den • Fall ’16: Front and Back Entry, Stairs, and Hallways • Fall ’17: My Home Office
© 2019, published by Making it Lovely as One Room Challenge: Week 2 (The Design Plan) | No comments | This post may contains affiliate links; I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
The post One Room Challenge: Week 2 (The Design Plan) appeared first on Making it Lovely.
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katiecad · 5 years
Station Casinos announces October 2019 headliners
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 25, 2019
Billy Idol: Las Vegas 2019 Presented by SiriusXM Venue: Pearl Concert Theater Genre: Rock Dates:  Friday, Oct. 4, 2019;             Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019;             Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2019;             Friday, Oct. 11, 2019;             Saturday, Oct. 12, 2019;             All shows begin at 9 p.m. Ticket Prices:  $34.95, $49.95, $79.95, $89.95 and $149.95 plus applicable fees Artist Info: Billy Idol was an early architect of the sound, style and fury of punk rock. His lip- curling sneer and fist-pumping persona vaulted him into the mainstream as one of MTV’s first megastars, making him one of the most recognizable faces in pop music, while selling out arenas everywhere he played. He has sold 40 million albums while scoring numerous platinum albums worldwide, nine top 40 singles in the U.S. and 10 in the U.K. including “Dancing With Myself,” “White Wedding,” “Rebel Yell,” “Mony Mony,” “Eyes Without A Face,” “Flesh For Fantasy” and “Cradle Of Love.”
Idol was responsible for some of punk rock’s most memorable, literate and evocative moments, and created a pioneering new sound by bringing the spirit of ’77 to the dance floor, going on to fashion an immediately identifiable musical blueprint that integrates club-land throb, rockabilly desperation and rock ’n’ roll decadence.
More than 30 years after his groundbreaking Vital Idol compilation cemented the vibrancy of the dance-rock remix genre in the second half of the 1980s, Idol’s Revitalized collection, Vital Idol: Revitalized, features 11 brand-new remixes of Idol’s most classic and enduring hits. Lending their hands to the Revitalized proceedings are electronic dance luminaries Moby, The Crystal Method and Paul Oakenfold as well as current innovators including RAC, Tropkillaz, Shiba San, Juan Maclean and CRAY.
Idol also hosts an exclusive SiriusXM show, Billy Idol’s Live Transmission, that can be heard on SiriusXM’s 1st Wave, channel 33.For all Billy Idol information, visit BillyIdol.net. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
J Balvin Arcoiris Tour Venue: Pearl Concert Theater Genre: Rock Dates:  Saturday, Oct. 19, 2019 at 8 p.m. Ticket Prices: $59.95, $79.95, $89.95, $129.95 and $179.95 plus applicable fees Artist Info: J Balvin’s history making Coachella debut was just a first glimpse of what fans can expect on the upcoming “Arcoiris Tour “– with multiple chart-topping hits and groundbreaking visual production, which will be brought to life once again by the Colombian superstar and the FriendsWithYou Art Collective. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Marilyn Manson Venue: Pearl Concert Theater Genre: Rock Dates:  Thursday, Oct. 31, 2019 at 8 p.m. Ticket Prices: $59.95, $79.95, $94.95, $129.95 and $189.95 plus applicable fees Artist Info: Marilyn Manson rose to fame in the ’90s and has maintained being one of the most iconic performers of modern music. With chart-topping hits including “The Dope Show,” “The Beautiful People,” and “Antichrist Superstar,” Manson maintained in major rotation on the radio and continued to climb charts throughout his career. In 2017, Manson released his 10th studio album, the critically acclaimed Heaven Upside Down. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Chase Rice Venue: Sandbar Poolside Stage Genre: Country Date: Friday, Oct. 25, 2019 at 7 p.m. Ticket Prices: $20 plus tax and applicable fees for standing room only and $50 plus tax and applicable fees for VIP standing near the stage Artist Info: Rice released his ten-song album Lambs & Lions late last year with new label partner BBR Music Group/ BMG—the follow-up to 2014’s Ignite the Night, which hit No. 1 on the country charts and reached the top five of the all-genre Billboard 200—but with Lambs & Lions, he is making a fresh start. With a new label and a renewed sense of creative purpose, he is making music that draws from multiple sources and influences, but is unified by his vision, integrity, and honesty.
The 10 songs on Lambs & Lions derive from Rice’s life and experience, triumphs and disappointments, and ultimately his determination to stand up for his convictions. Produced by Chris DeStefano, Mac MacAnally and, most surprisingly, Jacquire King (Kings of Leon, Cold War Kids), Lambs & Lions offers up sounds from the unsettling strings and horns on the title track to the spare piano and swelling choir of “Amen.” And if it took him walking out on his record company and finding a new home to get there, it also reflects the unconventional path that led him to make music in the first place. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Cover to Cover A Tribute to Rush: Permanent Venue: Rocks Lounge Genre: Rock Date: Saturday, Oct. 26, 2019 at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. Ticket Prices: $15 plus tax and applicable fees Artist Info: Featuring world-class musicians and singers, Cover to Cover takes audiences back to a time when albums were a complete and cohesive piece of art, by performing the famous records track to track, cover to cover the way they were originally meant to be appreciated. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
STYX X A Tribute to Styx Venue: Grand Events Center Genre: Tribute Date: Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019 at 8 p.m. Ticket Prices: $15 plus applicable fees Artist Info: At the height of their career, Styx was one of America’s favorite rock bands, with a string of hits and endless world tours. With world-class vocals and complex arrangements, they set themselves apart in dramatic fashion. Styx Xperience brings you the same energy and detail as the original they pay tribute too. With veteran musicians at every position, Styx Xperience is the nation’s finest Styx tribute act, hands down. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Todrick Haus Party World Tour Venue: Grand Events Center Genre: Musical Date: Friday, Oct. 18, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. Ticket Prices: $25, $32.50, $42 & $45 plus applicable fees Artist Info: Todrick is a singer, songwriter, dancer, actor, choreographer, playwright and director.  In 2010 Todrick Hall rose to fame as a semi-finalist on the ninth season of American Idol.  He focused his talent on creating his own content on YouTube.  His videos of flash mobs to songs by Ariana Grande and Beyoncé became viral video sensations.  Todrick has amassed over 3 million YouTube subscribers and an astounding 630 million YouTube views. He has since choreographed for Beyoncé. He won the 2016 Streamy Award for Breakthrough Artist of the Year.
In 2014, Todrick was named one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 to watch in Hollywood & Entertainment. He also starred in his self-titled MTV show, TODRICK, which he wrote and directed. The docu-series showed fans a behind the scenes look at Todrick and his creative team as they choreographed and staged elaborate performance videos.  He has written and directed commercials for Fiat and theme songs for Sesame Street.  He wrote and performed in the Virgin Airlines Safety Video. He has also been a judge and choreographer for RuPaul’s Drag Race. Todrick has starred in the Grammy & 6 time Tony Award-winning musical Kinky Boots as well as played the iconic role of Billy Flynn in Chicago.  He was also part of the Tony Award-winning musical Memphis, and prior to that he took the stage alongside Fantasia Barrino in The Color Purple.
He has also just released his Netflix film Todrick Hall Behind The Curtain, an inspiring documentary that shows the hard work and creative power of this multi-talented artist. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Atlantic Crossing The Ultimate Rod Stewart Tribute Venue: Grand Events Center Genre: Tribute Date: Saturday, Oct. 19, 2019 at 8 p.m. Ticket Prices: $15 plus applicable fees Artist Info: Rg Stewart as lead singer and band leader is touted as the quintessential tribute to Rod Stewart. With looks that elicit double takes wherever he goes and a voice that you’d think you was Rod Stewart himself, he charms audiences everywhere. Rod Stewart’s catalog includes more than five decades and genres of timeless rockin’ hits including; rock, blues, disco, pop, reggae, and more. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Clint Holmes Venue: Grand Events Center Genre: Tribute Date: Friday, Oct. 25, 2019 at 8 p.m. Ticket Prices: $25 plus applicable fees Artist Info: Clint Holmes is simply one of the country’s finest vocalists. A consummate entertainer, performer and recording artist, Holmes scored a number-one hit in 1972 with “Playground in My Mind.” He has established a long resume of accolades and accomplishments, including “Singer of the Year” in both Las Vegas and New York City. His album Rendezvous was nominated for two Grammy® Awards in 2018. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Billy Currington Venue: Sunset Amphitheater Genre: Country Date: Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019 at 8 p.m. Ticket Prices: $37.50, $54.50 and $67.50 plus applicable fees Artist Info: Billy Currington’s latest album bears the breezy title Summer Forever, but the talented Georgia native has spent more than a decade in the spotlight proving he’s truly a man for all seasons. Possessing one of the smoothest and most distinct voices in any genre of music, Currington is equally skilled at delivering upbeat summertime anthems as well as exploring the complexities of life and love with a poignant ballad. On Summer Forever, Currington’s sixth studio album, he brings both with a collection of songs that will take the listener on a riveting musical journey and leave them breathless at the end of the ride.
Since his self-titled debut album bowed on Mercury Records in 2003, Currington has scored 11 career No. 1 singles, most recently, “Don’t Hurt Like It Used To.” His other hits that reached the No. 1 spot include such memorable songs as “Good Directions,” “Let Me Down Easy,” “Must Be Doin’ Somethin’ Right,” “People Are Crazy,” “That’s How Country Boys Roll,” “Hey Girl,” and “We Are Tonight.” Over the years, the self-effacing Georgia boy has amassed an impressive list of accolades. He won the “Hottest Video of the Year” honor at the fan-voted CMT Music Awards for “Must Be Doin’ Somethin’ Right” in 2006. The same year, he received an ACM nod for Top New Male Vocalist. His hit duet with Shania Twain, “Party for Two,” earned nominations from both the CMA and ACM. “People Are Crazy” took Currington’s already hot career to another level. He earned Grammy nominations for Male Country Vocal Performance and Best Country Song in addition to being nominate for Single and Song of the Year from the Country Music Association. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Boulder Blues Rick Estrin Venue: The Railhead Genre: Blues Date: Thursday, Oct. 3, 2019 at 6 p.m. Ticket Prices: $5 cover at the door Artist Info: Formed in 2008 after the dissolution of Little Charlie & The Nightcats, Rick Estrin & the Nightcats consists of harmonicist/lead vocalist and songwriter Rick Estrin, guitarist Chris “Kid” Andersen, singing drummer J. Hansen and dynamic multi-instrumentalist Lorenzo Farrell (electric and acoustic bass, organ and piano). A San Francisco native, Estrin began performing at the age of 15 and by 18 years old he was playing professionally. Throughout his career, Estrin has written for and performed with Koko Taylor, Robert Cray, John Hammond, Fillmore Slim and others. Guests must be 21 years or older
Boulder Blues Jason Ricci Venue: The Railhead Genre: Blues Date: Thursday, Oct. 17, 2019 at 6 p.m. Ticket Prices: $5 cover at the door Artist Info: Jason Ricci is one of the most popular harmonica players on the planet today. Listed in almost every top ten list of players on the internet today Jason Ricci is a polarizing force always in the spot light and on the tips of critics, artists and fans tongue’s everywhere. Through two plus decades of endless touring, TV appearances, recordings and the internet Jason Ricci’s style of playing is so revolutionary and influential that there exists an entire younger generation of players imitating his music, clothes, gear, and even stage presence. Nick named “Moon Cat” (a street name he once used in Nashville and New Orleans to avoid police detection) Jason has been an almost constant force for decades in the studio, festivals, club dates and press. Love him or hate him, through performing, singing, song writing, teaching, harmonica playing and activism in the fields of L.G.B.T., mental health and addiction, it is not an overstatement that this young, white, queer, skateboarding, punk rock loving, multiple convicted felony having Moon Cat from Maine is currently changing the world through music and education. Guests must be 21 years or older
OC/DC A Tribute to AC/DC Venue: The Railhead Genre: Tribute Date: Saturday, Oct. 26, 2019 at 6 p.m. Ticket Prices: $15 plus applicable fees Artist Info: The ultimate AC/DC tribute band, OC/DC performs hits from the world-famous rock band’s catalog, stretching more than 40 years. Guests must be 21 years or older
An Evening with Judy Collins Venue: Dallas Events Center Genre: Americana Date: Saturday, Oct. 12, 2019 at 8 p.m. Ticket Prices: $27.50, $38.50 and $49.50 plus applicable fees Artist Info: Judy Collins has inspired audiences with sublime vocals, boldly vulnerable personal life triumphs and a firm commitment to social activism. With a 50-album body of work and a career spanning five decades, Collins has garnered several gold and platinum-certified albums, including numerous top-10 hits. The award-winning singer-songwriter began her impressive music career at 13 as a piano prodigy and released her debut album A Maid of Constant Sorrow in 1961, which featured interpretative works of social poets of the time such as Bob Dylan, Phil Ochs, and Tom Paxton. Her 1967 album, Wildflowers, featured original compositions, including the Grammy Award-winning song, “Both Sides, Now,” which climbed to number eight on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Collins also remains a social activist and has authored several books, including the powerful and inspiring, Sanity Grace. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Tickets can be purchased at any Station Casinos Reward Center and The Fiestas, by logging onto www.StationCasinosLive.com or through Ticketmaster at 1.800.745.3000 or www.ticketmaster.com. Tickets for the Palms concerts can be purchased at the Palms Box Office, online at www.palms.com or by calling 702.944.3200.
The post Marilyn Manson, Chase Rice and Todrick highlight Station Casinos’ October 2019 headliners appeared first on PR Plus.
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hootywhom · 5 years
Station Casinos announces October 2019 headliners
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 25, 2019
Billy Idol: Las Vegas 2019 Presented by SiriusXM Venue: Pearl Concert Theater Genre: Rock Dates:  Friday, Oct. 4, 2019;             Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019;             Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2019;             Friday, Oct. 11, 2019;             Saturday, Oct. 12, 2019;             All shows begin at 9 p.m. Ticket Prices:  $34.95, $49.95, $79.95, $89.95 and $149.95 plus applicable fees Artist Info: Billy Idol was an early architect of the sound, style and fury of punk rock. His lip- curling sneer and fist-pumping persona vaulted him into the mainstream as one of MTV’s first megastars, making him one of the most recognizable faces in pop music, while selling out arenas everywhere he played. He has sold 40 million albums while scoring numerous platinum albums worldwide, nine top 40 singles in the U.S. and 10 in the U.K. including “Dancing With Myself,” “White Wedding,” “Rebel Yell,” “Mony Mony,” “Eyes Without A Face,” “Flesh For Fantasy” and “Cradle Of Love.”
Idol was responsible for some of punk rock’s most memorable, literate and evocative moments, and created a pioneering new sound by bringing the spirit of ’77 to the dance floor, going on to fashion an immediately identifiable musical blueprint that integrates club-land throb, rockabilly desperation and rock ’n’ roll decadence.
More than 30 years after his groundbreaking Vital Idol compilation cemented the vibrancy of the dance-rock remix genre in the second half of the 1980s, Idol’s Revitalized collection, Vital Idol: Revitalized, features 11 brand-new remixes of Idol’s most classic and enduring hits. Lending their hands to the Revitalized proceedings are electronic dance luminaries Moby, The Crystal Method and Paul Oakenfold as well as current innovators including RAC, Tropkillaz, Shiba San, Juan Maclean and CRAY.
Idol also hosts an exclusive SiriusXM show, Billy Idol’s Live Transmission, that can be heard on SiriusXM’s 1st Wave, channel 33.For all Billy Idol information, visit BillyIdol.net. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
J Balvin Arcoiris Tour Venue: Pearl Concert Theater Genre: Rock Dates:  Saturday, Oct. 19, 2019 at 8 p.m. Ticket Prices: $59.95, $79.95, $89.95, $129.95 and $179.95 plus applicable fees Artist Info: J Balvin’s history making Coachella debut was just a first glimpse of what fans can expect on the upcoming “Arcoiris Tour “– with multiple chart-topping hits and groundbreaking visual production, which will be brought to life once again by the Colombian superstar and the FriendsWithYou Art Collective. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Marilyn Manson Venue: Pearl Concert Theater Genre: Rock Dates:  Thursday, Oct. 31, 2019 at 8 p.m. Ticket Prices: $59.95, $79.95, $94.95, $129.95 and $189.95 plus applicable fees Artist Info: Marilyn Manson rose to fame in the ’90s and has maintained being one of the most iconic performers of modern music. With chart-topping hits including “The Dope Show,” “The Beautiful People,” and “Antichrist Superstar,” Manson maintained in major rotation on the radio and continued to climb charts throughout his career. In 2017, Manson released his 10th studio album, the critically acclaimed Heaven Upside Down. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Chase Rice Venue: Sandbar Poolside Stage Genre: Country Date: Friday, Oct. 25, 2019 at 7 p.m. Ticket Prices: $20 plus tax and applicable fees for standing room only and $50 plus tax and applicable fees for VIP standing near the stage Artist Info: Rice released his ten-song album Lambs & Lions late last year with new label partner BBR Music Group/ BMG—the follow-up to 2014’s Ignite the Night, which hit No. 1 on the country charts and reached the top five of the all-genre Billboard 200—but with Lambs & Lions, he is making a fresh start. With a new label and a renewed sense of creative purpose, he is making music that draws from multiple sources and influences, but is unified by his vision, integrity, and honesty.
The 10 songs on Lambs & Lions derive from Rice’s life and experience, triumphs and disappointments, and ultimately his determination to stand up for his convictions. Produced by Chris DeStefano, Mac MacAnally and, most surprisingly, Jacquire King (Kings of Leon, Cold War Kids), Lambs & Lions offers up sounds from the unsettling strings and horns on the title track to the spare piano and swelling choir of “Amen.” And if it took him walking out on his record company and finding a new home to get there, it also reflects the unconventional path that led him to make music in the first place. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Cover to Cover A Tribute to Rush: Permanent Venue: Rocks Lounge Genre: Rock Date: Saturday, Oct. 26, 2019 at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. Ticket Prices: $15 plus tax and applicable fees Artist Info: Featuring world-class musicians and singers, Cover to Cover takes audiences back to a time when albums were a complete and cohesive piece of art, by performing the famous records track to track, cover to cover the way they were originally meant to be appreciated. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
STYX X A Tribute to Styx Venue: Grand Events Center Genre: Tribute Date: Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019 at 8 p.m. Ticket Prices: $15 plus applicable fees Artist Info: At the height of their career, Styx was one of America’s favorite rock bands, with a string of hits and endless world tours. With world-class vocals and complex arrangements, they set themselves apart in dramatic fashion. Styx Xperience brings you the same energy and detail as the original they pay tribute too. With veteran musicians at every position, Styx Xperience is the nation’s finest Styx tribute act, hands down. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Todrick Haus Party World Tour Venue: Grand Events Center Genre: Musical Date: Friday, Oct. 18, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. Ticket Prices: $25, $32.50, $42 & $45 plus applicable fees Artist Info: Todrick is a singer, songwriter, dancer, actor, choreographer, playwright and director.  In 2010 Todrick Hall rose to fame as a semi-finalist on the ninth season of American Idol.  He focused his talent on creating his own content on YouTube.  His videos of flash mobs to songs by Ariana Grande and Beyoncé became viral video sensations.  Todrick has amassed over 3 million YouTube subscribers and an astounding 630 million YouTube views. He has since choreographed for Beyoncé. He won the 2016 Streamy Award for Breakthrough Artist of the Year.
In 2014, Todrick was named one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 to watch in Hollywood & Entertainment. He also starred in his self-titled MTV show, TODRICK, which he wrote and directed. The docu-series showed fans a behind the scenes look at Todrick and his creative team as they choreographed and staged elaborate performance videos.  He has written and directed commercials for Fiat and theme songs for Sesame Street.  He wrote and performed in the Virgin Airlines Safety Video. He has also been a judge and choreographer for RuPaul’s Drag Race. Todrick has starred in the Grammy & 6 time Tony Award-winning musical Kinky Boots as well as played the iconic role of Billy Flynn in Chicago.  He was also part of the Tony Award-winning musical Memphis, and prior to that he took the stage alongside Fantasia Barrino in The Color Purple.
He has also just released his Netflix film Todrick Hall Behind The Curtain, an inspiring documentary that shows the hard work and creative power of this multi-talented artist. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Atlantic Crossing The Ultimate Rod Stewart Tribute Venue: Grand Events Center Genre: Tribute Date: Saturday, Oct. 19, 2019 at 8 p.m. Ticket Prices: $15 plus applicable fees Artist Info: Rg Stewart as lead singer and band leader is touted as the quintessential tribute to Rod Stewart. With looks that elicit double takes wherever he goes and a voice that you’d think you was Rod Stewart himself, he charms audiences everywhere. Rod Stewart’s catalog includes more than five decades and genres of timeless rockin’ hits including; rock, blues, disco, pop, reggae, and more. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Clint Holmes Venue: Grand Events Center Genre: Tribute Date: Friday, Oct. 25, 2019 at 8 p.m. Ticket Prices: $25 plus applicable fees Artist Info: Clint Holmes is simply one of the country’s finest vocalists. A consummate entertainer, performer and recording artist, Holmes scored a number-one hit in 1972 with “Playground in My Mind.” He has established a long resume of accolades and accomplishments, including “Singer of the Year” in both Las Vegas and New York City. His album Rendezvous was nominated for two Grammy® Awards in 2018. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Billy Currington Venue: Sunset Amphitheater Genre: Country Date: Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019 at 8 p.m. Ticket Prices: $37.50, $54.50 and $67.50 plus applicable fees Artist Info: Billy Currington’s latest album bears the breezy title Summer Forever, but the talented Georgia native has spent more than a decade in the spotlight proving he’s truly a man for all seasons. Possessing one of the smoothest and most distinct voices in any genre of music, Currington is equally skilled at delivering upbeat summertime anthems as well as exploring the complexities of life and love with a poignant ballad. On Summer Forever, Currington’s sixth studio album, he brings both with a collection of songs that will take the listener on a riveting musical journey and leave them breathless at the end of the ride.
Since his self-titled debut album bowed on Mercury Records in 2003, Currington has scored 11 career No. 1 singles, most recently, “Don’t Hurt Like It Used To.” His other hits that reached the No. 1 spot include such memorable songs as “Good Directions,” “Let Me Down Easy,” “Must Be Doin’ Somethin’ Right,” “People Are Crazy,” “That’s How Country Boys Roll,” “Hey Girl,” and “We Are Tonight.” Over the years, the self-effacing Georgia boy has amassed an impressive list of accolades. He won the “Hottest Video of the Year” honor at the fan-voted CMT Music Awards for “Must Be Doin’ Somethin’ Right” in 2006. The same year, he received an ACM nod for Top New Male Vocalist. His hit duet with Shania Twain, “Party for Two,” earned nominations from both the CMA and ACM. “People Are Crazy” took Currington’s already hot career to another level. He earned Grammy nominations for Male Country Vocal Performance and Best Country Song in addition to being nominate for Single and Song of the Year from the Country Music Association. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Boulder Blues Rick Estrin Venue: The Railhead Genre: Blues Date: Thursday, Oct. 3, 2019 at 6 p.m. Ticket Prices: $5 cover at the door Artist Info: Formed in 2008 after the dissolution of Little Charlie & The Nightcats, Rick Estrin & the Nightcats consists of harmonicist/lead vocalist and songwriter Rick Estrin, guitarist Chris “Kid” Andersen, singing drummer J. Hansen and dynamic multi-instrumentalist Lorenzo Farrell (electric and acoustic bass, organ and piano). A San Francisco native, Estrin began performing at the age of 15 and by 18 years old he was playing professionally. Throughout his career, Estrin has written for and performed with Koko Taylor, Robert Cray, John Hammond, Fillmore Slim and others. Guests must be 21 years or older
Boulder Blues Jason Ricci Venue: The Railhead Genre: Blues Date: Thursday, Oct. 17, 2019 at 6 p.m. Ticket Prices: $5 cover at the door Artist Info: Jason Ricci is one of the most popular harmonica players on the planet today. Listed in almost every top ten list of players on the internet today Jason Ricci is a polarizing force always in the spot light and on the tips of critics, artists and fans tongue’s everywhere. Through two plus decades of endless touring, TV appearances, recordings and the internet Jason Ricci’s style of playing is so revolutionary and influential that there exists an entire younger generation of players imitating his music, clothes, gear, and even stage presence. Nick named “Moon Cat” (a street name he once used in Nashville and New Orleans to avoid police detection) Jason has been an almost constant force for decades in the studio, festivals, club dates and press. Love him or hate him, through performing, singing, song writing, teaching, harmonica playing and activism in the fields of L.G.B.T., mental health and addiction, it is not an overstatement that this young, white, queer, skateboarding, punk rock loving, multiple convicted felony having Moon Cat from Maine is currently changing the world through music and education. Guests must be 21 years or older
OC/DC A Tribute to AC/DC Venue: The Railhead Genre: Tribute Date: Saturday, Oct. 26, 2019 at 6 p.m. Ticket Prices: $15 plus applicable fees Artist Info: The ultimate AC/DC tribute band, OC/DC performs hits from the world-famous rock band’s catalog, stretching more than 40 years. Guests must be 21 years or older
An Evening with Judy Collins Venue: Dallas Events Center Genre: Americana Date: Saturday, Oct. 12, 2019 at 8 p.m. Ticket Prices: $27.50, $38.50 and $49.50 plus applicable fees Artist Info: Judy Collins has inspired audiences with sublime vocals, boldly vulnerable personal life triumphs and a firm commitment to social activism. With a 50-album body of work and a career spanning five decades, Collins has garnered several gold and platinum-certified albums, including numerous top-10 hits. The award-winning singer-songwriter began her impressive music career at 13 as a piano prodigy and released her debut album A Maid of Constant Sorrow in 1961, which featured interpretative works of social poets of the time such as Bob Dylan, Phil Ochs, and Tom Paxton. Her 1967 album, Wildflowers, featured original compositions, including the Grammy Award-winning song, “Both Sides, Now,” which climbed to number eight on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Collins also remains a social activist and has authored several books, including the powerful and inspiring, Sanity Grace. This is an all-ages show; those under 21 must be accompanied by an adult
Tickets can be purchased at any Station Casinos Reward Center and The Fiestas, by logging onto www.StationCasinosLive.com or through Ticketmaster at 1.800.745.3000 or www.ticketmaster.com. Tickets for the Palms concerts can be purchased at the Palms Box Office, online at www.palms.com or by calling 702.944.3200.
The post Marilyn Manson, Chase Rice and Todrick highlight Station Casinos’ October 2019 headliners appeared first on PR Plus.
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junker-town · 7 years
Why are the Houston Astros hitting like a team of Jon Lesters?
There are four reasons, and none of them are particularly novel.
The Houston Astros, as a team, had a 948 OPS in August. That means for an entire month, roughly, they were a team of nine Josh Donaldsons, all menacingly waggling their bats, terrifying each and every pitcher they faced. For a full month, the entire lineup was an amorphous blob of MVP candidate. It’s helpful to think of it as an actual horror movie kind of blob, a gelatinous monster with 18 wildly flailing legs and 18 arms that consumed pitchers whole and spit out the hats. And it’s not like they were slouches in the other months, either; in a single seven-game stretch in July, they scored 73 runs, which is more than the Royals scored in the month of April.
This is the setup for the 2017 ALCS, in which the Astros can’t even hit like nine John Donaldsons. Oh, if they could only manage that sweet, sweet 608 OPS as a team, things might be different. Instead, they’re at .147/.234/.213 for the series, a line so bad that you can’t reasonably compare it to a single position player. The 447 OPS is right between what Clayton Kershaw and Jon Lester hit this season, after all.
The Astros have scored nine runs in five games, which is their lowest total in a five-game stretch this season by two runs, and it’s time to explain retroactively what in the world is going on with them. There are a lot of possible explanations.
It could be just one of those things, the baseball goblin running around the room and hiding the Astros’ car keys for no reason. Here’s a plot of all the pitches Masahiro Tanaka threw in Game 5, via Brooks Baseball:
He didn’t throw too many balls down the heart of the plate. But there were still hittable pitches, with the caveat being that the hitter had to be ready for them. With a slight change of approach from the batter, maybe that blue sucker right in the middle would have been a turquoise square instead of a blue one. Maybe some of those reds could have been turquoise, too. It’s not that Tanaka didn’t give the Astros pitches to hit; it’s that he gave them far fewer pitches to hit than a team wants. But there were still a few that got away because, ha ha, that’s baseball for ya.
But it feels hollow to use “just one of those things” as an excuse. There’s another team involved, you know. That would be the Yankees, who are pitching as well as they’ve pitched all season. So this is the other part of the equation: The other team is doing what they’re trying to do, and they’re doing it better than the other team. Masahiro Tanaka was absolutely painting the outside edge to left-handers in Game 5, and he was making hitters flail with his splitter, which isn’t a pitch that hitters are used to. He was outstanding. Sonny Gray was very good. CC Sabathia and Luis Severino all had fine starts.
So we’re up to a) just baseball being baseball and b) the Yankees starting pitchers getting hot at just the right time, not necessarily in that order. The third leg of this table might be the most important, and this isn’t a novel thought, but the modern postseason series favors the super-bullpens. There are scheduled off days and a finish line in sight, which allows Joe Girardi to use Tommy Kahnle and Chad Green (who are a combined 9 IP, 0 ER in this series) for multiple innings at a time. This isn’t something he can do against the Red Sox in August because there were five games in five days before that, and there might be five games in five days after that. The postseason is built for teams that are built for the postseason, and that currently means a hot bullpen is the most valuable currency. It might be speed one of these years, but in the post-Royals world, it’s relief.
This is all fairly obvious so far. The Yankees have executed, their mid-to-late inning blueprint is devastating, and the Astros sure haven’t gotten any fortunate bounces. That’s why they’re not scoring. Please email my editor about how much you enjoyed this piece.
Except it’s the fourth table leg that I can’t get out of my head. Up there, when I was referring to the seeming randomness of baseball, the tyranny of improper sequencing, I wrote:
But there were still hittable pitches, with the caveat being that the hitter had to be ready for them.
Which makes it all sound like a game of rock-paper-scissors. Pitcher throwing fastball beats hitter looking for curveball, et cetera. Except that’s way too oversimplified. If you’re seeing a dot in the middle of the strike zone, that doesn’t have to be a pitch that the pitcher screwed up on. It could have been a part of the pitch sequence he was trying to execute the whole time, a show-me pitch in a count when he knew the hitter was going to be something else.
The fourth part of what’s happened to the Astros — and this is a wild theory without a lot of tangible evidence, so salt away — has to do with the Yankees being so damned smart. The ability to focus their Manhattan Project of nerds on a single team for a week has to be absolutely devastating. Think about it: For 162 games, they’re worried about the Red Sox, the Rays, then the Blue Jays are coming into town and, what in the, the Reds are on the schedule? They’re all spread out, with a broken fire hydrant of advance scouting shooting at them, while the analytics team is working on the draft, the current roster, players at every level of the organization, maybe future free agents. They’re modeling the career of Didi Gregorius so they know how much money they’ll need to budget, they’re rebuilding Aaron Judge’s swing, they’re figuring out what’s wrong with Tanaka and how to fix him.
For the last week, they’ve been focused on how to beat the Astros. Here, you, come over here: I want you to drop everything you’re doing, and tell me how you get Marwin Gonzalez out.
You, figure out what kind of pitch sequencing gives George Springer trouble.
You, figure out how to hit Dallas Keuchel.
And so on, and so on, and this is how it’s always been since the beginning of time, but now there’s rivers of data and the processing power to harness it. When a team with the resources of the Yankees can sit and focus on one team in a best-of-seven series, it can seem like an unfair weaponization of knowledge, the kind that can turn a team of nine Josh Donaldsons into a team of nine Jon Lesters.
The Astros have smart people, too, and it’s not like they’re picking up a copy of their complimentary hotel USA Today for their research. It’s possible — probable? — that I’m overestimating the knowledge gap, here. But at the very least, the Yankees’ game plan has been a crucial component to the Astros’ struggles, and we’ve arrived at a solid, four-point explanation of why they’ve been so horrible:
The Yankees have an excellent bullpen, and they’ve deployed it expertly
They had a plan for how to pitch the Astros, and it was a good plan
That plan required the starting pitchers to execute, and they have
Baseball never has to be equitable and fair, but it always has to be kind of weird
And it will all be forgotten if the Astros win two games at home, so don’t dwell on it. But for five games, the best offensive team in baseball has looked like the worst offensive team in baseball. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot more stories like this. Blame or praise the computers, lasers, and the people charged with making sense of it all, because they aren’t going away. There will be more what-happened-to-Team-X stories for postseasons to come.
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