#is this too long askfgdjfhg
putastakeinit · 4 months
@bleakfated || Lucifer.
The building interior was white and pristine, seemed like a shame to use it to store goods to be sold on the black market. Statues, paintings, and crates upon crates adorned the room. Sheets were placed over goods for protection but little good would that do if they were met with something more harsh than dust.
Angela had been stalking a day walker, a sightless mole-like creature who was as every bit blood thirsty as its nocturnal cousins. The creature was large, standing at roughly seven feet tall, all skin and no fur or hair aside from some very light nearly translucent hairs that could barely be seen. It had no eyes, only a mouth and two holes on either side of its head for ears, much like a bird's. Its long sharp claws could slash through anything, much like its teeth.
One would hardly think it was a vampire at first glance, however most were ignorant of vampires' existence, let alone the many different classifications of vampires.
She had entered in through an open window, climbing up a nearby ladder left behind. Seemed these thieves were a little forgetful. Dust filled her lungs when she came through and she coughed for a moment before finally recollecting herself. The sound of the monster's scuffing footsteps could be heard faintly and she went for her gun.
Quietly she traced it back to a hall where it was sniffing around for prey. No one seemed to be in the building but them however there could be people below, one could never be too sure. She tried to approach the creature with minimal noise, keeping her footsteps light but she accidentally nudge a stolen good, moving it slightly and thus attracting the creature's heightened senses.
"Way to go." she muttered to herself as she darted around a corner. She fled down a flight of stairs and as she descended, she could hear rapid gunfire, not of one or two weapons but many.
Had a turf war broken out? She didn't have time to dwell on questions as she sped down another staircase, heart beating rapidly. The creature snarled behind her, its footsteps thudding as it descended.
They came to the bottom, the area where all the action was, and she skidded across the marble like flooring. The henchmen above them seemed to deter their attention from whatever their original target was and onto her enemy. A stroke of luck. And while their ordinary bullets did little to harm it, the rapid gunfire seemed to stun it, a window of opportunity she'd take.
She fired her shot. The creature roared, claws slashing at the goods surrounding them, knocking over statues and other priceless artifacts. Crates were broken, wood splintering and boards smashed. She kept her distance, a task only made marginally easier by the amount of debris between them. It'd keep the creature at bay for now.
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