#is tom ellis attractive? idk i'm gay.
castiellesbian ยท 2 years
"yeah sure dean is bi but i draw the line at him dating an ugly guy"
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saraminia ยท 2 years
I realized something... I'm not proud of it... but the reason I can't stand or am not interested in certain shows is because I don't find the main/popular ship to be attractive people. Like 911... I'm completely indifferent. Not only because that ship is not even canon and I have no patience for the will they won't they, are they gay or is it queerbating or just wishful thinking. But mostly because these two guys are just... meh... None of them is attractive. Anyway. Let's not even talk about Heartstopper. Also Lucifer comes to mind. Never could get into it, because I was just not into Tom Ellis. And by attractive I don't necessarily mean like. I wanna fuck them type of attractive. Just that they're easy on the eyes. Pretty people to look at. That's apparently what it takes for me to get into a media. Idk how I feel about this realization. Idk if this is like really bad. Idk why I am even telling this to y'all. Some feelings might get hurt. But on the other hand.. these are tv shows, they're entertainment, I'm supposed to be entertained by them and if watching pretty people is what's entertaining to me then.. eh.. so be it.
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