#isabel and mika have Something going on
starstruckodysseys · 1 month
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the kids in this fic are the funniest characters to write ever. technically this is a carshall fic but really it’s about the thirteen year olds if we’re being honest
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papermccn · 8 months
Finally I make a starter & plot call! Anyways you can find all my muses down below ; and whether they chose to come or not.. and if they're open to some not aliving. Also limit is 3 per mun, and 5 starters per muse ! 🖤🧡 I'll probably drop all pre event replies when it comes to the event starting BTW!!
elena gilbert- went willing, probably curious. - open to death that doesnt alter her memory. -4/5 hope, stefan, katherine, elijah
Eric Northman- went, finally something interesting - not open to death; open to get hurt if u can - it helps he's 1000+ and immortal. 1/5 faye
homura akemi - can't see her willing to go, unless she knew madoka went and ofc she has to protect her gf. - open to non memory altering death- 0/5
jinx, - went 100 percent , she loves chaos. - open to not memory altering death; she just remembered. -3/5 freddie, silco, judith
Nami- 100 percent is too much of a scaredy cat to go- is horrified she appeared there anyways. - willing for some death- no altering her memory -3/5. zhuyin, molly, zoro
richard gecko - didn't care to go- pissed he wound up anyways - - open to death, 1/5 seth
tifa lockhart- she's too smart to willing want to go- is now being super protective of people she cares for. - not open for death, 1/5 aerith
lip gallagher- didn't wanna go, gimme death. 1/5 fiona, rikki
veronica sawyer,- heard cornmaze and figured it'd be stupid - boy was she wrong.. open to death, 0/5
finn the human,- 100 percent wanted to go, loves an adventure.. open to not memory altering death, 0/5
princess peach - didn't wanna go. Now is worried about shego, keeping herself on guard. -1/5 jasmine
Tamora mitchell, she went, was curious.. anything over homework right ?? - open to memory altering death, 2/5 peyton, kat
teucer- curiosity might kill this dude, wanted to go and check it out- big mistake.. open to death, give childe some character development aksl jk jk, 2/5 childe, yoon chi woo,
isabelle - was too busy working to go!! Grind is 24/7-- is scared but will glue themselves to mika. 1/5 mika
nezuko kamado- she willing went - she wanted to see something new - now she's scared >:[ will protect people if needed . - open to non memory altering death, 0/5
harriet hufflepuff- went with lily for a date- kind of a big mistake but she's happy to be with their cute coworker. - no death, 5/5 salazar, godric, gregoria, hadley, harvey
amber freeman - willing went , why not have an opportunity to potentially attack someone- I mean why who she went for fun-- open for death. 2/5 jill, billy
Tina belcher- lbr just found herself there.. is confused but it's exciting. - no death, 2/5 bob, louise
misa amane - went to get some good pics for insta- now regrets it. - open to non memory altering death. 0/5
gwen stacy - didn't want to go, open for death, 1/5 peter
erica reyes,- went for some fun, open to death, 1/5 peter
dinah laurel lance,- didn't go willing, open to death, 0/5
bond - was trying to get out of his comfort zone, big mistake. , no death, 1/5 pei ming
Mary- went for the heck of it, no memory altering death, 2/5. Heidi, noela
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peace-coast-island · 11 months
Diary of a Junebug
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The view from the very top of Elderberry Gazebo Garden
The hike to the very top of Elderberry is long and tiring, but the effort’s worth it. They built sort of like a mini town above the botanical garden, which is built around a giant tree, kinda like Adrikha City.
So the garden’s spiral, to describe it simply, which means a lot of climbing. At least, unlike the city, the directions are pretty much straightforward since it’s just a massive garden, some touristy spots - like gift shops, exhibitions, and food stands - and a couple inns.
I once again lucked out by being part of a group discount thing, this time hosted by Dani and Cheyenne. Again, I got myself, Isabelle, Daisy Jane, and a handful of campers to help meet that quota. Dani and Cheyenne invited a couple of their theater friends along with Dixon, Mika, and Sophea, who brought along some company. Sophea invited Lan and some of her crew, including Hanzou, who’s finally signed on to Connie’s adventuring party, as well as Eiko, someone who Sophea and Mika are helping out.
Even though Hanzou hasn’t been an official member until recently, he’s been with Lan and her crew for some time, and he’s pretty close with Connie and Pai. Basically, the main reason why he couldn’t sign on was because of a bunch of boring legal stuff, most which wasn’t in his control anyway. In other words, there’s a bunch of legal stuff you have to go through if you want to join someone’s party because it is a high risk thing where you need protection if something bad happens to you. So even though Connie has so many friends and allies, only a small number of them are legally allowed to have the freedom to travel as freely as they do.
Now that I think about it, I think it makes sense that most of Connie’s allies are people of status and high rank, probably because it’s easier for them to move around the red tape. Of course, there’s a lot of everyday-type people too as it’s not supposed to be too difficult to sigh up as long as you have necessary paperwork and pass some tests. Obviously, for most people, it’s the commitment and the risks that makes you consider whether or not this kind of thing is for you.
Hanzou’s still in the orientation stage, as they call it, so he won’t be dispatched for his first official mission for a while. To celebrate and make most of the downtime, Lan wanted to treat him, so the visit to Elderberry was the perfect opportunity. After hearing so much about him from Connie, Pai, and Lan, it’s good to finally meet him.
Eiko’s got quite a story that’s kinda similar to Hanzou in terms of being a fugitive. At least in Hanzou’s case, with the situation in Sango at the time, now all his charges - which were baseless - have been dropped and the government provided adequate compensation for the trouble they caused him. As for Eiko, on the hand, their problem’s more personal, and a whole lot messier.
What makes Eiko unique is that they’re a human who can transform into a half vampire state. It all started years ago when they ditched school and snuck out to the city at night. They met a vampire named Seri, someone who pushed them out of their comfort zone and gave them some much needed excitement in their boring, monotonous life.
Mika and Brenda used to be neighbors with Eiko’s family before they both moved and lost contact. It was by chance that Mika and Eiko met again through Sophea, who Eiko was told to turn to for help when shit really hit the fan. Trust Sophea to find a way to help out.
So Eiko and Seri got involved with a lot of shenanigans, typical rebellious teenage stuff, as they put it. After seeing how carefree Seri lived, Eiko had the idea that maybe they should become a vampire too. Except, as they later learned from other vampires, the lifestyle’s not all that cracked up to be.
The fact that they were able to transform into a half vampire state after letting Seri take their blood for a time was considered an anomaly that’s still a mystery. According to Eiko, the only concrete thing they know for sure is that it might have to do with Seri being an unusual case of being a vampire with human ancestry. With very little to go off on, Eiko has no idea what to expect - as in whether their ability is more of a curse than a feature sort of thing.
So for a while, Eiko was unsure if they wanted to commit to being a vampire, especially after dealing with this shady cop whose side gig was murdering supernatural creatures for sport. That guy turned out to have a grudge against Sari, which was why he began stalking Eiko to get through to her and the other vampires in the city.
At first he tried to get Eiko to sever their ties with the vampires, even offering to kill them if that made things easier. Eiko described Sari as the fearless daredevil type who doesn’t give a fuck about what others think of her, so to say that even the mere mention of that cop triggered her into anxiety attacks is pretty serious. And when Eiko vowed to protect Seri and the vampire council from him, he managed to get their parents to turn against them.
As to what led to Eiko’s departure, they’re still not quite sure of what happened exactly as there was a lot going on. It wasn’t until later that Eiko found out that the cop revealed to their parents what they had been up to. He basically told them that their kid was being brainwashed by vampires to the point that only death would be the best and merciful option.
And then out of nowhere, the cop launched an ambush on the vampire council, killing most of them. No one knows how he found their headquarters, but Eiko suspects their parents might have helped with that. Sari, the head vampire, and a few others - three or four - survived the attack and were forced to flee.
Eiko was caught in the crossfire and attempted, but failed, to get the situation under control. Sari - in Eiko’s opinion - made the mistake of not fleeing, instead choosing to confront her fears. Of course, that didn’t go so well, and Sari was forced to go into hiding while Eiko fled the country with help from the head vampire.
Since then, Eiko and Seri kept sporadic contact with each other. The rest of the vampires are trying to help make an escape route for Seri, though that’s easier said than done. It’s been almost a year, and the others are getting worried because the longer this drags out, the worse it is for Seri. But at the same time, there’s only so much they can do, especially with their lives on the line too.
Eiko has considered going back to find Seri themselves despite protests from the vampires. Sophea and Mika also thought it was a bad idea. Even though Eiko wasn’t the same person who left - in terms of changing their name and appearance - there’s still a risk of someone recognizing them. Their legal name is listed as a missing person, so that’s another thing they need to be careful about. And now that they think about it, Eiko said that Seri would beat their ass if they got caught.
Going to Sophea is one of their last resorts. The head is somewhat acquainted with her, and they have a few mutual connections, so it makes sense that they would consider her. Mika’s not a lawyer, nor does he plan to work in that field, but he has substantial experience, as well as some connections of his own - so, kinda similar to Shinobu in terms of expertise and experience.
In other words, Sophea and Mika are trying to give Eiko and the vampires as much protection as they can from that cop. Even though Sophea’s specialty is law, she’s also the go-to person when you need to find someone - whether it’s an individual or you need connections of some sort, she’s the one you turn to for help.
For now, Eiko’s under protective custody with Lan and her crew, similar to Hanzou when he was on the run. Before that, they were just hopping from one place to another. It wasn’t all bad, though, they said, as aside from being worried about getting caught, there was a lot of self-discovery involved, which was how they became Eiko. The funds the head left them was surprisingly substantial, so that made things a little easier, and they were able to support themselves a bit so they’d have a little extra for emergencies.
At least with Lan and her crew, they’ll be safe and have more stability while still being able to travel the world. They’ve never been on a ship prior to that, so that was something to look forward to. And they’ve been getting along with the crew, which is good. Not to mention that it’ll be easier for Sophea and the vampires to contact them when they need to.
As for Mika, he and Sophea can’t say too much on the case involving his sister other than things are moving as expected. He was actually glad that Sophea contacted him about Eiko as it gave him a much needed distraction from family problems. He had mentioned before that his parents split and he’s not on speaking terms with his father.
Let’s just say that it’s understandable that Mika, Dani, and Dixon don’t hold many fond memories of the city they spent their formative teen and early young adult years in. Basically, they were born and raised in the humble midwest and were uprooted to the upscale southwest - to a city full of rich, snobby people, to put it simply. Despite trying to acclimate to the culture and trying to build a future there, they were never able to really tear down those walls that kept them out.
So it’s no surprise that they left when they realized that they wouldn’t be getting the same opportunities as their rich, upper class, and more privileged peers despite working hard for it. Dani moved north, Mika went east, and while Dixon’s based in LA, his social circle runs far differently than the people in that city. All I can say is that there’s this stereotype of people from there as snobby, rich, trust fund, nepotism types, which, apparently, isn’t too far from the truth, it seems.
As for Mika, thanks to his father, and what happened to his sister, he’s wary of those super rich types who only care about money and lack compassion towards other people. His father was the reason why the family moved as he got a promotion at work as an accountant.
Mika put it as too much of a good thing when his father started making a lot more money. Eventually he got to the point where he cared more about money and status than his own family. But despite the fact that the family was very well off, while he had no problem spending on himself, he wasn’t as generous to the others. So the thing about being unable to let Brenda transfer to an overseas university wasn’t entirely untrue as it was expensive, even with a scholarship, but a big part of it was that the father wasn’t willing to, as Mika quoted, throw aside thousands of dollars for something frivolous. For the record, it sounds like he’s one of those people who doesn’t really value the arts.
So, to sum it up, the lifestyle of the rich and famous isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. His parents got along well before, but when his father’s priorities changed, so did their relationship. As for his father’s relationship with his sister, Mika said he wasn’t too keen on her pursuing drama and made that pretty clear. He also brushed her off when she was being threatened and didn’t seem too torn up with her death as he carried on at work like nothing happened, which sounds heartless.
And that’s not all. Mika apologized as he didn’t want to bring the mood down too much but Sophea and Dani said he needed to get it off his chest if that’s okay with everyone else. I said it’s fine as he’s clearly been trough a lot and sometimes you don’t need advice but a space where you can just rant about what’s weighing you down so maybe you’ll feel a bit better. Like I said, I feel for him, and he shouldn’t have to go through all that.
Anyway, the one thing Mika can’t forgive him for is using Brenda’s death to get more clients, which is like, what the fuck. Boo-hoo by daughter was killed by a drunk driver, now give me money for my grieving family. So he pulled that shtick for a while before Mika and his mother found out and they blew up. Mika pretty much stopped talking to him after that. Not too long after, his father walked out.
Then, a while ago, Mika found out that the company his father works for is under fire for a huge scandal, and his father’s involved with it. So after years of no contact, he’s calling Mika and his mother up, demanding that they bail him out. Not only he wants to get off scot free, he also wants to throw innocent people under the bus.
Damn. No wonder Mika’s fed up. And he’s already blocked 5 different numbers from him. Sophea and Lan offered to visit him and teach him a lesson, but Mika said to maybe save that as a last resort.
The garden itself was nice to look at. I really don’t know how to describe it other than “flowers are nice.” Like, I don’t have too high standards for gardens. I see flowers that look nice and I’m satisfied. The tree and gazebos though, they give the place some personality.
Along the way up there’s shops and little exhibitions where you can learn a bit more about the plants here. Most of the gift shops are touristy so it’s the usual souvenir stuff - though I did manage to find a cute spiral notebook with a pretty picture of the garden where you can see the whole tree. Spiral notebooks aren’t really something I gravitate towards, but it was inexpensive, the cover looked nice, and the paper feels like it’s fairly decent quality - at least compared to most spiral notebooks you’d find in the store for cheap.
As for the hike to the top, we did that on day three as we wanted to take the time to explore the garden. Like the guides said, the hike is long and will take all day. If you need to rest, there’s a couple of inns along the trails, or you can camp out in a designated area.
I went with Daisy Jane, Lan, Dani, Cheyenne, Hanzou, Mika, and Eiko. And for some reason, we thought we could power through the hike in one day. Obviously, that didn’t happen, But we did make it far enough to the halfway point and spent the night at the inn there. I kinda expected that we wouldn’t make it, so I wasn’t disappointed, and neither were the others. After all, we’re just here to enjoy the scenery, not race to the top.
The view from the midpoint is just as nice, and I’d honestly be satisfied if we just stopped there. However, I’m glad that we made it all the way to the top. After powering it through this far, we decided to take a more leisurely pace the rest of the way, which I think made the final destination much more rewarding.
While enjoying the view, Eiko revealed that they used to be afraid of heights. Then they met Seri, who liked to mess with them by throwing them out the window and letting them fall before she swooped in to catch them. Eiko described it as exhilarating and terrifying, but they loved it. So when things got rough, Seri would take Eiko’s hand and they’d jump off the highest spot they could find and float around the city without a care in the world.
Since Eiko can transform into a hald vampire state, they can jump super high and float, though not on the same level as a fully fledged vampire. There’s a balcony in the back for people who can float, levitate, use parachutes, gliders - whatever as long as long as you follow the necessary safety protocols - so we can take off for a bit. Good thing I have my glider with me, as did the others.
So we did a couple test runs first and worked something out that’ll allow Eiko to sort of lead us while we glided around the garden. I was a little worried that it might be too strenuous for Eiko, but since the rest of us have gliders, that made things a bit easier as Eiko wouldn’t have to carry anyone. Hanzou can float because of his powers, so he said he could act quickly if something happens. Thankfully, everything went smoothly.
And like Eiko said, a bit scary, but also exhilarating. Even though it was the middle of the night, the garden’s still well lit, so it wasn’t pitch black. In fact, like a busy city, the garden seems to have a nightlife of its own.
I think I can start to see why Eiko was drawn in by the vampires and the late night living. There’s just something so freeing about the night. Like in the day, you have a lot of expectations, responsibilities, all kinds of stuff. But at night, the pressure is off, and somehow, things seem different. Time moves differently. And as someone who’s a night owl and clearly not a morning person, I get that.
I also thought about what Eiko said about how that cop was sorta right about them not being the same person their parents raised. Obviously, in a figurative way, but also kinda literal too. From how it sounds, they don’t seem close with their parents - which is kinda obvious considering that they took a literal stranger’s word over someone they raised.
Even though Eiko’s life is on the line, they’re more concerned about Seri, saying that, “You can’t kill somebody who already died a long time ago.” By that, Eiko meant their old self, the one who slept the day away because they were unhappy and had no one to turn to.
It’s kinda like something I read somewhere that stuck with me, about mourning an empty grave. It’s basically saying that some people will never truly get to know you because they refuse to accept you as you are. Instead, they stick with some vision of you based on how they think you should be and act like it’s a personal attack when you stand up for yourself. They don’t actually care about you, they care more about their idealized version of you who they can control and push around.
Despite taking it slow, it felt like the rest of the hike few by. Again, it was dark when we finally reached the top, but I think I like it better that way. From the very top, the view is astounding! I’ve been up high many times and I’m still surprised by what you can see from a different perspective.
Maybe this is the closest I can get to touching the stars without getting my feet off the ground.
Read on AO3
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ptolemveamoved · 2 years
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archive records has been a seattle staple for decades , maintained by generations of a well-respected local family. although it doesn’t look like much , archive records offers an an eclectic mix of vinyl , live performances on the weekends and even the occasional celebrity album signing . unfortunately, the age of streaming has been detrimental to the shop’s success and now it’s in danger of closing its doors for good .
despite their differences , the employees of archive records have decided to attempt to rescue the shop — but that requires getting creative and working together. are they fighting a losing battle or will they be able to salvage a valuable contribution to seattle’s music scene ?
this is a semi - plotless d*scrd verse about a group of young adults ( aged 20 - 26 ) who work at archive records in seattle, washington . this will be a collaborative , laid - back environment and it is MUTUALS ONLY . events and plot drops will be done periodically to help the group from growing stagnant .
standard rules apply . we’re adults and we know the basics  !
( 1 ) no ooc drama , no godmodding , no shipchasing , no bubble roleplaying , etc .  i am here for you if something is wrong but please be mature about complaints and concerns . if you cause ooc drama , you’ll be removed with no warning .
( 2 ) mature themes are likely going to be present in this verse so be mindful . please censor possible triggering content and mark channels as nsfw if necessary . muns, muses and faceclaims must be 20+ . you can follow a +3/-3 rule when age bending !
( 3 ) tentatively ,the mun cap is eight ( excluding me ) and you’re allowed to apply with 2 muses right away but it’s not required . you’ll be allowed to add a second at any time if you’d prefer to get settled first ! please be diverse in your faceclaim choices — if you apply with two muses, one must be a poc , body diverse or gender diverse .
( 4 ) although there is no activity limit and real life always comes first , please don’t join with the intention to ghost or if you are not able to adequately contribute to the group . activity is not everything but activity DOES matter if the group is going to thrive !
𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. - please send your app through my submit !
( fc , gender, age, pronouns ) make sure you stop by archive records to catch up with FULL NAME ! they’ve been working at the shop for AMOUNT OF TIME and they’re always playing SONG by ARTIST when they clock in for their shift. i know they seem NEGATIVE TRAIT behind the counter but they’re actually pretty POSITIVE TRAIT on their days off. NAME/NICKNAME told me that they’re a ZODIAC who wants to DREAM/ASPIRATION – but right now their top priority is saving the shop ! written by alias, pronouns, age, url, tmz.
application extras are not required but are strongly encouraged. in the instance that i receive more applications than i can accept , extras help me decide which muses are a good fit . extras include playlists, aesthetics, edits/graphics, pinterest boards, muse tags, a biography, etc .
taken :
archie renaux and danielle marcan 
daisy jelley and jaxon rose
mun count :
x12 ( bbyambi and mika hashizume - ari , jacob elordi & hailee steinfeld - ser , nico hiraga & tarayummy - drew , saoirse behzadi & acadiniz - kat, lame cobain - macy , evan mock - sammy , maria isabel & angus cloud - drew , felix mallard & hunter schafer - pepper , jang yeeun & iffat marashi - jules , sydney sweeney & mason gooding - bambi , alexandra savior - jess , diana silvers & sydney park - lane , anya taylor joy - katie ) !
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faetarou · 3 years
ship your moots with other moots
okay um- i'm so sorry for so many tags today sobsob so this is scheduled
PSA - i don't mean to make anyone uncomfortable, this is just for fun !!
bee & athena. you both give me such comforting energy i cannot [ @bangchan-fairy , @shinomiis ]
ky & lina & mika & vira & cia & val & zia & me. the mafia mommies harem. no further explanation will be provided. [ @gyuuss , @iuwon , @yeoforce , @envirae , @bluhr , @fairybinie , @moondust-zia ]
ris & tee. two hottest tokrev writers we got our pretty girl and our pretty boy it works it works [ @takeomiscig , @shujisbaby ]
five & shona. you're both such badasses if i'm honest it's quite inspiring [ @girlsfortxt , @bbykeijis ]
isabelle & me. we're literally dating smh didn't you guys see us on our ice cream and milkshake dates? y'all wish you were us 🙄 [ @koukisses ]
cel & leah. there is something very calming about both your blogs, i don't know what it is, but i like it [ @haikyuutothetop , @aftersamu ]
vannie & mel. hot vibes, you both match honestly i just think two hot people go very well together [ @hangebae , @rinlays ]
sayu & sav. you both have nurturing friend energy and your interactions are very sweet methinks [ @sunkeiji , @savizumi ]
rain & naya. i don't really have an explanation for this one ??? it just is i suppose [ @xysthe , @mqnjiro ]
zu & amy. i just ... vibes. i'm sorry bye i'm braindead but .... vibes [ @wwintersun , @okkatsudon ]
hannah & liz. you're both so nice :') i cannot i just can't nice people go brr <3333 you know? [ @hankuto , @haikyuuublog ]
nana & chi. i just ... you're both the kinds of people who can just make others smile and i admire that [ @kageyahoe , @dracutora ]
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miekasa · 3 years
hcs of aot characters stealing
Eren: steals shit from walmart, target, etc when he wants to. only steals from big retail corporations. hates capitalism.
armin: gets too nervous to steal. one time when he and eren were younger, eren encouraged him to steal a chocolate bar. after he managed to steal the candy without looking like he wasn’t having a mental breakdown, he couldn’t eat it bc he felt too guilty.
connie: lmao he “accidentally” steals stuff when he’s at stores. he swears that he didn’t know how this big rubber bouncing ball got into his cart when he got stopped by a security guard at the exit. does not pay for all his things at the self check out.
sasha: steals $300 worth of makeup from sephora each month.
mikasa: helps sasha steal $300 worth of makeup from sephora each month.
levi: he used to steal snacks with isabel and farlan from convenience stores when they were younger. years later he still feels guilty about stealing shit from the small family-run convenience store and it keeps him up at night. believes in small family run businesses>>>>>>>big corporate businesses. also hates capitalism.
MIKA HELPING SASHA STEAL FROM SEPHORA LMFAOOO THEYRE FOR LIFERSSSSS 😭😭 no but all of this is so correct I agree with absolutely everything here, might I also add
Hange: “if it’s from a chain, then it’s free rein” like Eren and Levi, but Hange picks their battles wisely to steal the more expensive things a few times a year
Erwin: doesn’t steal and in fact, overpays for most things because he’s a sucker; it’s probably really easy to steal things from him actually
Jean: genuinely accidentally steals things, like put somethings on the bottom of his cart and the cashier forgot to scan them so he didn’t have to pay for it
Annie: smooth with it, you wouldn’t even know she stole something if she didn’t bring it up
Reiner: too big and too noticeable too dense to get away with it
Bertholdt: feels bad about taking stuff so he doesn’t, but you could probably peer pressure him into doing it as a dare or something, but he doesn’t go back to the store he stole from for at least 2 business months
Porco: probably stole a lot as a kid, not even because he wanted stuff and couldn’t get it—just because he was a menace and probably wanted attention. doesn’t feel bad about it at all and he’d do it again for a check
Pieck: doesn’t steal, but hardly ever pays for her own shit anyway because she’s scamming her friends out of money and meals; everything is free when you’re as cute as her
Zeke: the employee that doesn’t notice all the stealing going on
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ackermanshoe · 3 years
Edited lmao: warning this is kinda pointless and alot of farfetched theory and a veryyy long post please read at your own risk 🤡
Edit again: my analysis when I started it 1 month ago: 👩‍💼🖨️📇✒️🖋️✏️
My post now: 🤡🤡🤡🕯️🕯️🤡
Edit: I started writing this like ages ago but I don't see my own point with this writting and I'm editing it after reading @nini14 's Ackerman breaking the cycle analysis and I feel like both of these go hand in hand. So without further ado:
Let's see as we all are made aware that aot significantly revolves around trios of friends such as the following :
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Although these are the main trios that is noticeable, other trios can be made out by taking some characters from their original trios to make trios based on looks / character and dynamics. And this is where my argument comes in with this trio:
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Their dynamic has always been mother father and son. Now let me explain, idk if anyone has heard about the drama triangle but here
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These terms can be applied to MLE trio, Levi being the persecutor, Mikasa is the rescuer and the victim being Eren. In the first 3 seasons at least, Eren was being taken away and his decisions constently put him in danger, Levi being the persecutor who always gives Eren what he deserves for being a pain the ass and Mikasa being the rescuer always siding with Eren and protecting him no matter what. Do you see it?
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This is Mikasa to a T.
The following is an example of the dad being the rescuer and the son "junior" being a victim, and much like Eren, could possibly refuse the hand that is helping him.
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So that being said now that we have an understanding of their dynamics in the relationship, let's get back to understanding a triangle. Did you know triangles are one of the strongest shape because it has three sides that rely on each other hence shifting their energies on to each side and it makes the perfect shape for a bridge, architectures favourite. Why am I tell you this?
Because these dynamics that every trio is made up of in aot is because they have strong relationships.
Someone mentioned isayama loves putting move triangles and I couldn't help but agree, look at how many times he has placed Eren historia and an angry Mikasa? And subtly he has always ( to me at least) hinted the love triangle between Levi Mikasa and Eren, outside of their father-mother-son dynamic. Personally this makes sense to me the most, fueled by mikasa's dream. A choice was there to make and she unknowingly chose Levi.
Now this brings me to the death of all the trios Levi has been part of, from Isabel & Farlan to hanjo & Erwin to where we are now. Our situation before S4 was EMA+Levi = 4 people but we all know that a square isn't as strong as a triangle so something shifted. Eren, even with him in it Armin and him were more connected as for Levi and Mikasa as a pair it was more obvious. Especially in the conversation EMA had in that stare place as depicted on @gilly-bj 's analysis on similarities between rivamika and Mika's parents. Not only was Mikasa placed directly next to Levi although being feets apart in reality but her lines "another conversation only you two understand" it. Visually and verbally divided Mikasa from Eren and Armin and connected her to Levi. Both alone.
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Yet another triangle placed by isayama intentionally or not is Armin Mikasa and Levi.
Because a triangle represents the process of recycle and reuse it also represent the cycle of life, an on going thing that doesn't stop, a history that repeats itself. And going back to Ackerman finally breaking this cycle of tragic fate, will they?
The fact that the whole manga series start at chapter 0 is very suspicious in it self. Why does it isyamaa? A 0, a circle that comes back around? A 0 which represents both the ending and the beginning? Why is the 1st chapter called "to you, 2000 years from now"? ( That's such a fucking impactful chapter name gives me chills )
Before my theory start I just wanna add that the story started from a narrative perspective makes me wanna believe in rivamika even more. Did eldians share the same fate in 2000 years? Who knows, but I know for sure Erens and mikasa's dynamic as the impulsive hotheaded doer and their protective calm but strong friend thinker will continue forever just like the never ending triangles.
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I forgot all these ppls names on chaoter 0 so PLS bare with me.
The main dude who heavily resembles Mikasa even tho he is a man, has a incredible power just like the Ackerman's as a human AND he can shift into a titan???? Last time I checked weren't Ackerman's the bio product of titans? Remember is science is on a ongoing journey and forever progressing towards the impossible ;)
The little girl who resembles Gabi, who has the same dynamic as Eren, the girl also looks up to his inhumanly powers, a little too much alike Eren's idolisation of Levi ( and looking up to Mikasa's strength I think )?
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Lastly, chapter 0 makes me believe it was set in the future. Look at the buildings, 2 story buildings I don't remember seeing buildings like this in the pre time skip era have you? I could be wrong tho.
If Isayama is as smart as we think he is then he might have related this chapter to the whole plot of aot. 🤷 Or it could mean something. And here's where my theory comes in and it may not be the most favourable for eldians. Let me start with the good part tho, the guy who looked like Mikasa is could be a descendant from the Ackerman clan, but he isn't half and half like Mikasa and Levi, he's full blooded. Which might be why he has the power to shift ( idk this kinda don't make sense since Mikasa and Levi can't buy hush )
So let's say rivamika got married had a family they always wanted and had the peaceful life and 2000 years from then this guy^ existed. Oddly familiar to great great great grammakasa 💀💀.
The cycle never ended for eldians, the whole world could still be mad at them for Erens action and has the prejudice against them for a long time. And the fact that they can shift is never going to change even 2000 years in the future. And the guy ( omg I keep calling him the guy cause I literally can not be bothered figuring out his name ) who lives in a far more developed society with richer civilization within the wall. It could be possible that Ymir or someone erased the eldians memories ONCE AGAIN after the rumbling ended. Because Mikasa levi weren't effected they probably were excused and got to live as they pleased. This dude is also the reason why I believe isayama does not consider the Ackerman's as side characters at all. In the end the story might have actually started with them, alluding to "the ending is just the beginning" as said by kingsama himself. ( Wtf am I saying lol )
So yeah in conclusion as I said yes story is weirdly really influenced by a large amount of triangles and loops. And yes ackerman probably would break the cycle of death after all living through hell fighting hell all for what? If not recreating into a heaven, giving it new life. I do believe in rivamika living the life they are destined for with each other but eldians fate might just be too tragic for me to see them as truly free people who gets to roam around outside the walls as they please.
I guess my point is that everything that goes around will come around, that will bring good karma for the Ackerman's and maybe a repeation of the past for the rest of the world. 😩😩 I think I fully somehow believe Eren is gone for good. Unless isayama draws him waking up from a long dream on his bed then 💀👀👀 I will throw myself away.
Thank you for reading 💞 once again I'm so sorry this post isn't as good as I'd like it to be I am sleep deprived right now and it isn't worded as well as of like it to be. But hope my delulu ness was enjoyable at least. ✌️💀
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drvcxrys · 3 years
hiya! this is my plot call for the event so just please like this and i will send you a message, i’m up for literally anything!
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                                                       WASHINGTON DC
annabeth chase
she has a very good set of skills, always willing to fight back anything, she’s now a bit defensive and always trying to be alert. 
betty cooper
she’s going to try and figure this out about what’s going on and she does have a gun just in case because of her work so that should be helpful or at least to defend herself in a way.
bree tanner
for a moment bree thought her fighting was over, is not like she’s afraid of dying anymore but still, she tries her best to stay away from humans to avoid temptation but also help if she can to keep some people safe.
cayetana grajera
she’s clueless about what’s going on, really she’s going into hiding and try to save herself because she’s lost about what’s going on and she feels this is like some action movie, she’s going to try and just have a low profile.
daenerys targaryen
she has no idea what’s going on since she’s unaware at the moment and she has never lived something like that. but she is gonna try to stay safe but also help people because that’s just in her nature.
elizabeth midford
she’s using literally anything as a weapon to defend herself and also help others, trying to look for ciel and her other friends as well to see if they are safe and sound.
elle tomkins
if elle sees someone in danger, she would try and help them and of course she’s trying to look for people that is familiar. however, she is not a fighter so she will try and hide as well to be safe.
hermione granger
her wand is always next to her and she will always tries to help the people that are in need, she never backs away and right now she’s just trying to look for her friend to make sure that they are okay.
isabelle lightwood
she has her steel if she needs to and her fighting skills as well, like always she’s gonna fight back and she will try to help everyone that she can, after all, that’s her job and right now she’s just trying to find alec to make sure that he’s okay.
nancy wheeler
she would be lying if she says that she’s not scared but this wouldn’t be the first time to facing something dangerous so she will always try to just survive and find someone that she knows, trying to look for something that can help her as a weapon.
raven darkholme
she can be ruthless when she wants to be so she will fight her way out of anything. but she will also help if she sees someone that is in danger. 
usagi tsukino
she can be a crying mess but she will actually try her best to stay strong and help if she needs to help as well.
victoire weasley
vic is really worried about her friends and family so of course she’s going to try and look for them, helping people in the process as well, always with her wand in her hand.
                                                           THE ISLAND
beverly marsh
she is not really a fighter but she tries her best to survive and she won’t run away from any danger because she really wants to help other and of course survive all of this.
bianca di angelo
she does remember her training from the huntress of artemis so she will give a good fight. she’s just worried about how this could happen, trying to find an answer there.
buffy summers
her job helps her to be able to survive really well and also protect others so basically that’s what she’s going to do.
she’s really not worried about any of that, claudia can be pretty reckless and impulsive but also very ruthless so she’s mostly here not to help others but just having some fun and to her this is a bit funny, in some twisted way.
eliza schuyler
she’s trying to help as many people as she can. eliza is not someone that fights but she either way is going to try, after all, she can also be very resourceful.
emma swan
she’s so worried about her daughter and also about killian, trying to find a safe place there. emma is going to try and also help some people as well if she needs to.
hope mikaelson
she’s someone that has a very big chance to survive because of the set of skills that she has. she tries to help people but also she can be very reserved and a bit defensive, not really trusting anyone at the moment.
she has a bit of water with her to help her out just in case if she needs to bend. katara is trying her best not to freak out and trying her best to just stay calm about this whole thing.
lila pitts
she’s not really afraid but mostly she’s very annoyed about this whole thing, being here not knowing how she  feels like a puppet and she just hates that. however, lila is always just going to try and survive and look out just for herself.
malia tate
she’s just worried about the people that she cares about, trying to fight there and just survive as well, that’s what she’s best at after all, her survival skills are always high.
misa amane
she’s just trying to look for light basically even if he doesn’t remember her but she just wants to see a familiar face and also because basically the is the only one that she actually cares about but mostly she will go hiding and that would be it.
myrcella baratheon
she will try to see where her dad is and also the friends that she’s able to make here but she really would be scared in this situation not really knowing what to do since she doesn’t know how to fight but also she would be really worried about others as well.
nam ji ah
basically she’s trying to remain calm but still, this is stressing for her and not really knowing what to do, she will try to sometimes hide but also in her nature is like helping others so she might as well do that, she can be just very impulsive, not really the best thing but she can’t help herself.
narcissa black
she will always look out for herself and this is not really an exception. cissy has her wand to protect herself but she is also going to try and avoid all of this.
pepper potts
she has no idea how this is possible but she’s doing her best to try and survive thie whole ordeal. she was able to learn a bit of self defense but is not like she’s very good at it.
sabrina spellman
brina has her magic to help her out and of course she also is going to try and protect others as well. 
sharon carter
she has a good fighting skills so surviving wouldn’t be that hard for her, but she’s still always trying to be careful with others, not trusting fully some of the people there.
tamaki suoh
this is all new to him, not knowing what’s going on here and he is just afraid and that’s all, trying to see if he can hide and i believe that if there is a chance he might pay someone to protect him.
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rootiebaga · 3 years
nobody asked, i know, but heres my departments thus far! (with nicknames, of course)
note! i do use mods, one of them being the ultimate fashion corp mod from reddit, a mod that lets you keep your employees after you reset a run, and some other useful ones
also its under the cut because uh- long
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control team! (aka the OGS! (because control team is the first department people unlock when starting a run))
morty (former employee)
-may the brave fool rest, gone, but not forgotten.
rootieee (captain)
-its, its my self insert what do i have to sa
-the most boring in the facility (and the most sane one in the department,)
-just wants to do his job correctly.
-not much to say about him, really
maxim (morty’s replacement after he died, rest in piece morty, you were a brave hero, yet a little dumb after trying to fight a green dawn in the early runs i had)
-morty’s big bro, a little sad that morty died but he didn’t know all that much in the facility,
-takes his job too seriously
-usually chills in the main room alot,
-an absolutely innocent baby, even if they some horrifying abnormalities, they would still think of them as cute
-just, likes being here, many friends for them!
-they also like hugs!
igoree (rip)
-the sleepy employee has come back! wowie
-still sleepy and also hungry,
-the one who doesn’t work all that much
-..”how did she.. die? did she just want to? what in the world happened there? is it because of that behaviour adjustment thing?”
“just forget about it and keep working,”
“but, paul im curious-”
-woooooo returning!
-one of the calmest people in the department
-probably wouldn’t even be phased by the effect [CENSORED] gives her if we had it
“hey uh, eden? i got something to tell you..”
“go on shao,”
“didn’t... something happen to you? h-how are you even-”
“hey hey, dont worry about that! just, make sure you stay safe, alright?”
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information team! (aka the threeks! (named by tom, who is dead, an idiot, and couldn’t count))
tom (dead)
-an idiot
-okay moving on
-the only one with aleph gear, seriously (edit (draft edition): hes the first one with aleph gear after i got nothing there’s gear, the second being daniel)
-chill once you get to know him,
-likes protecting others with his gear, since, you know
-usually anxious, he doesn’t mean to be though!
-”alright calm down.. never mind this is not the time to calm dOW-”
-probably likes ryn??
-a little bit crazy, yet kind nonetheless! 
-just wants some friends, unfortunately not many people are willing to befriend her due to her kinda crazy nature
-basically someone who cares for everyone in the facility, y e e
(also whats known as a “bow kinnie” to the control team captain) /j
-looks really kind until you try to talk to her, shes an asshole is what im trying to say
-likes to bite things with the sharp teeth she has, because why not
-absolute chaos
-i dont know why she exists, shes just there
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safety team! (aka the wind wielders (named by isabel, cause he likes flutes))
-brother of gregory
-the second innocent bean,,
-likes playing the flute whenever hes done for the day
-i accidentally gave him crumbling armour’s gift
-brother of isabel
-prefers acting over playing instruments,
-a bit more serious,
neville (prefers nelville)
-an absolutely tired employee, they just like waiting till everyone is done for the day to go home
-they’d be at home if they weren’t forced by their friend to work here
-hates everything right now
-the joyful friend
-wanted to work here because of the people here, so many unique faces!
-likes all things unique, she usually loves trying different things that look nothing alike from the things she tried before
-the mute employee in the facility, uses notes to communicate
-another sane one, yet still kinda nervous
-a bean
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training team! (aka “nobody here is fine” (named for the fact that almost everyone is very nervous, and then we got firenze))
-the one thats sad most of the time
-really helpful for when it comes to working on abnormalities!
-gregory has a crush on them (why would you say tha)
-before you think of him as edgy, hes not all that edgy personality wise, he just likes the aesthetic
-hes just a really chill and friendly dude
-yes, he can see more with the e.g.o outfit hes wearing, it is pretty strange to him though
-the narcissist, he really thinks hes the king of this department
-hes wrong its actually hana thats the captain of this department
-nobody likes him
-actually used to be a clerk! the face was a little different then before but hey, thats fine
-the third pure bean
-hes a really good friend to have!
-what can i say about her?
-well i mean
-shes susan
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central command team! (aka where is everyone? (due to there being not many agents here))
-the most sane one in the facility (while being the dead inside captain)
-really good when it comes to tech
-”oh sh** did anyone check on mika?”
-the bald employee, doesn’t mind being bald, that just means she can take care of the “your bald” abnormality
-”ignore the second mouth i got on my armour, please”
-plays vibe games on roblox
-absolutely. chill
-doesn’t know where he’s going most of the time
-the one that works on child of galaxy everytime
-really bad sight, she doesn’t mind it
-nobody can spell her name right
arang (prefers ayang)
-you thought sobin was the edgelord huh? think again
-easily annoyed.
-also was a clerk before
-the newbie!
-hes trying okay?
-hes still a little nervous but thats fine!
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disciplinary team! (aka f**k (also nicknamed “why do we have red” due to me choosing little red riding hooded mercenary every run where theres disciplinary))
-another person that takes their job way too seriously but doesn’t mean to
-not really that rude sometimes, but most of the time she can be a bit of an asshole, probably because of something that happened in the past, nobody wants to talk about it though
-has a slightly torn snake tongue, it makes them not able to speak, they mostly make noises like growling,
-nobody knows why their like this, they just are, but dont be afraid to talk to them if you need anything! they usually write what their trying to say
-the expert, especially at finding things, even if they cant speak
-another returning employee! wooooo
-still dead inside, but feeling a little bit better!
-might be the oldest out of everyone
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welfare team! (aka “sleep tight” (nobody knows why its called that)
-very calm, most of the time doesn’t mind anything, but still does get a little nervous at times
-nobody knows why her eyes are always closed, (ara specified that her eyes look like a galaxy that can only be opened for a couple of seconds because if she opens them for more than a few seconds they’ll start to glitch, when others see it happening, it looks like the galaxy is becoming more like an image other than a real galaxy, parts of the galaxy become misplaced and reverted back to their original place quickly repeatedly (kinda like the select thing in paint, usually in the shape of the rectangular selection though) and parts of the galaxy turn into static and back very quickly and repeatedly. we she sees it happening her vision becomes the same as how other people see the galaxy when it starts glitching, randomly shifting from original place to different place, or from static back to normal, some ominous, glitchy sounds have been heard when this is happening aswell, (i thought of this because of a small dream(?) i had when i was in a certain state of almost about to fall asleep, maybe i was napping i dont really know, it was a strange dream, i dont remember much of it which is expected, i think it was something about discord and some sort of strange thing that had a little timer on it, and after it was done the thing it was in started glitching, the background it was in and even the button that used to be the timer was glitching, i heard some sounds that were glitching a little (it looked like those screens you see when someone’s streaming something on there,) and then i woke up, yeah kinda weird,)
-like eugene, cares for everyone! especially ara, since space herself is the one who helps ara through tough times
-gets bored alot, just wants to work on the difficult abnormalities
-really snarky
-a smartass
-yet still a little friendly if they trust you
-i’ll upgrade them soon dont worry (i have upgraded them/him dont worry)
i’ll probably update this soon, but in the meantime have this, sorry for being dead lately, on both this and my sideblog
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corvidcantina · 6 years
Thank you for tagging me @the-infamous-wine-bottle You know, I too have seen Mr Hadfield’s rendition of Space Oddity (I had fallen in love with the song and my father had shown me the video) and let me tell you, it’s one of my favourite things in the world! da quanto non sentivo parlare dei dARI lmao
The rules are: list 10 artists you like before answering some questions
My Chemical Romance (yeah, I’m That Bitch)
Francesco Gabbani
Aurelio Voltaire I know nobody listens to him but just stay with me for a moment ok
Dare I say... Elettra Lamborghini ok I said it
Green Day
Irish Stew of Sindidun
Ermal Meta
Fabrizio Moro
What was the first song you heard by 6?
Oh, that’s cute! The first song I heard by Green Day was actually Oh, Love when I was like twelve because it was always on the radio but I only discovered it was theirs after I started listening to them! The first song I heard conscient that it was by Green Day was American Idiot because a very likable and funny Italian girl in my English class in Galway made me listen to it and from that moment on I went on discovering more and more amazing songs that the band played! (Coincidentally, it was the first time I ever heard the roman accent cause the girl came from Rome and let me tell you... it’s fucking hot ok)
What’s your favourite song by 8?
Uhhh that’s a tough one! I don’t think I have a favourite song by MIKA, it’s more of a draw between Boum Boum Boum and Rio. I love the first one’s rhythm and lyrics and the fact that it’s in French is great too. As for the second one, I think it perfectly describes my life
What kind of impact has 1 left on your life?
Their songs helped me realise that targeting the rage I felt towards the injustices that made me feel that way was way more effective than targeting it towards myself
How many times have you seen 4 live?
He’s American and not so widely known and appreciated, which I personally think is a shame, so I haven’t had the opportunity of seeing him live
Is there any song by 3 that makes you sad?
Yeah, Isabel. I had a crush on a girl which left me feeling exactly that way
What’s your favourite song by 7?
Tough question once again! I’d say uhhhhh Dream Shelf, Lady Of New Tomorrow, Heavier Than Sin, Stout and I Will Never (Be Your Friend) are the top five
What are your favourite lyrics by 5?
qué me importa a mi tu parecer
la vida es una sola no me la voy a perder
What do I care about your appearances
Life is only one, I won’t miss it
What’s your favourite song by 9?
Bob Marley. Yes, without any explanation. Go listen to it. Also, now that you're here go listen to Rien Ne Va Plus and Vietato Morire, too.
How did you get into 2?
I??? Can’t remember??? How I got into Caparezza??? I think I had probably heard Vieni A Ballare In Puglia more than once as a kid and then I discovered all his other songs which always left me like I had learnt something new??? And everything he writes has a great power of impact and I wish I could see him live
How did you get into 10?
Ok, confession time: I did not know about Fabrizio Moro before the Eurovision. Like, I had obviously listened to Pensa before but everything I remembered about the song was my idiot cousin substituting the verb in the line “prima di sparare, pensa” (before you shoot, think)  with every verb he thought fitting, leading to embarassing results such as “prima di sc**are, pensa” (”before you f**k, think”, which, alright, you have to think about the fact that you have to use protections and not force yourself on your partner but I don’t really think responsible sexual engagement was what my at the time ten-year-old cousin had in mind) and the ever question-inducing “prima di pensare, pensa” (Schroedinger’s Fabrizio) so as you can imagine I didn’t really think much of this song.
Being the little rebel I am (SONO UN RIBELLE MAMMA ITALIA NON STARE SVEGLIA A LETTO NELLA STANZA CUCIMI LE BORCHIE SULLO SCHOTT), I think I have never seen Sanremo, except maybe for the final of the 2017 edition because I loved Ermal’s Vietato Morire and I was So Enraged when Gabbani won (bc I had not really seen throught the infamous ape costume and only after the Eurovision I discovered what the song really was about) and so I Had To cheer for Ermal until the very end (no, that was not a conscious Harry Potter reference. I am sorry.) BUT I didn’t watch the 2018 edition (also becasuse of the scandal - I don’t like gossip). So basically the first time I saw Fabrizio’s face was in some interview about the upcoming Eurovision and I was like “who the hell is that guy?” other than asking myself “and why is he so hot?”. The second question quickly turned into “and why the hell had I never heard of him before?” When, upon a long and hard research (I asked my mother lmao), I discovered that he had not, in fact, popped up like a fresh flower that year, I started listening to his songs and... I think the rest is history?
Tagging (but if you don’t want to do that it's perfectly alright): @isthatanallien @erule @giotanner @poluumnia
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themomsandthecity · 7 years
Every Baby Name We Could Possibly Think Of
Naming your baby is a big decision, and with endless options, it can also be a difficult one. Whether you're going the traditional route or want something more unique (if so, read this first!) it's helpful to have a little, or a lot, of inspiration. Ahead, you'll find nearly every baby name we could think of (close to 1,000!). These aren't just random names we found in a book or concocted ourselves - they're almost all monikers we've heard being used, or we actually know someone who goes by the name. If we missed any, tell us in the comments! A Aaliyah Aaron Abbie Abel Abigail Abraham Adalyn Adam Addilyn Addison Adelaide Adeline Adley Adora Agatha Aiden Alan Albert Aleph Alexander Alexis Ali Alma Alton Ama Amanda Amaryllis Amber Ameila Amélie Amy Anders Anderson Andrea Andrew Angie Angela Angelica Anika Anna Annalise Anne Annie Ansel Apple April Arata Archie Aria Ariane Ariel Arlee Arlo Arman Arthur Arun Arwen Arya Asha Asher Aspen Atticus Aton Aubrey Audrey August Augustus Aurora Ava Avery Axel Aziz B Bailey Barack Barbara Barney Barry Beatrice Beau Beckett Beckham Becky Ben Benedict Benjamin Bennett Bentley Bernadette Beth Bette Betty Beverly Bexley Bianca Bill Billie Bingham Bishop Bitsie Blake Blue Bobby Bodhi Bonnie Bowie Brady Braelynn Brandon Brayden Brecken Bree Brent Brenton Brett Brian Briana Briar Bridgette Brienne Brig Brigham Brinley Brio Britta Brock Brody Bronwyn Brooklyn Bruno Bryan Byron C Caden Caitlin Caity Cale Caleb Calla Calvin Camari Cameron Camilla Carena Carina Carl Carmel Carol Carrey Carter Cary Casey Caspian Cat Catherine Celine Chandler Chanel Channing Charise Charlene Charles Charlotte Chase Cher Cheri Cheriann Cheryl Chevy Chip Chloe Chris Chrissy Christian Christopher Claire Clara Clark Clary Claudia Clementine Clifford Clint Clinton Clyde Colin Collins Condoleezza Connor Conrad Constance Coolidge Cooper Cora Corban Courtney Cruz Related: 100 of the Most Beautiful Baby Names D Daisy Dale Dallas Damon Dane Danica Daniel Danielle Daphne Darby Darlene Darrel Daryl Dashiell Dave David Davina Davis Davon Dawn Dean Deanna Declan Dekel Delaney Delilah Delta Dennis Denzel Desmond Dev Devon Dexter Diane Dinah Dixie Dixon Dolores Dominique Donald Doris Dorothea Dorothy Dot Duke Duncan Dwight Dylan E Easton Ed Eden Edith Edmund Edward Effie Eleanor Elena Eli Eliana Elijah Elise Elizabeth Ella Elle Ellen Ellerie Ellie Elliott Ellis Elodie Eloise Elora Elroy Elsa Elsie Embry Emerson Emily Emma Emmett Eric Erica Esme Esmeralda Esther Ethan Ethel Eugene Evan Eve Evelyn Everett Evie Ewan Ezra F Farah Fay Felix Ferris Finn Fiona Fisher Fitz Fleur Flint Florence Floyd Flynn Ford Forrest Foster Fox Frances Frank Franklin Frederick G Gabe Gabriel Gaige Gail Gant Garrett Garth Gavin Gem Gemma Gene Genesis Gertrude George Gianna Gibson Gigi Gina Ginger Gladys Glenn Gloria Gordon Grace Grady Graham Grant Grayson Greer Gregory Griffin Grover Gus Gwen Gwyneth H Hadlee Hailey Hal Halle Hank Hannah Harding Harlow Harlyn Harold Harper Harriet Harrison Harry Hart Hartley Harvey Haven Hawk Hawthorne Hayden Hayes Hays Hazel Hector Heath Heather Helen Henley Henry Hillary Honor Holden Holly Holt Hope Hubert Hudson Hugo Humphrey Hunter Hurley Hutton Related: Based Off Last Year's Trends, These 30 Names Will Be Among the Most Popular of 2017 I Ian Ida Idris Ike Imanuel Imogen India Indy Ingrid Inizio Ireland Iris Irvin Isa Isaac Isabella Isabelle Isaiah Isla Israel Ivana Ivory J Jack Jackie Jackson Jacob Jacqueline Jaden Jaelyn Jagger Jake James Jameson Jamie Jane January Jason Jasper Jaun Jax Jaxon Jayce Jayden Jeannette Jed Jeff Jefferson Jenna Jess Jessica Jessie Jill Jillian Joan Joanna Joaquin Joe John Jones Jordan Joseph Josephine Josh Joshua Joslyn Joss Joy Joyce Judith Judy Jules Julia Julian Julie Juliet Julius June Juno Justin K Kai Kaia Kale Kalinda Kane Karah Katharine Kathryn Kate Kay Kaya Kaylee Keanu Keegan Keira Keith Kellan Kelly Kelsey Kendall Kennedy Kevin Khloe Kiah Kiele Kiera Kim Kima Kimberly Kingston Kinsley Kirk Kit Kitty Knox Krista Kristen Kurtis Kyle Kylie L Laith Lake Lana Landon Lane Larissa Larkin Laszlo Laura Lauren Lawrence Layla Leah Lee Leia Leighton Leilani Lena Lennon Leo Leonard Leslie Levi Lewis Leyona Lia Liam Liana Lida Lilith Lillian Lily Lincoln Lindsay Lionel Lisa Lisette Liz Logan Lois Lola London Loretta Lorraine Louella Louise Lucas Lucian Lucille Lucy Luke Luna Lux Lyle Lyndon Lynne Related: 100 Unusual Boy Names M Mabel Mabrey Mac Macallan Mackenzie Macy Madeleine Madelyn Madison Mae Maeby Maggie Mahershala Maia Makena Malcolm Maleeya Malia Mamie Mandy Marabelle Marcus Maren Margaret Margot Mari Maria Mariah Mariam Marilyn Marin Marion Marisole Marisse Marjorie Mark Marlene Marlon Marlowe Martha Martin Mary Mason Matilda Matthew Maui Mavis Maximus Maxson May Maya McKinley Megan Melissa Meredith Merritt Meryl Meyer Mia Michael Michelle Mika Mike Mila Mildred Miles Millie Milo Moana Molly Monica Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moses Muhammad Murray Myles N Nahall Nahla Nancy Nanette Naomie Nasima Natalie Nate Nathan Naveen Naya Neil Neisa Neo Neoma Newt Newton Niall Nicholas Nick Nico Nicole Nicolette Nigel Nile Nimah Nixon Noah Noel Nolan Nora Norma Norman North Nova O Obama Octavia Olly Olive Oliver Olivia Omar Opal Ophelia Ordell Oriana Orion Orlando Orson Orville Oscar Otis Otto Owen P Paige Paislee Paloma Pandora Paris Parker Patrick Patsy Paul Payton Pearl Peggy Penelope Penn Penny Perry Pete Peyton Phillip Phoebe Phoenix Phyllis Pierce Piper Polly Poppy Porter Posey Preston Primrose Priya Prudence Priscilla Q Quaid Quincy Quentin Quinn Quinten R Rachel Radley Rae Ralph Ramsey Rayna Rayne Reagan Rebecca Reese Reeve Reid Reign Remi Renly Rex Rhea Rhett Rhys Richard Rick Riley Ripley River Rivers Rob Robert Robin Rome Romy Ronald Ronin Rooney Roosevelt Rory Rosalind Rosalynn Rosamund Rose Rosemary Ross Rowan Roy Royce Ruby Rue Ruth Rutherford Ryan Ryder Related: 100 Unique Yet Beautiful Girls' Names S Sacha Sage Sahara Saint Sam Samuel Sandra Sandy Sansa Sarah Saul Savannah Sawyer Scarlett Schuyler Scout Sean Sebastian Selena Sena Seymour Shane Shannon Shea Shelly Sherlock Sherry Shiloh Shirley Sia Sidney Sienna Simon Skyler Sloan Sofia Solo Sonia Sophia Sophie Spencer Stacy Stanley Stella Stephanie Sterling Stetson Stuart Sue Sullivan Summer Suri Susan Sylvia T Tabitha Tad Tamera Tamsyn Tanner Tara Tate Taylor Teagan Teddy Terrance Thea Thelma Theordore Theresa Thomas Tim Tina Tinley Toby Todd Tom Tony Travis Travon Trent Trey Tricia Trinity Tripp Tristan Troy Truman Turner Tyler Tyson V Valentina Valentine Vance Vaughan Vaughn Vera Vern Victor Victoria Viggo Vince Vincent Viola Violet Virgil Vivian W Waldo Walker Wallis Walter Warren Watson Waverly Wells Wes Wesley Westley Whitney Will Willa William Willow Wilson Winter Wolfe Wren Wyatt X Xander Xavier Xeno Y Yanet Yani Yigal York Yuma Yvette Z Zachary Zahir Zander Zane Zaylee Zayn Zion Zoe Zola Zooey Zora Zuma Zuri Related: These Are the Most Popular Baby Names of 2016 http://bit.ly/2kR9iwY
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interrailhq · 7 years
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dear candidate,
how fast is this time going ?? we can barely believe it ourselves. this weekend we’ve decided to treat you to something we all know you’ve being dying to do. on friday 14th july, at 5pm you will be picked up by one of our magical coaches and taken to disney land paris for the weekend. you will be given a two day pass and will be staying in rooms at the magical resort. there will be two/three to each room and we will post the list of roommates shortly. you will have until sunday to live up your most magical dreams before the coach picks you up and will take you to the train where you will begin your journey to germany. so please enjoy yourselves and make sure to have a ‘magical’ time
ooc information: this will be a two ( almost three ) day event, starting friday 14th of july at 4pm gmt/11am est and will go on until sunday 16th of july where they will arrive in germany at 1pm gmt/8am est. below you will find a randomized list of roommates and each will be staying in a designated hotel. we will post more information about what they can do closer to the time, but they will have all access passes to all the attractions and events before they make their way to berlin, germany. ( germany is in the gmt+1 timezone )
disneyland hotel information here:
room one: autumn pierce & orion clarke room two: sylvie jassen & michigan rose
disney's hotel new york information here:
room one: fry moreau & mackenzie wolff room two: valeria bravo & syd cromwell
disney's newport bay club information here:
room one: skye ferris & rosa castillo room two: ricky black & julia edvarsen
disney's sequoia lodge information here:
room one: morgan davis & cj jenkins room two: raina delacruz & jordan leibovitz
disney's hotel cheyenne information here:
room one: max de luca & nico d'angelo room two: matteo giordano & mika jager
disney's hotel santa fe information here:
room one: penelope choi & abel franco room two: nixie lewis & sienna amari
disney's davy crockett ranch information here:
room one: kody akura & isabelle ramirez room two: salem garcia & ava liang
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