#isabel hai phan
catscratch-jackson · 24 days
The day was warm and the sun was bright as Jackson walked through the trees of the forest, thinking he might spend some time trying to hunt for rabbits. They were harder to catch than the rats in the city but there was usually more to them to fill Jackson's ever-empty stomach. Lost in thought, Jackon almost didn't spot the cat in the clearing ahead, though when the creature turned from feline to human, all thoughts of rabbits were lost and his eyes widened excitedly.
"Hey!" He called out without a second thought, raising a hand up in the air towards the very naked woman, though at the moment he could barely notice. He'd never really met anyone else like him. Over the course of his life, there'd been several times when he thought he'd caught the scent of another, but they'd always evaded him. His mother told him what he was, the word passed on from his absent father with little other knowledge to help his son out before he left.
Jackson rushed to the clearing, stopping a ways away from the girl when he finally caught himself, not wanting to scare her off.
"Hi, shit, hi sorry, please don't run--I'm like you, I'm a werecat too!" He tried to keep his voice calm and steady but the eagerness was evident, and it was then he cringed slightly at himself, averting his eyes for her modesty. "Sorry, I just--I've never met anyone else like me, I uh, I should have probably let you get dressed before running up to you like a crazy person."
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A poll for when the council will be meeting for the first time will go up on Friday evening as well as further instructions on how the event itself will move forward for both players on and off the council.
Since we are also about to approach holiday season I will also be posting some questions about how everyone would like to keep the RP going through the period, the same as some players may remember we did at open. Asking if people still want events, how they'd like activity best handled, etc.
Below are links to the current letter responses to those on the council, working as emissaries or who applied to run for council. If you did not receive your letter, or I missed your response, let me know!
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Zelda Hawthorne ( @hxwthornes ) - Waiting for Response Corvina ( @vicletfxre ) - Letter Link Phanrax Primitori ( @lordkrakenprimitori ) - Waiting for Response Notealih Saldores ( @djinnoffire ) - Letter Link Bellamy Chevalier ( @bellamychevalier ) - Letter Link Merrymock ( @merrymockthejester ) - Letter Link Asvari Dien ( @witchofillusion ) - Letter Link Leopold Dawson ( @leopold--dawson ) - Waiting for Response Kaitoa Rotbringer - Letter Link Fangshi Wei Ying ( @thefangshi ) - Waiting for Response Isabel Hai Phan ( @izzyphan ) - Waiting for Response Ariel Beaumont ( @arielbeaumont ) - Letter Link Francesco Trapattoni ( @philoflore ) - Waiting for Response
If you never received your letter please reach out and we do know some of the characters without responses are on hiatus currently but wanted to make sure people still were notified as best as possible.
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The Delecaille Administration is pleased to announce that emergency accommodations have been made for those residents unhoused by damages to the island.
Our sincerest thanks to the generous island residents opening their homes.
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HOST: Ace Kiran - Home
Felix Martin
Tessa Fuchs
HOST: Ciaran O'Bryan - Home
Lilim Morrigan
HOST: Daisy Lynch - Home
Dylan Altomare
HOST: Emmanuel Reyes - Home
Tilly Beaumont
Rowan Aubri
Freddie Buckley
HOST: Evelyn Stratford - Home
Gulana Alim
HOST: Everlasting - Home
Ale Bolivar Vicente Sanchez
HOST: Fayeth Araven - Home
Elise Nyland
Malon Savaris
HOST: Grace Carleton - Home
Thalia Moore
Scarlett McKnight
Katell Brightwood
HOST: James Donovan - Home
Lyssa Hudson
Kylie Danvers
HOST: Jason Shaw - Home
Atticus Carmine
Theodora Wilson
HOST: Magnus Kusihamar & Jude Rigby - Home
Orion Campbell
Finn Carlyle
Owen Jackson
James Storm
Judith Gilmore-Green
Sawyer Chambers
Evander Kasyade
Genevieve Wranmyer
Leo Weatherington
Malakai Nolan
Winter DuBois
HOST: Markus Christiansen - Home
Nova Walker
Xavier Lennon
Hunter Morrigan
HOST: Noah Wright - Home
Isabel Hai Phan
Charlotte Taylor
Avery Fellhaven
HOST: Quinten Sawyer - Home
Sasha Bell
Kane Whelan
HOST: Scott Landenberg - Home
Wat Fletcher
Ste White
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slavexisabel · 1 year
“Woah! Easy on the goods.” A chuckle sounded as he got patted down and was told about the latest rules upon arrival, being given the usual welcome package along with a collar getting secured around his neck. Colin held his hand to his head, just like upon his previous return a headache was coming on as memories returned to him. “Right, I remember this.” He mused as they took his phone and handed him a different one.
Browsing through contacts, he smiled seeing some very familiar names while he walked out of the office. Though it had been years, there were still quite a few people he knew. It was so damn good to be back, he thought to himself, his previous time here had been a blast and he would be sure to make this time just as great. Inhaling a deep breath of fresh air, he went right in the direction of the cells to drop off the very few items he carried, a smile on his face when he wanted to leave the area again and saw someone just leaving as well so he held the door open for them before even having a good look at them. “After you.” He said with a slight gesture from his hand and a nod.
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New arrivals didn’t exactly show up with heraldry and announcements when it came to the cells, at least not in the shapeshifter’s experience.  It was up to current inhabitants to recognize or not recognize the additions to their space, unless it was their bunks that were being moved into.  Isabel spent enough time in the basement that she was familiar enough with the faces that also sported a collar, so when the male held the door open for her, it was fairly clear.  “Thank you,” she offered with a gentle smile, sliding through the exit and sticking her hands in her dress pockets for a moment before opting to continue further.  “You’re ... well, I don’t recognize you, you must be new?  Did you need help finding your way around?  Or to somewhere in particular?” came the offer, the slave worrying at her bottom lip for a moment.  She had a shift at the cat cafe that she was heading out to, but she was early enough that she could take some time to help if he needed it.  “I’m um, I’m Isabel.  Isabel Hai Phan.  Welcome?”
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izzyphan · 2 months
like cinderella | raelothstra & isabel
It was not often that Raelothstra could be found walking the forest outside of Destarin. Though she did not suffer the weakness that her mother had to dwelling on the surface, the half-drow succubus still shared a distaste for daylight. But with life coming back to normal after the festival - and having quenched her appetite - she decided that one was needed. And there was no end of poisonous spiders that she might be able to find. Thusly, one can imagine her confusion upon finding an apparent mad woman talking to herself in the woods. Destarin had no shortage of odd characters, and she'd seen just as many come and go. Her steps were silent, stalking toward the other. She contemplated, for a moment, simply taking one of her daggers out, perhaps taking whatever valuables the stranger had on them. But, with the emissaries from the kingdoms in town, she did not want to cause undo trouble. Upon hearing the word "messangers" leave the stranger's lips, Raelothstra had to smirk darkly. "You didn't know? It was quite the sight to behold. I would almost give the perpetrators credit, were they associated with my sister's guild." Almost. But they weren't, for Evelyn would have not okay-ed such a plot without giving some warning to her sisters.
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"I-I didn't," the shifter admitted with a furrowed brow, wondering who this strange woman was to treat so much murder and blood so baldly. What credit was there to give for such horrific acts? "I um, just arrived a few days after the festival. Pyoter was telling me about it." And more, but she wasn't certain just how much to share with the stranger. Speaking of --
"I'm Isabel, Isabel Hai Phan. Emissary from Cheridi." It still felt so odd on her tongue to hold any sort of title. Then again, she hadn't been raised to hold it in the first place. She was just winging it and hoping that she didn't bring shame to her family or disappoint her father. In truth, news of the slaughter made her want to run home, metaphorical tail between her legs.
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the-institute-gifts · 3 years
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To: Isabel Hai Phan- @slavexisabel
Happy Birthday, Isabel. I am incredibly lucky to have met you, your friendship means so much to me. I hope I can see you on your special day, if not, enjoy it. I saw this little hedgehog plushie and he reminded me you.
Love, Fawn.
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theodore-stott · 3 years
Save the Cheerleader || Theo & Izzy
Theo wasn't really a stranger to the events on the island. His cheeks would go a deep shade of pink if he thought about the past events he'd attended while still in the cells, before shaking his head as if to shake the thought right from his head. Sometimes it worked, if there were enough distractions around, which was why Theo kept himself pretty busy. It was weeks like this, where so many of his friends were stuck in various areas across the campus, and he knew that if he hadn't gotten so lucky, he could be one of them. The current event wasn't even really that bad, but there were a few stations that Theo had tried to steer clear of. He'd gone to some to make sure to treat his friends to snacks and breaks and such, but even with the week off, Theo was trying to use it as an opportunity to do some extra credit work for a few of his harder classes.
On that particular day, Theo found himself gently pushing open the door of the gymnasium, the sharp sounds of smacks and various sorts of yells, moans and other noises immediately filled Theo's ears.  This station was one he'd hoped to avoid all together, but despite the uncomfortable prickle at the back of his neck, the young nymph slipped into the large space. He had to close his eyes and stand there for a moment, flinching slightly as someone not too far away from him was clearly getting hit quite hard by the sounds of the slap and the pitch of the screams. Taking a deep breath, Theo gripped onto the small pinecone pendant around his neck like it was still something that would protect him, even though he knew he didn't need it anymore.
He was there because he needed part of a group project for one of his classes. The group partner he was retrieving it from had insisted Theo come get his portion of the project while he played with his claim at the gym, clearly wanting to make Theo uncomfortable as well. It took Theo another few minutes before he had opened his eyes and found the other student and retrieved the project. He was on his way out, his head ducked and breath held, trying to make a quick escape when he caught a glance of a familiar face.
Izzy. She wasn't the only one he noticed—a severe looking mistress was practically circling the young shifter with a look that felt a little too familiar to Theo. His heart was already pounding from the adrenaline of just being there, his body slightly flinching every now and then to the sounds around him. He wasn't exactly sure when his feet had changed their course, speeding up until he found himself raising his arms to quickly wrap around and pull her into a hug.
"Izzy!" He says loudly, giving her a tight squeeze before pulling back and grabbing her hands. His eyes flickered from her, to the mistress, and he gave her what he opened was a look that Izzy was spoken for and she should move on. He wasn't sure if it had actually worked or the mistress didn't think it was worth the effort, but he let out a small breath as she moved on. Looking back to Izzy, Theo smiled for a moment before taking in the barely-there cheerleader uniform, and his cheeks flushed even deeper.
"I-Izzy, hi, wow, hi you look—I um, I just—that mistress, she didn't look very nice, I um, I thought, um—wow." He says, immediately tripping over his tongue. He quickly realizes he's still holding her hands and he drops them quickly, shaking his head and awkwardly messing with the back of his hair. "Sorry—uh," He stumbles, feeling all too overwhelmed between Izzy and the events still happening around them. His eyes flicker around before finally landing on the refreshment table. "Do you want something to drink?" He says quickly, practically all in one word.
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crownofconvergencerp · 3 months
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isabel is a 22 year old animal shifter representing her royalty (but also her family) for the kingdom of cheridi.  the girl was never trained or educated to take on the role; her twin sister, born a few minutes before her, received the tutoring that would have allowed her to be an impeccable Emissary.  upon her twin carmen’s death, the obligation fell to isabel.  ready or not.
TW: Death.
Before the war, the Phans were loyal to the Emperor as it suited their family’s standing within the Kingdom. Once the war ended and politics started to blossom again, it became clear to the family head that it would be more profitable to secretly serve the Shogun while pretending to answer to Asukai. It didn’t take long for their position to pull in the twins’ mother. Lila Hang was smitten from first sight. Inevitably she gave birth to the twins; inevitably, she lost her life doing so. And her husband Edward would be no longer the same.
Isabel Hai Phan was defined the day she was born. “Hai” represented precisely what she was - the second born. Most of her father’s attention was given to her older twin Carmen, though she could never really work out why. It wasn’t as if she was uneducated; Izzy was taught almost everything between watercolors to archery. Politics and navigating between the Emperor and the Shogun? Not so much.
Everyone had presumed that her twin would take over her father’s place as the family Emissary. Then tragedy struck again and Carmen passed as quietly as their mother. There were no other heirs; no one else to represent the family in the position they’d held for so long. Except Isabel.
She comes to Destarin as her family’s emissary and namesake, trying to do her best to not only make the Phans proud, but to satisfy the Emperor and Shogun both. In reality, she has no idea what she’s doing. But she’s enthusiastic to try to prove herself, even if her real passion lies elsewhere.
species: animal shapeshifter. weaknesses: beheading, silver and iron will burn the skin and if pressed hard and long enough can remove any appendage other than the head, more susceptible to mental manipulation when communicating between species. strengths: heightened senses when in animal form (mostly tied to the animal’s generally agreed upon senses), can speak with animals in human form, when in animal form alone can communicate telepathically, can slowly regrow appendages. physical description: isabel looks as human as the next person, unless she’s shifted into one of her many forms.  mostly she prefers being a butterfly, with horse and fox being second and third.  when in human form, she’s 5’3” and curvy with a bright smile and a naive enthusiasm to help others without question. additional info: none.
isabel hai phan is played by ali and their fc is lana condor.
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izzyphan · 2 months
like cinderella | oh chung ae & isabel
The earth warmed beneath his seat, folded legs neatly tucked with the dark blue of his hanbok draped delicately around him; the young witch heir sat against the earth with his eyes closed appearing to be in some sort of meditation. His breathing was measured and focused to an almost inaudible sound, matching with the sounds of nature and masked with the breeze. He trained meticulously at his family's magisterium in Cheridi every day under close scrutiny and now he had only himself to ensure his skills remained sharp, it was his duty to represent his family well, anything less would be dishonorable. In his meditation, he could focus his hearing, being able to hear and know when a threat was approaching was a useful skill and so he focused until he could hear the whisper of the wind, the sounds of the glass growing, the shifting of the dirt, the ruffling of feathers, the chirp of insects... the sound of foot falls, of breathing, the shuffling of fabric and finally a voice breaking through the quiet stillness of nature like a resonating siren calling all to attention. The voice was soft but amidst the sounds of nothing, anything would sound like a scream. Oh Chung Ae was determined to block it out, considering it a challenge to his training, to drown out the voices of one speaking and focus on the background, and he was doing so successfully until he soon found himself growing more curious because... what did happen to all the messengers? Perhaps this bird the woman spoke to knew something they did not. Oh Chung Ae shifted from where he sat within the forest, previously concealed in the shadow of the shade and overgrown nature of the woods, but really he wasn't too far off from where this woman had settled herself -- perhaps there was some other factor for this as well. His steps were light, barely breaking a twig or disturbing a leaf despite the way his hanbok hung low, it was tailored just so that it would not drag against the floor and give away his presence before he wished it known.
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"Pardon me," he spoke now too, keeping his soft so it hopefully wouldn't be too startling as he appeared from behind a thin tree, "You know animal speak?"
Sheltered as she was growing up, Isabel didn't recognize the heir to the Cheridian coven. The name had slipped through enough lips in the estate that she would have been familiar with their power and renown within their kingdom. But it was a rare occasion that she ever left her family home, making it impossible to immediately recognize the stranger. It would be a surprise herself if he'd even heard of the Phans, her own family's power within the kingdom an unknown to the shifter. All she knew is she didn't want to disappoint her father, the only family she had left.
While she didn't recognize the man by sight, what she did recognize was the hanbok, her own closet in Ashharran stuffed with official looking garments that mimicked his own. It was almost a soothing balm to her soul to see something so familiar in such a foreign place.
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"I do," the shifter admitted almost hesitantly. She hadn't realized she was no longer alone with her new companion Pyoter. It wasn't often that she admitted to everything she was capable of, but she had been caught red-handed in this. "Do you also know animal speak?" The words felt odd in her mouth, she'd never strung the two together in such a way before. "I'm um, I'm newly here as an emissary and I thought it was a good idea to kind of get the lay of the land. Animals see so much more than people, sometimes." And understand them better more often than not. Their heightened senses allowed them to pick up more than the average human.
The man might have been a stranger, but she still levied him a welcoming smile. "It's nice to see someone from Cheridi," she offered as she gestured to his garment. "I haven't yet met anyone from home. I'm, um, Isabel. Isabel Hai Phan." It was a strange habit that she gave her full name when she'd never had to introduce herself to the staff of the estate. Likely it spoke more about her than she would have liked; Hai could be translated as 'second born.' Even her name spoke to her upbringing and how her twin had been the golden child.
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crownofconvergencerp · 3 months
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Please follow...
Isabel Hai Phan - @izzyphan
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crownofconvergencerp · 3 months
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Welcome to Crown of Convergence, Ali! Isabel Hai Phan with the FC Lana Condor has been accepted.
Please make sure to send in your character account within 24hrs, open your asks and read the discord rules.
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the-institute-gifts · 3 years
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To: Isabel Hai Phan- @slavexisabel
Happy belated birthday!
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the-institute-gifts · 3 years
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ISABEL HAI PHAN- @slavexisabel
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the-institute-gifts · 2 years
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ISABEL HAI PHAN- @slavexisabel
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the-institute-gifts · 3 years
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To: Isabel Hai Phan - @slavexisabel​
I hope I did well with this one.
Secret Santa
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the-institute-gifts · 3 years
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To: Isabel Phan- @slavexisabel​
You are so adorable and gorgeous. I think these will suit you.
Secret Santa
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