#isabella roesone
pearls-and-ramen · 7 years
Ugh so D&D last night was interesting.
One of the ONLY friends my wizard had turned out to be the big bad (like Sauron pre blazing ball of eyeball big bad. A multiyear and multi-campaign bigbad)
But yeah, he’s aparently been slumming and making friends with my PC who at this point is so desperate for a friend she only slightly questioned it. She ran off the ONLY previous one she had a few months eairlier (one of the other PCs, an elf named Andurion) and was heartbroken over it. The player decided after our characters last fight Andurion would go home for a while and deal with stuff there and brought in a rogue fm a previous storyline in this world who was still active. All of the other PCs just dont care about her at all. They think she is a self-centered, bobblehead of a Princess who has lost her damn mind. Parts of that are true, but she does have an Intelligence of a 20 and looks like a sorority girl so for a while it didnt bother her that they thought that. But then it got to the point where they wouldnt listen to her even if she was standing there with the answer unless Andurion stepped in. After he left in a rage(I mean she did end their last fight by throwing her drink in his face), it got worse.
But then she made a new friend. A NPC who was charming, brilliant, dangerously sexy and most of all friendly, talkative and WANTED to hangout with her. She was being wary with her new friend Erik, and at the end of last session she was definitely starting to be afraid of him but I was going to “deal with it later.” He’d say things, let bits of another personality slip through that bothered her. He’d tell a story and laugh at the wrong parts, appear places in town unexpectedly. She had started to wonder if he watched her even when he wasnt there. But he showered attention on her, was clearly very attracted to her but never pushed it unlike most men who grab her and harass her. She liked him.
But the party, fully prepared went to the north to make the multiweek trek to the “Heart of the Mountain” where the Warlock, the servant of the Shadow, lived. We fought our way through, found a fissure between the realms that was open to a hell dimension and she used down to her last spellslot to close it. She had been questioning the entire time, pointing out that all these traps and constructs seem to be keeping the monsters who came from the pit under control. They seemed to lock them in this side cave and we were destroying everything. The group laughed her off. This didnt have anything to do with the Warlock. We were miles from his castle. Stop complaining and close it. Her magic was worthless against the creatures and she hid each time one appeared, then jumped out and weakened the portal a little more before hiding again as the next one came through.
After she closed it she said again that they had done something wrong. Everyone laughed and said I was over thinking, we’d rest and then go after the Warlock in the morning. But then Erik walked into the cave.
The entire group lost it. This is your friend, why is he here. It was your idea to come this way ect ect. They turned on her and rushed him after Erik thanked them for closing the pit. They had followed his plan and map perfectly. The Barbarian did upward of 150pts of damage in a single attack and Erik barely flinched.
She knew they were all going to die. Erik had given then an opening to deal, to serve him and the barbarian had attacked him. If 10% of what she knew about Erik was true AND he was The Shadow’s Warlock they should never have come. This was beyond being over their heads, they should have come with all the armies in the land.
I thought for a split second and started to silently cry at the gaming table. She ran over to him, got between the barbarian and Erik and said,
“Take me and they can leave. You know if we fight and you take my blood by force you will get barely a fraction on its power. But if I give it willingly… and stay at your side that is different.”
(Bloodpoints are crazy important in Birthright. It has to do with magical purity and divine gifts. Im topped out at a level that has not been seen in tens of thousands of years. I also have a special ability to give my points away. Never has and wasnt planning on it)
The group lost it. This had been my plan all along. I was just trying to bed the most powerful guy in the world. They turned cruel. All except the rogue who has secretly/not so secretly been reporting everything back to Andurion, who also seemed to know ALL about us when he showed up with the letter of reference. I was so frustrated at everyone, I hadnt been planning this. They were all going to die if I didnt.
Erik nodded, smiled and reached out his hand. (Still in tears at the table now from frustration too) I had her strip off most of her items, drop the bag of holding and go to him. But right before she took his hand she said, “Tell Andurion I’m sorry” and they disappeared.
I was heartbroken at the group. They all settled down to divide her stuff barely a minute after she was taken by the Warlock, all except the Rogue who seemed horrified at everyone. He moved forward, took her spellbook and journal then moved back. The others offered him jewels, silk dresses, blankets and he turned them all down. Said the books were for Andurion anyway.
I was so mad, all of these guys didnt even think about what this means for her. She basically sold herself into sexual servitude to get their freedom and they see it as part of her plan. She is a little princess looking for the biggest and most powerful man to latch onto.
At that point the DM took me outside and let me know what was up. (Also to make sure if I was okay) but he had set that up as a sacrifice event. Everyone had something the Warlock wanted but I was the only one who saw the danger and spoke up. If we had fought it would have been a party wipe. Now that character’s future depends on the group. If they continue down the path to kill the Warlock there is hope for her. If they launch a rescue mission ect. I pointed out that is unlikely to happen. He kinda nodded then showed me his cellphone bc the guy who plays the rogue&Andurion was losing it. He was so pissed at the group, Andurion would flip out. If the group refuses to go, Andurion would raise a fucking Elven army to get her.
But if they push it off, over the next few years Erik will break her and finally twist her over to an evil alignment. She started the campaign as CG, slipped to neutral when she hit the real world after a time (which was actually the start of the fights with Andurion, he saw her slide. To be fair the world greeted her by killing her entire family and at one point being dragged kicking and screaming into a forced relationship with a vampire) and the group never understood why she just didnt bounce back. Which made me mad out of character bc I had made this innately good girl who believed in fairytales and princes who ended up being brutalized by the world and the others mostly had this “buck up and stop being native” attitude. Like they were going to LEAVE HER in the last town when she accidentally ended up in jail. Erik and the Rogue were the only ones who visited her. The Rogue brought meals, Erik paid off the guards and hung out all day in the cell with her. Brought cards, dice and kept her company for the week. Even near the end of the week when something seemed wrong he stayed in the jail with her. Just beought her a book and sat there with her as she read. (I found out later he KNEW the main party had planned to leave her and go after the Warlock alone, and they couldn’t close the portal without my speciality in magic. So he had been sitting there in the cell, still keeping her company, but keeping the rest of the party under a decent level if mind manipulation so they never left town
If that happens he will let me be active in destroying the party. Ill play another PC but we will have weekly DM time and plot. He did point out this was months (if not a year) of gameplay down the line so I had time to think.
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