zaenight · 1 year
h.d.b.h.c ch8
The next day Daisy woke up early going to the stables.
"Hey Seraphina , the rodeo is coming up soon , what do you thinks gonna happen if this whole thing J.t's workin' on works." Daisy said as The horse neighed.
"Well Ernesto plans to stick around since he has someone
not worth leaving behind."
Ernesto said as Daisy jumped Smacking his chest.
"Jesus Ernesto , Why do you do that." Daisy said as He smirked , Leaning against the
Stable door.
"Because one day Querida , your gonna be so scared your going to jump right into my arms." Ernesto said laughing when she hit him.
"Well Ernesto I bet when that day comes It won't be cause Im scared." Daisy said as She leaned forward.
"Wanna bet Querida." Ernesto said leaning in , Their lips about to touch.
"Don't you even think about it boy." Colt said with a glare as The two jumped away from eachother.
"Are you Serious!" Daisy exclaimed raising her hands up.
"Get your horses moving boys , get em' moving." Colt said to the boys who were learning how to properly ride horses , Daisy was sitting on the fence , watching , and thinking about her almost kiss with Ernesto.
Damn Colt for interrupting.
"16 horses , pull up on the reigns , That's it , you guys stick together." Colt said as the boys rode around in circles , this went on with colt telling them what to do along with some input from Daisy.
"Listen to what colt's telling you , Heels down." J.t said.
"Keep em' in a trot." Shorty said.
"Let go of that horn keith." Daisy said before looking back at Ernesto.
It was going great , Perfect , Yeah Ernesto got thrown off .
Daisy held in her Laugh as he Got up , letting out a chuckle , to which he playfully glared , she then covered it up with a cough before smiling.
"Well I'd say you did it a pretty god Job , you know untill you were thrown off." Daisy said as Ernesto scoffed playfully.
"Your fault , Ernesto was distracted by your Beauty Querida." Ernesto stated as Daisy blushed.
As Shorty coughed , the two jumped forgetting he was there.
"how long you known J.t." Ernesto asked Shorty.
"Oh I've known J.t since he was a nubbin , I worked for his Pappy here , and half way raised him." Shorty explained as Daisy helped Ernesto with putting the horse back in the stable , Petting Seraphina who was next to him.
"You guys never leave the ranch , huh?" Ernesto said also looking towards Daisy.
"No , Daisy ain't allowed to Step foot off the ranch untill she's eighteen , unless its for shoppin'." Shorty started to say.
"I ran away one time , one time , and they put me on ranch arrest , Moss litterly drags me back." Daisy said as Ernesto snorted , getting wacked on the shoulder.
"As I was Sayin' Well J.t left the ranch when he was nineteen , he joined the marine corps , and became a police officer." Shorty finished.
"I knew it , I could smell a cop away , Man they're all the same , all them Piss- " Ernesto said untill he was cut off.
"Now you cut J.t some slack there Sonny boy , I've known him since he was in diapers , no finer man ever made his shadow , you live long enough and get a little bit smart , you might be able to figure out what he's doin' for you , ain't gonna happen." Shorty said before walking off.
"Awkward." Daisy said as Ernesto raised a brow at her.
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