#isaiah jesus oneshots
kaetastic · 4 years
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pairing: Isaiah Jesus x Shelby!Reader
summary: The Peaky Blinders spend their night at a ball, however, Isaiah notices the wandering eyes of other men on the second youngest Shelby.
word count: 3.5k 
warning: slightly nsfw ?? jealousy, mention of blood, mention of violence, language
note: I loved writing this one! The flow was so smooth and I couldn’t stop writing, so here it is! I was hit with inspiration after checkin’ out some prompts (i saw them on pinterest so i don’t know who’s the original blog, if it’s you please dm me 🥺)
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“Take my coat.” 
White— pearly beads of opal tears were poked through with a piercing needle. The bawling drops of clams drooped from the yellow ceiling, hanging low as gravity clung onto the strands. While shuffling of polished shoes screeched into the air, ear-drumming squeals from yanked corks paced to overlap obnoxious laughs. The laughs worthed grands; the laugh of slithering serpents.
Despite the approaching night, there was no heaviness resting upon the awaken eyes, which only led to the fact that they have tolerated and befriended the aspect of long nights. Long nights of claimed hard work. Long nights of staying at work late to complete the pending task, allegedly. Bitterly, the woman who strayed near the marble bar assumed, even though she knew she was right.
The lavish dress she wore that she plucked out of the most expensive rack in the store were no different than those women who were present. The women who had been dragged out from the comfort of their home to flutter a smile while they drowned in their husband’s gold, not knowing their mistress circled nearby. However, her privilege of wearing the fabric that was enough to feed a whole village was not the same as them. While it might not be her money, she knew that Thomas’s money was now as legitimate as the rest, despite the fluttering rumours weaving from mouth to ears.
Y/N grew up on streets that reeked of feculent piss and mud as face-paint. They, on the other hand, were nurtured by a maid, money already swimming in their bloodstreams while their parents spent days on end overseas.
‘You’re not a Peaky, Y/N.’ As the tornado in her champagne flute swirled, she glared at the red wine with irritated eyes. Despite her hating the proper way of holding the glass which was as posh as it could be, she reminded herself to where she was and who breathed in the same room as her. Recalling the talk she sat with her older sister who believed that the woman shouldn’t even bother to relieve her presence to the party, Y/N beamed her eyes at the smearing grey against the whites of the marble counter. Y/N wasn’t sure if it was the destiny the Shelby’s will be cursed by, but heartfelt conversations were rare. The woman needed to get it out of her chest. She needed to tell her older sister the lingering eyes when she would walk down the streets. The elderly knew of the tainted reputation of the Shelby’s name, the main theme of the conversations whispered behind their backs. ‘No, but I’m a Shelby.’
That’s what she’ll always be. Just a Shelby. Not the woman who struggled through the obstacles of maintaining a deaf ear to her colleagues who would whisper under their breaths about her and her background. No matter what curtain draped over her, she’ll be seen as the younger sister of a gangster. Gypsy Shelby. Carnival wanderers. Y/N, the woman who sipped on wine in the dress of the same colour, will forever be known as Birmingham’s Infamous Gangster’s Little Sister.
Y/N was no longer the giggling child who swam through mud; she was no longer the girl with dangling tooths who hid her older brothers’ socks under her bed. Even Arthur, the eldest, has admitted how times have changed. Sitting on the stool was a woman, not a girl. A woman with cold, crystal eyes of a smeared cerulean blue that can only be glistened at a certain angle of light, a woman who had been prize hung upon the fair’s walls for men who were up to the challenge- that was until they heard of her last name. Unless they were cowards, they tiptoed away with the utmost silent steps. It was barely a handful of men who found the challenge of swooning the woman to be entertaining.
However, to be in radar with the Peaky Blinders themselves; to be in their loyal, trusted ranks, Isaiah Jesus just couldn’t find a fuck to give. There had been countless times he had seen eyes grazing over her figure, ogling her as if a taunting piece of meat. Would he be different to their scandalous actions? No, because he would do the same. The man just had a more discreet manner of observation. People with a name and money to flaunt might’ve shoved him to the edge since deep down, he knew that he’ll never be like them. But, at the end of the day, who was deep in her while she breathlessly screamed out?
“What?” Once her eyes peeled away from the intense rolling of liquid in her champagne flute, she shot a perplexed glance at the iconic oversized coat he would constantly wear. It seemed the memo to wear different had not reached the man. Her orbs glimpsed back to his face as if he had gone mental. The room had a barely noticeable breeze of wind that only kissed those who strayed next to the golden, colossal windows. 
“I said take my coat.” Isaiah repeated, arm extending, urging the woman to take it. 
There was no jest in his eyes. Isaiah wasn’t playing around, “It’s fucking hot in here.” There weren’t any trails of sweat visible on the woman, but there were beads of them crawling down her back. It seeped down through the minuscule crack of space between the velvet dress and her glossy back. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the same case for those who did not handle well with heat as some elderly men incessantly wiped their foreheads with their lavish cloth.
“Just fucking take it.” Isaiah didn’t mean to take another glance, but he did. Accidentally. The group of vigilant observing eyes did not quiver from the pair, well, it was mostly attached to the woman who was sipping on the red wine. However, the closeness of Isaiah and the Shelby had brought alarming thoughts in their heads. There wasn’t a plan so it wjasn’t part of it, it was more of an impulsive act of decision when one of them shot up from the seat.
In the corner of Isaiah’s eyes was a blur of an approaching figure, increasing in size. The pace was casual, gait relaxed with his hands tucked in the pocket of his waistcoat. A haze of shimmering gold sparkled, the intensity of the blaring reflection multiplied by a tenfold.
“I’m gonna suffocate, I can’t breathe already.” Y/N scoffed, mouth finding solace in the half-drunk wine.
With every step, Isaiah’s eyes wavered back onto the woman. A fire burnt in his chest, no, it roared behind his eyes as fury dumped a barrel of petrol into the growing rage. Doubts settled in. Was it truly rage? Or was he scooting around the idea of jealousy? Before his head caught a glimpse of his peripheral, his hands were already chained around Y/N’s wrist. A satisfied smirk crept up on his lips when the figure halted in his steps. Watching the woman he was about to approach thrash in the man’s grip, he gawked.
“Isaiah!” Although eyes were darted towards the catastrophic scene, Isaiah didn’t bat an eye, head too blurry with satisfaction. Y/N with ajar opened mouth was yanked away from her barely finished wine. It tasted rich. A privilege she had been surrounded with only recently. “What the fuck was that?”
Once he managed to drag her into a hallway of stacked barrels, he finally noticed the dripping beads of tears from the leaking metal pipe. As teardrops descended from the sobbing pipe, it puddled on the miniature lake. The hallway felt exposed to the frosty night of London. A breeze of the chilly air overflowed through the cracked open hopper windows.
Not too long ago Y/N was clamouring with the pungent odour, now, she was sure the secretion had become icicles, frozen. Isaiah wasn’t so different, his shoulders remained in the stance of shock. After yanking her hand out of his grasp, the dishevelled woman beamed at the man. His flared nose was tinted red. While he pressed his lips shut, the echoing noise of the bawling pipe trickled in to fill in the pregnant silence.
An exasperated sigh fell off his lips, “They were fucking you with their eyes.” Blinking in disbelief, she let out a scoff. The reason he had dragged her was because people were looking at her? Well, fucking her with their eyes?
“So what? And who the fuck are you to bother?” Isaiah’s jaw ticked. How was he to answer? The man himself didn’t know how to reply. Thoughts resounded off his head, springing from one side to the other as he tried his best to think of an answer. There was fire roaring in his chest. A flicker of blue plastered across the dancing red canvas. It burned hotter than a summer’s day, flaring scorches of heat than heatwaves when one would stray around the furnace who had been chugged by boulders of dusty coal. But actions speak louder than words. As his eyes flickered to meet hers, the flame on the candle died with a blow of air.
Isaiah was fired up, chest taut, fingers clenched, ready to hurl it in their faces’. It all vanished. The anger, the fire, the stirred up hurricane, it all wiped off from existence. Her hair that was once a coiled perfection which was a result of an hour of refining each and every lock, had become a wild, untamed bunch. It was no different to that of her hairstyle she would wear in the creaking morning after an exhausting night of moans and groans. The pearl necklace that draped down her neck sat on her shoulder, clumping up a rubble even though it hung above her cleavage a few minutes ago.
Frigid bites of the brick wall pierced into her skin. The bleeding words that rested on her tongue were exhaled into a familiar warm mouth. Long forgotten, the coat he could’ve used for defence to crawl out of the fancy ball to protect him from the chilly night, puddled into the ground. A groan grumbled out of his lips to puff into her moaning ones; although, Isaiah wasn’t sure if it was because his coat would be the absorbing cloth, soon to be drenched by the unknown liquid from the pipe, or it was because her wide open legs had curled around his hip. 
There were no words exchanged, only wanton moans and guttural groans. The world around them faded into black and white before it all was swirled in a hazy blur. The tiles of the mosaic painting were soon plucked out. The world didn’t exist, just each other. There weren’t any irregular singing notes of the pipe, no blowing of wind into the cracked orifices and no boisterous thrumming of heart in their ears. It was just each other's breathing and their fingers rustling faint noises of caress. 
An exhalation rolled out of her chest to gush out into the tensed air. Air that was once struck with chords of anger and jealousy, but now, it was trickling with need and lust. Knocking the back of her head into the wall, the gaps between her fingers were spurting of his curly locks. The piercing cones smeared over the brick walls embedded into her skin. If his mouth wasn’t planting bruises on her skin, it would’ve hurt a lot more. 
“Saiah... fuck, no hickeys...” Stuttering between heavy breathing which was from the nipping of his teeth on her skin below her ears, Y/N finally managed to breathe out the words. Although it had been an unspoken rule which was brought up only once (the first time they fucked), Isaiah couldn’t give a fuck. To have the Shelby’s as a boss, Isaiah had somewhat familiarized himself with the gears spinning in their heads while he watched them work on the field. Not Thomas Shelby, never Thomas Shelby. The man was impossible to see through, just like the murky canals of Birmingham. If his siblings had not succeeded in reading his mind, what miracle did he possess if he could do so? 
So it was no wonder the pair had not taken the risk of overlooked details such as markings on their necks to be seen. There was one thing Y/N could do when having scandalous ties with her brother’s employee, and that was to be one step ahead of any of them. Preferably Thomas Shelby. It was the least she could do. Nights when Isaiah would climb through her windows, she would complain about the aching in her stomach beforehand. Although, that plan nearly blew up on her face as Polly had incessantly banged on her door to check up on her paining niece. Oh, how they all would’ve lost their shit if they knew Isaiah was deep in her, thrusting his hips with lust before her aunt lingered outside her door. 
Y/N always pondered to how everyone would react to their relationship. Relationship? There never was an appropriate time where the two sat down to discuss the fire sparking between them. Even though she had tried to bring it up at points, it always led her to a moaning mess. The pair had scooted around the topic, ignoring its existence. But for how long? The stunt Isaiah had pulled back not too long ago was of pure jealousy, the feeling of someone else eyeing something of his. It was not something he had felt before, ever.  
Pulling his lips away, his eyes grazed over the masterpiece he had painted. Streaks of red trailed across the side of her neck in peculiar directions. While Isaiah admired his prominent markings, Y/N noted the curled up corners of his lips and his gazing eyes on the scene. Oh, she was too late. Worried if her brothers were to see Isaiah’s branding, formulas were scribbled in her head. All she had to do was avoid everyone, Finn and Arthur especially if she didn’t want a wildfire to burn. Finn who was still a babe had curious eyes and quick fluttering lips, Arthur on the other hand just had an agile tongue and a rock as a fist. If one of them was to even peek a glance at the hickey, the news would’ve crossed the other side of England. Ada was easy to avoid as the woman was not present at the party; however, Y/N could not imagine her never-ending rambling. Knowing her older sister, she was sure it would lead to pregnancy and stubborn questions about the mysterious guys.
The trio of Thomas, John and Polly was one to keep in mind. Y/N herself wasn’t sure why she had grouped the three together, but she knew they had one thing in common. Merciless. She wasn’t sure how it would proceed if one of them was to gaze upon the marking; she never wanted to see it happen. While the woman who had a painted canvas on her neck was concerned with future issues to which she hoped she would never have to stumble upon, Isaiah was a smirking mess. The thought of them seeing the art he had created flicked a lighter to his gun powder. Once his eyes grazed over her shut ones and her lips pecking of silent mumbling, he let out a sigh. The woman was overthinking again. The noise of her saliva smacking on her swollen lips only made sense to her head as she went over the whole plan. Avoid, avoid and avoid. Isaiah’s eyes brushed upon her smeared lipstick, he wouldn’t be surprised if some made way on his lips. 
Her train of words halted once a warm thumb grazed over her bottom lip. Although scribblings of words jotted in her head, nothing made sense as Isaiah’s lips were on hers once again. The layers of planning and never-ending what-ifs vanished, wiped from her head to be buried deep underneath the bedding of soil. Back splayed against the wall and legs around his hip, Isaiah’s fingers trailed down to clutch on her thighs, nudging the stubborn hem of her dress up, coiling it in a bunch. Tongues caressing one another while strings of wanton moaning brushed down the bristles of their throats, everything was long forgotten. There was no Thomas Shelby. There was no Peaky Blinders. Just the two of them.
“What the actual fuck.” With the familiar straining voice echoing through the narrow hallway, the feeling of need vaporized. Heat that was once beaming through their chest seeped into the air, dancing in the wind. The glass bottle in his hands shattered. Piercing shards of glass embedded into his skin, slashing through his blood vessels, but he could see nothing but red. Snapping the neck of the bottle into millions of fragments, Arthur no longer cared the good chug of whiskey he wanted to have away from all the lying cunts. Tonight was full of people who had dollar signs in their eyes while they grasped onto leashes around those who needed to pay back stacks of cash. More than fucking enough. If Arthur heard any of their voice, he was sure he wouldn’t be able to hold back.
So, when Arthur decided to pull away from the crowd to enjoy even the crappiest stench of whatever the fuck liquified the soil that smeared along the bricks, he did not expect to see a Peaky boy’s tongue down his little’s sister throat. Even though the eldest Shelby wasn’t in many conversations (there was no need to ponder that all they wanted was Thomas’s cock), he barely noticed the disappearance of the second youngest Shelby, most likely because he was too focused on maintaining the position of his curled fists which were stuffed deep in his coat’s pocket. Despite him yanking out his red, thrumming hand multiple of times, a glare from Thomas was enough to remind him of the lingering eyes.
Feet descending down the wall, Y/N’s eyes didn’t blink once as she stared at the abrupt appearance of her eldest brother. Well, fuck. Fuck the plan. Fuck avoiding. Because the future she didn’t want ever was now, “Arthur.”
Without a word uttered between the two, a distance increased with every shove down their throats. Arthur Shelby was here. Arthur Shelby saw the son of the man he trusted pinned his little sister to the wall. Eyes were lassoed, ropes were thrown around, yanking stammering thoughts. Arthur’s eyes that were popped out of his eye socket did not quiver from Isaiah’s figure. The smear of red against the boy’s lips and his dishevelled waistcoat was enough for Arthur to go mental. Isaiah wasn’t sure how he felt. There was a jolt of inhumane voltage zapping through his heart before a snip of a scissor prevented it to ever be alive again. 
The man whose face oozed of litres of blood was a victim of whatever lurked under Arthur Shelby’s skin. If Isaiah wasn’t there to notice his motionless body, he couldn’t give a fuck, but he was. He saw men struggle to hold Arthur’s thrashing body back. The devil they called it. The plunging noise descending his throat and into the green lake in his gut trickled through Isaiah’s ears. He was dead meat, “Arthur, it’s not what it looks like- I can explain.” 
“Fucking not what it looks like?” Although the eldest Shelby stood at the other end of the hallway, his booming voice was as if he was right in front of them. Wavering the cracked neck of the whiskey glass, furious spit gushed out of his lips. Hair curtained to flare up, the man was beaming with steam. “Fucking explain why you looked like you were about to fuck Isaiah!” 
Speckled soil shivered from its land to rest upon the ground. The ground the building sat upon shook, shaking the glass panes to send raining shards of glass across the marble floor. Thomas stepped down the stairs. Seconds ago, the man was under the ceiling of solid gold, now, he was under dripping tainted water that pecked his shoulders. His face was unreadable although a twitch of his jaw gave away the underlying anger, “One fucking day, Arthur, you couldn’t give me one fucking day of silence?” 
Trailing behind him was John and Finn who were laughing at an obnoxious joke uttered by the youngest himself, something about his boxers ending up on the street. It fell into silence. Despite the warning Thomas had incessantly, stubbornly pressed on his accompanies of the night, a part of him had already predicted this was to happen. There was hope. There was hope that the night might’ve flown pass smoothly without a bump over the road. And then there was reality. Awry reality never resembled the plans in Thomas’s head. However, there was a second he had missed in his life. A second was forgotten, jumped over to the next beat of his heart. He didn’t need many words from the blood gushing out of Arthur’s curled fist and the mussed hair of the pair.
Well, there goes the plan. Out the fucking window it was. With a cigarette sighing on his lips, he gestured, “Go ahead. Talk.”
Maybe Y/N should’ve listened to Ada.
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smcc212 · 3 years
Word count- 1, 077
Pairing- Tommy Shelby x Son!, Finn Shelby x nephew!, Isiah Jesus x Male OC(platonic)
Warnings- None really? Referenced bullying, and my awful writing.
A/N- We’re all just gonna big fat ignore the fact the I haven’t posted in 238 days, okay? Okay. Great.
Thank you to @fandoms410 for requesting this, I’m so, so, so sorry it took this long xxxxx
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Tommy always worried about Liam, he couldn’t help it. Having a son that couldn’t feel pain, and was bullied as a result of that, well, who wouldn’t worry? After the incident with John kids, and the kids from Liam’s school, however, that fear only grew worse.
He felt himself just wanted to bundle Liam up in bubble-wrap and bring him everywhere with him. He was even nervous about letting Liam go out to play with Finn. Although, he knew he couldn’t keep Lee locked away forever.
He watched from his office window as Lee waddled after Finn towards Jeremiah Jesus’ house. A very excitable Isiah quickly hugging his dad before joining the Shelby boys. Liam rushes to hug Isiah, and the older boy didn’t hesitate to hug him back before picking him up and heading off towards the cut.
Tommy sighed, sitting down at his desk and attempting to get on with his work. He trusted Finn, and Isiah for that matter, with Liam; It was the other lads he didn’t trust. He just hoped, prayed that they kept a close enough eye on his little boy.
Finn watched as Isiah pretend to be much slower than he really was, letting Liam catch him as they were playing tig. He fought to keep in a laugh as Isiah dramatically acted shocked that Liam caught him.
“How are you so fast, Lee?” He pretended to wonder as Liam broke out in a fit of giggles.
“You’re just really slow, iz,” he laughed. Isiah gasped in mock offence.
“You little monster,” He said before launching into an attack of tickles. “How dare you.” Finn stopped holding in his laugh at that and instead joined Isiah’s attack.
“Stop,” Lee stammered in between laughs.
“Not until you admit that I’m a fast runner.”
“B-but you’re not.” Isiah gasped again, continuing to tickle to boy. After a couple of minutes Lee caved in. “F-fine! You’re a fast runner,” He exclaimed.
“Thank you,” Isiah said stepping away, Finn did the same. “That wasn’t so hard was it?” He beamed at the boy. Liam moved his hand to rub at the tears of laughter that had formed on his face, trying not to press down too hard.
After that the boys went to Charlie Strong’s yard to see the horses. Isiah making sure to hold Lee’s hand as he had a tendency to run in the stables excited and spook the horses. Isiah remembered clear as day the ice-cold fear he felt when he saw the horse buck, he only just managed to grab Liam before the horse cracked his skull open.
“Hello, boys,” Charlie greeted.
“Hi, Charlie. We were wondering if we could see the horses?” Finn asked politely. Upon seeing the hesitation on Charlie’s face Isiah spoke up.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got Lee. I’ll make sure he doesn’t hurt himself.” Charlie nodded.
“Alright, but only for a little bit, Curly and I have to clean the stables soon.”
“Thank you, uncle Charlie!” Liam exclaimed, pulling on Isiah’s hand.
“Hold on, Lee,” Isiah started, crouching down to the boy’s level to make sure he had his attention. “I need you to promise to be calm around the horses, okay? I know you love them, but you don’t want to scare them, yeah? And I don’t want you to get hurt. So, promise me, yeah?”
“Okay, I promise, iz.”
“Okay. Good.” He stood up again, keeping a hold of Liam’s hand. “Let’s go then.”
Tommy had tried, and failed at getting his work done. His mind to preoccupied by his anxiety over Liam’s safety to be able to focus on the business. Liam was the only thing that could keep Tommy from working.
He decided to go see Charlie and see if he’d seen Liam. He knew his boy loved horses, so that was the most likely bet.
“Morning, Charlie,” He greeted in his usual emotionless voice.
“Morning, Tom. Finn, Isiah, and Liam are in the stables if you’re looking for them.” Tommy nodded, heading to find his boy; he needed to calm his disquiet. He stopped at the door, seeing Isiah holding Liam on his hip.
“Slowly, Lee. You don’t want to scare her, do you?” He heard Isiah say quietly. Liam shook his head softly, and cautiously lifted his hand up towards the mare. It sniffed softly at the boy’s hand. Liam let out a little giggle, making the corner of Tommy’s mouth curl slightly.
“Tickles,” He whispered to Isiah.
“Yeah, they do that,” Isiah chuckled back. Finn was just standing in the corner watching the other two boys, much like Tom was doing. He and Tommy locked eyes, sent each other a small smile and a nod-silently agreeing to not interrupt.
The mare tilted his head down slightly, giving permission for Liam to pet her. Lee turned to Isiah, his blue eyes full of awe and a silent question.
“Yeah, go on, Lee,” Isiah encouraged, cause Liam to smile and gently run his hand along the mare’s head.
“I’m doing it, iz,” He whisper-yelled excitedly.
“I know,” Isiah replied in a breathy laugh. “I’m proud of you.” If it was possibly, Liam’s smile got even wider. Tommy felt like someone was pulling on his heartstrings. His beautiful boy seemed so thrilled to do something as simple as pet a horse, he wondered if Isiah being there with him made the little boy more excitable.
Suddenly, the bubble was burst as Charlie walked in, followed by curly.
“Right boys, sorry but times up.” Isiah pulled Liam away, placing him back on the ground and taking ahold of his hand. When he turned around a saw tommy, a look of pure shock covered the boys face.
“Hello, Mr Shelby,” He said. Tommy smiled at him.
“Hello, Isiah.”
“Lee, wanted to pet the horse,” He explained nervously.
“I know, Isiah, I saw. I was just checking on on him, but I can see he’s in good hands.”
“Iz,” Lee said, pulling on the older boy’s hand.
“Can we play hide and seek? Me, you, and Finn?” Lee looked at Isiah with pure awe, as if the boy was a prophet.
“Yeah, of course we can. Coming Finn?”
“Yep. See you later, Tom.” Finn chirped, following his best friend and nephew.
“See you, boys.” Tommy watched them walk away for a moment, before heading back to work. The worry he once held gone after witnessing the love Isiah seemed to have for his boy.
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Only Love Can Hurt Like This
Pairing: Isaiah Jesus x Shelby Reader
Requested by: @beth-winchester21 ‘Where I'm the youngest and I fancy isiah and my boyfriend breaks up with me so I go and get drunk and esme snitches on me to the boys and isiah they come look after me and I confess to isiah I'm in love with him and we get together thanks xx’
Note: I feel like this song describes the mood of this perfectly!
Warnings: breakup, alcohol, swearing, protective older brothers
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“Fine! Fuck off then!” You yelled, begging your tears to not fall. Your now ex boyfriend walked away from you.
“Stupid little slut! At least Fran lets me fuck her. And I won’t have to even worry about your idiot fucking brothers. Good riddance, Shelby whore!”
The landlord at the Rusty Anchor knew better than to cut you off. The pub may not be Peaky territory, but you were still in Small Heath and you were still a Shelby, albeit barely old enough to drink.
“Come on, Miss,” the bartender said gently, sliding you one last (slightly watered down) drink. “Time to go home, especially now the lads are coming in. Don’t want them causing you any trouble. You gonna be alright getting home,”
You nodded and stumbled home, taking a detour and winding up in the warehouse that had been turned into a boxing ring. In your drunkenness, you didn’t recognise the late hour, expecting Isaiah to be here, the thought of the slightly older blinder comforting. Over the years you had harboured somewhat of a crush for him, but knew your brothers would never allow it. But right now, as tears streamed down your cheeks and you drew your knees to your chest, you hoped he would come, as he was there so often.
“John, you better get down the Anchor,” Esme said quietly to her husband as she walked into the Watery Lane dining room.
“Eh? Why?” He asked, looking up from his card game with his brothers. “Anchor’s not one of our pubs, love. It’s the Ruby Track that’s one of ours,”
“I know that. But... well I nipped in to fetch my cousin for my Auntie and... YN was at the bar. She looked rotten,”
“What’s our YN doing down the Anchor, eh?” Arthur said, laughing slightly. Tommy and John didn’t seem to find it funny.
“You’re right, Arthur. What’s our YN doing there when she could get drunk in the Garrison, eh? Anyway, I thought she was seeing that butcher’s boy. The Peters kid,”
Finn piped up. “She still seeing him? I saw him snogging the postie’s girl this afternoon,”
Everyone was quiet for a moment before Arthur stood up. “I’ll bloody kill him, the little fucker. I told him, Tom, if he hurts our YN I’ll cut him a smile,”
Tommy sighed. “You can cut him a smile once we’ve found YN, brother. John go to the Anchor and see if anyone’s seen her around. Arthur, you can come with me. Finn... get to Charlie’s yard. Check the stables. She goes there when she’s upset,”
The brothers set off while Esme sighed, sitting herself at the table, waiting for Polly to get back from the chemist.
“Oi, Finn, where’re you off?”
Finn skidded to a halt, turning as he saw his best friend. “‘Siah, have you seen YN? She’s drunk and wandered off somewhere. Think that lad she was seeing cheated on her,”
Isaiah frowned. He had always cared for you, even if you were barely a year younger than Finn. “Havent seen her, no. Where’re you lookin’” he asked, falling into step with Finn.
“John’s gone to the Rusty Anchor, Arthur and Tommy are patrolling the streets and I’m meant to be going to the yard,”
Isaiah nodded. “I’ll... start looking too. I think my dad’s out preaching tonight, I’ll tell him to keep an eye out,”
The boys nodded to one another as they ran off in opposite directions.
Isaiah almost walked past the warehouse when he heard a bang and a sharp gasp of pain. Curious, he pushed the door open, holding his bladed cap at the ready.
As he rounded the door, he saw you cradling your hand as you sat on the edge of the ring, face blotchy with tears.
“YN, that you?” He asked. “It’s Isaiah,”
“I know,” you said quietly, voice still a little slurred.
He walked over to you slowly, stuffing his cap away before sitting next to you, about two feet away. “What’s up?” He asked you gently. You sighed, shuffling a little closer to show him your quickly bruising hand.
“Punched the wall. Hurt,” you shrugged. “And he’s a bastard, you know that lad I was seeing. Kept wanting me to do stuff with him... didn’t want to so he cheated on me and then got shot of me. Then I went to the Anchor because the garrison don’t serve me when I’m pissed unless one of the boys are there. And I got cold on my way home and I wanted to see you so I came here instead,”
As you rambled, isaiah smiled softly. “I’m sure Tommy will see to that lad,” he said gently and you nodded. “And your aunt Pol will see to that hand,” you nodded and sighed, resting your head on his shoulder. He stiffened slightly before relaxing, putting his arm around your shoulder. You smiled sleepily.
“This is nice,” you said. “I’ve fancied you since I was fourteen and you were sixteen, you know,” Isaiah gulped, thinking it was just your drunkenness talking. “I’m not saying it because I’m drunk. Well I am. But it’s true. Promise,”
“Tell you what, YN, if you remember this when you’re sober, we’ll talk about it, okay?” He said quietly, brushing his lips over your forehead gently. You nodded, nuzzling closer.
“I wanna go home, ‘Siah,” you mumbled and he nodded, helping you up.
“C’mon, put this on,” he said gently, draping his black cloak over you. You smiled sleepily, pulling it closer to your body and inhaling the smell of his aftershave.
Sensing your sleepiness, he slung your arm around his waist, his around your shoulders as he guided you to walk home. As he walked you down Watery Lane, Tommy, Arthur and John came the opposite way.
“S’alright, I found her in the warehouse,” Isaiah called as John ran over to you, taking your other side and helping you walk.
“I’m drunk, John,” you giggled softly, eyes already slipping shut. “Don’t tell Tommy,”
Arthur took over from Isaiah to help you upstairs, where Polly and Esme helped you into your pyjamas and then to bed. As the men came back downstairs, they stared hard at Isaiah.
“Where was she?” Tommy asked.
“Warehouse, the boxing rings. Said she was making her way home and she got cold,” Isaiah said, omitting the part about your waiting for him.
“What about the butcher’s boy. She say anything about him?” John asked.
“Said he cheated on her and got shot of her because she wouldn’t let him... you know... sleep with her,” Your brothers briefly looked away, feeling a little out of depth when it came to your romantic relationships and sex life (they’d left that up to Ada and Polly). “He hasn’t hurt her,” Isaiah said quickly. “At least not physically. She’s upset. And she might’ve broken a finger or two,”
“So she got a good punch in then?” Arthur said proudly, quickly shutting up when tommy glared at him.
“Er... she punched the wall. Pretty hard by the looks of it,”
It was quiet for a moment before tommy cleared his throat. “Thank you, Isaiah. For bringing her home safe and looking after her,”
Isaiah nodded before rubbing the back of his neck. “I’d do anything for her,”
John let out a laugh. “Alright, mate. One step at a time, yeah? She may have been giving you the look for the last four years, but she’s still our baby sister,”
Tags: @liliputbahn @lilymurphy03 @imareallygrumpyme
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spotofimagines · 3 years
No Longer A Secret ~ Isaiah Jesus
A/N: A year later, here’s part 3. I think I’ll make this the last part because it took a lot out of me tbh. I hope you enjoy it!
Requested by: a bunch of you a while ago (sorry for the wait!) [ tagging: @anyasthoughts​ ]
Warnings: pregnancy, family fighting
Summary: Isaiah held up his end of the bargain, now you’ve got to do your part and finally tell your family your secret.
Part 1(Keeping A Secret) - Part 2(Unveiling A Secret)
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gif by @pvkyblinders​
More had changed for you in the past few weeks than you thought possible. Being a Shelby meant you were used to drastic change pretty often, but you, along with Finn, were usually the last of your siblings to know what was going on, being kept in the dark for as long as possible.
Being on the other side of the fence this time and having to tell your family this information was filling you with a lot of dread, especially when it came to Arthur. He was volatile with regular news at times, so how bad was he going to be when he heard that the little sister he protects with his life is not only pregnant and engaged but that you stole money so you could hide it from him?
Walking into the Shelby household had never felt so tense. The hallway so small. The dark walls so imposing. Isaiah's gentle touch on your waist made you jump a little bit as you were so trapped in your fear. "You alright, babe?" He uttered in your ear, truthfully knowing the answer would be no but needing some reassurance before you both faced your family. You didn’t answer him, struggling for once to cover how you felt with a lie, but luckily you didn’t need to; with Isaiah, you never really have.
Slowly moving through the house, you shouted out a hello and heard Tommy's voice reply from the kitchen. You were about to make your way to them when the hand you reached out behind you met thin air. Peering over your shoulder in search of the rock you need in Isaiah, he came just in time out of the living room, Finn two steps behind him and tucking an empty tube of tokyo in his inside pocket. You shared a silent greeting through a smile - weak on your side from nervousness and sheepish on his side from being caught - before grabbing Isaiah's hand and carrying on into the kitchen.
The first sight you were graced with was Tommy's frown as he lit a cigarette, nodding his head to you when you entered the room, his frown dissipating when he leant back against the counter and the smoke left his mouth. A stressful morning with business was the last thing you wanted. Everyone’s emotions would be heightened and their tethers near breaking point. The breath in your lungs almost got caught in your throat just at the thought.
But Arthur's voice filled the room before it could. "Y/N, Isaiah, y'alright?" He asked loudly, walking through the room to give an envelope to Tommy, and the cheerful tones told you maybe the stress was on Tommy's shoulders only. You hummed in response, not quite brave enough to open your mouth yet.
Finn nudging past your shoulder by mistake kept you alert to your surroundings as Isaiah went to give a quick greeting to Michael, who sat reading the newspaper with a cup of tea at the table, before pouring some tea for himself. "Watch out would ya," Arthur spoke, shoving Finn playfully to the side, Finn getting out of the way and sitting at the table with a grumble, wiping his nose a bit, "bloody boy." Arthur muttered to himself, his usual temper present but masterfully pushed down, before locking eyes with you still stood in the doorway.
"Y'alright love?" He asked, stopping in his tracks to make sure things were okay. You darted out of your thoughts to look at your brother properly. "Hm? Yeah. Can you stay here a minute though?" You responded, averting your eyes and turning toward everyone else.
Missing the way Arthur shrugged his hands and ventured back to the table, leaning his hands on the back of the last spare chair, you took a breath and steadied yourself.
A quiet rolled over the small room when you picked a slip of paper out of your purse, unfolded it and put it on the table, right under Arthur’s nose for him to read.
A cheque. The first cheque he’s ever seen signed off with your name. A cheque disclosing the exact amount that disappeared from the vault a month ago.
Arthur frowned up at you confused before moving to pick it up himself. “What’s this then?” He asked, looking around at the others for a bit of a clue but finding no help. Tommy rifled through the envelope he’d been given. Michael cast a glance at the cheque then went back to finishing his article. Finn sat scratching his head, keeping himself out of the conversation like he was used to, not that he’d be that much help to Arthur anyway.
When Arthur met your eyes again, you took a deep breath. “The money, from the vault. I’m giving it back.” Arthur’s eyes shot wide, surprised you had been the culprit of the incident (he’d had his eyes on a young blinder he was certain was responsible for a week now).
“You took it? How come?” He frowned again as he asked the question. This one was a little harder to answer. Not only were Arthur’s eyes on you, but Finn was watching you precariously and Michael had let the newspaper in his hand drop on his lap to focus on you too.
You didn’t dare look at Michael, knowing his gaze would stare straight through you and make you crumble under pressure. This money theft had been weighing heavily in the back of Michael’s mind so he wasn’t going to let the answer go without scathe.
“To go to the doctors. I didn’t have my own money to use.” You quickly added, wanting to justify your actions before they could blame you unfairly.
“The doctors?” Arthur repeated, looking over at Tommy again who was still reading through his letter. “What you going the doctor’s for? You’re alright, ain’t you? Nothing wrong?” He spoke, dismissing the reason and not believing you’d have a serious issue without him knowing first.
And that panicked you. Your heart speeding up already. There was something up, something that couldn’t be dismissed, something very well worth seeing the doctor for.
However, a second long glance at Isaiah calmed you down. He stood behind Arthur, porcelain cup of tea in one hand, the other tucked comfortably in his pant pocket. He wasn’t preparing for a fight at all, so why should you? One small subtle nod from him and you knew you’d be fine to speak, regardless of the outcome. He’d be there, Tommy would be there, you wouldn’t find a better chance to say it than now.
“Because I'm pregnant.” The words came out as feebly as you thought they would as you peered down at you feet. Arthur’s eyebrows raised in shock before clearing his throat with a cough that stopped the room from being silent.
“What?” His voice gravelled out of his chest. You looked up to meet his gaze, unnerving and unwavering, daring you to repeat the words he thought he heard the first time.
The movement of Isaiah putting his cup down on the counter had you squaring your shoulders a little. It was a change Tommy didn’t miss when he glanced up after the quiet lack of response, causing him to put the papers in his coat pocket for later.
You repeated yourself, louder this time, more assured despite the clear indifference Arthur's eyes held.
Smoke trailed out of Michael's mouth as he sat up straight in his chair, the cloud dissolving into nothing whilst he folded his newspaper up. Finn didn’t move, quickly inspecting the reactions of Tommy and Arthur before even thinking of speaking up.
Tommy stood still reclined against the counter, cigarette burning between his fingers as he kept his eyes on Arthur and on the door behind you in equal parts, making sure he was prepared for anything that might happen but refraining from acting on it yet.
Arthur’s hand tightened on the back of the wooden chair and his fixed look didn’t let up. He was angry, but he couldn’t quite place his finger on the reason why. Maybe it was because his sweet little sister wasn’t that anymore. Maybe it was because he’d let Isaiah recklessly get his hands on you. Maybe it was because you were young and silly and not ready for this in the slightest. Maybe it was because you hid it from him, and even went as far as stealing, right from the pocket of your family, to stop him from knowing. All of it was hitting him like a dagger in the chest.
His eyes hadn’t left yours before his gruff voice broke the silence again. “Y/N, you better tell me you’re joking now or I swear...” He spoke quietly and your chest shook as you breathed, your lungs tight from nervousness but your shoulders held strong. You weren’t backing down from him, no matter how much your hands trembled.
You shook your head at your brother. “I'm not playing. I'm having a baby, with Isaiah, and I'm keeping it.” Arthur’s eyebrows moved up and down quickly as he sighed out in order to keep his words down. He turned his head toward Tommy, whose face was stoic, not telling Arthur anything at all as he smoked. Arthur’s teeth clenched when he turned back to you, annoyed at the lack of backup from his brother and unsure where to start with his sister.
“You can’t be having a baby, Y/N,” Arthur's voice the only noise in the crowded room. “And why’s that?” You challenged him, his knuckles almost turning white against the chair. Finn's hands fidgeted with the cap on his lap, not wanting to be in the middle of this but not able to escape.
“Really? Well,” he huffed as he stood straight, fingers finally releasing the wooden seat, “you don’t have your own house, you have no cash, you can’t even look after yourself Y/N you’re too young for this!” He listed off the reasons on his hand, voice getting louder with each word that came out.
You put your hands on your hips, frustration mixing with the need to defend yourself as you matched Arthur’s level with your retort. “This is no different to John when he had Martha on her second kid at this age.”
Arthur waved his hand and shook his head. “That’s very different Y/N-"
“How is this different? Why is this any different at al-"
“It just is!” He shouted, slamming a hand on the table between you. You instantly jumped back at the sudden outburst, the boys both flinching too with Michael taking his elbow off the table and Finn scuffing his chair back a bit.
Isaiah stood firmly in his space now and toyed with the cuffs of his jacket to refrain himself from action. Another movement Tommy observed and he internally rolled his eyes at it. Isaiah knew well that this was your time and your situation to control, and that you needed to deal with your brothers in your own way for your own sake. A fight would help nothing right now.
“And before you’re married? Y/N, you aren’t even married for Christ’s sake!”
“You think I'm not married, do you?” You snapped, stopping Arthur from his inching closer and closer over the table top. Tommy’s head shot up in your direction and you could have sworn you found confusion on Arthur’s face before a second later, his and everyone else's attention was drawn away.
Polly opened the double doors from the shop to step through into the kitchen, shutting them behind her. "What in god’s name is going on in here? You're shouting the fucking street down." She chastises through her teeth with a scornful look sent Arthur's way. Neither you nor Arthur dropped your angry stares until Polly's demand of an answer had Arthur stepping away.
"Well," Arthur says, tension in every sound as he walked around the table to Polly's side, "it seems our darling angel girl has gone and got herself up the duff, hasn't she?" He said with bitterness in his words but a thankfully lowered voice as he shot his hand toward you. Polly met your gaze, concerned about the tears that lined your eyes but saying nothing about it yet.
"And that's just so terrible for you, is it?" You spite back, not giving Polly a chance to intervene. You guessed she'd be just as mad as Arthur for you being so silly and reckless, and you needed to fight for this on your own. To Arthur’s point, you had to look after yourself. If not now, when?
However, it isn't the news that's got her concerned, it's the venom in Arthur's words.
"You're not even married Y/N!” He continued his former point, “What are people gonna thin-"
"Well I am getting bloody married aren't I!" You interrupted, throwing your hands up in the anger that's finally caught up with you. Tommy raises his eyebrows questioningly as he keeps watching your movements, a quiet washing over the room again as the boys sat at the table wait for what's coming next.
"I'm engaged," You hold your hand up, your ring glinting in the light, "because Isaiah proposed to me, because he loves me," you drop your hand back to your side in defeat, "more than I can say for some..."
Tommy and Isaiah share a small glance before Isaiah turned to watch you again, leaving that conversation for later, or hopefully never.
After a moment of silent eye contact between you and Arthur, as his chest moved up and down with heavy breaths, he sighed and let his hands drop too.
“You think I don’t love you?” He uttered, “hm?” When he received only silence from you, faced with watching you stare at your feet to avoid him, he almost felt sick.
Everything he does is to protect you, to protect all the people he loves. Even now, as he’s in a blazing shouting match with you, it’s not because he’s angry - no, not truly - but because he’s scared you won’t be okay. Scared that you’re becoming something different to the little girl he practically helped raise. Scared you’ll be going into a world where he can’t protect you anymore.
He can deal with fighting and shouting, but he could never live with himself if you thought he felt anything but love for you.
His breath got caught in his throat and he could sense Polly's eyes burning a hole through his skull. Swallowing his pride, he tentatively asked, “Are you happy?”
“More than ever.” You immediately replied to his sincere-as-possible question.
He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair, subtly meeting Tommy's eye across the room - who doesn't move an inch - then walked around the table with his arms out wide, inviting you to him.
He hugged you tightly and you felt his shaky hands settle on your back. “Then how mad can I be?” He muttered and a small smile etched onto your face, eyes squeezing closed which made the tears you’d been holding finally roll down your cheeks. All the strength you feigned left you as you hugged him back, thankful for your brother’s arms to be holding you up like normal.
With Arthur’s acceptance and lack of Tommy’s protest, Finn stood to his feet and as Arthur held your face, wiping your tears with a loving but faintly nervous smile, Finn made his way to you to give his own congratulatory hug.
Arthur took a second, watching his younger siblings before scanning the room to get his bearings again. And he went straight to Isaiah, gripping him under his arm and pulling him close, sternly muttering the typical older brother threats in his ear for only him to hear. You missed the words said but by the slightly distant look behind Isaiah’s eyes you quickly got the gist.
Pulling away from your hug with Finn, you met Tommy’s eyes across the room as he still leant unmoved against the counter, extinguishing his cigarette in the ash tray beside him. He sent you a wink and a nod, the corners of his mouth poking up for only you to catch sight of.
“Don’t worry Arthur, of course I will.” The words from your fiancé caused you to turn just in time to see your brother patting Isaiah’s neck before walking away, mumbling about a much-needed drink as he dragged his feet through the shop doors and the usual bustling noise of the building returned.
When Isaiah’s gaze met yours, the sliver of fear in his eyes was completely overshadowed by the confident love he held for you. You sent him a silent apology with your eyes which he dismissed with a shake of his head. He took a few steps toward you and gave you a quick kiss before squeezing you into his familiar tight hug, whispering not to stress about it into your neck. It was enough to stop you falling to pieces right in the middle of the family kitchen.
Isaiah rubbed his hand over your back and pulled his head back up, an inch from giving you a quick peck on the lips when his shoulders shot up with a hiss. He quickly turned his head with an angry scowl that instantly vanished at the sight of Polly. She tilted her head to the side, getting Isaiah to take his hands off you without a word. Isaiah left the two of you to yourselves to avoid the wrath of your aunt and went to join Michael across the room, rubbing the back of his neck as he walked.
Polly smirked at your shocked face and it grew when your surprise turned into a slight shocked laugh, shaking your head bemused at her actions. She held a cup of tea out for you and you took a step closer to her. Part of you was still wary of what she'll have to say about your pregnancy, but part of you was also comforted by her presence, knowing she'll never let your brothers step too far out of line with you.
"Are you mad?" You asked cautiously, never wanting to assume with her. She was pouring another cup of tea as she answered. "I was a little when I first found out, I thought I'd told you more than enough times to be careful," she shot you a nettled look before turning to face you properly, "then I had about two weeks for the idea to grow on me." Once again she smirked at the shock on your face. Of course Polly knew, you hardly had to tell her anything without her figuring it out for herself first.
"You'll be fine dear, he's not the worst." Polly joked sincerely, clinking your cups and taking a gulp before putting it down on the side again. You’d yet to move, stunned into stillness by her revelation, when her hand lay firmly on your small belly. She stared down in thought for a few seconds, her touch a stark contrast to the sharp slap Isaiah felt a moment earlier.
A feeling of relief you'd only ever felt once before - when John shot a bullet that skimmed your leg at 12 years old – had managed to fill your chest, almost enough to overwhelm you were it not for the grounding touch of your Aunt Polly.
You let her process her mystic prediction as you finally moved, sipping your drink and sending a smirk over to Isaiah to match his own.
Polly looked up at you with a smile spreading over her face and joy filling her eyes. “A beautiful baby girl.”
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murswrites · 4 years
I Do ⎯ Isiah Jesus One-Shot
Pairings: Isiah Jesus x Shelby!Sister, Shelby!Family x Shelby!Sister Fandom: Peaky Blinders MASTERLIST Word Count: ~ 1,315 Warnings: None SUMMARY: It’s your wedding day and despite the tensions between yourself and Tommy, you hope he shows up to walk you down the aisle.
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If someone told you that you’d be getting married at sixteen, you would have laughed in their faces. But here you were, standing in your room with your sister, Ada, helping you with the finishing touches. You refused to look in the mirror, not wanting to spoil the surprise until Ada was done. “Oh, Y/N, you look absolutely beautiful.” Polly leaned against the doorway with a smile on her red lips.
She wore a deep maroon dress that showed off her tiny waist while Ada wore the trademark bridesmaid dress. The cream colour looked wonderful on her pale skin and the length showed off a bit of ankle. Your dress, however, is long and touches the floor even with the short heels you have on. 
The golden white colour compliments your skin tone and darker hair. (A trademark Shelby feature) When you told Polly and Ada you didn’t want to wear a white dress, they were a bit confused but agreed when they heard you wanted not to look like an angel, but to feel like one.
“Thank you, Pol…” Your voice was a bit sheepish and a grin widened on Polly’s face. The box in her hand confused you as she extended it toward you, “What is it?” It felt as though the box was empty due to its lightweight. 
She smirked, “Open it and see…” And so you did, inside sat a beautiful hair comb with pearls and what appeared to be authentic diamonds. 
Your jaw dropped and you shook your head, thrusting the box back toward your aunt, “I can’t take this, it’s too much.” The comb was easily the prettiest accessory you’d ever seen. 
Instead of taking the box back, Polly shook her head and picked up the comb. She moved to stand behind you and slipped the comb in place above your curls, a small bun held it in place. “Yes, you can. I wore it at my wedding… and my mother did at her’s. It’s been in the Shelby family for generations, my love.” You turned your head slowly in the mirror, wanting to relish in the sight of you ready to wed your beloved Isiah. 
“Why didn’t you offer it to me for my wedding?” Ada pouted and Polly rolled her eyes.
“You married in secret, Ada,” She mentioned and Ada blushed brightly, you shook your head at them.
“I think I might be sick–” You move your hand to cover your mouth and Ada just rolls her eyes. You’re standing inside the church and Ada’s your only bridesmaid, so she’s going to walk down the aisle before you do. You’re so thankful for the support system you have backing you up on this rather odd decision. 
Even Jeremiah supports you and Isiah, he’s even been gratuitous enough to marry you two. “You are going to be just fine, Y/N. Believe me,” Ada held your shoulders so you were forced to meet her eyes, “when you see him, it’ll all be worth it. The backhanded compliments, the dirty looks, because at the end of the day, you get to return home to your love. And that’s all that matters and, Isiah is the best man for you. I believe in you, you’ve got this,” 
Ada’s pep talk helps your heart calm down, the rhythm slowing to a healthier beat. “Thank you, Ada, I love you,” Your big sister smiled down at you and nodded once her cue to walk sounded. You glanced around, the nerves hitting you like a truck. Despite Ada and Polly supporting your decision to marry Isiah, Tommy has been cold about the entire relationship. 
It hurt you to know your brother didn’t like what you were doing, but your love for Isiah held more weight than Tommy not talking to you for a few weeks. Well, more like a few months. It was strange, going from talking everyday to suddenly not at all. The last time you interacted with Tommy was when you sent a letter to him, inviting him to be the one to give you away.
Although Arthur is your eldest brother, he wasn’t a father figure, more or so the fun uncle who let you do whatever you wanted if you didn’t snitch. The sound for you to go rang through the lonely hall and your head fell, maybe Tommy wasn’t coming after all. Just as your hand ghosted over the handle of the door, the familiar sound of the shoes all Shelby men wear made you pause as none other than Thomas Shelby rounded the corner.
A beaming smile broke out on your face as you picked up your dress and ran toward Tom. You practically threw yourself at him in a hug, luckily he was expecting such a reaction and caught you with ease. “You made it!” Your arms tightened around his neck as he twirled you around, trying to contain his smile.
“Of course I did,” Tommy set you down and smiled at you, “You look like an angel, Y/N.”
Your face heated up at the compliment and couldn’t contain your happiness, “Now everything is perfect,”
“I think you should save your enthusiasm for your fiancé, little one.” Tommy stuck his arm out and you looped yours through it.
“You’re not still mad?” You asked as he walked you toward the door.
He shook his head no, “I never should have been… love comes earlier for others, I just didn't understand since it took me so long.”
“Thank you, Tommy, really,”
Your older brother looked down at you, “Anything for my favorite sibling,” He covered your surprised face with the heavy veil before you could say anything, “Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall.” 
Before you knew it, you made it to the altar. And soon, the thick veil was removed from your face and Isiah stood before you with a grin on his handsome face, he took your hands into his and squeezed. Ada was right. You thought, finally seeing Isiah did make all of the pain worth it. Especially knowing Tommy was the one to give you away. 
You two turned away from the audience and toward Jeremiah, both beaming from ear to ear. He nodded toward you two slowly and began to read from his bible. Despite your lack of religion, you wanted Isiah to have a proper one, plus planning it was so fun! You kept looking at Isiah and turning away with hot cheeks because he’d smirk at you.
With your ring in hand, Isiah turned toward his father for a moment while he spoke, “Do you, Isiah Jesus, take Y/N Y/M/N Shelby to be your lawful wedded wife?” Isiah met your eyes and he nodded quickly.
“I do.” Your heart skipped a beat at the pure love and tenderness in his beautiful brown eyes. It made you want to weep. Isiah slipped the ring onto your finger with ease and the simple golden band was perfect.
"Do you, Y/N Y/M/N Shelby solemnly swear to love, honor and, cherish till death do you part?” Jeremiah asked slowly to which you practically shouted your answer.
“Of course I do!” The pews filled with laughter at your response before Jeremiah closed the bible in his hands. You pushed Isiah’s matching ring onto his finger.
    Jeremiah took a deep breath and smiled at you alone, “I now pronounce you man and wife. Son, you may kiss the bride,” Isiah took your face in his hands and nodded toward you, you agreed silently and kissed him with as much love as you could muster.
You could hear everyone clapping and hollering as you and Isiah finally married. It was a dream come true and you could only imagine how fun the reception might be. “I love you,” You both said at the same time once you drew back.
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fandomreves · 4 years
arthur shelby - oneshot
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Plot: Her and Arthur are in love, so why did he marry someone else?
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“Y/N we need to get you out of here before Arthur makes a scene” 
Finn’s words were surprisingly calm compared to the look on his face and stiffness of his body, he had just slipped into The Garrison's booth you were sitting on with you friends, his breath was heavy, and his cheeks were slightly red; had he runned all the way to you? 
You could tell something was going on as soon as you saw him, but once he spoke to you, you couldn’t help but breath out a smile, something in your drunken self just told you he was talking out of his ass.
“What’re going off about Finny?” 
He could smell the strong liquor on your breath as soon as you spoke, and he couldn’t help but curse in his head as he realised that you were drunk, regretting not telling Isaiah to come with him. 
“I’m not kidding, we need to go” 
This time he was determined to let you know that he was serious, grabbing your attention once again by holding your arm, locking his eyes with you, Tommy was gonna be pissed if Arthur caused a scene at the pub, but you weren’t cooperating and it was only a matter of time before he walked through the doors.
“Finny what is going on with you?” 
With his hand holding your arm he pulled and made you stand up, attempting to drag you out, but you were drunk and now getting annoyed at him for trying to kill your vibe, and just as he was going to start explaining what was going on, the doors flew open and fuck, of course it was his older brother, who scanned the pub rather quickly before spotting you and Finn standing by the booth, stumbling his way through the tables, John and Isaiah running behind him, attempting to stop the eldest Shelby. 
You followed Arthur’s path with your eyes as he made his way through you, his face was full of worry and ache, he was reaching out for you as he stumbled closer and closer. By now Finn had given up on trying to get your drunk ass out of the pub, so sighing he let go of you, giving John and Isaiah a defeated look. 
“Here you are, I am so sorry, you need to forgive me” 
You could smell the strong scent of whiskey in his breath, but it didn’t match his usual party buzz, instead he was frantic, his hands reached out and caressed your shoulders and arms, his voice was shaky, and his eyes scanned your whole body, trying to read you. 
“You’re sorry, what happened? What did you do?” 
You’re tone and body language was completely opposite to his, you were almost too chilled out for him, the liquor on your system had numbed every alert sensor, so it didn’t matter if Arthur was looking tense and overwhelmed, you just didn’t seemed to notice the seriousness under it all, and smelling the liquor in his breath just fed into your theory, that him, like Finn, was talking out of his ass. 
“I know I fucked up, I just need you to forgive me first love”
At this point, he was closer to you, holding your face in between his hands, like this you observed his face, his brow was sweaty, his hair was messy, his lips looked plumped and pink, he was wearing a suit and tie, what was going on? 
You slowly pulled back from Arthur’s touch and finally focused on what was going on between the boys, Finn was also wearing a suit, Isaiah and John as well, and just as you were about to ask about it, when one of the guys you had been flirting with throughout the whole night stood from the booth. 
“Why are you all trying to take my girl from me?” 
He spoke in an attempt to be petty towards Arthur, mostly out of drunken jealousy, the handsome stranger just opened the doors of hell in the eldest Shelby’s eyes.
“And who the fuck are you to ask” 
Arthurs accent was thick as he faced the drunken stranger, but before you could even react Finn was pulling into the back room, seconds after Isaiah and John walked in as well, pushing Arthur who was yelling and trying to free himself from the tight grip on his arms. 
“What is going on? My head is spinning” 
The sudden rush of events grounded your high, but so far nothing made sense; in Arthur’s point of view however, it was your voice that grounded him, forgetting about the wave of jealousy that washed through him just seconds ago, coming back to the original reason he walked into The Garrison's doors in the first place. 
“I just married someone” 
He had decided to just let it out, say it raw and give out explanations depending on your reaction. But you just stayed there, stunned, silent. And panic rushed through him, you were never silent, there was always something to be said; so he knew this was bad. 
Meanwhile, your body just froze, a wave of coldness washed all over you. What the fuck were you supposed to say to this? Congratulations?
The relationship you and Arthur held was on and off, you weren’t together, you were both single and free to do whatever you wanted to. You were much, much younger than him, you were Finn’s age to be exact, you both grew up together, but it wasn’t until you a few months back that you and Arthur started to hit it off and hook up here and there, have dinner dates, breakfast dates, party, talk, comfort each other. 
In many of those late night after sex talks you both had poured each others hearts to each other, making love promises, planning a future together, loving eachother. 
Things weren’t always pink colored though, hence why there was no title to the relationship. The truth was, neither of you were stable enough to be in a relationship yet, there was freedom to be with whoever either of you wanted to do, but it never turned toxic cause it didn’t matter who you or him were with, it was casual, you had the security that nothing more than occasional hookups.
You were both waiting on each other.
But now he was married? He crossed the line, and you could feel the heaviness in your heart, it weighed you down and it almost felt like it pulled the lever to make your eyes water, blinking hard to let the tears roll down your cheeks. 
“I promise you I can explain” 
He saw your heart break right in front of his eyes, and he knew that he could do nothing about it, the deed was done. 
“Let’s sit and talk? Alone?” 
He was not surprised when you took the highroad even while holding your own heart in your hands, this is why he loved you, so he nodded. 
>>Part 2<<
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flysafepapi · 3 years
Decided to update the old one because I got rid of some old fics that I wanted to rewrite. Oneshots (or fics I’ve only written one part for yet) will have the whole title linked, series will be numbered.
Boardwalk Empire:
arrowhead (The Mist AU) 
empty chairs at empty tables
houses of chaos
heart of the ocean (Titanic AU)  1 2 3 4 5
can’t fill the hole inside of you with money drugs and cars 1 2 
i know that you’re so much more (Richard x Jimmy)
between us (Charlie x Meyer x Benny) 1 2
Peaky Blinders:
stay with me (requested Tommy Shelby x reader)
siren song (Vampire AU) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
the sin factor (Scream AU Isiah x Duke) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
best interests (John Shelby x platonic!OC) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
whisper of broken things + screaming of shattered beings - this one has too many parts so the link goes to it’s own masterlist (Arthur Shelby x OMC)
don’t you (Ruby Shelby centric) 1 2 
someone got violent and did not think twice (Tommy Shelby x OMC) 1 2 3 4 5 6 
i made brothers of a different kind instead
surprise (requested Tommy Shelby x reader)
the parting glass
sharpshooter (Tommy Shelby x Barney Thompson)
The Jack Shelby series (Alfie Solomons x OMC) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
hurricane (Bonnie Gold x OFC) 1 2 3 
so much to say (Isaiah Jesus x Michael Gray) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
so empty so used up (requested Tommy Shelby x reader)
lines on your hands (requested Aberama Gold x reader)
dangerous (Johnny Dogs x OFC) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a fate that befell me (Alfie Solomons x Arthur Shelby) 1 2 3
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myriadimagines · 4 years
Peaky Blinders One Shot
Pairing: Reader x Michael Gray
Other Characters: Thomas Shelby, Polly Gray, Ada Shelby, Finn Shelby, Isaiah Jesus, John Shelby, Arthur Shelby
Warnings: smoking, swearing, mentions of death
Summary: Michael has been in love with you ever since he first met you, but has keep quiet about his feelings because you’re dating someone else. But after you get engaged, Michael can’t hide his feelings any longer.
Word Count: 3,590
A/N: surprise!!! this is my secret oneshot i ended up writing too much for. this is inspired by @fangirlsarah16​​​ and her gif imagine request! anyway this ended up being way longer than i expected it to and im bracing myself for it to get no notes but. here we are. enjoy :)
please reblog/leave comments, they’re very much appreciated!
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Your name: submit What is this?
Tommy paces up and down the room, clicking his tongue as he pulls his pocket watch out of his coat to glance down at the time. From his chair, Michael can’t help but suppress a chuckle at Tommy’s clear impatience, and he takes a drag from his cigarette as Tommy shakes his head, looking around at the rest of his family and other Peaky Blinders who are all gathered in the room, per your request. They had all gotten the same vague message from you, bursting into their rooms and houses early in the morning as you called an urgent meeting, refusing to give them more details past that. Turning to Polly, Tommy exasperatedly asks, “Where the bloody hell is she?”
“And how am I supposed to know?” Polly scoffs, leaning her back up against the wall as she looks over at the front door, hoping you’ll come through any second now. 
“If she doesn’t come in the next five minutes, all of you are getting back to work.” Tommy shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. “She better be bloody dying to be calling a meeting of this size.”
Ada rolls her eyes as she shoots Tommy a look, which he ignores. Before Tommy can complain again, the doors burst open, and everyone looks up to see you quickly ushering Finn and Isaiah inside. John lets out a loud scoff as he reaches over to grab Finn, slinging his arm around him and roughly ruffling up his hair, and John grins as you pass by him, announcing, “Finally gracing us with your presence then, y/n? D’you reckon you could’ve made us wait any longer?”
“Fuck off, John,” you laugh, waving your hand at him as you walk past Michael. He smiles up at you as you pass him, reaching out to give his arm a light squeeze before you situate yourself in the front of the room. Pointing at Finn and Isaiah, you continue, “You have them to blame. I had to run through the whole of Birmingham to find ’em!” 
Before Finn and Isaiah can jump to defend themselves, Tommy raises his hand, shushing them as he raises an annoyed brow at you, “Well, go on then. You’ve already wasted enough of my day.”
“Patience, now, Tommy,” you tease, and Tommy blinks at you, in complete disbelief at your utter disregard for his impatience. With anyone else, Tommy would’ve threatened to cut them for such disrespect, but for you, the daughter of one of his close friends from the war, he’ll let it slide. 
Beside him, an amused smile sneaks its way onto Michael’s face as your gaze meets his. He can’t help but feel his heart skip a beat as you beam at him, clearly euphoric at whatever news you’re about to deliver. Your face is practically glowing with joy as you clap your gloved hands together, continuing, “I have exciting news to share with you all. I wanted to share it with you all last night when it happened, but I figured John would probably cut me if I tried to disturb him while he’s sleeping.” 
Arthur laughs as John nods in agreement. Giddily, you continue, “As many as you know, Henry has been in town to visit me for a bit.”
Michael’s jaw clenches upon hearing your boyfriend’s name, and he grits his teeth as he tries his best to forget about him as he watches as you pull off one of your gloves. Michael doesn’t notice it at first, but once he does, his cigarette falls out of his fingertips. All the sounds around him seem to distort, the entire world falling out of focus, and he can barely make out your voice as you continue talking, excitedly showing your hand off to the room.
Your hand, where a glittering, diamond ring sits prettily on your ring finger.
“And he proposed to me!” you squeal, and the entire room erupts into celebration, Ada leaping up from her chair to engulf you in a hug. John lets out a loud whoop, jostling Finn and Isaiah beside him as they laugh, pumping their fists in the air. The boys laugh as Arthur applauds, leading the rest of the Peaky Blinders to excitedly clap for you. Polly rushes to your side, her and Ada eagerly examining your ring, and even Tommy, despite his earlier agitation, can’t help but smile. Shaking his head, Tommy makes his way to you, clapping a hand down on your shoulder. 
“Congratulations, y/n.” Tommy gives your shoulder a squeeze, and you beam at him. Lowering his voice, he asks, “And he’s a good man, eh? Treats you well?”
You bob your head up and down, barely able to contain your happiness. “He’s a good man, Tommy.”
Tommy nods in approval, and you leap forward to give him a hug, and he good-naturedly rolls his eyes as he hugs you back. Letting go of him, you look past him to find Michael, and your smile falters as your eyes fall onto his empty seat. Looking around, you try to catch a glimpse of him, but the only thing you see is a blur of his coat as he walks out the room, slamming the door shut behind him.
Michael remembers the first time he met you, shyly smiling at him from your desk when Tommy stopped by to introduce the two of you. He had just moved to Small Heath, was getting used to his new family and new home, and when you smiled at him, he knew he was right where he was supposed to be. He was so entranced, so captivated, he hadn’t even heard Tommy calling his name until the third time, impatiently gesturing for him to keep up as he showed him around the offices. Michael was blushing furiously as you hid a giggle behind your hand.
Michael tried to be subtle when asking Tommy about you, but his cousin saw right through him. Tommy leaned back in his chair, studying Michael’s face as the two sat across from each other, listening as Michael pretended to just be interested in you for professional purposes, pretending he was eager to meet everyone when your smile was the only thing running through his mind.
“So you fancy y/n, then?” Tommy interrupted, shooting Michael a look, and Michael didn’t need to look in a mirror to know his entire face was ruby red. He couldn’t even bring himself to deny it, and Tommy scoffed out a puff of smoke before taking another drag of his cigarette, “Oh, young love.”
“Is she a family friend, then?” Michael asked, leaning forward in his seat, and Tommy chuckled. Perhaps he was in a decent mood, or else he would never entertain this. 
“I knew her father from the war.” Tommy explained. “A brave man, a loyal friend. His wife died during childbirth and y/n was all he had. I made a promise to him. I promised I’d make it back home so I could take care of his little girl whilst he was dying in my arms.”
Michael fell silent, nervously picking at the edge of his coat as a glaze fogs over Tommy’s eyes upon thinking of the war. Shaking his head, Tommy crushed his cigarette out onto the ashtray in front of him, before leaning his elbows up on the desk, his eyes piercing into Michael’s. 
“So no, she’s not just a family friend. She’s one of us.” Tommy continued, pointing a finger at Michael. “Now, it’s none of my business who you fool around with, but y/n is different. You may be family, Michael, but if you fuck up and break her heart, know that I’ll come for you.” 
A good man, Michael bitterly thinks as he paces through his office. Running a hand through his hair, he can hear your voice echoing in his head, the last words he heard before he couldn’t take it any longer, before he had to leave before his heart broke completely. It had been days since your announcement, and Michael had been avoiding you since, shutting himself in his office, ducking his head and turning away when he passed by your desk. He couldn’t bring himself to look at you, no matter how desperately you tried to talk to him. Sighing, Michael wonders, Is that all he is? Is that what you really want for the rest of your life?
Michael didn’t think it was possible to feel his heart splitting in his chest, but he didn’t know how else to explain the pain he felt when you excitedly announced your engagement to the Peaky Blinders. They were all happy for you, erupted into ecstatic cheers, whilst Michael could barely even muster a fake smile. How could he pretend to be happy for you, when this was the worst news he could ever possibly hear? 
They all knew of your fiancé. Henry, a nice, quiet man who you had been dating for a while, but Michael never thought it was serious. You kept him removed from the Peaky Blinders, doing a much better job than any of them at keeping your personal and professional life separate. From what Michael could remember, he was a banker, or some other mundane job. He never bothered  to learn anything about him. All Michael knows is that Henry had moved to London a few weeks prior to your engagement for better work opportunities, and Michael figured the distance would be the demise of your relationship. He figured he’d wait until your breakup to swoop in, confess his long withheld feelings for you, get the happily ever after he had expected to happen.
He waits in his office now, taking a final drag of his cigarette before he ashes it out. The entire place is empty, everyone having gone home for the night, and he looks up as he hears you open the door and step inside. He had finally worked up the courage to talk to you, stopping by your house with no explanation as he asked you to meet him in his office. You offer him a relieved smile as you close the door behind you, happy to finally see him, and you set your coat down on a nearby chair.
“I hope you’ve been preparing a grand explanation as to why you’ve been avoiding me.” you tease, taking a step towards him. “I can’t stay long, but I also have something I need to talk to you abou—”
Michael interrupts you as he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you towards him as he presses a kiss to your lips, something he’s so desperately wanted to do since the day he met you. You freeze in shock, melting at his touch, kissing him back as you let him spin you around, backing you up against his desk before you realise what’s happening. Disconnecting your lips from his, you try to shove Michael away from you, avoiding eye contact as you stammer, “Michael—!”
“I can’t hide my feelings any longer,” Michael confesses, refusing to move away from you as he traces a finger along your jaw, tilting your face to meet his. He reaches for your hand, and you suck in a sharp breath at how gentle he is, how softly he wraps his fingers around yours. He holds up your hand, the ring glittering between the two of you, and he glances down at it before looking up at you, “You can’t marry him, y/n.”
“What? What are you talking about?” you splutter. You already know what he’s about to say, but you still ask, “Why not?”
“Because I love you, y/n,” he says, and tears well in your eyes as you shake your head, your heart hammering in your chest as you try to take your hand away from his. It all makes sense now, you realise, his avoidance towards you, him rushing out the room when you had announced your engagement. You’ve already crossed the line by kissing him, already stayed much longer than you should, yet you can’t find the strength in you to walk away from him. Michael grasps your hands in his, desperately trying to get you to look at him as he continues, “I’ve loved you since the day we met, and I can’t hide it any longer. Not when you’re about to get married to another man.”
“He has a name, Michael,” you try to assert yourself, attempting to keep your voice steady, and Michael scoffs. “Henry and I are happy together. I love him.”
“Do you?” Michael challenges you, and your lip trembles as you shoot him a look.
“Don’t.” you shakily whisper. You raise your finger, weakly jabbing it into his chest to punctuate your words as you continue, “I waited for you, Michael, but all you wanted was to play silly games with me. So don’t blame me for marrying the man who was actually brave enough to make a move.”
Michael blinks at you, mouth parted as he’s suddenly at loss for words. His voice falters as he narrows his eyes as you, and he croaks out, “You were waiting for me?”
“Of course I was!” you exclaim, exasperated, and the tears fall faster down your face now. “Bloody hell, Michael, how blind can you be? Henry had been asking me out for weeks before I agreed to go on my first date with him. And do you know why I kept turning him down? Because I was waiting for you. I was waiting for you to ask me out, to kiss me, to do something! And when you never did, I figured I had made a mistake. That all the flirting meant nothing, that it was nothing more than a game.”
Michael backs away from you, struggling to keep himself upright at this revelation. He leans up on the chair behind him, angrily gripping it as he berates himself for being so stupid. If he had known all this, he would’ve confessed his love so much earlier. 
“Have you got nothing to say to me?” you demand, and Michael looks up. “Is this it, then?” 
“No, no—” Michael reaches out to grab your arm as you try to snatch up your coat to leave, and you struggle against him as he holds you, his eyes desperately searching yours as you try to look away from him. He reaches one hand up to your face, wiping away your tears with his thumb as he continues, “I’m not playing games anymore now, y/n. I’m telling you what I should’ve told you from day one. I love you. Don’t marry Henry, marry me instead.” 
You gulp, staring at Michael as he stares back at you, looking for any hint of a reaction in your expression. Even his own words shock him, for it’s one thing to confess his love, another for him to outright propose, but Michael doesn’t regret it. Something inside of him knows you’re meant to be together, and the feeling is so strong he’s sure that you feel it, too. He can feel you soften slightly in his hands, your shoulders relaxing, and it takes everything within you not to melt completely into his touch, to kiss him and agree to marry him. You close your eyes, turning your face into his hand, and Michael feels an ounce of hope before you shake your head.
You open your eyes, and it’s not only Michael’s heart that breaks, but yours, too, as you whisper, “You’re too late, Michael.” 
Tears sting Michael’s eyes, and his hands fall limply at his sides as you step away from him, meekly pushing past him as you grab your coat. He hears you stop behind him, hesitating, before you defeatedly begin to walk away. Shaking his head, Michael turns around, squaring his shoulders as he watches you head for the door.
“Tell me this, at least,” Michael calls out to you, and you stop, hand lingering over the doorknob. You can feel his eyes burning into the back of your head, and he says, “Look me in the eye and tell me that you love him. Because I don’t think you truly do.”
You suck in a sharp breath, turning your head slightly over your shoulder. “I love him, Michael.” 
Before Michael can respond, you yank the door open, storming out as you leave him alone in his office. You hold back a sob as you force yourself to keep walking away, away from him, and your entire body feels weak as you threaten to collapse. 
You couldn’t look him in the eye. You couldn’t even muster that. 
Michael shuffles into the office, his feet dragging against the wood floors. He catches a glimpse of his form in the reflection of his office window, but he doesn’t bother looking up. He’d avoided mirrors for the past few days, not wanting to look at his disheveled self. He hasn’t been able to sleep since seeing you, tossing and turning under his sheets, unable to get you out of his mind. He hasn’t even bothered with a tie today, his top few buttons left undone as he trudges towards his office. He passes by your desk, angled just outside his door. He always kept his door open so the two of you could pull faces at each other during the day, making each other laugh and smile no matter how many times Tommy chastised the both of you each time he caught you, threatening to move your desk so the both of you could focus. Seeing you smile was sometimes the only highlight of Michael’s day. He smiles slightly at the memory, before he frowns as he traces a finger over the polished wood. Your papers are neatly stacked, books piled in the corner, all collecting dust. You haven’t been at work for the past week, enjoying time with Henry before he takes a train back to London.
Michael looks up as he hears someone approaching him. Polly sighs upon seeing him, and she stops to button up Michael’s shirt, trying to smooth her hands over the wrinkles in the fabric as she gently reprimands, “Do try to put in a little effort. You look a right mess.”
He ignores her remark, waving her off. “Where’s y/n? Isn’t she supposed to be back at work today?”
Polly narrows her eyes at him.  “Didn’t she tell you? She’s going back to London with Henry.”
“What?” Michael splutters, his heart dropping into the pit of his stomach. “Why?”
“Well, she’ll be staying with him until the wedding.” Polly slowly explains. “They’ll be looking for flats together.”
“Flats?” Michael repeats, his worst fears gripping him by the neck as it suddenly becomes hard to breathe. He doesn’t even notice Tommy emerge from his office, leaning against the doorway as he watches Michael slowly descend into panic. Polly glances at him over his shoulder, before turning her attention back to Michael. 
“Well, you don’t expect her to stay in Birmingham after she gets married, do you?” Polly asks, but Michael can barely hear her anymore. It must’ve been what you wanted to tell him, he realises, the night he kissed you. But he was too desperate to tell you he loved you to listen. Turning around, he marches for the door, and Polly calls out after him, “Where are you going?”
Michael doesn’t respond, breaking into a sprint, and Polly lets out a defeated sigh as she turns to Tommy. He raises an eyebrow at her, both of them knowing full well where Michael is headed, and Tommy sighs, turning to disappear back into his office, but not better muttering under his breath, “Young love. How foolish.”
Polly places her hands on her hips. “You were young once too, Tommy.”
Tommy shakes his head. Pointing to the doorway, Tommy continues, “They’re going to break each other’s hearts. You know that, don’t you?”
Polly lets out a heavy sigh. “Well, there’s not much we can do about that, is there?”
Michael’s lungs burn for air as he sprints towards the station, pushing past the strangers that fill the area. It gets increasingly crowded as he gets closer to the station, and Michael can still see the smoke of the train from a distance, meaning he still has a chance, a chance to stop you from leaving. He doesn’t have much else planned out, but all that he knows is that he can’t let you go. Not when you couldn’t even look Michael in the eye and tell him that you truly loved Henry. 
A whistle pierces through the air, above the chatter from the crowds. Michael’s heart almost stops as he knows he doesn’t have much time left. Waving his arms above his head, he bellows, “Stop the train, stop the train!” 
He shoves his way into the station, dodging through the crowd as he hears the rumbling of the engine. Weaker now, Michael yells, “Please, stop the train!”
He makes his way onto the edge of the platform, collapsing to his knees just as he sees the train leaving the station. It accelerates ahead, leaving him behind and taking you away from him. 
You chose him, Michael realises, now alone on the platform as a sob rises in his throat. His confession didn’t matter, because you chose Henry. And now he’s lost you, and he’s too damn late to get you back.
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tag list: @lotsoffandomimagines / @multifandomsimagine / @fangirlsarah16 / @ruvaakke / @multifandomfix​
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kaetastic · 4 years
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pairing: Isaiah Jesus x Shelby!Reader
summary: The infamous trio of Isaiah Jesus, Michael Gray and the second youngest Shelby pay a visit to a bar, except, few unhappy passer-bys ruined the day.
word count: 2.6k
warning: mentions of blood, violence, 1920 racism, slightly nsfw at the end, invisble indirect mentions of sex
note: the racism in this story is used for writing purpose only. i do not advocate such acts. thank you for understanding.
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Easiness twirled a ribbon in the air. A silk, delicate cloth of pounds and dim like the backdrop of the stars. The recent sinking of the sun had painted the sky a blur of black once the flashing orange blended in smoothly. Caressing exasperatedly against the canvas, the brush sitting in the painters’ grip danced over the abyss of colours. The moon tugged on the strings beneath the water body as if a puppet, causing crest to migrate, hurling waves; clashing into one another in a milling crowd. With an arm draped over her shoulder which felt nonexistent, Y/N let out an echoing cackle in the bustling night that was kept alive by overworked factory workers. Lips curling up at his success, Isaiah wore his signature charming smirk.
Dangling between Michael’s nimble fingers was a huffing cigarette whose strands of smoke had been engulfed by the exhaling wind. Since the pair had been pacing at their own pace which was way too slow for the man, Michael sauntered past, leaving them alone while he neared the bar they had desired to spend time at.
“Fuck, that’s hot.” Isaiah’s warm lips brushed over Y/N’s ear-shells before yanking his head away, keeping a non-gossiping distance (despite his arm around her). Even though her infamous older brothers had been at London for a vital business meeting, it would take a pathetic fool to dare lie their lives on the quivering string. Even if they were hundreds of kilometres away, prodding eyes might linger to only whisper of the scandal sight of a Peaky Blinder and a Shelby.
The grip around his wrist faltered, her fingers unfurled to stuff her chilling hands in the warm pockets of her coat. The piercing edges of her nails hooked onto bulging looped strings, a tugging war between the article of clothing and her fingers. Isaiah’s eyes did not waver from her, still in shock as to what just happened. A giggle fell off her lips at his gawking eyes. The string of smoke she had just stolen from his cig breezed in the air, flying off to dance in the cloud.
“That’s why I do it.” Glancing down at her teeth chomping down on her bottom lip, Isaiah’s tongue poked to run over his lips. Despite his attempt to smear moisture, the chilly night was not merciful.
With a few more strides and transferred giggles, the pair neared towards the Gray who stood in front of the bar. From the inside, golden rays smeared onto the window panes of the French door. The hazy object obstructed passerby to glance a peek, only offering a puppet show of moving limbs over the light rays. Michael tapped his polished shoes onto the drenched valleys that seeped through the rivers between the stone-bricked roads, impatient to how slow the pair was, “You fuckers done fucking each other’s ears?”
Y/N rolled her eyes at her cousin. Michael had recently been not so easy to tolerate. With Gray blood swimming in his veins, it wasn’t simple to tug anything out of his head or whatever secret that lied deep in his chained up heart. A trait his mother had definitely passed down. However, Y/N believed the reason to his horrible mood for the week was caused by a woman they had come across not too long ago at the exact bar they were currently pacing towards (most likely to why they were even visiting it again).
Although Y/N was the one who insisted that he shouldn’t approach the girl since glancing at the diamonds anchoring the female to the ground connected all the doubtful dots in the Shelby’s head, she couldn’t help but to feel bad when Michael had been stranded alone as soon as he leaned against the bar, the targeted girl fleeing from the scene as if offended. Alone and filty rich. A combination a gang member would approach for only a night’s fun since a whole relationship was not guaranteed, though, the statement was an exception for Thomas Shelby.
“Keep babbling, cousin. You’re just mad no one sucked your dick in a week.” Isaiah threw his head back at her words. Straying pass the Gray, he patted on Michael’s rigid shoulder which had been tensed, stuffed with clenched muscles.
“She’s right, Mikey. Loosen up, no one’s ridin’ a horse.” As the pair faded into the warm glow of the pub, Michael flicked his cig that was once breathing. The clothing of the stick became drenched in a mixture of rain water and the liquid seeping out from the mysterious hole in the brick wall. Oh, how he’s going to prove them wrong.
Chatters swirled in with clinking of glasses. While a group of highly intoxicated men in the corner let out a rowdy, boisterous cowboy yell, the pair of women in the opposite corner sat with frowns on their faces, eyes darting at their empty fingers. Isaiah’s eyes grazed over the room, arm pulling the second youngest Shelby closer to rest her body onto his.
“Possessive now, are we?” He shook his head while a grin lingered on his lips. Making way through the weaving strands of people, his fingers drummed onto the wooden counter at a beat while he waited for the bartender to notice their presence.
“Three whiskeys.” Isaiah raised his cigarette in the air while he leaned his back on the prodding bar counter. The bartender’s tongue was ready to slice through the air, to kick in some sense in the mere boy who was demanding a drink without payement. When his eyes caressed over the accompanying lady who had been in his arm, the bartender froze on his spot. A Shelby. Without any opposition, he began to prepare the desired drinks. Shrugging off her heating coat which began to become a nuisance in the warm walls of the pub, Y/N rested the cloth onto the counter.
When Michael finally made his way to the pair, he rummaged through his pocket to pull out a crumpled sheet of paper he had yanked in the warm storage place. It was an impulsive decision. What could he have done? He was to complete the rechecking of the documents he had already jotted down the day before. Y/N’s eyebrows clashed at the amusing sight. Had he gone mental?
Seeing Michael indulge himself in scribbled numbers and smudged letters, Y/N let out a huff before she snatched the paper away, “Dear cousin, I know your balls are probably blue, but would you not? The night is still young, go find someone to fuck.”
Michael grumbled at her jest. Even though they were only a few years apart, she reminded him of a pestering child who was not able to zip their mouth shut for a mere second. Annoyed at her words, his eyes hurled a glance on the arm that were still weighed on her shoulders, “Yeah? Why are you so annoying lately? He’s not rough enough?”
Isaiah took a drag of his cigarette, a faint whistle seeped through his lips, “Low blow, Mikey, low blow. You know you don’t talk bad ‘bout another man’s fucking.” The Gray rolled his eyes before snatching the paper back as if it wasn’t critical for his task in the office, stuffing it back in his pocket without darting a glance of care. His reaction was uncanny when a teared piece off paper with scribbled numbers had been handed to him by a mysterious lady.
“Fine,” Michael scowled. Once the drinks sat in front of them, he downed the rock-glass worth of whiskey in one gulp as if he had been left to die. With a thump, the glass was slammed back onto the counter. “See there? I’m going to fuck them and when I come back, you better buy me a fucking bottle. Alright? Happy?”
Before the pair had a chance to hurl back a reply, the frustrated man stomped towards the sorrowful table of women. The grey smeared corner of the pub was dim, the absence of light played shadows on the pair of gloomy women.
Shrugging her shoulders at her cousin’s unexpected burst of emotions, Y/N threw her focus back to the cup. Taking faint sips, her eyes caressed over the bottles of liquor suspended for display. Isaiah shifted closer towards her, his hips resting on hers while an arm snaked around her waist. In silence, he wondered.
“Am I really not rough?”
Y/N rolled her eyes at his possible method of fishing for something to smirk or be smug about. Putting the glass on the surface after taking a sip, she turned her body to face the man, “Was the morning not enough evidence for you?”
The exhilarating and exhausting activity they both participated in seeped through his head once he rewounded the tape. The corners of his lips twirled up at the reminder of her cramped legs and her quivering knees. Sipping the rest of the brown liquid, he shot an eyebrow up as if in contemplation. His elbow rested on the bar, chest facing her while his other hand splayed on her waist, under her coat, thumb caressing the warmth radiated by the skin.
“I forgot about it, want to remind me?” Y/N chuckled, fingers brushing his smooth tie. Before she had the chance to throw back a coquettish flirt; tug on his tie so he was on her, a whistle echoed through the silent room which had died down of chattering.
Craning her head towards the man, her fingers furled against Isaiah’s chest, she blinked as she tried to figure out who he possibly was, “This darkie botherin’ you sweetie?”
Just a few thrown glances, Y/N was sure the man was not from Birmingham. The rough smeared accent and velvet suit was the cover that gave everything away. The mood of the room died down from the prominent presence of the trio of men. Hurling her attention back to her whiskey, she turned her back towards the man. To only give him satisfaction, “Fuck me, look at that ass, boys.”
Isaiah’s jaw clenched. Killing the cig within a push, he nudged himself off of the bar to stand in front of the taunting man, “Fuck off.”
“Isaiah...” Y/N mumbled, fingers gripped around his wrist. With a soft tug, she wished he would back away once she noticed the two accompanies at the back cracking their fingers which echoed sounds of bones snapping in fragments, however, his feet had been attached to the ground, ready to spring into action.
The smirk on the man intensified, the curl of his lips pointed a peak to the corner of his eyes, running up the scar that ran from the side of his face to weave to end at the droop of his orbs, “What did you just say to me?”
“I said, fuck off.”
Letting out a loud, amused cackle, he turned his head towards the two other men, who returned with the same hyena crying, “Hear that boys? The black’s telling us what to do,” Noticing the silent from the man much younger than the three was, he proceeded. “Why you with this dog, miss? Hm?”
Y/N pressed her lips, eyes darting to the back of Isaiah’s head. Her brothers were in London. To risk fighting in their absence doesn’t place good luck on their side. Even though a paper of their appearances could lead to mysterious death on papers, Y/N didn’t want to nudge another leaf onto Tommy’s plate, “Isaiah, let’s just go to the Garrison.”
“We just got our drinks, Y/N. I like it here. We’re staying.” Faltering into a tight line, Y/N’s fingers didn’t pull away from his coat, her fingers still pinching it as if a lost child.
“The darkie still talking?” The man chuckled. “I can’t understand what you barkin’ on ‘bout.”
There was one reason the three was going out tonight even though Michael had babbled on about a busy week. Y/N had managed to drag her cousin out of his working cave to drink. And she succeeded. Although she had considered no trouble for the night, her success deserved a celebration. No one was going to ruin that celebration, “Get the fuck out.”
With an amused twinkle in his eyes, he quirked an eyebrow, “You protectin’ this mutt?”
“No, I’m just tryna protect your face.”
His mouth creaked open, the sword rested on the tip of his tongue, ready to be flicked out. Except, a stinging pain tremored on his face. Like a rock had been rammed on his cheeks, he stumbled back from the great force. Oh, the night would’ve been long as she wanted it to be. Except, it wasn’t filled with fucking and drinking. Just blood and punches.
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Isaiah’s purple smeared eyes creased at the faint pout sported on her lips. A hiss seeped through the cracks of his sparkly teeth when the taut bruised muscles around his eyes had been tugged too tightly. Y/N glanced up from his hands that were engulfed in hers, her thumb halted in the dipping bump of his knuckles. The strings of branching lines plastered on the scorching red line of hills had been thoroughly washed with water, the first thing Y/N did as soon as they entered the house.
“You’re poutin’. That bad huh?” His hands pulled out of her grip to tug her waist to stand between his legs. Y/N hummed. As her fingers caressed the purple smears on his face, she rested her forearms on his shoulders.
“They ruined your face.” Isaiah let out a chuckle.
“That’s the only thing you care ‘bout?” The words caused her teeth to slide out of the cave, pressing onto her bottom lip.
“That was an bonus point,” Resting her forehead onto his, she gazed deep into his eyes, noticing the plastered sparkles across the abyss. “Glad they didn’t take your cock.”
Without any more words, Isaiah hoped off the table with a creak. Despite the fresh streaks of red on his knuckles, he threw her on before making himself a place between her opened legs. Her mouth gaped open, soft moans trickling into the air in surges that tested his endurance. Isaiah’s lips brushed against the hollow column of her throat before placing a smacking kiss on her humming skin. With her fingers weaved through his hair, she tugged on the locks once he rolled his hips at an agonizing pace.
“‘saiah...” Y/N stammered, teeth chewing on her bottom lip. He let out a chuckle, muffled by the crook of her neck when her legs quivered, hips pressing against him for more friction. His pelvis sat in between her wide open thighs which gave him the best position for his bulging tent to prod against her clothed heat. A hum trickled down his throat while his fingers slithered up her dress to glide over her thighs. Hovering over the radiating barrier that blocked his fingers from her drenched
“For fuck’s sake!” John grumbled. The force he had exerted on barging the door open caused splints of wood to trip over, covering a bedding on the floor as if a neutral-coloured carpet. Y/N didn’t think twice before shoving Isaiah off who let out an ‘oof’ before she sprung off the surface.
Mumbling a a sorry under her breath, she turned towards her older brother, cheeks painted red, flushed from the disturbance, “John!” Y/N yelled, slightly annoyed.
With an irritated pace, Thomas stood by the door, a cig dangling between his fingers. The suspense trickled up her arms while he took his time to huff a drag, “We leave for two fucking days and you lot found yourself in trouble. Fucking unbelievable.” 
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smcc212 · 4 years
Uncommon, Yet Perfect
Pairings- Bonnie Gold x fem!Reader x Isiah Jesus(Bonnie x rem!reader, Isiah x fem!reader, Bonnie x Isiah)
Word count- 1,319
Warnings- Morning sickness, child birth(not in detail I pretty much just let you know it’s happened haha), People not understanding polyamory, fluff, not proofread. I think that’s all.
A/N- So... I wrote a thing... I don’t really know what to say about this. So... Enjoy!
P.S. Why is there only like two Isiah gifs??
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You and Isiah had been together for a year when both of you fell in love Bonnie Gold. After a long and awkward conversation, the three of you started dating. The three of you had been dating in secret for a year when you realised...
“Are you okay, ves’tacha?” Bonnie’s concerned voice flowed through the door. Once you’d finished throwing up, you sat back, wiping your mouth on the back of your hand.
“Bon, do you know when my last period was?” You asked after you opened the door.
“Erm... eight weeks ago? Why? Is that ba- oh.”
“Oh my fucking God.” You rushed passed Bonnie and sat on the bed. “Where’s Isiah?” You breathed out.
“He’s making breakfast, want me to get him?” He asked, his voice shaky.
“Yes, Bonnie! Of course you have to get him!” You exclaimed.
“Okay.” He walked out of the room, returning a few seconds later with Isiah behind him.
“What is it?” Isiah’s face had confusion written all over it.
“I-I think I’m pregnant...”
“Wh-what? That’s amazing!” Isiah looked at Bonnie, both exchanging wide smiles.
“No! It’s not! We have to tell my family now!” You shouted. How could they not see the problem here.
“Yeah, but they can’t break us up anymore, can they?” Isiah chuckled.
“Yes they can! Once I give birth, they’ll make whoever’s not the father leave!” The smiles fell off their faces as they realised, one of them would have to leave. Either that or... they’d both leave you. This couldn’t get any worse.
“Alright, (Y/N), why have you called a family meeting? And why are Bonnie and Isiah here?” Tommy spoke sounding bored.
“Well... I, erm, I’m pregnant...” You trailed off.
“You’re fucking what?!” Arthur shouted.
“Wait, are one of them the father?!” Tommy shouted, suddenly no longer bored. I nodded. “Which one?” When you didn’t say anything Tommy got more annoyed. “Which fucking one, (Y/N)?!”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?! How can you not know?!”
“Because we’re both dating her,” Isiah spoke up, sounding a lot more confident than he really felt.
“What..?” Confusion was clear on all of your family members faces... all a part from Polly, who now decided to speak up.
“Fuck sake, you’re all blind if you’ve not seen the way they all look at each other.” She then turned to the three of you. “Congratulations.” She smiled, the three of you smiling back at her.
“Thank you, Mrs Grey,” Bonnie mumbled, smiling fearfully. “Mr Shelby, I promise that myself and Isiah will take care of (Y/N) and the baby growing inside of her. We’re both madly in love with her.” Tommy stared at you and your boys, perplexed.
“He’s right, Tom,” Isiah said. “We love her, more than you’ll ever know.”
“(Y/N), you love them...both...as well?”
“Yes, Tommy. I’m in love with both of them, and I know that they’ll both look after this baby, regardless of who the biological father is,” You spoke as clearly and with as much confidence as you could. Tommy looked at the floor, clearly thinking about everything that had been said.
“Okay, okay. I’ll allow this, but if either of you dare lay a finger on her, I’ll kill you both, blinder or not,” He stared the boys down. “Got it?”
“You don’t ‘ave to worry mr Shelby, neither of us would ever hurt the best thing that’s ever happened to us, right, Bon?”
“Exactly, Iz.”
“Well, one of you are going to have to marry her. You’ll have to choose one.” You hadn’t thought about that, having to get married to only one of your boys.
“Isiah, you can marry her,” Bonnie spoke, looking down at the floor.
“Bonnie, are you sure?” Isiah asked, taking in the sadness that radiated off Bonnie.
“Yeah, yeah, you can do it. Your dad said that’s all he’s ever wanted for you, so you’ll marry (Y/N).” You had to speak up when you saw how upset Bonnie was at the thought of never marrying you.
“I’ll marry you both.” Your boys opened they’re mouths to explain that wasn’t possible, but you cut them off. “No, I know that I can’t legally marry you both. I’ll legally marry Isiah, but the ceremony will be for the three of us. I’ll marry both of you, even if they government won’t recognise that I have,” You explained, happiness flooding your veins when you saw wide smiles spread across your boys’ faces. Without thinking, the two of them kissed each other. If your family wasn’t confused before, they definitely were now. However, what confused them more was the smile on your face. Seeing how much Bonnie and Isiah loved each other always made you happy.
“We’re getting married!” Bonnie exclaimed, wrapping one arm around you and one around Isiah. The three of you stayed in that warm embrace for awhile.
“Right!” Polly clapped her hands, cutting your three-way embrace short. “We’ve got a wedding to plan! For once,” She mumbled the last part making you laugh.
The wedding was perfect. It was a small affair, just friends and family-for obvious reasons- but it was amazing. Both Arthur and Tommy walked you down the aisle, your boys waiting at you in front of a proud Jeremiah Jesus. Aberama Gold sat next to Tommy, smiling happily at the three of you. You couldn’t have been happier.
When you found out you were having twins, the boys would consistently joke about having a baby each.
You were at church with Isiah and Bonnie, listening intently to Jeremiah, when you felt a pain in your abdomen. It wasn’t long after that your water broke, you grabbed both boys arms making them look at you.
“What’s wrong?” Isiah whispered.
“My water just broke,” You panicked. The boys instantly stood up, helping you out to a private part of the church. An office, you assumed, but you didn’t really care at that moment in time. They put you down on the couch, panic coursing through all of you. “Polly. Get Polly here!” You demanded.
After about twelve hours, your babies were finally coming. You were breaking both Bonnie and Isiah’s hands as you pushed your babies out. Screaming out in pain as your first baby came out. Polly cut the umbilical core and handed the baby to Ada who quickly wrapped them up, cleaning off the blood. You were too busy pushing another human out of you to pay attention. Bonnie and Isiah, however, turned their heads and saw smooth pale skin on your baby’s face. They were, biologically, Bonnie’s... or so you thought, but seventeen minutes later your other baby is born. Ada hands you the first born.
“Congratulations you three, it’s a girl.” You smiled down at your daughter as Ada went to wrap up and clean your second born child.
“Oh my God,” You heard your sister mumbled.
“What?!” You panic.
“Your son, he’s-he’s... Isiah’s.”
“What..?” Confusion filled you and your husbands. When Ada turned around, however, you knew what she meant. In her arms was your son, with smooth dark skin, only slightly lighter than Isiah’s.
“That’s...possible?” Bonnie asked.
“Clearly,” Isiah responded, going to take a hold of your son.
“What’re you going to name them?” Ada asked, looking at your babies in awe.
“Jaheim and Roma,” You mumbled back, looking at your perfect babies.
“Jaheim?” Jeremiah asked with a smile.
“Yeah, Jaheim is a Caribbean name and Roma is a Romani name. Fits well with who their, biological, fathers are,” You laughed quietly.
Your families were in love with Jaheim and Roma, as you were the three of you. Yes, people weren’t very accepting. Yes they called you a whore. But you didn’t care. You had the best husbands in the world and two gorgeous kids. Plus, your family put a stop to the rude comments the only way they knew how, threats and violence. Your uncommon, yet perfect family.
A/N- For anyone wondering, yes, it is possible to have twins that have different fathers. It’s incrediblely rare, but not impossible. It’s called hetroparental superfecdunation.
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wouldpollyapprove · 4 years
Isaiah Jesus Masterlist
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Gif Imagines:
Being In A Poly Relationship With Finn & Isaiah 
Being In A Poly Relationship With Tommy & Isaiah 
Going Into Labor On Isaiah’s Birthday
Being Pregnant W/ Finn & Isaiah’s Baby
A Walk Home 
Summary: Y/n knew she shouldn’t have been walking home alone, but that was the furthest from her mind until some thought it wise to lay a hand on her. Scared and bruised, she’s taken to the Shelbys’ home, where Polly and Ada take care of her until her boyfriend arrives, vowing that would never happen again.
Being In A Relationship With A Polyglot S/O
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spotofimagines · 5 years
Keeping A Secret ~ Isaiah Jesus
A/N: Reader is a Shelby sister so a good chunk of this is about that. This gif is perfect for what I was picturing in my head when writing, that’s why it isn’t a gif of Isaiah in case people got confused. Enjoy! :)
Requested by: no one
Warnings: pregnancy, smoking
Summary: You are pregnant with your boyfriend Isaiah’s child and the last thing you want is your family to find out, but some are faster to realise than others.
Part 2(Unveiling A Secret) - Part 3(No Longer A Secret)
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When you found out you were pregnant you were beyond happy. Happy because your relationship with Isaiah had reached such a high level of beauty. But god were you scared as well. Scared about having a baby so young. Scared about not being married. Scared about the things people would do to Isaiah since they had such strong opinions about your relationship already. But most of all, you were scared - no terrified - about what your brothers would do when they found out their little sister was one of those stupid girls that got knocked up out of wedlock.
You didn’t let them know, couldn’t let them know. That’s why you hadn’t much choice but to get the money you needed to go to the hospital from the vault. There was one strict instruction when it came the vault: you don’t take money out unless Tommy approved the reason. You knew the repercussions of doing this would be big but them knowing you were pregnant would be much worse so you took the risk, waiting for the perfect chance to take the amount you needed for your session the next day.
Unlucky for you, Tommy was the last one to check the amount he had that night and also the first to go in there in the morning after. As soon as he stepped through the heavy door he noticed the few messily-placed wads on the shelf to his left and realised some had been taken.
Tommy was absolutely furious. The rules concerning Shelby Company money were very clear and he knew it was the doings of someone who had keys to the shop as he wasn’t the last one out that locked up during the night. He had called a family meeting with Shelbys and Grays only, going mad at everyone sat around the table, explaining the rules in a bellowing voice yet again in disbelief that someone sat in front of him would do such a thing.
He took a deep breath and pointed his cigarette at each person in turn, calmly stating with long pauses in a quiet voice, "Whoever stole from family savings without reason is gonna get their head cut, so I hope you chose wisely." He flicked his cigarette onto the table in the middle of the kitchen and stormed out of the house. You were left trembling on the inside at your brother’s fury at the small act of missing money, knowing that at some point he would find out your secret and be ten times angrier.
A week later, everyone was gathered at the Garrison, talking and drinking after quite the hectic week they’d shared. Whilst sat opposite you in the Blinders’ private room, Tommy had noticed you weren't drinking your usual cocktail and when he asked you why, you blamed it on having a busy workload the next day. He accepted it as an answer, being too tired to investigate the real reason, but he didn't buy it for a second.
Then Isaiah came through the door behind Finn. He put his drink on the table and sat next to you, kissing your cheek and keeping his arm on the bench behind you as he asked you how you were feeling. You nodded and muttered "I'm alright, could be better." He smiled at you and replied, "No, you couldn’t be more perfect." before looking down at your stomach for a second so only you knew where he was looking.
His grin got bigger and goofier when he met your eyes again. He kissed your lips, pouring all of his love into you before smothering your face then your neck in cheeky little pecks. His arm fell from the back of the bench and snaked its way around your waist as your hand moved to hold his cheek. The feeling of his mouth on the soft spot under your ear made you giggle quietly and Isaiah’s heart bounced at the sound.
Tommy smiled to himself from across the table at the interaction as his little sister reminded him of his own Grace, forgetting about your excuses for no alcohol and letting the somewhat peaceful environment force himself to relax.
You hadn't turned up for work on time.
Being just under 2 months pregnant now the morning sickness was starting up. You'd told Isaiah to let Tommy know you'd be in your office after lunch, deciding to have a slow morning after spending an hour wretching up your guts with Isaiah rubbing your back before he had to leave.
When Isaiah walked in to the betting shop on his own, Tommy took a double take at his unusual sole appearance. Isaiah answered Tommy's questions, telling him you were sick but kept the reason why to himself, knowing you wanted it to remain a secret from them for a little while longer.
Tommy sighed a little frustrated but nodded his head, getting Isaiah caught up and started on his work. Isaiah’s yawn and the weary look on his face hit Tommy in such a way that he wished he would have missed it. He’d seen that behaviour in a few of the men in the shop in the past, hell he’d even experienced it himself.
That’s why he wished he hadn’t seen it because, like magic, all the parts started to align. You avoiding alcohol, spending most of your nights at Isaiah’s house, suddenly being rather tired and slow with work, you both leaving the Garrison early a few times, maybe even the culprit of the missing money from a couple weeks ago. The realisation that his precious little sister might be pregnant had dawned on him and it was scaring him half to death.
When you walked into the shop at noon it was fairly empty, most of the people having gone out for food or drinks. You were relieved as it gave your head a break from the loud noises of Birmingham for a minute as you slowly made your way to your office, your sniffling alerting Tommy you had arrived.
The break to your headache was short lived as you opened your office door to the back of Tommy's head sat at the chair in front of your desk. You closed the door behind you and leant back against it, your hand resting on the handle as you were frozen to the spot watching Tommy take a drag of his cigarette.
"Sit down y/n." Tommy said with no expression, waving his hand toward your chair across from him without turning to face you. You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for what seemed to a serious conversation as you made your way to your seat.
Your mind was in overdrive thinking about all the things he could want to talk about; the money you took, coming in late, maybe he knew about your pregnancy. No, he couldn't. The only person that knew was Isaiah and you had full trust in him that he would let you tell your brothers in your own time. He was a pretty good secret keeper too so you doubted he would let it just slip out.
The silence was deafening as you dumped your purse on the desk and sat down, wiping your nose again and lighting a cigarette of your own, taking a drag as you tried to avoid making contact with Tommy's stare.
It took a minute before Tommy stamped his cigarette into the ash tray and slid a small glass of whiskey toward you with a gentle tap. "Why weren't you in this morning?" He asked, leaning back and folding his hands across his lap as he watched you move the glass to the side. "I was sick. I am sick. I don't know where its come from but, its here."
"Y/n," Tommy sighed after your little drabble of excuses. "Why weren’t you in this morning?" He repeated, his serious tone making your heart beat faster as your mind racked over ways to hide the truth. "I told you," you said taking a drag, "I'm sick. I have snot in my nose, a pain in my head and vomit in my stomach. What more do you want?" Your tired red eyes met his for the first time, your physical state making Tommy ease up a bit as he knew, even if he didn’t like the reason why, you weren’t feeling good enough to take him shouting at you.
He raised his eyebrows at you in expectation, waiting for you to give in and tell him if his suspicions were correct, but you just looked away, staring out the window and smoking some more.
"Y/n I'm not angry, and I'm not going to raise my voice, but I'm tired. I know you are too." You nodded your head, your eyes closing as your head leant back against the top of your chair. "I'm tired of trying to figure things out, trying to find whose responsible for things, and tired of prying for answers. So just this once can you please make my life easy and tell me the truth." Your eyes were fixated on the chandelier in the middle of the ceiling while you absorbed Tommy's slow but stern words, quickly trying to decide if telling him the truth was the best thing to do.
Tommy opened his mouth, and you expected him to ask you the same question for a third time, but what he asked threw you off. "Have you talked to Polly about it?" Your eyes snapped to his before you relaxed and played off your nervousness. "About what?" You asked hoping your confused expression would trick him. But he knew you better than you knew yourself. He could see the fear in your body. "You know what." His quiet voice made your heart jump as the look in his eyes told you he knew what was going on.
"You refused a whiskey, you've been throwing up all morning and, correct me if I’m wrong, that money went missing for your benefit." He stayed monotone, making sure you didn’t lash out at him. All he wanted was answers and, by your lack of protest and drag of cigarette, he knew you had stopped lying to him.
"I don't need to know the details Y/N," He said leaning forward on the desk and lowering his voice, "but I suggest you talk to Polly about it. Yes?" You timidly met his eyes, drained of effort and energy, then nodded a little.
He smiled at you softly and stood up as you rubbed your sore head. "And you should stop smoking those, they're supposed to be bad for the baby." You paused for a second before taking one last long drag and squishing it down in the ashtray next to you.
Tommy was making his way out of your office as you tried to rub the pain out of your eyes from the stress. "Don't tell Arthur." You mumbled, barely loud enough for him to hear. But he did, stopped in his tracks and turned to face you with a raised eyebrow. You stayed with your hands against your forehead to keep it from falling down to the desk.
"Please don’t tell Arthur." You repeated a little louder, Tommy's heart breaking at the sound of your exasperation. "I don’t want him cutting Isaiah's head off." Tommy chuckled lowly, assuring you he wouldn’t tell a soul before quietly slipping out the room and leaving you in a quiet space.
Your secret was finally out to the person you were most scared to tell. And yet you still had to come up with a way to tell Polly about it without her throwing you and Isaiah into the fire by the scruffs of your necks.
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murswrites · 4 years
Guns and Jobs ⎯ SHELBY!Reader One-Shot
Pairings: Tom Shelby x SHELBY!Reader (platonic), (a lil) Isiah Jesus x SHELBY! Reader Fandom: Peaky Blinders MASTERLIST Word Count: 1.5k (ish) Warnings: Cursing, gun use, mention of drugs SUMMARY: You are the youngest Shelby and Tom forbids you from dealing with anything that relates to the Peaky Blinders but you want to help. So you ask Finn and Michael to teach you how to use a gun. Since they don’t help you, you take it upon yourself to convince Isiah to teach you and Tom catches you two in the act. 
A/N This started as a headcanon, hence the beginning being a bit rough around the edges. This was also a request but I wasn’t doing good at following the prompt given so I decided to just go with it. Also, I did my best to keep the reader gender-neutral. Hope you enjoy <3 Sorry for such a long author’s note...
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Being the youngest in the Shelby family means that Tom never lets you forget it. As the head of the family, he makes sure you don’t deal with anything related to the Peaky Blinders. But you’re a Shelby, you’re stubborn by nature. And you’re easily bored. So you rebel. Shelby Company Limited has taken off, which means you’re much antsier than you’ve ever been.
Tommy noticed it before any of your other siblings did, how you eyed the guns, and peaked hats. How you itched toward snow aka coke. Because you were bored out of your mind. Growing up as the youngest Shelby made you the most protected person in Birmingham. Which also meant you weren’t allowed to touch anything that dealt with gangs.
That didn’t stop you, no matter how many times Tom and Polly told you to stay home, to stay away from drugs. To be more than just the Shelby family. To be better than everyone else.
This is how you found yourself in front of Finn, asking him to show you how to fire a gun. “Please Finn?”
“No, Y/N! Are you tryin’ to get me killed? Tom would throw a fit!” Immediately he refused, so you went to your cousin, Michael. You hardly knew him due to him working all the time and him not being interested in knowing a “child”. 
“I think you’d be a good teacher, Michael...” You smiled at him, hoping it’d ease his mind. You knew he was prideful and that complimenting him may sway him. Michael showed some interest in showing you, but he offered to ask John. Which caused you to beg him to not bring it up to anyone else. 
After being turned down twice, you turned to Isiah Jesus, a young Peaky Boy who you’ve known forever. As a Shelby, you were born with wit and the ability to convince anybody to do anything you wanted. Besides your family of course. Only when you were younger would your big Y/E/C eyes and pout manage to get you what you wanted.
You’d managed to convince him to show you how to wield and shoot a handgun in a matter of minutes. Isiah didn’t know about Tom’s dislike of you being around weapons so he agreed without a thought.
So, this was how you and Isiah found yourselves in Charlie’s Yard, firing a gun at a barrel. It seemed dangerous at first, but you found that the bullets weren’t ricocheting off of the metal, so you two deemed it as safe. Isiah had his hand on your shoulder as he told you everything you needed to know. 
“Don’t forget to turn the safety off, when you’re ready to shoot.” He whispered in your ear, making the hairs on the back of your neck raise. He showed you how to shoot before letting you use his gun.
The sounds of firing alarmed Charlie, who knew you weren’t supposed to be using guns. He had Curly tell Thomas, not that you knew. You found yourself jumping at the loud bangs but also enjoying it, laughing along with the boy.
It was fun, you decided after shooting a bottle or two. “You’re a natural.” Isiah sounded proud, which made you smirk. 
“I’m a Shelby.” You replied in a cocky voice, which was true.
But when Tom finally made it, he watched for some time. As you fired the gun with relatively good precision at the bottles Isiah set up before you. 
Before walking up behind the two of you silently. “Fun isn’t it?” You jumped at the sound of Tom’s voice, accidentally firing the gun in the air before Isiah took it from you, not forgetting to turn the safety off. 
Isiah saw the fury in Tom’s eyes and tried to defend you, but you cut him off, “I asked him! He had no idea, it’s all my fault.” You didn’t want Isiah to take the heat, especially not from Tom. “I promise!” You yelped when Tom didn’t move his gaze from Isiah.
Tom’s nostrils flared, “What the fuck is going on?” His blue eyes, trained on you. A bright fire visible on the surface of them, it terrified you. But you knew it was your fault.
“Y/N asked me to show them how to shoot a gun–” Isiah began but Tom cut him off.
“Did I fucking ask you? Piss off before I decide to punish you too.” Isiah nodded, holding his hat in his hands sheepishly before walking off. Not even looking you in the eyes as you stared at the muddy ground, biting your lip nervously. “What the fuck, Y/N?!” Tommy hardly ever yelled at you. 
Your head hung, staring intently at the ever-interesting mud puddle before you. “Fucking look at me!” The flinch that was sent through your body wasn’t supposed to be so obvious, but Tom saw it. And it made him feel bad for the harshness of his tone of voice.
Raising your head slowly, you gaze into Tom’s blue eyes. An ocean full of rage threatening to send a tsunami toward you. “I’m sorry.”
Tommy’s scoff was loud and dry, he held his chin for a moment, rubbing it thoughtfully. “Sorry? You’re sorry eh?” You knew he was angry and that the question was rhetorical but nodded nonetheless. To your surprise, Tommy began laughing. “I can’t fucking believe you’d run off to Isiah Jesus for firing lessons...” It felt like he was speaking to himself.
Which prompted you to gnaw at your bottom lip again. A nervous tick, due to Tom’s strange behavior. Whenever he got angry, he always threw fits... he never fell into strange silence and laughed. Tom never even laughed when he was happy. Not that happiness was a norm for the serious man standing before you.
Your brother was suddenly right in front of you, pointing his finger at your head, “Fucking touch a gun again, Y/N and you’re in for it–”
“Is that a threat?” Your boldness surprised not only you, but Tom as well as he narrowed his eyes calculatingly.
He shook his head, lowering his hand, “No, it’s a fucking promise.”
“Why?” You ask, the word falling on deaf ears as Tom began walking away. You’d expected much more than two sentences. You had expected rage, fury, fucking anything more than this... calm threat.
Tom stopped walking abruptly, turning on his heel and taking the few long strides he needed to tower over you. “Because I fucking said so and because it’s dangerous.”
Another scoff sounded from your chest, “Says the leader of the Peaky fucking Blinders–” Your brother cut you off. His eyes seemed to have softened since he walked away, as if space let him think straight.
“You’re my youngest sibling and if anything were to happen to you, I’d lose my bloody mind.” You wanted to retort with something nasty, something about how Tom’s never kind nor loving. How he’s only lost those who he loves because he’s an ignorant asshole who never thinks about how his actions cause a ripple in the world around them.
He drew in a long breath of air as you refused to look him in the eyes, “I won't let you near that shite because you’re young yet. You saw Finn go through the same thing-”
“But you let him use guns now!” You exclaimed loudly, sounding like a child.
“Because he’s an adult now! You aren’t, you’re hardly sixteen–”
“Some blokes get married at sixteen, you know–” The two of you were speaking practically over one another. It was a bad habit, due to Tom going easy on you very often. Except this time seemed to be the exception.
Tom shook his head, “Not you, not yet at least. Just fucking listen to me yea? I do it for your safety.”
“My being a Shelby will always put me in danger.” He nodded as you mulled over the new information. You knew Tommy cared, he cared about the entire family, but something inside you wanted to rebel. “If you teach me.” You stated.
He raised an eyebrow, “Teach you what? How to fire a gun?” Although Tom’s voice held humor, you knew it wasn’t because he enjoyed the idea. It was because he found it amusing that you wanted to fire a gun anyway, he found it funny that you were so interested in guns. He found that it was childish, not that he would say that. You nodded simply, that’s all you wanted.
“I’m a Shelby, I’m constantly in danger for fucking breathing,” The look of disapproval in Tom’s eyes made you roll your own. If he could curse like a sailor, so could you. “I should know how to defend myself. One of these days, the knife I have won’t be enough to evade death.” The words hit Tom in the heart.
He knew that was true, everyone did. Tom’s jaw twitched, “Fine.” His agreement surprised you beyond measure as a smile lit up your face. 
“Really?” The surprise was evident in your tone of voice.
“As long as you stay away from drugs and alcohol. I can’t have you addicted to anything if you’re gonna be working for me.” You tilted your head in confusion, “A new position has opened up at Shelby Company Limited–”
“And that is?” You quip in between his words.
Tom smiled, or at least you think he did. Tom smiling was so rare these days that whenever he did, you weren’t sure if it was real. “Junior accountant. Got to have someone for when Michael goes off to America.” It felt amazing. Being given a chance to prove yourself. 
You hugged your brother tightly, “Thank you! Thank you for not killing me that is.” Tom chuckled quietly and you smiled harder than you had in weeks.
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interstellarrambles · 5 years
my masterlist as of november 2019
note, this blog isn't just for the peaky blinders, and I will write for most fandoms, within reason, as long as you ask, I'll give it a go.
triggers and summaries are provided before each fic. any fic listed but not linked has been written but not yet posted, however will be updated asap
gn = gender neutral reader
m = male
f = female
the peaky blinders
micheal gray:
fights (m)
hospitals (gn)
jealousy (f)
exhaustion (gn)
protective (f)
sleepy (gn)
thick girls (f)
bonnie gold:
loving bg (gn)
the girl - pt1 , pt2 (f)
mornings (gn)
umbrellas (gn)
family (gn)
memories (f)
thomas shelby:
accidents (f)
before - pt i , pt ii , pt iii (m)
sleepy (gn)
mother (f)
john shelby:
sleepy (gn)
beautiful to me (gn)
finn shelby:
boys (finn x isaiah)
not my type (f)
sleepy (gn)
ada shelby:
shy (m)
library talk (m)
isaiah jesus:
people talk (gn)
morning sugar (gn)
linda shelby:
the other man (f)
aberama gold:
loving (gn)
two - a love triangle series with finn and michael
intro, one, two, three, four, five, (more to come)
tom glynn carney:
tourists (gn)
harry styles:
forts (gn)
bohemian rhapsody
roger taylor:
waiting for christmas (gn)
yungblud/ dominic harrison:
cold kisses (gn)
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laketaj24 · 4 years
omg omg omg you are a goddess please i beg u isaiah jesus smut and fluff stuff please!! can b a headcanon or oneshot up to you but im so thirty mama 🤤🤤
Here you are love!!
Dating Isaiah Jesus
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kaetastic · 4 years
I have possibly read nearly all of Isaiah Jesus imagines and I don’t know what to do with my life anymore
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