#isiah 9:1-12
noirapocalypto · 3 months
This is the OC fairy 🌼🧚‍♀️ When you get this in your ask box, please tell us three facts or trivia about one of your OCs, then pass it on to someone else 🩷 Let's learn about each other's OCs! 💛💐
gimme sixty nine Salem facts stat
KJDHSFGLKJS you think I won't? :FIGHT: Watch.
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1: His middle name is Layne. Call him this (ONLY allowed for those he's close with) and watch him bluescreen because it always catches him off guard.
2: Spaghetti is his favorite pasta, and probably one of his favorite meals.
3: His natural eye color is green. (originally blue when I first created him)
4: His coven is his family, they're a multi-generational coven. He and his cousins are the current "decision makers" in important coven matters and upholding coven traditions. He didn't care for the responsibility at first and often avoided it, but comes around eventually when he's a bit older with his own family.
5: Out of all his cousins, he's closer to Darcy since they spent the most time together when they were young. They're around the same age and might even live within traveling distance of one another.
6: Around his family, such as his coven and his dads, Salem goes by his first name Isiah. It's uncommon for him to be called by his stage name, unless they're just busting his balls (i.e his cousin Silas, Avis and Noah--all three siblings of one another and coincidentally also the three troublemakers)
7: He has his raven calls recorded into his throat cyberware, which allows him to do his raven croaks when he's not shifted.
8: Salem doesn’t like Judah very much due to completely different lifestyles and clashing personalities—but also because he’s a Leo.
9: He’s not much of a green thumb, nothing really grows when he plants it. Bastien teases him that he inherited his black thumb.
10: He’s very used to hot weather due to having lived in both the Republic of Texas and now, Night City/California, but doesn’t mean he likes it. He prefers colder weather…but can’t tolerate it much. He gets cold very easily!
11: One of his guilty pleasures is trashy reality TV like the Jersey Shore, as well as smutty supernatural romance novels.
12: Firm believer in ghosts, never has seen one before. But he really wants to and has ghost hunted before and would again.
13: Urban exploring is a hobby he’s had since he was a teen. He after spent his summers exploring abandoned locations with friends. Now as an adult, he enjoys exploring with his best friend, boyfriend, and their mutual friends.
14: He normally doesn’t wear much clothes around the house. If you drop in, he will answer in his underwear. And he’s not shy at all.
15: Salem is a fan of animation, and has spent plenty of nights just binge watching animated movies—including anime.
16: His magic is a blend of shadow, chaos and hedge magic. He’s very interested in astral work and often lets himself explore the other side of the veil.
17: His astral form is also a raven, though instead of flesh and blood like his usual shifted form, this one is spectral. At times, it can appear as a white wisp. Other times, his raven manifests as a deep purple form of cosmic matter.
18: Whenever he performs in Las Vegas, he stays a few more days after to partake in typical Vegas hedonism. He usually doesn’t remember much of it when he emerges back to civilization.
19: Sometimes he streams his music making process to his fanbase, other times he'll stream the "behind the scenes" moments of his music videos and other performances.
20: So far, he has the following implants: AudioVox w/ Voice Synthesizer, Cyberaudio Implants, custom Kiroshi Optics, full cyberarm (left) with retractable Scratchers, and Biotechnica Neo Lungs
21: Because of his animal association being a raven and their friendship with wolves out in nature, he tends to get along pretty well with werewolves. He can even understand them when they're shifted and can communicate with them non-verbally.
22: He prefers iced coffee over hot coffee, and iced tea over hot tea. Icy drinks > hot drinks.
23: His big weakness is ice cream. Boy loves his ice cream cones.
24: He has his fathers' names tattooed on either side of his neck.
25: Salem has known Amirah and Alec aka Tyrant since his Houston days. He's still good friends with Amirah, but is estranged from Alec.
26: He's half-demon on Bastien's side, though his witch genes are much more dominant than his demonic ones.
27: Salem’s a big stoner, from his teens up to his current adult years. He almost always carries a joint or two with him in case he wants to invite someone to smoke with him.
28: He was 18 the first time he killed someone. It was almost like a cruel rite of passage into adulthood. Amirah and Alec might have been present.
29: He’s no stranger to rap beef. Salem has released a few tracks dissing his rivals and there are a few about him out there too. One of his current storylines is an ongoing feud between himself and another rapper.
30: Salem doesn’t know much about Bastien’s side of the story. Neither of his fathers like to talk about it much. So he learned to stop asking, but he still can’t help but be a bit curious.
31: He’s comfortable with heights and likes to climb up to high perches to just chill. He also takes flight when shifted and heads up to rooftops when he wants some quiet time.
32: Salem is a deep sleeper. Once he’s knocked out cold, it’s pretty hard to wake him up.
33: His favorite movie is Beetlejuice. It never gets old to him.
34: He’s an “an eye for an eye” type of guy—as the Hales often practice. If you slight him, he’ll return the favor. The severity depends on how bad you pissed him off.
35: As a romantic partner, he’s very intense. He’s possessive and obsessive, and he wants his partner to match his freak. His soulmate is someone that’s as obsessive about him as he is over them.
36: His associated stone is smoky quartz. But he’s also very fond of amethyst and labradorite.
37: Salem values handmade gifts over expensive gifts.
38: 2am burger runs are his favorite nighttime activity. Bonus if he’s hanging out with someone and they go with him.
39: Like the rest of his family and coven, he enjoys collecting oddities and morbid little curios.
40: He gives his friends free merch whenever he drops a new product.
41: He also produces phonk music under the moniker MVGE. This is mostly a side project he does for fun.
42: Salem tends to allow himself to be a bit more chatty and friendly towards those that give off good vibes. He’s standoffish with those that have a ‘presence’.
43: He’s slowly learning to see and read other’s auras, which helps him get a decent grasp of someone before he approaches them. He still new to this skill and is being guided by his aunt Colene, who specializes in energy reading and is one of the coven elders.
44: Salem is a night owl and often wakes up around afternoon and becomes most active around dusk.
45: Salem looks a lot like Casey but acts very similar to Bastien.
46: He’s a man spreader when he sits, often slouched in his seat with his knees apart. Otherwise, he sits with his legs stretched out, ankle over ankle.
47: A ball sport that he enjoys playing is basketball. He often plays with Paolo when they hang out. Both playfully trash talk the other the entire time.
48: He made the mistake of laughing at one of the twin’s antics and they’ve been following him around ever since.
49: He enjoys spending time in his shifted raven form and often hangs out as a bird. This also includes giving into his corvid ways and enjoys being a pest to his friends and other passerby’s.
50: A lot of his spell casting have a black, wispy fog visual effect to it.
51: Because of his mage blood, Salem has a longer lifespan than humans. He will live well into his 100s or older.
52: Salem is very outspoken about his beliefs over politics and social issues. He isn’t afraid to say what others might be hesistant to say and he uses his platform to bring awareness to issues he cares deeply about. He’s not afraid of backlash and always challenges it.
53: He’s understands enough Spanish to know what’s being said to him, but can’t speak it much.
54: Salem is very prideful and finds it difficult to ask for help. He has an arrogance to him, as he takes deep pride in being a self-made artist. Everything he’s built for himself in his career has been down on his own without the shadow of another label looming over him.
55: Salem likes individualism and admires those that go against the gain and do their own thing—no matter how weird.
56: Bratty behavior is a major turn off for him. It irritates and annoys him when someone is being whiny and childish around him.
57: Sudden loud noises startle him, such as a balloon popping. Popping opening a can of biscuits drives his anxiety up the wall for a few seconds which is one of his sillier phobias. For comedic effect, when he gets startled—he involuntarily shifts into his raven form and flies up to the nearest perch, leaving a scatter of feathers behind.
58: It’s a running gag that Salem always has his joint in his hand or between his lips when he’s getting up to shenanigans. No matter how rowdy and chaotic it gets, that smoke isn’t going anywhere (aka Julian with his coke and rum from Trailer Park Boys)
59: Despite having lived in California/Night City for a few years, he still uses a lot of Houston slang.
60: Salem doesn’t really play well with others, especially when his personality clashes with them. His list of artists he’s willing to work with is very exclusive. Plus he also has a reputation of being difficult.
61: His favorite pastime is sitting out on his balcony in the evenings, with a good drink and a good smoke, and some music playing.
62: When he’s in a deeply committed relationship, he loves showing off his partner. He often likes to post risqué and suggested photos of himself and his boyfriend on his social media.
63: Salem is a man of very little patience. Don’t beat around the bush with him or waste his time because he will grow irritated and he will last out. If he wants a direct answer, give him one.
64: He takes every “medium” or “psychic” with a grain of salt. If he wants to be a dick, he’ll test them to see if they’re legit or not. The only ones he believes so far are the ones in his coven.
65: His turn-on’s include but aren’t limited to: masks/ski-masks, being stalked (consensually) by his intimidating boyfriend, and adrenaline fueled hookups in alleyways.
66: Salem keeps the bullets when he’s been shot at and has been hit, as little morbid tokens.
67: He’s attracted to men that share the same aesthetic and style as he does. When he used to date women, he was attracted to girls with styles/aesthetics opposite of his.
68: Salem is a slow-burn in every sense of the word. It takes time to truly get to know him and gain his trust. But when you do, he’s a ride or die friend for life.
69: He seemingly has a strange and long feud with a seagull named Terry. There is little to no explaining on who or what this seagull is—if it’s another shapeshifter or if it’s just some random bird dedicated to ruining Salem’s day. But it’s on sight and it’s almost as if he purposely shows up to antagonize Salem specifically. If you see a raven and a seagull scrapping it out in a parking lot—just keep walking, it doesn’t concern you.
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cabinetsecurity · 1 year
Re: the Crowley is Lucifer thing
I’m having thoughts
firstly. Crowley being Lucifer would definitively mean that Satan ≠ Lucifer, which, I’ll get back to.
So for starters: Crowley IS the snake in the garden of eden. That is a commonly accepted fact. the serpent of eden is generally considered to have been satan. Revelation directly describes satan as a snake: “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Rev 12:9 KJV. This also describes the falling of a third of the heavenly host, who would become demons.
next we have Crowley’s line during Jesus’ execution minisode. “Seemed a very bright young man. I showed him all the kingdoms of the world.” Good Omens Se1:Ep3 3.21. Crowley and Aziraphale go back a forth a bit here about Jesus but this line in particular is a reference to another biblical passage. Specifically Mathew 4:8-9 says:
“Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.” Mathew 4:8-9 KJV
It is clear that Crowley is referencing this story during the minisode where he is playing a role explicit in being about satan.
in season two we see a lot more to lend credence to Crowley having been an extremely powerful figure in heaven prior to the fall. Lucifer is generally considered to have been an extremely powerful angel. When the archangels are talking about an “Institutional Problem” Se2:Ep6, they are referring to the fall of Lucifer and loss of a third of the heavenly hosts.
Crowley is shown to have been a powerful angel (“they never change their passwords”)(working closely with the designer (God?) on the nebula). But despite seeming to remember some of his time in heaven its unclear if he remembers it all (not recognizing Aziraphale in Eden)(not recognizing Furfur at all)(He seems to know exactly how to bring memories out of Jim). While this could be a sideeffect of falling, it is not something any other demon references.
If its something specific to Crowley that would lead one to think that special care was put into making sure he wouldn’t be causing trouble down the road when he fell. If Crowley was Lucifer, it would make sense for heaven to take that special care. An extremely powerful archangel would make an extremely dangerous enemy, especially with an army at his disposal.
deconstructing the fall a bit; Crowley says on multiple occasions that he never intended to fall, that he was only asking questions, that he just hung out with the wrong crowd. In se2:ep1 we get an idea of exactly what that looked like when he protests to the destruction of the universe after a measly 6,000 years. This scene strongly implies (esp. with Aziraphale’s reaction to his discontent) that this particular issue is what resolved with him falling. But given how early on this questioning was, it may not be unreasonable if he was the first angel to actually question the Great Plan. revising season 1, Crowley expresses a similar opinion in the garden when he comments that “I can’t see what’s so bad about knowing the difference between good and evil, anyway.” Se1:ep1.
Crowley consistently supports and expresses free will. Other people have made longer posts deconstructing the role free will plays in GO so I will keep it short. Season two shows multiple times that both angels and demons aren’t incapable of free will but, because of the bureaucracy and looming Great Plan (as well as lack of access to actual options) they typically do not exercise this ability. Aziraphale expresses that free will is for humans and not within the realm of angels, yet uses free will constantly.
Isiah 14:13-14 KJV says: “For thou [Lucifer] hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” Compare this to the Genesis tempting of Eve and Adam: “You will not certainly die," the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it vour eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." In both passages the stated goal is to be as God, in wisdom or power.
Crowley declares that he wants to register a complaint in the holy suggestion box and goes on to say that if He were God, he would Want people to make suggestions. This dabbles dangerously close to a precipice we know he goes over. He’s exercising and encouraging free will well before humans got the chance. Its implied in the Job minisode that Crowley was never successful in actually asking God his questions. “Is God actually talking to him?….But just to be able to ask the question.” Se2:ep2.
This leads back into memory wiping.
Crowley gives two reasons why he fell. A) Hanging around the wrong people and B) asking too many/the wrong questions. Season two shows that the real reason was probably related more to the questions than the crowd. Hanging in the wrong crowd was brought up once in season one but never really touched on again.
my proposed timeline would look something like this: Crowley (Lucifer) begins to question -> he starts stirring up some lower angels with the particular questions -> some more extreme plans start getting discussed -> Crowley (Lucifer) gets brought in and memory wiped and sent to a lower station, like they were planning to do with Gabriel -> another powerful angel takes control and launches a rebellion -> Crowley gets swept up in it and falls as a result -> he regains his memory over time post fall.
this would explain Lucifer and Satan being separate beings, especially if Satan started claiming to be Lucifer.
anyways, thanks for coming to my TedTalk
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twins2994 · 25 days
Toronto Blue Jays-Minnesota Twins Series Preview
8.30.24-Kevin Gausman RHP (12-9) 4.10 ERA Vs. Pablo Lopez RHP (12-8) 4.26 ERA
8.31.24-Jose Berrios RHP (13-9) 3.72 ERA Vs. Zebby Matthews RHP (1-1) 3.00 ERA
9.1.24-Yariel Rodriguez RHP (1-6) 4.82 ERA Vs. Bailey Ober RHP (12-6) 4.06 ERA
The Blue Jays At A Glance- The Blue Jays have had a disappointing year and have been out of the playoff race essentially all season long. Toronto is having a strong August with a (15-11) mark, but traded away guys at the deadline. They traded Kevin KIermaier, Isiah Kiner-Falefa, Trevor Richards, Justin Turner, Yusei Kikuchi, Danny Jansen, and Nate Pearson. Vladimir Guerrero Jr. and Bo Bichette are free agents after next season, so the front office has a lot of deicisions to be made. Guerrero Jr. has picked it up with a .324 average, twenty-seven homers, and eight-eight RBI to lead the team in all categories. He's hit thirteen homers since the All-Star Break. The Jays are turning to younger names like Will Wagner and Joey Loperfido. Wagner has hit .333 in thirteen games. The pitching staff is full of veteran guys. The starting staff has a 4.14 ERA, which is sixteenth in the big leagues. Jose Berrios has had a strong second half with a 2.98 ERA. Chris Bassitt has been knocked around with a 6.09 ERA in the second half. Chad Green is the closer with sixteen saves.
The Twins At A Glance- The Twins have lost eight of their last ten games, but the good news is that they are 3.5 games out of first place. The Twins hold the final Wild-Card spot by 3.5 games over the Red Sox. It sounds like Byron Buxton will go on a rehab assignment this weekend with the Saints. Matt Wallner has seven homers and nineteen RBI since the All-Star Break. Chris Paddack could return as a reliever for the playoffs. Steven Okert was sent outright to the Saints after being designated for assignment. Brent Headrick is heading out on a rehab assignment with Fort Myers. Trevor Richards was designated for assignment to make room for Michael Tonkin, who was again picked up off waivers from the Yankees. Louis Varland came on as the bulk guy on Wednesday and threw five shutout innings for the Saints. You have to wonder if the team is grooming him for a long relief role when rosters expand on Sunday. Pablo Lopez is (4-1) with a 2.25 ERA since the All-Star Break.
What To Watch For- The Twins took two of three games from the Blue Jays in mid-May in Toronto. The Jays took two out of three from the Twins at Target Field last May and lost both games of the American League Wild-Card Series in October. Kevin Gausman is (1-4) with a 6.94 ERA in twelve starts against the Twins. Royce lewis has two career homers off Gausman. Pablo Lopez is (1-0) with a 5.59 ERA in two starts against the Jays. Jose Berrios is (3-1) with a 4.03 ERA in five starts against his original team. He has a 3.63 ERA in 67 games at Target Field. Zebby Matthews and Yariel Rodriguez have never faced their opponent. Bailey Ober is (2-2) with a 3.05 ERA in four starts against the Jays. The Twins need to close out this rough homestand on a high note.
-Chris Kreibich-
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dan6085 · 4 months
Here are the top 20 worst NBA contracts of all time, along with details of the contract:
1. **Joakim Noah**: Four years, $72.6 million with New York Knicks, signed in 2016
- Contract year: 4.3 PPG, 8.8 RPG, 3.8 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 4.6 PPG, 7.9 RPG, 2.0 APG
2. **Chandler Parsons**: Four years, $94.5 million with Memphis Grizzlies, signed in 2016
- Contract year: 13.7 PPG, 4.7 RPG, 2.8 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 7.1 PPG, 2.5 RPG, 1.8 APG
3. **Rashard Lewis**: Six years, $118.2 million with Orlando Magic, signed in 2007
- Contract year: 22.4 PPG, 6.6 RPG, 2.4 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 16.3 PPG, 5.1 RPG, 2.1 APG
4. **Timofey Mozgov and Luol Deng**: Four years, $136 million (combined) with Los Angeles Lakers, signed in 2016
- Mozgov: 6.3 PPG, 4.4 RPG
- Deng: 12.3 PPG, 6.0 RPG, 1.9 APG
5. **Eddy Curry**: Six years, $60 million with New York Knicks, signed in 2005
- Contract year: 16.1 PPG, 5.4 RPG
- Tenure with New Team: 15.2 PPG, 5.8 RPG
6. **Jared Jeffries**: Five years, $30 million with New York Knicks, signed in 2006
- Contract year: 6.4 PPG, 4.9 RPG, 1.9 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 4.3 PPG, 3.9 RPG, 1.2 APG
7. **Jerome James**: Five years, $30 million with New York Knicks, signed in 2005
- Contract year: 4.9 PPG, 3.0 RPG, 1.4 BPG
- Tenure with New Team: 2.5 PPG, 1.8 RPG, 0.4 BPG
8. **Allan Houston**: Six years, $100 million with New York Knicks, signed in 2001
- Contract year: 20.5 PPG, 4.1 RPG, 3.5 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 14.9 PPG, 3.3 RPG, 2.5 APG
9. **Darius Miles**: Six years, $48 million with Portland Trail Blazers, signed in 2004
- Contract year: 19.5 PPG, 6.5 RPG, 2.6 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 11.3 PPG, 4.5 RPG, 2.1 APG
10. **Gilbert Arenas**: Six years, $111 million with Washington Wizards, signed in 2008
- Contract year: 27.7 PPG, 5.7 RPG, 5.7 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 17.3 PPG, 4.2 RPG, 4.6 APG
11. **Brandon Roy**: Five years, $82 million with Portland Trail Blazers, signed in 2009
- Contract year: 21.5 PPG, 4.7 RPG, 5.8 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 11.3 PPG, 3.3 RPG, 3.3 APG
12. **Chris Bosh**: Five years, $118 million with Miami Heat, signed in 2014
- Contract year: 16.2 PPG, 6.6 RPG, 2.0 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 12.0 PPG, 5.7 RPG, 1.3 APG
13. **Elton Brand**: Five years, $80 million with Philadelphia 76ers, signed in 2008
- Contract year: 19.6 PPG, 9.8 RPG, 2.2 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 13.6 PPG, 7.4 RPG, 1.8 APG
14. **Jim McIlvaine**: Seven years, $34 million with Seattle SuperSonics, signed in 1996
- Contract year: 10.1 PPG, 7.4 RPG, 1.4 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 6.5 PPG, 4.4 RPG, 0.8 APG
15. **Bobby Simmons**: Five years, $47 million with Milwaukee Bucks, signed in 2005
- Contract year: 16.4 PPG, 5.7 RPG, 2.5 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 8.4 PPG, 3.8 RPG, 1.5 APG
16. **Grant Hill**: Seven years, $93 million with Orlando Magic, signed in 2000
- Contract year: 21.6 PPG, 7.9 RPG, 6.3 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 14.4 PPG, 5.9 RPG, 4.1 APG
17. **Erick Dampier**: Seven years, $73 million with Dallas Mavericks, signed in 2004
- Contract year: 12.5 PPG, 9.6 RPG, 1.4 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 8.3 PPG, 6.4 RPG, 1.1 APG
18. **Larry Hughes**: Five years, $70 million with Cleveland Cavaliers, signed in 2005
- Contract year: 22.0 PPG, 6.3 RPG, 4.7 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 15.9 PPG, 4.4 RPG, 3.5 APG
19. **Isiah Thomas**: Six years, $60 million with New York Knicks, signed in 2005
- Contract year: 16.1 PPG, 5.4 RPG
- Tenure with New Team: 15.2 PPG, 5.8 RPG
20. **Steve Francis**: Six years, $91 million with Houston Rockets, signed in 2004
- Contract year: 18.5 PPG, 6.2 RPG, 6.9 APG
- Tenure with New Team: 12.4 PPG, 4.4 RPG, 4.3 APG
[1] Ranking the Worst Contracts in NBA Free-Agency History https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2781927-ranking-the-worst-contracts-in-nba-free-agency-history
[2] What's the worst NBA contract ever given? : r/billsimmons - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/billsimmons/comments/17418yp/whats_the_worst_nba_contract_ever_given/
[3] Ranking 12 worst NBA contracts of infamous 2016 free agency, with ... https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/ranking-12-worst-nba-contracts-of-infamous-2016-free-agency-with-most-finally-expiring-this-offseason/
[4] The Worst NBA Contracts Draft With Joe House and Big Wos https://www.happyscribe.com/public/the-bill-simmons-podcast/the-worst-nba-contracts-draft-with-joe-house-and-big-wos
[5] The Most Crippling NBA Contracts In Recent History - Gameday News https://www.gamedaynews.com/basketball/worst-nba-contracts-history/
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diarioelpepazo · 8 months
Anotó 27 puntos, 22 rebotes y 12 asistencias. Los Denver Nuggets batieron (120-108) a los Portland Trail Blazers en otro recital del interior de Sombor EUGENIO MUÑOZ FERNÁNDEZ Nikola Jokic es un jugador acostumbrado a la excelencia. El interior de los Denver Nuggets repite, una y otra vez, partidos fuera de lo normal. Es el mejor, qué duda cabe, del mundo del baloncesto y ante los Portland Trail Blazers (victoria por 120-108) fijó unos números jamás vistos en 40 años en la NBA. 27 puntos (11/16 en tiros de campo, 1/1 en triples y 4/4 en tiros libres), 22 rebotes y 12 asistencias. Otra frontera rota en un nuevo triunfo de los campeones, que poco a poco carburan de victoria en victoria. Suman 34, las mismas que los dos equipos de cabeza de la Conferencia Oeste, Oklahoma City Thunder y Minnesota Timberwolves. Y a su estrella no le puede parar nadie. Jugada de dibujos animados de Jokic ante Portland Es tan especial una línea estadística así que pocos la alcanzan. Jokic tiene en su carrera seis partidos con al menos 25 puntos, 20 rebotes y 10 asistencias, todos los demás jugadores en activo... solo suman cuatro. "Estamos viendo grandeza. Pensad en cómo era la vida antes de la llega aquí de Nikola. La gente no piensa en eso. Y no. Lo que hace es histórico, alucinante... Es dos veces MVP, campeón del mundo y MVP de las finales. Es la definición de grandeza, porque no lo hace solo para él. También para el resto. Tenemos la oportunidad de seguir viéndole. Debemos apreciarlo", reflexionó Michael Malone, técnico de los Nuggets. No es algo normal, estamos viendo grandeza Nikola Jokic Números de leyenda No son números normales, tal y como dice Malone. En la historia hay dos nombres capaces de hacer líneas estadísticas de 27+22+12: en 1961 fue Elgin Baylor, leyenda de Los Ángeles Lakers. Un jugador que fue Jordan antes de existir Jordan. El mejor sin anillo. El otro Wilt Chamberlain, que lo hizo 12 veces entre 1963 y 1968. El jugador de los 100 puntos, mito del blanco y negro, y prodigio del mundo del baloncesto. Jokic, superior en la zona ante Portland Los Blazers no lo pusieron fácil y dentro del último cuarto llegaron a plantarse con diferencias mínimas (92-88, 38'). El serbio apareció debajo del aro para asegurar el triunfo. Tanto sacando a bailar a Ayton, como jugando pick and roll con Jamal Murray. Y encontrando a un buen Peyton Watson. El alero de segundo año terminó con 14 puntos, noticia agradable. "Fue el factor x", dijo Jokic. Y con Murray su conexión sigue creciendo. El base canadiense fijó 13 puntos, 10 asistencias y 9 rebotes. En sus números combinados con el serbio solo dos parejas más los tienen en 40 años: Jason Kidd y Vince Carter (2007) y Isiah Thomas y Bill Laimbeer (1985). Huele a MVP Jokic, claro, encabeza las quinielas de MVP. Entre las lesiones de Embiid solo parecen a su altura Luka Doncic y Shai Gilgeous-Alexander. Sería un premio para elevar, más todavía, su estatus. Firmaría el tercero, igualando a Moses Malone, Larry Bird y Magic Johnson. Y ya solo leyendas tendrían más, entre los seis del hombre récord Abdul-Jabbar, los cinco de Bill Russell y Michael Jordan y cuatro de Wilt y LeBron James. Poco le quedaría al serbio. Jokic, con el balón en las manos.LAPRESSE Aunque siempre el éxito grupal es preferible. Están bien emplazados los campeones, con mismos triunfos -y a una sola derrota- que Oklahoma City Thunder (34-15) y Minnesota Timberwolves (34-15). Les sobrepasan, también, los Clippers (32-15) por porcentaje. En el caso de 'OKC' han pasado de sorpresa a revelación y son unos grandísimos competidores ante los más importantes (6-3 cada vez que se citan con Nuggets, Clippers, Knicks, Wolves y Celtics). Mientras que Minnesota perdió la cabeza al caer por la mínima (106-108) con los Magic. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca
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davidrmaas · 8 months
From the beginning, the activity of the Spirit dominated the life, words, and deeds of Jesus of Nazareth. He was “Jesus, the one called Christ,” the “Anointed One” and the long-awaited Messiah of Israel. When an angel informed Joseph that Mary carried a child “conceived of the Holy Spirit,” it indicated that something far more than a miraculous birth was about to unfold. He was and is the true Man of the Spirit.
Neither his mission nor his present reign can be understood apart from the presence of the Holy Spirit in his life, or the significance of the Spirit in his Church for the remainder of this age.  With his arrival, the life of the Spirit began to fall where before there was thirst and desolation. He came to give water “overflowing into everlasting life” – (John 4:14).
His anointing along the banks of the Jordan set in motion the events that culminated in his death, resurrection, exaltation, and the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. The “Last Days” had commenced, and nothing would ever be the same again.
At the river, the Spirit “descended on Jesus” as he beheld the “Heavens rent asunder” in fulfillment of Isiah’s prophecy, “Oh, that you would REND THE HEAVENS, that you would DESCEND, and the mountains might quake at your presence!” The opening of the Heavens demonstrated not only the arrival of the Holy Spirit but also the Cosmic significance of that day - (Isaiah 64:1, Mark 1:1-9).
With his anointing, access to God was no longer limited to one nation or the Temple “made with hands in Jerusalem.” From now on, “Heaven is open, and the angels of God are ascending and descending on the Son of Man,” present tense. An era of immense significance began to dawn that day, the “Last Days” - (John 1:51).
Not only were the old barriers removed that kept men from the presence of God, but Jesus himself was and remains the only way to access His presence. “I am the way… No one comes to the Father except through me!” – (John 14:6).
When the Spirit descended on him, from then on, it “remained on” Jesus. Moreover, he received the fullness of the Spirit - “Not by measure” – unlike all his predecessors, whether kings, priests, or prophets - (John 3:34).
It was the Spirit that equipped Jesus for his Messianic ministry, and he attributed his miracles and deeds to the Spirit of God. When he was accused of exorcising demons “by the power of Satan,” he retorted, “But if I, by the Spirit of God, cast out demons…” Years later, Peter described how “God had anointed him with the Holy Spirit” - (Matthew 12:28, Acts 10:38).
After his baptism, the Spirit “drove” him into the wilderness where he was tested by the Devil. He overcame every challenge hurled at him by Satan.
With his arrival, the presence of Yahweh visited His people, and the nations began to “quake” as he proclaimed the Good News to one and all – (Matthew 4:12-17, Luke 4:14-19, Isaiah 42:1-7).
[Downpour - Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash]
[Read the complete post on the Good News for All Nations website at the line below]
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juarezesdeporte · 8 months
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Orchard Park, Nueva York.- Travis Kelce atrapó dos pases de touchdown de Patrick Mahomes y los Jefes de Kansas City avanzaron a su sexto partido consecutivo por el campeonato de la AFC con una victoria 27-24 sobre los Bills de Buffalo anoche
Isiah Pacheco anotó el touchdown de la ventaja en una carrera de 4 yardas a los 40 segundos del último cuarto en un juego en el que los equipos intercambiaron ventajas cinco veces. Luego, los Jefes consiguieron la victoria al agotarse el tiempo después de que un intento de gol de campo de 44 yardas de Tyler Bass, de Buffalo, se desviara por la derecha con 1:43 restantes.
Los Jefes, campeones defensores del Super Bowl (13-6), viajan a Baltimore para enfrentarse a Lamar Jackson y los Cuervos, primeros cabezas de serie de la Conferencia, que vencieron a Houston 34-10 el sábado.
“No hay debilidad allí”, dijo Mahomes sobre los Cuervos. “Será necesario nuestro mejor esfuerzo. Defensa, ofensiva, equipos especiales, ellos lo hacen todo. Siempre es un gran desafío y ese estadio va a estar espectacular, así que estamos emocionados por el desafío”.
Kansas City tiene marca de 0-1 en los playoffs contra los Cuervos, luego de una derrota de 30-7 en la ronda de comodines de 2010. Baltimore derrotó a Kansas City 36-35 en su enfrentamiento más reciente de la temporada regular en la Semana 2 de la temporada 2021.
Kansas City nunca ha perdido en la ronda divisional desde que Mahomes asumió como titular en 2018, y los Jefes ahora han ganado cinco juegos consecutivos de playoffs desde una derrota en tiempo extra 27-24 ante Cincinnati en el juego de campeonato de la AFC durante la temporada 2021.
Mahomes, dos veces Jugador Más Valioso de la NFL, también puede marcar otra novedad en su récord al ganar su primera apertura como visitante en los playoffs (sin contar los Super Bowls) y mejorar su marca de postemporada a 13-3.
“En primer lugar, este es un gran ambiente, hombre”, dijo Mahomes sobre Buffalo. “Realmente lo es. Escuchamos eso toda la semana, hombre, sobre jugar un juego como visitante, y estamos aquí para demostrar un punto y demostrar que podemos jugar en cualquier lugar”.
Los Bills (12-7) tuvieron su tercer final consecutivo de postemporada en la ronda divisional, luego de las derrotas ante Cincinnati el año pasado y los Jefes en 2021. Y los Jefes terminaron la temporada de Buffalo por tercera vez en cuatro años, incluida la victoria de 38-24 de Kansas City en el juego de campeonato de la AFC en la temporada 2020.
Fue otro final decepcionante para un equipo de los Bills que ganó su cuarto título consecutivo del Este de la AFC, y estaba en una racha de seis juegos desde la victoria por 20-17 en Kansas City el 10 de diciembre.
27                   24
Jefes   Bills
Cuarto X Cuarto
Equipo                       1         2         3         4         T
Kansas City   3         10       7         7         27
Buffalo                       3         14       7         0         24
Primer Cuarto
Buf: Gol de campo de 27 yardas de Bass, 8:08
KC: Gol de campo de 47 yardas de Butker, 4:35
Segundo Cuarto
Buf: J. Allen en acarreo de 5 yardas (extra de Bass), 13:32
KC: Gol de campo de  29 yardas de Butker, 9:12
KC: Kelce en pase de 22 yardas de Mahomes (extra de Butker), 3:33
Buf: J. Allen en acarreo de 2 yardas (extra de Bass), :26
Tercer Cuarto
KC: Kelce en pase de 3 yardas de Mahomes (extra de Butker), 11:48
Buf: Shakir en pase de 13 yardas de J. Allen (extra de Bass), 3:23
Cuarto Cuarto
KC: Pacheco en acarreo de 4 yardas (extra de Butker), 14:20
Líderes individuales
Kansas City: Pacheco 15-97
Buffalo: J. Allen 12-72
Kansas City: Mahomes 17-23-0-215
Buffalo: J. Allen 26-39-0-186
Kansas City: Kelce 5-75
Buffalo: Kincaid 5-45
Campeonatos de Conferencia
Domingo 28 de enero
Kansas City en Baltimore
1 p.m. / 4.1, ESPN
Detroit en San Francisco
4:30 p.m. / 14.1
(Associated Press)
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dubforms · 10 months
Forest of Wonders
1. Freud - Voyagers 2. Babe Roots - Tribal War 3. Tubby Isiah - Only Me 4. Versa - Temple Song 5. Leo James - Daydream In Dub 6. Deadbeat feat. Paul St. Hilaire - Check What Time It Is 7. Mantsche - Tubby Dub 8. Frenk Dublin - Cascade One 9. Unknown Artist - Stekkerdoos 10. M4A4 - Ambush 11. Ludowick - Vestige 12. Upwellings - Dark Cloud Riddim 13. Mentrix - Nature (Deadbeat's Internal War dub) 14. Milly James - Cut You Down 15. Masis - Singers & Players (Maes Remix)
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limitedbible · 1 year
Matthew Book Four
1 Then Jesus was lead into the outskirts by the Spirit to be tested by the Devil. 2 And after having fasted forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 And coming near, the tempter said to him, “If you are the son of God, speak in order that these stones may become bread.” 4 And answering, he said, “It has been written, The man will not live on bread alone, but on every word coming out of the mouth of God.” 5 Then the Devil takes him into the holy city and stood him on the edge of the temple 6 and said to him, “If you are the son of God, throw yourself down, since it has been written that He will give orders to the angels about you and they will raise you in their hands. You may never hit your foot against a stone.” 7 Jesus said to him, “Again, it has been written, You will not test the Lord your God.” 
8 Again the Devil takes him to the very high mountains and shows him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to him, “I will give you all this, if you kneel before me.” 10 Then Jesus said to him, “Go away, Satan, for it has been written,  You will kneel before your Lord and you will only serve him.” 11 Then the Devil leaves him and look the angels came and were tending to him.
The Beginning of the Galilean Ministry
12 So having heard that John had been delivered into custody he returned to Galilee. 13 And having left Nazareth and having come, he stayed in the seaside Capernaum in the area of Zebulun and Naphtali. 14 So the word through the prophet Isiah was fulfilled saying, 15 “The land of Zabulun and the land of Naphtali, the road of the sea, beyond the Jordan, the pagans of Galilee. 16 The people sitting in darkness saw a great light, and for the ones sitting in the countryside and in the shadow of death, a light dawned on them. 17 From then, Jesus began to preach and said, “Change your hearts, because the kingdom of the heavens approaches.”
The Calling of the Four Fisherman
18 So walking near the sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers Simon (called Peter) and his brother Andrew throwing a net into the sea since they were fisherman. 19 And he said to them, “Come behind me and I will make you the fishermen of humanity.” 20 And immediately having left the nets, they followed him. 21 And having gone from there, he saw another two brothers, James the son of Zebedee, and his brother John in a boat with their father Zebedee sewing their nets and he called to them. 22 And immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.
Ministering to a Great Multitude
23 And he was going around all of Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness in the people. 24 And the rumor of him went out into the whole of Syria. And they brought to him all the ones wickedly having many diseases and the ones being inflicted with tortures and the ones being possessed by demons and the ones being struck by the moon and he healed them. 25 And the great crowds followed him from Galilee and Decapolis and Jerusalem and Judea and beyond the Jordan.
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tigermike · 1 year
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YANKEES WIN The Yankees defeated the Angels today 9-3 & won the series 2-1. They have not lost a series this season. They had 9 hits including 2 doubles. Jose Trevino was 1-4 including 1 double & 3 RBI's. Anthony Rizzo was 3-3 including 1 RBI. DJ LeMahieu was 1-4 ìncluding 1 double & 1 RBI. Isiah Kiner-Falefa was 1-4 including 2 RBI's. Oswaldo Peraza was 1-4 including 2 RBI's. Nestor Cortes (3-0) started & pitched another great game. He went 6 innings & gave up 4 hits & 3 runs The Yankees used 4 relievers who were lights put. The Yankees improved their record to 12-7
They will play the Blue Jays tomorrow night 6:05. LET'S GO BRONX BOMBERS
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govandalsncaa · 2 years
#12 Idaho knocks Colorado from the ranks of the unbeaten in 42-21 road win.
The 12th ranked Idaho Vandals (5-0 2-0) traveled to Boulder, Colorado, knowing they were going to be in for a fight against a Senior laden, undefeated Buffaloes squad. The Vandals had a heavy weight champion on their side as Dylan Thigpen had a huge day to lead the Vandals to a victor over Buffaloes of Colorado (4-1. 2-1) by a score of 42-21.
Colorado opened the scoring with a 20 yard touchdown run to cap an opening possession drive and take a 7-0 lead. Idaho would not answer until there was less than a minute left in the opening quarter as Dylan Thigpen broke off a 49 yard run to tie the score at 7.
The second quarter belonged to the Vandals, after Akim Mills hooked up with Tim Givens on a 40 yard touchdown strike, to give the Vandals their first lead, Colorado responded with a touchdown of their own to tie the game at 14 a piece.
The game turned late in the second quarter, as Idaho finished off a sustained drive with a Dylan Thigpen 5 yard touchdown run, and then on the next Colorado offensive possession, Vaughn Daggs grabbed one of his -three- interceptions on the day and took it back for a touchdown to suddenly put the Vandals in-front 28-14 at halftime.
Idaho got the ball to start the second half, and after a long run by Thigpen, Isiah Saunders romped into the end zone on a 1 yard carry to extend the lead to 35-14 and put the game away for the Vandals. Both teams added one more touchdown drive, before the final horn to provide the final score of 42-21.
Akim Mills completed 19 of 27 for 224 yards, 1 touchdown and 3 interceptions. Despite being picked off 3 times, none of the picks came at a crucial moment in the game, and in-fact all three were during a time & situation in which most coaches would want a quarterback to potentially "force" a throw to make a play.
Dylan Thigpen had a massive day, carrying the ball 29 times for 245 yards and 3 touchdowns.
Tight End, Tim Givens, a Junior from Dillon, Montana had a big day catching the ball, with 5 receptions for 93 yards and a touchdown. Kevin Barnett hauled in 7 catches for 76 yards.
Defensively, the Vandals picked off Steven Montez, four times, three times by Daggs and another by Sophomore cornerback, Jeremy Kent. Mike Linehan led the way in tackles, with 9 including 1 for a loss.
Coach Idaho Coach spoke with the media after the game.
"I don't think anybody thought we would see 7 turnovers in this game, or that we would still score 42 points, after throwing 3 interceptions, but it was a weird game, that we found a way to win.
Our best players were the best players today, and that is always a key. Dylan had a huge game, but really I thought it was our offensive line that was the start of the show, they were just blowing the Colorado guys off of the ball, all day, and made it easy for Dylan to find the holes.
Defensively, obviously, Vaughn Daggs with 3 picks, one going to the house was huge. Against a Senior QB like that, to shut him down, and take the ball away from him, 4 times is awesome for our defense.
Overall, that was a heck of a win on the road against a 4-0 team. I'm happy with my guys.
Now we get to come home to play in-front of our fans for homecoming, we are really excited. It will be a fun plane ride back to Moscow."
The Vandals host the Utah Utes on Saturday for homecoming. The game is sold-out but standing room only tickets will be available from the Vandals ticket office starting at 9am on Monday morning.
Final Score:
Vandals - 42
Buffaloes - 21
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wweallresultspage · 2 years
AEW Dark: Elevation Results - January 9, 2023
1. Brian Cage def. Schaff in 7:46
2. Matt Taven & Mike Bennett def. Gurv Sihra & Harv Sihra in 7:12
3. Brody King, Buddy Matthews, & Malakai Black def. Ari Daivari, Peter Avalon, & Ryan Nemeth in 5:46
4. Powerhouse Hobbs def. Vinny Pacifico in 2:40
5. Marina Shafir & Nyla Rose def. Amira & Danika Della Rouge in 2:52
6. Claudio Castagnoli def. Josh Woods in 7:06 to retain the ROH World Championship
7. Ethan Page, Isiah Kassidy, & Matt Hardy def. Cody Chhun, Guillermo Rosas, & Sonico in 5:20
8. Athena def. Viva Van in 2:00
9. Eddie Kingston & Ortiz def. Eddie Pearl & Ricky Gibson in 4:26
10. Bandido def. Christopher Daniels in 7:55
11. Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta def. Luther & Serpentico in 3:01
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hawkvalley · 2 years
Denver Broncos Regular Season Game 17
Hawk Valley Regular Season Week 18 January 8, 2023
Denver Broncos vs Chargers
Quick Review
The Broncos lost to the Chiefs, 27-24. It’s another moral victory for the Broncos. The changes made by the interim head coach Jerry Rosburg seemed to work out. It was nice to see players back on the field that had entered Hacket’s dog house. Russell appears to have given up on his dream of cooking and becoming a pocket passer.
A longer review
This game took place in Kansas City on New Years day at 11 AM MST.
On the first play of the game and it’s obvious interim head coach Jerry Rosburg has made changes. Back to return the kickoff is running back Marlon Mack #37. Hackett had picked Montrell Washington #12 for return duties. Mack returned the ball to the seventeen yard line. On the first play of the game by the offense, Latavius Murray #28 ran up the middle for four yards. On second down, Russell Wilson #3 pitched the ball back to Murray and he ran to the right for one yard. On third down, Russell threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. Corliss Waitman #17 punted on fourth down with 13:23 to go in the first quarter.
The Chiefs first drive of the day started from the 35 yard line. On first down, Isiah Pacheco #10 ran up the middle for a two yard gain. On second down, Patrick Mahomes #15 found Marquez Valdes-Scantling #11 on the right sideline for a six yard gain. On third down, Mahomes connected with Travis Kelce #87 near the first down marker on the left side for a four yard gain. On first down, Ronald Jones #2 ran up the middle for three yards. On second down, Mahomes completed a pass to himself for a six yard gain. On third down, Jerick McKinnon #1 was stuffed for no gain. On fourth and one, with 9:45 left, Mahomes found Kelce near the left side numbers for a ten yard gain. On first down, Mahomes connected with McKinnon over the left side for an eleven yard gain. On first down, the Chiefs ran a screen to the right and Skyy Moore #24 turned the play into an eighteen yard gain. On first and five, from the Denver five yard line, Pacheco ran up the middle and into the end zone for a Kansas City touchdown. The Chiefs point after touchdown play failed, the holder Tommy Townsend #5 turned the play into a two point conversion attempt that also failed.
This time around, Kendall Hinton #9 was back to return kickoffs. The second Bronco drive of the day started from the 25 yard line. On first down, Russell rolled to the right and found Courtland Sutton #14 on the right side for a gain of seven yards. On second down, Murray ran up the middle for four yards. On first down, Russell’s pass hit Billy Turner #57 in the helmet and fell to the ground, IN-COM-PLETE. On second down, Russell scrambled to the right for five yards. On third down, Russell threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass, but there was a flag on the play. Cameron Fleming #73 was flagged for holding. The Chiefs declined the penalty and Waitman punted on four down with 5:30 left in the quarter.
On first down from the nine yard line, Mahomes rolled to the right before dumping the ball off to Kelce for a three yard gain. On second down, Mahomes found Pacheco camping on the left sideline for a nine yard gain. With four minutes left, Mahomes connected with Kelce near the left side numbers for a six yard gain. On second down, Pacheco ran over the left side for three yard gain. On third and one, Mahomes connected with Kelce over the middle, but the refs changed their minds and ruled the pass was incomplete, without a challenge flag being thrown. On fourth and one, with 2:42 left in the quarter, Townsend punted.
Hinton was back on the field for punt return duty and he returned the ball from the 10 to the 21 yard line. On first down, Murray ran to the right for two yards. On second down, Russell hit Andrew Beck #83 on the left side, just short of the first down marker for a six yard gain. On third down, Jerry Jeudy #10 motioned from the left to the ride side and Russell hit him for a four yard gain. On first down, Murray ran up the middle for two yards. On second down, with 20 seconds left, Russell connected with Chase Edmonds #19 over the middle for an eleven yard gain. That play brought the first quarter to an end.
At 11:33 am MST, the first quarter in Kansas City ended. Chiefs 6, Denver 0.
When play resumed, the Broncos were on the 46 yard line. On first down, Edmonds ran to the right for five yards. On second down, Russell connected with Jeudy for a three yard gain over the right side. On third down, Murray ran up the middle for a one yard gain. On fourth and one, Russell called his own number and the quarterback sneak worked for a two yard gain. On third down, the Broncos ran the tight end screen and Beck gained four yards and then he fumbled the football. Beck was ruled down, no fumble. On second down, with 11:45 left in the half, Russell threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass, but there was a flag on the play. Jaylen Watson #35 was flagged for holding, automatic first down for Denver. On first down, Edmonds ran up the middle for four yards. On second down, Russell rolled to the right and threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On third down, Russell rolled to the right again and then threw another IN-COM-PLETE pass. With 10:51 left in the half, Brandon McManus #8 kicked a 49 yard field goal.
Kansas City started their first drive of the second quarter from the 25 yard line. On first down Pacheco ran up the middle for six yards. On second down, Mahomes found Moore on the right side for a nine yard gain. With 9:30 left until halftime, Mahomes connected with Kadarius Toney #19 over the right side for a thirty-eight yard gain. On first down, Mahomes shoveled the ball to Kelce for a twelve yard gain. Damarri Mathis #27 appeared to be injured on the play. On first and goal from the Denver 10 yard line, Mahomes threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On second down, Mahomes threw another IN-COM-PLETE pass. On third down, with 7:57 left in the half, the Broncos came with an all out blitz and Mahomes was picked by Justin Simmons #31.
The Broncos started their drive from the 20 yard line. On first down, Russell completed a pass to Jeudy for a three yard gain. On second down, Russell was sacked by Carlos Dunlap #8 and George Karlaftis #56 for a three yard loss. On third down, Russell connected with Sutton on the left hash for a gain of eighteen yards. On first down, Russell threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On second down, Edmonds ran to the left for a three yard gain. On third and six, Russell’s pass was tipped by Nick Bolton #32 and the ball fell to the ground. IN-COM-PLETE. On fourth down, Waitman punted, and the Kansas City punt returner Toney fumbled. Eric Saubert #82 recovered the ball for Denver at the Kansas City 16 yard line.
On first down, with 4:45 left in the half, Russell Wilson scrambled to the left for a Denver Broncos touchdown.
The Chiefs second drive of the quarter started at the 25 yard line. On first down, Mahomes connected with Toney over the right side for a gain of 27 yards. On first down, Pacheco ran to the right side for a one yard gain, but there was a flag on the play. Trey Smith #65 was flagged for holding. On first and twenty, the Chiefs ran a screen to the left side and Noah Gray #83 gained twelve yards. On second down, Mahomes connected with McKinnon for a 28 yard gain. With 2:20 left in the half, Mahomes pitched the ball to Toney running to the left for a three yard gain. That play brought us to the two minute warning.
When play resumed, Mahomes threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On third down, Mahomes threw another IN-COM-PLETE pass, but there was a flag on the play. Essang Bassey #34 was flagged for holding. On first and goal, from the ten yard line, the Chiefs ran a screen play to the left and McKinnon gained four yards. On second down, with 80 seconds left, the Broncos came at Mahomes with a full blitz, but he completed a pass to McKinnon for a six yard gain and a Kansas City touchdown.
Denver started their drive from the 25 yard line. The Chiefs blitzed from the right side and Russell hit Edmonds on the right side for a one yard gain. With 57 seconds left in the half, Russell threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On third down, Russell connected with Edmonds over the middle for a gain of 27 yards. Denver called a timeout. With 43 seconds left, Russell found Sutton on the left sideline for an eight yard gain. Denver called another timeout. With 36 seconds left, Russell hit Sutton over the right side for an eleven yard gain. With 19 seconds left, Russell was sacked for a twelve yard loss and he fumbled. The fumble was recovered by Karlaftis. The play was reviewed and the ruling upheld.
With 11 seconds left, from the Kansas City 40 yard line, Mahomes connected with Justin Watson #84 over the right side for a gain of 27 yards. With 5 seconds left in the half, Harrison Butker #7 attempted a 51 yard field goal, the attempt was blocked by Eyioma Uwazurike #96.
Halftime arrived at 12:30 pm MST and the Chiefs led the Broncos 13-10.
Kansas City started off the second half from the 25 yard line. On first down, Pacheco ran to the left for two yards. On second down, Mahomes threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On third down, threw another IN-COM-PLETE pass. On fourth down, Townsend punted.
Denver started their first of the second half from the 24 yard line. On first down, Russell rolled to the right and found Saubert near the right hash for a 24 yard gain. On first down, Edmonds swept to the right and he gained four yards, but there was a flag on the play. Saubert was flagged for holding. On the second first down, Russell completed a pass to Murray for no gain. On second and 16, Russell had all day to throw and he threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On third and 16, Russell dumped the ball off to Murray for a one yard gain. On fourth down, with 11:35 left, Waitman punted.
On first and second down, Mahomes completed two passes to the turf. IN-COM-PLETE. On third and 10, Mahomes scrambled to the right for four yards. On fourth down, Townsend punted.
On first down from the 35 yard line, Murray ran to the left for five yards. Dalton Risner #66 injured his elbow on the play. On second down, Murray ran up the middle for seven yards. On first down, Russell rolled to the right and completed a pass to Saubert for a two yard loss. On second down, Murray ran up the middle for nineteen yards. On first down, with 7:55 left, Murray ran to the right for five yards. On second down, Chris Jones #95 was flagged for a neutral zone infraction. On second and inches, Russell connected with Albert “the Big O” Okwuegbunam for 25 yards and a Denver Bronco touchdown.
On first down from the 25 yard line, Mahomes threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. There was a flag on the play, but the refs picked it up. With 6:30 left, Mahomes was almost picked by Josey Jewell #47. IN-COM-PLETE. On third down, Mahomes scrambled to the right for two yards. On fourth down, Townsend punted.
The Broncos started this drive from the 17 yard line. On first down, Murray lost one yard. On second down, Hinton took the handoff and ran to the right for no gain. On third and eleven, Russell connected with Sutton for a 44 yard gain over the right side, but there was a flag on the play. Sutton was flagged for offensive pass interference. On third and nineteen from the Denver 8 yard line, Edmonds ran up the middle for ten yards. On fourth down, with 3 minutes left in the quarter, Waitman punted.
Kansas City started this drive from the 35 yard line. On first down, Mahomes completed a pass to Moore in the left flat for a six yard gain. With 2:30 left, Pacheco ran to the right for six yards. On first down, Mahomes scrambled to the left for three yards. On second down, Mahomes found JuJu Smith-Schuster #9 near the first down marker on the right side for an eleven yard gain. On first down, Mahomes connected with Valdes-Scantling on the left sideline for a gain of twenty-two yards. That catch was outside the view of the camera covering the play. That play ended the third quarter.
After three quarters in Kansas City, Denver led the Chiefs, 17-13.
When play resumed in the fourth quarter, Mahomes connected with Blake Bell #81 over the middle for seventeen yards and a Kansas City touchdown.
Denver’s first drive of the fourth quarter started on the 25 yard line. On first down, Russell’s pass was intercepted by L’Jarius Sneed #38. Russell had to adjust this throw to avoid the defender in his face. You could actually see Russell extend his hand upward as he made the throw.
Kansas City took over at the Denver 17 yard line with 14:31 left in the fourth quarter. On first down, Mahomes tossed the ball to Pacheco over the left side for a nine yard gain. On second down, Pacheco ran up the middle for two yards. On first and goal. The Chiefs tried a wide receiver screen to the right and Mahomes hit Toney for a gain of three yards over the right side. On second down, Mahomes connected with McKinnon for three yards over the left side and a Kansas City touchdown.
Denver started this drive from the 25 yard line with 12:40 left in the game. On first down, Murray ran up the middle for eleven yards. On first down, Russell threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On second down, Russell dumped the ball off to “the Big O” for a four yard gain. On third down, Russell threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass, but there was a flag on the play. Joshua Williams #23 was flagged for pass interference. On first down, completed a pass to Jeudy on the right side for a ten yard gain. On first down, Murray ran to the right for a three yard gain. On second down, Russell was sacked by Khalen Saunders #99 for an eight yard loss. On third and fifteen, Russell had all day to throw and he decided to dump the ball off to Murray in the right flat for a gain of eight yards. On fourth and seven with 8:10 left in the game, Russell was almost sacked and then he threw an interception. Russell’s pass was intercepted by Bolton, but there was a flag on the play. Williams was flagged for illegal use of hands to the face. On first down, from the Kansas City 33, Russell found Jeudy in the right flat for a seven yard gain. On second down, Russell connected with Saubert near the left side numbers for an eight yard gain. On first down, Russell threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On second down, Russell connected with “the Big O” for a sixteen yard gain over the right side. On first and goal with 6:20 left in the game, Russell scrambled to the right for four yards and a Denver Bronco touchdown.
Kansas City started this drive from the 25 yard line with 6:14 on the clock. On first down, McKinnon ran to the left for four yards. On second and six, Mahomes completed a pass to Smith-Schuster near the first down marker on the right side for a ten yard gain. With 5 minutes left in the game, Mahomes dumped the ball to Kelce for a two yard gain over the right side. On second down, Mahomes threw an IN-COM-PLETE pass. On third down, Mahomes threw another IN-COM-PLETE pass. On fourth and eight, with 4:03 left, Townsend punted.
On first down, from the 26 yard line, Russell connected with Jeudy for an eleven yard gain over the left side. On first down, Edmonds ran up the middle or five yards on an inside handoff. On second and five, with 2:30 left, Russell dumped the ball off to Jeudy for no gain. That play took us down to the two minute warning.
When play resumed, on third and five, Edmonds ran to the right for three yards. On fourth and two with 80 seconds left in the game, Russell was sacked by Jones for a nine yard loss. Russell threw up a prayer before he was sacked that Murray caught but he fumbled and Kansas City picked up the ball and ran into the end zone for a Kansas City touchdown, BUT Russell was ruled down.
Kansas City took over with 76 seconds left in the game, entered victory formation and successfully ran out the clock.
The game ended at 2:06 PM. The final score: Kansas City 27, Denver 24.
Roster moves
Bronco players that that are out: LT Calvin Anderson #76, WR Kendall Hinton #9, NT D.J. Jones. #97
The Broncos that are questionable: RCB Darmarri Mathis #27, TE Eric Saubert #82, TE Eric Tomlinson #87, RT Billy Turner #57, SLB Jonathan Kongbo #90.
The Broncos have signed CB Ja'Quan McMillian #35 and OL Will Sherman #78 to the active roster.
The Broncos have signed OL Hunter Thedford #68 and OL George Moore #71 to the practice squad.
The Broncos have placed LG Dalton Risner #66 and RB Marlon Mack #37 on injured reserve.
Will the Broncos end the season 0-6 in the AFC west? The Chargers are in the playoffs so they might rest players. The Broncos lost to the Chargers by a field goal the last time they played, but the offense is playing “better” now. Maybe the Broncos will end the season with a win.
Game Time
Sunday, January 8 @ 2:25 PM MST
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dan6085 · 5 months
Top 20 of the most iconic NBA games in history, each with its own memorable details:
1. **1970 NBA Finals Game 7 - Knicks vs. Lakers**: Willis Reed's dramatic return from injury inspires the Knicks to win their first championship.
2. **1980 NBA Finals Game 6 - Lakers vs. 76ers**: Magic Johnson's rookie season culminates in a Finals MVP performance playing all positions, including center.
3. **1984 NBA Finals Game 4 - Celtics vs. Lakers**: Larry Bird and Magic Johnson's rivalry ignites as the Celtics win in overtime.
4. **1986 NBA Playoffs Game 5 - Celtics vs. Hawks**: Dominique Wilkins and Larry Bird engage in a duel, scoring 47 and 34 points respectively.
5. **1987 NBA Finals Game 4 - Lakers vs. Celtics**: Magic Johnson's "junior skyhook" secures a critical win for the Lakers.
6. **1988 NBA Finals Game 6 - Lakers vs. Pistons**: Isiah Thomas scores 25 points in one quarter despite a severe ankle injury.
7. **1989 NBA Playoffs First Round Game 5 - Bulls vs. Cavaliers**: Michael Jordan's "The Shot" over Craig Ehlo sends the Bulls to the next round.
8. **1993 NBA Finals Game 4 - Bulls vs. Suns**: John Paxson's three-pointer seals the Bulls' third consecutive championship.
9. **1994 NBA Finals Game 7 - Rockets vs. Knicks**: Hakeem Olajuwon leads the Rockets to their first title in a thrilling Game 7.
10. **1995 NBA Playoffs First Round Game 1 - Magic vs. Bulls**: Michael Jordan's double-nickel (55 points) in his first playoff game since returning.
11. **1998 NBA Finals Game 6 - Bulls vs. Jazz**: Michael Jordan's iconic "Last Shot" secures his sixth championship and ends the Bulls' dynasty.
12. **2000 NBA Finals Game 7 - Lakers vs. Trail Blazers**: The Lakers come back from a 15-point deficit to win the championship.
13. **2001 NBA Finals Game 1 - 76ers vs. Lakers**: Allen Iverson's 48-point performance leads the 76ers to an upset win in overtime.
14. **2004 NBA Finals Game 5 - Pistons vs. Lakers**: The Pistons stun the Lakers to win the championship in a dominant upset.
15. **2006 NBA Finals Game 3 - Heat vs. Mavericks**: Dwyane Wade's 42 points and late-game heroics lead the Heat to a crucial victory.
16. **2007 NBA Playoffs First Round Game 1 - Warriors vs. Mavericks**: The eighth-seeded Warriors upset the top-seeded Mavericks in a thrilling game.
17. **2013 NBA Finals Game 6 - Heat vs. Spurs**: Ray Allen's clutch three-pointer forces overtime, leading to a Heat victory and eventual championship.
18. **2016 NBA Finals Game 7 - Cavaliers vs. Warriors**: The Cavaliers overcome a 3-1 deficit to win their first NBA title in a historic Game 7.
19. **2018 NBA Playoffs First Round Game 2 - Celtics vs. Bucks**: Terry Rozier's clutch performance and buzzer-beater lift the Celtics to victory.
20. **2020 NBA Finals Game 6 - Lakers vs. Heat**: LeBron James leads the Lakers to a championship victory in the NBA bubble.
These games represent moments of greatness, resilience, and historical significance in the NBA's rich tapestry of basketball excellence.
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sounmashnews · 2 years
[ad_1] ARLINGTON, Texas — While Aaron Judge is down to a few extra video games to attempt to get his 62nd dwelling run for the Yankees, Luis Severino was practically excellent in a promising closing begin earlier than the playoffs. Severino confronted the minimal 21 batters with one stroll whereas pitching seven no-hit innings, in solely his third begin since lacking two months with a strained proper lat, earlier than the Texas Rangers broke via towards New York's bullpen within the Yankees' 3-1 win on Monday evening.Judge has gone and not using a homer in 4 video games, and his just one within the final 12 was No. 61 on Wednesday in Toronto that tied Roger Maris' American League file. He went 1 for 4 with an infield single towards Texas, and is 2 for 12 with 5 walks and successful by pitch since that final lengthy ball.The Yankees and Rangers play a day-night doubleheader Tuesday earlier than closing the common season Wednesday.Manager Aaron Boone stated after the sport that he hadn't spoken but with Judge about whether or not he would play each video games Tuesday."I'm going to kind of get with him, figure out what we want to do," Boone stated. Boone had a one-sided dialog with Severino (7-3). The supervisor wasn't going to push him.Severino needed to return out and stated he was "1,000%" constructive he may have completed the no-hitter. But he understood why Boone did not give in."I think it was a good decision," Severino stated. "I don't want to go out there and hurt myself and not be good for the postseason. We're looking for the bigger picture."Severino threw 63 of 94 pitches for strikes for the AL East champions. "It's still just a decision that just sucks to happen because he was very efficient," Boone stated. "To have to be the one that shuts that down is not fun, but one you've got to do."Judge has an opportunity to turn into the primary AL Triple Crown winner since Detroit's Miguel Cabrera in 2012. He leads the AL with 130 RBIs trails Minnesota's Luis Arraez .315 to 311 within the batting race.With many within the crowd of 35,906 carrying Yankees jerseys and chanting "M-V-P!, M-V-P!" when Judge batted, his hit got here on a checked-swing main off the sixth when he was jammed, together with a groundout, a strikeout and a liner right into a double play."We did a nice job of keeping him at bay," Rangers interim supervisor Tony Beasley stated. "He didn't hurt us at all. I thought overall we threw the ball well."Severino, hoping for a postseason rotation spot, struck out seven and averaged 97.9 mph for 47 fastballs, reaching a high velocity of 100.3 mph. He threw 17 changeups, 16 sliders, 11 sinkers and three cutters."I was feeling good from the beginning," Severino stated. "The fastball was electric today, it was spot-on."Texas' solely runner off him was Josh Smith, who walked within the third and was instantly erased when No. 9 batter Bubba Thompson grounded into an inning-ending double play. "Pretty certain he would have got that no-hitter ... the fastball had, like, crazy life today," stated catcher Kyle Higashioka, drawing comparisons to Corey Kluber's no-hitter he caught at Texas in 2021, about six weeks after San Diego's Joe Musgrove additionally no-hit the Rangers there.Castro, in his first look since July 10 after recovering from a strained shoulder, struck out Adolis Garcia to open the eighth. Rookie third baseman Josh Jung, who's hitting simply .195, lined a single over shortstop Isiah Kiner-Falefa. Jonah Heim adopted with one other strong single earlier than Kole Calhoun's RBI groundout.Marwin Gonzalez and Giancarlo Stanton homered within the eighth off just-in reliever Jonathan Hernández. Stanton hit a 457-foot drive and reached 30 homers for the seventh time. Judge struck out between these lengthy balls.Scott Effross labored the ninth for his his third save with the Yankees.Martín Pérez (12-8) allowed just one run over six innings whereas surrender 5 hits and strolling 5.
The Rangers turned 5 of their membership record-tying six double performs behind the All-Star left-hander.ONLY SECOND TIMEThe roof was open at Globe Life Field, the place New York had performed solely as soon as earlier than — a four-game sequence final 12 months when Judge had 14 at-bats and a stroll with out going deep. But the slugger did hit the ultimate homer within the Rangers' former stadium throughout the road when the Yankees had been the opponent for the final sport performed there in 2019. OPENING SIX MONTHS LATERThe opener of the four-game sequence was the 159th sport of the season for each groups. It was initially supposed be the season opener six months in the past earlier than MLB's 99-day offseason lockout delayed spring coaching and postponed the primary week of the common season.TRAINER'S ROOMYankees: 2B Gleyber Torres was a late scratch from the beginning lineup due to flu-like signs. ... Boone stated he had no replace on reliever Ron Marinaccio, who exited Sunday after 12 pitches due to a sore proper shin. Marinaccio did have an MRI. ... Reliver Clay Holmes (rotator cuff irritation) is scheduled to start out throwing Tuesday to construct up for the playoffs. ... DJ LeMahieu went 1 for 3 in his third sport in 4 days since lacking three weeks due to an infected proper second toe.Rangers: Rookie LHP Cole Ragans (0-3 in his first 9 large league begins this season) was positioned on the injured checklist with a left calf pressure.UP NEXTRHP Jameson Taillon (14-5, 3.83 ERA) is about to pitch the opener for the Yankees, with RHP Gerrit Cole (13-7, 3.51) within the nightcap. Texas will go together with RHP Jon Gray (7-7, 3.93) for the day sport, and a bullpen sport for Game 2. [ad_2] Source link
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graceandpeacejoanne · 2 years
Isaiah 9: The Wrath of God
Isaiah must have been gazing with such joy into the glory of that far away day of promise, and then lowered his eyes to the reality of what was going down around him. #FinalJudgment #WrathofGod #JudgmentDay
Isaiah must have been gazing with such joy into the glory of that far away day of promise, and then lowered his eyes to the reality of what was going down around him. The near-term prophesy of God’s wrath still had to be addressed. Because of the people’s refusal to repent, God’s hand was stretched out in judgment. God’s Judgment on Arrogance The people in Samaria refused to see the fall of…
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