pheonix-sassafras · 4 years
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Mood board inspired by Isieri
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pheonix-sassafras · 4 years
Subject: Isieri  Memory: Error
Memory Source: Fragmented
Number of Fragments: 12
Examine all fragments: Successful
"Young Isieri, I wanted to introduce myself. I am Master Aleron Terrkell, I've heard many things about you." The young girl glanced up to the Jedi master, shy at first. He smiles softly at her as if to reassure her. She smiled back. 
"It's a pleasure to meet you Master Terrkell. How can I help you?" "I was wondering if you'd like to sit down with me, perhaps even show me a few things you've learned, I've heard you are in the top of your classes." "If you would like, I have plenty of time." He guided her off to a smaller training room. He sat down by the wall on the floor, motioning her to join him. She was puzzled but did. "Do you like it here in the order?" "They teach me much of that I need to learn." "But do you like it here?" "Sometimes. It's been quite difficult of late if I'm being honest." "Always be honest with me, young one. There is no danger talking with me. Why has it been difficult?" "Of course Master Terrkell. They think I will lose my way. I don't meet their expectations." He nods and pauses to think. "Do you have many friends? Are you close with any of your teachers?" She shakes her head. "No, not many. I'm close with a few of the others, but most of them think I'm weird because I'm different." "Why are you different?" He asks, looking a bit concerned. "My lightsaber is purple instead of blue or green. Everyone else's is blue or green." Terrkell smiles softly at the child. "Maybe that makes you special. Although I know how cruel children can be at times. I hear you are quite gifted for your age. Tell me, how would you like to become my padawan?" Isieri blinks surprised and looks to him. "Really?" "Well of course. It might not be easy, or fun all the time, but I think with some time and getting to know one another, we will make a great team while you learn. What do you say?" "I'd love to." She smiles, excitedly hugging him before freezing and glancing up to him. He laughs softly and hugs her a moment before carefully standing. "Come along then, we should make sure it is official."
As they exited the room and went to find whoever he was looking for, they were stopped by a man. "Master Terrkell, I see you have found your padawan." "Yes, we were just going to make my request." "But didn't they say-" "I am aware what they said. I said what I said." "This child must be set on the right course. You were picked from those looking for padawan's for a reason Terrkell. She is too unpredictable, to filled with anger." Terrkell clenched his jaw seeing the young girl look down, shoulders slumped. "She is but a child. If children weren't prone to straying and wandering, we wouldn't need to train them. Training a padawan is there for a reason. As I see it, she passed the trails to become a padawan. That is the end of the discussion." "You know what your orders are Terrkell, be careful you do not become too personally invested." "I appreciate the warning. If you excuse me, I have business to attend to." Terrkell gently rested his hand on her shoulder and guided her past them.
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"Master Terrkell?" "Yes, young Padawan?" "Were you assigned to me as he had said?" There was a heavy sigh before his response came. "Yes. But I wanted to give you the option, if a Master and a Padawan don't get along well, the teaching and learning will suffer." "So you knew, what they think of me?" There was another long sigh. "Yes. But oftentimes, they forget what it is like to be a child learning. They forget that Jedi aren't clones, and they don't always behave how you want. Not to say they are wrong or misguided, but sometimes they forget that differences aren't always bad." "So you think they are wrong?" "I think you will be a great Jedi someday." Isieri opens one eye to peek at him sitting across from her, eyes closed. "I am only trying to center myself through meditation, as you are supposed to be. And last I tried, it works best with your eyes closed, and when you aren't asking questions." She closed her eye, "Sorry Master." She wondered how he knew she had peeked. Had her eyes been open, she'd see the smirk and silent chuckle come from the older man.
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“Master, I’m sorry I just don’t understand why you can’t answer my question?” Terrkell stood to walk away from her, his emotion uncharacteristically high. She stood and followed him. “Master please, I just want-” “I will not teach you about the dark side. Not beyond what I have told you. You don’t need to know any more than that. Now, return to your meditations. It is essential for you to be able to connect to the force.” “Master, I just want to understand. I did not mean to upset you.” Her tone and gaze fell. He sighs, turning back to her and resting his hand on her shoulder. “I know. You are young and curious. But your curiosity could land you into more trouble than you can handle right now. The Dark side draws people into it, twisting their minds to its whims. If you start trying to understand and learn about it while you still are learning, you are at more risk. Trust me Isieri, I don’t keep things from you just to keep them from you. What you are asking is dangerous, and it’s my job to keep you safe until you can keep yourself safe.” His voice was stern, calm, and lacking the emotion she could see in his eyes. She nodded and he walked away, leaving her to continue as he said.
Next Fragment Processing...
“Good, now watch that foot.” Terrkell watches as she adjusts her stance. “Better. Now remember, mimic me step by step, this sequence can be a bit complicated but I think you will enjoy this one.” They move through the sequence slowly at first, then again a bit faster, repeating until Isieri missed a part. Terrkell stopped, smiling. “That was good! You nearly had it, a few more tries and I bet you have it down.” “Yea, but I messed up.” “Everyone does. Come on, let’s try it again. I’ll bet that you can’t get this time.” He said with a smirk. She looks to him and smiles, scoffing and shaking her head. “You’re on old man”
Next Fragment Processing...
“Focus Isieri.” Terrkell’s voice speaks firmly, watching her move through technique drills. “I am. It’s hard to block invisible blasts.” She snaps, pausing. Terrkell sighs. “Well, I’m not exactly about to shoot at you when you can barely stay on your feet through a stationary form drill.” He speaks simply. “I’m standing just fine,” Isieri argues. Terrkell moves over to her and he pushes lightly on her shoulder, causing her to lean over slightly until she had to take a step to keep from falling over. “Standing just fine until the wind blows.” He teases. “How else should I stand then?” She askes with a frustrated huff. “Try again, same stance, just a bit wider. You can’t fight with no balance.” He comments stepping back to supervise her drills. She sets her stance and runs through the drill again. She paused adjusted her stance again and continued again. “Pause,” Terrkell instructed, Isieri nearly immediately following as instructed. he approached her once again, gently pushing on her shoulder. She leaned slightly but didn’t lose her balance. He stepped back with a nod. “Good, go on, continue.” Isieri held back a grin and continued the drill.
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Isieri’s saber crackled as it crossed with Terrkell’s. She pushed back against his blade, feeling him give into her and allow it. She disengaged, stepping to the side as she arched her saber down towards his leg. He easily blocked it, stepping away from her, holding his hand up, pausing the fight. “Why did you push into the block just to disengage?” “Why did you allow it?” “Isieri, if you are on the defensive, why telegraph your change to offense by pushing into a block? Why not just disengage and switch into offensive?” “You’re the Jedi Master, you tell me?” “Isieri, I know the answer. I don’t ask you because I don’t know, I ask because you need to know. You can develop your own fighting style if you with, but to break rules you first must know them.” She sighs before taking up a stance again. “Alright. Let’s try this again, don’t go easy on me this time.” “My goal is to train you, not beat you. I offer you enough, not more.” He says taking up a stance and immediately deflecting a sloppy blow. The look he gave her drew a smirk from her as she went after him again, once again easily blocked.
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“Isieri, we have a mission to go to. Devaron. They want us to go see what is going on there. We leave in the morning.” Terrkell mentioned. Isieri glanced up from the information she was studying. “What? But you aren’t combative? You don’t believe we should be in this war, why send you?” “I am the one they believe will be able to take out what is left. There is a temple on the Planet, they want to recapture it if possible. There is knowledge there that can be used.” “But you don’t want to go.” “The Council asked me to go, and I will not say no to them.” He gave her a knowing look and she nodded before returning to her study.
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She sat in a seat beside Terrkell. Normally he would pilot, but considering the mission and the nervousness of his padawan, he declined. He sat beside her as the ship took off, his arm around her shoulders, comforting her. She leaned into his embrace, closing her eyes as she calmed from the reassurance. The moment of comfort was short, but when she sat up the calmness stayed with her.
Next Fragment Processing...
“Ri? Ri!” Terrkell calls concern in his voice, looking across the mess of the trees the had just collapsed from a blast.  He looked around, ignoring the approaching droids. “Isieri!” She coughs, moving away from the mess of branches. Terrkell spots her and runs over to her, scooping her up into his arms. “You’re alright.” He breathed. “We aren’t going to be if we don’t hurry.” Isieri’s words squeaked out from the dust and force of Terrkell’s hug. He lets go of her, glancing back to the droids that approach them. “Perhaps it’s time we fall back and refigure our battle plans.” He muttered before leading her away.
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“So, Master Terrkell. What's this I hear about you losing a sparring match against Crim?" Isieri prodded. Terrkell scoffed and looked to the Clone Captain. "I thought we had a deal?" "What can I say, she is a persistent little one." Crim shrugs. "So it is true? You lost against him!" She laughed. "You're never living this down!" Terrkell grabbed at his chest, joking at being hurt. "Oh no, what will I ever do, my padawan has realized I don't always win." "You sure you're not getting to old master? Maybe you should see about finding a place to settle." Isieri teased. Terrkell raised his brows at her comment and without hesitation, she ducked behind Crim as her master ran after her. Running between the clones, the two Jedi raced after each other, laughter coming from all involved.
Next Fragment Processing...
"Master!" Isieri's voice drew his attention as she ran towards him, he looked to the advancing forces and looked back to her. "They haven't seen you. Go. Hide and when they leave, call the council using the transmitter on the ship." He called to her. She stopped a moment, blinking in disbelief. "Master, no. You'll die, we can make it to the ship and go." "Isieri we don't have time for this! I will buy you time but they must know what happened. Go!" She looked up to see the forces moving towards him. She makes her decision and begins running towards him again. He looks to the forces and waves his hand, sending them back before doing the same to Isieri, a strong force sending her body backward behind the cover of a fallen fighter. She slid in between the wreckage, her head jarring against the metal. Her head spun from the disorientation as she scrambled to her knees, looking for her master, expecting the clones to be standing around him. Instead, she saw his body laying on the ground, the clones nowhere in sight. Her heart stopped a moment, her head scrambling with only one answer for the lost time. Without looking around she crept out to where her fallen master lay. She knelt beside him for a few moments, her head bowed in respect and grief. A few tears fell from her cheeks, rage building in her chest, but his voice echoed in her mind. "Isieri, do not let your emotions control you. Focus on your mission." She collected her thoughts and buried her emotions knowing she must get to the ship and find a way to contact the council. She looked around for his saber, figuring she would show it to the council as proof of her master's fate, but could not find it. Realization the clones must have taken it as proof of the same did little but flare up her rage. She stood, and began the slow and careful journey to the ship. It seemed that this planet was crawling with clones or droids, neither of which she knew if she could trust. Before she even made it to the ship, heart sunk. The charred remains said where the ship she was supposed to use to call the council sat before this. Still, she went to the wreckage, searching for anything that could help her, but finding nothing. The sun was setting, the darkness only fueling the panic that had begun to set in. Knowing that they would be looking for anyone who looked Jedi, she left to find a hiding place until the council sent more Jedi to squash the uprising that happened here.
Next Fragment Processing...
The nightmares didn't start until days after Master Terrkell had passed. After a few days, she had given up on more help coming. She needed something to do. She had spent time meditating, at first trying to clear her head of emotions. She wanted to do as he always had said and not let her emotions consume her. To keep a clear head and think clearly about the situation at hand, but every time she thought of the situation, the more she wanted to go out and find the people who killed him. She wanted to see them defeated in the same way he was. Jedi are not supposed to wish death upon another, but every time she closed her eyes she saw him lying in the dirt. Anger and hatred welled up into her mind, pain and fear at the loss of her mentor, grief at the death of someone she cared for deeply. That day when she opened her eyes she realized she wasn't on the Jedi path. She had broken many rules, and bitterly she had to admit they were right. Attachments breed emotions that lead far from those that Jedi are supposed to hold. But how could someone who has been through what she has let go of the things that drive her forward? She remembers what one teacher had told her, when faced with a bully what do you do? Talk with them and teach them how their actions hurt others or beat them into defeat, humiliate them into stopping. Is that not what she faced right now, a bully who had taken something she held dear?  She realizes with a sudden shock her answer. The teacher had said Jedi should always choose the first one. But here she was wanting victory over the bully for what they had taken. Victory. Vengeance. Things Jedi didn't want, yet she wanted and she didn't want to not want them. For years she had used emotion to center her while she used the force, emotions they said she shouldn't. She struggled to concentrate at times without emotion, so she never stopped. The truth weighed down on her mind until she couldn't ignore it anymore. She wasn't on the right path, she had strayed. The problem was she didn't want to go back to the correct path, nor did she want to run off into the chaos of the Darkside. She wanted to walk along the path, guided but true to what she felt. You can't fight for your life without hoping for victory, but nor should you relish others defeat so much so you look for it. She'd find a way to balance it, avoid falling to the ways of the Darkside without becoming unable to be who she was. The nightmares started that night, a visual emotional tug of war between the two sides of her that wanted control. At first it was nightmares of her losing control to one side or the other, murdering people for no reason one night, to failing to act because it wouldn't follow the code of the other the next. It was to the point some nights she would run herself through technique drills till she was tired enough to be able to fall asleep hoping the nightmares wouldn't come. She set her own code over a few weeks, after a spat with a patrol and an attempt at getting supplies. She wouldn't hesitate to defeat an enemy, but she wouldn't kill an unarmed or defeated person. She wouldn't cause unnecessary harm or suffering. She sought knowledge to do what she wanted, the power to do as she must, the strength to do the right thing, the structure to walk in harmony but the freedom to walk through the chaos. It was a simple code for now, but it was her code, and she could add to it when she felt she needed to. The understanding of her code helped easy the nightmares, helped focus her training, and helped keep her sane. They still appeared with vengeance on days in which she fought, days that she tried to use the force in a new way. Some days she felt she couldn't keep away from the simplicity of the dark side, but others she felt challenged enough to focus on the light side. She began to find a rhythm in the pulling of the sides, and in doing so felt more connected to the force than she had in years. But the dreams increased in frequency, a constant reminder she was fighting with herself even when she was at peace with herself. At least, she believed she was at peace until that large ship came down and she set off to go take on another patrol.
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pheonix-sassafras · 4 years
Subject Interview: Isieri Vanekry
Quotes: “You feel important? Trying to scare a kid? I’m not scared.”
“That Order took everything I had left. I will avenge my Master, and I will survive.”
“The Jedi, at least what is left of them, left me here, with nothing but enemies surrounding me. What kind of loyalty is that?”
“I’ve been called worse things by my peers and those I looked up to. You’re going to have to try harder than that if you want to get under my skin.”
Introduction: “My name is Padawan Isieri Vanekry.”
Name: “Isieri Vanekry”
Nickname: “My Master sometimes called Eri or Ri when we were light hearted or when he praised me.”
Preferred name: “Isieri, unless I know you well enough.”
Age: “14, maybe 15 by now”
Gender: “Female”
Race: “Human”
Sexuality: “I can’t answer that.”
Powers: “I was being trained as a Jedi. Powers? Skills. There is a difference.”
Weapons: “I wield a purple lightsaber. Yes, purple. Yes, I know what they symbolizes, why do you think I’m here?”
Personality: “I have been called reckless, prideful, and arrogant. I have been stubborn from the time I was born till now. I don’t stop, and I don’t give up. My goals drive me, often copolited by my emotions. I said I was being trained, not that I had finished training, not everyone fits well into the mold.”
Beliefs: “I don’t have a good answer anymore. I follow my code, it dictates what I can and can’t do. No, I said my code, not one someone else made for me to follow.”
Voice: “As you can hear, I have a middle ranged voice.”
Abilities/ skills: “I am a force user. It’s a skill. I also am working on improving my sparring, and saber skill.”
Inabilities: “I tend to, lose control of my emotions easily. I don’t follow orders well. There is more, but is it wise to list them all?”
Love to be done: “I love to be accepted, encouraged and assured I am doing well or the right thing. Yes, it’s simple, but growing up as one who others like you historically fall to the dark side in one way or another tends to lend people to be critical of you no?”
Likes: “I love storms, thunderstorms. The power and energy is enchanting.”
Dislikes: “Currently? Whoever sent that order. People who are willing to betray others for their own gain. Corruption, undue harm, what? I still follow Jedi beliefs, even if I don’t agree with everything, I’m not not Sith.”
Treasures most: “I don’t have many treasured items, hard to when you travel around alot. I treasure memories of happiness and peace, of safety. They are hard to find of late.”
Weakness: “Unlike the Jedi, I have strong emotions. I haven’t learned to detach and I don’t think I ever will.”
Strength: “I won’t stop until my mission is done. I am really good at finding and exploiting weaknesses. Pushing buttons, if you wanna call it that.”
Completely break: “Tsk you don’t believe I’d make it that easy?”
Faults: “I’m loyal to a fault. Persistent to a fault. Some say arrogant is my biggest fault.”
Things never to be done: “I won’t answer this question.”
Biggest secret: “Wouldn’t be a secret than would it?”
Shows affection: “I will do anything for the person I care about. I will protect them with my life.”
Home: “I can’t say if I have one anymore”
Bio:  “I was raised in the Jedi Temple, studying and learning as all do. From the time my lightsaber was created, my teachers warned me to be aware of myself. Growing up, I’ve had a hard time fitting into the mold that Jedi fit into. I’ve always worked hard, and when I was made a Padawan it felt well earned to me. But, they said I needed a Master who could correct my path. Master Aleron Terrkell was the Master they chose for me. He was a strict but kind man. He told me the first step to getting better is to accept myself, and just never stop trying to improve. He encouraged me to use my emotion in my fighting, to learn to master a different style than he used, but that was gaining some ground. He never was worried for me until I began asking about why we don’t learn more about the dark side of the force. He became very stern in his teaching for some time after that, warning me of my moral compass and to be sure it was pointing me in the right direction, and kept stating he would try to ensure that I didn't fall victim to the same calling others historically did. When the order came through, we had been sent to a planet a ways off so we didn’t what was happening. We managed to avoid the first attack, but he didn’t think we both would make it to the ship. He told me to make sure I got to the ship and transmitted to the Jedi what he thought was some uprising at first. Although, we both knew better, and he told me he would buy me some time to get there and get away. I refused, but he forced me away from the battle. He was killed, the ship was destroyed before I could get to it so they knew I was trapped on the planet. I hid and waited for help to arrive, but they never came. I didn’t learn about the order until later, overhearing a patrol talking about it, and how some had gotten away and formed some kind of resistance. But still, they never came to look for any Jedi that survived. I don’t really blame them, with my Master dead, who would have thought his Padawan survived. I’ve tried to self train ever since, taking on small patrols and disrupting supply transports when I could. I’ve just been waiting for the chance to sneak off this damned planet.”

Hair color: “I have a light brown blondish hair color.”
Hair Style: “I keep it tied off to one side with some bands.”
Hair Type: “Straight.”
Eye color: “Light blue”
Skin color: “Tan”
Body Type: “I’ve often been referred to as ‘tiny’”
Height: “5’2”
Weight: “100lbs”
Tattoos: “None”
Scars: “Who doesn’t have some?”
Outfit: “I wear the robes that many do. I have grey robes, with a reddish maroon color tunic, brown pants, and blakc belt and boots. “
Dad: “I do not remember much of him, not even a name.”
Mom: “I know she was someone of relative importance on my home planet, but I do not remember.”
Brother: “None to my knowledge.”
Sister: “None to my knowledge.”
Lover: “No.”
Kids: “No.”
Mentor: “Master Aleron Terrkell”oc
Apprentice: “No, I am the apprentice.”
Friend(s): “None that live to my knowledge.”
Group: “Technically, my loyalty still lies with the Jedi.”
Enemies: ”Those greatly outnumber the amount of patience I have to list them at the moment.”
(Still work in progress/ undergoing development)
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pheonix-sassafras · 4 years
It had been months sense her Master had died, with no reinforcements arriving she was left to train by herself. After a few weeks of self training at night, she found a small patrol of clones to test her skill. This continued for months, with her targeting supply carriers, clone and droid patrols, staying hidden during the day, training at night as she could. One day, a much larger ship came to land, and she dared hope it was enforcements. Still, she had some antics to begin, and she crept away from the view point. She crept towards a slightly larger patrol, not much more the a couple more than she was used to. She smirked, creeping out behind them, cutting the back two down before the rest of the patrol realized her presence. The next few took a bit more of time then she thought. Then she saw something familiar on the belt of one of the other Clones. Her masters saber. Rage filled her, and she shoved one clone away and into something, allowing her to take on the one with her Master's saber.
"You killed my Master. He trust all of you, and you killed him. That saber doesn't belong to you." She growled, taking her stance. Before either one was able to do anything, she realized suddenly a presence near, near enough to have seen her, heard her, to know she was a padawan. In her hesitation, the clones took the opportunity to seize her, hesitating to kill her only due to the woman that now stood in front of them. Isieri's mind told her this woman was dangerous, and she should be scared, but her mind was curious, as this woman immited more of a dark force presence then she had felt before.
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