#isms tag tbd.
bldmnrises · 10 months
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so what if hylia (but my version)
looks at @redempti 👁
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getitdcne · 2 years
((Lara, her daddy issues and me, just trying to concentrate on paperwork.
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cntrldvil-moved · 2 years
mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sor
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pascalispunkhq-saved · 10 months
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twdfcrged · 2 months
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Multi-muse blog for various characters from The Walking Dead franchise; activity varies wildly. Watched: S1-7/8 of TWD, S1 of FTWD. Working on watching the others but plots will mainly take place in the first five seasons until I get caught up. Written by Penny. 18+ required 21+ preferred.
Characters (S1-5 based): Negan, Rick, Daryl and Maggie, others tbd. Feel free to suggest characters via INBOX. I write canon and non canon ships & as of now all characters here are to be considered bisexual.
VIOLENT, DARK & POTENTIALLY TRIGGERING MATERIAL WILL BE PRESENT on this blog due to the nature of the verse and content that is part and parcel with TWD. I will not water down the muses or content but I am happy to tag anything you (politely) lmk you would like tagged.
Personals DNI.
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dancngthroughlife · 2 years
Kelly Aldrich
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Look who just woke up- is that KRISTINE FROSETH? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s KELLY ALDRICH from THE SOCIETY. I heard she is 24 and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, they still give off a/an LEARNING HOW TO BECOME A DOCTOR, SOFT SPOKEN BUT FIERCELY PROTECTIVE OF FRIENDS, HELPING OUT WHEREVER SHE CAN impression. They’re known to be quite INTELLIGENT, but have a tendency to be SHALLOW on their bad days.
“You should probably get some better friends.”
General :
* Full Name : Kelly Aldrich
* Notable Aliases : Kel
* Pronouns : she/her
* Age : 24 years old
* Birthplace :  Connecticut
* Current Residence :  Darling Point
* Notable Abilities : Medical things
* Occupation : Med student, hospital volunteer
Personality :
* + Positive Traits : Intelligent, thoughtful
* - Negative Traits : shallow, soft spoken
* Likes : helping others, volunteer work, spending time with friends
* Dislikes : assholes, being controlled
* Song to Describe : Uptown Girl by Billy Joel
* Myers-Briggs : INFP
* Enneagram : 9w1
Background : TBD
Wanted Connections :
Tags for character :
(    I.    )     ISMS.    / I’M NOT THE SAME PERSON I WAS OKAY? ;  (    II.    )     VIS.     / HAPPY THANKSGIVING MAMA.  ; (    III.    )     RPS.    /  YOU TEXTED ME YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO SEE ME. ;  (    IV.    )     START.    /   SHE HAS YOUR EYES.
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sangcreole · 2 years
𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
 1. what does your muse smell like ?
Vampires don’t carry any natural scent...and yet, there’s always a slight lingering scent of petrichor that tends to cling to Louis’ clothes from all the time spent outside in the rain. Unfortunately that smell can also turn to mildew very quickly. Lestat was right to complain about it in iwtv lmao but I do think Louis has gotten a little better about changing/washing his clothes over the years. they only caved and got a washing machine unit in the flat once mojo came into the picture, but every now and then louis will do the laundry when he’s feeling a little domestic.
2. what do your muse’s hands feel like ?
His skin is soft and smooth, but the flesh itself is horrifically stiff like marble. 
3. what does your muse usually eat in a day ?
Depends on a number of factors. Though he no longer feasts on rats and chickens, hunting is still something that doesn’t quite come naturally to him. He isn’t skilled enough to take “little drinks” and so he gives himself over to the hunger and drains his victims entirely. Because of this, he doesn’t feed every single night.
Still, he’s incredibly territorial and he hates hunting when sharing a city with other vampires, so if he’s aware of another vampire’s presence, he’ll deliberately hunt dangerously close to the morning so as not to be followed or disturbed. He’s rattled very easily, so there are times he’ll spend all night stalking a victim only to completely change his mind based on the randomest coincidences. 
He also has...residual issues when it comes to eating. I think “eating disorder” isn’t quite the right word, but he’s been known to starve himself during times of high stress because it’s the only thing he feels he has any real control over. 
All that being said!! on a usual night, Louis will take whatever victim(s) cross his path without much prejudice. He is drawn, of course, to beautiful people, or those that are simply teeming with life, but mostly he just wanders about and lets the bloodlust choose for him.
4. does your muse have a good singing voice ?
Oh, he does. And it’s an absolute pity that no one will ever hear it. Even Lestat has heard it precious few times, and only ever when eaves dropping.
5. does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks ?
he’s truly the opposite of Lestat in every sense. rather than fervishly articulating with sharp movements and hand gestures, louis will go hauntingly still when he’s nervous. he has an unfortunate habit of disassociating and just completely shutting down when things become too overwhelming
6. what does your muse usually look like / wear ?
god, it’s a true spectrum of shit, let me tell you. he is at once a hoarder and a compulsive purger of closets. one of the main tenants of his personality is that he ~doesn’t care~ how he looks, but like, in a way that lets everyone know how much he doesn’t care, while also looking effortlessly charming even in his rags. it’s infuriating. but after years and years of stuffy layers, contemporary louis is all about COMFORT, babey!!! he’d absolutely live in sweaters and sweatpants if he could. plus, he likes the way they hide the shape of his body (there’s too much baggage there to unpack at the moment but...yea).
he has sweaters and scarves that he’s just as emotionally attached to as the books on his shelves, but he’s also just as happy stealing an oversized band shirt from lestat’s closet. in fact, he’s a chronic clothes stealer and often “borrows” items from lestat when they live together. 
every once in a blue moon he’ll be in a good enough mood to dress in all the fine clothes lestat buys for him— it’s never for himself, though. 
7. Is your muse affectionate?  How much?  How so?
he can be affectionate...but it’s very much on his own terms in his own love language. he’s like a cat LOL you gotta wait for him to come to you, and even then, he can be fussy about physical contact. he’s never been one for grand sweeping gestures of love, but rather if he loves you, he’ll show that affection by sitting down and asking questions. 
he’s also prone to just.....staring lmfao. i love how it was pointed out several times in iwtv (both by daniel and lestat) that if louis is enraptured by something, he’ll let himself go completely still and just stare in awe. i know that’s not really a show of affection but it’s definitely a good way to tell whether or not louis really likes you
8. what position does your muse sleep in? 
he still sleeps in his back out of habit LOL spending 250 years in a coffin will do that to you. even when he’s sharing a bed with lestat in contemporary verses, he mostly sleeps on his back since he’s always the first to go to sleep and the last to rise so that puts a real damper on spooning.
9. could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room ?
literally you couldn’t hear him if he was sitting two inches from you LOL. if he wants to be heard, he’ll sometimes walk with a heavier “human” step, which other vampires have noted before, but he prefers to keep to himself. 
10. what part of the day is your muse most active?
i mean he is a vampire lmaooo but i will say that i absolutely adore the fact that louis has always been a “late riser” because he’s so young. he sleeps in much later than lestat, which means he isn’t really active until a good half hour or so after sun down. 
tagged by: stolen :) tagging: steal it >:)
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Ercole: breathes
Little Capri, no hesitation: You won't amount to anything in life
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getitdcne · 2 years
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pascalispunkhq-saved · 10 months
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seidrborn-a · 5 years
repost and bold your muse’s preference.
roses  /  cherry blossoms  /  orchids  /  tulips
winter  /  summer  /  autumn  /  spring
thunderstorms  /  sunshine  /  snow
indoors  /  outdoors
meat  /  fruit  /  sweets
extravagance  /  traditionalism  /  minimalism
god-fearing  /  non-god-fearing
cats  /  dogs  /  horses  /  birds
sunrise  /  sunset
day time  /  night time
fire  /  earth  /  water  /  wind
reading  /  writing
rising early  /  sleeping late
wine  /  ale  /  neither  /  both
fur  /  silk  /  satin  /  lace  
rubies  /  pearls  /  sapphires
horseback  /  walking  /  carriages
love  /  power
having company  /  being alone
lakes  /  rivers  /  oceans
knife  /  sword  /  bow  /  poison
gold  /  silver
tagged by  stolen from:   one of my other blogs. tagging:   my mains!!     @astheylaydying.   @fiiimbulvetr.   @hippocraticmagic.��  @maqichands.   @premonitioned.   @sigrvif.   @swordandcounsel.   @tcnystcrrk.   @tesrqt.   @thunderaesir.   @tocxmply.     & YOU!!
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dancngthroughlife · 1 year
Virginia “Pepper” Potts-Stark
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Look who just woke up- is that WINONA RYDER? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s PEPPER POTTS-STARK from MARVEL. I heard she is 50 and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, they still give off a/an MAKING SURE EVERYTHING GOES SMOOTHLY, THINKING FAST ON HER FEET, PUTTING FAMILY FIRST impression. They’re known to be quite INTELLIGENT, but have a tendency to be CONTROLLING on their bad days. 
"I do anything and everything that Mr. Stark requires. Including occasionally taking out the trash. Will that be all?"
General :
* Full Name : Virginia Potts-Stark
* Notable Aliases : Pepper
* Pronouns : she/her
* Age : 50 years old
* Birthplace :  Sacramento, CA
* Current Residence :  Darling Point
* Notable Abilities :
* Occupation : probably a secretary for now
Personality :
* + Positive Traits : independent, intelligent
* - Negative Traits : controlling, jealousy
* Likes : family
* Dislikes : people that threaten the Earth/or her family’s happiness
* Song to Describe : The Man by Taylor Swift
* Myers-Briggs : ISTJ
* Enneagram : 1w2
Background : TBD
Wanted Connections :
Fake family
Tags for character :
(    I.    )     ISMS.    /  I THINK I UNDERSTAND WHY YOU DON’T WANT TO GIVE UP THE SUITS. ;  (    II.    )     VIS.     / TONY, WHAT’RE YOU NOT TELLING ME?  ; (    III.    )     RPS.    /  TINKER WITH THAT! ;  (    IV.    )     START.    /  ARE THOSE BULLET HOLES?
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godsickk · 5 years
nina vc ‘a snack? a snack?! i’m a seven-course meal on my worst day and don’t you FUCKING forget it’
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wrthiit-blog · 5 years
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tag dump ! 
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cardshcrp · 6 years
- tag dump.
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anitcradcliffe · 4 years
tag drop
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