sunstonespells · 13 years
Okay so I have a similar-type question: What song (or three songs) would you have Beiste sing?
Ooooh this is a good question and I can't think of good answers to it. But I love this question. 
Beiste for all the songs! No seriously though, I'll think on it and make a post later. I'll tag you in it. :p
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sunstonespells · 13 years
D, G, Z!
Most embarrassing moment: Honestly there are so many I can't even think of which was the worst so I'll just go for a recent one, in which I dressed up really nice for school and I looked really awesome and I was wearing heels and I tripped and fell on a crosswalk in front of a bunch of cars.
What grade I'm in: I am a sophomore in college.
Quirks: Oh man, I don't even know. I'm not quite sure what to define as quirks but I'll list weird habits and things of mine. I have weird speaking habits. I squeak when I'm excited. I dance terribly. I stand with my feet crossed because I can't otherwise balance. I break into song a lot (usually showtunes). I can tell you way too much about Glee or Harry Potter. I make obscure references to Scrubs or Doctor Who all the time that no one gets. I sit with my legs curled under me strangely and I curl up into a ball in seats or when I lay down. I collect stuffed animals, Harry Potter things, dream catchers, records, owls, and snow globes. And I squish my face a lot.
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