#isola munday
hollowfaith · 22 days
( repost, please don’t reblog )
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▐ NAME: – Lethe ▐ PRONOUNS: – she/her ▐ SEXUALITY: – cute boys ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: – omg married u///u ▐ FIVE FACTS:
i unironically love mobile gaming b/c it's about the only type i have time to play (besides ffxiv) all while carrying it around in my pocket. (p.s. 9 days until wuthering waves releases come play!!)
i have a love for miniatures. to curb that i only collect ones for my BJDs now and hunt for them via lucky finds in antique shops.
i do chinese > english fan translation for novels and series i like. update times are sporadic, however (cough these days most of my writing is just RP stuff)
my favorite genre of YouTube videos are 1) gossip/review channels for cdrama land, 2) horror let's plays from ManlyBad*ssHero, 3) real life disaster stories (ScaryInteresting is very thorough & the cave diving ones are super freaky). i like listening to them while doing the dishes/laundry
i can sleep sitting up on long plane and bus rides! women envy me men hate me etc etc.
▐ HOW LONG (YEARS/MONTHS): – it's gotta be close to 10~12 years by now
▐ PLATFORMS USED: – tumblr, but ezboard (forum RP) made up a good chunk of my early RP days
▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: – a lot, but any time characters from different fandoms just kinda connected and became friends/enemies/lovers whatever after a thread. the crossover interactions are always magical in a mfrp group
▐ MALE/FEMALE/OTHER: – hansum dudes
▐ FAVORITE FACECLAIM: – i change it up every now and then but besides girl up front i was really into this guy for a while b/c he was cute:
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▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: – where's the crack + comedy but okay fluff and angst are both rad, smut im like an amateur at lolol but i'll try
i also want to try more action RPs like fight scenes, they seem challenging but the potential for coolness tempts me every time ▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: – plots are great but i'm more of a "have vague outline throw self in threads" kinda RPer. things tend to change as you RP since it's such an action/reaction cycle between you and the other mun so it's nice to keep things flexible between the start and your end goal? i also think some of the best plots can happen out of a random meme response tbh ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: – length doesn't matter to me as long as it addresses stuff in the other reply. i've had threads with long and short replies within the same RP session and that's fine, whatever fits the flow. wordcount only matters for rank up hahah ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: – apparently in the PM during breaks in work or late at night. mornings i'm too busy....most of the time (or still asleep) ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: – i wanna say i'm 25% mary sue (the muse, not the trope) god we will never stop crushing on cute guys or wearing cute dresses when we can get away with it
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sxnburst · 2 months
ON THIS MUN DAY I've decided to do a thing.
3 TRUTHS AND TWO LIES (April Fool's Addition amirite?)
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People think that my name's just an alias but it's my real name. SURPRISE!!!!
I recently dropped 4 muses so I don't actually have 12 in total.
Born and raised in Korea, I moved to the States back in mid-September of 2016.
I play Sims a little Too much. almost unhealthy. 649 hrs to be exact :D
I have a dog and a cat. Lulu and Peepers are their names :3 nyah!
Under the cut is Lulu and Peepers
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twohundredpower · 21 days
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( repost, please don’t reblog )
▐ NAME: bee! ▐ PRONOUNS: she/they ▐ SEXUALITY: bi ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: taken ▐ FIVE FACTS:
i love a lot of series by CLAMP and can yap about them for hours (while also dunking on them)
i'm getting married in FIVE MONTHS WHAT THE HECK
i'm double jointed in my shoulders and can crawl on the floor like samara from the ring LOL
i can floss and actively try to teach my friends how to do it
if you've never played a game from the company supergiant i will buy them for you
▐ HOW LONG (YEARS/MONTHS): almost 20 years at this point. god help me ▐ PLATFORMS USED: tumblr is what i've been using for the last decade and a half, but i got started on neopets, then gaiaonline! i've also tried jcink a couple of times ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: gosh, SO many. there's honestly too many to count, but above all i am so grateful for the many friends i've made over the years!! i've met a lot in person and have kept in touch with my closest ones for nearly 16 years. i am so thankful for all of them!
▐ MALE/FEMALE/OTHER: mostly male/masculine leaning, but i've written quite a few female muses in the group before! ▐ FAVORITE FACECLAIM: usually it's watanuki, but i've been liking suu a lot lately (probably because i'm considering apping her) ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: GIMME THAT HURT/COMFORT BABY ▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: both! ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: i enjoy both, and actively try to write less most of the time, but i ramble SO often i am so sorry ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: honestly, when i can dedicate a whole day to doing it is when i enjoy it best; it takes a lot of energy for me to write recently so i don't like having distractions/other tasks i need to worry about. but otherwise, i like to once it's gotten quiet after a long day, so the evening usually! ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: i think i have himbo energy yeah (but generally, i think i am in small ways? i always lean towards muses who mean a lot to me personally so!!)
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lalaluuz · 21 days
「 GET TO KNOW YOUR RP PARTNER! 」 ( repost, please don’t reblog )
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▐ NAME: emily ▐ PRONOUNS: she/her ▐ SEXUALITY: sapphic/lesbian/wlw ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: taken! (by your local spamton mun, believe it or not) ▐ FIVE FACTS:
currently in my break between my spring and summer semesters of grad school. I'll be graduating in December and then i can die a happy if exhausted librarian
i love to cosplay and I've been exploring costumes and characters at cons since like 2011
i was a band kid in high school, played bass clarinet, but in marching band i was in color guard and it's basically the one thing about high school that i miss at this point
i've been dying my hair crazy red tones since 2011 and i love it but my natural hair color is very light brown
i live in the chicago suburbs and if you want to meet me at the bean we can totally meet at the bean i will be there waiting
▐ HOW LONG (YEARS/MONTHS): forgive me as i have just realized it's about 15-17 years now and i'm experiencing an existential crisis-- ▐ PLATFORMS USED: msn messenger, tumblr ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: my years here have definitely been up at the top. I feel like my best times were with Luz here or with Marceline back in the day
▐ MALE/FEMALE/OTHER: i do best with female muses! ▐ FAVORITE FACECLAIM: I haven't needed one in a while! I liked the girls I used for Brooke back a while ago, Odeya Rush and Emily Rudd. for Mun FC i've been enjoying using Sunset Shimmer Equestria Girls ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: I am a slut for fluff. i love me some angst too, but fluff is my fuckin jam. As for Smut... I've tried writing it on appropriate muses but I've never actually felt comfortable writing it.
▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: plots are hard for me most of the time, but I also don't use memes a lot either! i'm more of a "flying by the seat of my pants" writer. ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: if I write a long reply i've been cursed by something and someone should call a priest or a witch doctor ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: don't tell anyone but lately i've had the best luck writing during quiet moments while at work, shhhh ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: sometimes? usually I pick a muse because they're someone I relate to, in one way or another.
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schleckermaul · 22 days
「 GET TO KNOW YOUR RP PARTNER! 」 ( repost, please don’t reblog )
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▐ NAME: luce ▐ PRONOUNS: they/it ▐ SEXUALITY: bi ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: taken 💕 ▐ FIVE FACTS:
i have a cat named edmund who is my entire world. we go on walks and i teach him tricks every now and then
unfortunately spend a lot of time playing o.verwatch. i started playing because of l.ifeweaver and got stuck. still playing l.ifeweaver tho
currently training my dying attention span back to being able to read again. i try to do poetry daily, but i'm also reading "song of the six realms" by judy i lin rn! the cover is beautiful and it's been a fun read till now
i used to go by atlas in rp circles! took a big break after the pandemic hit and switched over to luce bc it didn't sit right anymore
i have ocd so i get pretty obsessed about organization and how the blog looks. if u see me deleting posts, this is why
▐ HOW LONG (YEARS/MONTHS): i'm 25 now so ... 11 years, with rping specifically ▐ PLATFORMS USED: coughs ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: i hopped from hyperfixation to hyperfixation throughout the years, but my best time has always been writing break. my time in the c.ritical r.ole fandom was also pretty banger, until it kind of exploded at the end
▐ MALE/FEMALE/OTHER: i tend to transmasc beam my characters, that's kind of the trend for me ▐ FAVORITE FACECLAIM: oh man, generally speaking, anything from ph or vnc gets my vote, but i've been using gilbert for a long time! i'm also particularly fond of antoine de sade from vnc ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: angst! as ur average ph enjoyer, i'm a big fan of tragedy ▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: both! i like plotting a little and then just seeing where it goes. occasionally i also like to go ham on a meme. in regards to memes, @/nobully has inspired me a lot! her meme replies are always so good ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: i ramble lmao. lots of things to say, though i try to balance out ... everything, while still giving enough space and engagement for the reply from my partners ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: late at night, usually. i also really like getting up a bit earlier to get some writing in when i'm excited about a thread ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: in some ways, but not in most. break in particular i've just written for a long time, so that writing him comes easily to me not because we're alike, but because i know him well. autism event and such (it's been years)
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plantamagicae · 2 months
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willow park (the owl house)
hi everyone, im cake! when im not here, im drawing or playing with my dogs! i've been in the roleplay community for .... 10-12 years? idk i don't know math. i used to roleplay star butterfly when i was back in isola and recently i had been missing the community! i'm currently in school to become a radiology technologist and only have one quarter left! YIPPEEEEEE!! but other than that, im kinda boring and just like to hang out with friends sxchvbnmc im starting to get back in to xiv, my character's name is ta'ali rhowa, so add me! im a dumb cat girl go figure. also, please be my friend -- follow me on twitter!
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isolaradiale · 2 months
Hewwo evewyone! UwU
As we mentioned in the post we made about communication yesterday, one of the things that we're planning on doing is running a Munday once per month, and today is the first time we'll be running one! Here are some activities that we suggest / allow today, because it's a great chance to update your own blogs while also getting to know your fellow members!
feel free to post an intro in the "#isola mun intro"! it can just be a little blurb about yourself, your name, that kind of thing! we'll be including a little form further down in this post for you to include in your intro if you'd like!
in a similar vein we have an "#introductions" channel in our public discord server! if you've posted in it before and it's been a while, today might be a good day to update your introduction there! or if you've never been in the server before you can always join through this link!
you could post an "#isola follow" post for your character if you haven't already, update and repost your existing one, or create a permanent starter call in its place! not only do these help others get to know your character but they also help with thread ideas. we also suggest pinning one of these to your blog for easy future access!
there's never a bad time to make a new RP ad (unless its like 3am on Meme Friday) but today might be a good day to make a new ad in the "#isola rp ad" if you're looking for new thread! you could also explore it to see if there any open ads you might be interested in liking!
we'll be allowing the reblogging and answering of memes until 3AM EST on the 2nd provided they are OOC memes! memes like these include character information or development memes, aka memes that you answer about your character or yourself and not from your character's point of view.
Below we have a form that you could use for your Munday post! It isn't necessary to include all of these fields, please only share what you're comfortable with sharing, and if you'd rather do it in a freeform way that's totally up to you!
In the future we'll be adding or changing activities depending on interest and suggestions. Aside from being monthly we don't have a concrete schedule for when these are posted, but we'll likely be making sure they don't overlap with events.
Have a great Monday!
-- the island stars.
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silenthcwl · 22 days
// forgot to do this when i apped, might as well today
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NAME / ALIAS: nebu or nebbs AGE / AGE GROUP: in my 30s PRONOUNS: they/them TIMEZONE: CEST / GMT +2 WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: 🤌 italia 🤌 CHARACTERS IN THE GROUP: only seluna for now A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: i'm a comic artist who's late on their publisher's deadlines so im SUPER slow with replies! also apparently i'm known in fandom art circles so i try to keep my hobby as a roleplayer a secret. don't want randos to pester me or my rp partners where i try to destress :V that aside, i'm also a big guild wars 2, final fantasy xiv and ace attorney / ghost trick fan
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sunliteve · 22 days
( repost, please don’t reblog )
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▐ NAME: – january ▐ PRONOUNS: – he/him ▐ SEXUALITY: – bi ace ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: – taken ▐ FIVE FACTS:
I'm more consistently he/him'd in person recently thanks to HRT, but people are still consistently confused about my age and usually place me ten years younger!
I've recently gotten into painting my nails vivid colors (it's enstars' fault)
I love sweater vests and trench coats
even though I love seafood I really don’t like salmon…
my favorite video game is Infinite Undiscovery from 2008!
▐ HOW LONG (YEARS/MONTHS): – almost 20 years (I was too young when I started) ▐ PLATFORMS USED: – I have some regrets. ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: – I managed to get through an entire original story with a group once. It got a bit tense toward the end, and we even had to do a poll on which character would kill the other in their final battle. It was so worth it
▐ MALE/FEMALE/OTHER: – it’s less what I prefer and more who the rare stick-out is. it ends up kind of equal ▐ FAVORITE FACECLAIM: – petrauchka from zyklus;CODE is adorable and makes so many good expressions! ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: – fluff and angst both good, though it can start feeling unbalanced if it’s mostly one over the other. I'd rather just be suggestive than get into outright smut ▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: – I like writing threads more than memes! ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: – I’d love to write 2k words again but short's also great ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: – 11pm or 8am ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: – It’s often split between characters I relate to and characters I think would be fun or interesting. I relate to kyrie (sometimes) but not so much hiyori!
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wolfofthewisps · 2 months
Seeing as Whisper is probably my most active muse, I'll post this here!
NAME / ALIAS: Neo AGE / AGE GROUP: 18+ PRONOUNS: They/them TIMEZONE: EST WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: North Carolina =v=; CHARACTERS IN THE GROUP: Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog), Jester Lavorre (Critical Role), Jinx (League of Legends/Arcane), Eda the Owl Lady (The Owl House), Neopolitan (RWBY), Mizuki Date & Aiba (AI: The Somnium Files), Ember McLain (Danny Phantom), Dimitri (Fire Emblem: Three Houses), Shiver (Splatoon 3) A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: I sincerely wish to do 3D art and animation more than anything as a career. I have a long ways to do go before I'm ready to do it professionally, but I also kinda need to find a job I'm more comfortable at than the one I'm currently at first. -v-
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blankticket · 2 months
NAME – drifter AGE – 27 PRONOUNS – mirrored—so whatever pronouns you're using for yourself, you will be using for me (if you go w/o pronouns for yourself, then you won't use pronouns for me either) TIMEZONE – PST WHERE ARE YOU FROM – south of glie CHARACTERS IN THE GROUP – just this guy atm (vash the stampede!), i do have a couple others in mind; this guy's twin brother (i'd really love to write with someone else writing him!), & the protagonist of lies of p (waiting for the dlc to come in first)
besides the glitchy unholiness i'm an incredibly ordinary human being. i hate being called cute. my favorite holidays are april fools and halloween. i love my friends. i don't believe in incompetence substantiating the failures of the world, nor that hostile behavior and ideologies can be disarmed and nullified by disproving them. i'm happy knowing that love is real, and that love and community and connection will save us all. thank you for playing pretend with me.
RP BLURB – joined citta in 2015 and have cycled through muses at a 1:1 ratio with whatever i'm into at the time. they've mostly been blue silent protagonists with one or none castmates up until last year. with this vash being a chatty cheery anime protagonist & with a good number of castmates all in sharp contrast to the years up to that, it's been wonderful and fun and meaningful i like reading more than writing. the bulk of my fiction reading i'm doing these days is of all of you writing on my feed; i tend to stay pretty far away from fandoms. my about page is here, in case you're curious about some of my interests. this is like the third time i've introduced myself in this tag (sorry!) what can i say i love character development
TRIGUN BLURB – i'd been avoiding trigun for years and became convinced solely from threading with roo's trigun maximum vash to give the manga a try. i don't care to watch 98 and i dislike johnny yong bosch. when i actually get stampede going on cohost i'll let you know lol, the site has been mechanically fucked up for me for several months now w/o a fix in sight
anyway. i'm largely off socials except to signal boost things but i am on discord daily, feel free to ask me for mine especially since it's more effective means of communication than tumblr IMs.
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punisheye · 2 months
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NAME / ALIAS: Zacharie AGE: i'm 27 PRONOUNS: he/him only TIMEZONE: EST WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: some big city in the northeast USA CHARACTERS IN THE GROUP: just this guy, mr nicholas d wolfwood of trimax fame
i'm a very private person so i don't like revealing too much personal information about myself outside of private spaces to my friends. i'm a gay autistic trans man who loves indian food, music that sounds like it should be playing in a medieval tavern, and fictional guys who have been through hell and back and are still filled to the brim with love. i've been writing for nearly my entire life, and started online rp in forums when i was single digit age and absolutely should not have been on these forums. my favorite things to write about are themes of everlasting hope and love despite what horrifying things you might endure in your life. i really enjoy writing intimacy of all kinds (especially in the context of gay love) and hope that the love and tenderness really shows in my writing. i also draw sometimes. isola is my first foray into mfrp, and i've been here for what'll be a year in five days. my twitter is here.
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scarrfaze · 2 months
16, 17, 18
16. what’s the best way to approach you to start playing together?
PLEASE everyone should always feel free to shoot me a message!! i try to respond as quickly as possible and i will never say no to having our characters interact. :) i am also on twitter for anyone who has one, as well as in the isola discord server. please bug me anywhere at any time!!
17. what was your first muse?
my first ever muse was a werewolf oc i made on a social media site that doesn't even exist anymore, back when i was like... thirteen-ish??? but my first ever MFRP muse was a troll from homestuck. do not ask me to remember which one. the last two decades have been a blur dhfghjfghjghjg
18. did you ever play a muse for more than a year?
i wrote seto kousuke from kagerou project for about two or three years, and i've been writing for zevran arainai from dragon age on and off for more than a collective year! technically steven will be coming up on a year soon if i remember correctly
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moraypower · 2 months
8 & 36!
MUNDAY ASKS! (accepting)
8. did you have a muse you tried to play, but didn’t feel connected to?
oh, plenty of them lol
in fact, I'd honestly argue that even though I've had many muses in [REDACTED] and isola over the years, Frye is the first muse where I've felt like I truly understood her and have an actual semblance of an idea of where I want to go with writing her. she's clicked better for me than almost any other character I've tried to play here, and it shows in how she's my first character to reach the point of receiving a giant challenge! even if said challenge is still sitting in my inbox oops
the fact that I had so many characters I tried to play but couldn't quite get into the right headspace of over time is why I'm not even quite sure what my full list of past muses is, but a couple I can think of off the top of my head are Pearl from Splatoon (which makes the whole rivalry she has going on with Frye in canon now extremely funny to me), Flandre Scarlet from Touhou as mentioned before, Ruby from Steven Universe, and Broken Vessel/Lost Kin from Hollow Knight.
36. do you feel similar to your muse in any way?
I do! though I'd like to hope I'm more responsible and less impulsive than she is, I do get passionate about things very easily the same way she does, and I consider myself very loyal to my friends. I'm also a big fan of sweets myself too lol
also, there's a bit of dialogue that implies Frye doesn't like soda despite how sweet it is because she doesn't like how the carbonation feels, and the first time I saw that line I almost dropped my switch because that's exactly how I feel about soda, and I've never seen any character in anything agree with me on that before sfdgfdsgdfs
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lalaluuz · 2 months
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Name: Emily
Age: 32
Pronouns: she/her
Timezone: Central
Where are you from?: Chicago Suburbs of Illinois
Characters in the group:
Luz Noceda (this blog!)
Lucia Chauvet (@cerruleanmonarch)
A little about yourself:
Howdy y'all it's me Emily and welcome to my weird yet relatable downward-then-upward spiral!
Anyway I've been RPing since like 2012ish? And I've been in Isola since before it was Isola, as part of the initial migration. If you've been here a while, you may remember my stints as Marceline (Adventure Time), Brooke Page (Ever After High), Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill), or Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles). Some of those adventures lasted longer than others, but that's pretty much everyone I've had rolling around in here over the years. I'm a librarian! I'm working on finishing grad school so I can have my Masters in Library Science, and it has been a struggle--school does not agree with me at all, but I need this degree. Anyway, I love my chosen career and I love my library and I'm always happy to talk books or give readers advisory/recommend books for you!! When I'm not doing school, work, or RP, I have an eclectic mess of hobbies. I'm AuDHD (Autism + ADHD) and that has a huge affect on my entire life, of course, but I'm also late-diagnosed so I'm still learning about what the diagnoses mean for me. ANYWAY I like to play casual video games, rewatch the same YouTube videos over and over, write for OCs, play D&D, Cosplay, and color/attempt artistic endeavors. I'm a Disney fan, and I love Disney movies, and I have a big special interest in Disney Park Attraction History--I've actually made a whole bunch of programs at my library a la Defunctland about 3 of the 4 WDW parks, and I'm currently working on making one about the hotels of WDW. If given half a chance I may accidentally talk your ear off about the vast amount of random facts I know. Sorry in advance. I can be found on twitter (@/wickedlysecret)! I'm USUALLY locked, but at the time of posting I'm not. If you find me locked, don't be afraid to request to follow, I'm happy to be moots with other Isolans!
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bigshot · 1 year
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Happy Munday from your resident horse!
My name's Lexi (She/They) and I'm a very anxious florist.
My past muses were Peridot (SU) and the Medic (TF2)! I think about reapping both a lot, but Im vibing a lot with Spamton right now.
I've been in the roleplay scene in some way since at least 2005 and moved over to tumblr rp sometime around 2010 or so, I was in the old group for a long while and joined the great migration to Isola when it opened. I've taken a few breaks in the past, but I always come back!
A lot of my free time is spent cross stitching, devouring horror content, working on my neocities page, playing videos games, and babbling at friends! My personality is "cursed object." I adore furbies, collect fanciful horse figurines, and love vintage ponies.
Also, I'm the proud mother of seven very lovely rats and a rotund cat named Duck. I can and will send pics.
I'm always happy to plot, chat, or sh*tpost! Twitter is a great way to find me and I give out my discord to whoever asks, but I'm cool with tumblr IMs! Let me scream about headcanons and scenarios at you.
I look forward to writing with y'all, I'm trying to be the best little malware I can be!
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