sunliteve · 11 hours
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☾Moonlight Aesthetic Starters☽
⋆Feel free to send more than one!
⋆To reverse, send ‘+✨’
(🌙) My muse comes over to your muse’s house/room to spend the night.
(💤)My muse finds your muse sleeping in bed with them.
(💭) My muse wakes your muse after having a dream/nightmare.
(📓) My muse stays up studying till midnight.
(📖) My muse reads a book/bedtime story for your muse.
(👁) My muse wakes your muse up because they can’t sleep.
(🍵) My muse cares for your sick muse in the middle of the night.
(🎐) My muse finds yours outside their house when they are suppose to be in bed.
(🧳) My muse is getting ready for work but your muse stops mine.
(☀️) Our muses watch the sunset and moon arise.
(🌅) Our muses stay up till sunrise.
(🎮) Our muses stay up playing video games.
(🥪) Our muses make a midnight snack.
(📺) Our muses watch tv together.
(📼) Our muses watch a movie/vhs tape together.
(🛌) Our muses make a pillow fort.
(🛋) Our muses are hanging out in the living room.
(🛁) Our muses take a nighttime bath together. (With rose petals and candles included.)
(🌧) Our muses watch the rain outside their window.
(💥) Our muses get a power outage.
(⚫️) Our muses are in a pitch black room.
(🕯) Our muses light some candles.
(☕️) My muse finds your muse at a coffee shop, alone.
(🍳) My muse finds your muse at a diner.
(🥃) My muse finds your muse in a bar, late at night.
(⛪️) My muse finds yours at a church.
(🌃) My muse meets yours in the nighttime city.
(🚎) My muse finds yours in a public bus.
(🚊) My muse finds yours taking the same subway train.
(🚂) My muse finds your muse on the same train as them, still awake.
(🚗) My muse drives your muse at night.
(🏍) My muse drives in the middle of the night on their motorcycle with your muse holding on to mine.
(🌲) My muse finds your muse in the forest in the middle of the night.
(🌊) My muse finds your muse at the beach in the middle of the night.
(🛡) My muse saves your muse from getting beaten up by a gang.
(🎉) My muse meets yours at a party. (House party, club, etc.)
(🔭) Our muses go stargazing.
(☄️) Our muses watch a meteor shower.
(🎆) Our muses watch a firework show.
(🎇) Our muses bought their own fireworks! Let’s light ‘em up!
(🎑) Our muses go to a night festival together.
(🛒) Our muses go shopping together for groceries or other things.
(🛍) Our muses go to the mall.
(🏬) Our muses go to a restaurant.
(🎞) Our muses go to the movie theatre.
(🔥) Our muses go camping together.
(🎸) Our muses go to a concert.
(🎧) Our muses go to the club.
(🏚) Our muses entered an abandoned area. (House, construction site, town, etc.)
(🚫) Our muses go to places they shouldn’t.
(🚔) The cops are after our muses.
(🚕) Our muses take a taxi home.
(🗺) Our muses get lost. (In the forest, mountains, city, etc.)
(☔️) Our muses get stuck in the rain.
(🕛) My muse points out that it’s midnight for your muse.
(🎵) My muse sings your muse a lullaby.
(🌠) My muse points out a shooting star and wants yours to make a wish! Quick!
(🌱) My muse catches yours watering a potted plant/garden.
(💧) My muse cries in front of yours.
(🚬) My muse catches your muse doing late night smoking.
(⛓) My muse rubs their fingers against your muse’s scars.
(💔) My muse help washes blood off your muse.
(🐾) My muse accidentally reveals a secret that they have been hiding from your muse. (Being a werewolf, vampire, demon, etc.)
(📻) Our muses listens to the radio.
(👻) Our muses tell ghost stories.
(🌷) Our muses walk around a garden.
(🎤) Our muses do karaoke.
(🐺) Our muses hear howling in the distance.
(📷) Our muses take pictures of each other in the moonlight.
(👄) Our muses whisper secrets and promises to each other.
(🤝) Our muses hold hands in the moonlight.
(🍽) Our muses have a dinner date.
(💃) Our muses dance in the moonlight.
(💋) Our muses kiss under the moonlight.
(💍) My muse asks to marry yours in the moonlight.
“I can see the moon and stars in your eyes.”
“Your the prettiest star I have ever seen..”
“Wow.. the moon looks so pretty..”
“I’m a little sleepy..”
“I wish I could jump over the moon!”
“Nah, I don’t feel like sleeping!”
“C’mon!! Let’s dance!”
“The moonlight is our spotlight! The stars is our audience!”
“Look! A shooting star!”
“I wish for..”
“Shh! Don’t say your wish out loud or it won’t come true!”
“I’m not really a.. *yawn*..night owl..”
“D-Did you hear that?”
“I can hear a cricket chirping.”
“I can hear an owl.”
“I think we’re lost..”
“Ahhh!! A wolf!!”
“Would you like a cup of coffee?”
“The moon/night is my ally!”
“Darkness will consume you!”
“What time is it?”
“It’s 12AM already?!”
“You can sleep in my bed if you want.”
“Your sleeping on the couch!”
“Come back to bed..”
“Don’t shine that light in my eyes!”
“It’s so dark out..”
“Look at those pretty fireworks!”
“Spooky ghooost~”
“You trying to be scary?”
“I’m actually a little hungry.”
“Are they open this late?”
“Hey! [Name]! Over here!”
“That movie sucked!”
“Let’s.. not go that way.”
“This place is like a ghost town!”
“Stay still! If you keep moving, it will hurt more!”
“It’s not what it looks like..”
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sunliteve · 21 hours
"I'm not surprised I have that power, and yet..." Constantine's combination attack — the kiss of Hiyori's hand, the smooth answer, and the straightforward meeting of those exquisite eyes — set his pulse racing.
"...I am a little surprised how easily you can say that. Did you also turn up the charm for that target of yours?" Hiyori continued in a volume reserved only for them. He kept up with Constantine's transition into dancing, only partly drawing on his own muscle memory of formal parties and lessons. He'd been taught to lead a woman on the dance floor and act as expected of a wealthy, respectable son, but he was more satisfied to reject that.
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"I'm a little disappointed I didn't hear it sooner, if that's the case." Back when Constantine was still falling, but afraid to admit it. "At least I have the privilege of living through the night, I suppose. ♪"
"Hm," Constantine releases a gentle smirk then grabs hold of Hiyori's hand. He keeps his eyes locked on his partner and presses his lips at the back of Hiyori's hand,
"If we're being honest, I think you already have me ensnared." Constantine wouldn't really have it any other way though.
And as a prince would his princess or a leader would their dance partner, Constantine pulls them onto the dance floor with ease, successfully moving in with the rhythm of the beat.
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sunliteve · 1 day
not accomplishing much through today's headache, drafts at large delayed again 👍
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sunliteve · 1 day
"Aurelius?" Hiyori repeated, unsure whether that was a type of Bible, someone's name, or something else entirely. "You at least know about Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden, right? I don't know what all you picked up from my memories, but my units back home are Eve and Eden. We make a lot of references to Abrahamic mythology, but we're really... not reverent in the slightest. I'm sure "I'll give you the excuse to yield to temptation; kneel down and indulge yourself! Your sense of guilt will soon be left behind" or "Give yourself to ecstasy and scream out your prayers" aren't in the usual religious texts, but that's the sort of thing we'll sing."
As he frankly discussed those details, Hiyori's hands kept busy with the tea process. Eventually alongside the steeping pot was a glass dish of boiled water just big enough to hold a small portion of lavender and chamomile. Straining it into a cool cup after steeping and placing it in the refrigerator would make it Chips-approved in time (he hoped).
"One of my idol colleagues, Tatsumi Kazehaya, is a devout Catholic, believe it or not. Fortunately, he's more of the traditional "love your neighbor" type and hasn't gotten on our case about it. We're all performing something on stage, after all."
He set a quick timer on his phone and then walked over to join Eiden at the table. "...All that to say I feel like I should know about what we're giving that treatment to, but it doesn't mean a thing to me," he said as he sat down, leaning his elbow on the table and his chin on his hand.
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"It's at least funny to me to jokingly shame you with a Bible verse considering the history I have with it."
From surprise to understanding and then finally to laugh, Eiden goes through the whole cavalcade of reactions himself. He's laughing aloud quite loud himself leaving their animal companions stare in confusion.
" Pfft, can't say I'm an avid Biblereader-- so can't say I got the note. Unless Aurelius counts pfft. "
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" Would be a first time I attended to one via formal invitation though! "
Obviously Aurelius would give them a wholehearted disapproval. Eiden could see the face coming from miles away. Eiden also proceeds to wipe the corners of his eyes.
" ....ah, I wonder if we could mix lavender and chamomile together then? Best of both worlds! "
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sunliteve · 1 day
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sunliteve · 2 days
all righty I work tonight but not tomorrow! unless I get battered with another migraine then (possible) I'm going to try to dig into recent and older drafts for hiyori and kyrie before the new event strikes. even if I get to something, if you want to drop it in favor of a new event thread, that's cool 👍
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sunliteve · 2 days
"Thank you. ♪ It's always nice to have my hard work recognized, especially by you." There was the outfit selection, the accessories, the effort put into his hair, and of course the way he carried himself beneath it all — all of it was impeccable tonight, in Hiyori's opinion. That was very important, considering both Constantine and Céline were in attendance!
"You're stunning tonight, too.~ Only toward the end, hm? That leaves a lot to the imagination." There was a violent undercurrent to it that couldn't be ignored, but without the graphic details, there was a certain allure to it.
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"I can't say the mystery isn't enticing... but I suspect that asking you to dance will land you in my trap instead of yours."
It's like Hiyori had prepared Constantine for these moments because he's gotten so used to physical contact. As they head toward the large building, Constantine realizes how many people there are. Phew, it's a lot.
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Hiyori's question has Constantine lowering his head to look at Hiyori. It probably wouldn't be best to tell him what he did, "only toward the end." He had to lure the person after all.
"I've said it before, but you look great."
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sunliteve · 2 days
Drawn along by a skillful, flamboyant partner, Hiyori matched his showy movements and allowed the reminder of the past to dwindle. There was nothing he could change about it now, and everyone still alive had moved on in one way or another. One of them offered wonderful compliments right this moment, and Hiyori's eyes crinkled in a mix of suspicion and delight.
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"You aren't always this charming after not seeing me for a long time," he remarked, upholding his end of their physical dance but deciding to cast aside the "strangers" act. The small prick of concern he felt didn't disturb his sunny smile. "Are you settling in well enough? You must have arrived recently."
He wouldn't admit it, but there were infrequent days where he scanned his island-issued phone's contact list. Last time he'd done so, there were no new familiar names.
"I may lead or I may follow, but either way we'll be twirling in time." He takes Hiyori's hand in his own as he spins them onto the dance floor, blue hair swirling behind him in time with his spins as he twirls Hiyori in place.
It's almost as though they're both stepping through time. His mask donned as he wears his past on his sleeve. The two trained idols step in time together, adjusting as needed, as two professionals can do.
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"That's the way! Your smile lights up this room, now that the shock is gone from your eyes." People make room for them, what seems like a frenzy is well paced, well timed. "This Mysterious Magician only wishes to see you smile!"
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sunliteve · 3 days
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The Spirale Annals is an ongoing archive, meticulously preserving the history of the island and its inhabitants one page at a time. From records of arrival and departure to events both past and present, the ambition of The Spirale Annals is to chronicle our story as it is in the making and act as a repository of information for the public’s access. Knowledge is a commodity to be shared. History is meant to be told. The archive aims to serve this purpose for current and future generations.
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sunliteve · 4 days
"I'm sure it's more than we expect," Hiyori mused, not that it really mattered. For some reason they both knew Constantine; there had to be others that more naturally gravitated toward their personalities and occupations.
The remark about a whole party joining in could have elicited a number of reactions. Whatever the right one might've been, something clicked into place: "It was delightful," he confirmed with flawless composure. "I just can't believe your invitation was lost in the mail! The embossing on your name was beautiful." He lifted his hand over his head, then splayed it out over the upper half of his face, head leaned back as if in agony. "Oh, what terrible Hiyori!"
That hand lowered past his nose, and he turned his face away from view as a strange noise left his mouth. It was soon revealed to be a stifled laugh.
"—Haha... hahahahaha!"
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The rare fissure in his act almost had him doubling over on the spot. When he had it under control, Hiyori wiped away the tears that had formed in the corners of his eyes.
"Sorry, that was too much, even for "me". Ahh, I think Ibara would've lectured me for some time for that one—" the suggestion of a formal, postal service-facilitated invitation to a sex party— "If he survived hearing it to begin with." Returning his attention to the tea process (for the humans involved), he added, "I've never finished reading the Bible, but I don't believe that's what "love your neighbor as yourself" is supposed to mean, Eiden.~"
He was probably never going to pick up Nagisa's ability to plow through dry religious texts.
"Just lavender should be fine; there's no harmful caffeine in that! But I have other options, if you've had him try any other herbs, like chamomile. Of course, it's entirely up to your own curiosity whether we should try it at all."
" Hm! I see so that's how much you trust me! ...how many friends do we share anyway though?"
Eiden faux scoffs playing all hurt up though not for long. As he continues he also adds on misunderstandings, if only on purpose this time:
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" Iyaaa~~ What naughty details are you thinking hmm? Here I was just thinking in far simpler things... And you had a whole party join in eh? That sounds fun. "
Eiden blinks on the question of tea. He did say he prefers coffee but it's not like he claimed flaming hatred for tea or anything so what was the problem there...?
" Eh? Wait you mean for Chips?! " he then realizes, " I mean if you have any nuts that's also fine?! Nothing too salty in big numbers... Is that really fine? The lavender..."
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sunliteve · 4 days
"Thank you for your vote of confidence! If it fits, I'll show it off with pride. ♪"
And fit it did, surprisingly well for something not tailored to his figure. He even gathered a few appropriate accessories before leaving with his new purchases.
He didn't even bother looking at the total on the register.
When at the party proper, Hiyori held fast and affectionate to his date's arm. The ruffly black fabric hanging over one shoulder meshed interestingly with Constantine's silver and midnight blue. While someone might say he was too obvious about their relationship, he'd gotten away with similar things back home. Of course he would try to do so again!
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"Last time you attended a ball for work, what did you do?" he asked with a tilt of his head. "Did you find the time to dance?"
"Maybe," he scans the area around them then looks at Hiyori, "I'll also look." He couldn't have Hiyori doing all the work!
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In the middle of his own search, he hears Hiyori and turns to look over. It somehow suits Hiyori. If his personality was an outfit, this would be close to being that. "It's perfect," he says then adds, "maybe you can add some gold as the finishing touch."
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sunliteve · 4 days
I am very handsome. Sometimes I look in the mirror and think to myself “I have committed horrible acts” 
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sunliteve · 4 days
This night was surely too pleasant and peaceful. As Hiyori observed the gardens from just outside the ball, a voice that commanded attention drew his gaze up from below. The inflection itself was recognizable enough, but Wataru did little to disguise his lanky body and remarkable blue hair. Hiyori was struck into frozen silence in the first few seconds, attention fixed on the mask, mind drawn into the past — but he recovered quickly, urged into a mutual act of sorts by Wataru's words.
Not one to be outdone without trying, Hiyori smiled, a familiar, practiced, mischievous glint in his eyes. "Who am I to decline such a generous admirer?"
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—They'd seen each other on more relaxed terms since then, but the last time he'd seen Wataru Hibiki in a masquerade mask, the magician allowed himself to be executed.
Hiyori held out his hands, one ready to be taken and another prepared to find its way onto a slightly higher shoulder. "You may lead."
"Ohohoho," the eve of the Equinox Ball, a masked man stands upon the railing to announce himself with a laugh. Turning to the closest spectator, he moves an arm with a flourish, causing a white dove to fly away into the night.
"Shock, awe, and a marvelous spell cast upon the pall." Familiar, then, this one - but he is certain to leave the mask on and the recognition from his expression.
"It is I, a magician sent from the moon, to bequeath blessings upon this ball!"
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"Tell me, beautiful stranger, shall we dance?"
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sunliteve · 6 days
"You don't have to chat up reporters to unintentionally cause a problem. You just have to tell a friend with a bigger mouth than yours," he said with a wink. It was kind of like what Hiyori worried he'd just done himself. As much unease as he felt, however, it was nice to be able to tell someone about it.
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"And how should I flaunt that happiness, exactly? Should I tell you all the details? Throw a party for all the neighbors? Don't worry; you just missed it. It was the bash of the century, I assure you!"
His playfulness was quickly tempered by the response he'd requested. "Tea? You can't be serious." He squinted doubtfully at Eiden for a moment, beginning to believe the other had tuned out the question the instant something juicy reached his ears. To find out, Hiyori pulled out his phone.
Can chickens drink tea? he typed into Isoogle. The results zoomed in, and his eyes went wide. "You are serious?"
The consensus seemed to be herbal = potentially good, caffeine = bad. Bewildered, Hiyori glanced back at the tea cabinet. Most of what was there was caffeinated, but... "Fascinating. I really want to see this now. I could steep some lavender for him?"
" Aww, now now, it's a happy occasion. "
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" But just whom would I tattle at anyway? I don't mind either way of course - but I'm not a type to go for cheap tabloids."
Guess he can ease on the tease a little, he doesn't want Hiyori getting too flustered of it. He makes his seat, comfortably at the table getting ready for the snack break.
" Yes, a good thing right? You sure you don't want to flaunt a little of that happiness? " Eiden laughs, " ah, tea's fine? If that's what you meant. "
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sunliteve · 6 days
"I'm better at telling when someone is lying to me than you might think!" Hiyori stated confidently, holding his head as high as if it was all his own accomplishment. He hadn't clued in to the fact that Yagen switched from one truth to another, but it helped that his stated reasoning wasn't false!
"It may not be that hard on my bank account if I make a few bad purchases—" the many clothing items he'd purchased ages ago and still hadn't worn aside— "But I'd prefer to avoid such mistakes. So, do show me! I have at least one person I'd like to impress."
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"Impress" really wasn't the word for it. Rattle or devastate, more like.
"My name is Hiyori Tomoe, tea lover but antique novice!" His usual disinterest in old things made sure of that, but he had other motives driving him at the moment. "Are you a pottery enthusiast?"
This reminds him of the couple times he's dissuaded his Saniwa from unnecessary purchases, actually.
With the case more or less resolved, Yagen doesn't stick around either, happy to follow Hiyori away before the salesman can make him retract his statement. It doesn't take much effort to catch up with the guy until they're shoulder-to-shoulder.
'Thanks for trusting me.'
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'If you're still looking for old tea sets, I can probably point some out.'
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sunliteve · 6 days
Despite the new rosy tint to his face, Hiyori remained at ease. "I know♪" he replied with a playful smile. While the temptation was there to stay this close now (or maybe pull Constantine back into the fitting room), he remained mindful of their location and the time. He took a step back.
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"We might be able to find you a suitable scarf here. I'll keep looking — for you and myself! There are a few I'd like to try on already, but let me know if anything seems like it would suit me!"
He was obviously in his element as he resumed his browsing. It was good that there was quite some time until 6pm, because Hiyori was one to savor the shopping experience even on a time limit.
"Like this one! Do you think it's dazzling enough?" With a flourish he held up a suit dyed in vivid red and black, a strong opposite to Constantine's first choice.
"Thank you," Constantine murmurs when the collar is adjusted. "I'll have to change the kind of scarf I want to wear." The one he currently wore, as much as it was a treasured one, didn't go well with the outfit.
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The bio-weapon smiles gently and lowers his head so that they're close. He's whispering, "fitting for a princess." After all, in all the storybooks he read, they all had princes.
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sunliteve · 7 days
also i forgot to post it sooner but here’s eden’s section of the fireworks show !!!
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