totallynotsarkaz · 8 months
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mikacchi0 · 2 years
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saw one of those "draw your babygirl like this" posts on twitter so...
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akuma-no-riddle-cpr · 1 month
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Artist: Minakata Sunao
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tangocardiaca · 6 months
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Isuke Inukai is in ventricular tachycardia. It's 200 BPM and it's only few moments away from her passing out and more lethal rhythm kicking into her heart. She is hooked to an AED. But even if she is gasping for air violently, she's excited. Her girlfriend/fiance, Haruki Sagae is resuscitating her and the machine is ready to discharge. Isuke is turned on by thought, that electricity will enter her sexy body and then into her heart, stopping it for a moment and then starting to beat again with regular rhythm. Yet again I forgot to put original creator and source Original creator: KamiyaBloodVengeance Source: Isuke Dakimakura Collection by KamiyaBloodVegeance on DeviantArt
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baltharino · 4 months
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Akuma no Riddle | 01
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inventedsanity · 8 months
"she's so ugly" the ugly in question
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pink-yuri · 4 months
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♡ Akuma no Riddle ♡
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asordinaryppl · 3 months
A3! Backstage Story Translation - Chikage Utsuki SSR - Today's Star: Toujou - Part 1
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this is a request by taruchikas, who also provided a video of the story! tysm!
[Violin performance ends]
August: You can even play this now? You really can do anything, that's amazing.
April: … They taught us the basics long ago.
August: That's true. I pretty much sucked at it, though.
April: And that's why you were excluded from this mission.
August: Is December and my mission to infiltrate the dormitory just a distraction, then?
August: December will be happy to take it easy.
April: Anyway, there are only a few weeks left till the mission. I need to be able to play a little better than this until then…
August: You're supposed to be an orchestral apprentice, aren't you?
April: Well, to put it in plain terms, yes.
April: I may not be going as a musician, but I am a student at a music school. If I can't play well enough, people will be suspicious of me should something unexpected happen.
August: You're as earnest as ever. I can really see why you were picked for this mission.
April: … I'm going out.
August: At this hour? December will be back soon, I was thinking we'd have dinner…
April: No need. I'll just grab something on the way if I get hungry.
August: … See you later.
Sakuya: I'd like to discuss next month’s schedule next…
Chikage: Rehearsals for the supporting character spin-offs will probably have started by then.
Sakuya: That reminds me, the poll results were announced yesterday, weren't they?
Citron: So curious to find out how they ended!
[Door opening]
Manager: Utsuki-kuuun! I've finished the tuning~!
Itaru: A violin… Guess that means it's Toujou from the Quartet play.
Sakuya: Toujou was pretty cool!
Citron: Oh, I cannot wait!
Itaru: What will the story be like?
Chikage: I was thinking of leaving it up to Tsuzuru if possible.
Tsuzuru: Me…?
Chikage: It's not that I’ve already thrown in the towel, or that I don't care. I simply want to act out the story Tsuzuru writes.
Tsuzuru: Thank you very much. But I still wonder what would be good…
Tsuzuru: That reminds me, there was a story you and Itaru-san talked about back during the performance.
Izumi: If I'm not mistaken… It was about Toujou and Machida's time as students?
Chikage: Ah… We did talk about that, but it was just for the sake of role building.
Masumi: But you had asked Tsuzuru to come up with first names for them. And even asked him about their age and background.
Izumi: Eh, is that true?
Itaru: Well…
Chikage: We may not have had that many scenes, but because of that we had to think about fleshing out our roles ourselves.
Tsuzuru: I also found it interesting, so expanding on that and making a story out of it might seem like a good idea.
Itaru: Can people nearing their 30s even bring out the sparkle of youth…
Chikage: It'll be quite a challenge.
Tsuzuru: Ah, there's something I'd like your opinion on… Can I include a scene where Toujou plays the violin?
Tsuzuru: I actually wanted to add a scene like that back then too, after I found out that you can play the violin.
Tsuzuru: You declined back then, so that didn't happen…
Tsuzuru: Toujou is the main character this time, so I'd like to include it if possible.
Manager: Eh, you weren't planning on playing!? I got so excited when I heard that Toujou had won that I even tuned the violin…
Citron: I'd also like to see Chikage playing the violin!
Masumi: I don’t think it’s something you should limit yourself on.
Chikage: Well, as long as we do it with finger-synching. (1)
Sakuya: Chikage-san, you’d look picture-perfect even if you just stood holding a violin!
Itaru: Ah, I have no instrument playing experience whatsoever, so I’d appreciate it if I had as few performing scenes as possible, TY.
Tsuzuru: Ehh…
Izumi: Well, we can probably do something about that during the production.
Chikage: You little…
Itaru: Teehee. (2)
Chikage: You're too old for this.
Masumi: And you're gross.
Itaru: Tough crowd.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
(1) pretending to play the instrument while the music plays in the background, apparently more commonly known as fingering
(2) this is てへぺろ (tehepero). he's like, winking and sticking his tongue out
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brie-draws · 5 months
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La'mule icons/folder caps~!
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kis-e · 2 years
ʾ 。 ゚ ʚ ♰ ɞ ゚ 。 `
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headers are not mine credits to owners.
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vayheer · 5 days
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Bestie shared this w me and now we're here ^^
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jujumin-translates · 2 months
[A3!] ★ Main Story | Act 14 - DREAM CATCHER | Episode 24 - A Showy Greeting
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Sakyo: How are the ticket sales going?
Manager: Overall, we’re selling out pretty well, but we’ve still got some extras when it comes to the weekday performances.
Manager: Thanks to Spring Troupe’s popularity, the initial responses has been better, but compared to the momentum we had before…
Sakyo: Just the number of performances we’re doing itself has increased due to the new Fleur Award. Not to mention that we’ve got a lot of overlapping dates, so the audience is probably more spread out.
Izumi: Should we consider doing some kind of promotion?
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Sakyo: No, we still have some time. Let’s just wait and see how things go.
*Door opens*
Kumon: Tenma-san said he’ll be home soon!
Izumi: Huh? Really?
Yuki: He sure got here surprisingly fast.
Misumi: Let’s go greet him~.
Kazunari: Yeah!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Door opens*
Tenma: I’m hom--.
*Party poppers go off*
Misumi: Welcome home~!
Kazunari: Welcome back, TenTen!
Muku: Welcome home!
Tenma: Hold on, the hell kinda greeting is this!? It’s not my birthday!
Yuki: It just kept getting more and more showy.
Muku: At first, we all just greeted each other normally.
Kazunari: But this was the last one, so we just had to~!
Tenma: Alright, I’m gonna go drop off my bags, and then we’ll meet up in the practice room.
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Kumon: Already!?
Kazunari: We’re rehearsing right now!?
Izumi: Aren’t you jet-lagged? Are you sure?
Muku: Maybe it’d be better if you rested a little bit…
Yuki: You better not go overboard and immediately flop right off the bat.
Tenma: Just who do you think you’re talking about? I’m a successful actor who’s handled all kinds of overcrowded schedules that you couldn’t even imagine.
Yuki: Whatever you say.
Kazunari: Ahaha, that’s our TenTen~.
Yuki: If he’s got this much energy, he’ll be fine.
Misumi: I can’t wait ‘cause it’s been so long since we’ve had a full Summer Troupe rehearsal~!
Kumon: Let’s hurry up and go~!
Izumi: Alright, if you’re sure, we’ll start rehearsal in ten minutes.
Izumi: (It seems like all of them are motivated by the success of their respective “challenges”!)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tenma: “Ah, I forgot. I’ll go fill it up.”
Tenma: “What do you mean while I’m at it!?”
Misumi: Ding dong!
Tenma: ?
*Door opens*
Kazunari: Summer Eats here!
Misumi: Onigiri midnight snack for six!
Tenma: Hold on, that’s way too much!
Misumi: Let’s all eat ‘em together~!
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Yuki: We can use the soapboxes as a table.
Kumon: Right, Tenma-san, do you want me to give you a massage later? Your body must be stiff from being on a plane for so long, right?
Tenma: A massage?
Kumon: I studied sports massages on my own when I was on the baseball team, and the other day Yamaguchi asked me if those could be applied to actors too.
Kumon: So I did some research and found this stage trainer who massages actors to keep them in good physical condition.
Kumon: I looked into some massages that might help, and I wanna give them a try!
Tenma: What am I, your test subject!?
Kazunari: But we do use our whole bodies during performances, so something like that would be pretty helpful.
Muku: And it’d be a good way to prevent injuries.
Misumi: I want one too!
Kumon: Sure thing~!
Kazunari: Ah, right. I just printed off the flyers. Lookie, lookie!
Muku: Wahh, it looks so cool!
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Tenma: Nice. It’s got the same feel as our debut, but with a sense that we’ve moved forward.
Kazunari: It’s all thanks to me traveling around Europe and getting tons of inspo. The ideas just poured outta me~.
Kazunari: And that’s why I think I’m pretty satisfied with the design!
Muku: You didn’t make too many major changes with the costume designs this time around either, did you, Yuki-kun?
Yuki: That’s right. The debut performance costumes were completely my own designs, and they all fit each character as well as everyone in Summer Troupe.
Yuki: That’s why I went with those designs.
Tenma: Yeah. I think it’s nice seeing something that gives the feel of it getting a simple update.
Muku: That’ll help our changes as actors stand out more too.
Misumi: I love the Genie’s costume~.
Kumon: I’m glad that my Genie of the Ring costume looks like it goes with Sumi-san’s!
Kazunari: Thanks to how glam the accessories are and how great the flyer looks, I feel like I can really appreciate these costumes again~.
Yuki: Speaking of accessories, Misumi, how are you liking that bromide case I made the other day?
Misumi: Ah, it’s perfect! Thanks, Yuki!
Muku: Bromide?
Misumi: Here, look~!
Kazunari: That’s…
Misumi: A picture of Gramps! Syu gave it to me~!
Yuki: Huh, that’s pretty nice.
Kumon: It’s pretty rare to see a photo where Hakkaku-san’s the focus like that!
Kazunari: And is that a baby that Hakkaku-san’s holding in that pic?
Misumi: That’s me~. Syu told me the picture was taken right around when I was born.
Misumi: He said that Gramps said that he’d wanna see me on stage if I grew up to become an actor.
Kumon: I see…
Misumi: Gramps didn’t really like having his picture taken, so there’s hardly any pictures of him. That’s why I was really surprised to see this one~.
Tenma: It’s pretty incredible that Syu-san had such a precious photo like that…
Kazunari: That’s a die-hard fan for ya~!
Yuki: I’m surprised he gave you something from his prized collection.
Misumi: He said that I should have it ‘cause I’m family. Here, and on the back of the picture--.
Muku: Is that your name written on it, Misumi-san?
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Misumi: Yup. Syu said that Gramps wrote my name here after he decided on it to show everyone.
Tenma: He was right. You really should be the one to have it, Misumi.
Misumi: Ah, but Syu also took a picture of this picture with his phone.
Kazunari: He’s still as cunning as ever, huh~.
Misumi: And then Yuki made me a holder for it so I could put it in there rather than just carry it around~.
Yuki: If you had just kept it in your pocket as it was, it would been torn to shreds before you knew it.
Muku: It’s cute with all the different triangles on it!
Misumi: Ehehe, it’s really nice, isn’t it~? It’s a treasure that I can carry with me all the time!
Misumi: And if I have it with me during performances, it’ll be like Gramps is watching me closely!
Yuki: While I get the sentiment, it might be better to leave it in the wings during performances.
Kumon: You wouldn’t wanna drop it or anything.
Misumi: Okay, got it!
Tenma: If Hakkaku-san’s gonna be watching us too, then we better get fired up.
Misumi: Watch over us as get even better than before, okay, Gramps?
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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mikacchi0 · 1 year
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Happy Birthday!!
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This week's chapter is all about picking Faves! You can display your favorite members in your profile for everyone to see! You can pick a variety of members or just pick six of one character, if you prefer. What's your approach?
Dec 15, 2019
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tangocardiaca · 6 months
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Haruki, what do you mean by "What are you wearing?"? This is Holter. It's an EKG monitor, that analyzes my heart rhythm. Last time I almost had cardiac arrest. I could have died from my heart stopping. So now I need to wear this one in order to see if there are no heart problems. Oh, and I hooked my Holter to your phone, so you can see my heart rhythm everytime before you go to sleep. Because this heart, even if it was close to stop, it beats for you. You were there for me, when my heart was racing. And this shock? This electricity flowing through my heart. It felt..... so gooooooood. Original creator: 五月福音 Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/43793359
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baltharino · 4 months
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Akuma no Riddle | OP
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