#iswm lady x reader
clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Hiiii so I have a request so can you write a idea of a scene because I think you can do it better.
So the ship is getting attacked by enemies(I would imagin to be the alien lady) during that space battle a small squadron of enemies boards the ship and hold the crew hostage (Mack is their as well as co head engineer with Mark) with the Alien Lady demanding on where is the captain!!!!
While the crew themselves don’t know we’re the captain is even during the space battle but even then wouldn’t give the captain if they were there anyway!!!!
so it’s just a screaming match between everyone as the Lady starts explaining on what’s going to happen if they don’t stop lying and hand over their captain as She explains The crew just looks and sees behind the Lady and her squadron unsuspected the captain and wug slowly approach the unsuspecting enemies with their backed turned.
Just as Lady was done explaining and yells”now we’re is the captain?!?!!” “looking for me?” As wig and the captain knocks out half of the squadron behind her as Lady wheels around with some of her men near her in surprised as wug and captain start beating up the enemies before kicking them out as the crew watches.
(I suck at writing fight scenes sorry that it’s long)
“Damn, well this didn't go as planned.."
"No shit it didn’t-!”
"Both of you!! Shut up!!"
At the same time, Mark and Mack flinched as Lady stood over them, her eyes full of fury. Her squadron took over the ship after the gunfight, and despite the IV-II crew's best efforts, they all got rounded up and taken hostage on the bridge.
"The universe is at stake here and you're wasting your petty human breath arguing! Instead..use that to tell me where your captain is." Clutching the blaster in her hand, she went down the line of crewmembers, examining all their faces to see if anyone was going to fess up.
Yet their gazes remained downcast.
She sighed, stopping in front of Mark again. "Oh, so now you don't wanna talk? Aren't you close with the captain?"
"I am," he replied in a hoarse voice, glaring up at her. "I dunno where they are. But even if any of us knew, why would we spill?! We'd rather die than hand ‘em over to scum like you!"
Mutters of agreement came from the rest of the crew, frustrating her further. “No, you--you guys don’t understand how serious this is! There’s a much, much worse fate than death waiting for you! For all of us!”
“....and that is..?”
“The end of everything! All of existence is gonna get wiped out!! You and everyone in every universe will cease to exist forever if I don’t find them!”
“That’s insane.” Mack furrowed his eyebrows. “They’re our captain. They’re just..one person. How could they-?”
“THERE’S NO TIME TO EXPLAIN!!” Out of pure rage and impatience, Lady shot at one the lockers, leaving a smoking hole in it. But then she backtracked and looked at the crew with a sigh. “Actually..I-I can explain one thing. They were using this to hop around universes.” She held up her wrist, showing the warp device. “And they’re screwing up everything by...”
As she droned on and on about warp cores and temporal displacement, Mark felt a bead of sweat slip from underneath his red bandanna, nervous despite trying to look fearless. Yet he couldn’t help wondering where you were.
But his eyes then widened upon seeing two familiar figures sneaking into the room. All of the enemies’ backs were turned, guns pointing at his fellow crewmembers. 
They were clueless.
Mack saw the rescuers too and smiled in relief.
Lady noticed and scowled at him. “What are you smirking for? WHERE’S THE GODDAMN CAPTAIN-?!!”
“Looking for me?”
Hearing shouts of pain, she turned around just in time to see you shooting at some of her goons, while Wug attacked the rest. One solider attempted to shoot through his armor, only to fail as he was promptly thrown against the wall, before the bulky alien roared and attacked a few others.
Once they were down, he charged at Lady and knocked out the two men guarding her, leaving her defenseless.
All the while, you were occupied with freeing your crew from their restraints, starting with Mark. “Always in the nick of time, eh Captain?” He grinned as he brandished his gun, watching your back as you freed Mack next.
As they untied the rest of the group, you heard the sounds of struggling and saw Wug holding Lady up in the air, the blaster crushed under his foot. You huffed and approached them, stepping over the bodies.
“W-Wug..you..can’t do this!!” She choked. “You’re helping the enemy!!”
Only snarls came from him, much to her confusion. “You can’t talk?”
“Oh he can. He just doesn’t think you’re worth talking to.” You scoffed, smirking as her furious gaze went to you. “Hello again, Lady. Still keeping up this cat-and-mouse chase, huh?”
“Th-There’s no universe where you can hide from me, Captain.”
“Look, I don’t care how badly you wanna shoot me. But when you drag my whole crew into this-”
“I’M TRYING TO SAVE THEM FROM YOU!!” She screamed, only to feel the grip around her throat tighten. “T-Tell this...big...oaf to let me go!!”
“Oaf?! YOU CALL WUG AN OAF?!!” Wug bellowed, his eyes still glowing red. “SAY THAT AGAIN AND WUG WILL SNAP YOUR NECK LIKE TWIG!!!”
“You think you scare me? M-My species is highly resilient to pain..just so you know. We don’t..go down that easy...!” Despite this she was clearly losing the fight. You didn’t want her to blackout completely.
In fact, you’ve never wanted to hurt her at all.
“Lady, I’m trying to save everyone, too.” You attempted to reason. “But I can’t if I have to keep jumping across universes so I don’t get shot by you. You don’t think you’re part of the problem here?”
“I...I-I don’t...” Yet she couldn’t muster up a response, looking utterly exhausted.
“I promise I’ll figure out how to fix this mess. Just..get off my ship and take your friends with you. And leave me and my crew alone.”
Finally, she relented. “O-Okay...you better keep your word because time is of the essence. Th-The fate of..the entire multiverse depends on you...literally, that’s not a figurative-”
“I know. I’ve been knew. But thanks for the reminder. You can put her down, Wug.” You gave your alien ally the okay to let Lady go.
For a moment she just glared at you, and without another word teleported out of the ship and took the remaining surviving soldiers with her. 
With a relieved sigh, you reunited with your crew, seeing them already patching up the injured. Mark, who appeared relatively unharmed, approached you and patted your shoulder roughly, grinning at Wug.
“Gotta say, Cap. You two make quite the killer combo. I dunno what that lady was talking about, but I saw she had a cool bracelet like yours. What’s that about?”
Blinking, you looked at the warp device on your wrist. ‘She had one, too? Huh..that would’ve broken this universe for sure if she saw mine..’
But all you did was shrug, putting your gun away. “It’s a long story...”
“Ah, well. I guess it doesn’t matter.” He chuckled. “Let’s get some drinks and kick back for a while. This hard-earned victory of ours calls for celebration.”
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shyshywritesstuff · 2 years
My ISWM fixation came back again, and I love me some angst that ends in fluff, so here we go.
Head Engineer!Mark x reader
The Captain is feeling insecure about their Captaining skills and are struggling to see that they did a good job in saving the universe. Oh, and they're also sleep deprived, good thing the Captain isn't alone in feeling this way.
You were tired. So very tired.
Sure, the ship status was normal, the colonists were safe and they were even thriving on their new planet now, but you restless. You've been like this for days.
Night after night, you got little sleep because what if something were to happen while you were asleep? The colonists could suddenly be in danger. Again. The ship can go kablooey. Again. Your entire crew can betray you. Again. And it would all be your fault because you're the captain and it's the Captain's job to look out for their crew. No matter what. You couldn't let them down again. These thoughts consumed your brain and prevented you from getting much sleep. And even when you did sleep, most of the time you had nightmares. Every mistake you made came back to haunt you.
The most frequent nightmare consisted of your beloved head engineer hitting you with a fire extinguisher, and then later screaming at you for destroying the Warp Core. Deep down, you knew very well that he didn't mean any of the hurtful things he said. However when you pair that with what Gunther, Burt, Celci, and even what Mack and Lady said at one point, it made you wonder: Are you actually a good Captain?
You could tell that your crew was proud of you for getting the colonists to the planet you were all on now, but did they truly mean it? I mean, How good of a captain can you be if you can't even get a full night's rest? And what kind of captain sits alone on a couch in the dining hall at 2:44 am, drinking tea instead of sleeping? The rest of the crew is sleeping soundly. Why can't you? Why can't you just get over it and see what what's happened happened. Mark did. He's over it. Mark went through the same shit you did and he's-
"Can't sleep Captain? Yeah.. me either." Your thoughts were interrupted by none other than Mark. Him speaking suddenly cause you to jump slightly, which he noticed and apologized for immediately.
"Sorry Captain, didn't mean to scare ya. But may I ask what you're doing up?" He asked, looking at you. You just shrugged. "I'm just not feeling super tired tonight I guess" You said, lying and looking down at your now super interesting mug. '#1 Captain' it said. You didn't even notice Mark sitting down besides you until he spoke again. "Well, I'm glad you're here." You were confused on why he would suddenly say that, but you weren't going to question it. You rarely ever questioned anything Mark did. You just trust him that much.
It was quiet for a moment. Just you, Mark, and a quiet ship ambience.
"Captain, are you doing okay?"
"Yeah. I'm okay."
Another moment of quietness passed. You realized you were done with your tea and placed your mug on the table.
"Captain, I've known you long enough to know that that's bullshit." You looked at him and before you could protest he continued on, placing a hand on your shoulder. "You can talk to me. You know that, right Captain?" You nodded, avoiding eye contact because you knew If you made eye contact you would start crying. However, you were going to start crying anyways because now Mark was hugging you.
"You're not alone Captain. Why else do you think I'm awake with you right now? It hasn't been easy for me either." He told you honestly, doing his best to comfort you. He knew you needed this hug and he did too.
After hugging for a little while and letting all of your tears out, Mark let go. "Thank you, Mark. I mean it. I really do."
"There's no need to thank me, Captain. You know I'm here for you whenever you need me." You nodded. "You know you're the best Head Engineer I could ever ask for, right?"
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Well obviously, just look at this ship it's perfect." He played it off like he knew he was the best Head Engineer, but in reality he was doubting it. At least you told him exactly what he needed to hear. Now's the time he should probably do the same for you.
"but you know... this ship wouldn't be the way it is now without it's #1 Captain." He continued, causing you to smile at him slightly, exhaustion very clear on your face. "but you need sleep, Captain- We both do."
"I don't know how though. I get so worried about literally everything that I can't sleep"
"Talk to me about it. Tell me everything." He insisted.
And you did. You told him just about everything that you went through while the ship was in the wormhole. Mark did the same.
You didn't realize how much pain you caused him by 'fixing it from the outside'. He watched you die over and over again and then he had to try to run the ship while you were gone and every single time, the ship didn't make it. You had no idea. How could you have known? You were just trying to save your people.
Mark didn't realize how much pain you were in either. You were blamed for everything that happened. Because you were the captain. You were in charge. But it was Marks fault. He built the Warp Core that destroyed everything. He had no idea. How could he have known? He was just trying to save everyone.
Both of you tried so hard. So very hard to fix things. You did eventually of course, but just cause the ship was okay, doesn't mean you either of you were. That's why you had each other though. You both were beginning to finally process everything that happened.
Talking to each other must have helped because you both ended up falling asleep right there in the dining hall, and for the first time since the ship got out of that wormhole, you slept all night. And half the day.
When you woke up, you saw Mark with a pair of glasses drawn out in sharpie. You could only imagine that your face had something similar on it. But hey, That's what you get for falling asleep somewhere other than your room while also having a very immature A.D.S lead whose love language is shooting away your problems and pulling pranks on the entire crew.
You'll get him back though, especially now that you're well rested for once.
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greeniscosmic · 2 years
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