#it all turned out much longer than mina's backstory because i had quite a bit of emmet's & her dealios written down
betasuppe · 2 years
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[This one is longer than i intended, oops plz forgive me x0000]
The morning after the mamoswine incident, Norumi was called to meet with Irida, where she anticipated being sorely punished from nearly being trampled to death, if it wasnt for the warden saving her. Instead, she found the clan leader in a great mood, telling Rumi that Ingo was so impressed with Norumi's knowledge of pkmn that he requested HER to show him around the Icelands.
Evidently Irida had been trying to get the elusive warden to stay for a bit and become familiar with the Pearl homeland, but he never found a reason to stay and vanished shortly after he arrived. He'd even admitted to the leader that he had full intentions to set out this day... except something changed his mind. So, Irida proudly explained that he had finally accepted to stay for two weeks straight to truly become close to the Pearl lands... as long as Norumi would accompany him as his guide.
After going silent & nodding dumbly the entire time, shocked straight through with this turn of events, Irida sent Rumi off to pack a day bag and meet the warden at the gate for the first day of their excursion around the land.
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When Norumi finished preparing & finally set out for the gate, she found Ingo and Lady Sneasler both waiting patiently there for her. The warden greeted her and casually produced a package, which he apologized for not having much time to prepare. After opening it, she found completely new writing implements and a fresh, untouched leather bound journal for her work. Ingo explained that though it wasn't much, he wanted to repay her for such an interesting time the day prior.
Completely unused to feeling emotions rattle her stoic heart, she hastily bowed & thanked him before packing her new belongings away & insisted they head out before they wasted the precious light of day OR before her building emotions could get the best of her.
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They spent the following days with Norumi heading the party, introducing different areas & sharing info on the pkmn they crossed in the wilderness as well as jotting down observations and sketches from the beasties they passed. Then, Lady Sneasler was keeping alert & on the prowl for dangerous activity, occassionally going her own way before meeting up with the other two somewhere down the line. Meanwhile, the warden was listening with rapt attention and otherwise was focused on battling away any aggressive pkmn with ease, his team proving to be a quite a force to reckon with. They'd return to the village in the evening to go their separate ways & catch a few hours of sleep before setting out for somewhere new the next day.
The group also found themselves tucking away in some secluded, safe spot for their lunches, where they'd continue to talk about pkmn, of course, but also about themselves. Norumi learned about Ingo's case of troubling amnesia & the odd memories he was struggling to set straight in his own mind, of which she felt she just had try to and help him connect with his forgotten life!... even if she didn't know how. She also became incredibly aware that he had an untapped wealth of pkmn knowledge and she was keen to learn as much as possible from him as she was in learning about the warden's personal life, as well.
Likewise, Ingo enjoyed hearing of, as Norumi herself called it, her rather uneventful existence. He could easily see she wanted nothing more than to experience everything the world had to offer, but felt trapped in the Icelands under the expectations of her family and clan. He sat quietly & listened to her stories, trying to find a way to propose an idea that would benefit them both...
Anyways! Together, they spent their days learning & laughing, with Norumi wearing a rare smile more often than not while being the warden's travelling companion.
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On the last day of his time in the Icelands, during lunch, Ingo extended Norumi the offer to accompany him on his travel back to the Highlands and to Jubilife Village where his protégé was living, or anywhere else life might take them. Ingo was quite aware he still had much to learn from her and though Lady Sneasler was almost always at his side, the warden was fairly lonely and would've been thrilled to have Norumi around. Plus, she'd be able to escape the village tucked away in the coldest part of Hisui and finally get the chance to see the world and observe so many different spices of pkmn, assuredly filling up the rest of her journal in no time at all.
Though she found her heart thudding in her chest at the thought of leaving her old life behind and spending her days besides the warden himself... Norumi quickly realized the implications of them both leaving together and how it could cause immense drama in both of their lives. She also could not shake the dreadful fear that he too would quickly find her weird or boring, before she simply became an outcast again, just in a different place rather than the Pearl village.
Unable to force herself to commit to the biggest choice in her boring, mundane life, Norumi sadly turned down the warden's invitation, telling him she'd love to but it just wasn't the right time. Ingo still managed a smile & told her the offer would always be open to her, should she ever change her mind.
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That night upon returning to the village, Ingo thanked Norumi deeply for her company and all the knowledge she shared with him. He found himself having a hard time saying good night, as it meant they'd both be parting for good after spending two solid weeks at each other's side. She too struggled to move herself and fought back a tightness capturing her throat as the warden turned to leave in the direction of the hut he'd been staying in.
He told her he'd hope to see her when he next made a return trip to the Icelands and hoped she'd reconsider his offer, but she didn't speak up. Norumi could only nod, fearing if she'd open her mouth, she'd start crying the minute she'd finally say good bye.
Instead, she quickly rushed away to her family's hut, where she threw herself under the covers, not being able to stop herself from all the stupid useless feelings she had pouring out from some deep dark place inside her. After slowly calming herself & letting the tears flood from her eyes, she decided she'd try to intercept the warden before he left & either compel him to stay longer or to force herself to agree to his generous offer and set out with him.
She eventually drifted off to a restless sleep and when she woke early the next morning, Norumi quickly dressed and ran down to the village gate, just as she'd done for the last two weeks, hoping to stop the warden before he left. As morning light trickled on into the brightest part of day, Norumi came to the realization that either the warden wasn't coming or had already left.
She ran to see Irida, who informed the poor girl that Ingo had left the previous night in a quiet, glum sort of mood. Norumi felt the cold grip of remorse catch in her chest as Irida repeated the warden's farewell, including the statement that he had no other reasons to stay on at this point. Evidently, the man hastily left that same night, not even waiting for daylight to set out from the chilled Icelands.
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Norumi went back to her family's hut and stayed indoors for a few days, too overcome with guilt & sorrow to want to move, as she looked through the pages of the journal she filled out at the warden's side, only now realizing that she didn't care what anyone else thought... she just wanted to be around him again.
[Final parts coming shortly...]
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
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Summary:  “Am I in Hell?” Agatha’s voice was hoarse, a hint of fear in her tone. “That depends on your definition,” Dracula answered. “Perhaps.” His fingers felt cool against her burning skin, the fever raging through her body. “If you’re going to kill me, then do it,” she mumbled. The count chuckled, gazing into her eyes. “On the contrary,” he smirked. “I’m going to save you.”
((In which Dracula cares for a gravely ill Agatha))
Characters: Agatha Van Helsing/Dracula
Rating: M
Read on FFN and AO3
A/N: A little shorter than usual. I think I have a stomach bug, but I wanted to give you guys something! Thank you for all of your support! Feedback is greatly loved and appreciated! If you ever want an explanation about something after you read a chapter, my author’s notes at the end in my AO3 and FFN docs tend to have them! Hope you enjoy! -Jen
                                                Chapter Eight
Agatha was bitten by a snake once. Searching for eggs in the chicken coop, no older than six. When she slid her hand under her favorite hen, something clamped down. Sharp, needle like teeth burying themselves into her skin. It burned. Ached. And she screamed so loud one might even go as far to claim the entire town heard.
But in reality, it had mostly startled her. The bite nonvenomous. A black snake. The young girl watched as the tiny droplets of blood oozed from the bite marks. Such a curious sight to behold. A wound on flesh from mouth. As she watched it slither away, too quick for her father to catch, she couldn't help but wonder if it'd remember her taste. Liked the scent of her blood. Agatha, of course, would never know.
Agatha's eyes widened in shock as she felt Dracula's fangs dig into the sensitive flesh of her neck. Fueled off an adrenaline rush, she kicked herself back, slamming against the headboard as the vampire eyed her in a mixed expression of confusion and lust. Blood glistened off of his teeth. Coated his lips. Her blood. He'd bitten her. The bastard had actually bitten her!
"Agatha?" The Count began before she rammed her feet against his chest. It did nothing. "You seem upset."
"Upset?!" She panted holding a hand to her throat. "You BIT me!"
Dracula was silent for a minute, watching the fuming nun with keen interest. He then sat back almost as if nothing troubling had occurred. This only seemed to fuel Agatha's rage further. Not only was he acting so passively about this, but his lack of acknowledging the situation entirely was frustrating. Furiously so.
"If you are concerned about turning, Agatha, I can assure you that isn't going to happen." He spoke as if those words meant something. "If I wanted to change you, you'd have been dead long ago."
Her fingers ran down the indents in her neck. The pain had faded away leaving a cool, almost numbing feeling. It was almost...pleasant. Despite this, she frowned. Angry at him. And maybe, maybe just a little bit disappointed she made him stop. But she didn't want him to know this. Why had he done it? What were his intentions? She remembered Jonathan Harker. His former "brides" in their boxes below. Why hadn't he killed her too?
"Are you in pain?" And there was genuine concern in his tone.
"No…" What was that about not letting him know? "No, it...it doesn't hurt. Not anymore." Agatha looked at him, her eyes no longer holding malice. Only interest. Needing. "Why?"
"Because I didn't want it to." Dracula answered simply, reaching for the hand that covered the mark. "My plan isn't to make you suffer, Agatha." There was a quick flicker of a smirk on his face. "Most of the time."
Before she could react further, he leaned forward and licked the spot where his fangs had struck. Smooth, with purpose, a shiver ran down Agatha's spine as he drew back. She began to feel that familiar ache stemming from her core. Heat rising in her like the night fevers she vaguely remembered upon her arrival to the castle those many weeks ago. Ignoring them, she quickly slid out of the bed.
"I should wash up." Agatha told him quietly, knowing that if she didn't, she'd regret it later.
There was a bassin of cool water along with a cloth in the bathroom. Agatha didn't bother to warm it over the fire as she began to scrap the gore from her body. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, the icy liquid dripping against her skin. But it was something. Something other than the almost feral emotions she felt back in her bedroom. She couldn't help but wonder if he was still in there. Waiting for her. Or perhaps watching her from the shadows. Was it so wrong to think that she wouldn't much mind if he was?
The former nun gazed down at the murky liquid. With the lack of mirrors in the castle-courtesy of Dracula, it was hard to capture sight of her reflection. Maybe if she asked he'd give her one. It'd be the least he could do. Exhaling heavily, she dropped the soiled rag into the bucket and ran her fingers through her hair.
As she took a few steps outside of the room, she was surprised to find a nightgown nicely folded at her feet. Peering around, Agatha picked it up somewhat unsure. Was the Count being genuinely caring at this moment or did he have an ulterior motive? Slipping it on, she made her way back to the bedroom. Fresh sheets. No sign of the slime or mess from their actions. It was almost irritating how he fluctuated with generosity.
"You sure do think about Abraham Van Helsing don't you?"
Agatha stiffened at the name as she turned to see Dracula standing, now dressed, in the doorway. He was eyeing her in slight amusement as he stepped inside, his gaze not breaking from hers as he moved in close.
"The first time I tasted you, I can't say I really gave your backstory as much thought as I did." He smiled, but the former nun didn't return the favor. "When you cut your finger?" Dangerous territory. "He was rather hard on you."
"Don't bring him up." Her voice was cold.
"I'm truly not trying to start something. But after what we just did. That tiny mouthful of blood. I finally see where it comes from. What makes you you." And he was grinning. Smiling as if he just learned the best news in the world. "I think I'm finally beginning to figure you out, Agatha Van Helsing."
Confusion. Almost hurt. Anger. After what they did. What he did. What she gave him. Together. Now such an intimate moment was turning into this vampire's delight of a discovery?! Christ, she'd begun to trust him. Like an imbecile. Gave way into her emotions. A fool. An absolute fool.
"So this was all it ever was to you?" She asked in a low voice. "A game?" Hadn't it always? "Nothing more than a chess board where we knock each other's pieces off?"
His laughing began to fade. "I certainly didn't imply any of that." Dracula's voice was cool. "I was merely bringing up the fact that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Wrong response. Terrible answer. "I knew Abraham Van Helsing, and though he raised you to do what he couldn't, something in you changed." When he reached towards her, she recoiled instantly. "Agatha Van Helsing, I think you might have feelings for me." And once more the smile reappeared. "In a good way."
"Fuck you."
A strong word. A hateful sentence. After they literally had sex-or nearly until he bit her, things were fine. They were co-existing and she'd begun to accept that. Accept everything. But now suddenly, out of the blue he brought up her grandfather. The man who hounded her for years to be the vampire hunter that he was. A task she'd failed. That she'd pushed aside. And he had the audacity to remind her of it. And play with her emotions. It was true. It had always been true. Count Dracula was nothing more than a monster.
"Burn in Hell." The bite mark began to sting on her neck as she said it. "You should've let the fever kill me when you had the chance."
"Agatha…" But she ignored him. The sound of her name on his tongue bitter. "Agatha, don't be foolish."
She was storming out of the room with purpose, blocking out the sound of his voice. Why was she so upset? Christ, she was acting like a little school girl. Heart broken. Betrayed. Abraham was right. He was always right. The bruises from training. The endless nights of identifying what was needed to ward off vampires. Her childhood taken from her. All of these years and she'd thrown them away by sleeping with a vampire. Not once. Twice. Letting him devour any integrity she had built up as a nun.
"It's raining," Dracula called after her. "I am quite sure you don't wish to be struck by lightning." When she still didn't reply, he huffed. "I apologize for ruining the mood. Again. But how about we discuss things without you being swept away by a flash flood?"
"Oh, I'm not going out of the castle." She snapped back. "I'm going to go sit on the balcony. The sun will be rising soon and seeing as you will burn into a crisp, I can be alone." At least, she certainly hoped it'd stop raining by then and the clouds would dissipate. "And then I'm leaving for good." Before killing him first.
"You keep saying that and it has yet to happen," he countered. There was a pause before he quickly added. "If you need anything, I'll be in my study for a few hours before the morning." She shouldn't have given him the last word. Wasn't that how fights worked? "Agatha?"
But she had already thrust the heavy doors to the balcony open. Almost instantly a heavy spray of water hit her directly in the face. She coughed, the liquid burning her nose and throat from swallowing it wrong. With a grunt, she slammed them behind her and took a seat on the ground. Agatha pulled her knees up to her chest, just barely covered by the outcrop of the roof above.
How in a matter of minutes had passion turned to fury? Agatha inhaled and watched the water run through the crevices of the stone. She'd failed her mission. Time after time again. Failed her grandfather. The late nuns of St. Mary's Convent. Jonathan Harker. And Mina. Dear, sweet Mina who had relied on her all along. Glancing towards the sky, she made a promise to herself. It was time to push it aside. Everything aside. And do what she was bred from a young age to do. Kill Count Dracula.
Thunder rolled overhead and the vampire slayer eyed her healed hand, studying her now functioning knuckles. She thought about the stake she had handled just hours earlier sitting down the steps on the table below. Agatha smiled, her brain and her heart competing on what was the truly right decision. In her head Abraham Van Helsing's dying words repeated in her mind.
"...Finish what I couldn't…"
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