#it allowed the audience to have more compassion for lorelai bc we were able to see how stifled she felt without like. constant flashbacks
scoopsgf · 2 years
i keep sending you gg asks im so sorry but im watching a video essay rn and it's about lane and its about how like. in a way lanes entire character is kind of a backstory into lorelai's life like her character itself is a prequel to the gilmore girls? which does make sense a little because they both grew up in very restricted households and controlling mothers and family lives and there is the big difference with wreath and class at its core its still kind of the same thing. and this isn't meant 2 reduce lane because obviously i love lane she's my girl and i would die for her! but it does. make a lot of sense and gives v interesting insight into both lane and lorelai's character and idk i can send u the video essay if u want but i wanted to know ur thoughts?
NO OMG I SEE WHAT YOU MEAN and i’ve always thought that! like while the parallels aren’t completely perfect, we do glean insights into how lorelai was feeling through lane; mrs. kim and emily are also super similar maternal figures in that they care so fucking much about their daughters but just… don’t know how to parent without suffocating their kids. both lane and lorelai felt like the love of their mothers was a conditional thing—that believed they had to present themselves a certain way around them, and that they wouldn’t be accepted if they tried to be their authentic selves. it’s super heartbreaking when you really think about it bc both lorelai and lane had so much self-directed hate for literally just… being regular teenage girls. listening to rock music and wearing trendy clothes and having crushes/dating resulted in them getting shamed, but those things are so normal and they really should’ve been allowed to do them. that’s the thing about being a teenager—it’s all about trying on different versions of yourself and going through phases to figure out who you are, but neither of them had any wiggle room to do that and so they both kind of ended up stuck (and both of them having babies at a super young age definitely contributed to this as well). emily and mrs. kim had impossibly high expectations for their daughters and they both flipped out when either of them made mistakes because it would “look bad”—to their neighbors, their community (mrs. kim’s church, emily’s club friends), etc. it was all about appearances and obedience and maintaining a facade of perfection, and lane and lor were crushed by that.
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