#it also implies that Raph actually listens to Leo when he says things which is nice
oddly-casual · 1 year
Mikey: What do we do Leo?
Leo: I-I-I-don’t know-
Donnie: you’re the leader, you should know!
Raph: what are we doing? Alpha- Alpha formation? I-I-I
Donnie: We don’t even know what Alpha formation is!
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Leo: Alpha formation, go!
Donnie: I think all his hormones just kicked in at once…
They really just be making up shit
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yellowhollyhock · 3 months
Eating up your mini turtle essays. I would love to hear your thoughts on A team and B team in the 90s movies
very fun topic!
A Team
this is my favorite 90s movie A team moment
Leo: Hey, Raph! Where are you going?
Raph, sneaking out to get his sai after Splinter said not: To see a movie. That okay with you?!
Leo, utterly relieved, grooving: Yeah :)
Leo and Raph are both pretty chill in these movies which makes it compelling when they do argue (and they do, a lot). They push each other's buttons. Leo is fussy over little things but levelheaded in a crisis. Raph is low-key most of the time and high-strung in a crisis. I love that Leo catches on that Raph is up to something, but then when Raph says 'no I'm not' Leo's like 'oh okay 😃'
Also. Getting his sai back was very important to Raph. The sai is the reason we meet April. I feel like it's symbolic of how all their weapons are their sense of safety, because the world isn't very safe for them specifically. And that's very relevant when they're facing Shredder at the end of the movie. He's got Leo and tells them to drop their weapons.
And Donnie and Mikey look to Raph. This makes me so emotional. Is it because Raph and Leo are both more take-charge so if Leo's out for the count they're following Raph's lead? Is it because they know how much Raph specifically does not like to be without his weapon? Are they worried that Raph won't drop his? Probably all but it reads to me the most like they're looking to him to make the call, which also implies thinking he and Leo might have some kind of plan for getting out of this safely
And Raph flings his weapons away from himself. Like it adds nothing it's just an emotional display. 'you will not hurt my brother.' And there's nothing he can actually so to stop Shredder but if putting his weapons down might help he's gonna put them down with all of the force in his soul. they are make me emotional
And of course there's Leo sitting with Raph after he gets injured. They get on each other's nerves but they care so much.
There's kind of a similar vibe as with 2012 where Leo and Raph are close because they both take things a little more seriously. It's also because they both take things so seriously that when they disagree about what to do, it escalates.
I like that they get into big fights verbally but never hit each other in anger. Raph will storm off and do what he thinks, ignoring Leo, and Leo holds onto grudges and rants at whoever will listen about how wrong Raph is, but it's sweet that there are boundaries they stay within.
I also love in the third movie, we don't see these two playing off each other directly as much, but it's the implied things. Leo saves little Yoshi and afterwards Raph takes the kid under his wing and bonds with him to the point when it's time to go home Raph doesn't want to. Even though he does side with April and Donnie, Leo is willing to hear Raph and Mikey out about staying in the past which is huge.
overall, they have a deep mutual respect and are very protective of each other.
B Team
90s movies B Team is something special, y'all. They both have so much fun playing off of each other, like when they got excited about pizza but then it was moldly and they both fell to their knees dramatically and hummed sadly like they were having a pizza funeral dkabdhjaj. Or when they see that Raph and Leo are arguing and go together to occupy a different space and distract themselves with snacks.
Actually though, speaking of removing themselves physically from the conflict. These two are both so sensitive. They need breaks from the yelling even though they know Leo and Raph have each other's backs. In the first movie after Splinter talks to them about being gone someday, Donnie 1) goes skateboarding by himself to process 2) tries to get Mikey to talk to him about it. And then when Splinter does go missing Mikey is the one shedding tears, and again Mikey is crying when they see him in the fire later. And in the second movie it's Donnie who gets very distressed finding out that their mutation was an accident caused by careless chemical spills and they weren't "special" like he'd always thought. They're both so tender-hearted.
The time we see them get the most frustrated with each other is in the third movie. Donnie is stressed out about finding a way home and frustrated with Mikey for losing the scepter. Mikey is defensive, and honestly kind of, not out of it, but. Well, distracted. He's been alone since they got to the past, so he adjusted, tried to find things to be happy about. And now he and his bros are all getting to know this little community. He's invested in learning about what's around him and putting off stress and homesickness for the moment. Which likely makes Donnie more frustrated. But even then this isn't a big conflict. It culminates when Mikey wants to stay in the past and Donnie does not like that, but they still don't directly confront or attack each other, both of their arguments stay focused on the issue, and once they get home, everyone jumps in to help cheer Mikey up, no one is bitter towards him
I do think there would be leftover hurt feelings from this on both sides, and because of how the family dynamics are it would end up a Raph and Leo fight on the surface even though it's really a Donnie and Mikey issue.
Fave moment: when they're watching a cartoon of the tortoise and the hare together. It's all Mikey's dialogue but it's just the fact that they're hanging out watching silly shows
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
3 left! I hope you’re not overwhelmed so far.
Both I’ll send will be TMNT 2012
Leonardo concept
Yandere! 2012 Leonardo Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere behavior, Stalking, Obsession, Possessive behavior, Paranoia, Manipulation, Forced relationship, Overprotective behavior, Implied violence/twisted thoughts, Kidnapping (?), Slight delusional behavior.
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- Leonardo seems like an individual who has things down.
- He's one of the oldest of his brothers and the leader of their ninja team
- He seems like he could do no wrong, until he finds someone he adores.
- Then he starts thinking less of his mission... and more on you.
- You quickly become a weakness that even he has trouble conquering.
- However, as long as he has you, would it really be that bad to give in?
- "I need to do my best to keep you safe, it's what a hero should do...."
- Leonardo, at least in the 2012 variation, is Obsessive, Observing, Delusional, Possessive, Overprotective, Controlling, Manipulative, and Calculating.
- Leonardo is another Yandere who feels the relationship between you two has to be perfect.
- He's got to know everything about you so he can be the ideal boyfriend for you, a trait he shares with Donnie.
- A lot of the turtles resort to stalking so it's no surprise Leo also partakes in this.
- He's a paranoid Yandere, wanting to be sure you're safe.
- You need a strong ninja to protect you... luckily (unluckily) he's up for the job.
- Your safety in these streets is something he's obsessive over, if you know him or not.
- If you've already met the turtle, he's adamant on having you stay in the sewer with him and his brothers.
- He cares for you!
- You'll listen to the loyal leader, he's sure of it.
- "I promise the sewer is much safer than up there! You've got me to care for you. It'll just be until I know it's safe...."
- Like Donnie also, Leo is a little delusional (not to the degree of the tech turtle, however).
- He thinks you share mutual feelings towards him somewhat.
- Even thinking you're utterly terrified without him there to comfort you, which in reality is not the case.
- If you told him such he brushes it off, saying you can drop the brave act now that he's here.
- Leonardo actually shares a trait with Raphael as a Yandere, possessive.
- Like most protective Yanderes, Leo's possessive behavior mixes with his protective behavior.
- Even when he manages to get you in the sewers (one way or another), saying he and his brothers will protect you, he doesn't entirely like them around you.
- He prefers to take you to his room where you two can talk or just watch something.
- Then you won't have to deal with Mikey's clowning around, Donnie's rogue experiments, or Raph's anger.
- You can just be with him....
- He loves it when you two are alone....
- "I... just don't want you annoyed by them- Let's just watch something together, okay?"
- Once Leo's managed to lure you this far, his controlling and manipulative behavior really starts digging in.
- He doesn't want you stepping out of the sewer, or past his room actually.
- You aren't allowed to listen to his brothers, even if they try to warn you about him.
- You only go where he is.
- He sets up extreme rules to try and keep you close to him.
- Leonardo is very disciplinary with you.
- To the point he's hesitant to continue his duties, like training, without you in his sight.
- He'd probably be one to guilt trip and scare you into staying by him if he has to.
- Who know you could corrupt such a noble leader?
- "Today's a training day. Can I trust you to stay in my room until we're done? I'll come get you afterwards, okay?"
- Leonardo is a Yandere who is sure to plan every escape route out.
- Every entrance, exit, tunnel, etc.
- It's all taken into account when Leo wants to stop you from escaping.
- What started out as a minor crush and paranoia, quickly became an all-consuming obsession.
- One that wears down Leo until he realizes just what's wrong in his twisted mind...
- He needs you...
- He only needs you...
- He'd do anything to keep you in his arms.
- If one of his brothers tried to intervene, he may even turn his blades on them.
- He'd rather die or become an outcast than go long without you.
- All so he can keep you beside him, safe and sound.
- "You have no idea what you do to me... I need to keep you with me!"
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haziel-luz · 4 years
Own it..then Redeem it (2007!Leonardo x reader)
Chapter 4:  Just Words or Truth?
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Winter gives smiles and dries his hair with the towel around his neck.
“Ms.Lane, thank you for showing (Y/n) to my office, you may leave.” Winter smiles and the assistant blushes with a nod. She gives you the most envious glare in history before she closes the door.
“Follow me (Y/n).” Winters disappeared back into his second floor and you went up the stairs and followed him to what seems like his home.
“So your work is your home?” You asked, staring at everything in awe. The whole thing felt like a secret base in the office. ‘Just how rich is he?’
“I say it’s better here than to just keep driving around all day. Far easier.” Winters explained and smiled at you while going to the kitchen and pouring me a glass of champagne. He brings the glass towards me and sets his towel on one shoulder.
“Have you decided on my offer, my dear?” Winters looks at you curiously.
“Oh yea, um, I decided to accept your offer on the job. When do you want me to start?” You sat on the couch with him.
“That’s marvelous my dear. You can start tomorrow if you want. I will send a driver to your home.”
“Oh you don’t have to do that.”
“No my dear, I want to. You are the special piece missing in this company and I would love to give you everything you deserved before your workload would commence. Shall we have dinner tonight as a celebration?” Winters gives you the most charming smile.
“Thank you but maybe another night. I made other plans with my friends.” You smiled apologetically. You couldn’t forget about telling your friends about this. Winters is a good friend to you but you couldn’t let it in the way.
“Very well my dear. Now if you excuse me, I’m gonna get ready for a meeting in 30 minutes.” Winters stands up and starts walking to his room until he stops at the door frame. “How about tomorrow night?”
You chuckled while shaking your head. “Sure, tomorrow night sounds good. Good day Mr.Winters.”  You smiled and walked out of his ‘secret’ apartment.
Winters smiled and went back inside his room. Never in his immortal life, has he met a woman like you. If only he met you in his time period, maybe he wouldn’t have stumbled upon this curse. Winters puts his suit on and looks at the warrior suit he had displayed in another closet. He has lived all these years in regret, now knowing that he wants to lead a life full of family. He looks out the window and brings a small smile to his lips. The end of regret and suffering has to start somewhere, and you are that key. Which is why… ‘I want to tell you everything myself.’
You walked out the building and a truck honked at you.
“Hey where do you think you're going?” A familiar male voice hollered at you and you turned around.
You see April and Casey leaning on the delivery truck. You walk towards them with a smile on your face.
“I didn’t think I would bump into you both here, but I guess now is better than later.” You hugged April and Casey.
“So you are gonna explain to us? That’s a shame, I wanted to press every single one of your buttons.” April playfully huffed.
“Looks like I saved myself the trouble. Should we go and talk to the guys now? I’ll explain my actions on the way.” You chuckled at her and she nodded.
“Sure, we’re off of work anyways, let’s go to my car.” April smiles and takes out her keys.
“Finally some time with the guys.” Casey smiles to himself and walks along.
“Yea.” You try not to think so much about your encounter with Leo. Raph was right, I have to talk to him one of these days. ‘And thats today.’
You and the ‘perfect’ couple arrived at the lair and helped them carry some books from the car. Donnie requested some of these from April and he might as well have a library. Coming back to a warm atmosphere that you missed, there was also some tension in this familiar place.
“You guys came!” Mickey was the first to see you three and gave each of you a hug, but yours was the longest. When Mickey pulled away from you, he gave you a big happy smile and you gave one back.
“Of course we did.” You nudged his shoulder with yours, careful not to drop the books. You guys walked to the dinner table to place the books down.
“So where’s Donnie?” April asked, sitting down while Casey went to an arcade machine.
“He’s in his lab but he’ll be out shortly.” Leo suddenly came into view from the training area they had. He was working up a sweat, and just Winter’s he was wearing a towel around his neck like he just got out of the shower. ‘Why do these men have to show up like this?’
“I might as well say ‘hi’ to Splinter while I’m at it.” You swiftly moved to where Splinter would most likely be. In his meditating room. You needed some type of voice to tell that things will get better.
Leo just stared at you walking to Splinter’s meditating room and sighed. Mikey, Casey and April gave Leo a sympathetic look. Seeing you both torn apart like this made them feel bad.
“That bad huh?” Raph came out from his room and jumped down near the dining table.
“Dude, maybe you should make the first move and talk to her.” Mikey suggested.
“Yeah, (Y/n) may be able to listen to you, just as long as you give her the chance to vent on everything she’s held on.” April agreed and gave Leo a reassuring smile.
“That’s if she wants to give in to that chance. Ya know, girls like (Y/n) live by the motto ‘treat people the way you want to be treated’ and I think that’s exactly what she’s doing.” Raph scoffs and Leo only glares at him.
“Let me guess, you gave her that advice.” Leo pulls the towel down away from his neck. April and Mikey can only watch as the two opposite brothers try to square up.
“Oh please, you wrecked the stable relationship you two had. I told her to patch things up with you quickly so that it can just be you and me in the ring.” Raph stood tall with the toughest glare he could give his eldest brother. Sure, Raph was willing to fight his brother one-on-one but it was just downright low to hurt your relationship with Leo in the process. He’d never do that to you or Leo no matter how mad he was at him.
“Guys, cool it.” April stood up slightly and Mikey stood closer to April in case a fight broke out between his brothers. Casey stopped whatever he was playing and stared at the tense scene. He doesn’t want his friends fighting, but he could try to rip them apart from each other.
“The books are here, thanks guys, I appreciate it!” Donnie came into the tense room with a cup of coffee in his hand. Everyone was thankful that Donnie came on time to end the tension. Raph scoffed and left the room while Leo glared at his exit. Everyone let out a breath they were keeping in and Donnie was just confused.
“What did I miss?” Donnie asked the other three and Mikey leaned close enough for him to hear.
“One word, (Y/n).” Mikey said low and discreet enough to make sure he understood. Donnie quickly caught on to the drama.
“Anyways! How about we start with opening these books, shall we?” April insisted to change the subject and Donnie happily agreed. Mikey went to his skateboarding ramp and Casey went back to his game. Leo calmly brought his breathing and anger level down, making his way to his room.
You cautiously entered Splinters calm area and the vibe in the room instantly took you over. Breathing out calmly, you walk towards Splinter and he slowly opens his eyes.
“My child, it’s been a while. How are you?” Splinter says gently and gestures you to sit down. He’s been nothing but a sweetheart to you, even if he hasn’t for days. Sometimes you feel guilty for not visiting him more often.
“I’ve been well, I missed you alot Splinter.” You responded and sat down in front of the table. He takes out two tea cups and pours tea on each of them calmly.
“I’ve missed you too my child. I know you’ve been a busy woman. Tell me, are you having any hardships. You know you're always welcome to stay here whenever you like.” Splinter gives you a soft smile, hiding how much he worries about your well being like a father would. Your heart melts for his worries. You wonder what you’ve done to earn a father figure like this, even your own father doesn’t really think about you when he should.
“I’m doing pretty well. My job is paying me well enough and rarely any hardships, but thank you for your offer and concern.” You smiled reassuringly at him. Splinter smiles and drinks his tea, satisfied that your well. You drink as well and your eyes land on a picture beside him. The first picture of everyone together.
“You still have it?” You smiled to yourself and stared at the picture. Splinter looks at the picture and smiles at it.
“Yes, the very first picture of a complete family. I became really happy with how much you’ve all grown since then.” Splinter smiles adoringly at the family photo.
“I was really a rookie back then, still learning right from wrong. Wow, I was so naive” You chuckled and Splinter joined.
“You may have been naive and a ‘rookie’, but to me you’ve given us more to learn.” Splinter smiles at you with appreciation. You tilt your head by the credit he gave you.
“I don’t think I’ve given you guys more to learn.” You were confused, you’ve actually learned more from them than they did from you.
“Well, my sons have learned very important things from you. Reminding them that together we can all be stronger. Helping them realize that finding love comes from within first.” Splinter drinks his tea, his description made you realize what this was about.
“Basically, I should be talking to Leo, shouldn’t I.” You traced the rim of the tea cup, in thought.
“I didn’t imply anything, my child. I know you have your reasons, and reasons should be heard.” He gently put his cup down and poured more tea. Splinter was right, even though he hasn’t explained his words specifically. You and Leo have been separated enough, if the last thing you could do was listen to why he did what he did, then maybe you can both at least go on from the heartbreak.
“Your right, it should. Thank you, Splinter.” You put the cup down and left with determination. Splinter drank his tea and smiled to himself. ‘Finally.’
Leo was just meditating in his dark room with candle lights around him. He breathes in and out, his mind clearing and feeling relaxed. Yet, everytime he tries to clear his mind, you always show up instead. The memories of the two of you, the history of how you met him and his brothers. He screwed up big time when he sent you that letter, he can only imagine how hurt you were.
These arguments with Raph made him realize that he hurt you more than intended. He tensed up a bit when his door was opened without knocking. Taking a deep breath in and out, he sighed and rubbed his temple. “Listen Raph. If you're gonna come in here to penalize with more yelling, then you should leave cause I’m not in the mood.”
“It’s not Raph.” Your voice interrupted his frustrated thoughts. Leo froze for a second and composed himself. He stood up and turned around, surprised that you even made the move to come into his room.
“(Y-Y/n), hey, I thought you were Raph. N-Not that you look like him, I mean- I assumed-You know what, I’m just surprised.” Leo quickly faltered again and you raised an eyebrow at him, amused by how nervous he was.
“I guess that makes two of us. Listen, I just wanted to talk, if you're not busy.” You took the first step and closed his door.
“Sure, I’m not really busy right now.” Leo sat on his bed and patted a spot next to him. You accepted the seat and crossed your legs on his bed. You really missed the comfortable feeling.
“I’m sorry.” Leo started before you can even ask. You faced him and were confused. He continued, “I never wanted you to be so hurt this way. I just thought it would be easier for you to make something better out of your life than just me.” He explained with a sigh. That explanation just spiked up your anger.
“What do you mean by that? You think you can just decide ‘what’s better’ for my life?” You snapped and frowned. Leo flinched but he knew he deserved it so he stayed composed.
“Your right, I had no right to decide that for you, and I know that it’s a low excuse for a break up. But just look at my point of view for a second, I’m a mutant, meaning that my life choices are so limited that it almost seems impossible to have a normal life.” Leo confessed his insecurities but you were still mad.
“Leo, I knew what I signed up for the moment you asked me out. I even imagined the whole relationship between us when I only had a crush on you, but now you're overthinking about that?” You fumed, standing up and facing him with crossed arms.
“Yes I am. You deserve more than me (Y/n).” Leo says sternly and stands up as well. You can’t believe he was saying this.
“What? You're just gonna give up on me when things get tough in your future plans?” You’re not gonna stand down, now he deserves to hear everything he put you through. “After all we’ve been through, you're willing to throw that all away just because our future won’t be normal for me? I call bullshit. I just can’t believe you set me up for the fall.” You started to raise your voice at him.
“If anything, I’m giving you higher options to have a better future.” Leo reasoned while raising his voice a bit, slightly losing his cool.
“Oh sure, yea, let me just thank you for thinking about my future. Real eye-opening of you to realize that you were and always will be a mutant. You know what, I should go ahead and show my appreciation to you by looking for a mutant girl to give you a promising future.” Your sarcasm hit him and now he frowns at the last part.
“I don’t have anyone else, if that’s what you're suggesting.” Leo gritted his teeth. This isn’t how he thought the conversation would go at all.
“Well, damn Leo! Why else would you break up with me through a letter while you’re in Central America?!  It’s either that or I’m not good enough for you.‘Thinking about your future’ my ass!” You retorted with a glare.
“I don’t want you to regret being stuck with me after you realize all the options you had beforehand! I never want to be the reason why you can’t have a good career, a child, or a wedding. I know what I can offer...and it isn’t good enough for you.” Leo’s frustration faded into sadness. Your anger subsided into some guilt and sighed softly to yourself.
You analyzed the situation and blamed some of it on yourself for blowing the conversation into an argument. He had some fault in it too and he knows it. You weren’t a mutant, but you can understand the pressure he feels for trying to give you everything he obviously can’t. Then again, that doesn’t excuse him to let you go so easily, not without knowing how much it hurt you.
“Leo, I love you so much,” He instantly looked into your eyes surprised, “ and I’m sorry, for not giving you enough strength during our relationship.” Leo was about to oppose until you stopped him.
“(Y/-” “No, let me finish. I’ve always told you that ‘I’m so happy that I have you with me.’ This past year has been hell without you. You don’t even know how much I missed you. I mean, look at me! I haven’t slept well until I found out you came back home.” You pointed out the bag under your eyes. Leo started walking closer to you until you stopped him by putting a hand on his chest.
“If you never trusted those words to heart, then it’s pointless...to both of us.” You finished and turned around to leave with tears collecting in your eyes. Leo called out for you but you ignored him. You even ignored everyone else’s concerned expressions.
You went out of the sewer and walked around the rooftop. Leo may have some insecurities but you’ve always given him reassurance that you will always be by his side. You went above and beyond for him, so why did he still doubt it? If he was gonna give up then so were you..no matter how much it hurts you.
“(Y/n)?” Raph appeared behind you so suddenly that you turned around without wiping your eyes. “What the hell happened??” Raph jumped down and took his Nightwatcher helmet off.
“J-just went to finally talk to Leo. It’s fine really, things didn’t go as well as I hoped.” You wiped your eyes and gave him a reassuring smile.
Raph frowns and huffs, “That's what you call fine? Stay here, I’m gonna go knock some sense into him.” Raph starts to walk away with his duffle bag and you hold onto his arm.
“Raph no. Just don’t..” You felt a lump in your throat. You couldn’t say another word, cause it would just break you down again. Raph looked at your fragile form and sighed in irritation. All he wanted was for you to be happy with Leo. Sure, he and Splinter Junior have a lot to fix, even if it turns into another physical fight. You don’t look like you can take it anymore, you can barely hold on at this point.
Raph pulled you in for a hug and rubbed your back. You immediately broke down and held on to him. He’s had to console you so many times, so he wasn’t as awkward as the first time. You feel bad that Raph has to be the one to help you through this mess, he didn’t need this.
“Listen, I gotta do some Night Watcher patrol. Mind being my sidekick for tonight?” Raph cleared his throat and asked awkwardly. You snorted at his change of subject. He was still awkward at times. You pulled away and wiped your tears.
“Sure, I’m doing camera duty tho.” You accepted with a chuckle. Raph gave a small smile and put his helmet back on.
“Whatever you say, kid.” Raph makes you follow him to his bike.
Leo was in all sorts of emotion. Anger, regret, guilt, sadness. None of these are what he wants at all. Not the rival between him and Raph, and sure as hell not a fight between him and (Y/n). All he wanted was to come back to a complete home, but obviously it wasn’t gonna go that way. Splinter was right, we can’t be expected to continue with our lives as long as we’re fighting each other. Which is why he’s searching for Raph. He needs to talk to him and clear the air.
‘Or maybe that could wait.’ Leo follows the direction of that well known disruptive motorcycle.
“I guess it’s time to introduce myself, Nightwatcher.”
😊Was it good? 😣Bad? 🤔Uh-ah-ummm. Please leave kudos or comments to know if I should update another one, or tell me how well I did. Cause honestly, I need determination. I'm gonna go lie down now.😴
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