#Donnie is the only one who brings up Leo being the leader and it’s always to throw it back in Leo’s face
oddly-casual · 1 year
Mikey: What do we do Leo?
Leo: I-I-I-don’t know-
Donnie: you’re the leader, you should know!
Raph: what are we doing? Alpha- Alpha formation? I-I-I
Donnie: We don’t even know what Alpha formation is!
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Leo: Alpha formation, go!
Donnie: I think all his hormones just kicked in at once…
They really just be making up shit
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
I've always been a true believer of medic mikey and I've been thinking a lot of 2012 medic mikey today
so here's a bunch of thoughts about it from my twt if it feels weirdly paced and chopped it's because i just copy and pasted from different posts
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Mikey probably started with the want of learning more about medicine after leo ends up in a coma.
Kind of like a brutal awakening that his older brothers are not invincible
until that point he probably helped both donnie and leo with basic first aid, since in 2012, the brothers all seem to know some sort of basic medical knowledge to a certain point (raph carries a first aid with him in half shell heroes meaning they all probably have their own).
Mikey probably sees leo burdened with his father's shadow and the weight of being the leader and letting everyone down, raph so worried about them at all times and so angry at himself for not being able to protect his family better, donnie mostly always stressed out. with no sleep. always having to FIX something and all this probably make mikey realize that putting being a medic on top of any of his brothers would just be for the worst so he decides to take it into himself to specialize in that part.
Mikey would ask help for getting more information to study about medicine and turtle health veterinary from both donnie and april (april would love to help +she can get more physical aid like books from libraries and such while donnie is the one brother who doesn't actually mind what mikey asks him and also actually answers his questions with facts). While studying he most probably would forget a lot about the scientific or actual names for different things so he would just make up his own designations because that way it makes sense to him (his brothers would all learn later on about mikey's own system perhaps because it's just them and it's not like mikey is going to go work at a hospital so it doesn't really affect them much).
Being the group medic just would fit him so well because hes very smart and not squeamish about A LOT of things in comparison to his brothers (throwback to when donnie did said he was actually squeamish in the show) so donnie probably would also encourage him in his studies and even try to help him to retain info with different methods that actually work with Mikey (because of adhd brain) like making references to his favorite show or comics while learning medical info to make it easier for him to focus.
The fact that mikey is the most perceptive of his brothers and also the one to keep a cool head when all of the other ones are losing it, would be factors that help him while being the medic as well.
Mikey being the smallest one and fastest of his brothers so hes probably the only one who could make it to any of them in record time if needed be.
I feel like, since 2012 mikey is the one brother who uses his skateboard the most, he probably would start bringing his skate strapped to his shell everywhere because he can use it as an emergency medical stretcher to move his brothers around in the case he was not able to carry them around physically
maybe even begging leo for a longboard later on because they are bigger which, again, could help him in emergency situations.
Thinking also on how leo probably didn't really talk much about the healing hands technique with his brothers so mikey probably unlocked the healing hands in his own way and in a really high stress situation where the sheer willing force was just wanting to help his family.
Mikey would definitely sing staying alive while giving cpr: muttering the lyrics along in a frenetic way while punching his brother's chest, because of their plastrons, and trying to get him to breath again all while listening his other brothers yells be deafened by the sound of lasers pass by over their heads.
And after being home and safe, he'd give everyone those lollipops right after quickly making sure none of them are dealing with a concussion (he is but hes fine, he promises).
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Extra: some replies in twt that i also wanted to share here
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imagionationstation · 3 months
More- more gender swap Donnie? Please? Pretty please?
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(No pressure)
There are a lot of things that stay very, very similar to canon, but obviously some things HAVE to change to make room for big adjustments like lack of love triangles, SO I was debating a couple of episodes and how they could be altered or fixed and literally rewrote an entire episode and OOPS MY HANDS SLIPPED AND NOW I’M SHARING BC YOU ASKED NO TAKE-BACKSIES!
Baxter’s gambit: Happens exactly the same except Fishface keeps doing those weird, uncomfortable, cringe flirty comments at Donnie and at one point he gets too far into her comfort zone and Raph punches his face straight into the ground and threatens to gut him if he ever tries that again ‘cause SHE’S A TEEN DUDE BACK OFF.
Then they bond, and he reminds him of the threat, but nicer.
Needless to say, Fishface leaves Donnie alone.
Slash And Destroy: After Spike is almost blown up, Raph wants Donnie punished, but it was an honest accident, and Splinter only warns her to keep her lab door shut. In a fit of frustration, Raph nabs the mutagen and shouts that “she only gets away with stuff because she’s a GIRL!” and then slams his door to lock himself away. When Slash is bragging later, he reminds Raph of what he said while enraged and insists that he “gave her what they both knew she always deserved” and also implies that Leo’s next.
This scene haunts Raph when Donnie opens up about her insecurities down the line and he realizes that he’s partly to blame.
Showdown: Shredder tries to get under his skin by challenging the false fact that Splinter ‘replaced’ Miwa and with a shelled freak, no less. He taunts him by threatening to kill Donnie, asking if he’d get over her just as easily. Splinter hisses that he loves both his daughters, dead or alive, and the fight leads to Karai’s reveal.
The Pulverizer: The brothers ditch Timothy with Donnie and she makes a halfhearted comment under her breath about stereotypes and “women getting left with the children” as Timothy destroys several beakers in the background and she resigns to her fate.
The Invasion, Part 1: During the argument over whether to use the bot, Donnie accuses Leo of not trusting her because “she’s a girl” and Leo insists that’s not why. When she demands an explanation, all he says is that he’s “the leader.” She’s visibly dissatisfied.
The Invasion, Part 2: While April wraps her arm, Donnie admits that she thinks Leo only separated from them because she was the one who got shot. That if she had been paying attention, or if she hadn’t picked a fight, it would never have happened. She asks if April thinks that it’s her fault that he’s out there alone. Before April can answer, a tremor shakes their building and Kirby freaks out.
A Foot To Big is actually about Donnie being unnecessarily nice to Leo and Leo being too distracted by his own issues to really notice. Donnie gets distressed and confides in Mikey that he must be “really mad at her” and doesn’t listen when he’s skeptical. Raph tells Donnie that she needs to give him space, does the “you know what you need? Huh? You know what you need?” bit and then drags them outside. Leo’s already out there and Donnie’s too distracted looking his way to fight well. Raph sends him and Mikey out into the forest to put some distance between the two.
There, they run into a Big Foot. Donnie notices that she’s injured so they bring her home. She’s ecstatic to meet another female mutant that’s essentially a historical endangered species. There’s no weird love thing- only Donnie being her obsessive self and diving head-first into studying Big Foot. Leo notices that change from doting to basically pretending he doesn’t exist, and mentions it to Raph. Raph tells Donnie that maybe she should talk to Leo, and she fires back that it was his advice to give Leo space. Raph argues that he didn’t mean ignore him altogether, but Donnie doesn’t listen. They get into a shouting match that ends with Donnie spotting Leo walk out of the house and her quickly stomping off into the forest.
Later, Donnie’s sulking in the shadows when Leo finds her. Or, he reveals, Big Foot led him to her, hinting that she knows the forest really well. Donnie fires at comment about ‘betrayals’ and Leo sits down next to her, meaningfully saying that he’s grateful Big Foot did. Leo tries to get Donnie to open up, but she keeps denying that anything is wrong, more and more tense as he insists that she’s been acting strange ever since he woke up.
There’s a cliche “wait, I hear something” “what?” “shhh” “you’re just trying to shut me up” moment before they hear a shout.
They move to Big Foot’s aid, only to get knocked out themselves. Upon waking up, they realize what situation they’re in and Donnie gets an idea. She pleads with Leo to follow her lead and he does without missing a beat. They escape and fight The Finger, The Finger and Big Foot have their… moment, and then Leo and Donnie exchange baffled shrugs as they leave.
The last scene has Donnie supporting Leo on their way back to the farmhouse. Leo stops her on the porch and leads her into sitting down on the stairs with him. Donnie’s anger has clearly left her by then, and she hunches in on herself as he reveals that he knows that Raph and her were arguing about him. He pleads with her to tell him what’s wrong, and eventually she breaks.
Donnie pours out all the guilt that was eating away at her- how she didn’t listen and he ended up in a coma for three months, and how she knows he has every right to hate her but she’s sorry and going to try her hardest to make it up to him- only interrupted when Leo drops his crutch and pulls her into a tight hug. She shrivels in it, burying her face in his shoulder, and he assures her that nothing was her fault. He was being just as stubborn as she was. They could have found a compromise. None of his choices were hers to bear, and if he had to choose between protecting her or himself, he’d choose her a million times over. And not just her, all of his little siblings. He ends it with a light tease of “sorry, Donnie, you’re really not that special.”
He earns a shaky laugh that makes him smile. They separate and Donnie says that she’s going to do her best not to question him in the future, and he scolds her, saying that she better not let him make dumb plans just because she feels guilty. They poke fun at one another until the tension clears, and then Leo shivers, and Donnie frantically insists that he shouldn’t be out in the cool night air.
Her amused older brother lets her lead him inside and the episode ends with her shouting for someone to grab a blanket and to start up the fire, and then a black-and-white image of the farmhouse door.
The Creeping Doom: Instead of chasing Icecream Kitty across the floor, they manage to calm Donnie down by letting her play with April’s hair. It ends up being a tangled mess of bows and hair clippings that April takes out on the way to the lab to check on Mikey, but she waits ‘till Donnie gets distracted, since it’s visibly clear that she both enjoyed herself and was proud of her ‘creation’.
The Power Inside of Her: When Donnie says that she’s okay after everything, Leo interrupts to say that she’s not. When Donnie stiffens, her older brother is quick to reassure her that if any of them were in her place, they would be far from okay.
After April thinks that “at least some good came out of this,” the scene transitions to just the turtles watching tv. Donnie says that she’s sore and headed to bed, but her brothers all visibly panic. Mikey’s the one to say that maybe they “should just hang out a bit longer?” and Raph insists that they should for Mikey’s sake since “he’d just wake them up later,” implying that he commonly wakes them when he has nightmares. Leo asks Donnie to “humor them” and Donnie gives in, lightly teasing her big, bad brothers as they scoff and crowd her, but overall looking immensely relieved.
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yanteetle · 1 year
We always talk about rise, what are some of ur hcs for yandere 2012 or bayverse? (Or both)
Feel like these two iterations need some more Yan attention <3
Ooo! I don't always talk about Bayverse or 2012, but I don't think there's much to touch on for 2012 that others haven't already covered. But for Bayverse? Hooo boy you've come straight to a Bayverse Fangirl, so I'll give you a select few of my Yandere headcannons for them.
I personally think Leo's the most insufferable yandere out of his four brothers to deal with. Not only is he authoritative, He's not the best leader nor team player. And how he treated his brothers in the 2nd movie speaks volumes. You can only imagine how suffocating and restrictive he can be with his own darling. And he's not afraid to be harsh on his darling if need be, and in most cases, his lack of empathy towards his own darling is probably the worst part about dealing with him as a yandere.
Bayverse!Donnie as a yandere.. is a little difficult to contemplate. On one hand, He'd be the typical tech-stalker yandere type, but I feel like there should be more to this. He could easily be the yandere who lures his darling in with a false sense of safety, thinking he's this harmless adorable dork. But after a while, his darling grows to learn that there's more at play than what meets the eye. And the closer they are to learning the truth about his nature, the more nervous he becomes, the more maniacal and possessive side he tries to contain starts to show. By then it's probably too late to escape lmao
Mikey, as always, is kind of the baby in the family. His brothers act like he's a nuisance and all, but they'd do anything for him. So all in all, he's the quickest to bring his darling to the lair for a family introduction. He'd probably latch onto his human darling much quicker than his brothers, choosing to be more open towards humans, and oftentimes embracing their lifestyle at an attempt at being normal like them. He'd be a pretty chill yandere, and the least likely to dish out harsh punishments to his darling. I can't say the same for Raph however..
I find Bayverse! Raph to be awfully boring in some fics, and kind of repetitive sometimes. I hate it when he's the basic emotionally stumped bad boy of the family. For me, I see him as someone who acts out of his well-hidden paranoia and would often worry for his darling. He's surprisingly the most likely to end up adopting some kid and having a platonic-yandere dynamic with them.(But I digress, as my older brother/father figure Raph can be saved for another day) He would try his best to be a kind yandere, but his gruff facade makes it hard for both him and his darling to communicate. And where communication fails, impulsive violence doesn't. The last thing he'd do is try to hurt them though. He is the most overprotective one out of his four brothers after all. He secretly cares deeply for his family, and their togetherness as a whole (partly why he bickers so much with them) and when he kidnaps his darling, that same love will extend to his darling as well.
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 6 months
Hi!! Could I get some hcs of The 03 turtle boys with a gender neutral friend reader who’s a news reporter like older versions of April is, where the reader vaguely hints at oh I think Casey’s kinda cute so the turtles decide they gotta play wingman to their friends….!!
Thank you so dearly if you do end up writing some hcs for this scenario 💜
Okay I’m just gonna say, I love this and also I love that there are other people who like Casey LMAO (I love that giant ass himbo.)
Your Faithful Wingmen!
🖤🏒2003 Casey x Reader🥅💀
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Word Count: 895
CW: gender-neutral reader, platonic relationship w/ the turtles, more fluffy and silly. Also BOOM, instead of headcanons, I figured why not do a whole fanfic of it, maybe sometime in the future I could make a part 2 to this, but I’ll save that for when proper motivation returns to me 😭
Being a News Reporter with big dreams, you were always looking for something new, something BIG that could rocket you into public recognition; and it was hard. You were just a local News Reporter doing smaller jobs, and it frustrated the hell out of you, understandably enough. Though it was a terrible idea to start looking into some serious stuff that not many covered, such as these break-ins and fights going on with mutants and these weird ninjas…
Going to investigate one night led you to being captured by the Foot Clan, and you certainly thought you weren’t gonna make it out. Luckily, you were proven wrong when four mutant turtles and a guy in a hockey mask saved you. Once everything cleared, your life changed forever, for the better of course.
Meeting the turtles, Casey, April and Splinter was probably the best thing that ever happened to you, not only that, doing a small News Report on ‘Mysterious Heroes’ definitely got you recognized, though some people thought you were crazy, most were definitely intrigued. 5 mysterious men in the night fighting ninjas? In New York? Things had gotten interesting.
After finally being skyrocketed, your private life has gotten more entertaining. Four mutant turtles as your friends? That’s sick! They were all fun to hang out with and they all had their own thing going for them, like Leo, the leader in blue trying to keep his brothers out of trouble, Raph, a turtle with major anger issues but has a soft heart, Donnie being a literal tech genius and a mechanic, and then there’s Mikey who was just the definition of chaotic good, the dude was crazy! April, she was a smart woman, and she was also easy to talk to, and you always felt comfortable with her. Splinter was like a father to you, and he had definitely helped you when you had some mental struggles… And then there was Casey. Oh, Casey was stupid and stubborn, but he had a good heart, and for some reason, this HIMBO, he ended up making your heart flutter and your face red. Somehow, this man, the man you sometimes bumped heads with and drove you up the wall, was the one that made you feel this way.
To say that nobody noticed was a lie, and guess who the first one was to notice? Yup, Raph. He was the one to notice that you were crushing on his good ole pal, Casey Jones, and was he gonna keep it to himself? Well, actually yeah, he was planning on it, until Mikey himself realized and went and told just about everyone, he’s a bit of a blabber mouth. Luckily, the turtles stopped him before he could go and tell Casey, and instead, Donnie suggested an idea…
Why not set up a blind date? Leo at first wanted to stay out of it, but with the continuous pestering, he finally gave in. Donnie was the one to devise the plan, Mikey and Raph would be the ones to bring you and Casey on this blind date, while Donnie and Leo worked on getting some hockey game tickets… Was a hockey game really the most romantic date? No. But would it bring Casey in? Absolutely.
And so they got to work, Leo and Donnie got the tickets, and Mikey got you, informing you that you were going on a blind date, and Raph dragging Casey, telling him he had a hot date at the hockey game. When you finally met up with your blind date, you were certainly shell-shocked when you realized it was Casey, and Casey, surprised you were his date.
Being given the tickets, the turtles wished you off as you and Casey would head off together to this game, albeit, you were an awkward and nervous mess while Casey was cheering for this game…
The turtles were certainly hoping for the best, and they were excited when Casey slung an arm around your shoulders and led you into the place to watch the game.
Internally, you were flustered, but happy, and Casey was the one to start up the conversation. “So… The turtles set us up on a date.” He starts, “Do you think they were just matchmaking or?” He glanced down at you, curiously, and you thought to yourself, ‘Well, I never told them that I liked Casey, but maybe they noticed? Or maybe Casey’s right…’ you looked back up at him, “Maybe? Either way, I’m not complaining.” Casey looked a little surprised, but smirked soon after, “You saying you like me, sweetheart?” Your face went red, but you took a deep breath and hit him back with the, “Well… Maybe I do? That a problem?”
Casey’s face softened as his cheeks reddened, his smirk turning into a smile as he stared down at you, “Not at all, maybe I do too.” As he led you to your seats and sat down with you. You were both quiet for a moment, but the silence wasn’t uncomfortable at all, you were just both kind of thinking, ‘Wow he/they like me!’ And to say that you were both cuddling before the game started would be the truth. That didn’t last long though, since well, once the game started, Casey was getting excited and jumpy, and all you could do was laugh and cheer with him.
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sonicdrawsfast · 6 months
Yokai AU. chapter one... (kinda, I'll prob remake it after I have the designs out and more figured out)
WARNINGS (for all chapters): GORE, mentions of abuse, abuse, experimentation, mentions of trauma, uncanon relationships, uncanon world and aged up characters.
Relationships: slow burn SONADOW, Knuxouge, kittails, Espilver, Vectnilla, Leosagi and others.
Other info, I'm not even joking Yokai Watch is my savior for what to call the Yokai, watch it, its such a cool show.
As the Sky Falls Over Us.
New York, a city that always crowded, bright and loud, the city that never slept and most importantly, home of the Ninja Turtles! a team of four teenage turtle mutants that went by the names of Raphael, Donatello, Leonardo and Michealanglo, heroes of the world.
The team of turtles sat atop a building, 'scouting' and defiantly not messing around while the oldest's chasm grew larger, "We're on a MISSION, not a jungle gym" Raphael spoke, sounded a bit agitated as Leo poked the soft shell's cheek, pausing and looking at Raph for good measure. "Relaxxxxx~ no one has been in trouble since we took out the Kraang, chillax, your Chasm only gets bigger~" Leonardo teased, giving a smug look to the eldest Mutant. Donatello pushed Leo's hand away with a mechanical claw, "BUT, something could happen! and you didn't even bring your battle shell! that took hours!" Leo scoffed, "my shell is FINE! I do not need it, I appreciate the work, hermano, I really do, but there's no trouble" Donnie sighed.
During the Kraang's attack Leonardo's shell had been messed up really bad... everything had. The shell and plastron protects all vital organs so it being weak and fragile made Raphael worry, it made everyone worry, except the turtle himself, who refused to lay on his back and winced visibly when it was touched. Of course, as the genius the soft shell turtle was, he made a perfect fit battle shell, not as complex as his own but stronger and more cushioned on the inside than his, not like he'd admit that, not in a thousand years.
Leonardo blew a raspberry, "nothin' it gonna happen anyway, no action, no villains, as the leader I say we go home and eat some pizza!" he cheered, Mikey perked at that, looking up from his mystic chains he'd been practicing, "...I mean, it couldn't hurt, no one as attacked, everyone is still recovering from the attack, especially you, Leo." Raphael sighed but nodded, "fine, Donnie, keep all your tech cameras on banks, museums and stuff like that, just in case.." he side eyed Leo, who was talking to Mikey now.
After riding back to the sewers in the new and improved Turtle Tank 2.0 everyone grabbed a slice of pizza from the leftovers of last night and sat down to eat in the living room. Leonardo laid on his stomach, Mikey sat criss crossed on the arm of the couch, Donatello sat on a purple bean bag and Raphael sat in the one actual chair as they watched Jupiter Jim 34. Donatello carefully studied Leonardo's shell, the cracks... jeez they were big. He noticed as Leonardo shuffled uncomfortably, he expected this, Leo always got a bit of pain when he didn't move constantly to distract himself. He sighed softly as reached into a shoulder compartment on his battle shell, it had pills in it, Midol for April or Leo if they needed it, pain killers, melatonin gummies and anti-anxiety meds, mostly for Leo. Donatello grabbed two pain killers and handed it down to Leo, he whispered, just so Leo could hear it and not above the movie playing on the projector, "take these, I can tell you need them" he said blandly before shoving them into Leo's hand, the blue twin smiled back, "thanks, DonTron..." and shoved them in his mouth and took them dry, which creeped out Donnie but he wouldn't question it.
Elsewhere, the Hidden City.
A blue Punkupine with green eyes, freckles, peach furred arms and heart shaped chest, light blue markings on his face, red shoes with a white strap that connected to a star shaped buckle, white fingerless gloves with a comical amount of sports tape was walking with a tall Kitsune with only two tails instead of the usual six, blue eyes, soft yellow fur with a white furred fluffy stomach with, big ears that wear tipped with brown, just like around his eyes and hands, that sported gloves that only show the tips of his paws so he can touch the hologram screen on his left hand. As the Kitsune typed away, regarding of the Hidden Cities reconstruction after the Kraang attack, they weren't as bad as the above world but some buildings fell through the surface, leaving many worrisome holes.
"Tails, bro, get off the screen for a while, you're gonna go blind!" the short , blue punkupine spoke, looking up at his little brother. The kitsune, now known as Tails, rolled his eyes, "first, no I won't, second, this is important Sonic! three of us best relec shops were destroyed, now human disguises prices only rise!" Sonic shook his head at Tails, "you're just grumpy because the only mint shop was destroyed." he stated a matter-of-factly, Tails grumbled, his tails spun in annoyance for a moment and his ears shifted, "..am not.." Sonic shook his head and chuckled, "whatever you say lil' bro" he waved and rushed off in dart of lightning, going around to check for severe damage and maybe a form of entertainment.
As the blue blur ran he jumped on rumble from the destroyed buildings, he looked to the roof of the hidden city and sucked a breathe in.. Amy was not going to like this. he pressed on his communicator on his wrist and rang up Tails, "heyyyy... maybe I was being a little under dramatic.. but~ the city has a few, like BIG hole leading to City Square, got any sciencey stuff to help?" he make an awkward face, hoping for the best from his genius little brother. He heard a shout on the other end of the line, "WHAT???" Tails yelled, getting some looks from other Yokai around him. He sucked a breathe in and whispered into the communicator, "..what do you mean 'there's a bunch of holes in the roof'?' "I mean, there's a-- WOAH-" static was then heard in Tails's ears as the call ended, Tails immediately panicked and spun his fluffy tails to go find Sonic.
Sonic was now jumping from place to place as more chunks of the roof fell, collapsing so fast he could already see a giant build board and people screaming. It all felt overwhelming, people?? as in HUMANS? bad news!
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alastorswifee · 2 years
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• Leonardo isn’t the jealous type when dating..or so he thought.
• You and Leo have been dating for a few months now, everything was amazing for you both tbh
• you were slowly building your way up in your job and Leo was progressing more as a hero and fighter. Together you both supported, loved, cherished and were always there for one another
• Leonardo knows his worth and knows how much you adore and love him
• ..so why is he getting jealous of your coworker he hears about whenever he asks about your day at work?
• you would get to the lair after work, greeting the brothers and splinter before saying hello to your lovely boyfriend in blue
• it was go the same way everyday
• “how was work?”
• “it was alright, Ryan-“
• and that’s where his smile would drop, the mention of your coworker’s name
• he didn’t even understand why he got jealous at first
• he knows you’re his, he knows you love him and you always turn anyone who approaches you down..then why is he jealous of Ryan when he’s got you?
• Ryan doesn’t know about him..
• that’s what’s nagging him
• yeah you can tell Ryan you have a boyfriend but it nags Leo that he can’t physically go to your work building one day and just pick you up to show Ryan that you have a better guy
• he would scold himself for thinking in such a petty way and stressing himself over some random guy
• he even told Splinter and his brothers about it
• Raph honestly found it amusing, this was something he never thought he’d see from the oh so fearless leader yet here he is being afraid that Ryan could take you away from him
• it got to a point where Raph had to have a sit down pep talk with him to tell him to not worry as much, Donnie chiming in to bring up the whole “talk to her” thing
• “if you speak with her about your problems then maybe she can do something about Ryan”
• Leo would sigh deeply but slowly nod, it’s true, he can’t just bottle this up and leave you in the dark
• another day after work you drop in at the lair, you greet the family as usual and then you set off to find your boyfriend
• not in the dojo
• not in the living room
• not the kitchen
• you made your way up to his room to see him sitting at the end of the bed, sharpening his katana blades
• you would drop your bag on a chair and walk over to him, happily cupping his face and placing a soft kiss on his lips
• he can’t help but smile softly at you, why wouldn’t he? You’re his light in the darkness..
• as he places the katana aside, you tense up at the first words to leave his mouth as he speaks up
• “we need to talk”
• who wouldn’t get tense in that situation? We need to talk can mean anything, it’s literally what can lead to a break up or argument
• you would slowly nod and hold his hands in yours, asking him to tell you what’s up
• he would take a deep breath before looking you in the eyes and explaining everything, his jealousy, his insecurities, his worries..everything
• your expression would go from scared to worry
• you couldn’t believe this, Leo felt this way every time you brought up Ryan? If you knew you wouldn’t have brought him up let alone tolerate him
• you would spew out constant reassuring words to him, promising him that its him and only him you want
• he would look at you with soft eyes, slowly resting his forehead against yours
• he was so thankful for such an angel such as yourself to be sent to him, he doesn’t deserve you but according to you, he deserved the universe and more..
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percyaugod · 5 months
I fucking love your purple prime au!!!11!!!!!1111 anyway question time!!
is brother krang still alive because in some posts you say three new "kids" because if he is that adds a bit too the plot cause well they 100% thought he was dead
weve seen the turtles and caseys opinions what about cass's splinters draxums etc
does senior hueso ever appear? tbh most of my questions involve side characters because they would be so cool too see!!
and we know they can technically still talk too the ancestors if needed do they contact them?
Thank you! ^ ^
Brother Krang being alive is something I've been thinking about as a possibility but never fully decided or what would change. Sure we see him trapped in the ship, but we don't know if it was hard enough to crush him or if he died from the explosion as the portal closed. So he could be running around, watching and waiting as he heals.
This could lead Donnie to think him hearing the Krangs' voice is just him imagining things when he starts hearing another voice in his head. Since the brother Krang doesn't speak out loud the turtles don't know what he sounds like. Bonus points if he actually talks a lot in the hive mind, almost rivaling Leo.
He could just accept Donnie as the new leader, freaking out the others when Donnie brings home another one, or decide to go rogue. This is the turtle that took control of his ship after all. Leading to a situation where Krang one and the sister Krang have to fight their brother to protect Donnie.
If he did join the group the amount of times he scared the others by silently appearing behind them. Damnit Donnie! Put a damn bell on the thing!
Casey Sr would be the only thing Other than Donnie the Krang fear. She bit one of them, will at times just stand still for hours staring at them, those monsters she calls scouts, and Purple Prime has absolutely no control over her! Casey Sr thinks she can bear them in a fight and they're too scared to test her theory.
Splinter spends a lot of time in denial. These were the things that nearly took away two of his sons, there's no way his Purple would just-
He starts to wonder if it was all his fault. He just randomly appointed Blue as the leader and didn't talk about it with the others or ask if Blue even wanted to be the leader.
He had so much potential though! Always coming up with plans and knowing his and the others' strengths and how to properly use them. Not to mention the stress was obviously tearing his oldest apart.
If he had done some things differently, would none of this have happened?
By the time he sorts himself out, the kids have started a trial run with Purple and the Krang since they apparently can't get rid of them without negatively affecting Purple. Again they had to rely on themselves because he couldn't pull himself out of his own head. He regrets making them grow up so fast but is so proud of who they've become.
Draxum is working with Casey Jr on trying to find a way to separate Donnie from the Krang. He wasn't there to see what the Krang did, but the aftermath says enough. Draxum discovers the empyrean he used to create the turtles is of Krang origin and could be part of why Donnie integrated so well. The fear that this means the other mutants and yokai that also come from empyrean are also at risk.
Hueso would definitely be worried about the kids. He doesn't see them too often after everything and they look so beat up and tired. Not to mention Leo is apparently at home healing from injuries. When he does see him again there isn't any of that usual annoying, energetic personality.
For once, Hueso wishes Leo would complain and rant to him about his problems so he knew what was going on. Knew how he could help.
It's fine! ^ ^ Gets me really thinking.
Probably not the best idea to contact the ancestors. When asked about the Shredder they gave some of the worse advice. No one wants to know what they'd say about the same species as the one that created him.
They'd talk to Karai though. She'd do her best to try to comfort them and guide them. Donatello is still family and he sees them as such, his Ninpo proves that. So she tries to be there for him to know that he's still family to them as well.
She won't say it out loud, but she does worry about him losing himself like her father once did.
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bluepeachstudios · 1 year
GitS Asks
(These are from before Chapter 30 came out)
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They're unprepared but they make up for it in their tenacity and flexibility!
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You. Are you spying on me? Squints
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OUGH </3
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Yeah, Don will make friends with anyone! He's often torn up over them leaving, as well. Ghost just lost too much. He's scared to get close to people because they might leave, or he might leave, but the kids kind of kidnapped him, so.
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Spirit thinks that Leo's unfocused but he definitely doesn't mind it. He does think a lot about "is this how I would have been had I not been the leader?" He loves Leo, though. He loves that he gets to be silly goofy and a kid.
Spirit thinks Raph makes a good leader when he's not panicking over his little brothers. He's got a bit of learning to do, and some helicopter brothering going on, but Spirit gets it. This Raph isn't as angry. He can't afford to be as angry and reckless as Spirit's Raphael.
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Probably Splinter, considering he's more skilled as a ninja but also incredibly used to Rise logic fhgkdjfhg
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Oh yeah Mike would have a GRAND old time with the villains. He'd love the banter, love the theming. God he'd be delighted. All the villains are confused because he always gets so excited to see them.
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Yup! One way or another, Don gets mutated.
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The TV shows, movies, books, songs, entertainment media. There might be equivalents in this dimension, but not all of them exist. He wishes he could read Justice Force stuff because that's what his Mikey was most into, but it doesn't exist in the Rise Dimension. There are songs he can't quite remember the lyrics to but the melodies are stuck in his head. Some stuff just. Doesn't exist here.
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Bringing back the Michelangelo saying "So THAT'S where you've been you WHORE" joke for this one
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Arguably yes. In another dimension, Splinter lost his son the same way Rise Splinter lost his mother. It makes him worry that he's going to lose his sons again, so he withdraws further, which only worsens his depression. When Ghost withdraws, the kids go and drag him out, because they know that they can. They probably tried, when they were younger, to spend time with Splinter even when he felt bad, but he snapped at them sometimes. They would leave, and he'd feel even worse about himself.
Ghost being around means he doesn't have to worry about them as much. Ghost can do that for him. Ghost is a better father than him. Like Ghost said, he's a terrible father. So why bother trying?
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I feel like I've definitely answered this before or it's in the fic, but he likes to bake with Mikey and do drawing stuff with him. Ghost only does blueprints, so his drawings are all very technical, but Mikey likes to do this thing where he takes Ghost's technical drawings and paints them all wild and colorful and it's a very nice juxtaposition.
With Leo, Ghost geeks out with him. They read Jupiter Jim comics together, they watch Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim movies, Leo will infodump about theories and headcanons and basically fanfic ideas he has, and Ghost will happily listen. His big brother used to listen to is infodumps, so this feels like repaying him, somehow.
Raph and Ghost usually train, or Ghost shows Raph how to build things. Raph's a big guy, he's a bit clumsy, he's never felt like he could build or make anything before, not like Mikey or Donnie, who are creative as all get out. But Ghost shows him he just needs the right medium. Metal is good for Raph because he can bend it easily, and he starts enjoying welding. He helps Ghost with a lot of the bigger repairs around the lair. Otherwise, they'll sit and read next to each other. They get cozy.
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Yeah. That's why during "Same As It Never Was" short story, when Ghost intercepted Freshly Mutated Lou, they both kinda just. Broke down to each other and then. Y'know. Raised the kids together. Co-parenting. Generally much better off than Ghost continuing to isolate himself.
Anonymous asked: I really do love how you make a point to emphasize that mutated Ghost is a scared animal more than a monster. 03 didn’t really give the time or depth to explore Ghost’s psyche as much. (Not that it’s a bad thing! It’s my favorite arc for a reason and part of it is just the nature of a visual and auditory medium rather than a written one, plus the nature of weekly episodes and the audience being a bunch of kids who are freaking out over their favorite character, it simply makes sense why they didn’t dwell on that and instead focused on his brothers’ reactions to it instead.) As a complete animal nerd to the point where animals and animal behavior is basically a special interest of mine though, it REALLY scratches an itch when writers actually take how animals actually think and behave into account rather than just defaulting to stereotypical monster behavior. An injured animal IS the most dangerous thing you can encounter in the wild for a reason. They’re scared. They’re in pain. They’re worried you want to kill them and therefore think they have nothing left to lose and will fight with everything they have to get you away from them. On top of it all, Ghost has just enough of his mind left to seek stuff out but not know /why/ he does the things he does. He follows scents that are familiar. He didn’t chase the boys or lunge until they got too close. He still tries to hide. Leo’s right when he says Ghost still doesn’t want to hurt them, it’s just that for once animal panic and self preservation instincts are making him forget everything else. He doesn’t understand that they’re trying to help him. A scared animal doesn’t want to fight, it just wants to be safe. -- (Keep Scrolling Anon)
This is a very good analysis on what I wanted Ghost to feel like. He's in a massive amount of pain. He's scared. He wants it to stop, but there are things reaching for him. He doesn't know that he's hurting the people he cares about, he just knows that he's being hurt.
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@hrshlandturtles Yup! Fridays seem to be a good day to do stuff. A lot of other fics update on Saturday or Sunday and Friday is a good time for people who were busy with school or work to read the chapter after getting back for the weekend.
-------- The following ask happened after Chapter 30 released!
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:') I'm very sorry for everyone's pain. I tried to warn people.
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
Casey who kills the Shredder and while the others think it's all over.
He knows better.
Casey knows this city like the back of his hand. When one evil is destroyed another takes it place.
And he won't have it.
Casey who brings the leaders of the purple dragons, every crime leader in New York.
And Karai.
And makes his terms clear.
All traces off his happy go lucky self are gone.
Casey was the kid people warned you about.
He had blood on his knuckles more often than not. Flew off the handle and could reduce even the most toughened folk to tears.
When Casey walked through the hallways, people didn't dare make eye contact with him.
But there was always those who wanted a fight, and Casey was more than happy to deliver one.
If you even managed to land a hit on Casey, his bright smile as he punched the lights out of you would haunt you.
Casey knew who he was.
And who knew that same principle applied to the criminal underworld?
Casey smiles like he didn't just delivered each of the leaders the heads of their most prized fighter.
Normally he'd never go this far. Even for him, this was a lot.
But the thing about Casey was that among being a violent force of nature, he cared.
He cared so damn much it hurt. And he cared for his friends, he'd do anything for them.
He'd kill for them, die for them, burn the city down if it meant they'd be safe and warm.
Casey cared so much he wanted to beat someone up.
It was why Nick left him, his once best friend who couldn't bare seeing Casey's protective rage.
He called him a monster.
And Casey was fine with that.
If it took being a monster to make sure these clowns didn't mess with his friends again, he'd gladly take the role.
If it meant Leo could sleep soundly, Raph could breathe easier, Donnie could work on what he loved, Mikey could watch cartoons without fear, April could reunite with her father.
Than Casey would do it.
He never told them that Splinter wasn't the only one he buried that day. He'd found his dad and sister, or what remained off them.
He grieved alone, gritting his teeth and breaking bones of whoever crossed his path.
They were all he had now.
And he wouldn't let them fall.
If they found out and hated him, he would bare it. He'd grit his teeth and feel like he was being lit ablaze.
But he'd go on, and he'd never stop caring about them.
Karai eyed him, the new leader of the Foot clan nodded once in respect before declaring a truce.
Casey agreed, they shook hands so hard, that had they been any one else would've broke in several places.
He thought she'd be more broken up about losing her father but she only asked one question.
"Did hurt?"
He suppose it should scare him how alike they seemed to be. But all it did now was make him sigh with relief.
He'd bare the weight of his actions another day, for now he had a family to get back to.
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neonseperatedau · 1 year
Leo’s Log Entries 234 to 345
It seems you stumbled across a broken control pad. As it boosts up, the label reads ‘Property of Leo’. Most files are corrupted. You take a look at those remaining. (Cass, @somerandomdudelmao thank you so much for creating such an inspiring, wonderful and heart-breaking story. Like many others, I was deeply moved by the latest updates. I hope you don’t mind the few creative liberties I took to tell bits of the comic from Leo’s perspective.)
Log entry 234: Man, this feels weird. It’s been ages since the last time I did an entry. The previous one dates so far back that I had both of my arms still. Sweet innocent Leo with two arms, I want to slap that idiot as soon as we got time travel. Donnie told me I should make it a habit again. I guess I kept zoning out during dinner because it was sometimes difficult to process every single crazy thing that had happened within a day. So, here I am, talking to this log and letting it record me. And Dee, if you are eavesdropping, I ate our final package of froot loops, probably the last one that remained on Earth. I needed to stress-eat after you had turned me into a tangerine-sized turtle tod. I only thought it fair to be somehow compensated for that unwanted experience…
Log entry 255: Case is pacing around all night. He had returned from a mission with Donnie being seriously hurt. You would think we’ve been through stuff like this so often it doesn’t bother us anymore. Nope. Each time, I see one of my family injured, I share their pain. Not in any physical sense. More in the ‘I wish I could have done something to prevent that’ kind of hurt. I long gave up on ‘what-if’ scenarios. The present moment doesn’t give two fs about your guilt. Mikey once told me that he envies me for being so focused on the present and that he sometimes struggles to be really here with us and not be torn between the spiritual realm and the physical. I laughed like a crazy person, and I think he misunderstood me. To me, it was the other way around. I miss Dad so much and I had no means of reaching him. Kinda ironic if you ask me that his ‘least favorite’ son was the one to lose his Ninpo and because of that was forced to let him go forever. Log entry 283: I can’t believe this really happened. I always knew Casey was like a good luck charm but that he would be the one to find Raph and bring him home! Raph is back! He is really back! I haven’t realized it until that big machine picked us all up and pressed us tightly into a hug how much I had relied on him and missed his presence. It was like taking that first breath of fresh air after staying underwater for too long. Our family is whole again. Well, as whole as it can be. Log entry 284: Today’s moral of the story: Things cannot go back to how they used to be. Raph refused to take up his old position, especially with some of his programs malfunctioning and Donnie not able to repair him entirely, he told me he doesn’t want the resistance to rely on him and that I had done a great job in taking up this role as leader. I totes understand him and yet…some part of me hoped I could revert to second-in-command. Spend some more time with Case. Go on my own missions. In the end, duty calls, and there’s no easy way out of it. Log entry 294: My big brother’s return was a miracle and even so, Dee found a way to grant us another one. I don’t want to know what that grenade is made out of, and it doesn’t matter. It can REVERSE the effects of Mikey’s quick aging and that is all that counts! Seeing Mike running around, messing with his abilities, and full of energy…I’m so happy for him. Between an ageless robot and a renewed younger bro, I’m the one who’s doomed to feel like an old fart. Second chances are rare. I always regretted that Mikey had to give up so much of his life for our cause. Let’s hope Donnie can continue to produce these anti-aging bombs for a long time. Log entry 301: It’s raining with the lowest levels of sulphur dioxide in the last ten years. It’s not like it’s super safe. That hadn’t prevented Case from running around and enjoying himself within the rain simulation that Donnie had created afterward. He wrapped us all up in his shenanigans and forced us to stop what we were doing and enjoy the little things in life. That’s…not a bad thing. Log entry 303: We lost Boston. Casualties approximately 200. A ceremony for the fallen is scheduled for the day after. April had intended to inspect the Boston branch and I’m somehow glad she got delayed and hadn’t managed to reach it in time. Otherwise, I’m pretty sure, she wouldn’t have returned. She’s on her way home and I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she hears about Raph. Log entry 314: Our scouting teams record higher rates of kraangified humans and yokai. It’s commonly considered a worse fate than death and yeah sure, we had figured out a way to reverse the process. Even so, it was dangerous for everyone involved and I forbid Mikey at one point to ‘treat’ anyone further. My brother would have crumbled away like overcooked toast if he would’ve cured every kraangified being there was. The instant I realized Casey had gotten infected, I was ready to beg my brother on my knees. Everyone’s selfish in their own ways, huh? Log entry 315: Casey shows great signs of improvement. Dee switched to ‘casual’ surveillance, aka his dozens of cameras whose locations nobody knows for sure. I’m doing my best to make the boy feel less responsible for what happened. We cannot blame ourselves for these things or else we would have lost our sanity long ago. Log entry 322: Hey, Dad. I know I cannot talk to you, but I really wonder if you felt the same way whenever we called you that: Dad. Case used that word to refer to me today. Well, to be honest, he also meant Donnie and Mikey, and Raph. It was one of those stupid ‘my dad is better than yours’ competitions, which makes it even better in my personal opinion. Back when I had promised Cass to look after her son, my first thought had been that this human baby was going to be a burden and I would surely mess everything up. But look at him, look at us. I would do anything for him. Heh, you surely had something similar on your mind when you went ahead and protected us at the cost of your own life. Log entry 343: Things have been busy. With April joining our team, I can allow myself to make more ballsy plans and we sure as hell need those victories. The Kraang continually pushes us back. It’s time to return to favor. Log entry 356: Man, my twin is the smartest person on earth. How did he manage to accidentally spill some of the anti-aging serum on himself? And how can such a small creature be so angry? We all haven’t slept for over 30 hours, afraid that if we take our eyes off him, he either ends up killing someone or gets eaten and I’m not thrilled about both options. Log entry 357: Casey is a genius. He built Tiny Tello a pair of custom glasses. He seems to recognize Mikey and me. Raph is too…changed. That human boy has a heart of gold, to do something so kind for someone who shows him no gratitude whatsoever. He insists it’s payback for everything ‘Uncle Donatello’ built for him. Long story short, my twin’s living in my scarf and it’s only the third weirdest thing to ever happen to me. The way he sometimes pads me with his small hands is adorable (note to myself that I should never mention that to Dee) and it makes me nostalgic for days long gone. Log entry 359: I shouldn’t be surprised that the base can’t exist long without Donnie’s maintenance. Occasionally Mike and I liked to make fun of him for merging with the place and being a true shut-in. Jokes on us that we realized how MUCH we are dependent on him once he turned into a small vicious turtle ball. We need to find a solution fast. Log entry 361: Not sure if it was sheer luck and honestly who cares. Dee is back and we need him now more than ever. Raph sustained some grave damage that isn’t fixable. The same goes for yours truly. They can berate me on how I need to be more careful all they want, I will never regret prioritizing Casey’s life. The longer our resistance continues like this, the more I believe this isn’t about me. They could easily replace me, but everyone in my family is so damn special and irreplaceable. I’m going to hold on to them for as long as I can. Log entry 378: Mikey was such an airhead when he was a teen. What happened? Like for real? He had developed an almost uncanny ability to know when we need someone to talk to or hug or, in Dee’s case, rest. And with his mad abilities, he won’t take a ‘no’ for an answer. I think I need to tell him more often how proud I am. Log entry 379: Casey called me in the middle of a meeting, that was already suspicious. The fact that Dee has been sleeping longer than six hours? Also, unusual. We’re currently taking turns, waiting for him to wake up and explain what’s going on. I’m recording this during my shift. My brother looks smaller and frail. He sinks into his bed almost as if the mattress is about to absorb him. His health was bad when Dad died. He had grieved through overwork and constant exhaustion. I couldn’t see a reason he would fall back into this old pattern. Maybe our injuries had made things worse for him. I should take over most of his work and redistribute it for a while. He won’t like it, but I don’t like seeing him like this even more. Log entry 380: Donnie has been infected. Even he doesn’t know when or where exactly. One thing is for sure, it rendered him weak for a while now and he had refused to let us know. It’s worrying that it’s a variant we haven’t dealt with before. But it’s okay. We’re going to figure something out. We always have. Log entry 385: Mikey and I had sat down late to discuss our options. His hair had turned mostly grey again, a sign my younger brother had done everything he could. Nothing worked. Good thing, the mystic isn’t our only trump card. There’s science, too. Donnie must be close to finding a solution, he has been working non-stop. Log entry 386: I just can’t understand why he would make an excessive list of things we’re supposed to take care of instead of focusing on himself. He’s supposed to be the smart one. So, what if the means to cure himself don’t exist anymore? There must be alternatives. Something even he overlooked. For the time being, we try to let him rest as much as possible and survey him. April’s visiting other resistance groups in the hope of answers. I’ve been contacting Draxum and he assured me to let me know when he found anything. Log entry 389: Casey asked me if he could sleep at my place for the night. He’s upset because Donnie made no effort in hiding his calculations of his own death. He might not act that way, but it must bother him as much as it did Casey. Dee just never expresses his emotions the same way others do. I tried to explain this to Casey. He didn’t say anything in return and quietly sobbed against the back of my shell. Log entry 399: We’ve returned to some form of normalcy, though everyone stays at the base for longer periods to hang around Donnie. He notices and refrains from commenting. Denying makes it a bit more bearable. He’s right here and we’ll be fucking damned to let anything change that. Log entry 415: I had no other choice but to move out on a mission myself. We recently lost fights we should’ve won and there are rumors that it has to do with Donnie’s health and our absence. I blame it on my lack of sleep that I stumbled into one of the Kraang’s traps. One mistake might cost your life, that’s how it has been for the last 20 years, and I was ready to pay the price. Then from nowhere, Donnie appeared in his slabby pullover and summoned the greatest arsenal of mystic weaponry that I’ve ever seen. Casey had surely been with Dee as a crutch. Though, it appeared as if it was the other way around and the boy held on to his uncle while he pushed back the entire Kraang army. It's been…a while since Donnie had gone all out. Witnessing what he’s capable of reminded me of the time we had full access to our Ninpo and had gotten extremely cocky. Even then, my twin had been the rational voice of the team. Choosing to be flashy on special occasions and focusing on providing us with the necessary support and firepower. It had never been anything personal. This time, when rockets flew over our heads causing grand explosions, I could see it in his eyes. He was free at that moment. His mind was consumed with revenge for what the Kraang had done to him and enjoying their screams and demise without a thought wasted on efficiency or greater purpose. Fearing he would collapse from over-exerting himself I had to grab him, and we retreated. He seemed in good spirits afterward. I’m telling myself that if he’s strong enough to pull something like this off, he must be okay. He must be. Log entry 422: A week after Donnie’s all-out attack, his health worsened visibly. As he huddles through his lab to take care of business as usual, we cherish the small things. Drinking tea together. Throwing bad puns at each other. The four of us are often sitting down, reminiscing about the times before this whole mess started. Sometimes April or Casey join us. We would like to show our concern and ask Donnie how he’s feeling, if he needs anything, what we can do for him, but we don’t. Life continues on. Log entry 435: I’m tired. I haven’t slept in a few days. Can’t tell exactly how long it has been. I don’t want to miss anything. Every second is precious, even writing this feels like a waste of time. But I also can’t hover over Donnie, he wouldn’t want that. He’s already mad at me since I denied taking over some of his tasks as if he’s already gone. He’s been trying to explain a few of his inventions to me that keep our base up and running, but it’s been difficult to focus. My mind drifts off to repeat the same few sentences over and over again. Please don’t leave us. Please stay with me. Please. Don’t go.
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nani-nonny · 9 months
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Welcome to Nonny’s TedTalk about their background characters and their significance to the plot aka my excuse to suddenly lore drop OCs (I guess I’m calling them OCs now)
Anyways, a bit of a long post hehe
Roddy Runes: First Appearance on Distorted Mirror Ch.1: Switch
In front of Leo is a rodent yokai with a huge, bushy tail covered in singed fur. The yokai is wearing what can only be described as scraps of cloth dirtied in, well, dirt and what Leo hopes to be is dry ketchup. Over the yokai’s snout is a purple gas mask of sorts with a small D on the lower jaw—it looks way too close to Donnie’s logo…
The yokai’s eyes widen and his hold on Leo’s upper arm weakens. He drops the teen and looks over his shoulder at a human wearing the same gas mask. He glances between Leo and the human who pressed her finger to her ear.
The yokai finally stops to stare at Leo who stares back at him with the same look of confusion, “This—I don’t—where is the leader?!”
A rodent mutant (species unknown) that Leo meets upon first entering the future timeline. He’s a bit of a worrywart and skittish soldier in the Resistance. He loves children, and if it weren’t for the Krang apocalypse, he would have been a daycare attendant or a teacher/tutor. Leo wasn’t aware of this, but in the future, there was a huge accident with the Krang that mutated hundreds of humans. Roddy was one of them, which explains why Leo mistook him as a yokai in DisMir. Originally, Roddy’s name was Rudolf Thanes, but he changed it to Roddy Runes to better match his new appearance.
Fun fact: He would’ve adopted Leo in a heartbeat if the future timeline counterparts hadn’t claimed Leo as one of their own.
Occupation before the Krang: full-time university student majoring in education, part-time camp counselor
Occupation after the Krang: Scouter. Before his mutation, he was already talented in noticing the near-unnoticeable tracks laid out by any living being, including the Krang, or spotting enemies from afar, etc. But after his mutation, those senses were multiplied, especially as a mutation into the prey category. He’s extraordinarily talented in this area of expertise, to which he jokingly give thanks to his perception of always keeping track of kids he was chaperoning in his past
Significance: He played the part as the guiltripper and backup plan for Leo in DisMir. He unintentionally brings forth Leo’s guilt by mentioning the importance of family and teamwork when trying to reassure Leo’s nerves. Leo would have the option to run back to his side if absolute fear would take hold, and he would have gladly protected Leo with all of his ability and life. His significance didn’t seem all too grand, but he pushed Leo to take anxiety and fear in hand and step forward to responsibility.
Olympia: First Appearance on DisMir Ch.3: Breach
Leo raises a brow and is about to question the weird turn the conversation has made before the person serving the soup speaks up.
Her voice is gruff, limited to a rough but welcoming tone. She’s a mixed yokai, one Leo has never met before or even seen, with features of a bull and snake. She's missing a horn and snake scales travel up the length of her arm to the side of her face. She scoops a hefty portion of soup and drops it into Donatello’s bowl.
Her spoon flicks broth at Raphael’s face when she points her ladle at the turtles, “Watch it, it’s not easy to make balanced meals with what little shit we have. Don’t forget I can spit some venom in your rations.”
A bull/snake hybrid yokai based off of the Ophiotaurus from Greek Mythology that Leo meets with his brothers’ future counterparts. At the time taken during the fic, Olympia’s name wasn’t introduced but she’s the lunch lady that fed all of the Resistance present at the temp-base her bland soup. She isn’t normally the one who makes food, but she was the only one present with experience in feeding large numbers at a time, especially because she occasionally helps her wife in the kitchens back at home base. She is one of the surviving yokai from initial Krang invasion that is able to move and around and speak of the tale. Shes a socially perceptive yokai who likes to dish out people’s stories or secrets without the other noticing.
Fun fact: She was hinting that she was fully aware of how suspicious Leo’s appearance in the future timeline was, hence a part of Raph’s nervousness in talking to her. (Aside from pointing out that Leo looks “suspiciously” like Future Leonardo.)
Occupation before Krang: Battle Nexus fighter
Occupation after Krang: Frontline fighter, focused on giving and taking heavy hits as a tank, honestly not much of a change for her but became increasingly more of a life or death situation
Significance: She played the part of providing a sense of comfort and familiarity for Leo in a world completely strange to him, filled with people who aren’t strangers to the mind boggling situation of the world amidst an apocalypse. She’s kindhearted and warm, strong and easygoing, she truly cares for people. Her part wasn’t long, but it showed readers that despite the war, there are still kindness in people’s hearts and a sense of the mundane in the future. She also played the part of suspicions that are rising within the resistance soldiers present in the throwaway base, no one would voice their concerns, but she played it off as teasing. Very sneaky hehe
Wiler: First Appearance in Dead Man’s Deal Ch.4: Visit & Last Appearance in Return of a Champion
Leo turns to see two yokai who haven’t left the room yet. The shorter yokai, a penguin…of sorts, is seated with a large dumbbell in hand. The taller yokai, a falcon, lay on a bench with a barbell above his head. The falcon halts to a stop while the penguin sneers at Leo’s eye contact.
“Don’t expect us to leave just because Big Mama favors you,” the penguin snapped.
A penguin yokai based off of Maori mythology of tawaki. Just like the myth, Wiler often ventures to the surface under the pretense of being human. Hence his rough and boisterous demeanor, which he picked up from nights in New York observing the harsh demeanors of drunken Yorkers. Wiler was named by a Battle Nexus fighter after being abandoned in the cages and continued to live within the Battle Nexus until Big Mama finally deemed him enough to become a fighter. He only knows of the Battle Nexus, so he went above and beyond when satisfying his curiosity of the outside world and journeyed to the surface. He spent years observing the humans from afar, fear keeping him from actually interacting with them. The closest he got to an interaction was accidentally bumping into a child and apologizing profusely before he hid behind a trash can. He often surfaces to find that child again, to see how they’re doing.
Fun fact: He’s 4’9” (145 cm) in human form and often gets mistaken for a human child on his adventures on the surface.
Significance: He plays the part of providing a sense of normalcy to F!Leo’s life by becoming a close, adult friend outside of family. In the beginning, his short fuse was familiar to F!Leo as a reminder of Raph back in the days, although F!Leo never noticed this. He showed F!Leo how easy it is to talk to people and what it’s like to be normal, despite F!Leo’s reality of being a former war vet and from the future. His boisterous temperament broke through F!Leo’s thoughts and helped the fallen leader from drowning in thoughts of self loathing and regret. He would never admit it, but he thoroughly enjoys being F!Leo’s friend.
Ripper: First appearance in DMD Ch.4:Visit and DMD: RoC
Leo ignores them and just stares, wondering why the penguin is so hostile. The falcon falters under Leo’s stare, but the penguin gets more annoyed by the second. It got to the point the penguin dropped his dumbbell and stormed over to Leo. Leo had to crane his neck down to meet the penguin’s eyes who got angrier by the action.
-continuation of Wiler’s first appearance
A falcon yokai based off of Slavic mythology known as the raróg (or raróh). Unlike his best friend, Wiler, who was practically born and raised in the Battle Nexus, Ripper was sent to the Battle Nexus as punishment for a crime he did not commit. His family are renowned in the black market for a variety of merchandise, especially artifacts. They often sold to Big Mama and she is their best customer, but Ripper grew to fear her the day the family tried to sell her “authentic” artifacts from the human world and she retaliated by framing his father for drug-related crimes and personally sent his father to the Hidden City prison. This led to his elder brother taking over, but was swiftly framed for the sudden disappearance of artifacts within the Hidden City councilroom. His anxious and fearful demeanor made it difficult to speak his truth and was charged for the crime and sent to the Battle Nexus as punishment where he met Wiler. They swiftly became friends, where Wiler helps Ripper steadily overcome his skittishness and anxiety, and he helps Wiler get out of trouble by stepping in before it becomes trouble.
Fun fact: Wiler and Ripper met during training, much like how they both met F!Leo for the first time. Wiler was working on the barbells when he failed a push and Ripper easily lifted the barbells off of Wiler’s neck, saving the penguin’s life.
Significance: He plays the same kind of part as Wiler, becoming a friend to F!Leo and helping F!Leo gain a sense of normalcy beyond the time travel and guilt and strange familial relationship of fathering brothers in the past. Ripper is a softy who would allow anyone to walk over him like a carpet if it weren’t for Wiler, so his skittish demeanor warms F!Leo’s cold exterior. Through himself and Wiler, F!Leo relearns how to be friends and adapt to being an adult in an old world. They teach F!Leo it’s okay to be alive and continue with life, it’s okay to make friends and to continue to grow as an adult, to move on from the past and accept the present.
Griffith: First Appearance in DMD Ch.2: Regret & last appearance in DMD:RoC
Leo looks forward to see a smithy of sorts. It’s not much, especially in comparison to the only smithy he knows of, which he saw in his youth. But he recognizes the type of oven and the smithing instruments. There is a lone, burly yokai slamming a hammer onto red hot steel on a pedestal shaping it with expert precision.
“Griffith,” Big Mama says, catching the attention of the big yokai who immediately stops and rises to his feet. The yokai is taller than expected with muscles stacked upon his torso. He’s a swan wearing a dirtied apron and scars along his splotchy arms where feathers no longer grow.
“Yes Big Mama?”
A swan yokai based off of no myth really, I was watching Swan Lake when thinking about what to make Griffith lol. And I thought it would be funny to see the ever graceful swan reduced (or improved) as a big buff blacksmith in the Battle Nexus. He’s a gruff fellow, observant and meticulous in his work. He has been working as Big Mama’s blacksmith for almost the entirety of his life. He’s a man of little words, his body etched with numerous burn scars and battle scars (he argues that in order to create a weapon, you have to understand the fundamentals behind the weapon). He’s fluent in weaponry, often training with different weapons before using that knowledge attained to creature finely tuned weaponry that earned him a notorious title as the Battle Nexus’s renowned blacksmith. He holds no regard to many fighters, just watches them come and go as time goes on. He’s one of the oldest yokai living in the Hidden City, due to retire although never showing signs of accepting retirement, especially how youthful he seems.
Fun fact: He offered to make Lou Jitsu a weapon during the actor’s time in the Battle Nexus, but Lou Jitsu never accepted. Despite his keen eye, during F!Leo’s time in the Battle Nexus he never saw the similarities between Lou Jitsu’s style and F!Leo’s style—almost as if they were complete strangers.
Significance: His keen eye observed that F!Leo’s style was downright barbaric, almost sloppy had it not been so calculated. For every “mistake” in movement, there was a follow up that filled the gap. He almost opted to give F!Leo a barbed mace if Big Mama didn’t tell him that F!Leo’s weapon is a sword. He, without saying anything except carved F!Leo’s title into the handle, revealed F!Leo’s barbaric tendencies when fighting. He informs F!Leo through the title that F!Leo had long abandoned teachings and opted for desperation and cruelty in fighting. This, in turn, makes F!Leo realize how much he had changed because of the war and his actions. Griffith makes F!Leo momentarily break from thoughts about the past and realize the present—and that tells F!Leo that he’s not acting as the man he once was. Griffith’s part was extremely short, but he played a huge part in F!Leo’s life that F!Leo hadn’t realized. Although F!Leo never acted upon noticing this change, it opened his eyes significantly. But in RoC, Griffith played another part in helping F!Leo accept a new norm, a norm that is beyond fighting to push the pain down to fighting to heal. Another small part, but huge in F!Leo’s life.
Officer Xeni: First appearance in Leonardo Come Down Ch.5: Atone and Alone
The yokai policeman stares at Leon suspiciously, eyeing the young mutant. Leon smiles nervously behind a confident facade, his eyes switching between the policeman and the screen on the desk he leans on. The policeman almost draws his lip up in disgust at the elbow that leans on his desk and Leon quickly retreats.
“Let me check,” the yokai policeman taps away on the hologram, suspiciously eyeing the turtle gang as he does. A few more taps into the system and he says, “Alright… we don’t have a Leonardo Hamato nor a Hamato Leonardo. But we do have a Loathsome Leonard, and… hm. No last name.”
An unnamed badger yokai based off of the mujina in Japanese mythology. He was originally unnamed and species unspecified in the fic as I didn’t want to name him at the time of writing LCD hehe. He’s a pretty laidback guy, a little normal in comparison to the previous characters. He’s simply an officer, born and raised in the Hidden City, normal family of two kids and a wife at home that happened to meet the Hamatos as the strangest part of his mundane life.
Fun fact: He’s the definition of “she’s so boring if she were a spice, she’d be flour” (Louise from Bob’s Burgers) /lhj he’s literally just an average guy doing his job, happy and comfortable with his life
Significance: He plays the part of the informant for the readers and Little Leo. He fills in the readers for what happened in between the time that the Hamatos were asleep and F!Leo escaped to prison. He portrays the readers’ feelings about the F!Leo situation, showing pity to Leo for wanting so desperately to see F!Leo despite the ex-leader running away so often. He’s like a reader insert lol, not too entirely significant toward the plot other than being a bridge between the reluctant and self-isolating F!Leo and the desperate to understand Little Leo.
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turtlesaus · 1 year
Twin Brother Donatello - TurtleDuck AU
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(Most of the design choices were inspired form Pinterest, IDK who drew them cause literally noone cited their sources x-x) (Art updated!)
Back at it with Donatello!;
Donatello Hamato
Nicknames: Don,Dee, Tello Race/Species: Turtle Mutant/Yokai Age: XXX (Changes though time) Height: XXX (Same as age) Gender/Pronouns: He/Him/Them Job: Tech Guy/Coms Guy/Co Leader
Donnie grew up in a highly supportive family, with his twin andyounger siblings always there for him, and always understanding what he's going through. As a result, he's more open about how he's feeling, trusts his brothers much more commonly, and is confident in his place in the team.
Sometime he get overwhelmed with touch, sound, or sight, but his family always has his headphone and glasses at the ready, and know when to back off.
He was goven a lot more freedom to build with many things due to his twin getting him almost anything he wanted to use, even Uranium. His tech is a lot more high-power and complex, fully decking out his whole team.
He is a caffeine guy, be it coffee, tea, or energy drinks, but has a strict bedtime of 11:30 pm, set by his older brother.
As mentioned in my Leo post, Leo was the first to activate his Ninpo, however, Donnie was in fact the second. When Leo first learned of the powers, he and Donnie were the one's who learnt and tested the differnt reaches of the power.
His Ninpo is much the same as cannon, however because he has had much more time to tinker around with it and understand it, he has fully intagrated it in to his tech, and is able to create near anything outside of 'living' creatures.
He specializes in close-hand combat and long-range combat, but prefers somewhere in the middle. Proficient in the Bō staff and, of course, firearms, Donnie is known both as a badass Bō Specialist and a Supreme Gunman.
After his twin stepped forwards into the leadership role, Donnnie stood next to him as his 'right hand man', becoming somewhat of a co-leader. Working late nights with his twin to finalize missions is not uncommon.
When the surface became an option, his tech quickly gained originality and specialization, becoming extremely modern, even futuristic. With Ninpo it only went furthur, and by now he probably has built almost everything technological in the lair.
With the new additions to the family Donnie quickly got their mesurements and build specialized tech, giving them armor and weapons as fast as humanly possible, as to protect them.
Family Dynamics
Donnie & Leo
Leo and Donnie are twins, and Donnie reluctanly accepts the fact. The two are the eldest, but are able to act like kids around each other. Donnie considers Leo is leader, and will accept no other, with undying loyalty in highly dangerous situations being his MO.
Donnie & Raph
With Raphael's anxiety, Don has learned to show his blueprint, albeit simplified, to him to help him clear his worries. When Raph gets overwhelmed Don will, without hesitation, lend him his headphones or sunglasses.
Donnie & Mikey
PB&J Duo, get together well. Mikey will bring Don ideas, Don builds them either with him or later when he has free time. Half of the cool tech ideas came from Mikey's notebook. Donnie loves to coddle and love on him.
Donnie & Casey
Brains and Brawn duo, but they both love bombs and chaos. Donnie builds him explosives, then Casey uses them. Besties for life.
Donnie & April
When April and Don first met, they instant linked and were almost never apart. The two of them are very loyal to the family, and both run both the family group chat and the older siblings group chat.
(Others to be added later)
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sketch-mer-6195 · 2 years
Second Chance (Future!Leo x Kalani)
Author’s notes: These are all Consenting Adults ranging from mid 20′s to late 30′s. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! This is a 21+ blog and I do intend to bring some NSFW content. 
Future!Leo is about 38, Kalani is 26. If you don’t like the age gap... tough noogies, I’m keeping it this way bwah ha ha! Now onward!
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There it was, the technodrone destroyed; the city was safe. But at what cost? The last sign of Leo, in the portal Mikey was able to create to try and save his big brother. The scream of agony, the cackle of greed, and the wails of pain. It was all too fast and sudden. His room was still the same, but lifeless. Colorless in her eyes. Every square inch was him and it wasn't. It was suffocating her and Kalani couldn’t take it. She had made a small shrine in her new home with the rest of the Hamato clan. One with a picture of Leo. Her boyfriend. Her best friend. Champion. Brother. Hero. It weighed down on her heart and soul for her, a teenager who was once an up and coming Alchemist alongside Baron Draxum and close accomplice of Big Mama at the Nexus Hotel. Now a broken girl with her heart now gone forever in the prison dimension.
Grief and mourning lasted for a long time in the family. Donnie would have night terrors of that fateful day. Mikey screamed in pain as memories flooded his mind. Raph would have nights with no sleep, afraid of becoming that krang version of himself. Casey would only comfort them all to help them. Kalani, the most quiet of them, laid in her room curled up tight under her sheets to gain some sort of semblance. But it was fruitless as her quiet sobs would fall into loud wails of pain. Many nights, everyone came together in the main room. Blankets, pillows, fairy and christmas lights, heating lamps and blankets and mattresses laid out for everyone to sleep as a whole.
It took two months for Donnie to calm himself and finally start sleeping in his room. 5 months for Raph to finally start laying in his own bed. Mikey was an extra month before he finally went to his room. This left Kalani alone once again.
Her saving grace was her hero, now an old rat, Lou Jitsu, better known as Splinter. Many nights, he would keep his door open and a simple electric tea light alit giving her signs that she was always welcomed. A mattress was laid next to his raised bed. Blankets and a pillow from Leo's room always greeted her in warmth and comfort as she quietly cried herself to sleep while Splinter would pet her head and rub a soothing hand across her small shell to lull her to sleep. It wasn't until a year and a half later that she finally chose to start sleeping in her own room. Splinter always reminding her that her candle will always stay lit for her of she needs guidance and peace.
After that, everyone took on their roles. Raph was leader once again, Donnie was back working on his tech and inventions, and Mikey was still the silly one. But Kalani was offered, by her new family, to be their fourth crucial partner. Being the Face Man. The speed and precision that was needed for this team. Although she had no ninpo, she was a skilled fighter and knew how to work with the three brother's alongside with Casey. Naturally, she accepted and agreed to take up the role as "Face Man" to make Leo proud.
But that was all going to be put to the test.
Information from Cassandra showed that a new Foot Clan, working alongside the Purple Dragons and Baxter Stockboy all working together to try and release the Kraang once again from the prison dimension. They had learned through alchemy how to gain enough power to reopen a portal to get into the prison dimension so the Kraang can once again take over the world.
Sitting around the table with a map of the city and the warehouse where they were last seen, the Mad Dogs were formulating a plan to foil the Foot and Purple Dragons plan.
"We need to try and take down their alchemist. If we take them down, then we have a chance of keeping the prision dimension closed longer." Kalani explained as she began to look through her alchemy charts for a counter circle.
"But they also have the Dragons and Stockboy. I can guarantee that they have some sort of interdimensional gate that will help amplify their chances at opening the prison dimension. We can't rely solely on mystic powers." Donnie added as he swiped through his holoscreen from his gauntlet.
With a slight scoff fron Kalani, Raph glanced down at the Kappa before looking down at the coordinates. "We can't let this get to us, a'ight? We work as a team. Cassandra, April and Casey are going to be our infiltrators and give us our opening. Mikey, you and Donnie work on finding the main computer room and to take out anything that could be repurposed. I'll come in with smashibg out the enemies. And Kalani."
He emphasized, catching her attention with an unamused quirk of her brow.
"Keep your head in the game. You take out the Alchemist that they found. And no going lethal!" Raph added.
"Can I at least go semi-lethal?" She quipped.
"WH-WHAT?! NO!" Raph bellowed, earning a few chuckles from Mikey and a groan from Donnie.
It wasn’t long until they had agreed to the plan and began to leave the lair. Walking down the stairs and passing the train cars that were everyone’s bedroom, Kalani passed Leo's old room, the door closed and curtains drawn. Her pace slowed to a stop as she stared at his room. Her chest tight and a pang of grief sweeping over her like a sheet. 
A large hand gently laid on the small of her back, making her jump and turn to see Raph standing beside her. Her eyes had a glimmer of hope, something that he had seen several times before. One that made his own heart clench. But that had all but vanished as she saw who it was. That hope snuffed and her walls were back up once more.
"Listen, Kali. If yer not feelin' up for it, my brother's an' I can-"
"You can't do it without all of us, Raph. Besides, who else can be the faceman?" Kalani stated before she began to walk away and grab her blue sash.
Raph grabbed her hand, successfully ceasing her to move. His large thumb rubbing such soft circles that caused her to glance down at their hands. He lowered himself so he could look at her eyes that averted their gaze with his own. Kalani hated being seen vulnerable again, and with the anniversary of Leo's death it was her hardest time to get by or even be alone. Raph, knowing exactly what she was feeling, gently pulled her close to his plasteron and engulfed her in his strong arms. Her slender ones instinctively wrapped around his neck as he ran his hand up and down her back to comfort her.
"We care about ya, Kal. I care. Yer can't hide the pain. Raph ain't gonna let that happen again." He reassured her.
She let out a dry chuckle, allowing her fingers to gently stroke across the top of his head and rest on his shoulder. "I know. And I will never understand how you tolerate me and my tides of emotions."
It was Raph's turn to chuckle before pulling back and looking up at her. "Cause we were together for three years, Kal. Granted, it wasn't for us. But I still care for ya, as friends or as a couple. Yer part of the Hamato Clan, and that ain't changin' no time soon."
Smiling at one another, Raph stood up and kissed the crown of Kalani's head before escorting her to the Turtle Tank where Donnie and Mikey were already waiting for them. It was inevitable that Leo was gone, but Kalani knew that he would want her to continue with or without him. And now, sporting his blue bandana tied on her arm she took her seat in the tank and smirked at the brothers. It was time to kick some Foot Clan Ass.
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Taglist: @thelaundrybitch @s-s-ironnie @mysticboombox @coleseyebrows @rheawritesforfun @sewerninno @lec743 @amethyst12arts @happymoonangel @happyfoxx-art @turtle-babe83 @knightish-knight @leosgirl82 @red-phoenixxx @memes-in-a-half-shell @ashuka​
If anyone wants to be added or removed, please let me know
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sinestrosmind · 6 months
OC Asks: desire, mistake, and secret for Chief!
oc asks: not-so-nice edition
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
To stop trying to survive and start trying to live. Right now all he does is fight for survival, Chief wants a family. He had one, at one point, years ago, before he was mutated. But Draxum stole that from him.
In mainverse, Chief has a little family again. He has Flame and Softy, and he's a lot happier than he'd be without them, but he wants more and he can't get more due to his living situation. It wouldn't be safe to have a child with his little family living on the streets and Chief's line of work.
It's a relief to Chief that Flame and Softy know how to hunt and fight, but he still has to bring in money to put guaranteed food on the table. Until Chief can get enough money to afford at least an apartment, he's going to continue his work until he's got enough money. ...Which is hard to come by considering he has three mouths to feed and he, Flame, and Softy can't cook for shit, so Chief can't stock up on food to cook. At least Hueso lets him have a tab that he can pay off.
Sometimes, in mainverse, Chief has made it known that he does desire to have kids, but only after Flame's started the conversation.
In the Big Brother AU, Chief already has what he wants as far as a family goes. He has four brothers, a sister, and a dad, and he fits in just fine. The thing he wants there, however, is Leo to be better prepared to be a leader. Post-Movie, Big Bro Chief is extremely upset with Splinter, to the point where he won't even talk to his adoptive father and has essentially disowned him, because Leo almost died because he was put in the leader position.
Big Bro Chief is convinced that, if he had time to train and prepare Leo for leadership instead of the role just being thrust upon his little brother, things would've ended differently.
Bad Futures Main and Dead Man Walking both want their Flame and Softy back. Both lost their little family the same way; fatal wounds leading to Krang infection, which leads to a vicious attack and Chief having to end his mates by his own blades. The Peepaw Chiefs have some issues lmao
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mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
Oof. Man, there's two for mainverse
The first one is pre-mutation. He took one of his shortcuts to get home and that led him to cross paths with Draxum. Chief always thinks that if he'd gone a different path, he'd still be with his parents and he'd still be human. He's moved on enough to function, but he still has those moments where he just... Stares at his hands. Contemplates his life currently and what could have been. Has some body image issues due to his mutation. It's hard for him sometimes.
The second is not doing enough research on a job he accepted. Someone had tricked him, forged documents to get him to accept a job. They claimed to be from another town, gave a vague description enough to where Chief wasn't suspicious about the target, and did everything they could to pull a fast one on Chief. And they succeeded.
Chief only found out that the target was Donnie when Leo tried to stop Chief AND Chief saw the target. That.... Led to a big fight later on between Chief and Leo. Chief hasn't forgiven himself for this mistake, and he probably never will.
Big Bro Chief doesn't have a mistake he made himself, but he thinks Splinter made a massive mistake appointing Leo leader without training. Fixing a mistake that isn't yours can be hard, but so long as he can convince his little brother to listen, Chief will try his best to fix it and prepare Leo for properly leading. He's the eldest out of this universe's Hamato brothers, so the responsibility of protecting his little brothers falls on his shoulders regardless of who's leading the team.
In the Bad Futures, both Peepaw Chiefs think that if they could've just... Done more, been quicker, been stronger, been more alert and aware, their Flame and Softy wouldn't have been fatally wounded or Krangified and they wouldn't have had to kill their mates. They'll never be able to fix these mistakes, never be able to move on, and honestly they still have nightmares about it.
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secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
That he was once human.
In any of Chief's universes where he's with Flame, if she finds out he was once human that would ruin her trust in him.
He also just wants to forget he was once human. That part of his life is 16 years ago, it's gone, he can never bring it back, he can never relive it, he can never change it. Chief's better off doing his best to disconnect himself from his past as a human.
If someone calls him a yokai or a kappa, he's not correcting them. If someone thinks he's mutated from a normal turtle, he's not correcting them. He prefers those origin stories. His human life is gone, stolen by Draxum.
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cryptidtumbleweed · 2 years
I feel like Mikey would struggle with letting his brothers know when he’s not doing okay - emotionally speaking.
Like... throughout the show, he’s always so supportive and understanding of whatever his brothers are dealing with. He listens, he gives advice... and he’s not exactly afraid of telling them when they’re in the wrong (think Dr. Feelings and the whole Donnie & Shelldon scenario). In a way, he seems to act as some sort of therapist of the group, despite being the youngest one.
He’s also a very open person, most of the time at least. But something I’ve noticed is that we hardly see him angry or truly upset with his brothers. If he’s the one always making sure they’re alright - why wouldn’t he be afraid to show them emotional weakness? After all, he’s the positive one. He’s the one who always sees a silver lining, the one who lifts everyone’s spirits up when they’re down. He’s the one who brings them together when they’re arguing.
So, maybe he thinks... What if he can’t be vulnerable like that? What would his brothers think if he couldn’t smile through it all and find a brighter side? I mean.. you think about the turtles. Raph is the strong one. Donnie is the smart one. Leo is the daring leader. And Mikey? He’s the positive one. The happy one.
While he might be visibly upset in the moment, because of what’s just happened... I don’t see him being very good at opening about or dealing with negative emotions in the long run. He’s only 13 and seen so much, been through so much - of course he wouldn’t be able to handle all that just fine. So - he pushes them down, far away to the back of his mind where they all pile up while he puts his focus on smiling and helping his brothers.
And Raph’s overprotectiveness? Only makes it worse. Of course, he’s just worried about his family and wants to keep them all safe - but even the show acknowledges that it’s a bit much sometimes. So of course, Mikey wouldn’t want to worry him. He doesn’t want to add to the stress his older brother’s already dealing with, and he wants to show him that he can handle things just as well as the rest of them (maybe in the past he’s tried to open up about something but Raph’s reaction was overbearing and left him overwhelmed?). Leo and Donnie don’t strike me as the most emotionally aware ones - they’re used to seeing Mikey happy and full of life, so it’s hard for them to imagine him struggling to keep that smile on his face when he’s actually hurting.
So, with accidentally having put himself into the position of the group’s therapist, using toxic positivity to support them and always trying to find a bright side, and the fear of being seen as weak or not good enough to handle the job... Mikey struggles to truly allow himself feel hopeless or angry, especially in front of the others.
Also failure would be something he’d struggle with - again, the pressure of being the youngest one and the unintentional stress that Raph’s protectiveness and worrying causes being the top two reasons. He wants to prove himself good enough, skilled enough, tough enough - both physically and mentally.
In conclusion: Mikey’s afraid of his brothers seeing him vulnerable or weak because he’s used to being seen as the one who’s “always okay”
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