#it bc that season is a masterpiece & their chemistry is perfect. but other than that watch live recordings of actual play is like. grinds
brechtian · 6 months
love Cthulhu as a system but just cannot find any actual play of it I click with 😭😭
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pamouche · 3 years
Thanks a lot for tagging me @phascinationphases @borborai and @onzeziggy it's sweet of you, have a great day🌼🌼
fav wtfock s3 things Soundtracks , Robbe, Sander, Sobbe's kisses, THEY ARE THE DEFINITION OF CHEMISTRY AND LOVE ,Teasing, Croques and traditions, Casa Milan and Zoënne, Jens who was there for Robbe, the end with everyone together to celebrate Christmas and "dat we nu leven" I would say in conclusion everything, this is the best remake that has been done this season (it's my opinion) The acting of the 2 Willems was impeccable, the emotions were strong. They deserve great oscars
fav clip Everything in fact ahahaha. More seriously I would say the clip at the hotel (= Vrijdag 22:21 / 22:52), the shower scene=masterpiece and when Sander talks about his future project of marriage, their look for each other, their smile, their kiss, their hug... It was just them and nobody else. "Nowhere as happy as we are" and it's true (here's another iconic line that makes me emo as fuck) plus there is literally my favorite kiss, it's the one after Sander said "take it or leave it", I am obsessed with this kiss ahaha. It's so perfect, happy young in love and so well together
fav scene I love the scene of the Vrijdag 22:53 clip (the beginning, not the end you know why) they are boyfriends and bestfriends and I love this relationship. Robbe and his magic trick, Sander and his little tap on Robbe's cheek because he doesn't believe in this trick, their big smile and the look game and then the moment of the hands, on the hair, near Sander's mouth... Sander whispering sweet things in Robbe's ear and when they leave the bar, happy and in love, Robbe getting on Sander's back and then when he answers Sander "bij je" and Sander's little snort after that and their looong kiss<3 Their first date went so well until ....
fav shot I would say the shots of their eyes before they kiss. I could look at their loving looks all day long because you can tell they love each other so much and just want to never leave each other. Their eyes really shine before they kiss, just at the sight of the other, and then their smile before kissing omgg , I think in particular of the clip of Woensdag 16:36 where these shots are abundant
fav kiss that Robbe initiates I think it's in the Dinsdag 07:27 clip when Robbe tells Sander he's going to school because he has an exam. Sofffft morning kiss, I can't stop watching the gifs on it, it's so beautiful. The way Robbe is caring while doing this and Sander asleep but receptive because how can you not...They were really taking every minute, nothing was in a hurry it was just the two of them in their world and the music in the background was really nice. I love this clip.
fav kiss that Sander initiates I think directly to the kiss of this clip(= Zaterdag 09:41) It was my end, the way Sander touched his nose on Robbe's (while Robbe was smiling) before kissing him and then rocking him on the bed is for me ahaha. Even the continuation is perfect with Sander's sentences so sincere and too many emotions when I hear them... and between these sentences the kisses, a little teasing but so beautiful and soft to see. Anyway I loved "from now on it's just the two of us" qarrggg I'm going to cry again
fav Sander dialogue We won't lie, Sander has the most iconic lines. I'm going to select two that really stood out to me: "Gij en ik, honderd procent voor altijd, in elk universum" and "Het maanlicht scheen op je en ik wist direct he is the one" Can you also hear his voice while reading? I think I'm going crazy ahaha I miss him and his boyfriend
fav Robbe dialogue At first instinct I would say "altijd" after Sander asks him if he's going to come back, but I think it's short so I would then say THE phrase "You touched me and I've never felt that before.. Ik hou van je" It's the most sincere sentence he ever said, and I actually had chills while I was crying when I listened to it because Robbe means it and Sander doesn't destroy everything he touches on the contrary...
fav hug I have 2 because I can't choose. The first one is of course the one of Dinsdag 07:27, Robbe caressing Sander's hand while Sander is sleeping and sticking to Robbe, impossible to go closer because he wants to feel Robbe's warmth, Robbe's body.. just Robbe. And the second one is the one of Woensdag 17:21 sooo perfect with the kisses super affectionate, cute, soft and Robbe who rests his head on Sander's hair while this one hums of satisfaction bc he has found his home, it is Robbe. Real soulmates aren't they?
fav 21:21 I am leaning towards Vrijdag 21:21. Woensdag 21:21 is just as good, it's the beginning of their story. But the Vrijdag 21:21 is a big step towards their eternal love story, no more turning back, it's the reunion, it's two soulmates in symbiosis who promise each other their love, it will always triumph because it's the most beautiful one humanity could have known. No more Britt, no more confusion, it's now that everything starts to take shape, it's always been them since the beginning... and then this scene is beautiful, it's clearly art. Also when Sander intertwines fingers with Robbe's it's definitely too much for me. I was so not expecting it and when I saw that I understood that these are really sincere lovers. It's such a true act that gives off incredible emotions, full of love and comfort. Sander seems to say that he is there and that he will always be there for Robbe, it is them welded like the fingers of the hand, no but just think about it one second, I don't have the words... Sander means everything he said before, it's them 100% voor altijd in elk universum. Excuse me I'm crying while writing this...
fav Sobbe instagram pic Idk if it is because we are in the context of the crisis with the virus but I like this picture very much. It's so original, so them, in b&w aka the best filter for them aka love at first sight for me but moreover this pic is so meaningful... It looks like I was waiting to see Sander wearing Robbe in this way ahahah. No but they are the most iconic couple I've ever seen, you don't change a winning team as they say. And then the quote "different supermarket, same love" to make us all emotional :') I'd like to say a lot more but I have to stop, I feel like I'm writing a novel with each answer
fav scene x song pair Here I can talk about Woensdag 21:21, absolutely perfect, Sobbe cycling, their tunnel, they were already in love, their teasing, "nee, better" , the swimming pool, their KISSS and the most important, their song : Wildfire <3 I won't say more, you understood
fav message between Sander & Robbe The messages during wtfockdown are the best!! I selected these ones from the clip Vrijdag 18:37 (Sander does his walk in their tunnel)
Sander: Ik zie u graag, Robin
Robbe: Ik u ook. Niet normaal hard!
In fact they are simple but so passionate and when I look at them I have a big smile because I know they meant it more than anyone else and it's mutual and my heart melted every time they say it, I can't help it
fav banter on instagram Everything!!!
Sterkerdanijzer : Happyiest year of my life😊❤️
Earthlingoddity : Only 99 more to go ❤️
Sterkerdanijzer : 💯
I also really like these ones: s o b b e
I tag in my turn my cutie @hereforsobbe and @happilyinsane @foxsake5 @jackfrostsander @maade-of-stardust @pepethehobbit @robbesdriesen @vataraxia @remy3010 @sandersdemaury @sanderxrobbee @in-elk-universe-voor-altijd @undcrthesun @annonymannonym @justalina @skam-wtfock-sobbe @gele-gordijnen @debussyatmidnight @artisticsander and ofc the others who would like to do it ! I really enjoy reading you ahaha also feel free to ignore
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mego42 · 3 years
Show recommendations with even a sliver of the Brio chemistry to tide us over until June 24th?
this was actually a weirdly hard question! brio’s chemistry is truly next level and it turns out, upon review, i don’t generally go in for contemporary dramas so much? i’m a genre baby and mostly stick to comedy for contemp. 
that said, i have a couple!
UnREAL (s1, specifically)
full disclaimer, I quit watching this show after s2 bc it (imo) lost the magic of s1 and made some choices i really didn't love HOWEVER i heard it recaptures it in s3/4 so one day i’ll go back. either way, season 1? AMAZING. pitch perfect dramedy. it’s a fictionalized version of bts on shows like The Bachelor and the chemistry between the (morally ambiguous) main character Rachel and her (even more morally ambiguous) mentor Quinn? WHEW. spoilers, it goes untapped (war crime, tbh), so it’s all subtext, but they nail that balancing act of we're in love but also a little in hate, but mostly in love, but also i will feed you to the wolves if i have to back and forth that beth and rio have.
You’re The Worst
two absolutely terrible but also compelling and eventually deeply sympathetic  LA hipsters (i know but the show continually roasts all of them) falling in completely unwilling love over the course of 5 seasons. idk if i would call this a dramedy as much as a comedy that does deep dives into some heavy topics in impressively multi-faceted ways while never losing the charming comedy vibe. season 2 features hands down the best look at depression (both living it and loving someone with it) i’ve ever seen. also, the supporting ensemble? GOD! TIER! i love them more than the main characters. 
The Americans
fair warning, this show is slow but it is SO GOOD and the leads have such amazing chemistry they ended up falling in love and getting married, hahahaha. it’s about two russian spies who have been undercover as married for so long the lines are blurred beyond all get out. the whole show is a masterpiece in tension and build and the ship is SO deliciously complicated and snarled up in real/not real and i love it. this one also takes place in the 80s so i’m probs stretching the definition of contemporary BUT it’s real world and involves cat/mouse crime games (just of the espionage variety) so i’m counting it.
other assorted shows that are absolutely not anything at all like good girls but i still think everyone should watch and they give good ship:
Chuck (this show is a DARLING with a god-tier ship, v nice though so their tension is of a different variety, and an incredibly found family ensemble)
Black Sails (everyone is queer, everyone is treacherous, everyone is eminently shippable, everyone really really really needs a fucking shower. god tier storytelling. s1 is really brutal on the sexual violence front but if you can get past that, it kicks off a truly incredible character arc and the show also chills out on that going forward)
12 Monkeys (this show is depressingly underrated considering how amazing it is. it’s 4 seasons long and they found out during s2 they were getting cancelled and spent the next two seasons building to what is hands down the best series finale i think i’ve ever seen. god tier found family, has a main ship that i didn't get that into, i was all about the non-canon but should’ve been goddammit ships, but other people go HAM for it)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (look in hindsight this show is problematic to the Nth degree but it’s also v good and does angsty ship like none other. plus it’s a formative part of who i am so i can’t like, not rec it)
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At first look it seems ironic that Europe, long disdainful of American-model capitalism and haughtily happy with its womb-to-tomb smorgasbord of lavish authorities-managed goodies, ought to be tightening its varied belts, while on this facet of the massive pond we continue to tinker with our economy to conjure up just the right combination of American-style socialism and the free market activity needed to assist it. But for the definitive Ibiza seaside celebration, head to Bora Bora, half means along d'en Bossa seashore. The spontaneous character is good for going out, however sometimes not for the longer relationship. You can see some of the city partitions and ruins of a Greek theater. The white sands of this beautiful seashore are fashionable throughout summer time with each locals and worldwide visitors to the Mother Metropolis of Cape City, South Africa. If you buy a product from an internationally recognized producer there's each probability that the product will last and last and provide very many years of fine service. Whereas hidden in the island of Crete, Europa was having fun with the caress of Zeus, her father Aginor despatched his three sons and his solely grandson Thassos to seek out Europa and instructed them to look until they discover her. Not only can you dine right here through the day however when the sun goes down you can have enjoyable on the beds on stilts at Nikki Seashore. Athens Calm down caters to a blended-age clientele and is a big sauna directly throughout the road from one in every of Athen's widespread golf equipment, while the smaller Hera caters to a more mature clientele. Internally, you can take 3-four drops of untamed oregano oil in a glass of water 2 occasions per day. The country side should be woke up and embraced; spare a while and visit these Greece's chiseled parts i.e. the smaller villages and cities. Depending on the time of year you propose to journey, each to and from Greece, can have a significant impression in your selection of a price range journey Greece choice. Greater than 200 years age, they started the idea that each citizen ought to take an active half in Authorities, historians regard them because the founder of western civilization. Another great choice when selecting which Greek islands to go to during your journey is Crete. Try to hold your itinerary in a manner in an effort to spend extra time exploring these islands and fewer on stays. The island has fancy resorts, mountains, beaches and villages to keep you busy. 1. The "if it feels good then do it" method of art instruction. You may't go to Athens with out dropping by the Parthenon. Consequently, many foreign buyers have been energetic in purchasing residence properties in Greece. The island met occasions of glory and financial robustness, but in addition occasions of decline. If you happen to love summer season, Greece is the ideal vacation vacation spot since it has various seashores! My best buddy actually tried fenugreek supplements in large doses, and she mentioned that it didn't assist her, and she also mentioned that she by no means seen the maple syrup odor in her sweat or urine, so maybe the herb just did not work together with her specific bodily chemistry. Three days after our first assembly John invited me again to his residence…it turned out to be essentially the most luxurious penthouse in town overlooking the Gulf of Siam…a private elevator, five stand alone balconies with gardens and mini-waterfalls, a sauna, enormous living room, three or 4 bedrooms, and Bacon lithographs hanging from all the walls. Take pleasure in music, fire-jugglers and drumming around the huge bonfires which are lit throughout the summer season vacation season. // Lunch = limitless gentle drinks, water, wines from the native wineries, Greek barbeque with recent meat and seafood, Greek salads, breads & dips. Remarkably when talking about land use change emissions, nations such as the USA, Europe and China have been in the year 2000 web absorbers of CO2 owing to their aforestation (planting new forests) and reforestation (re establishing old forest areas) applications. One of the vital widespread places in Greece is Athens which is a must visit region for any traveler here. Bear in mind, still questions go unanswered as to how the bigger European governments and the IMF will continue to maintain Greece going with out placing more money in. It offers them an opportunity to make a massive savings, which they'll spend elsewhere throughout their vacationing period. In this museum, you'll absolutely have a wonderful time looking at artifacts from the traditional intervals of Greece. Nice for households or those that want to get off the crushed truck you possibly can go to Ruma Nationwide Park. Whereas Crete doesn't precisely have a scene, this island that's common with all sorts of travelers does have a LGBT-owned mattress and breakfast, a handful of LGBT bars and establishments, seashores and a usually welcoming environment, making this one other nice stop on a vacation to Greece. It has fashionable buildings but nonetheless retains a small a part of the town that homes its older buildings. Secluded coves surrounded by gigantic cliffs and palm and pine tree forests abound in Greece, and one ought to undoubtedly see the country's stunning seashore of their lifetime, it's an expertise you possibly can't overlook. This island has pebbled beaches, restaurants and an inviting city. It is the same location from where the Olympic Flame starts its journey and gets carried to the sport venues. The traditional Chinese language liked and appreciated flowers a lot that they positioned fresh lower flowers of their temples, and created art works illustrating flowers on scrolls, silk fabric, vases, plates and gadgets of embroidery. cheap hotels huntsville al Turns out the other Europeans - Germans and Scandinavians, in particular - are paying Greece's payments, since these international locations have achieved a significantly better job of managing their economies (though how significantly better off their economies could be if they didn't excel, too, at ladling out the swag, we could never know). Britt Goodwin (2005) and Jessica Lindgren (2006) took dwelling the finalist locations within the two years that Huge Brother Sweden was co-produced and filmed with the Norwegian present. If nice weather is vital to you, the winter is likely one of the worst times to see northern Europe. Based mostly on scientific data, folks across the Mediterranean basin had lower charges of cardiovascular disease in comparison with People who, for all intents and functions, consumed the identical relative quantity of fat. In 1672 another controversy erupted over the character of sunshine: Newton argued that mild was some sort of a particle, so that gentle from the sun reaches the earth as a result of these particles might travel through the vacuum. So, both get your flights booked properly in advance, or decide the time when yow will discover much less crowd in any respect locations. In the city's center you will discover such sights because the Archeological Museum, the Maritime Museum, the Folklore Museum and Paraportianí. The Greek phrase "filoxenia" means "love of strangers", thus the journey nurse will find themselves welcomed into Greek life with nice exuberance. Italy or Greece can be good choices in case you are restricted to a winter trip. Entanglement exhibits us that it's attainable to link collectively two quantum particles - photons of light or atoms, for instance - in a special method that makes them successfully two components of the same entity. It is a well-known proven fact that there are more Greek individuals speaking their native language residing outside Greece than there are within the nation itself. Astypalia is definitely two islands which might be connected by an isthmus, with most of its guests being Greeks. Good costs, good meals, good music, are available in and go searching." They say in good English. Then, to further show simply how tough these guys are, their very own support staff pours a bucket of water on their heads, pummels their backs, and slaps them in the face a few occasions…. Of historic importance to the lesbian community and all the time filled with lesbian vacationers, Lesvos is a should-see for girls on trip to Greece. There are the typical Greek lodges, along with villas, residences, rooms, hostels and camping obtainable for people travelling in Greece, with 'island hopping' a favorite amongst many individuals, younger and previous alike!. This is one of the famed ‘White Villages' of Andalucia, and Carratraca has been famend for the healing properties of its sulphur-water springs for tons of of years. The very best time to visit it is late winter early spring when is the rain season. If an individual is curious about residential housing in that part of the nation, the most effective guess at this point in time is apartments (which can be discussed in more element shortly). If you're going to Greece, then absolutely the Acropolis is in your high ten list because this is a very great historical site within the country. Whereas this will make one, who can not draw or paint, be ok with themselves for awhile, it teaches completely no fundamentals within the visible arts. Due to the large number of people who travel to Greece each and every year, one of these actual estate funding is proving to be very profitable for a significant number of overseas nationals. This nice temple was constructed between 447 and 338 BC. It's thought of a masterpiece of historic Greek structure and a symbol of perfection in its magnificence and charm. The far end of the seashore (away from Ibiza Town) is calmer, with less individuals and house music. Make sure to use a professionally designed equipment, too, so your proposal will look nice. Hyperbole: The meals was so good it obtained day off for conduct. It reminds of calendar from Greece, with photos of stark white houses surrounded by blue skies and waters. Finding an lodging that can fit your requirements and funds in Greece generally is a tricky business. Whereas discovering the right way to use scorching, pressurized carbon dioxide to re-harden stone surfaces, Greek engineers have learned about ancient strategies and are reconstructing as much of the temple as potential. Greek gastronomy might not be as famous as different European connoisseur, but as soon as you are in Greece, you will understand why people love visiting Athens other than sightseeing and historical past exploration. In recent years, Lanzarote in Canary Islands has developed as the perfect low-cost holidays within the solar. The saddle will get moist throughout this process, you should utilize a suede brush throughout cleansing to assist half any greasy suede. If you wish to journey to Greece, you too can find some higher fare flights from Italy, take a ferry from Italy to Greece, or just make a connecting flight from Spain to London with Ryanair, and from there to Greece with EasyJet. In truth, by the 5th century BC, pottery had turn out to be an industry and pottery portray ceased to be an necessary art form of historical Greece. Greece is mostly standard for its art, tradition and literature. Right here in Corfu at a distance of roughly 2 km from Benitses you will find a museum that houses particular collections of shells from the sea, fossils of fishes, corals, and enamel of sharks, sponges together with different marine remains. The National Backyard is an ideal place to go to if you feel the need to get in contact with nature whereas remaining throughout the metropolis correct. The authenticity of the place could be enjoyed with a whole lot of relaxation and joy. So, in case you really feel famished and open to try the Greek gastronomy, you shall consider making an attempt all these dishes together with a number of more that may be seen in the menu chart. Traditions, language, music, meals, and wine are all major elements of the Greek culture and go away a long-lasting impression on all vacationers that visit it. Visitors can hearken to traditional Greek folk music, Dimotiko Tragoudi, which originated within the early 9th century while partaking within the rich delicacies of the country.
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