#it bugs me that Ive managed to get a whole fanfiction out on the overlap between the worst game (Cyberpunk) and the weirdest musical (JCS)
pallasandthepeople · 1 year
I think you need to be somewhere centered on the E to R spectrum to be able to write them well. The extremes don't get the other extreme well enough, and that's the whole reason why that relationship is so interesting.
E/R has always been such an important ship to me, but I will never write for the fandom because I identify so absolutely with Enjolras that writing Grantaire feels like writing about someone obsessed with me. Not to say that it's 1-1 (Enjolras is so much more than I could ever aspire to be) but a lot of things I like about Enjolras are things I like about me, and our bad qualities also overlap. Meanwhile Grantaire struggles with things I've never approached myself. I'd sound disingenuous if I tried to write about it.
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