#it clearly does something for kayne's master plan
ananxiousgenz · 4 months
john doe. sweetheart. darling. eldritch light of my life. what, and I cannot emphasize this enough, the fuck have you gotten yourself into???
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sonofshin · 5 years
Try: Zed
The sound of knives being unsheathed, and sheathed again sounded through the halls of the former Kinkou monastery. Zed knew the place like the back of his hand. Although now under a new name, Zed considered it his undeniable home. Just like the students he had enmassed over the years that now trained and slept here. He looked at the group of trainees practicing their speed. From one of the higher levels of the monastery he had a perfect view of all of them. How they moved, how they worked, if their teacher properly taught them. Zed had to know for himself. The Order had to remain strong on all fronts.
After an indefinite amount of time staring at the students, he realized the passing of time. The wasting of opportunities. Time he could spend analyzing clues about Jhin, about Ionia, about Shen, Irelia, Akali, Kennen, the vastaya. Those two that kept messing with his plans. Did they not see his purpose? Were they so blind that they did not understand a small sacrifice could greatly increase Ionia’s chances to win against Noxus? Probably not. Why should they. They lived in the forest, not caring about politics, military forces, empires.
He scoffed in silence as he wandered through his home. Their numbers, the Order’s numbers were finally starting to look promising again. For a while, his acolytes ad dwindled. Either through sickness, bad luck, or interference from outside causes. Ionia seemed to become more aggressive. With a rogue assassin murdering as she pleased, the blade witch whipping people up, and the vastaya gladly going against his order at every opportunity, it seemed violence was only going to spread. 
While it was not an aspect Zed disliked, it was rather annoying it got used against him. Instead of joining him, using that anger they all had inside for something worthwhile, they chose to waste it on small battles. On meaningless fights that would be a mere drop in an ocean. No, Zed’s ambitions were far greater than they could think.
He opened the door to his quarters with a slam, frustrated by thr thoughts of so many worthy individuals wasting their talents away in favor of doing nothing. Just... like Shen. Although Zed did suspect a change in him. Last they spoke, in the inn, he had seen Shen’s reaction. He felt his anger boiling. Yet once again, Shen did nothing. Admittedly, it took strength, but Shen had yet to realize when it was wise to let go of restraint. Even inaction had consequences, however much the other ninja wanted to deny that.
With a deep sigh, the master of shadows sat down at his table. If he did not act soon, Ionia would be overrun by Noxus again. And this time, they likely would not stop at the borders. They would hit back harder, fiercer, dirtier. Who knows what Zaun would would bring this time around.
While Zed’s pride wanted to stop him, his experience urged him to continue. He took a brush, ink, and some scraps of paper and placed them in front of him. Now, he had to choose his words carefully. No doubt Shen had strengthened the Kinkou’s numbers as well. While Zed did not at all approve of Shen’s way of dispassion, he did agree that Shen was a good teacher. Not to mention Kennen still being by his side to ensure the students did not grow dispassionate as well.
The strokes danced over the sheets, rapidly filling them with information about his search for Khada Jhin and the state of the province he lived in. While their accord was shakey at best, he did need to strengthen their bonds and, above all, ensure Khada Jhin would be captured again. Preferrably, killed. Actually, he would make SURE Jhin would be killed.
Once he read over his letters, he nodded to himself and neatly folded them. After putting them properly in a scroll, he went down, to the birds keep. He needed one that could fly long distances fast.
“Oh, master.” He heard Kayn’s voice ring out as he entered the keep. He turned to face his acolyte. The boy he had seen growing up and change into an almost uncomfortable mirror of himself. Except for the recently acquired darkin arm as a result of disobedience.
“What is it, Kayn?” He responded with his gravely voice.
“I was just about to look for you. I got reports from the squads you sent out to investigate.” Clearly, Kayn was trying to lick his heels. No wonder, after Zed exploded about the millennium blade incident he had temporarily demoted Kayn to take care of the birds and little else. While the young man would be the next successor, he still had much to learn. And Zed would not go easy, not even on his most prized student.
Kayn handed him the reports, which Zed took from him. “Good.” He held out his own letters. “Find an animal that can deliver this to the Kinkou as soon as possible.”
“The Kinkou? To Shen?” Kayn asked with a sneer. “Why would you-”
He was cut short by Zed, who now glared at him. “Not another word from you, boy. I’ve taught you better than to keep old convictions like this. No, I don’t like Shen and he does not like me, but they are a force that I have to work together with to achieve our goals.” He tapped the reports he got to strengthen his words. “The situation in Ionia is more complex than you think, and reaching out to your foes is sometimes necessary. You will learn as you get older, I’m sure.”
With a lightpat on the shoulder, Zed left a very disgruntled Kayn to go about his job. Sometimes, being a teacher of some odd-hundred students was pretty difficult.
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ur-mom-kayn · 6 years
Loyalty Chapter 24: Jealousy
Little Note: This Chapter is old but hidden from the public, so I post it again for everyone who is starting the fanfic from the beginning.
Kayn Pov
What did she want? Fuck him? That he did not laugh. Nevertheless, he had to admit to feel a slight shiver. Not with fear, but with excitement. Kayn pushed her away and looked deep into her eyes. It was pitch black, but Kayn had learned to orient himself in this environment. “Let it be. Nymphomaniac.” “What? Me and a nymphomaniac? How do you get so fucked up?” “I think you forget that I’m from Ionia, too. Everyone knows the myth about the nine-tailed fox, who seduces men, then kills them and robs their souls. Do not think that you can pull off the same game with me.” Ahri started to giggle. What was so funny?
“You do not have your weapon here. How do you want to protect yourself?” Kayn hated it if you reduced him to something. He grabbed Ahri by the neck with one hand and pushed her against the wall. “What did you say? I think I’ve interrogated myself.” Ahri struggled and fought for every breath. “Eh … okay … I give up … Let go!” Kayn spared her death and let her down again. I hope she has learned her lesson. “Can … cannot we just have sex? I also try not to kill you.” The fox coughed a little more, but over time she seemed to calm down. “I’ll pass … I do not have a condom here and without protection, I’m not in such a hooker as you in.” Kayn was halfway with the Shadow Step to disappear, but then Ahri held him by the arm.
“I have one.” Kayn stopped and turned back to Ahri. Out of nowhere a blue flame came out of her hand and lit the whole closet. With her free hand, she fumbled in her neckline and actually took out a condom. He wanted to get out of here, but on the other hand, he was incredibly horny by the small argument. Annoyed, he took off her condom, pulled his pants on half of the mast and grazed the part over his half-stiff member. Ahri broke the flame and plunged back into Kayn. He pushed her again against the wall, pushed her skirt up and down her panties.
(Little author info: In my stories, I always sex scenes with *** This I open and close it too, so that readers who focus on the story, can continue to read calmly, without being disturbed by sex scenes have fun again)
“Just so that’s clear, I’ll fuck you hard now until I come, if you have fun, I do not give a damn.” Kayn grabbed Ahri by her thigh and pushed her against the wall. He mercilessly introduced his bar into her. He did not care if she was ready or not. She had no meaning for him. She had questioned his strength and so she was down with him. She was allowed to suffer a bit for that. Regardless, Kayn pushed deeper and deeper into her. He wanted to fuck her brain out, make sure that she could no longer walk normally. And he was definitely on the right track. “AHH … YES !!!” The fox seemed to like it the hard way. Then he probably had to set a gear. Kayn pulled his cock out to the entrance and pushed it back into her with full force. “AAAHHH …!” Ahri literally pierced Kayn’s back with her nails and clung to him with a pair of tails.
Kayn repeated this process several times until Ahri kept trying to find Kayn’s lips. Every time he dodged. “Why do not you kiss me? The sex seems to be fun.” “I do not kiss sluts.” Kayn’s voice was as dark and menacing as it should be. He had no problem fucking her, but his lips belong to Zed. Kayn did not want to argue with her. He removed his tail, turned it over and forced her to lean forward. “No man has ever done that to me!” She scolded Kayn. “I’m not every man, either,” he replied emotionlessly. It has always been a mistake to let Kayn have someone in the dark. All his played niceness was gone. In the dark, he was a sadist, a killer.
Kayn introduced his cock without warning and accelerated his pace three times faster than the previous one. Often one wondered what foxes said, he finally knew the answer. “Ahhh … Oh, God… Yeees … Kayn..Oh..yeaah. KAYN!!!” She was really beyond help. Kayn pulled on her braid, but that only made her hornier. He played on her nipple, pinched it, turned it, but Ahri only grew louder. It did not bring anything. The slut enjoyed their sex. That was not planned. Nevertheless, everything had a side effect. Kayn was harder than ever. He could not stand the pressure for much longer. To finally reach the cliff, Kayn imagined that Zed would scream his name so much. Full of pleasure and without remorse. Three shots later it was finally time. Kayn eluded Ahri and dropped the Vastyan. She could quietly cobble her own clothes together.
Thirty seconds later, Syndra reopened the door and saw her friend completely confused on the floor. Kayn paid no attention to her and just walked past her. “Oh God Ahri! Kayn! What did you do to her?” “Just what she asked for,” he answered and disappeared into the bathroom. There he stripped off the condom and cleaned his cock at the sink. Afterward, he threw the condom wrapped in a paper towel away and pulled up his pants again. Halfway fresh, he goes to the others, who were still playing bottle turns. Kayn sat back in his seat and received crooked looks from all corners. His bun was even messier than before, but that was no reason to stare at him so strangely. A minute later, Ahri limped in with Syndra. Without her friend, she would have fallen over. That made Kayn grin a little. Unfortunately, Zed had nothing to laugh about. He remained silent the entire time and paid no attention to Kayn. What was his damn problem?
Zed Pov
Was that fucking serious? First Kayn said that he would love Zed and then he fucks a woman at the first opportunity and within his hearing range. Zed was pissed off. He could not explain to himself why he reacted that way. They had finally agreed to have something casual for the time being. Actually, Zed was not allowed to judge him, but he was just too angry to think clearly. He had definitely lost the pleasure of playing. Zed grabbed his student by the upper arm and dragged him away from the crowd. Kayn quickly grabbed Rhaast and disappeared with his master back into their own rooms. “Does it have to be that way? We did not even say goodbye. I thought we wanted to be nice.” “Yeah, but that does not include fucking everyone there.” Zed opened his door and let Kayn through first. After he had also entered the room, he slammed the door behind him. Zed took off his mask and lay on his bed, insulted.
“Master … why are you reacting so extreme? That was not the first woman I fucked.” “But it was the first one since you kissed me …” Zed could not believe how little he really meant to Kayn. If he was really so in love, he would have run away from her. But no. He literally fucked her brain out. “But Zed … we agreed to fuck with others. Why are you reacting like that? I am also just a man who has to relieve pressure. Just like you. I thought we were doing each other a favor.” “I do not give a damn! Do what you want, but then you do not have to expect anything from me anymore.” “Look, are you jealous?” What? What should he be? Jealous? Zed was never jealous in his life. Okay, maybe on Shen, when he was chosen to the Eye of Twilight. But never else. Especially not on this emotional basis. He did not really care about Kayn. He just wanted to make him happy, that’s all. Why should he be jealous?
“That’s absurd! Why should I be jealous? Because you were allowed to fuck Ahri and not me? She does not interest me.” “Do not talk out. You know what I mean. You feel something for me. Admit it!” “No! I won’t. Come on, fuck who you want. I do not care, I do not care about you.” From nowhere, Kayn grinned. Why did not he get sad or angry? Zed finished him and he could do nothing but laugh. Kayn set Rhaast down on the wall and approached the lying Zed. Grinning, he leaned his head over Zeds. “You love Me. Right?” Zed wanted to slap his grin off his face, but he could not. He could not and did not want to hurt Kayn. But why? Kayn was never more than a son and friend to him. Actually, Zed did not know what love is. He could not tell him, even if he wanted, that he loved him. “Do not talk. I do not love you and I’m not jealous either. What’s wrong with wanting you to be all alone for me. I hate to share my property.” “Ownership … so … say, lover. If you want me, Zed, say so. Then I belong to you and I fuck with no one more. Is it that what you want?”
Zed could not give him a direct answer. He needed time to think. Kayn has so much in the shortage, so he had little options. He had vowed to make Kayn happy, no matter what it cost, but seeing him with another woman ended up killing him. No … Kayn was his property. Even if he did not love him, he belonged to him. Only … how should they deal with sex? Until today they were ‘not ready’. “Hey Zed, can you answer me.” “Not really. Kayn I still just want to make you happy. I can not do that if you travel with others. That drives me crazy. Honestly, I do not even know why …” Zed turned his face to the side and looked into the emptiness. He could not and did not want to admit that he might feel something for Kayn, which goes deeper than friendship.
“Hm … maybe you’re just fucked up. Shall I take care of it?” “WHAT?! ”, he looked at Kayn again with a rather serious expression. “Yes, why not? If we only want to have fun together, then we should also take care of the satisfaction of each other. I would like to do that for you.” “I can not follow you Kayn …” Suddenly Kayn pulled Zed’s arms and forced him to sit upright. Unintentionally, Zed sat at the edge of the bed, staring confusedly at Kayn, who was standing in front of him. A short time later, Kayn grabbed his waistband and tried to take it off. Before Kayn could act, Zed grabbed his hand. “What will you do?!” “Trust me, Master.”, He answered and kissed Zed on the lips. Zed let go and Kayn took off his pants.
Kayn knelt down and spread Zed’s legs. Actually, he could imagine what will follow, but he was still very surprised. Without hesitation, Kayn took his cock in his mouth. With a free hand, he massaged undisturbed on Zed’s testicles while he pre-mouthed his cock. Even if Zed wanted to fight back, he could not. Kayn knew exactly what he was doing. Zed was sure that it was his first blowjob, but still, he was extremely professional, so that Zed’s limb continued to swell until Kayn literally had his mouth full. Shortly he had choked because of the sudden increase in size, but he caught himself relatively quickly. Over time, his student became more courageous and creative. Sometimes he just ran his tongue along the length or bit into his foreskin. But what really made him understand it was when he deliberately pinched Zed’s glans over his lip with his teeth. Uncontrollably, Zed threw his head back and let himself fall. No woman could do what Kayn could.
Just before Zed was about to get in, Kayn stepped up a gear and accelerated his pace. He practically fucked his own mouth. Zed clawed at Kayn’s hair and enjoyed this beautiful sight. Kayn’s perfect lips on Zed’s limb. He could not wish for more at the moment. Nevertheless, Kayn should stop until it is too late. “Stop … I’ll do the rest. I do not want you to swallow.” Kayn stopped for a moment and looked up at Zed in a rather insidious way. “But I want to,” he replied, completing his work. Zed’s cock filled to the limit and exploded into Kayn’s mouth. He choked briefly but swallowed everything down well. One or two drops ran down the corner of his mouth, but he did not seem to care. He licked everything neatly at the end and then went to the bathroom. Zed stayed like that for a few minutes before he got up and cleaned himself up as well. When he wanted to get up, he was actually a bit shaky on his feet. Kayn had done well.
Arriving at the bathroom, he spotted Kayn at the sink, brushing his teeth. Zed undressed and took a shower. That was maybe a chaotic day. First came Kayn to the league, then Zed get burned by Rhaast, then the game night and finally a blowjob from his student. What a roller coaster ride. Ultimately, he was happy and it was Kayn alone responsible, gargling at the moment with mouthwash. “So disgusting?” He asked. “No, but I think you do not want to taste yourself.” “Oh … so caring.” Zed stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist, and kissed Kayn on the back of the neck Kayn around looking for Zed’s lips. They kissed passionately in the bathroom and forgot the time.
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inumbro · 6 years
a collection of some of the ama answers, all the twitter posts, and all of red posts on the boards about zed & some related topics that I can find from the last ~1.5 years (with a few exceptions), so that I have all this info in one spot for reference
organised based first by topic, then by rioter
if anyone has any jhin / xayah / rakan / vastaya related information that I missed I’d appreciate a link so I can add it bc there’s not nearly as much not-officially-canon-canon information on those connections as I remember there being!
WAAARGHbobo said:
No. He is, if anything, a hardline nationalist and federalist.
WAAARGHbobo said:
Zed is, indeed, much more complicated than you think. But he is definitely not a nice person.
@miketmccarthy said:
At the moment, [Akali] does not align with [Zed’s] philosophy. He killed Shen’s father and master. Although they are both aggressive, Akali is inherently good and Zed, well, notsomuch.
Shadow magic:
WAAARGHbobo said:
...A wizard has a different, more studious, and analytical way of accessing magic — but arguably a shaman has a more inate connection to spirit magic. While warriors like Zed, Shen, and Kayn have studied a different way to access magical power—
The strenght of the connection, the control, and the narrowness of focus are all important variables...
@LaurieGolding said:
... but Shadow Magic had not been practiced in Runeterra for a long time, before Zed started. Jax hasn't had time to master it in the ~10 years since then!
Scathlocke said:
Kayn's principal conflict is almost not with Rhaast at all, but Zed. It is very likely that his master sent him to retrieve the weapon knowing that it would be the ultimate test for his protege - either it would destroy him, or he would conquer the Darkin and become a worthy new leader for the Order of Shadow.
Basically, Kayn and Zed have a super-complicated "adopted father" type of relationship going on. Rhaast is more like Lady Macbeth, in this current situation.
@LaurieGolding said:
I think [Kayn’s] shadow-form is what Kayn and Zed both hope the outcome will be - he's been given a near-impossible task by his master, as a true and final test of his worthiness to one day lead the Order of Shadow. If he fails, the weapon will consume him.
It's interesting, because both Zed and Swain seem to have engineered their plans for succession into their own rise to power. Both of them seem to say "You can have my job... IF you can take it!"
@LaurieGolding said:
Kayn is a singularly gifted student, but Zed gave him the hardest test imaginable - to withstand the power of a Darkin. ...
Jaredan said:
I wouldn't take the horror of Kayn's experience as typical of Noxus's approach or attitude to recruitment. The Ionia conflict saw some very strange things happen within the Noxian military and beyond. I can't talk about them yet. But that day will come.
@miketmccarthy said:
I think a lot of that will come out later... Zed has had a complicated run in his life, he wants a successor, and I believe he hopes Kayn is 'the one' and time will tell whether or not he can be that. Zed saved Kayn from certain death, trained him, raised him. He cares.
Interlocutioner said:
Link to Zed: Functionally, they're master and apprentice. But in truth, I think they have a deeper relationship than that. Zed sees himself in Kayn. An orphan with a gift and a drive that others can't control, no matter how much they try. No matter how much Zed tries, in Kayn's case, lol. I think Zed might also see something he could never be in Kayn. Kayn's link to the shadow is deep, for whatever reason. Maybe Zed hopes this is a sign that Kayn could do better than him? Ultimately succeed him? And he may have other, darker motives as well.
I think Kayn's respect for Zed is just as deep. Unfortunately, he's in the process of convincing himself that the only way he can prove himself to his father figure is by becoming something more than Zed wants him to be. Stronger than Zed. Strong enough to defeat him, if necessary.
They have a bond, but it will be tested.
I just mean their bond will be tested by Kayn's possession of Rhaast, if nothing else.
Kinkou + Jhin:
Jaredan said:
The characters you mentioned [Shen, Zed, Jhin] are very important to each other's lives going forward...
Jaredan said:
Shen, Zed, and Jhin, sitting in a tree. K. I. L. L. I. N. G.
In their history, Jhin is absolutely an antagonist. But Shen doesn't look at Zed with any kind of fondness, only with betrayal. The man he thought was his brother murdered his father, the person that Shen defined himself by.
However, it's true that Shen can't give into his own immediate, visceral anger. Perhaps he even tells himself he doesn't hold that anger against Zed. His job does require him to hold that inner balance to perform it. It's a role that he does partly in honor of his father. Still, if Shen told you he isn't angry, would you believe him?
When he has two worlds balanced on the edge of a blade, how long any man keep his hand steady?
I'm not going to talk about where their story might be headed in specifics, but those are the things that are involved in our thinking.
Jaredan said:
Yup, though Shen and Zed's relationship is a bit more complicated than Tobias and Malcolm's. Zed and Shen also have more complicated personalities and responsibilities than TF and Graves (that's not a challenge when it comes to Graves especially, he's a to-the-point kind of fellow).
Scathlocke said:
Shen is most likely seeing quite a few parallels between Zed's path, and Akali's. There is some significant crossover in their ideology, and they both rejected the Kinkou Order in some way... but Zed rejects the notion of "balance" as weak, and is more than happy to use any/all means at his disposal. Akali is certainly not there, yet!
Thermal_Kitten said:
Akali knows the cost of Zed’s break with the Kinkou. Zed was training alongside Shen, but after their first run in with Jhin, Zed began to have second thoughts. (We updated Zed’s bio to add more context and details surrounding this.)
As far as the Order of Shadow and the Kinkou, they don’t exactly work together, it’s more they tend to keep out of each other’s territory and see to Ionia’s future in their own ways. If it came to a direct disagreement, it could come to blows.
WAAARGHbobo said:
Jhin give us a chance to show that Ionia is in transition. The attack on their nation changed them. They are embracing technology they had previously thought unnecessary, and they are questioning their morale foundations. Jhin is the true villain of Zed and Shen's story-- and he represents everything that could go wrong for Ionia.
The Noxus-Ionia war:
Scathlocke said:
Seven years since Swain seized power and commanded the Noxian armies to leave Ionia.
@LaurieGolding said:
Noxus has a HUGE military presence off the main coast of Ionia - the First Lands are so concerned with restoring balance after they "won" the war, they've failed to notice that Noxus hasn't actually abandoned the island of Fae'lor, for example...
@LaurieGolding said:
The Great Stand at Navori was about ten years ago, and she was something like 14 then. Swain seized control of Noxus roughly three years later and ended the war in Ionia.
@LaurieGolding said:
Noxus was originally supposed to be persuading Ionia to join the empire, which of course became an occupation, then a war. They didn't intend to pillage/destroy... But it seems Darkwill was actually looking for magical stuff to extend his life, so who knows? (LeBlanc, maybe?)
@LaurieGolding said:
The death toll was catastrophic, certainly. But also, Ionia has been marked with a big, bloody Noxian handprint that they'll never be able to wash away - the soul of the First Lands has been changed forever... Was that Swain's plan all along? It's hard to say.
Why is there a rebellion? Is Zed doing something with magic that affects the vastaya and are they dying as a result?
Not dying, but magical essence sustains their continued existence. The less magic there is, the fewer resources there are to support vastayan life and tradition. Other humans tap into or twist up the same magic source that the Lhotlan vastaya need to survive. This is not necessarily a moral thing, good people do bad things for good reasons, unaware of the consequences it causes others. Zed and his people are unknowingly or uncaringly accelerating the drain of the magical energy though they are absolutely not alone in doing this. This is aggravating the growing tension between humans and some vastayan tribes in Ionia - and directly violates the agreements that were forged between species.
In response to:
Then Zed decided to pull a Sasuke because he couldn't deal with someone being better/picked over him.
Jaredan said:
Zed's issues run a bit deeper than that.
WAAARGHbobo said:
[referring to the wild magic video] It is not a part of the timeline. Promotion team just takes inspiration from the lore-- they do not make stuff within the timelines. Because... uh.. Reasons? Well you'd have to ask them.
WAAARGHbobo said:
So as the guy who did this, and Jhin’s lore...
The character you love hasn’t changed.
This simply expands the timeline and shows how Zed’s descent can be understood from his own perspective.
This timeline was actually done during Jhin, and the goal was to give Zed’s fall a slower, more human, less arch, trajectory.
Timeline (rough from my phone):
Shen and Zed are students together and bros. Zed is clearly the better, more talented student.
Kusho takes the two young teenagers undercover chasing “the golden demon”
Jhin crime scenes traumatized zed. (And shen)
Zed begans to struggle with his studies.
Kusho catches but refuses to kill Jhin. Zed loses respect for his master.
Zed begins to study forbidden shadow magic. —gets in trouble.
Noxus invades —zed witness war crimes. Kusho’s refusal to help the war effort is the last straw, Zed is no longer sympathetic or allied to the kinkou. While not directly opposed to them— he begins to view the kinkou as rivals.
Zed forms his own order— related to the Navoi militia group. (Spelling?)
Some vastaya tribes looking for a better deal, ally with the Noxus. Others fight for Ionia. Zed begins hostility with non- humans.
The war is tough, zed returns to the take the last of the shadow magic. Kusho tries to stop him.
Zed kills his master, shen’s dad.
Shen becomes the eye of twilight.
The war ends.
Zed begins consolidating power. Trains kayn. (He continues hostility with noxus, growing hostility with many Vastaya tribes.)
Harrowing mists begin to bother the southern Ionia sea ports.
Kayn gets raaast (around here i think)
Jhin is frees.... by someone
Zed finds out jhin is free. contacts Shen.
Jhin heads to zaun.
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ur-mom-kayn · 6 years
Loyalty Chapter 3: Revelation
Kayn Pov
When Kayn woke up, he felt the same way he did two years ago. His whole body was fucked up. However, he found himself again in a soft and comfortable bed. But not being. Looking closely, he recognized the room in which he was. It was clearly Master Zed's room. But what was he doing here? As far as he could, the young acolyte turned his head to the right, where Zed's desk was. Just as he already thought, a man sat with his back turned to him in a chair. Seemed like he was writing something. The light in the room was very dimmed so Kayn could venture to guess. Nevertheless, he could swear that the man wore short, white hair. Was that really his master? Without a mask?
As he continued to turn to him, a violent pain ran through his whole body. "Nghh!" He said unintentionally. "Kayn? Are you awake?" The boy had no doubt. The voice usually sounded rougher and more echoing through the mask, but it was definitely Zed. "Master, why am I in your room?" Kayn could feel the bandages all over again. Was he his savior? So he hoped.
Zed got up from his chair and started to turn to Kayn. He quickly turned his head away and closed his eyes. Somehow he did not feel right to face his Master. "Kayn, why are you turning away?" He could feel his Master approaching him and sitting down on the edge of the bed. "You do not have a mask on." Kayn could hear a slight snort from his master. "If that's your only problem, I'm glad." "Sorry Master, but I do not deserve it."
"No Kayn. I'm the one who did not deserve you." For a moment he had to swallow hard. He understood nothing. Where the sudden change of mood. What did his Master want to do? "I do not understand ..." "Then let me explain it to you,  Kayn. I ordered the torture. I wanted to test your loyalty. And frankly, I have never felt so shitty. Such a good student like you does not deserve a master like me. "
"M-master?" Kayn's voice trembled. It was a shock. He would never have thought that the man he so trusted could do such a terrible thing to him. Everything just a test? "How? H-how did I give you a reason to distrust me? I have always been loyal to you. I have always executed every command. So please tell me the reason." Kayn had to really pull himself together. He did not want to show weakness. Neither sad nor angry. He could not explain it to himself, but he still trusted him.
"It was not something you did wrong, it was me. You are very similar to me. That's all. " "That's all? That's one reason to torture your beloved student?!" For a moment Kayn could not control himself. In all honor, but does his master still have all the cups in the cupboard? "Well, that's not all. I'll tell you. A few years ago, I killed my master so I could steal the chest. I was worried that you would do the same. That's why the whole shit. I'm sorry Kayn. I have failed. I just wanted to let you know that you have my fullest confidence now. "
"And what if I'm craving revenge now?" "You do not. I understood that now too. Please forgive me Kayn." Master Zed was right. He was not angry or resentful. Not to him. Even if he wanted to, his hatred stopped at Zed. He adored him too much. And somehow he could understand him. Kayn was the evil in person. So why should not he deceive his master? Very easily. Because he loved him. Since the first day. Zed had something that fascinated him. No matter what it was, he would always be faithful to him.
"Kayn? Could you please say something again?" The boy only realized after he had regained his voice that he was quite absorbed in thought. "If you still trust me and want to stay true to me, then please look me in the face." Suddenly Kayn's heart beat a few bars higher. He could not believe it. His Master asked him to face him? He really insisted? For a moment the boy quarreled with himself. For one, he was afraid of what to expect, but for another, his master considered it as a vote of confidence.
Somewhat pained, he turned back to the other side and opened his eyes. He had to blink a few times until he got a sharp picture. On the bedside table some candles were lit, so he had good visibility. His gaze shifted from Zed's thigh to his upper body and a little further into his face. As he had guessed, his master wore short, snow-white hair. He had an amazingly beautiful face. Something scarred, but that did not break his leg. The most visible was one vertical on the lip and left eye and one horizontal on the bridge of the nose.
But that was not the most noticeable thing about his face. Kayn just could not resist a grin. "What is it?", His master asked almost annoyed. "Oh, nothing. You look just fucking young." "Really? What better do you not think? You're really killing me, boy." My boy. That almost sounded wrong without a mask. "Well, as a dad I can not look at you anymore. All at most as a big brother. How old are you?" "I'm just 22 years old. The Order exists not that long. What did you expect? "
So 22 was already fucking young. Amazing that he was so strong. Somehow, Kayn was even more impressed with his master than before. "So with the mask, I thought about the mid 30th. Without, I could even give you the 19 years. But seriously, Master, who were the two of them and why did they even enjoy it?" Zed's gaze became more serious again and he jammed aside. It was the first time he could really see his feelings. And it killed Kayn. He did not want to see that sadness in his fire-red eyes.
"Hm ... the pigs really enjoyed it? I'll have a serious talk with them. So I told them that you knew the hiding place and they should get it out of you. They really have no idea. This made it very close to a real scenario. However, I have forbidden them to rape or mutilate you. That would go too far. Therefore only punches and light cuts. I know, not exactly encouraging or even a justification. I'm so sorry. I should have really trusted you. I wish I could turn back time. "
As good as he could, Kayn tried to sit up so he could hug his Master. It hurt like hell, but he did not care. Zed just should not be too worried about guilt. "All right, master. Let's just take it as a ritual of reception and hook it all together, okay?" Zed returned his hug and stroked his tied hair. At last a nurse checked that it was impossible to sleep node-free for a certain length of hair.
Kayn enjoyed this closeness to his master. Then he noticed for the first time how incredibly good his counterpart smelled. He almost did not want to let him go. This moment between them could last forever. "Kayn, why are you so good to me? How did I earn it?" "Quite simply. You gave me a home. A reason to live. And above all, strength. I do not need more. Until recently, you've always treated me well. I always get a hot meal and enough to drink. I have enough friends here and I'm generally very happy. And most importantly, although I'm one of your best men, you've never sent me to war or on a mission. You renounce my talent. That is really impressive."
At the last set, Zed had to laugh diabolically. As he always did when he cracked a joke in his eyes again. Unfortunately, Kayn said it dead serious. He really counted himself among the best. However, it did not bother him when Zed made fun of him again. The main thing he was not sad anymore. Well, the man behind the iron mask was just a human with feelings. Maybe that's why he was hiding. Or he felt too beautiful for this world. Kayn's thoughts darted in the wrong direction again.
After Zed calmed down, he broke away from the embrace and helped Kayn lie down again. He covered him up again and got up. "Hey master. If I rest here in your bed, where do you sleep then?" That was a most legitimate question. "Oh, we can find a solution. The bed is big enough for 3 people. Let's just tweak two." "How? You and me on a bed? Would not it be better if you carried me into my room?" "No." Zed's voice sounded very serious. As if he had said something wrong. "I want to take care of you personally. No other acolyte, only me. I owe you a lot and I hope you accept my services as a nurse. "
A dream came true for the boy. His master really wanted to take care of him personally. Did that also mean that he had doctored him and ... "Master? Did you braid my hair?" Even in the faint light, Kayn could see that his master was blushing a bit. "I realized that it's not that easy. Sry, if it's crap." Kayn felt his way along the pigtail, realizing it was not a masterpiece. In the end, no matter. Alone the thought counted. The young Akolyth hoped for this event, a future friendship between master and student. Although they were still far away, Kayn was only 12, but maybe when he turns 18.
Even though his master was currently losing his role, he did not lose his authority over the boy. He liked the nice Zed anyway, rather than the strict teacher who constantly ignored him. He enjoyed the attention. Since the few scratches and stains did not matter. As long as Zed would not treat him shitty again as soon as he gets well again, the torture was forgiven and forgotten.
Zed Pov
One hour later, his young pupil finally fell asleep. Zed did some cautioning paperwork before closing time. Unfortunately, he did not do much, because his mind was on Kayn. He was deeply impressed by him. After all the shit he still held to him. Somehow he had hoped that the boy would chat. But no. The idiot did not tell the lie any further. As a precaution, Zed had put a dummy under his bed, but even he did not try to steal it. The only way to test his loyalty was by trying to squeeze the secret out of him. A fatal mistake, since Kayn is silent like a stone. Respectively his attacker provoked and insulted.
Actually, it was not planned for Kayn to escape. He wanted to inform him about the situation the same evening. But he was not there. Instead, he found a broken chair and a fresh trail of blood. Not far from the track, he found Kayn fainting on the floor. Immediately he took him on the quickest way to his room and looked after him as best he could. He did not want anyone to hear about this scenario. That's why Kayn had to stay in his room. Zed was not a doctor, but luckily Shen had taught him first aid. That fool insisted that he could at least get the basics.
Fortunately, he was able to retrieve this repressed knowledge. Kayn actually deserved real medical help, but as he said, no one should get wind of torture. He explained to the two idiots who took the job that everything was just fake. Kayn was innocent. His knowledge was falsified anyway. When the two learned the truth, they got a pang of conscience. Zed begged them to shut up and best keep away from Kayn. Should he recognize their voices, there could be serious consequences. The two would not stand a chance against Kayn even in a handicap match. And knowing his devilish side, Zed believed he would punish them with death. But maybe he was wrong again in Kayn. He really had to stop comparing him to himself. After all, he was far more funnier than Zed. The reasons he was loyal are a joke to Zed. The boy had really low expectations. In addition, he was allowed to take Kayn anyway only with 16 years according to ionic law. But of course, he should calmly believe that he renounces his talent out of love and care.
Zed put down his pen and went to his dresser. He quickly dressed in more comfortable clothes and went to bed to Kayn. The boy was so sweet moved slightly to the side so that he was no longer in the middle. Amazingly,  for Zed, it was not an overcoming to show him his face. He was ashamed of his scars. It was a sign of weakness to him, but the boy could only look for one thing, his age. He would never have expected his reaction like that. Kayn seemed happy and relieved. According to the motto: My master is not an ugly old man.
That he deleted him from the father list was okay for Zed. Then he was his big brother now. With 10 years difference much more realistic. Nevertheless, Zed could not help but behave like a guardian. Even if he was obedient, he still needed a lot of education. But all with his time. In the next few days, he can still be his cool brother. With this intent, Zed cuddled up behind him and took his arms before falling asleep.
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