#it did not used to be true that OP's tags work for filtering. used to be that you had to tag every reblog of it
feralghxuls · 11 months
i thought that if the original poster of say, a gifset, tagged all the necessary cw then it should be fine even if by reblogging those gifsets you don't follow through on tbe cw tags? is that not the case? i swear everytime i think i'm getting a grip on how tumblr works then no i don't. i'm asking you after your post on flashing lights warning cause you probably learn to figure out this kind of stuff when you use filters for things that are important (like my only filtered tag is taylor swift hakdjahfk). hopefully you can avoid headaches better from now on <3
oh! no problem, thank you for asking for clarification cause yeah tumblr is a little weird with tags. i actually had to go double check this because tumblr's built in filtering system has changed over the years. but yes, in theory, if OP tags their post correctly, it should be caught by the filters even if people who reblog it don't tag it
however i don't trust tumblr so imo i think it's better to be in the habit of tagging things like that when you reblog them just in case OP didn't, bc unless you also have that blacklisted or are reblogging directly from OP the first time they posted something, you're not gonna know if they tagged it #flashing or not unless you go check. and tumblr has made it very difficult to go directly to OP's version of a post
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sincerely-krp · 22 days
hey! op of the first poll, here. gen q while still on the topic. i know you guys said you don't claim to be doing good more than harm, and that's cool that you admit it! so, what's the point of the blog? as i said in the poll request, i'm not asking you guys to close. i just want to understand. i'm aware that you guys have your own rules and #fair (tagging this word as #subjective so i don't get jumped by anons) filtering system that set you apart from other blogs! it's just that with the results of the newest poll heavily favoring your blog to be no different from others, isn't the premise of the blog itself kind of redundant in that case? i'm all for giving the people of krp a place to express themselves, but if it's doing more harm and people have vehemently expressed how much they prefer krp before the surge in vent blogs... wouldn't it be worth it to reinstate that feeling? life is hard enough and krp is supposed to be enjoyable. no matter how much you try to run a clean and fair vent blog, it's still causing anxiety and stress in the daily lives of muns.
imagine if anon didn't exist? not even a fraction of the people involved in these blogs would open their mouths. isn't that telling? what's everyone so scared of? what am i so scared of, posting this on anon? exactly. confrontation.
it's easy to say "just don't look at the blog!" and yeah! that works. to a point. because then you have friends talking about it and friends of friends talking about it, and even if you don't PERSONALLY interact or even want any information from any of these blogs, it makes its rounds whether you like it or not. every vent blog that opens always says if people don't like it, to close their eyes. it IS that easy, but people still talk. the only true way muns could go unaffected is if they didn't interact with the blog and didn't have any friends at all ooc that knew of the blog. which is definitely possible but extremely rare.
idk. personally, i'm just tired of every aspect of my current krp experience ending up being based off of things seen or said on a vent blog. let's say that i don't interact with this blog, and i have friends that don't know of it. perfect, right? no. you still have admins that keep tabs on these blogs. if i wanted nothing to do with the blogs, that means i'd have to figure out which admins aren't monitoring this blog. which isn't realistic. let's say i found a cool rp with cool admins that don't monitor these blogs. perfect, right? again, no. because then you have members of the roleplay who monitor the blog and let it influence their behavior IN the rp.
my point is that you literally cannot get away from blogs like these, no matter how hard you try. if people reading this have a different take or different experience, i envy you! people claim that the only way for these blogs to not affect a person or rp is not to interact with it, but in reality, the only way for these blogs not to affect people is if they didn't exist. let me reiterate that i'm not saying "hey! close the blog!". i'm just tired. i'm really, really tired of people and admins and anons and muns and everyone acting like these blogs NEED to be in place and i want to understand what's causing them to be a necessity. if there's heinous crimes happening, i get that, and it needs to be talked about with unedited proof. 90% of the time though? that's not what vent blogs post. all anons do is complain about petty things or give unwarranted opinions and it's just so so so so so redundant.
and i'm tired. maybe not all of us are tired, but a lot of us are.
we made this blog when it was important for there to be some amount of moderation from gossip blogs, as we saw people around us try and send proof to vent blog admins only to have the admins continue to post things against them. it wasn't a decision either of us sat down and mulled over for hours, we just kind of did it!
after a few months things got busy for us both and slow on the blog, which is when we left the krps we were at. since then, we just admin this blog (it's okay if this is not something people believe, we wouldn't either + it's important to be skeptical of us so we get it!) and the traffic never stopped, so we didn't either. the rest of everything was not something either of us expected.
hopefully this answers your questions about the point of the blog/why it's still here.
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