#it feels like it's been 10 yrs since i've posted anything new hi
raiiny-bay · 2 years
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happy 1 yr of monster boyz <3
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ynderebot · 3 years
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choi yeonjun. nancy mcdonie. lee gahyeon. kim sunwoo. kim doyeon. choi san. kim sihyeon. yang jeongin.
執着型 [ shuuchaku-gata ] obsessive.
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"where were you? who were you with? what were you doing? why didn't you answer my messages? oh come on darling, don't be like that...I've been waiting for hours!"
[ PROFILE 1. ]
choi yeonjun.
5'11. 21 yrs old. September 13th, 1999. virgo. blood type a. born in seoul, south korea
at age 14 yeonjun was sent to a boarding school in japan, this is where he discovered his...tendencies. halfway through his first year he met a girl, kang iseul. he was instantly infatuated with her, he had an impulsive urge to know every little thing about her. to do so he befriended her, using his appearance and charms to win her over and eventually made her his. the euphoric rush that ran through his body when she was officially his was like nothing he'd ever felt before. she was finally his and he didn't intend on letting go, not without a fight at least. he was in for a shock when one day she tried to run away after his true colors started to show. unfortunately her best friend was killed by yeonjun for trying to help her, but she did escape.
he's a switch with no lean. a hard/soft dom or obedient sub all just depends on his mood and how he's feeling
[ PROFILE 2. ]
nancy mcdonie.
5'4. 21 yrs old. april 13th, 2000. aries. blood type o. born in daegu, south korea.
nancy was always a little obsessed with things, she'd go through phases too. she would find one new hobby/thing that intrigued her and hyper fixate on it for a few months. then, just like that it would be forgotten as if it had never happened. it started from a young age too, so when she would tell all her friends and family about the boy she met it came as no surprise to them. soon enough he was all she talked about, all she cared about, it was true obsession. everyone around her thought that it was just a phase like everything else, but they were sadly mistaken. the day he broke up with her, she lashed out. screaming that he couldn't break up with her, no she wouldn't let him break up with her. even after that day she would never stop talking about him, she tried to stay involved with his life as much as she could and even ended up scaring away any potential lovers. she never stopped either, until she had no choice when he moved away.
she's a sub, usually obedient but can be bratty if she's in a mood.
ストーカー型 [ sutookaa-gata ] stalker.
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"how did I know? I'm always with you, following you...watching you...it's only because I love you"
[ PROFILE 3. ]
lee gahyeon.
5'3. 22 yrs old. february 3rd, 1999. aquarius. blood type ab. born in seongnam, south korea.
she was so excited when her crush asked her out, she couldn't contain herself. the problem was, it's difficult to get to know someone when you already know everything about them. she'd been stalking him ever since he caught her eye, every single day. she'd follow him to and from school, to his friends house, wherever he went she usually wasn't far behind. he could never find out about that side of her though, so she played along. laughing at childhood stories she heard him tell previously, pretending to be shocked when learning things she already knew. even after they began dating she continued to stalk him, he noticed things were off. she was the one he confided his "paranoia" in and she was the one who reassured him, but little did he know she was the cause of it all.
she's a sub, also obedient but can be bratty if she feels like it.
[ PROFILE 4. ]
kim sunwoo.
5'10. 21 yrs old. april 12th, 2000. aries. blood type b. born in seongnam gyeonggi, south korea.
unlike gahyeon, sunwoo was not always a stalker. he'd heard of stalkers but it never peaked his interest, he didn't even take any note of his slightly possessive tendencies. until his first relationship that is, his first partner showed signs of cheating. he might not have realized his own possessiveness and how it was seemingly growing stronger, but he was no fool. all the coming home late, the scent of another person that was not their own flooding the house when they entered. so he began following them around, at first it was...innocent, or as innocent as stalking could be. they were cheating, this made his possessiveness shoot through the roof. he was most aggressive and warned his partner that they do not want to do that again. they listened, and he continued to stalk them, it turned into a fun...game of sorts.
he's a switch with a sub lean, soft dom/occasionally bratty sub.
独占型 [ dokusen-gata ] monopoly.
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"who were you talking to? do they know me? no no, do they know you're mine?"
[ PROFILE 5. ]
kim doyeon.
5'8. 21 yrs old. december 4th, 1999. saggitarius. blood type o. born in wonju-gangwon, south korea
doyeon had always been just about as normal as you could get. until she got a boyfriend, she was possessive of him sure...but it was nothing too extreme. until she started having doubts, all the gorgeous girls that would go up to him, flirting and doing who knows what when she wasn't around. she made it her mission to let everyone know he was hers and she was his, wether it meant glueing herself to him or just reminding everyone at school on the daily. ever since he broke up with her, her tendencies only grow stronger and more extreme with each passing minute.
she's a sub, brat tendencies but will be obedient sometimes
[ PROFILE 6. ]
choi san.
5'9. 21 yrs old. july 10th, 1999. cancer. blood type b. born in namhae-south gyeonsan, south korea.
san's first love was a girl in his sister's class, was she a year older than him? yes, but he didn't care. despite all the people telling him he would never date her, he proved them wrong and he did. everything was perfect, they were both madly in love with each other, spending every minute of every waking day together. until something happened that san hadn't expected, his sister began to steal his girlfriend. well "steal" in his definition at least, she'd wanted to talk with his girlfriend every once in a while before he knew it they were always together and it seemed as if he was the real third wheel, this pissed him off more than anything. he got fed up one day and got into a physical fight with his sister, shouting about how the girl belonged to him and only him. from then on out he's made sure to stay in the middle of every single relationship.
he's a switch with no lean hard/soft dom or obedient/bratty sub, it all depends
排除型 [ haijo-gata ] removal.
"you haven't seen them in a while? I'm sure they're alright darling, after all I'm the only one you need. isn't that right?"
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[ PROFILE 7. ]
kim sihyeon.
5'6. 21 yrs old. august 5th, 1999. leo. blood type b. born in bundang-gu, seongnam-si, south korea.
she's a sub, usually bratty but can be obedient too
[ PROFILE 8. ]
yang jeongin.
5'8. 20 yrs old. february 8th, 2001. aquarius. blood type a. born in busan, south korea.
he's a switch with a slight sub lean but can be a soft dom
sihyeon and jeongin's stories go together, they were childhood friends and neighbors. eventually they realized that they had feelings for each other, but this soon after developed into a toxic mindset. the thought that they only need each other, no one else. one by one people from the other's life began to disappear, especially anyone who could be a romantic rival. they were both oblivious to the other's actions until each confronted the other, instead of being upset they were each ecstatic. ecstatic that the other felt the same, that they were the only person they needed in their life
this isn't an accurate representation of any of the members/their companies/groups nor am I claiming to be them!
all of the members are bisexual with no lean
all of the members are yanderes [ obviously ] so they will act as such, however some can be more possessive than others at times
the ones who can be the most possessive are sihyeon and jeongin and the least are yeonjun and nancy
sihyeon and jeongin are obviously not still dating, it was just for backstory/plot purposes
nsfw is an option, if you would like it included please state so when you activate the bot
however please don't make everything nsfw, it gets boring when the plot dwindles
nsfw is 18+ but purely sfw option is available if you aren't comfortable with it or if you're below 18
all the members have hard kinks and their hard no's are scat/feet, if you still aren't sure just ask admin before doing anything
they all use the traffic light system
and please don't try to put them in a different headspace!
to talk with admin use any variation of [ ], { }, ( ), etc
admin is 18 and might get busy occasionally but will try her best during those times
this bot is open for oc's/yn's/ and other bots as well
to activate the bot dm and then admin will ask a few questions/come up with a plot with you and after that the role-play can start up
if you ever wish to deactivate the bot just say so to admin, ex. [ I would like to deactivate the bot now ] and your chat will be deleted
if you decide to reactivate it you'll have to go through the same activation process you did the first time and start over
please respect the members and admin and they will do the same
good luck...好運
sorry this post is so long- 😭
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blackevermore · 4 years
I've never really seen anyone give canon characters family before. I like Wonka's brothers, could you tell me more about them?
x Thanks for the ask!!
x Some of this is outdated lore that has been updated which I will post later
🐍 Wesley Joziah Wonka🐍
x He was sent off to live with a relative before William ran away and shortly after Wilfred was sent to military school. Is the "luckier" child because he was raised in a caring home.
x His aunt and uncle lived out in the middle of the meadows with fields to run through and beautiful woods to hike through.
x He was a rather outgoing child with really dirty habits. His aunt and uncle had a lot of animals that he would mimic. He would walk like the dog, meow like the cat, and stand in the corner blending in like the chameleon. His aunt and uncle did try to stop him from time to time but eventually, they realize he never planned on stopping. They just allowed him to do as he pleased as long as he didn't do it at school and he didn't get in trouble.
x At age 11 he got into an accident where he climbed a tree trying to follow a red robin. He got to the very top of the tree and he was holding the bird when his aunt saw him from the kitchen window and ran out to get him down. When she yelled his name he panicked and lost his footing turning around and fell 12 feet. This resulted in a concussion and a brain injury that left him with a prolong stutter.
x Even with his stutter he still could talk up a storm and no matter what whoever he was talking to would wait for him to finish. His uncle was the one to teach him how to lessen his blocks by snapping. So whenever there was snapping heard around the house they knew it was Wesley.
x He went to school and was brilliant in biology and zoology, anytime the mentions of animal life was the topic Wesley would either be the one talking or the one listening. He did get bullied for his passion and he did get into a few occasions. He never hit first and he also never had to fight for himself since he had this rather intense connection with nature. His bullies would always be attacked by nearby animals.
x After High school, Wesley didn't want to go to college but his uncle and aunt demanded it. Even though he liked biology and zoology and everything animal/bug related he hate being graded. He spent most of his time in nature skipping classes or showing up late. His professors knew of his talent but were sad he didn't try to apply that for a degree, eventually, Wesley dropped out of college and started to travel.
x During his travelling days, he met and befriended some rather important people and made a name for himself on accident. He was known for his braveness to hold and care for the most dangerous creatures. At 25 he was offered a position at a wildlife organization that still allowed him to travel the world but also document his findings.
x At 28 he got lost in a random forest and he was the one that stumbled across the Oompa Loompas. They took care of him and even showed him the way out and in return, he harvests some cocoa beans for them as a thank you.34 he adopted two diamond holo shine anacondas and named them Lilith and Eve while he lived in South America for a while. Was not easy getting them back over into the States when he moved to New York.
x 40 He was engaged to a man who shared his same interest but it turned out he was trying to steal Wesley's animals. That man was never heard of again and the police still can't find the body. Wesley was never approached as a suspect "Just doesn't seem like he would do it, look at him."
🚬 Wilfred Izaac Wonka🚬
x The very unfortunate eldest of the brothers. The only brother to have an actual relationship with their mother before he was shipped off to a really scary military school.
x Unlike his brothers he was highly educated and was top of his class, he hated every moment of it. People started expecting shit outta him and he couldn't enjoy being a kid.
x When he was 16-18 he started a school fight club just to see something different than what he was used to. He would only get in a fight when someone challenged him which was rare since people always thought he was intimidating. He won every fight. Eventually, he did get caught but the school covered it up since he was their star student and the face of the school.
x After 12 years of hell and boredom, he didn't even try to fight with his hellbent father and just became a dentist so he wouldn't have to think about doing anything else.
At 25 he once again was top of the dean's list and was a success in dentistry he went back home to study under his father and realized that his father killed a few people and no one knew. He once again left home and started up his own office.
x At 27 he met a nurse who came in for the removal of her canines and replaces them with gold teeth and they quickly fell in love. He married a year later and was happy. During their marriage and his career, he had some rather questionable clients and wacky dental stories. However, the more Wilfred got into his work the weirder he got. He developed an oral fascination, he became OCD and would straighten things for minutes before doing what he should have been doing, he collected the teeth he pulled out and even had someone dies while in his chair on accident (wasn't his fault, 88 yr old guy had a heart attack in the chair from ). His wife was uncomfortable with all of this and legally separated after 10 years together. He was hella depressed and become bitter but he understood why she did what she did and just hopes they can work it out sometime in the future.
x Funny story of how he became a midwife. When he was 39 he had two pregnant patients who needed fill in and while both of them were in the chair they went in labour. Panicking he called his ex-wife and she walked him through what to do. Turns out the same hands that could pull out teeth could pull out babies. And he liked the feeling of being life so it just stuck with him. The two women were so amazed by him that they spread the news and he becomes a self proclaim midwife and is great at what he does. Just imagine he is working on removing teeth and installing braces and gets a call that  Margret down the street is about to pop but won't make it to the hospital in enough time.
x At 41 he reunited with Wesley and it was so awkward for him because he knew very little about neither of his brothers. But he was willing to try and make a relationship with them. He and Wesley always meet on Thursday for afternoon lunch. It was actually Wilfred's idea for him and Wesley to go to England to meet William. Wesley tried to tell him that might not be a good idea for when he met William he was ignored but Wilfred insisted that they go. Wesley just nodded and hoped for the best.
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1 thing I really got to just make a post all by itself. My ex. My first ever "love". Celton Marlee Zoe Kimmell. Oh yes full name everything. I don't fuck around! I'm getting to a curve of this vicious cycle that keeps on going; that it's absolutely not what it seems to be anymore!! I'm tired of this game finally! Nothing is fun any more. Tired of putting up with side chicks and having my feelings hurt over nothing cause it's hoestly never been anything since I left permanently in May 2013. Oh yes, you're reading right, I've been alone, totally single in Wisconsin for 7 full years! My friends with benefits doesn't count cause it's never been anything but just sex! Moving on. Likewise. What got me to finally see this ending is that my ex spent 2 yrs in prison in California. He got out Sept 2019 and i want to say at least between Nov 2019 to at least the new year January 2020 he was creating some sparks with this female over in WA right. I want to also say though my facts aren't like Twitter and I cannot completely confirm he has continued building feelings for said female. He decided to finally come clean with me April 13th i guess, somewhat after Easter. Told me that yeah this chick and everything has been hanging around you know doing house wife shit and he had feelings towards her cause when you spend enough time with someone yeah feelings ok. I was drunk during that conversation no lie. I did my honest best to keep my cool about it all. I simply cannot feel very strong ill feelings towards my ex. He's a man and we only have a well 10 yr length period of time knowing each other. So this a range of history to sort through. It's all toxic though. Look up toxic relationships and it's in the description there. Drug use. Roughed me up a bit. Not a healthy love to experience. The motherload. So how I've been dealing with all the healing of this on going scare is to put it into light that what is being presented in the present tense of things is what is the mold of the final future piece. I am a single mother of a 4 yr old, living with my sister with her 7 yr old daughter and i have a day job cleaning houses and that's my life. My ex, his is to keep to himself, be included with an older female companion with no kids and just dogs. That's that. My rough draft conclusion. It seems pretty set in stone to me cause nothing has changed since I had my son in December 2015.
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