#it gave me an excuse to talk abt my favoueite fucker again :D
matchbet-allofthetime · 2 months
I like your headcanon about Joshua Graham but I think it has been confirmed that the reason his face is not visibly burned was due to engine limitations. But don’t let that stop you! I think it’s a good headcanon!
As a long-time fan and someone SUPER interested in games, I get that logically, it's a game limitation.
(which has always been strange as hell to me considering they could do ghoul faces, but it may have been a bandage texture VS facial texture overlap issue and they could've easily modelled what little we see to have the scarring, but I digress)
I'm glad you think it's a good HC, and honestly, whenever I give something in anything a headcanon, unless I say otherwise, I'm thinking about it in-universe!
I like toying with the ideas of realistic experiences, and given what I know about being burned (a lot, oddly enough, partially from experience), I can say pretty well that it's logical that he wouldn't be thoroughly burned the same way, especially if he was burned in whatever outfit he was wearing.
That can change EVERYTHING pretty much entirely, worsening burns or protecting the flesh some, depending on what it is/material/etc!
Being doused in pitch and lit on fire is something that'll likely be done sporadically. Someone typically pours it over the head, and it drips down, perhaps over the nose and lips, but not really over the face so much, and splashes it across the stomach and legs, soaking those above all else.
So honestly? His face probably would be fine in-game, regardless of whether or not my HC came about because of stupid little NPC details I noticed back in 2011 😂
Though, this also leads me to think he probably has trouble walking too quickly if his legs were targeted as is typical 🤔
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