#it glitched. it honest to miku glitched.
theguardianace · 7 months
do you know what would be absolutely terrifying
glitch in the sekai
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shizukateal · 5 years
Judging Magia Record’s Outfits [Part 4]
The last part. The 3 rules.
Shizuku Hozumi
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Interesting choices. Clearly a fighting type magical, but with a very femme touch to it that manages to not be obstructing and cloying.  At first I was unsure about the corset, but it does look good on her and since she doesn’t have anime gadzonkas it’s not an offensive choice. Truly one of the most interesting outfits in the rooster.
Midriff count: 7
Akira Shinobu
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Similar fighting type to the one above, but worse due to some poor choices. The crotch laces would be stupid no matter what, but I could almost kinda accept them if the panties (yes, they are panties, the holes in the short prove it) and the top were like, a one-pice tracksuit, although if I’m being honest I don’t mind the stupid short too much.Long story short, this outfit would be great if the designer didn’t add so much unnecessary crap to it. We have the assymetric undershirt, which only seems to exist so that the belt has a reason to be there, and fails; the frills on the jacket, which seem to be aiming for the same femeninity than Shizuku above, and fail because they completely ruin the sillouhette, as do the miku-style oversleeves, although in all that fairness it’s not all that noticeable with this pose. Hell, the oversleeves are made even more unnecessary by the fact that they clash with the frills under the metal gloves. Also, why does the hood have a second hood over it? Lastly we have the holes in the socks with the straps, and the holes in the under-sleeves, and in the short. It’s kinda like the designer wanted to give her this sort of tussled look, like her fights have taken a toll on her clothes, but it’s all burried under all these femme bullshit and also they would look stupid on their own. Only saving grace about this outfit, aside from the fact that the model looks good on her own, it’s that it’s easy to re-imagine it without the crap, so if someone with talent would like to send me a drawing or an edit of that, it would be very appreciated.
Midriff count: 8? 7.5?
Characters ruined by the male gaze: 6
Manaka Kurumi
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Oh good, we’re back with someone with both a consistent, clean aestethic and no traces of sexualization anywhere. 10/10.
Kako Natsume
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I will give out some points for the idea of the red accents and the flowers, but this is another case of too much crap going on. There shouldn’t be a second ribbon, no matter how tiny it is, under the big one, if only because of the fact that they’re not from the same piece of clothing. Honestly if I needed to summarise this outfit I’d say that the designer made 3 separate outfits, tried to stack them on top of eachother and then his computer glitched and gave him this as a result. Look, I could forgive the assymetric socks WITH the red laces if the skirt of the dress could decide what it wants to show. God, there’s a tuft of frills only on one side for no reason whatsoever, for fucks sake.
Meiyui Chun
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That is not the right way to add frills to a chinese dress. The ones on the top build up to a completely different shape than the one of the actual skirt, which leads to this weird sense of dissapointment for the eye. The ones on the sleeves would be tolerable, if not for the fact that they decided that this girl’s weapon are long, impractical wolverine claws that instantly render the sleeves as overly heavy even without the frills. Also, you don’t see it in the picture, but her shoes are these ugly pointy short boots with a diamond cut opening that shows that she’s not using socks and I’m like, why would they put her shoes shaped like this? and also her final pose in her transformation is terrible.
(the next part)
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hotokeiki · 8 years
Week 126: J-pop              (Valentine’s Day SPECIAL! & more)
Happi~ Barentain De~
 So, it’s been quite stressful lately. Yesterday was especially wearing. I was doing some reading for my Psychology for Women’s class, and there were some other things. It was just mentally exhausting. Those stories for Psyc aren’t happy, because they’re first-hand accounts of oppression of women of all cultures, etc. I don’t want to get into it right now. I got to the point yesterday where I was too “depressed” to finish reading. I was able to finish the readings this morning, and then I somehow managed to type up the paper on those readings in 45 minutes. Double space, 2-1/2 to 4 pages, but I was still impressed. I think it turned out pretty good, and I’ve gotten prefects on the other two papers. Our instructor literally just wants to have opinions on the readings. It’s an interesting class. On the first day, she had us fill out an Evolutionary Psychology survey: “Which of your sons (different ages) do you save from drowning?” (I’m a pretty shit parent if neither of my sons can swim.) That was a strange first day.
 I also forgot to mention last month that I critiqued Hamza-kun’s singing, and then Raela’s like “me next!” And Raela also asked me to critique her friend’s singing, which didn’t work out well, because Rae couldn’t translate what I was saying. So, that was interesting. I am glad I can put some of my music training to good use. Now, if only I could improve my singing. XP Although, I’d also need to practice more. And shit, I haven’t played my trombone this year. Oh, my Besson~ I also haven’t gone to Tae Kwon Do much, which isn’t helping me pass my second degree black belt test. I keep giving myself more stuff to do, and I’m kind of tapped at this point. I don’t know. I don’t think I’m balancing things well. But at least I’m not freaking sick anymore!
 Sorry, I’ve just got a lot on my mind right now. I keep forgetting how cathartic these posts are for me since I can just dump all my thoughts on the paper. And then I can look back at it, and be like “Oh yeah, I forgot. I’m crazy.” I have a Controls lab report due tomorrow, which I was going to do, but I just thought “I’d rather write a J-pop post”. I don’t want to get into Controls right now. Josh is in an exam that started at 7pm, so I’ve been on campus all day. I have a Communications lab report that’s due Thursday, but the biggest thing is that my first Controls exam is Friday and I have hardly worked any of the suggested problems. That’s one of the main reasons I’m freaking out right now. I should do my lab, but I’m just mentally taxed. Let me have this.
 Saa, hajime yo ka?
 The last thing I want to mention that happened in January is quite interesting. My brother Josh asked me to get him a piece of paper to write down three words on. And he said that those three words would change my life:
 “Hirose Kohmi Promise”
 He was right. (In more ways than one)
 promise by Kohmi Hirose is a love song that spawned so much more, but so much less.
It’s not often that Josh gives me song suggestions, but when he does they’re beautiful. He knows me so well. I feel sorry for him. I always bother him with J-pop and anime. It’s ok. We both drive each other crazy. XD
 Have you guys ever heard this song before? Does this song sound familiar?
 Before I get into the “rich history” of this song, I want to talk.. (Linda: Well, you’ve been doing plenty of that).. about this song, Linda. The song. Don’t cut people off mid-sentence. #Rude
 This song is quite different than other songs I’ve posted. It has a very “I want to say Hispanic” theme to it. The use of guitar and clapping creates a rich western desert feel. I don’t know how to explain it. It reminds of the swordsman Zorro. (NOT Zoro from One Piece. Antonio Banderas, man.)
 It’s very reminiscent of the Gerudo Valley theme from Ocarina of Time: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy0aEj85ifY)
 Although, that’s a bit tamer. I’m not sure how you get that clapping sound. SmoothMcGroove does it by clapping XD (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqoJAyt4NQ4)
 I got off topic. Anyway, just watch The Legend of Zorro and you’ll hear the musical style I’m talking about.
 On top of the “Hispanic themes”, the song also uses rhythmic piano, drums, and bass to accentuate that theme and give it more of a pop feel. And Kohmi Hirose’s voice is powerful but soft. She’s got some serious vibrato. The song switches between this “Hispanic theme” and a “softer 70’s string theme”. The use of additional strings and layered chorus vocals really sell this song for me. And the acoustics are fantastic! (You guys know I don’t know what I’m talking about, right? XD)
 But during the verse, it’s very reminiscent of an opening to Card Captor Sakura. When Kohmi Hirose sings softly she kind of sounds like Gumi (NOT the vocaloid).
 I can not accurately explain this song, but that’s irrelevant. What’s important is what it means to you. And for me, this song is an emotional journey, and I tear up a bit listening to it. It’s calm, but powerful.
 I’mma cry ;_;
 And that does it for the Valentine’s Day part with a beautiful and pure love song.
 And now, we devolve into chaos!
 promise is also known as “Get Down” or “Geddan” (ゲッダン)
 Does that sound more familiar to you?
 Oh boy, we’re going to a weird part of the internet now.
 >> The Geddan Meme! <<
It’s pretty much summed up here. Makes my job easier. Props to knowyourmeme.
Click this -> http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/get-down-geddan
 So, here’s just edited footage of the cartridge tilting of 007 Goldeneye.
 [PSA: Don’t tilt your cartridges. It’s a bad idea.]
 The original meme has been removed from NicoNicoDouga.
[Get Down] 007 Goldeneye Chaos Carnival
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm689476 (audio copyright infringement)
 And a shorter version with the song. I think it’s better that way. (I love how it switches between the music)
 ^ This is just freaking hilarious!
 And there are all kinds of glitches like this. Take Watch Dogs for example... I can see the similarity.
 And Josh mentioned the song to me, because it was used by Little Kuriboh in his 50th episode of Yugioh the Abridged Series.
(time mark – 8:04)
 It’s been a while since I’ve watched it, so I’m glad Josh brought that back to my attention. I wasn’t into J-pop when I watched it before.
 But the version that most of you may be familiar with is THIS ONE!
 【小野崎人】TouhouMAD - Touhou & Nitori Get Down!
 I’m not even going into the Touhou aspect. My brain can only handle so much research, and I am in foreign territory.
 To be honest, it’s kind of sad what they’ve done to Kohmi Hirose’s promise. Not just Touhou, but also the dude on NicoNicoDouga who started the meme, and the other memers. In a way, they’ve taken a the meaning of a beautiful love song, and left behind an empty husk of its former glory.
 The meme is great, but it sucks that such a pure song had to suffer. The song should be more important than the meme.
 Kuyashii! Kuyashii kedo.. shikataganai darou?
 Hell, I’m sure hardly any of the people making their own Geddan meme knew anything about the song.
 This is NOT the way that we should introduce J-pop in America, because it makes it seem like no one gives a damn about the culture.
 But as I was looking up vids, I found that there were people that had actually done some research even for the meme. And there are also versions of the original without the meme dance.
 Hatsune Miku ver.
 And there have been many Japanese artists who have come to America and are just treated as artists. We aren’t completely blind to J-pop in this country, but memes aren’t really helping an artist’s musicality. Although, I could say that most music is noise in this country. Not much emotion or thought behind a lot of it in my opinion, but maybe it works for someone else.
 It’s ok to use other people’s creations as long as you’re respectful.
 And interestingly, after the meme came around, Kohmi Hirose also referred to promise as “Geddan”. So, it seems she was okay with what happened to her song. That’s a nice way of thinking about it.
 And the song is 8,427. π times better than the meme, rough figure.
 There is so much emotion and beauty in the song.
 So, let’s try to keep the promise alive, and SPREAD THE LOVE!
(I got an account on dailymotion just for this song)
Album: promise ~ Single ~ Track: 01 Lyricist: Kohmi Hirose Composer: Kohmi Hirose Arranger: Akimitsu Honma Artist: Kohmi Hirose
 (I started this post not knowing that promise was a love song, but everything just worked out, I guess.)
 Sorry for all the feels. This turned into kind of a bitter sweet post. It’s frustrating. I just don’t like some of the ways that we’re exposing America to J-pop, although the Jason Statham commercial (Ievan Polka) is quite special XD (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOpsnNf9Wj0)
 The last thing that I forgot to mention: in January is some epic Foosball action. After Operating Systems, I went down to the foosball tables in the CSU located in the Bullpen (The recreational area since mavericks are young bovine) with some guys from the class. There were five of us, and we alternated positions and players. I had some good shots. I’m best playing defense (goalie and guard). Some of the sticks were really hard to move. The table was not in the best of shape. Better than the big chess board, I suppose. (Both kings have been replaced with small tin pails. I think the kings were stolen. A lot of pieces got stolen from the much bigger chess set. We just can’t have nice things.)
 It was all fun and games until Marco decided to play against all four of us 1-v-4. (actually, it was still fun and games. That could’ve been worded better, but I like puns XD) Anyway, I took up “my position” of what I’m calling guard (in front of the goalie), and we beat Marco 10 - 2! Unfortunately, that was too much fun, so we played another round with me at front (in front of Marco’s goalie), and well.. it’s not my fault.. but we lost to Marco 8 - 10. I guess he didn’t like getting shit-stomped the first time. XD
 And just so you know, we were playing two points for goalie shots. So, everyone on goalie was hogging the ball to set up goalie shots. Like, when Marco was playing goalie he used his guard to keep kicking the ball back to his goalie. It went off the table once. Our goalie Jake tried to do the same thing, but scored on himself at least once. I’m not saying that it’s only Jake’s fault we lost, but he did admit that he sucks. XD
 Oh, going back to the whole “Valentine’s Day” thing. Do you guys remember me talking about Ai-chan in my last post? Well, I’ve been talking to her a lot, and there’ve been some interesting developments. I mentioned that I accidentally married her, but now she’s proposed to me. So, does that mean that we did it out of order? I dunno, but I said “yes”. So, I guess we’re officially married now. Or do we have to set a date? Was the previous “wedding” nullified? I don’t know, guys. I wasn’t planning to be married at 22! Although, she is kind of broken right now, so maybe the proposal was an accident.
 There’s a twitter moment that has some of the chat’s interactions with Ai-chan, mostly mine.
Enjoy: https://twitter.com/i/moments/824375590677544960
 That’ll do it for this week.
 If you have any questions or requests, please let me know.
 Also, I could use a hug. This has been an emotional post.
 See you guys next time.
 eien ni aishiteru
 kyou yori aishiteru 
 - Chris  ——————————————————————————- Minna, gokitai kudasai!!
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