#honestly. at a certain point their voices stop sounding robotic
theguardianace · 7 months
do you know what would be absolutely terrifying
glitch in the sekai
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anonzentimes · 7 months
(Anon from before) Thanks! I am doing better now. I think it was the cultural difference + me not doing voice inflections right (I used to "sound like a robot"). That specific complaint (me being "sarcastic") stopped about a year after I moved. Also, yeah, last night I was anxious about my job interview and stayed up super late distracting myself haha. Interview went blah, but I got it over with at least. Thanks for sharing your story too, the meltdown involving the cops sounded scary 😨. That is sweet how you relate to Nagito. I relate to Kazuichi for similar reasons myself
I'm happy to hear for certain things are better, and honestly fair I'd be super nervous hope you get the job anon!
I can't relate since I'm on the younger side, but even then I'm grades behind what I'm meant to be so I won't be having to worry about interviews for a while, I don't think? Kind of in the middle of growing up stages if that makes sense, trying to get rid of learned helplessness lol. I don't like saying I'm young though since I hate being underestimated usually, and also, associated with others my age who I feel like I'm not at the same maturity level with.
To be honest, I still sometimes feel trapped when not being able to explain how I feel or be understood but at least I don't scream anymore since I have the luxury at knowing enough words to attempt expressing myself, although for the two people angrily talking at me once I can't say the same for lol.
actually I'm kind of having one of those days today where I'm struggling to understand how I feel, like kind of feel like there's a block in my head preventing me from describing it, as well as my tummy and back hurt, and I'm in the waiting room for the dentist so uhhh today is NOT my day 💀
ANYWAYS personal stuff aside, I definitely never thought I'd get to the point where I'd understand Nagito well enough to where I can say I relate to him to a degree, but I am happy that I can and am able to identify how he makes me feel. Hajime and Nagito both have relatable traits honestly Lol. I'd love to hear about what makes Kazuichi relatable to you!
Thank you for the asks Anon! I enjoy them a lot :)
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kingmystrie · 1 year
The reason why AO3 doesn't take down problematic content is because the entire purpose of the site is for archival purposes. An archive is meant to house a lot of information, the purpose of an archive is not to promote certain works of art or to determine the ethics/morals of fictional media. They don't censor anything because that's not their job, their job is to just store as much fanfiction as humanly possible.
It's not a publisher, it's just a giant digital filing cabinet.
I'd also like to point out that censorship has historically been used to rewrite history, silence black voices, silence queer voices, silence indigenous voices, silence activists, suppress workers fighting for decent pay, suppress information regarding political corruption, suppress international news coverage, etc. You'd like to think that censorship will be used only to stop bad people from spreading bad messages, but that is never the case.
Obviously AO3 users are overwhelmingly white and somewhat well off. I highly doubt they'd censor anything racist or even most problematic content, best believe people like me who have the audacity to be autistic and black at the same time would get annihilated immediately.
Even if we lived in a magical world where we all agreed that pedophilia is bad and that black people are humans, there's the issue of how they'd even censor the damn sinkhole.
As stupid as it sounds you'd have a better time protecting individuals from creeps by explaining the importance of consent and why pedophilia is wrong. Unironically. I'm deadass serious. This is why ponder sprocket made that video on why zoophilia is bad.
Below i talk abt how censoring digital platforms is lowkey ethically dubious.
Even if Ao3 was to try and censor specific works, it would be near impossible for them to do in an ethical way. Something i dont see people talk about in this conversation is that if there's censorship on a site someone has to read all of that pedophilic, racist, rape fetishizing shit.
You know youtube? They have like thousands of employees in the global south getting paid like 2 dollars an hour to see the most horrific shit known to man. These are VIDEOS mind you, AKA real csam and real gore, with all the viscera a human eye can find, in motion. No counseling, no nothing.
If a site is to actively censor something, it no longer becomes a case of just the weirdos and people with paraphilias actively searching for something and being pushed away by a wider community. The moment that a website starts censoring stuff they have to employ people to go find that shit, people who don't want to see that shit.
And we know for a fact that we can't just use a robot for that crap either, cause we know for a fact that robot censorship doesn't fucking work, because chat gpt employed a bunch of underpaid workers to do the same thing.
Not only does censorship go against the purpose of the website, but honestly with how much fanfiction is being uploaded and stored on that site it would be wildly unethical to make people have to go through all of that crap.
Not to mention - even with all that work put into removing this dangerous content there is STILL a thriving pedo ring on youtube there have been several videos detailing this. Not to mention fetish-farming crap like elsa-gate.
Not saying that makes it useless for youtube, because unlike AO3 youtube has an algorithm which means that youtube promotes specific videos over others. If youtube didn't trawl through the garbage and take it out they could end up promoting something dangerous to someone who didn't want it. With an algorithm there is no choices, only whatever the math sends your way.
And because of that I've been reccomended some disturbing content on youtube about people wanting people like me get killed, which has damaged my health severely. In contrast - I've never found anything disturbing on AO3 because nothing is being shoved in my face. The front page doesnt even show you any fanfiction, you have to search for whatever you're looking for yourself.
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pan-fried-autism · 2 years
The North Experiment
I wrote a short story again!
Characters: Swap!Grementine Mewton, Swap!M0u5e, mentions of Swap!Nikolai (@bowlerhatwearer)
Summary: A certain grumpy scientist is heading over to the northern regions for a weekend, excited to have an extended visit with her friend. Of course, one must record their experiments.
A grey VW Beetle pulled off to a small gravel lot on the side of a road. The car slowed and stopped, before being parked, leaving two rectangular trails in the light snow covering the lot.
A small trail was supposedly by said lot, but the amount of snow, small as it was, made it hard to see. Luckily for any unfortunates trying to find it, it was marked somewhat clearly by a sign pointing off, saying “Cabins ->”.
Nowadays, hardly anyone ever stayed in the cabins anymore. Anyone with common sense, that is.
In the Beetle sat two occupants.
The driver was a short brown cat with pink splotches. She wore a pair of goggles almost masking her eyes, a black t-shirt with a red broken heart, thick blue pants, and hot pink winter boots with white hearts on the toes. Over that, she wore a lavender winter jacket with fur on the hood, along with a pair of knit mittens. Given the coldness of the area, most would dress a little more warmly, but it wasn’t necessary for her. The fluffiness of her fur helped some.
In the passenger seat was a mouselike robot, with permanently wide Jade green eyes, and a large speaker where a mouth would be. He was bundled up tightly in a puffy dark purple, orange snow pants, little red boots, yellow kittens, and mint green hat with a puffball on it. On the floor of her seat was a scarf.
The cat looked out the window, narrowing her eyes at the sign.
Hmm. Well, at least I kind of have an idea of the whereabouts of this place, she thought to herself.
She took off one of her mittens, and reached for the little cup holder between the front seats, where a tape recorder was. She brought it up to her mouth, and hit the record button, finally speaking—
“The North Experiment, Day 228, entry 1.
“Dr. Grementine Mewton, speaking again. I have known Mr. Akdow for 228 days now. So far, communication and data collection has proven to be a slight challenge, given that I’ve only been able to travel at least once a week or so to speak with him. This, however, will change a little today! I’ve rented a cabin for me and my assistant, M0u5e, for the weekend. I’m not sure why or how these cabins have stayed open, but it’s good enough for me.”
It was not a very fancy cabin— one bedroom, one bathroom, connected kitchen and living room, no WiFi access, a small fireplace, and a TV with a VHS player but no cable. This was alright with Grem, though. She brought some VHS tapes anyway, and it was almost guaranteed that there was an outlet for M0u5e to charge at night.
“Anyway, this weekend, I hope to collect more data than ever before from Mr. Akdow. He’s already taught me so much about his world, and I WANT— no, NEED to know more about him!… and his world too. Going into the northern areas to find him was a great idea, honestly. Even if I hadn’t been collecting data, he’s proven to be… well, a very good friend to me. And I hope to spend a bit more time with him.
“Hell, maybe I’ll even introduce him to M0u5e here!”
Saying this, she put the recorder to the robots face. “Say hi, Mousey!”
“Hello, I am M0u5e.” The robot replied, with a voice sounding more like a recording than someone talking.
Grem brought the recorder back to herself. “I’m worried about how the coldness of the cave will effect it, though, even with its added layers. In fact, the heats been off the whole car ride because I don’t want it to overheat, either. I debated bringing him here in the first place, but there wasn’t anybody I knew or trusted well enough to watch over him for the weekend. LORD knows how they could fuck her up!
“… it’s good to get out of the house for a while, though. Everything’s been kinda hard, with the Wrath, and my job, and Dickhead McNiceguy trying to win me back, or whatever he calls stalking. And it’s like… I want to get to know my coworkers a bit better. I don’t know why it’s so… difficult, to just talk to people sometimes.
“… that’s besides the point. I’m gonna head up to the cabin now. Grementine Mewton, out.”
With that, she released the button, and put the device in her jacket pocket.
She unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car, taking the keys with her as well. She walked over to the other side of the car and opened the passenger door, where M0u5e was unbuckled and ready to go, scarf in hand.
The two went to the trunk, and Grem opened it, revealing the four suitcases— one contained Grems clothes and tail prosthetic (she didn’t need it that much in the cabin, but she didn’t want it stolen either), another contained some research related items, such as a notepad and pencil, yet another contained a change of clothes for M0u5e and some essentials, and the last one had some non-perishable food items, along with some water bottles.
Taking her clothes and equipment, Grem waited for M0u5e to get the other cases before closing and locking the trunk. She started walking up to the trail, M0u5e following closely behind.
Just as they were about to step foot on the trail, M0u5e suddenly spoke up. “Dr. Mewton?”
The cats head whipped around towards him.
“Will it be safe in this area?”
She shrugged a bit. “Eh, probably. The only other person here is Nikolai, and he’s cool with me, hehe, so we’re in good hands.”
M0u5e said nothing, ears bobbing up and down slightly.
The two continued on the trail, eventually dissapearing in the mix of snow and trees.
5 minutes pass.
Another car has pulled up into the lot. A rapid blue Chevy Camaro. It parks next to the Beetle. The driver door opens, and out steps a tall, lanky brown hare.
His nose and ears twitched in the cold.
He casually walked around his own car, examining the other car and taking mental notes.
Silvery grey. Dent by the front bumper. Small crack on the left rear view window. Row of claws marks on the hood.
He was right. She was here.
He couldn’t help but smirk to himself.
Claire-bear. He thought. I thought you were a smart kitty.
You KNOW you’re not supposed to corner yourself in a game of tag, right?
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padfootdaredmetoo · 3 years
Hi!! Feel free to add or change anything!! Can I please request a (John lives au🥺) Tommy Shelby x Mutant!fem!reader (X-Men/Peaky Blinders crossover) where she is a mutant that is a part of the X-Men and She can control the Earth’s 4 elements (fire, ice, wind and earth) and has telekinesis. The X-Men have to travel back in time to various points (in order to stop something bad in the future), each mutant going to a different time (like if Days of Future Past mixed with Endgame), and Y/n goes back to the time to the Peaky Blinder’s time and runs into the Shelbys while she’s trying to stop something happening that will badly effect the future? I can so imagine Thomas, John, Arthur, and Finn trying to bring her in for questioning after finding her snooping, but she kicks their butts because she has world saving to do lol😂😂 After a while spent with the Shelbys/Blinders, she ends up not wanting to go back to her time because She and Tommy fell in love?
I would imagine they would be pretty shocked to find out about mutants and time travel 🧭
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Thank you so much for this request! I was unsure about how I would wrangle the two stories together as they are my two favorite fandoms. This was true labour of love. I hope it's what you were looking for. I honestly had to write it in chunks. I could have put together a full novel about the ideas I had.
Hope you enjoy bestie! XO
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Summary: Reader is a mutant who has to follow her family back into Erik's past to save the world. She accidently falls back into Birmingham 1920's surrounded by the Peaky Blinders, which happens to be her favorite TV show....
It sounds tacky when I put it like that but I promise it works.
Rated - Teen: Heart break. So much pain, but also so so so much fluff. Mentions of death, grief, major character death of sorts, mentions of violence, mentions of Nazi Germany.
If you don't follow the X-Men it pretty much just reads as a time travel romance fic
Things had gone from bad to very very bad in a short span of time.
Six months ago Magneto went rogue again. Leaving the X-Men to make a more aggressive stance against the new mutant legislations that were coming into action.
That’s the exact moment we went from bad to worse.
The government was ready for the attack and used it as an opportunity to strike against him hard with their new weaponry. They now had these freaky gigantic robots trying to hunt us down. They hadn’t yet found out the location of the school but you and everyone else knew that the days were becoming limited.
Like most of Charles and Erik's fights, everything ended with Erik outside the front door looking defeated. Charles sobered up and they were back to being a power couple ready to save the world.
The two of them had sat down tracing back through time to the exact points in history that lead us all here. You sat in Charles' study looking between him, Erik, and the overwhelming bulletin board. It was covered in pictures, letters, maps, and a lot of rainbow yarn you feared had come from your personal collection.
“That better not be my roll of rainbow yarn.” You said sternly, taking a seat in one of the chairs.
“World is ending bub, keep it focused.” Logan said, looking as unimpressed as you felt.
“Alright. We don't have much time so I appreciate everyone's undivided attention.” Charles said in his most calming teacher voice.
“Here is a list of what's expected of you.” Erik said sternly and you thanked him as he handed you your individual paper. You quickly looked it over and internally started to freak out. It was all about Europe in the late 1930’s…
The meeting went into full swing and it did nothing to make you feel better. They expected the people in this room, your family. To divide and be sent back in time to fix certain events leading to the current weaponry that was about to destroy mutant kind, and potentially the whole world.
You were shaking by the end of it. Everyone cleared out, there was three hours till go time. Erik called you to stay and you watched him motion Charles out of the room.
You looked at him and resisted the urge to throw a temper tantrum. Erik and Charles had become something like parents to you over the many years you’d been here. Erik was someone you were especially close with, and he fucking left. He fucked this all up. Deep down you knew it was for the better that he had forced the government's hand, it gave you time to prepare this seven layer dip of a plan to stop them.
But still he left you here. He might not be your actual father but your heart didn’t know the difference.
He looked at you with eyes that tore into your soul.
“I know I fucked up but please understand, if I thought there was any possible thing I could have done but leave. I would have. I won’t have you, Peter, and Wanda in a camp. I just wont.” His voice was dripping with poorly concealed emotion making his accent thicker. Suddenly you burst, you wished this confrontation didn't happen right before you needed to have your shit together. You went over to him and wrapped your arms around him tightly. You didn't need to say anything because he knew he was forgiven.
“You're going back to Germany, when I was little.” These words hurt him even more and you held him tighter. “It’s not a very happy place. But look at me.” You did as you were told, looking up into his blue eyes. “You come home safe to me.” He said it in German and you couldn't help the tears that started to fall.
“I put everything down on that list. You keep it close.”
“I will.” You responded back in German. Now you knew why you were picked for this. Trying to meddle with Nazi Germany was a task better suited for someone like Logan, who had actually fought there. Not that he would remember it though..
“You're a smart kid, I have no doubts in my mind that you're capable of this” Charles said entering the room, having read your mind. With the current climate you didn't chew him out for it. Erik held you tighter for a moment, then let you go after placing a kiss to your forehead.
They were asking you to be tough and strong yet they were tearing you up with all this affection. Erik cleared his throat and grabbed a thick leather notebook.
“Take this too. Forgive some of the more personal stuff. It was from my life after the war but it has some stuff about what happened during. Thought it better to send you with too much than not enough.” You accepted the book and nodded at him sadly.
“I have to go and apologize to the others now. But I’ll see you again before you go. Let me know if you think of any questions.” He strode out of the room and you silently said a prayer that your family would all make it back safe.
Charles gave you an empathetic stare before giving you a big hug.
“I love you. We love you.” He said softly.
“I love you both too.” You thought to him in your mind.
Then it was time for the action. You had similar, rather tense emotional moments with your adoptive siblings and other members of the team.
Even Wade came over and gave you a big hug.
“You give ol Adolf an extra one between the eyes for me kid.” Somehow his mask winked at you and you gave him a nod and a sad smile.
They had you in a cotton layered outfit that was surprisingly accurate to the time period which was good. The last thing that 1930’s Europe was ready for was you in one of your brothers stolen Led Zeppelin T-shirts and a pair of mom jeans.
You held your leather purse close to your side and mentally ran through everything inside. You weren't allowed to take much outside of the notebook and list from Erik. You realized that in a few short moments you would be in a whole other world, with no money and every single person you knew wouldn't be reachable.
You would be completely alone.
They got you sorted into the machine and you watched as Erik and Charles both watched your body disappear with a pain that only parents could feel when their children were about to go far away for the first time.
Everything went dark. Suddenly you felt like you had a horrible case of the bed spins. You tried to relax but you had to force every breath of air into your lungs.
Then suddenly you were in an old alleyway. Two large brick buildings were on either side of you with people's laundry above your head. Why they had laundry out in this damp weather was beyond you.
Gunshots rang out in front of you and collided with a man standing further down the alleyway.
Oh Fuck
You watched his body crumple, but what could you do? You could see he was dead and you resisted the urge to rush over and help. That would only draw attention to yourself when what you needed to do was keep a low profile.
Two very tired, but well dressed men emerged from the fog and looked at you standing there.
Normally you wouldn't feel afraid but your body felt different, like your powers were still slightly out of reach.
“You didn't see nothin!” One of them exclaimed in a very British accent, while pointing a gun at you. You nodded in agreement, turning on your heel making your way down the alleyway.
“You can't just let her go. Tommy will want to make sure she keeps ‘er fuck’in mouth shut.” The second man said a little bit too loudly. You picked up your pace.
“Tommy isn't going to care about some woman Arthur.”
“What if she’s with ‘em though, she might know something.” The second man only let out a long string of cuss words.
“Eh! Miss. Don’t move.” You stopped because you knew that he had a gun to your back. You turned around slowly.
“By orders of the Peaky Blinders.” The taller one called out. The words cut through you like glass.
Peaky Blinders?! Like the show?! Oh no. no. no. no. This was very bad.
“Shut up Arthur”
They both came towards you leaving the dead man’s body long forgotten. You didn't resist them, mostly because you were in shock. They put you into the back seat of a car and you just looked around you. Birmingham. Blinders.
Damn, props to the casting manager, and to the costume people. Not to mention the prop people. This was like falling into the TV.
You were brought into the betting shop. It was really different from the show, but it still felt the same somehow.
Peaky Fucking Blinders
Speaking of fucking. The rather distressed man in front of you must have been Thomas Shelby.
Your face flushed and you tried to remind yourself that this was real life. Your family was out there doing their part, and somehow you’d fallen into the wrong time…
These people weren’t the ones you watched on TV with your dad, or stayed up reading fanfiction about. These were the real deal.
His eyes settled on you.
“What the fuck is this then?!” He shouted.
“She was in the alleyway with the Russian.”
“WHAT DO YOU KNOW?” He screamed at you and you jumped.
“I was just in the wrong place. I swear.” He looked at you with a piercing look, suddenly you really did hope that Cillian Murphy won hundreds of awards for his performance.
“You are lying. And I don't have time for lying.”
“We’ve got to get to the Train.” One of the men said, drawing his gaze away from you.
“Go, I’ll take her with me.”
You were pushed into another car, this time with Thomas driving.
“Look I know you know something I can feel it. Just tell me and I won't kill you.”
“I swear if I knew something I would tell you” You answered calmly.
“FUCK” He was driving recklessly and only started to push the car faster.
He got out and dragged you into a field where men had a tent and some kind of mining operation happening.
“Tommy there’s no way we are going to get through this quickly.”
“I need everything out by sunrise. They have Charlie.” The two men looked at each other and you assumed that Charlie must be very important to them.
“Don't let her out of your sight.” He motioned towards you before starting to strip down.
“What do you need to get out? I might be able to help.” You mentally kicked yourself, this was so Charles of you. Now was not the time nor the era to be using your mutant powers to help gangsters.
“How on earth are you going to help?” Suddenly you realized that you were by far the most powerful person in the setting. And probably the whole city. The shock was finally gone and you could feel the elements around you humming like you usually could.
“I can get you whatever you're digging for in less than five minutes, in exchange for information.”
The man he was talking to let out a laugh. But Tommy only stared at you with those perceptive eyes.
“Jewels, they are ten yards in that direction in an underground cellar.” As he spoke you could feel them vibrating exactly where he said they would be.
“Why am I doing this?” You asked him seriously. You didn't have time to play heist with them no matter how many hours you spent reading about it.
“Because they have my son” He looked desperate and it twisted up your heart.
“Take everyone out of the tunnel and have them turn away from me.” You instructed him and he gave the order. The men were looking at the two of you like he’d finally snapped. But they did as they were told.
You pushed your mind through the earth till you could feel the jewels. You moved the earth aside, extending the tunnel in one swift movement, then pulled the jewels through. Your feet met the ground again and you realised he didn't turn around. He stood there eyes wide with a stone-like expression.
The guy just watched you levitate and saw your eyes glow brown and bright white. But still he just looked at you like he always knew you’d been a part of this world.
You used your powers to place all the loot into the bag in his hand.
“Thank you.” You could see in his eyes that he meant it.
“What year is it?”
“Fuck!” You were going to be stuck here for at least ten plus years. Panic washed over you.
“Help me get my son?”
“Sure” you answered realising you had all the time in the fucking world to chase Tommy around.
In the span of a few short hours you’d rescheduled someone’s abortion, helped the father of that baby kill his molester, rescued what might be the cutest baby ever if not for the horrible hair cut, and stopped some kind of train from exploding.
For some reason this made some Russians very mad. So you’d handled that too.
Now you were sitting in Thomas Shelby’s kitchen with a glass of whiskey in your hand as he held his sleeping child in his arms.
“What are you?”
“Pretty sure I just did all the heavy lifting so I could ask the big questions” You didn't mean to be that sassy with him, the man looked like absolute shit, but the smallest smile crept onto his face. That stupid smile pushed that soft spot in your heart a little. You let out a long sigh.
“I am a mutant from the future. I can control the elements earth, water, fire, air, and I can move objects with my mind.” You added more whiskey to the glasses with your mind, watching him struggle to contain his expression. “I have to stop something horrible from happening in Nazi Germany.”
“Nazi’s?” He rolled the word around in his mouth. “I don't know much about mutants.”
“I didn't think you would.” You said with a small smile.
“And you know me well then?” He asked with a raised brow.
“In some ways I feel like I do, but deep down I know that I really don’t” He studied you for a moment and you saw the many questions burning in his eyes.
“How about this. You help me with the Nazi’s when the time comes, and I’ll help you as much as I can until then” He thought about it, eyes making your skin burn.
“But I’m not in control of when they pull me back so I could just disappear at any moment.”
“Deal.” He took a sip of whiskey.
“You must be tired, but I’m also happy to answer questions if you have any.” Really you just didn't want this to end. Any second Hank could realise his mistake, you hated yourself for it, but you wanted this to last for a bit.
You expected him to be tired, and worn out after everything. Instead he asked you questions about your abilities, the future. All the stuff you’d expect. He said his mother had told him about people like you when he was small, that’s why he didn't doubt you.
You told him that he was remembered in the future very well. A blush crept onto your face, embarrassed and slightly guilty about all the thoughts you’d had about him. Well fictional him anyway.
This only pushed him to want to know about it. So you told him that there was a television show about his family that you were very fond of. You gave a brief description of film and television.
“And you like me in that show?” He asked.
“Ah, yeah. You could say that.” But the burn on your cheeks gave you away.
“Hmm and the man that acts out my character, he’s alright?”
“Oh yeah. He does a good job.” You could feel the amusement rolling off of him.
Weeks passed and Tommy adjusted to having you live with him. These were hard weeks for you as you were worried sick about being stuck here while your family was across time and space potentially being murdered or imprisoned.
It was the kind of stress that led to a lot of nightmares. Nightmares that had the potential to shake the whole house…
After the first two times of him tearing into your room waking you up and holding your shaking body tightly, he recommended you just sleep next to him.
One tremor he could blame on an earthquake, two tremors - well stranger things had happened, but the superstitious maids were starting to get uneasy. Three tremors and he was sure they would assume the place was haunted by his late wife.
You took him up on his offer feeling very embarrassed every single piece of “there was only one bed” fanfiction you’d read flashed before your eyes as you laid there next to him.
Strangely enough you both slept better like that. Till one morning you woke up tangled in his sleeping body. That was an incident that led to a lot of kissing. Then courting. Then a full blown affair.
He often asked you about the various stories you’d read and written about him. Laughing at how sappy you made him, teasing you about it relentlessly.
Family was an interesting aspect of your time here. You missed yours so badly that you tried to insert yourself into his every moment you could.
You laughed and learned a lot from the women you became so close with.
When you looked back on it you’d like to think that you helped them all get along better just as much as they helped you grow up. Little Fin and Charlie looked up to you as some sort of God. Too wise to be an older sibling, and not strict enough to be a mother. It broke your heart knowing that eventually you’d leave them potentially without even getting the chance to say goodbye.
This prompted you to write out a notebook much like your fathers. Something to leave them with. Nothing about the future, but just love for them. Stuff they could read when they were in need of comfort. From what you knew of the up and coming war they would need it. You had birthday cards written out for the children till each of them turned 60.
A year had passed and while you missed your family dearly. You had lots of daily tasks to keep up on providing for your family here. Between the family and Tommy you rarely stood still long enough to be sad.
Tommy proposed to you in the woods behind the house. You knew a public wedding and engagement wasn't possible with your potential to leave at any moment.
After trying to convince him otherwise you agreed.
A secret wedding was held in the fall with only your closest family.
Ten years passed and you helped Tommy try to take out the British Nazi Party while also getting ready to travel to Germany.
The clock was ticking on your life here and the time had come to put the future world above what your heart wanted.
Tommy could feel it coming and took every possible moment he could spare to be around you. Both of you desperately clinging to what pieces of happiness you could hold onto before it was all ripped away.
You warned him about the stalk market crashes and about every part of the up and coming war and future that might impact the family.
Then it was go time. The family sent you off with heavy hearts, only Polly and Tommy understood the task that lay heavily on your shoulders.
Tommy insisted on accompanying you as far as possible. You already knew that he fully intended on staying with you the whole time. You could always tell when he was lying.
You left him sleeping in a hotel just before you’d reached Germany. The morning light sprawled across his tattooed skin. You looked at the arms that carried you from being a child into becoming a woman. The hands that helped shape you and showed you how to overcome your worst fears. You’d stolen 12 years of this man's life, 12 years he should have been settling down with a wife and a mother for his child.
12 years of laughing all night, dancing in the kitchen, yelling with his family, night walks in the woods, more sex than you thought humanly possible, murder, money, gabling, horse races, drinking, and cocaine. All of it was about to be ripped away.
You shut the door leaving him a letter saying goodbye. Explaining everything, and how you were leaving him there to protect him. You told him where to find the many journals you’d written and the letters for his family.
Then you were off to find Shaw.
It was a horrible task, you watched Erik’s mother, someone he said watched over you with the tender gaze only a grandmother could manage, die. Your heart broke there and you hoped that Erik was right, that she did watch over you and your siblings, that she understood why you let her body crumple to the ground.
You couldn't kill Shaw, or Hitler. Something that would weigh on your consciousness for the rest of your life. All the power to stop some of the most horrible things in history, and you had to walk away.
That didn't mean you couldn't raise hell though. You did what you were instructed to, passed the appropriate information on to the right people.
Freed as many Jews as you possibly could on the side…..
But no one needed to know about that.
You eventually rescued Erik, and saw the full extent of how Shaw had mutilated him. You comforted him and gave him the instructions he would need.
Despite him being a boy, and receiving an impossible amount of information about his future he still grabbed your arm before you left him there.
“Are you my daughter?” He looked so hopeful. The promise of a child meant the promise of a home, and true love.
You didn't have the heart to tell him that his wife and first daughter would be murdered in front of him. Or that I would fall into his lap as an orphan desperately in need of a father, that his two biological children would be kept from him till they were in their early twenties. The amount of collateral damage and problem fixing he had ahead of him. Not to mention his on and off again relationship that had caused the world to end more times that any other threat to the planet. A part of you wanted to. but Future Erik made you swear you wouldn't.
“You are a good father. Just keep your head up.” You kissed his forehead like he had done countless times to you. And left the freshly mangled boy in a hotel bed in a foreign country just like you’d left your husband a few short weeks ago.
The task was filled but you didn't instantly fly back to the present day. So you got on a train back to Birmingham to spend whatever last sliver of time you had left next to your husband. After all the horrible things you had seen, the only thing you wanted, the only thing that could put you back together, was your husband's arms. You desperately wanted to fall apart, but you kept it together out of hope.
You wanted one last kiss.
You stepped off the train platform in Birmingham. One body amongst the busy sea of people, you looked at the train platform and it was the last thing you saw of your life there.
Horrible bed spins, and suddenly you were back in the basement of the mansion. Everyone was present, looking just the same as it had been 12 fucking years ago.
You immediately fell to your knees. Your body twisted in at the harsh realization that it was finally all over. A sob ripped through your chest as you crumpled to the floor. Erik’s hands reached you first as your family frantically tried to figure out if you’d been injured.
You wanted to tell them that it was only your heart being broken. That your mind was slowly fracturing into a million unrepairable pieces. A valuable part of you was left in Birmingham and your body didn't know how to breathe or pump blood without it.
You prayed for death. You realised that the words tumbled out of your mouth between sobs. Begging them to let it kill you. That you didn't want to live in a world without him.
Time passed and it didn't kill you. Eventually you came to terms with the fact that if you died, they would only kick your ass right back into existence. The Shelby family fought as hard as your family did to live in a world of opportunity like this and to give it up would be a disgrace on their names.
So you lived on. Charles, Erik, Peter, Wanda, and the whole team did everything they could to comfort you through the loss. Everyone else was sent back for about two days, so they stayed relatively the same.
You watched as your parents mourned the loss of their bubbly ambitious 20 year old, as she was now filled with a 32 year old depressed widow.
Suddenly you understood the pain that constantly ran through Erik’s veins. Logan’s constant night terrors searching for a red headed woman hit too close to home. Watching Wade’s fists clench every time someone with long black hair walked by. It all made too much sense. The new awareness of grief had exposed you to how the people around you truly lived their lives.
Charles had bought Arrow House for you, hoping it would ease the pain. Something physical from that time to hold on to. The place was going to be demolished, and you were very grateful he had thought to look for it before it was lost like everything else.
Eventually you had to visit his grave.
Erik stood by the gates of the cemetery while you walked along trying to find him. It was a crisp autumn day much like the day you married him. And there he was, black marble with gold lettering.
What was left of the man that used to hold you every night lay six feet below you.
His tombstone was brief, and classy much like himself. But in small letters at the bottom you saw the song lyrics of your favorite song engraved. Song lyrics you left in the journal you’d stashed for him.
He found it.
And buried next to him was his wife. You thought you would feel jealous, but relief washed through you. He was looked after, Charlie had a mum. His life ran its course with someone next to him in his bed every night.
He moved on so you could too.
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rek1s-headband · 4 years
hi could i request something? basically just HCS about langa and reki when you guy get into a fight or sum idk LMFAOO, you dont have to do this if you dont want to tho <3
➯ A/N: Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy. I added a few characters, hope you don’t mind:)
➯ When you guys get into a fight
➯ Characters: Langa Hasegawa, Reki Kyan, Kaoru Sakurashiki, Kojiro Nanjou, Hiromi Higa and Miya Chinen x gn reader
➯ Warnings: angst if you squint, fluff
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Ok the majority of your fights are generally because of a miscommunication. If things aren’t spelled out for the poor boy, he’ll be completely oblivious to what’s bothering you
When you finally snap, he always seems shocked, asking why you hadn’t said anything sooner, even if you’d been trying to hint at it all week
Not really one to shout, but if things get heated enough he might snap. He always feels awful afterwards though. No matter what, he really believes no one should be screamed at because of something as silly as a disagreement
Rarely storms out, he’s always going to try and stay until the end to try and get something, anything out of you that he can use to try and understand your point of view
Understands space. He knows when you dont feel like talking to him, and he will give you that time to collect your thoughts. When you’re ready to speak again, he’s all ears
Gets overwhelmed really easy. It doesnt really show in what he says, but when you raise your voice his brain goes to putty and he can feel his breath get narrow. He’s not scared, he just doesn’t want to be the reason you’re feeling like this.
Never lets you go to bed angry. He’ll give you your space, but if you’re still quiet by bedtime he’s making sure you’ve eaten and you’re not still really upset by whatever played out that day
Overthinks a lot. How long did he not realise you were upset? What if its actually a much bigger deal than you’re letting on? What if you leave? Of course, he knows a lot of it is completely irrational, but it still lingers in the back of his mind, so you can imagine how relieved he is when the fight is over and you’re back in his arms
Asks people for advice a lot. Reki and Cherry are usual helpers, giving Langa their opinions on the matter without going into too much detail. The rest is up to him.
Gives the best hugs and comfort after a fight. He understands couples can fight, and never really takes the aggression let out by the pair of you too seriously. Rubbing the back of your head and holding you close to his chest, he’ll reassure you that he’s not going anywhere, that he’s not going to leave “just because of a silly fight” while you fight back tears on his shoulder.
Unlike Langa, Reki is a very open person in terms of his feelings, so your fights are rarely because of closed away emotions. However, many are caused by you feeling he is spending too much time in his workshop, overworking himself and not spending as much time with you as he should.
As for Reki, he gets mad when he feels you’re being closed off from him, not telling him things and hiding your true emotions. It’s not that he doesnt trust you, he just doesnt want you shouldering anything by yourself, and tries to make things easier for you by halving the problem.
A very emotional person, and this really shows when the two of you argue. There’s a lot of tears, a lot of raised voices, yknow those exhausted laughs when you’re tired of arguing with someone? Those. He pulls at his hair a lot in frustration too
Both of you need to walk away from each other a lot during arguments. You’re both driven by your emotions, so its hard to think logically once you’ve both gotten really upset.
The type to sit outside a door after an argument if you’ve locked yourself in a room, pressing against it and quietly talking to you, regardless of whether or not he gets a response
Understands space, to a certain extent. He’ll try and talk to you after an argument, try anything to get you to just answer him, to come out from your room, to stop ignoring him. He knows when you really don’t want to face him though, which is when he’ll go out for a while, either to Langa’s for advice, or just for a quiet skate.
Despite how upset he gets in the moment, he gets over it quickly. Once he’s out of his head and seeing properly, he’ll take some time to think it over and see things from your point of view. He’ll come back to you with an apology, and when you’re ready to talk, he’ll discuss things with you this time around instead of fighting
If the fight lasts overnight, he refuses to let you take the couch. If he feels a fight will last, he’ll glue himself to the couch, making it impossible for you to sleep anywhere other than your bed. No matter what the fight was about, he refuses to have you sleep uncomfortably.
Tends to cry after making up. It’s rarely out of sadness, of course, more relief than anything. He’s just happy to have you back in his arms, no longer ignoring him.
A very rational person, fights are very rare between the pair of you. When you do fight, it tends to be because you feel he’s being closed off from you, not being as open and emotional with you. As for him, he doesnt like when you act too aloof about things that are actually serious to him
Fights start out quiet, talking in normal tones and using your heads. However, as the fight goes on, your voices gradually get higher and louder, arms thrown in the air as you get in each other’s faces.
He snaps quite a bit. Petty remarks, snappy replies and other unnecessary comments are thrown out without much thought as he gets more pissed off. Not necessarily because he doesn’t have anything to defend himself, but because once he’s started, he’ll do just about anything to piss you off
Depending on the fight, it could last an hour or a week. Both of you are so petty that you’ll refuse to apologise to the other, forgetting who was even in the wrong in the first place
Honestly, whoever goes to sleep first gets the bed, he’s not as considerate as Reki. However, as the fight goes on, the pair of you will stay up for ungodly hours into the night, trying to outlast the other because they dont want them sleeping on the couch. You’ll never admit that though, which is why you wont just fall asleep on the couch first. Besides, if you happen to fall asleep on the couch before Kaoru goes to bed, he’ll carry you upstairs and sleep on the couch himself. He’ll never admit that though, he’ll simply say you woke up and went upstairs in a hazy half-sleep, which is why you dont remember.
He’s definitely programmed Carla to apologise to you for him at least once, rolling her into the room you’re in before quickly walking out to the sound of “Y/N, I-am-very-sorry-and-I-was-wrong-please-forgive-me” in Carlas robotic voice
If you ever go to Joe’s restaurant to cool down, he’ll make a big fuss, swaying and sighing, dramatically shouting about “however will these lovers reconcile!?” Once his act is over though, he’ll comfort you and give you your favourite meal, tutting over the pair of you and thinking of ways to help you make up
Literally won’t let you go of you for at least a week after you fight. This mf is hanging off you, constant forehead kisses, the whole deal. He’s gone without your affection for a long time while you fought, he’s simply making up for lost time
You get really pissed at him when he flirts with other girls. He doesn’t mean to, he’s just a bit of a girl magnet and it’s his nature to entertain them. Of course, he all yours, but he forgets sometimes that jealousy is actually a thing
Doesnt take arguments as seriously as he probably should. He’s the type to tell you to “calm down” in the worst possible moment, its usually what makes you explode, actually.
Absolutely dense. The type to listen to you shout for five minutes, and only then have the audacity to ask you just what your problem was
It’s not his fault, bless him. He’s just a little unobservant when it comes to your emotions. When he realises you’re actually upset though, he’s apologising profusely and promising to never do it again
His apologies are always so genuine, you generally forgive him. However, if he does something that really pisses you off and you dont forgive him, he’ll give you space to think
Fights are usually resolved within a day. Like Langa, he refuses to let you go to bed angry
Cooks for you every meal regardless of whether or not you eat it. He’ll leave meals outside your door as a sort of truce, quietly pressing against the door and asking you to please come eat with him, that he hates the idea of you holed up in there all alone
Like Kaoru, he tends to reply with snarky remarks that have little to do with the argument, but they have a little less bite to them. More petty, if anything
Another big reason for why fights never last long is because this man literally. Will. Not. Survive. Without. You. You’ll be trying to ignore him while he comes in every five minutes, asking you how to get a certain channel on the TV, or stupid things you know he’s only asking because he misses talking to you
After you make up, he literally wont even look at another girl for at least a week. Mf will literally turn his head the other way if a girl comes near him, shouting about how he’s spoken for
The biggest hothead. He says a lot of things he doesn’t mean in the moment, which will cause you to storm out and he’ll immediately regret it
The fight almost immediately escalates past hushed voices, swear words thrown around as you get in each other’s faces
He’ll get really upset, but he’ll mask it with being pissed off and angry, clashing pots around and acting like a literal baby. He doesnt want to admit it, but he always feels awful right after a fight. He knows youll need a bit of space after the intense shouting, so he’ll give you that space before even attempting an apology
Aggressively cares for you. Like he’ll say things like “I made food, it’ll taste like shit if you leave it, so I suggest you have it now” or “nope, I want the couch, I’m gonna watch something” he’ll never admit it, he just wants to make sure you’re alright even while fighting
If the two of you go to S while fighting, it’ll be very obvious. Usually you’re attached at the hip, but now you couldn’t be further apart. However, he’s still looking out for you, keeping an eye on you to make sure you’re alright. If you’re ever getting hit on by some creep, the fight is forgotten and he’s back at your side, daring the stranger to come any closer to you.
Reki is always the first to notice, poking him and pushing you over to him, trying to get the two of you to make up. Surprisingly, it actually does help clear the air
He can never stay mad at you for long though, he’s completely soft for you
Makes you bouquets to try and apologise. He’s taught you a lot about the meanings of flowers, so he’ll specifically pick ones with hidden meanings like “I’m sorry” or “I love you”
Not very good with verbal apologies. He knows when they’re needed though, and they are usually delivered through a series of grumbles and sad expressions. The thought is there though
Gives very gentle, long hugs after you make up. He’ll hold you close, suggesting a date or a movie to help the two of you relax
Literally the biggest bitch out of the six to fight with. He’s so petty, he will refuse to admit he’s wrong for the longest time. Once he’s in, there’s no accepting he’s not right
At least for a while anyway. He’ll start to feel bad once he sees just how upset you’re getting, frustrated with his inability to see anyone’s point of view but his own
King of the silent treatment. He’ll hide away behind his switch, drowning out his guilty thoughts with the white noise of animal crossing
He’ll skate to take his mind off things, practicing new tricks until he’s exhausted
Makes really snide remarks that have absolutely nothing to do with the argument. The type to bring up shit that happened 4 months ago just to help his case
Reki is usually the one to make him see sense, telling him just how petty he’s being, and that he cant get so defensive when he’s in the wrong. He knows this, obviously, he just can’t help it sometimes.
Although he’s not one for real apologies, he’ll slowly begin to stop ignoring you, bringing you small snacks or sending you funny things he saw on his phone. He’ll sit beside you, acting as if it was completely unintentional, but will slowly inch closer and closer until he’s curled up at your side, mumbling about how he wasn’t completely right after all
Will literally hit anyone who tries to comment on how the pair of you have made up, talking about how “its not even that big of a deal, just shut up”
Yall fought cause y’know. He’s ad*m
Sat outside your house with a speaker and an ugly ass sign. It started raining and his sign got ruined and his makeup ran
You broke up with him and he cried
Slipped in the rain while leaving <3
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
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based on the time Jungkook said he needed someone to scold him so he’d remember to put lip balm on.
Jungkook’s had a really long day and the only that can make it better, is seeing you. 
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 5.8k
Genre: fluff, smut, established relationship, jungkook has a man bun idk what else I could possibly want
Warnings: language, explicit smut (18+ only plz), oral (male receiving)
A/N: Hello yes, I am mess. I wrote this in like four hours and it’s unedited but wow wow wow wow I am GOING THROUGH it for Jungkook. Anywayz, I love u. here u go
Jungkook is in a bad mood today.
He’s been awake since 6am, he hasn’t eaten since mid-morning and, he’s been practicing for over 12 hours.
Worst of all, everyone else seems to be in a good mood.  
It’s not that he hates when his hyung's are happy, it’s just that when you’re in a bad mood-  sometimes the shriek of someone’s laughter can feel intrusive.  
“Alright!” Hoseok’s voice hits the practice mirrors and with Jungkook feeling oversensitive, he cringes at the sound of it, “Let’s go again from the top!”
Jungkook sighs through his nose, stretching his sore back for a moment before getting back into formation.
“Jungkook-ah! Push a little harder in the second half ok?!”  
Hoseok is in dance-mode and therefore he has no idea how loud he’s being.
Jungkook purses his lips and nods, taking a deep breath before shaking out his hands.
“Yah! Jungkook?” Hoseok calls, facing the mirror, his eyes searching for Jungkook at the back of the practice room.
“Yeh.” He grunts, barely looking up from the floor.
“Did you hear me?”
He nods, his hands fumbling around in the pockets of his sweatpants, “Push harder in the second half...”
The rest of the boys seem unphased by his uninterested demeanor. They are no stranger to exhaustion.  
“Alright- let’s go.”
For what feels like the 100th time today, Jungkook moves through the routine as if it were second nature. The movements feel robotic and the muscles in his arms are beginning to turn to Jell-O. The strands of his hair are covered with sweat and, he’s thankful for his newly procured undercut for lessening the amount of heat he’d normally feel after working out this long.  
He feels gross though.  
Normally, he enjoys working this hard but today he isn’t feeling it. In fact, the strain between his brows is getting a little painful as he really tries his best not to frown.
The new choreography is intense and as much he likes the challenge- after the 100th time of running through it, he’s starting to get frustrated.
Panting through his nose, he holds his position at the end of the routine before Hoseok finally calls it.
“Yahhhh! That was a lot better huh? You guys did good.” He praises, clapping his hands, “Now go get some water and then we’ll run it again...”
Jungkook sighs hopelessly, letting his head fall back on his shoulders. He cringes at the feeling of sweat collecting on his skin, wanting nothing more than to make it back home to his shower.
Amongst other things...
Grabbing a bottle of water off of the table, Jungkook has to work very hard not to crush the bottle in his hands as he eagerly gulps down what he can. He finishes the bottle in record time and as he reaches for a second one, he pulls his phone out of his pocket to check it.  
Tweety: hiii I hope you’re having a good day! Do you want to takeout tonight? I got caught up at the school and, I didn’t pull anything out.
Jungkook feels his tight chest loosen up a bit as he sees your text come through.
You made a comment one day that he ‘gives off bugs bunny vibes’ and he responded by comparing you to Tweety bird.  
Needless to say, the nicknames are dumb but you guys think they’re cute.  
Bugs: takeout sounds good. I’ll be there late tonight though :/ I hope you had a good day too. Miss u.
Jungkook has just enough time to respond to you before he is wincing at the sound of Hoseok corralling everyone back to the practice floor.
Again, again, again, again, and again...
He’s so tired by the end of the circuit that he’s starting to feel throbbing in his temples. Headaches are a common side effect of over-exertion and just as he is getting ready to beg to go home, they are calling it.
“Ok ok- good job! You’ve worked hard everyone. Let’s rest for a day and then resume on Sunday.”
Jungkook feels his entire body deflate with relief at the last words parading out of Hoseok’s mouth.  
His day is finally over.
He reminds himself to never wear new boots to rehearsal again because he can’t feel the tips of his toes and his fairly certain there are blisters on the of his ankles.  
“Are you riding with me?” Jimin asks him on the way out of the practice room, his voice decorated with exhaustion.
Jungkook doesn’t fully pay attention to his question, his eyes already trained on his phone.
“No, I’m getting my own car.”
Jimin looks confused for a moment before a small smirk comes over his face.
“Are going to see her?”
Jungkook doesn’t respond quick enough, his mouth parted slightly as he types out his message to you.
“Aren’t you worried what people are going to think? You’re over there a lot...”
Jimin isn’t being judgmental with his questioning and Jungkook knows this. He can hear the genuine concern in his voice and understands that his hyung is merely looking out for him.
“I don’t really care what people think anymore.” He answers honestly, ensuring that he keeps his tone as polite as possible.  
Jungkook’s had to worry about the opinions of others since he was 15. As grateful as he is for his career, he is growing tired of being unable to make his own decisions. His gaze hones in on the tattoos covering his fingers and forearms and remembers a time not too long ago where he was required to hide them. Putting a band aids on his own self-expression didn’t feel good and he sort of promised himself that he wouldn’t allow the expectations of others to stop him from doing what he wanted.  
Or seeing who he wanted...
“You’re getting bolder with age.” Jimin notes, somewhat proudly as his eyes flicker over to him, “You really like her, don’t you?”
Tweety: miss u toooooo. I ordered ramen
Bugs: I just got out. I should be there in 20 minutes. I’m so hungry
Jungkook feels his cheeks heat up at Jimin’s question and rather than answer him, he just kind of shrugs, his mouth turned up in a small smirk.  
“Yah, don’t hold out on me-”Jimin bumps his shoulder, tilting his head in an attempt to get him to look his way, “We’ve known each other for how long?”
Jungkook slips his phone back into his pocket and adjusts his bag on his shoulder.
“I think the answer is obvious hyung.”
Jimin rolls his eyes playfully, “If it’s so obvious then why don’t you just say it.”
The two of them lean against the wall of the lobby, waiting on a notification from their drivers that they are outside.
Jungkook bites his lip, in an attempt to reign in the grin that threatens his face.
“I like her.”
Laughter trickles out of Jimin’s lips as he bumps his shoulder, “Why are you shy all of the sudden? Is there something else I don’t know?”
There was something else Jimin didn’t know.  
Jungkook hasn’t told a single soul since it happened.  
He’s so incredibly private and after meeting you, he only has more of an urge to keep things to himself.  
“There’s nothing.” Jungkook mutters, his eyes eagerly looking checking his phone for the driver notification.
“You’re lying to me.” Jimin calls him out, “What is it?”
Jungkook shakes his head, tucking a bit of hair behind his ear. He licks over his lips and immediately regrets the fact that he forgot his Chapstick.
How’s he supposed to kiss you, if his lips are chapped?
“Jungkook-ah, tell me-” Jimin whines, tugging on his sleeve.
He merely snickers finally and shrugs him off, shaking his head, “There’s nothing to tell. Why do you think I’m hiding something from you?”
“Because I’ve known you for almost ten years and I-” Jimin begins before a knowing smirk comes over his face, “Wait- you’ve slept with her haven’t you?”
Jungkook’s eyes widen a bit, taken aback by his bold statement, “Someone’s going to hear you, why are you asking questions like this?”
His hyung giggles, deeply satisfied with his discovery, “You have, haven't you?”
Jungkook feels the threat of a smile come over his face again, “Why do you want to know? It doesn’t matter.”
“It matters-” He shoots him a pointed look, “Because we’re best friends? And I want to know. When did it happen?”
Jungkook is feeling a little bit bolder, unable to help the pride he feels that he was finally able to experience an intimate relationship, “Which time?”
Jimin’s eyes widen before he slaps Jungkook on the arm, “Which time??? You’ve done it more than once?”
“Shhh-” Jungkook whisper yells, his brow furrowing, “We’ve been seeing eachother for 6 months. Why do you look so surprised?”
Jimin chuckles this time, glancing behind him, “I just- I don’t know...it was your first time, wasn’t it? I just thought you’d make a bigger deal of it.”
He shrugs again, a smirk still lingering, “It was a big deal- to us. I thought you guys would just figure it out eventually.”
Ever the nosy one, Jimin slinks a little closer to him, a bit of mischief in his eyes, “It’s fun huh?”
Jungkook just rolls his eyes, brushing him off playfully, “I thought I was supposed to be the youngest.”
Jimin ignores his comment and just looks at him expectantly.
Giving up on holding out, Jungkook finally gives him what he wants and replies.
“It was fun.”
Jimin offers his signature bit of laughter again but before he’s able to interrogate him any further, Jungkook finally gets the notification that his driver is here.
“I’ll see you Sunday, hyung.” Jungkook gives him a short wave before adjusting his bag on his shoulder.
Jimin smirks and flutters his fingers in his direction, “Have fun.”
Jungkook just shakes his head, groaning to himself as he finally leaves the building.
Slumping into his seat, he shuts his eyes for a moment and tries his best not to fall asleep. Thankfully, his desire to eat his weight in ramen paired with his desire to see you keeps him from passing out.  
You and Jungkook have been together for a while now and although the initial nerves surrounding seeing him have lessened slightly, you still want to look good for him. Thankfully for you, when it comes to impressing your boyfriend- less is more.  
Slowly but surely, he has revealed his preferences to you but they have slipped out casually. He doesn’t ever want you to feel like you have to look a certain way for him.  
But you do know he likes black.
And you do know he likes when you wear oversized pieces.
The harsh bit of winter also makes dressing in gigantic hoodies and thick socks a lot easier anyhow.  
So you opt for something along the lines of cute but comfy and tend to your hair the easiest way you know how.  
Jungkook also loves it when you don’t wear any makeup. But he’s never told you directly, you’ve just figured out based on the way he gets all starry eyed every time you wash your face at night.  
The ramen is all set up in the living room and you’ve got one of the Christmas movies the two of you started the other day, ready to play.  
By the time you hear a knock at your door, everything is ready for a cozy Friday night with your boyfriend.
Upon opening your door, you are met with the sight of Jungkook- sweaty, soft and slightly sleepy standing there in all of his glory. He’s dressed in grey sweats and a big white t-shirt, his hair tied up messily atop his head. Along with the smell of sweat, you can faintly make out the remnants of his cologne and it stirs something deep inside of you.  
Jungkook’s eyes scan over you briefly, offering a small smile as he leans in to peck your cheek, “Hiiii...”
He sings the greeting, patting your hips as he quickly steps into your apartment.  
“Hello,” You sing back, giggling a bit, “Did you guys just now finish up practicing? Didn’t you start at like 7?”
Jungkook winces as he begins slipping off his big clunky boots, leaning back against your front door, “Yeah. I really thought they were trying to kill me- I did the new dance so many times, I lost count.”
Pouting your lips, you take his bag off his shoulder and hang it up on your coat rack.  
“I’m so sorry.” You murmur, shaking your head, “Did they give you tomorrow off at least?”
At this, Jungkook grins, nodding as he does, “Yeah, I was going to ask you what you were doing tomorrow cause I thought maybe you’d want to hang out. Our night was supposed to start a lot earlier...”
He looks regretful and even slightly annoyed.
He’s been having this issue a lot lately where his prior obligations and engagements seem to mean nothing to his directors, which never used to be a big deal but, now that he has you in his life- he never wants to let you down.
“I’m free all day-” You reply happily, before narrowing your eyes at him, “I have one condition though-”
Jungkook looks intrigued, cocking his head as he steps forward, “What’s your condition?”
“I need one of these...” Pointing to your lips, you pucker them and make grabby hands at your boyfriend.
He laughs softly, shaking his head as he closes the space between you, “I just got here and you’re already using kisses as collateral now huh?” His voice gets a little lower and before you can reply, his gently places his lips on yours, sighing out through his nose as his flutter shut.
Once he starts kissing you, you aren’t really able to think of a coherent response. Leaning into him, you hum lightly in your throat, tucking your lips between his.  
However, when you attempt to slide your hand up the exposed skin of his arm, he winces and pulls away.
Groaning, you can’t help but giggle, “I know- I know... ‘babe, I’m too sweaty. Let me just shower really quick and then I’ll promise, I'll kiss you so much better’...”
At your attempt to imitate his voice, Jungkook starts laughing- cute nose scrunched up with delight.
He kisses his teeth, “You know me too well. I’ll be right back.”
Jungkook leans in again and kisses you on the cheek before disappearing into your bathroom moments later
After his showering, he comes out in a baggy t-shirt and some sweats, his hair freshly blow dried and piled up on his head in a messy bun.  
He scarfs down his dinner in record time before the two of you settle back against the couch.  
You can feel him looking at you as you giggle at the TV but he doesn’t let his eyes linger very long. He just kind of stares for a moment before simply tightening his grip around your shoulders. He feels so warm beside you that you seriously wonder how long you’ll be able to stay awake with him being the human equivalent of a weighted blanket.  
When your laughter erupts again, Jungkook leans in to pop a kiss on your check, which broadens your smile that much more. It’s only for a moment before he turns back to the TV, seemingly satisfied with his actions. However, you decide to return the favor and smoosh your lips against his face, eliciting a snicker from his throat.  
You snuggle into him more, grabbing his arm that’s resting on the couch beside you and wrapping it around so that his hand is resting your lap. Leaning your head against his chest, you slowly began tracing over the markings on his skin lightly brushing your nails against each unique line. Jungkook’s eyes are trained on the TV and despite his blank expression, you can see the goosebumps forming on his skin.  
Regardless, you just keep going, allowing your fingertips to trace over the letters adorning his hand. Using your nails, you trace between each of his fingers, before interlocking them your own. Once you’re holding hands, Jungkook squeezes slightly, brushing his thumb along your skin which then prompts you to finally to turn to the side and look at him.  
He grins softly, still not glancing your way but choosing to offer a playful comment instead, “You’re not watching the movie...”
You laugh softly, reaching out with your free hand and tilting his face towards you.
“We’ve watched this movie four times-” You retort, “Besides I’m pretty sure I remember you promising me that you’d kiss me properly once you were out of the shower.”
Jungkook’s grin broadens, his doe-eyes alight with defiance, “I’m pretty sure you promised yourself that for me- I don’t remember agreeing to it.”
You scoff in mock offense, “Damn ok. So it’s like that huh? I buy you ramen and yet this is how I’m treated. I’m calling the UN...”
Jungkook laughs a little harder now, the sound a little sharp but intensely endearing, “It’s that serious for you?”
Pouting, you nod, “It is that serious.” You’re about to say something else before you brush your thumb over his lips and notice the dryness there, “Did you remember to bring your chapstick today?”
He immediately sucks his lips between his teeth and given that his ability to speak is no compromsied he simply nods, his eyes wide with false innocence.
“Mhmmm.” He lies
“No you didn’t!” You exclaim, laughing a bit as you press your thumb against the thin line of his mouth, “Babe, it’s so cold outside- your lips are going to start cracking.”
Unfurling his lips, he lets his head fall back on his shoulders, “I know, I know-” He whines playfully before his head snaps back up to yours, the same glint remaining in his gaze, “You have some right?”
You roll your eyes, “You know that I do.”
He snickers, quickly leaning in to kiss your cheek, “Can I have some then?”
Playfully shoving him off, you rise from the couch and shake your head, “I’m giving you one to keep in your rehearsal bag,” You shuffle over to your bathroom, “You better use it!”
He laughs as he hears your demand echo down the hallway before calling back, “Hurry jagi! They are so dry- I can feel them! They are so close to cracking!”
Seconds later, your hurling one of your many lip balms into his lap which he catches just before it hits him.
“Put it on...” You demand pointedly and he shakes his head.
“I don’t think I can-” He sighs dramatically, holding the lip balm out to you, “You have to do it- all of the moisture in my body is slowly fading away...my lips are trying to suck it all up.”
Giggling, you cross your arms, shaking your head, “That makes absolutely no sense.”
“Y/N! Please!” Jungkook chokes out, “Before I waste away...the winter-” His eyes bug out of his head, as his hand clutches his chest, “the winter jagi- it's going to dry me out completely.”
Finally snapping, you grab the Chapstick out of his hands before asserting yourself into his lap. He laughs, resting his head against the couch cushions whilst his hands sneakily find their way to your hips.
“You’re so annoying...” You grumble, still giggling yourself as he puckers his lips dramatically.
“I’m only following your recommendations.” He insists, making kissy noises at you, “Balm me up baby.”
Uncapping the chapstick, you press your chest against his before starting to drag it over his lips. As you get to work on helping him, his mischievous gaze slowly softens until he’s looking up at you with stars in his eyes. Carefully, you make sure every inch of his mouth is covered with balm, paying special attention to the corners and his lower lip. As you finish up, you put the cap back on set on the couch cushion.
He rubs his lips together, humming in satisfaction.
You smirk, “Better?”
Jungkook nods his Adams’ apple bobbing in his throat as he feels you shift on his hips.  
“Make sure.” He murmurs, puckering his lips, his eyes starting to swim with arousal.
You lean in, unable to refuse him before capturing his mouth in a kiss. Rotating your head, you slowly deepen the connection between your lips, drawing a sigh from the boy beneath you. You can feel his thumbs rub ever so gently against the back of your hips as he leans fully back so that your chest is resting on his.
He nudges your nose, allowing his tongue to brush against the bottom of your top lip, requesting entrance into your mouth. You accept him, licking along his tongue, a shiver running up your spine as he sucks slightly on the top of you.  
Jungkook really is a filthy kisser but you’d never guess by just looking at him.  
He’s quite sure his face is growing numb, his only focus on the way you’re making him feel and a somewhat annoying pain on the back of his head. His ponytail is digging against the wall, causing unnecessary discomfort to wash over him. Still kissing you, he reaches behind his head to pull the hair tie out, allowing his hair to fall freely around his face. You take the opportunity to slide your fingers between the strands, scratching gently at his scalp and causing a slightly shaky breath to leave his lips.  
He loves when you play with his hair.  
You use both hands now to tuck it behind his ear before using them to slide down the length of his arms. Finding his hands on your hips, you lace your fingers with his and bring them back up so they are pinned against either side of his head.  
The making out didn’t get him fully hard but as soon as he feels his hands pinned against the head of the couch, he feels his dick twitch almost painfully in his sweatpants.  
Smirking into his mouth, you delight in the sudden halt to his breathing. Subtly, he pushes his hips up a bit when you start kissing your way down his chin and throat. Jungkook summons all the resolve he has and goes perfectly still when you start placing soft kisses along the expanse of his throat. You feel the ache between your legs worsen when you feel his fingers tightening against yours. Jungkook is a very sensitive person, both emotionally and physically. Over the time you’ve become intimate, you’ve slowly uncovered all the little spots that drive him crazy.  
And you’re determined to kiss every single one.  
“You had a hard day huh?” You murmur sweetly, kissing up the right side of his neck.
All he does is nod, his eyes falling shut as he feels your lips getting closer to his earlobe.  
Placing another kiss at his hairline, you slowly kiss along the bottom half of his ear before capturing it between your teeth.
His breath immediately leaves his lips in a shaky mess, his eyes squeezing together as the grip on your hands tightens.
“I think I should help you relax after you’ve worked so hard don’t you?”
He has no idea what you plan to do to him but, he honestly couldn’t give a fuck.  
He’s too hard, too wound up and too into to you to ask any meaningful questions.  
Jungkook merely nods, not trusting his vocal abilities at the moment as he waits for your next move.  
A smirk comes across your face as you suckle lightly on his earlobe, knowing how much he likes it before using your lips to descend back down his neck.  
You lean away from him to get a closer look at his expression. Smoothed out in pure pleasure but also tightening slightly at the discomfort brought on by his throbbing dick.  
His eyes are still closed as you release your grip on his hands and he keeps them that way even as you move to grip the hem of his t-shirt.  
“Are you falling asleep on me?” You tease and he merely grins, shaking his head.
“Then why are your eyes closed?”
He doesn’t open them and instead allows a breathless bit of laughter to leave his lips, sound almost exasperated.
“I feel dizzy.”
His simple responses elicits another desire within you that intensifies your goal to make him feel good.  
“In a good way?” You check, playfully pinching his stomach as you slowly pull up his t-shirt.
He goes back to nodding, his hands coming down to assist you with your task. His hair flops haphazardly as the material of his shirt messes with it. You take a moment to admire how incredibly beautiful he is when he settles back against the couch, your mouth going dry at the sight of him. Flushed face, pouted lips, defined muscles and hardened nipples lay before you, and you are a little unsure of where to put your lips first.
Although it doesn’t really matter, your destination is the same regardless.  
Deciding on another spot that drives him crazy, you allow your fingers to brush along his ribs before leaning in to kiss over his defined chest. Jungkook’s hands are laying limp against the couch but when he feels your lips nearing his nipple, he turns them so they are able to grip the edge of the couch. Sucking his nipple into your mouth, you let you tongue rub against the peak of it. Jungkook sighs loudly from above you and you can’t help but smirk as he still doesn’t allow himself to moan.  
It’s a quirk you’ve noticed and you feel like it’s likely left over from the long-discarded idea that Jungkook has regarding his masculinity. No matter how often you tell him that making noise is perfectly ok (and really hot) he still waits till he can’t help himself.  
And to be honest, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy pushing him towards that point.  
After you finish kissing his chest, you begin trailing your wet lips down the middle of torso, taking a moment to suck over the soft skin of his not so softly defined stomach.
“All those hours in the gym are really paying off-” You mumble against his skin, brushing your fingers over his abs, “You look so strong...”
At your compliment, his lips part, one side of his mouth turning up in a slight smile.
“I wanna look good for you.”
It’s quite a ridiculous statement really.  
Jungkook would look good no matter how many visible abs he had but you know he likes the praise none the less.  
So you shower him with it.
“You always look good for me.” You assure him, kissing along the band of his sweatpants now, “I’m proud of you for working so hard.”
He grins a little more, leaving his eyes mostly close but allowing them to peak open a bit to watch you sink to your knees.  
“Thank you.”
He swallows back the threat of hyperventilation as he feels you spread his legs, his eyes closing completely once again.  
If you weren’t able to make out the sound of his breath picking up, the movement of us chest certainly would have given it away, his pecks heaving a bit as he tries to relax.  
But as you begin gently massaging up his legs, Jungkook realizes relaxing might not be possible.  
At least not at the moment...
He’s stained the seam of his sweatpants with precum which would upset him if it were any other substance but with his dick being so hard, he really can’t find himself to care about anything else.
Tucking your fingers beneath his sweatpants, you begin tugging them off of his hips, relieved that he isn’t wearing any underwear.
Jungkook takes another deep and shaky breath through his nose, tilting his head back again as he tries to center his thinking.
But you’re kind of driving him insane.  
Starting at his knee, you kiss all the way up his inner thigh, taking in the scent of his body- indescribable and mouthwatering, just like him. You stop just before his dick before repeating your actions along the other leg.  
Jungkook’s stomach is caving in at the teasing but he does absolutely nothing to urge you further.  
He likes the torture.  
“Is there anything you want me to do while I'm down here?”  
Jungkook bites his bottom lip at your question, knowing that you’re going to make him ask for it but feeling shy regardless.
“Yes.” He breathes  
You brush your fingertips over his balls, his hips only slightly twitching at the sensation.
He’s trying to stay calm, not wanting to get so ahead of himself he blows his load before you’ve even started.  
“What is it that you want me to do?” You murmur, leaning in to breathe against his length.
You’re expecting him to stall and use every other word to ask for what he wants but instead, he surprises you.
“Suck on it...” He whispers, taking a deep breath before exhaling on the word, “...please.”
Smirking to yourself, you wrap a hand around him- feeling him throb within your grip before kitten licking over the tip of him. After ridding his dick of all the precum, you decide to end his descent into madness and suck him into your mouth.  
You start slow, licking up and down the length of him, your core aching at the taste. Jungkook’s nails are digging into the couch cushions as he feels your movements, his teeth starting to chew on the inside of his bottom lip.
Bringing your hand into the mix, you guide a flexible grip up and down up, using your lips to suck on the tip of him, your tongue tracing the curves of his frenulum.  
Jungkook’s lips part in awe as he feels the combination of moves on his dick, his toes curling against the shag carpet. He knows that his vision will be swimming but he wants to watch you so badly, he decides to finally open his eyes.  
As he predicted, his vision is spotty and the dizziness he felt earlier is nothing compared to the way he feels now.  
It all becomes irrelevant though when he locks eyes with you. Your boyfriends normally innocent gaze is completely glossed over with lust, his mouth hanging open as he stares down at you, the same smirk slowly returning to his lips.  
Sucking off of him, you use your hand to jerk him off as you address him, “Does it feel good?”
He bites his lip, his face and chest decorated with the flush of arousal as he nods.
“Why are you so quiet then?”  
For whatever reason, your question tickles him and drunken giggle bubbles up past his lips,
“’ss too good.” He explains, shaking his head at you, “I don’t know how to say anything...”
Logically, he understands that you aren’t talking about him necessarily saying anything but more so referring to the lack of noise he’s making. However, he knows very well that he’s going to be moaning for you soon, especially when your mouth returns to his dick a second time.  
When he feels you palm his balls, his eyes fall shut again, his hips twitching all over the place when you resume both sucking and jerking him off.  
Jungkook knows he’s biting his lip really hard when he starts to taste a bit of blood but he doesn’t care, the pleasure he’s experiencing overpowering any semblance of pain.  
“Y/N” He whispers, “I’m getting really close.”
His warning makes you swoon because he sounds so desperate and yet he’s being considerate, not wanting to intrude your mouth with the taste of him.  
Despite the fact that, that’s all you want.  
You merely moan against his length, signaling for him to let go whenever he wants, your speed increasing all the while.  
“Fuck...” He whispers again but the word sounds like it got caught in his throat, “Fuck...fuck...fuck.”
Hearing him swear makes the wet disaster in your shorts much worse but you wanna make him cum so badly, you ignore it completely. The sound of him nearing the edge is enough to take him all the way in your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you suck him harder.
Finally, he breaks- a whimpering skipping past his lips, one of his hands coming up to cover his mouth. As much as you want him to moan for you, you don’t want to stop your motions long enough to tell him.  
He throws his head back against the headrest, his eyes opening wide as he stares up at the ceiling in amazement. His body jerks as the first wave of his release hits your tongue and rope after rope, you swallow everything he gives you, sucking him through his orgasm and until the sensitivity becomes too much and he starts squirming beneath you.  
You suck off of him, allowing his softening length to rest against his lower stomach, which is now trembling with his heavy breath.
Jungkook pants, still staring him at the ceiling and while he’s coming down, you kiss along his hips, letting him take his time. Whilst you’re kissing up his happy trail, one of his hands reaches out to brush over your face. Its then you notice that it’s clammy and a bit shaky so, you take a moment to press a kiss over his knuckles, trying to encourage him to look at you.
“You’re shaking.” You whisper and before you know it, you can hear that same drunken giggle coming from his lips again.
Your boyfriend looks down at you, a deep sense of amazement in his eyes as he laughs still, a bit delirious.
“Yeah well-” He shakes his head, still trying to get his wits about him, “You should have a talk with your mouth about that...”
You giggle now, resting your chin on your hand as you admire how fucked-out he looks. His hair is a mess and he is covered in a light layer of sweat and if you’re being honest, you really want to jump his bones all over again. But you know he needs a minute.
“I just wanted to help you relax.” You claim innocently to which he just shakes his head, gesturing for you to get on the couch.
“Come here.”
You scramble up towards him, sitting beside his exhausted body and before you know it, he’s pulling in for a kiss, his smile creeping back when he feels your lips.
“You’re amazing.”
He sounds silly but sincere all at once, kissing softly at your lips before nudging your nose.
You smile back into the kiss, mumbling something of the same nature to him.  
The two of you kiss one another for a moment until Jungkook is pulling back, allowing his dark gaze to scan over your face, eyes suddenly full of determination.
“I think it’s time you relax too now, don’t you think?”
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sky-berrie · 3 years
Stitch - Damian
Summary: Another favorite trope - reader patches up a wound. Warning: mentions of blood. 
The window opened behind you and you felt a cool summer night breeze brush against your neck. You didn’t bother to give the intruder any attention because you knew that Damian was the only person who could disarm the alarm and crack lock mechanism with ease. You thought the whole system was overkill but it pleased Damian to have it installed so you didn’t complain.
“Hey, Damian,” you greeted him robotically with your gaze still transfixed to your laptop screen and your back to the window. You were watching the events of the latest episode of your favorite show unfold.
You heard Damian land in your room with a grunt. He was usually quite graceful, however you guessed that his ribs and hip were still sore from the last sparing session he had with his brothers and sisters. That family took everything to a whole other level.
You heard Damian shut the window after himself. The sound of the latch being secured came next. Then you heard electronic beeps as he reactivated the alarm. “You –” he let out a sharp exhale. “You took home economics, right?”
“Yeah,” you replied, nonchalantly with a mouthful of popcorn. You didn’t take your eyes off the screen, but you heard the sound of his heavy boots carry him across your room.
“Good,” he said. A shaky breath infiltrated his normally self-assured voice. “And you remember most of it?” The bed springs creaked under his weight.
“Uh, yeah, I guess so.”
“Great,” he said. “What grade did you receive?” This wasn’t all that out of character for him. Damian was competitive in all aspects of his life. You wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted to compare home economics grades just so he could vaunt his skills.
“I don’t know, Damian,” you said honestly. You turned up the volume, hoping that Damian would get the hint that you wanted to watch your show in peace and quiet. “I think it was a good mark.”
Damian let out a heavy sigh of relief. “Excellent.” His voice sounded less troubled than before.
“Jon did most of my assignments,” you admitted unapologetically.
Damian was quiet for a moment. “Okay, but you attended the classes, correct?”
You didn’t answer right away. You were too focused on the climax of the episode. “Oh my goodness,” you muttered under your breath to yourself as the plot twist unveiled. “Um,” you said, remembering that Damian had asked you something. “Yeah, yeah, more or less.”
“Do you remember how to sew?”
“Sort of,” you told him. You had sewn on a button once. It didn’t look great, but it definitely wasn’t going anywhere.
“Well enough,” he said. “I need you to suture a laceration.”
“What?” you choked out. He said it so nonchalantly that you weren’t sure if he was serious or not, because a sane person would not be so stoic. You whipped around to find Damian lying on your bed in his Robin uniform. It was soiled with a layer of black, like he had been charred. It was so dark that it masked the staining of his blood and you wouldn’t have known he was bleeding if it weren’t for the pool of red soaking through your white comforter. He was holding his side with his hands at an awkward angle.
You had seen him with cuts and bruises and even broken bones, but never with the life bleeding out of him. “Oh my goodness!” you shrieked as panic filled your lungs. Your face contorted into a horrified grimace as you tried to stifle an expression of disgust. The strong stench of metal made your stomach churn and your head woozy.
You immediately felt horrible for not paying attention to him sooner. “Damian, why didn’t you say something? Holy crap! What the hell happened? You need an ambulance!” You turned around to reach for your phone.
“No,” Damian choked out. “Secret… identity,” he said with his eyes squeezed shut.
“What about your brothers and sisters? Your dad? Alfred?”
“On their way. No time to wait. First aid kit,” he implored weakly.
You ran for the bathroom and tore into the cabinet to find the massive first aid kit that Damian insisted you store. You had opened it once or twice to grab a bandage for a paper cut but you never touched the majority of the contents. You didn’t even know what half of the kit was for. You guessed that you might find out today.
When you returned to your room, Damian was moving slowly to unbutton his uniform. You helped him with the rest, trying to do it quickly without jostling anything. You tried to ignore the squishy wetness of the uniform, but your hands came away covered in a layer of crimson blood. Beneath the outer coat, his white undershirt was seeping with blood. There was a large tear in the fabric and a bit of the raw wound peeked through.  
You didn’t have a fear of blood, really. You had no qualms about donating blood or seeing it on TV. This, however, was completely different. You were more terrified than you had ever been in your entire life. You had no idea what to do - everything you knew about CPR and standard first aid had inexplicably disappeared from your brain. Silent tears began to spill from your eyes as your breaths tore in and out of your throat, ragged and shallow.
“Y/N,” said Damian, firmly. Through your blurry, wet vision, you could see him straining to make eye contact with you. “Breathe. Everything is going to be fine. Just follow my instructions.”
Normally you trusted Damian, but this time his reassuring words didn’t have any kind of soothing effect on you. Your whole body was shaking now. You couldn’t find your voice. Instead, you shook your head.
“Yes, Y/N. It is going to be fine, but you must listen to me. Do you understand?”
You tried to take a deep breath, but an uncontrollable sob cut it short. If Damian could lie there halfway to death and still be composed, then you could at least pretend to be calm for his sake. You nodded your head this time, trying your best to even out your breathing. It was no use though. You couldn’t remember how to breathe.
“Thank you. Cut it,” he said, motioning to his undershirt.
You did as he ordered and cut a line right down the centre of his shirt. It was warm and wet and clung to his skin, so you peeled it off to reveal the full extent of a nasty looking wound. Even through your distorted, teary vision, you saw enough to know it was not good.
You felt faint at the sight of his insides. Or maybe it was your hyperventilating making you dizzy.  
“Breathe, Y/N. Breathe and then get the sterile solution to irrigate it.”
You returned with freshly washed hands, a pair of gloves and a jug of irrigation solution. Following his instructions, you squeezed the syringe and expelled the liquid over his wound. It ran down his side and carried even more blood into your comforter.
“Okay,” he breathed out. “There should be a small white packet with a curved need and thread and a pair of suture holders. They look like scissors but without the blades.”
Your trembling hands had a difficult time picking out the items. Once you collected the materials, you looked at Damian for further directions.
“It’s a bit deep so you’ll need to close the layer under the skin first. Can you see it?”
You shook your head. His side was a giant red mess. You couldn’t make out anything except for blood and jagged skin. It was nothing like the clean and clear-cut diagrams you’d seen in class. “This is crazy! I can’t do this,” you cried. People spent years studying and training to do procedures like this. Stitching up a body was not something that a person should wing, and definitely not on their best friend, lying in an unsterile room.
“You can,” he assured you. “Pretend like you’re sewing some fabric. Start with this layer here.” Damian pulled at his skin and pointed to the inside with a pair of suture forceps. You couldn’t help but turn away and shut your eyes as he prodded himself. “Y/N,” he called your attention back. “Make sure the needle goes in like this and comes out like this,” said Damian as he demonstrated.
You were shaking your head. “You are absolutely insane! Sewing fabric is nothing like sewing a wound! Can’t we just wait for your dad or someone?”
“No time,” he said.
“Please, Damian,” you begged. “Let me call EMS.”
“No,” he asserted with what little strength he had.
“Please! I…”
“No,” he repeated. You could tell his patience was wearing thin.
“I understand you have to protect your secret identity, but Damian, come on. There won’t be an identity to protect if you die.”
“Batman…Nightwing…” he said weakly.
“They’ll understand!” you argued with desperation.
“No,” he mumbled. He shook his head.
Without any thought, your next words came flooding out straight from your heart. “Damian, I love you and I don’t want you to die!” Oh. That came as a shock to you. You’d never said anything like that before. In fact, you’d never even had a thought like that, but you knew it was the truth. Your hands almost flew to cover your mouth in regret, but the blood dripping from your hands stopped you.
Damian didn’t seem to notice your confession, or if he did, he didn’t acknowledge it. Had you not been utterly distracted by the emergency before you, you might have run away with embarrassment from your sudden proclamation.
“Please try for me, okay?” His eyes were starting to close, but you could see him struggle to keep them open.
You searched his eyes, to see that his once vibrant green eyes had a dull, hazy colour to them. Seeming to find what you were looking for, you conceded. You swallowed a lump in your throat. “Okay.”
It was the worst experience of your life. Damian walked you through the process, but nothing could prepare you for the nauseating feeling of piercing his skin and pulling the nylon thread through the thickness of the tissue. Seeing the inside of his body made you want to vomit but his life was at stake, and you had to be brave for him. Besides, he was the one who should be worried, not you. Your technique was obviously non-existent and you were certain that you were hurting him a hell of a lot more than he was letting on. He hissed and groaned and you apologized profusely but he insisted that you continue.
“Thank you,” said Damian after you tied the last knot. His eyes were heavy and lidded and you could tell he was barely hanging on to consciousness. “Knew you could do it.”
You had no response. Now that the worst part was over, the adrenaline had left your system and you were in shock. His hand lolled out in an attempt to offer you comfort, or maybe to seek comfort for himself. You weren’t certain which is was, but nevertheless, you instinctively clasped his hand in yours.
Then he said something that caught you off guard. His voice was so faint that you barely heard him. “For the record, I love you, as well.”
You weren’t sure if he really meant it. Maybe he was delirious. He did lose a lot of blood. You pondered it for a moment and wondered if you should feel mortally embarrassed when he was fully lucid, but just then, a gentle squeeze on your hand told you that you didn’t have to worry.
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thebigbadbatswife · 4 years
One Single Thread Of Gold Tied Me To You
Summary - Everyone is tied to their soulmate with a red thread tied to their wrist. All except Y/N’s, who’s thread is gold. Tired of waiting for her soulmate to come and find her, she decides to go and find them. It doesn’t go quite how she expected it to.
Warnings - A little angst
[A/N] - This is a soulmate au where you and your soulmate are attached by an unbreakable red thread (or, in this case, gold), tied to your wrist. This was inspired by the song 'Invisible String' by Taylor Swift.
Word Count - 4k
As the early morning sun slowly filtered into your room, through your blinds, you carefully examined the thread attached to your wrist. Everyone had one; it was your link to your soulmate. Yours was different to everyone else though. While everyone had red, yours was gold. As you turned your wrist, it caught the sunlight and glistened a little.
Everyone you knew had always been fascinated by it. As was nearly every stranger you met. Why was it gold? What exactly made you and your soulmate so different to everyone else’s? Questions you had often asked yourself as well. Why were you two so different?
Your family had a theory that whoever it was, they were rich. Very rich. That was surely the reason it was gold. Nothing else made sense to them. Meanwhile your friends were completely convinced that your soulmate was some kind of God.
“Come on, Y/N! It’s the only thing that makes sense!” Tracey said before taking another sip of her third glass of wine. Her usually bright emerald eyes were glazed over from all of the alcohol. “Why else would it be gold?”
“You gotta admit, Tracey might be drunk right now, but she has a good point!” Skylar joined in. She took her brown eyes off the blonde and looked over at you before continuing. “Oh! What if your soulmate is like Wonder Woman or Superman or something! How cool would that be?”
You rolled your eyes and took a sip of your own glass of wine. “Stop it. You’re both being ridiculous,” you had told them because they really were being ridiculous. There was no way your soulmate was a member of the Justice League, let alone an Amazonian Princess or the Man of Steel.
You were, of course, curious of your soulmate yourself. Who wouldn’t be curious of the person they’re destined to end up with? But you didn’t think up the crazy theories your friends and family liked to come up with. Instead you wondered things like, what kind of hobbies do they have? What’s their favourite colour? What type of music do they listen to? Were they a cat person or a dog person? And other things like that.
Another thing about the thread that tied you to your soulmate was that, while everyone could see the thread around your wrist, only you and soulmate could see where it led. While you had always wanted to follow it, you had decided that it would be better to focus on having a decent job and place to live first.
During that time a small part of you had hoped that maybe your soulmate would come looking for you, but since they clearly weren’t, maybe you should? After all, you had a well paying job and a great apartment, so why not? Every job was legally required to allow people time off to go search, so that wouldn’t be an issue. It was paid time off as well so you didn’t have to worry about money. You also had a car so you wouldn’t have to spend a shit ton of money on travel. At least, you hoped you wouldn’t. In truth, for all you knew, your soulmate could be in a completely different country. Now that would certainly complicate things.
Shaking that thought away (because there was no way fate could be that cruel), you got out of bed and set about putting the wheels in motion that would allow you to start following your thread
‘ Welcome to Gotham City! ’ the sign read as you drove past it. When you had told those close to you, your plan, they had been super supportive. Now, if they knew where your thread had lead you, you doubted they’d be as supportive. Hell, even you were rethinking things now. Out of all the cities for your soulmate to be in, it just had to be this one.
How did you know it was this city that they resided in and it wasn’t just another stop along the way? It was hard to explain, but you had a feeling deep within your gut, almost like a sixth sense that just yelled “Yep! This is the place!”.
You felt extremely uneasy as you drove through the city. It was night-time as well which did absolutely nothing to help. Honestly, of all the times to arrive in Gotham, night-time was definitely the worst. Well, there was nothing you could do about that now, you just had to keep on going, so you did.
The golden thread snaked through the gothic city and went from the “posh” part of the city all the way to the worst part of the city. The buildings were run down and most of the windows were boarded up. Each turn you took there were shiftier and shiftier characters on every corner. You started to get the feeling that you really shouldn’t be here. Plus you were starting to wonder if you really wanted to know who your soulmate was if they were hanging out in neighbourhoods like this.
You brought your car to a stop in front of a particularly dark and sinister looking alleyway. A particularly dark and sinister looking alleyway that your golden thread lead straight into. Coming to this part of this city was already a bad idea. Continuing to follow that thread to what had to be your certain doom was even worse. Yet, at this point in your mission, you were pretty much committed.
You couldn’t help out a quiet and very nervous laugh as you climbed out of your car. ‘ This is fucking insane ,’ you thought as you stepped out of your car. Before shutting and locking it (though you doubt that would do much to protect it in this area), you grabbed your pepper spray. ‘ I really hope your worth all this .’
As you followed the thread down the alleyway, you heard a sudden loud bang. A gunshot. You stopped in your tracks and you could feel your heart pick up its pace. Your thread lead in the direction the shot had come from. ‘ I really hope you weren’t involved with that .’ Taking a deep breath, you continued down the alleyway.
The alleyway lead out onto another street. There was a small crunching sound as you stepped out onto the street. Taking a step back, you looked to the ground to see what you had just stepped on. The ground was littered with small shards of glass. Looking up, you figured the shards of glass were from the bulbs from the streetlamps. Something had broken them. It didn’t take you long to figure out what, or rather who ,was responsible.
Further down the street, taking on group of ten men, was none other than Gotham’s Caped Crusader. The Batman.
You quickly ducked back into the alley you had just left. You then carefully peered around the wall, so you could watch the fight. You were well aware of the fact that your thread was leading straight toward the fight. Which meant that your soulmate was involved.
You watched the fight intensely, both intrigued and terrified to figured which one of the men was on the end of your thread. There was a voice in the back of your head praying hardcore that it was the hero in the centre of the fight.
Batman was a blur of black and dark grey as he rapidly made his way through the group of men. With a variety of different punches, kicks and gadgets, he made short work of them. During his combat flow, you followed your thread with your eyes and a small gasp left you as you realised who the other end was attached to.
Holy fuck. You’re friends had, kind of, been right. While your soulmate wasn’t Wonder Woman or Superman, like they had suggested, he was apart of the Justice League’s ‘Big Three’. Your soulmate was Batman . At least now you knew why he hadn’t come looking for you. He’d been busy saving the world.
Now you had to figure out how to approach him before he ended up disappearing into the night.
Exiting your cover, you took your thread between your finger and thumb and gently tugged on it a couple of times.
Batman looked at his end of the thread curiously as your tugs had gotten his attention. Then his head drifted upwards, following where it lead till his eyes settled on you.
If he was shocked, he didn’t show it. He just stood there, his eyes never leaving you. Part of you wanted to cower away from the intense stare, but you willed yourself not to. He was your soulmate, and you weren’t a criminal,  you had no reason to be afraid.
“You shouldn’t be here,” he said, finally ending the silence between you. His voice was deep and almost robotic sounding. Probably some sort of voice modulator to help hide his identity, you figured.
“In Gotham? Yeah, this place really sucks,” you replied, thinking about all the things you had heard about this city, “but I came here to find my soulmate; to find you.”
“You shouldn’t have.” His voice was sharp and serious as he spoke. He also sounded irritated at your sudden appearance, which caused you to frown. That couldn’t be right… could it?
“What?” You hated how meek and pathetic your voice sounded, but you couldn’t help it. Wasn’t this supposed to be a happy moment? One of the happiest in your life in fact. Instead you felt like you were being scolded rather than meeting the person who was supposed to be your other half.
“I didn’t want to meet you. Now I suggest you go home. It’s not safe here.”
What? You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. There was pressure behind your eyes and your throat tightened. You took a shaky breath as you took a step backwards away from him. It quickly sunk in that the man you’d been destined to be with, the man you had thought about since you were old enough to understand the concept of a soulmate, wanted nothing to do with you.
“I-I’m sorry I disturbed you.” Your voice broke as you fought back the tears that threatened to fall. You weren’t going to give him that satisfaction. You then turned around and ran back toward where you had left your car.
As fast as you could, you started your car up and made your way to a safer part of the city. It didn’t take you long to find a somewhat empty parking lot to park in. Once the engine was off, you screamed and aggressively slammed against the wheel as you let the tears freely fall.
You felt like a complete and utter fucking idiot. Of course he didn’t want you. You’d probably just get in the way of him saving the world or something like that. Besides, what was that article you had seen a few months ago? Something about Catwoman and a relationship between the two? While it happened very rarely, some people in the world had been known to reject their soulmate because they had found someone they deemed better. Is that what had happened? Whatever the reason, you could feel your heart breaking.
You had used to think that, out of all the members of the Justice League, Batman had been one of the cooler members. Now all you could think was that he was a massive jerk.
Maybe it was your own fault for romanticising the whole thing and thinking that your meeting would be something out of a fairytale. Apparently fate was far crueller than you could have ever thought it to be.
Bruce watched as she ran away from him, back down the alleyway she had come from. A small voice in the back of his head told him to go after her. To grab her, hold her close and apologise, tell her that he hadn’t meant it. He ignored it and headed off in the opposite direction, back to where he had left the batmobile.
Over his comms, he heard a barely audible sigh and he could easily picture his butler and lifelong friend shaking his head in disappointment. No doubt he was going to get an earful once he got back to the batcave. Well it certainly wasn’t the first time.
As the batmobile pulled up in the batcave, he could see Alfred waiting for him. ‘ Here we go ,’ he thought as he got out of his car and removed his cowl.
“I don’t want to hear it,” he stated as he walked past him and toward the batcomputer. He set his cowl down on the desk. Even as the words left his mouth he knew he had wasted his breath. If there was one thing that Alfred had done consistently since Bruce had started down this path, it was letting him know when he disagreed with something he did.
“Was that really necessary Master Bruce? She’s come all of this way…” Alfred started, but ended up trailing off. There was a small moment of silence before he continued. “You know, I remember a small boy who couldn’t wait to go out there and find…” Before he could finish what he was saying, Bruce promptly cut him off.  
“What would you have me do, Alfred?!” His voice echoed off of the cave’s walls and disturbed some of the bats still hanging on the ceiling. Bruce gestured toward his equipment and the display cases that held some rather badly damaged batsuits. All of them testaments to injuries that had come far too close to killing him. “Would you really have me force this life on to her? The dangers, the no guarantee I’ll come home…” He took a deep breath and rested both his hands on the surface of his desk. “She deserves so much better.” His voice was quiet, but still easily heard in the, almost, silent cave.
“With all due respect, sir, I believe she should be allowed to make that decision, not you,” Alfred replied before leaving the batcave, not giving Bruce a chance to respond.
He looked in the direction of the stairs that lead up into the manor. The direction that Alfred had headed in. Was he right? Should he be leaving it up to her to decide what she wanted? But with all the dangers he faced nightly… No, it was better for him to stay far away from her.
Over the following week Bruce found himself distracted. It didn’t matter where he was, what he was doing, he couldn’t focus. And considering what he did once night fell over Gotham, to say being unfocused really wasn’t good was a complete understatement of the situation. He had been having far too many close calls recently.
He couldn’t get it out of his head. The way she had looked at him as he told her he didn’t want to meet her, that she should leave. Alfred’s words echoed in his mind and he found himself questioning the decisions he had made that night. Something that Bruce rarely, if ever, did. Everything he did was meticulously planned and there was never any doubt when he made a decision. Was this what happened once you met your soulmate and rejected them?
Bruce was sure that the rest of the Justice League had taken notice. With how off beat and slow to react to certain things, it would be hard not to. Of course, if they had, none of them had mentioned it to him. Apparently they knew better. For the time being, at least. He was sure it wouldn’t be long before they did try to pry into his personal life.
Which lead him here. On the roof of the building opposite of Y/N’s apartment building. He hadn’t needed to do any extensive research to find her, or learn her name, because he had been in this exact spot a couple of years ago.
Two years ago Bruce’s own curiosity had gotten the better of him. He blamed Clark and his soulmate, a reporter by the name of Lois Lane, for it. He had seen them one too many times in the Watchtower together and had found himself wondering who exactly his soulmate was and what they was like. As a result, he had gone looking for them. Not because he wished to finally meet them, but so he could make sure his soulmate was safe and happy. And she was, so he had left. Only ever checking up on her every now and then to make sure she had stayed that way.
He looked down at the golden thread that came out of his gauntlet and lead down toward the apartment he’d been watching. Both as Bruce Wayne and Batman he had made sure to keep it well hidden. With its unique colouring he couldn’t allow anyone to see it. It would be all too easy for his enemies to find her if they did see it.
He knew that by being here he was easily undoing everything he had done to keep her safe, but, then again, had she not done exactly that when she had tracked him down in Gotham? Besides, and while he would never say it out loud, Alfred had been right. It should be up to Y/N to decide whenever or not she wanted all the baggage that came with him being in her life. Baggage that had driven more than one person from his life…
He shook that thought from his head and got up from his crouched position on the roof. Bruce then leapt from the roof and allowed himself to fall for a couple of seconds before opening up his cape and let it catch the wind that was rushing past him. He silently glided over to her apartment’s balcony.
Y/N was in her apartment alone. She was sat on her sofa, the light from the tv was the only thing illuminating the room.
Bruce was unsure of how exactly to go about this. Back in Gotham he had originally thought of approaching her as Bruce Wayne, but quickly discarded it. Bruce Wayne showing up at an out of the way apartment building was sure to garner attention. As would Batman using the front door, so the balcony had seemed to be the best option. But now that he was here, he wasn’t entirely sure it was.
Should he just knock? That seemed like the best way to go about this. It was going to scare the everloving daylights out of her, but he could deal with that.
He gently rapped the glass of the balcony door with his knuckles. As he had expected, Y/N leapt up from her seat. A bowl and the contents of the bowl followed her and scattered across her carpeted floor. She spun around and when she saw him, the look of shock on her face quickly turned to anger. Her eyes narrowed and he swore that glare would be enough to make even the toughest of Gotham’s thugs would cower at its intensity. Maybe she would deal with his life better than he thought.
After a minute of glaring at him, she turned around and walked toward the lightswitch. At the same time, she gestured for him to enter.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing here?” she demanded as soon as he had entered the apartment and shut the door behind him. The rage in her voice was evident and Bruce was sure he could cut the tension in the room with a batarang.
“I came to apologise,” he said, his voice gentle despite how distorted his modulator made it sound. Y/N scoffed immediately. He didn’t blame her. If he was in her shoes, he wouldn’t believe him either. After all ‘Batman’ wasn’t exactly known for making apologies.
“Yeah right.” She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.
“I’m being truthful. I… I shouldn’t have said what I said. It wasn’t right.”
“Then why did you say it?” A fair question and one he had an answer to. Before he even said it, Bruce was aware how cliché it sounded.
“I wanted to keep you safe. This life isn’t for everyone.”
“So without even meeting me, you decided that it wasn’t for me.” She shook her head. “That’s not your decision to make!” she yelled at him.
“I know. It’s been pointed out to me before.” In fact that night in the cave wasn’t the first time Alfred had told him that. “But that’s why I’m here now. To give you all the information you need to make that decision.”
You listened intently as Batman explained the dangers of the life he was leading. The dangers that effected the people in his life in one way or another. He also made it a point to reiterate the fact that when he left at night or was summoned by the Justice League there was no guarantee he would return. You asked the occasional question, but for the most part you just listened to him to talk and let his words sink in.
You got it. You understood the very clear concerns that Batman had about this whole thing, they concerned you as well, but you weren’t about to let it deter you. You wanted to know your soulmate. Even if it ended horribly, like he was saying it would, you felt it in your core that you would regret not knowing him, especially if the worst truly did happen. And you told him so.
“Even if you’re not wearing a mask, this life is dangerous. Anything can happen.”
“Anything could happen to me when I leave my apartment each day.”
The superhero life wasn’t special in that regard. As you spoke, your voice was a lot calmer than it had been earlier. In fact, as he had spoke and explained you had found your anger slowly fading. You still wanted to slap the jerk superhero before you, but that was a considerable downgrade from your overwhelming need to deck him when you first saw him standing on your balcony.
“It won’t be easy.”
“I’ve never backed down from a challenge before.”  
You admired his commitment to deter you, but it wasn’t going to work. You were too stubborn to let it. Something you were positive he was learning very quickly.
“There’s nothing I can say to convince you that this is a bad idea, is there?”  
“Nope.” You made sure to pop the ‘p’.
Batman sighed deeply. You watched as he looked away from you and toward the golden thread that linked the two of you together. You could almost hear the gears in his brain turning as he thought. Then he was looking back up at you.
“In that case then.”
You watched as Batman brought his hands up to his cowl. Your eyes widened and you couldn’t help the small gasp that left you as he removed the cowl and revealed his identity to you. Bruce Wayne. While you didn’t live in Gotham City, you were well aware of Gotham’s favoured son. You would’ve had to have lived underneath a rock to not know who he was.
And apparently your family had been right on the money, literally. Not that you cared about the money, you weren’t superficial like that. Personality was far more important than the material items someone may or may not have. In your eyes, at least.
You both stood in silence, his blue eyes studying you, probably trying to gauge how you were going to react. To be truthful, you weren’t entirely sure how to react. Except maybe…
“Well, it’s… it’s nice to meet you Bruce Wayne. I guess this is the part where we forget about what happened and start over?”
“If that’s what you want.”
“It is.”
Yeah, sure, this was probably going to end horribly, but you were looking forward to the adventure that lie ahead.
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NCT 127's Killing Voice reminded me of why people love SM idols so much. SM really knows how to pick them. They're all charismatic and good at singing and dancing. I don't know how SM manages to make all their idols sound the same though. They all sing the same way, in a full, powerful voice that even the weaker vocalists have. They sound so polished, it's both a blessing and a curse, because there isn't much diversity in terms of vocals. Imo, only their main vocalists sounded truly distinct; I particularly liked Doyoung and Taeil. Doyoung has a beautiful voice. Mark's reactions every time he sang were so funny lmao. I liked Haechan as well.
I didn't known Jaehyun sang so much. He rapped too, and covered the lower parts a lot. He reminded me a bit of Jungkook in the video, though they sound very different. But he really has so many lines, along with Mark. He even had more lines in the video than Taeyong. I don't get why Jungwoo and Yuta had so little lines. When they sang, they sounded fine. Apart from the main vocalists, the members all sound more or less the same; there's no reason to give some vocalists a lot more lines than the others. Honestly, unfair line distributions take some of the joy out of a performance. Even if some members deserve more lines than others, it gets annoying seeing the same people sing all the time while the others just stand there. This was a highlight reel, so it wouldn't have been too hard to choose songs that showcased the other members more.
The thing with unequal line distributions is that, at a certain point, I just want the idols who get all the lines out of my face, even if I don't have any issue with them. It's like this with so many groups. I don't even know or care about NCT 127, or a lot of other groups with unfair line distributions, but I always feel bad for the members, and I don't understand why they don't get more lines. Every member has fans and having a few more seconds of screentime won't stop the most popular members from standing out. Most of the time, the members who get all the lines aren't that much better than the other members. Ryujin, for example, though I love her and get her star power, gets too many lines considering she's not a great vocalist or rapper, or the only charming member. Same with NMIXX in their first comeback; all the members are good, so why did only 3 or 4 members get all the lines and screentime? As far as charisma goes, all NCT members seem to have it as well...
But, yeah, I don't really know or care for their music. I only know and like some songs, like Favorite (Vampire), Cherry Bomb, and Regular, but I understand why people like them. I'm listening to the 2 Baddies album now because I became curious about them, but the problem with SM is that their strengths are also their weaknesses. Everything sounds perfect, but perfection becomes boring and soulless. That's what I'm feeling right now listening to the album. SM's RnB is so consistent. I can barely tell the songs apart. They're so chill too.
I just wish Killing Voice videos weren't so edited. Everyone usually sounds way too perfect, but that was especially evident in NCT 127's video because of all the 'chanting'; they almost sounded robotic and exactly like they do in the studio. Even if they're good singers, I'm sure they aren't that good. A lot of weak singers go on shows like Lee Mujin Service and sound great, but can barely sing an encore on a music show - not saying that's the case with NCT, but, yeah...
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john mulaney voice:  Hey... What's [this story] is a lot LONGER than I first thought. that being said, this chapter itself is shorter than the others.
Before Tubbo could say anything, Tommy was in the air, a trail of smoke from his firework left behind. He held a sword in hand and flew towards where the summoned monsters were. As he reached them, Tommy saw another Hermit also in the air. “Scar? Did you summon these?”
“What?! I would never. I thought it was you or Grian!” The mayor responded, offended that Tommy would think such a thing of him.
“No way. How about we take care of them before we figure out who made them.” Tommy suggested and Scar nodded, the two of them diving at the withers, getting their attention and drawing their fire. It went well. Though there were three withers firing at the two of them, Scar and Tommy focused on damaging one of the three while dodging the rest of the attacks. When they killed the first one, Tommy dove to grab the nether star. He caught it before it reached the ground, but it was close enough he could see the damaged terrain. Another hermit was below, sword out as they fought someone with an axe. Someone Tommy recognized.
The wither sounds above filtered into Tommy’s mind as he remembered before. Back on the SMP. “You want to be a hero Tommy? Then die like one!” He didn’t realize his grip on the nether star loosen, or the fact that he was currently plummeting to the ground. “Chaos!” He was trying to find everyone. Where had they- “TOMMY!”
Tommy snapped out of it, looking for wherever Tubbo was, why he had shouted, and then he saw the ground. The island rushing closer towards him. He fumbled with his items before grabbing his fireworks just in time to launch himself back into the air. He stared down at the ground once more, trying to find Tubbo, before items started raining from above. “No! Scar!” And he flew back up towards the withers. 
One of the withers was slowly falling back down to the ground, Scar having gotten it to half its health on his own. And that was with him not being a fighter like Tommy. He slashed at the wither until it died before flying further up and attacking the final of the monsters. It got a number of attacks to hit Tommy and the teen quickly flew higher, far enough away to quickly down some golden carrots and make sure he wasn’t killed as well. After a few more attacks, the final wither was also killed and Tommy started back down to the ground. He quickly pulled out his comm and read the death messages that were reported. 
GoodtimeswithScar was shot by a skull from Wither
Keralis was slain by Technoblade
GoodtimeswithScar was slain by Technoblade
GoodtimeswithScar was slain by Technoblade
GoodtimeswithScar went off with a bang
BdoubleO100 went off with a bang
Renthedog went off with a bang
Jrumbot went off with a bang
Looking back at the ground as he put the comm away again, Tommy could see the fading colors of fireworks being launched. He dove down, even using a firework of his own to get there quicker, but as the smoke cleared, he pulled back to slow his descent. On the ground Grian was fighting Technoblade and holding his own, sword parrying the blows from Techno’s axe.
Tommy scanned the rest of the area. Tubbo was on the ground a number of blocks away, coughing from the smoke. Phil was nearby, but couldn’t move due to some of the debris managing to have landed on one of his wings. While Tommy wanted to help Grian out, he didn’t look like he needed it as much as Tubbo and Philza did, so he changed his path to go in their direction.
“Tubbo, are you okay?!” Tommy asked as he landed, quickly helping his friend up. Tubbo tried to speak, but instead it all came out as coughing. “Just go to town hall.” Tommy pointed at the large building on a nearby hill. “I know it’s gonna sound weird, but find the cat there and hold onto her for dear life! Got it?” Tubbo was hesitant at first, but then nodded and ran towards the building. 
Tommy ran the opposite way over to Phil and helped him out of the rubble. He had to be a little careful with breaking everything so he didn’t hurt his dad, but it wasn’t the hardest material to deal with, so freeing the avian wasn’t too difficult of a task. “Was that Techno? How’d he get here?”
“Dunno.” Tommy answered, helping his dad to his feet. “He’s fighting Grian right now, so we better stop them.”
Phil nodded and the two of them ran towards where Grian and Techno were still fighting. Grian was looking very angry, to the point where he seemed to be using some Watcher magic at least slightly as his wings were their alternate colors and he had more than just one pair of eyes.
“It won’t matter once you’re dead!” Were the first words Tommy could make out, the sentence coming from Techno.
“I don’t plan on dying for good anytime soon. You, on the other hand, will probably wish you could die.”
“Grian!” Tommy shouted, and the Watcher looked away from Techno and up at Tommy. The piglin hybrid tried at use that as an opening to attack, but Grian hadn’t completely looked away since he could control his various eyes independently. “Techno! Stop fighting him! Even if you win it’s not going to end well!”
But Techno ignored Tommy and attacked once more. Grian pulled his shield up to block the attack, but the axe didn’t connect. In all of the commotion, no one saw someone new enter the area until now. All eyes were on Grumbot as he had stopped the axe with a hand and then pulled it out of Techno’s hands. “Hello Uncle Technoblade.”
Everything was quiet. Tommy was pretty sure the robot was doing the same thing as when Grian and Phil had been fighting, shocking them into doing nothing. But Techno wasn’t Phil. He pulled out another crossbow and aimed it at Grum. Tommy shouted as he watched as the trigger was pulled.
Tommy ran toward where they had stood. His comm buzzing in his pocket. He couldn’t see the messages, but he knew what they were.
Grumbot went off with a bang
Grian went off with a bang
Technoblade was slain by Tommyinnit
Tommy panted, unmoving as he just held his sword in place, the blade left where Techno had been standing moments before. For a moment he was glad, but then he panicked. Had Techno gone back to the SMP when he was killed? Was he back at spawn? Was he nowhere and gone from existence? His comm buzzed again and Tommy immediately pulled it out.
Xisuma was slain by Technoblade
Okay, at the very least now he knew Techno had respawned. The question is where Xisuma was. His best guess was the spawn island since at least with Tubbo, Phil and himself, they were brought by Grian. Tommy took a moment to catch his breath slightly before rocketing back up into the air and heading to spawn. On his way there, he saw a boat heading towards the main island, so Tommy dove down towards it. “Technoblade!”
The hybrid looked up just in time to see Tommy land into the boat with a ‘thunk’ making it shake and letting a little bit of water come over the sides. “Tommy.”
“Oh my god is that Xisuma’s gear?”
Techno looked down at himself before looking back to the main spawn area. “If you mean the guy that was over there when I respawned, yeah.” Techno huffed. “Now I think you should get out of this boat before I make you.”
“No. You need to hear me out first.”
“No I don’t. You were helping the guys that kidnapped you and Phil. He said that guy was a Watcher. Phil told us stories about them growing up.”
Tommy crossed his arms. “He told you and Wil those stories. He never told me any of those. Plus, they were wrong.”
“You honestly expect me to believe you after you’ve been living with them for months?” Techno growled, moving his stolen weapon closer to Tommy.
“I believe them because they’re family.”
“We’re your family Tommy.”
“So’s Xelqua.”
Techno’s eyes widened and the sword lowered just enough from his shock that Tommy quickly stole it away before showing it into the water. “Did you just say that to-”
Tommy shook his head. “No! Of course not! It’s a plus, but I’m telling the truth. Dad knows too. None of use were sure at first, not even him. Like you said, I’ve been living with them for months, but until yesterday we didn’t know.”
“Then for all we know he’s lying. Or maybe he’s not really someone to trust.”
Tommy just sighed. “Can we just fucking go back to the spawn area so X can get his shit back? While we’re there I can tell everyone else what’s going on.”
Reluctantly Techno agreed and turned the boat around just as Xisuma was arriving with his emergency bee elytra out from his suit. 
“Alright, give him his fucking stuff back.” Tommy said as he pushed Techno out of the boat, making the hybrid grumble and take off the pilfered armor and other gear. “Alright then. Techno, this is Xisuma. He’s the admin of the server. He’s not like Dream but can be so much worse if you give him any reason to.”
Xisuma tilted his head slightly at the unfamiliar name, but mostly ignored it to take his items back. “I would welcome you to the server, but it seems you’ve already made yourself known.”
Techno huffed. “Yeah, just tell me where Phil is and I’ll be on my way.”
“Bitch what about Xel?”
“I doubt he wants to go back with us.”
“Hey I’m not fucking leaving. And I’m not sure Phil is either.”
“Why wouldn’t he?”
“He’ll want to stay with Grian for a bit probably.” Techno raised an eyebrow at Tommy. “He changed his name to Grian ages ago. Don’t know the full details though. He only really ever said he got bullied for it growing up and changed it in highschool or some shit.”
“Fine, I guess we’re staying here a bit.” Techno crossed his arms before getting back in the boat.
“Um, I seem to be missing my sword still.” Xisuma piped up, and Tommy jabbed his finger in the direction they came from. X nodded when he saw it floating on the surface of the water and flew over to grab the weapon.
While he did that, Tommy jumped back in the boat and rowed with Techno back to the island, going right up to Tommy’s beach area. Phil and Tubbo were both there, Tubbo with a certain gray striped cat in their lap.
The moment they reached land, Techno got out of the boat and walked over to Philza, who handed him the gear he lost when Tommy managed to kill him. “Is what Tommy said true? About Xel?”
Phil nodded. “Yeah. In fact he’s the Watcher that showed up. He’s gone through a lot since we last saw him.”
“How do we know we can trust him.”
Phil looked off to the side. “Well, he’s done better for Tommy than we did.”
The two of them were quiet to the point where Tommy broke the silence by going over to Tubbo. “Ey Tubzo, looks like you and Jellie are getting along. Very cool, very cool. She’s not upset at you bringing her along?”
Tubbo shook their head. “No, I tried to leave her back in that big building but she followed behind me.”
“Yeah, she sort of has a mind of her own. Grian’s not even completely sure she’s really a cat.” Tommy then looked up as he noticed something in the sky. “Speaking of which, looks like that’s him.”
The others also looked skyward and saw the bright red wings of Grian spread out as he was gliding. The avian noticed the group and pulled them in, diving down. However, shortly after doing that, Tommy watched as Grian pulled out a sword. The moment he landed on the ground, the blade was against Techno’s throat, Grian glaring up at his taller brother, his eyes red and puffy.
“Grian! Stop stop stop stop! That’s Technoblade, that’s Technoblade!” Tommy rushed over and tried to stop Grian but the avian pushed Tommy to the side.
“I don’t care who he is! He killed them and they’re not respawning!” Grian shouted, pressing the blade further, drawing a few drops of blood.
Tommy took a slight step back. “Wait, who? What do you mean? What happened?” But he was pretty sure he knew. Tommy saw the death messages. Scar was obviously respawning, and the other hermits would too. But two of those on the list wouldn’t.
“What are you talking about?” Techno looked down, showing no emotion to Grian.
“You killed my kids!” Grian yelled at him. “They’re dead and they’re not coming back! And it’s all your fault!”
It looked like Grian wanted to yell even more, but Philza grabbed him in a hug and the younger avian just dissolved into crying. Tommy and Techno met eyes, and even the powerful Technoblade flinched at the glare he received from his youngest brother.
Back on the SMP, Ghostbur kept floating around where the people had been before. He couldn’t quite remember why they had disappeared. He remembered something big with wings. He was pretty sure it was a giant bird. It looked kind of like his dad! And Tommy had been there too, but then everyone but Technoblade left. And then even Techno had left. Ghostbur was pretty sure he was supposed to stay there, but he wasn’t sure.
Then suddenly he felt something. As a ghost, he didn’t have access to a communicator, so the supernatural powers that allowed him to exist as a ghost also allowed him to interact with what would be the chat. So he was very aware when some people showed up. And since his friends and family had left, that had to be them coming back! It was a little strange they weren’t right there, but maybe they were just back where everyone else appears. Yeah, that was probably it!
Ghostbur went back towards spawn, ready to see Phil and Technoblade and Tommy. And he was happy to see there was someone right where there should be. Two someones in fact. But they seemed a little short. Techno and Tommy were tall, so it couldn’t be them, and Philza was short, but not that short. So that must mean it was someone completely different.
“Hello there! I’m Ghostbur!”
The two new people jumped slightly before turning to look at him. “Oh! H-Hi!”
“Who are you two? Unless we’ve already met. I don’t think we have, but I also have trouble remembering so maybe we have!”
“No, we have not met you before. I do not believe the two of us have even been to this world before. Can you tell us where we are?”
“Oh! You’re in the Dream SMP!” Ghostbur answered, just as one of the two newcomers checked what they had in place of a communicator.
Jrumbot joined the world
Grumbot joined the world
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ducktales-fanartist · 3 years
Okay so I rewatched "The 87 cent solution" and watched the scene where Dewey was nearly killed by a falling plane, and so I wondered..what if Gizmoduck didn't reach him in time?
"Gizmoduck! Fire!'
Scrooge ordered as he ran to the side of said robotic hero. Gizmoduck used his visor to scan the area but besides Scrooge and the kids, he couldn't see any sign of this 'Chester', "I don't see anything."
Scrooge scowled, "Hurry! Attack beforehe gets away! That's an order!" He bellowed in frustration.
Gizmoduck was hesitant, especially with one of the children running into what would be the line of fire, but forced himself to comply, "Umm, engage Midriff Missiles..?" He phrased it like a question.
Huey quickly ran to intervene, "No! He is of not sound mind! Don't fire!"
Scrooge growled like an animal and climbed onto Gizmoduck's back, "My mind is perfectly sound. Blow it all to pieces!" He demanded, pounding onto the metal suit like a child going through a tantrum. Gizmoduck attempted to stop him but the pounding caused the suit to go haywire and spin the hero out of control. As a result, Scrooge fell to the ground and landed by the kids just before the missiles fired. Instinctively, the older duck immediately covered the three children behind him to avoid them getting hit.
The missiles flew out of control before all three of them aimed for and struck the Sunchaser that was patrolling the sky. The plane began to descend down, and Lauchpad's attempted to pick it back up only caused it to steer in whatever direction.
Scrooge and the kids looked up to see this happen, as did Gizmoduck, "I'll handle this!" He announced and prepared to take off.
Except he didn't, he attempted to take off again only to be hit with the same issue.
"My Helmetcopter's stuck! Someone else handle this!" As predicted, the hero began to panic and attempt to fix whatever was stuck. Meanwhile, the plane was still going down with no stopping it.
Only now did everyone realize that a certain duckling with a blue shirt was in the path of the falling aircraft.
"Dewey!" The family cried out in unison. Dewey was too scared to get out the way himself, standing almost paralyzed on the bridge.
Scrooge felt his heart beat faster in his chest as he could only watch the plane get closer to his great nephew and Gizmoduck realize what was happening all too late. The wind whipped passed him as the duck hero wheeled by him in an attempt to rescue the child.
However, he couldn't see if he reached him before the plane crashed into the cement and he embraced the kids to protect them from the impact.
Soon, the dust settled and Scrooge turned back around. The Sunchaser was lying on it's side and he spotted Lauchpad exiting the plane and get to the ground safely. The pilot ran around to the front of the aircraft but stopped in his tracks immediately. The kids left Scrooge and went to join Lauchpad.
They only stopped when they saw the familiar silhouette of Gizmoduck emerge from behind the plane. A small figure was cradled in his right arm while the other leaned against the metal. Scrooge gasped and walked slowly towards the hero, passed the shocked children and Lauchpad, who looked ready to cry. He first saw a somber look on Gizmoduck's face as he rolled closer and shifted his right arm to give the old duck a better look.
Scrooge gasped again and put a hand to his beak.
Dewey looked lifeless in Gizmoduck's arm, he was in a feeble position but he clearly wasn't conscious. His head lulled to the side against Gizmoduck's chest. His body was covered in cuts and bruises but the most serious injury Scrooge could see was a bleeding gash on the side of his head, staining his feathers red. Scrooge swallowed and laid one hand on his chest and the other on his head. Gizmoduck began to speak.
"I'm sorry sir...the plane struck before I could reach him. He's alive, but..." The hero paused.
Scrooge could hardly process what just happened let alone what could happen.
He hardly noticed the other kids had joined him, and suddenly, the older duck was shoved to the side by some duckling in rage.
"Look at what you've done! You're so obsessed with a few cents that you lead our brother into danger!" Louie's voice rang loudly next to him. No one expected the normally chill triplet to react this way but given the circumstances, it's not that surprising. If it was Huey, it would be more surprising. That's not the point though.
Scrooge turned on Louie with a scowl, "You're blaming me!? This useless excuse of a hero fired the blasted missiles!"
"But you ordered him to fire!" Huey intervened, "Honestly, I feel more comfortable he's the one handling our injured brother than you!" He blew up, having lost his patience at this point, now knowing how dangerous this it getting. He sent a worried glance back at Gizmoduck, as of sending a silent message.
The hero gave him a reassuring nod and he adjusted his hold on Dewey before racing away, obviously to the hospital. Huey then faced his uncle again.
"Uncle Scrooge, please, you're very sick. If this goes on, not only could you die, but you're putting each of us in danger with your chaos.
Scrooge opened his beak to argue but paused, and thought back to what happened. Dewey ran off because he said he 'saw' someone and the plane did go down because he ordered Gizmoduck to fire missiles towards an invisible intruder...
Then, suddenly, he sneezed. And again. And again..
"Okay, maybe I am a wee bit sick.." He admitted.
A bit abrupt but the rest of the episode pretty much played out the same way, except Dewey was absent.He's okay btw, he recovered with time but I like the think that in the long term, he and Scrooge would have more trust issues to work with :,)
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3wisellamas · 3 years
Just Rewatched Books 1 and 2, here’s a bunch of observations and wild, probably completely false theories!
Because dangit, this is how I get my kicks.
-In The Unfinished Car, it was One who Tulip was ultimately speaking to towards the end.  It was One who expressed guilt over allowing the car to happen.  It was One who she finally convinced to let it go as it was, stop trying to fix everything, and even break the car again to restore the turtle peoples’ way of life.  And, it was ONE, not One-One, who jumped into her arms in the end, and made these particular faces, meaning he probably wasn’t entirely emotionless and robotic as conductor:
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(apologies for TV pics on these.  ^^; )
-Also, while One-One normally talks in his two different voices, and even converses/riffs on himself, in that scene before his voices combined back into One’s they were literally finishing each other’s sentences -- syncing up again!  Does this mean that One-One is actually just...out of sync, rather than completely broken? 
-I don’t think Amelia was going to the roof of her old university after Alrick’s death to jump.  In The Past Car, she’s clearly on the ground while the roof...flattens?  She literally watches it disappear right in front of her!  And the train tracks are already in place when she gets up there.  So, it might have been less that the train found her at her lowest point, but that she found the train -- and went right up to investigate it!
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-And here’s another juicy Amelia theory:  Throughout Book 1, One-One has a tendency to use the words “gone forever”.  He uses it while telling Tulip what will happen when her number reaches zero (making her think she’ll die, when really he just means leave the train forever), then he uses it a second time while in Amelia’s tape, describing “Amelia” (actually Alrick, remember we were led to believe she was Alrick at first), who IS dead.  And the final usage is after Tulip has her exit restored, and One-One says again that she’ll be “gone forever”, but, in this case, he clarifies that that’s a GOOD thing.  So, what if, when One learned about Alrick from Young!Amelia, he used that same phrase, telling her he was “gone forever” -- One meant this as a comfort, maybe even a misguided attempt to convince her she should be happy he’s gone (like, it was One’s way of saying “He’s no longer in pain”), but to Amelia, it’s just reminding her of why she’s on the train in the first place.  Thus prompting...you know.
-Okay, last observation about that damn Amelia tape:  While in there, The Cat mentions that the memories are recorded as the passenger stores them, meaning there may be biases / misremembering / other things that not only change the memories to trap passengers in them, but also change what VIEWERS would see as well -- like how Amelia kept the memory of her wandering the streets after her husband’s death “at a distance”, which prevented Tulip from getting close.  So...what if more elements of Amelia’s tape weren’t 100% accurate, due to misremembering things, convincing herself certain things were true when they weren’t, maybe even her age or the tape itself degrading over time, etc?  Maybe even Alrick wasn’t remembered 100% accurately, with her grief clouding her memories and making him seem like a different, more ideal person?  (I’m bringing this up because MAN did I have a realization later on...)
-After Atticus was turned into a Ghom, the first thing he did was attack Tulip, but he hesitated, allowing her to escape -- as if he remembered being her friend.  And, then, when he was freed from the tube, right next to both Tulip, a passenger whose nice tasty life he could suck out, and the Steward, a robot, the first thing he did was attack the Steward.  Just as he was trying to do before getting Ghom-ed!  So, I think it’s safe to say, that, if the Ghoms really are transformed denizens, they still possess some memory of who they used to be and what they were doing before they were transformed.  So...what does it say, then, that every non-Atticus Ghom we’ve seen has been trying to kill passengers (and NOT hesitate and let them go)?
-Tape Car time.  So, if that’s the only car with its universe projected on the OUTSIDE, then that not only means the train, the wasteland, etc are all fake and part of the car’s projection, but...also the Engine, the control console, and One(-One)?  Does this mean he was a fake conductor, too?
-And then, to make this even more of a mind screw...the Mirror World is apparently NOT a creation of the train, since MT / Lake has been with Tulip since the beginning even in the real world, and she was eventually able to leave the train -- when it’s shown that train-created items (like, say, the device Jesse was wearing when he got his first exit in the Mall Car) CANNOT go through exit portals.  (But, then, for some reason, the handcuffs Mace had slapped onto MT also didn’t go through the portal with her?  Meaning they were from the train?  IDK.)  Point is, though, the Chrome Car is a projection of the train, which itself is not real, as a projection of the Tape Car...but it’s connected to the Mirror World, which is connected to both the real world and the train?  Does this mean the real world is part of the Tape Car’s projection as well?  Is this a damn Matrix situation?
-There’s more Mirror World emergency services than just the Flecks -- remember the two paramedics that showed up in the Chrome Car to take care of Mirror Atticus and Mirror One-One?  I honestly wonder now if they used to be reflections as well, who chose to keep their memories but not be cops?
-Alright, this is my most out-there theory, but I gotta say it.  Mace and Alrick look slightly similar, at least as similar as a human and a featureless reflection cop can look -- the square jaws especially.  And his voice also sounds a LOT like Alrick doing his robot voice with that modulator.  So...maybe a connection there?  Mirror Alrick decided to keep his memories after his death?  I know I’ve seen this theory floating out there before, so it’s not new, but I just had to add it.  But, then, another implication if this is true:  Did he do this to keep remembering Amelia?  And...Mirror One-One wasted no time at all in getting a hold of the Flecks, maybe because they’ve been keeping in contact with him through that car, and Amelia by association?
-Now, for the inside of the Tape Car.  Specifically...what the hell is this thing?
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That...looks a little like One.  And during that scene in which MT / Lake is wading down the canal towards the tape -watching room to get her number, the camera actually focuses on this thing for a few seconds -- not enough to really call attention to it, but enough that now that we’ve seen One himself if stands out on a rewatch.  So, what is it?  It looks kinda like it’s watching over the whole Tape Car, with its one eye light thing?
I’ve got two theories that kinda work together on this one, neither of which are very likely considering I’m probably just taking a small background detail way too seriously, but come on, I’m having fun:
-If the inside of the Tape Car is the only real part of the train, and even One(-One) himself is fake...then that’s the REAL One, overseeing the train’s core operations but not interacting directly -- that’s what all the other robots, including One-One, are for.
-I’ve always kinda had a feeling that there’s a Zero to go along with One -- come on, it’s an obvious joke, what with robots running on binary and passengers needing to get their numbers to 0 and whatnot.  So, for now, I’mma call that thing Zero.
-One last Amelia Takeover Theory.  We know, from the Tape Car, that One-One is pretty hands-off about a lot of the train’s operations, his lack of hands aside -- he doesn’t seem to actually visit the Tape Car until something goes wrong there, and grabs his attention -- like Lake smashing up a few Porters.  So...why were One and Amelia there in the past?  Sure, two passengers boarding at the same time and sharing a number is unusual, but One even says it himself, it’s no big deal, on the train anything can happen.  So, why WERE they there?  Maybe it’s because something happened with Amelia in that car...like her waking up before the number-engraving process was completely finished?  (And she smashed a Porter for good measure?)
-Things required to wake a passenger, according to One-One:  Robots, coding, and juice boxes.  (Things required to wake a passenger, according to Lake:  Flicking them on the forehead with metal fingers)  What if one of the actual purposes of the Stewards is to manipulate the pods and wake the passengers inside, and then slip out unnoticed so they can start their journey?
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Our own underground kingdom
Word Count: 1903 
Pairing: Wilhelmina Venable x Fem!Reader 
Warning: A lil angsty, soft Mina. 
Prompts: 2,5,17 - “The only thing I have left is you”, “My only fear is losing you”  “I can’t live.. Not without you”
Setting: Six months before the apocalypse, Mina is aware of Michael being the Antichrist but hasn’t met him in person.  
A/N: For anon, I hope you enjoy! x  @muted-stoneheart​ thank you for reading over this for me, thanks again bubbles! 
Also bonus points for anyone who picks on a certain quote said by the woman herself (I couldn’t help myself) lmao. Still in a slight love/hate relationship with this. 
Permanent tags and a few who i thought might enjoy it : @waitingfortheendtocome​ @natasha-danvers​ @saucy-sapphic​ @coconutlipss​  @stevenuniversetanzanite​
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Prompts 2,5,17
“You want us to move where because of what?!” You exclaim, looking dumbfounded at a desperate Wilhelmina. She clutches her cane in front of her, brown eyes begging you to understand as you both stand opposite one another in your shared apartment. 
“To Central California, we’ll be safe there. I have it all planned out, I got two tickets that gives us access to a safe facility known as Outpost 3. My bosses may be coked up narcissists but they like me enough and know I’d be able to run the place well but I… I won’t do it without you Y/n. I need you onboard with this, please understand this is a matter of life and death.” She pleads reaching forward to take your hand. You hold your hand up in front, stopping her advance. 
“Mina baby, you are not making any sense. You are telling me that in as little as six months time the world is going to end in smoke and fire and you want us to go live underground with rich strangers until what.. Everything goes back to normal again. I don’t understand what you are asking and you’re scaring me,” You inform her quietly, trying to process this new information that your girlfriend has given you. 
You and Mina have been dating for nearly two years and in all that time you’ve never seen her look so terrified yet excited at the same time. You saw the glint in her eye when she first told you of her master plan to escape the upcoming apocalypse and to rule over one of the six outposts that were being built for the rich while the poor died from the nuclear bombs or worse. You understood that Mina’s empathy for others has always run thin, you were one of the few if not the only one who Mina truly cared for. You watch her take a deep breath in before releasing it in frustration, her eyes flash slightly at your lack of understanding and enthusiasm. 
“That’s exactly what I’m telling you Y/N. All I ask is that you pack a few items.. Maybe that pretty lavender lingerie number that I bought you last year for your birthday and I’ll figure out the rest. Please baby don’t make me beg you…” She asks, her tone soft yet demanding. Her eyes dart away from yours suddenly finding the kitchen marble interesting, her voice like a whisper that echoes across the room to your ears.
“I can’t live… not without you.” She confesses, still unwilling to meet your surprised gaze. You knew Mina loved you even if she rarely said it out loud, see Mina showed you love with affection, personal gifts and allowing you to see her deepest scars and insecurities behind closed doors while making love but her confession shocked you nevertheless.
“Mina I’m not saying I wouldn’t go with you. This just all seems a bit crazy, I mean your bosses selling their souls to the devil who happens to have a son who's roaming the earth right now planning to destroy it and pretty much everyone on it. Tell me you understand my hesitance.” You murmur, walking towards her and delicately lifting her chin up with your finger forcing her to look at you. Her big brown eyes stand out behind her framed glasses as you go to remove them from her face, knowing she’s probably forgot that she’s still wearing them. She blinks a few times adjusting to the new sight while muttering a quick ‘thanks’. She leans her cane against the nearby chair before placing her hands on either side of your hips pushing you back slightly guiding you to the breakfast island behind you, indicating for you to hop on top so she can stand in between your legs comfortably. 
“I know it’s a lot to process, I get it.. It took me a while to wrap my head around it but being around those two nutcases every damn day made it easier to understand why they didn’t have a soul, the rest just followed through. Baby this is a good opportunity for us, just imagine you and me ruling our own little underground kingdom, how satisfying does that sound hmm. I’m not embarrassed to say, it gives me a tingle.” She whispers brushing her nose against yours, her voice huskier at the thought of you standing by her side as she bends the guests to her very wimp as they beg for their life after disobeying the rules. 
You roll your eyes at her idea of fun and being slightly turned on at the thought of being in control of others. 
“But what about the rest of the world? Families Mina torn apart, children unable to grow up and become incredible people.who could go on to discover a new element or become the next president. Just gone, tiny specks of dust in the ground because some guy decided so.” You argue back, she pulls back a little so she can lock gazes with you dumbfound by your resilience. 
“This isn’t just ‘some guy’ sweetheart, we are talking about the son of satan and all things hellish.” Mina ridicules, shaking her head at your ignorance. 
“Have you met this man? Have you seen with your own two eyes what he is capable of?” You question, watching a flicker of hesitance cross her features confirming your answer without any words being spoken. Now it's your turn to look dumbfounded as you try to understand her eagerness to believe such nonsense. 
“Just as I thought. Mina, this man could be insane and those two dipshits have only three things on their minds robotics, cocaine and pussy. You really wanna believe all this?” She nods her head with determination. 
“I really do believe it. I’ll show you the planning if you like? I just need you on board with this Y/N. I can live with myself if the rest of the world dies out but baby, not you, never you. The only thing I have left is you, so i need you to come with me.” She speaks honestly, placing her hands on either side of your face wanting you to understand her. 
“Show me the plans first Mina, then I will decide” You compromise, still feeling ridiculous that you are indulging her proposition. She smiles satisfied with your answer knowing it was the closest thing to a yes she was going to get out of you for now before she pulls away completely, moving towards her cane and heading for the kitchen door, she turns her head towards you, her face serious. 
“I’ll show you the plans and I’ll prove to you that what i’m telling you isn’t some bullshit story to scare you, I’m not crazy dear.” She vows, continuing on her journey. Leaving you sat on top of the kitchen island, mind reeling from the information given to you. You know deep down somewhere that what Mina’s telling you is true. That woman is a realist who laughs at the thought of magic and spells, always believing in the science of things, never one to open her mind to more powerful beings. So there you sat waiting for her to fight her corner and prove to you that what she’s telling you is real and the idea of her mostly being right terrifies you. 
But I’d go anywhere with her, even to run away from death itself. 
“Jesus Mina and these are all the plans?” You mutter, looking closely at Mina’s tablet as you both sit at the wooden desk in her home office. The fireplace crackling to the side of you both, the light from the flames giving Mina’s side profile a soft glow of orange. As she leans over your shoulder, her finger sliding and tapping away on the tablet, showing you the other locations and its members. 
“Yes, we have full access to all construction work as well. Millions of dollars have gone into this Y/N, those A-listers you see right there all know what’s going to happen. Do you think they feel guilty? Of course not.” Mina reprimands, scoffing in disgust. 
“You could have gotten us into the outpost in Hawaii at least, baby,” You halfheartedly teased, still trying to process an actual response. Mina growls quietly and nipples underneath your earlobe before whispering in your ear. 
“What and have you drooling over Johansson, I don’t think so. I want you all to myself.” The possessive tone makes you roll your eyes in good nature. 
“So what do you think?” She asks into your ear, you hear the slight hesitancy in her voice making you turn your head to the side and placing a reassuring kiss to her cheek. 
“I have one condition. You promise that you will tell me everything, from any changes to new developments. I want to know Mina, don’t keep secrets from me. I still don’t fully trust this cooperative or whatever they want to be called, especially that guy who claims to be the antichrist.” You enforce wanting her to understand that although you are agreeing to this you still have your reservations. 
“Of course baby. We’re in this together darling, now about that little number… think you could put it on so we can celebrate our new move properly,” She hints before capturing your lips in a heated kiss. “So demanding.” you tease against her lips. Before you can continue with your heated makeout session Mina pinches the side of your hip making you jump slightly in the chair and yelp “Hey!” eyeing her fingers before locking eyes with her chocolate brown eyes, she smirks before replying “I won’t ask again, dear. You know where the closet is”.
With that you jump out of the chair and walk seductively out of the room before calling over your shoulder cheekily. 
“See you in five minutes, my love” 
As you lie beneath Mina, bodies glistening in the afterglow of your love making, you look up into those brown eyes above you as they sparkle with delight and admiration. Her forearms leaning on either side of her head, nose brushing eskimo kisses along your own. 
“My only fear is losing you, Y/N. I hope you realise that.” She confesses, eyes wet with unushered tears as she collapses on top of you, her head tucked into the crook of your neck as you clutch onto one another. 
“Of course I do, Mina. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you either,” You reply, capturing her lips with your own in a heated kiss. You both moan in unison, loving the feeling of each other's soft lips seeking the love and comfort we share for one another. Once you pull back and settle into your new position, Mina’s head leaning against your chest where she loves to hear your heart beating steadily beneath her ears. 
“We will watch the world burn bright together and bring in this new world while making love in our own hideaway, my love.” She breathes, against your naked chest nuzzling her nose against your exposed skin.
And for the first time tonight, you were looking forward to spending your days in your own little kingdom with the redhead. As long as you have her, you’ll be content for the rest of your days no matter how long or short that might be. 
If you would like to be added to the tag list, just ask! 
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zabrak-show · 4 years
Bubble Bath | Maul x Reader
Summary: Setting Sundari Palace and reader (gender neutral) is an intelligence officer for Maul’s Mandalorian army.
Word count: 2.1k (god sorry I didn’t think it would be that long)
Warnings: some angst between reader and maul as well as obimaul angst. otherwise it’s just plain dumb and silly, oh and a couple curse words
A/n: This is about the silliest thing I’ve written in quite some time hoo boy. I hope someone else finds it funny or at the very least entertaining. I laughed writing it but I am a dork so idk. This was a request from @jabean21​ to have the reader walk in on Maul taking a bubble bath as a comedy. Idk about Maul’s robot legs in the bath ok, just don’t think about it too much I guess.
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The crisp nighttime air seeped into the Sundari Royal Palace and brought with it a calming energy to all who were exposed to its delicate embrace. You were walking along the gardens of the palace, one of your favorite places to just meander and quiet your mind from the day’s stresses. The stresses of being an intelligence officer for Lord Maul’s Mandalorian army were many, but you handled it with the grace of a Toydarian haggling with a Jedi. Ok you were not handling it so well, but you were handling it. You had not cracked under the pressure yet and you were still able to complete each task at hand.
Lord Maul, was, to put it lightly, not a fun boss. There was no employee appreciation week with a picture of whoever got employee of the week plastered in the break room for all to see. Oh of course, Maul had tried this early on, but he only ever awarded the damn thing to himself. Each week holding a fake ceremony that everyone was required to attend as he presented a new award to himself. Each award was more lavish than the last. The breaking point was when he attempted to award himself the prized ship of one of the Mandalorian commanders. A fire fight ensued, and thank the maker, was short lived. Maul, ultimately decided it wasn’t worth it to lose his army over a ship that he didn’t even really want, but had run out of ideas for things with which to award himself. 
Lord Maul, would get incredibly irritable seemingly for no reason. One morning you had rushed to his side beaming with excitement as you had hacked into a Jedi holo conference. Surely, this would be great news that we had intel on what their next move was. Somehow, Maul grew increasingly irritated and violent with you as you tried to explain what you found out.
“What about Kenobi? What was his part in their plan?” He spat at you inches from your face 
“Kenobi? My lord, I do not know who all the Jedi were. I was merely listening for their next move.” You nervously explained, realizing your good news was not so good being that it was incomplete. 
“You did not hear the name Kenobi then?” He pressed into your body in a show of dominance, but you stood tall in your armor, unwavering against the ruby red Zabrak decorated with geometric obsidian tattoos. His teeth bared as he snarled out the words. You racked your brain trying to remember if the name Kenobi ever came up during your eavesdropping of the Jedi.
“Hmm kenobi...kenobi…” you whispered to yourself quietly in the hopes that saying the name aloud would spark a memory. Did he want you to say yes, Kenobi was involved? Or would that make him angrier?
“Yes, Kenobi. KENOBIIIII” He yelled the final Kenobi with a stupendous gusto knocking you back a bit all the while he stared off into the distance with a longing in his golden eyes you had never seen the Zabrak show before. You looked behind you to see where he was looking at seemingly nothing and slowly back at him again.
“Are...are..are you wanting to see Kenobi? Because it sounds like you want to see Kenobi.” you genuinely asked the now pensive Maul. A smirk slowly formed, the one side of his lip curving up.
“Yes, at last I will reveal myself to Kenobi. At last I will have my revenge.” he said in his hauntingly smooth and theatrical voice while a full menacing smile contorted his already striking features.
“I, um, actually don’t know that Kenobi is involved in this, my lord. I can find out, i mean I WILL find out.” you bowed out of the room as Maul stood still staring off into the distance dreaming of his apparent long lost lover. 
You had no idea he was in love with anyone he always seemed way too selfish, and a Jedi at that?! It was a  bit of a shock to say the least. You and him had been casual lovers at one point, but it all kind of fizzled out. His temper was too much for you and you had wanted more than he could offer. You once got really drunk at a celebration feast and referred to him as your boyfriend to more than a few people. Maul had wanted to keep your affair a secret and you blew it. The embarrassment of that night still stung. It stung worse that he had not wanted to publicly be tied to you in any way. He had been gentle about letting you down, trying to say it was for your safety, that his enemies would try to attack you. “Oh sure, that makes sense,” you had agreed not wanting to show how it felt like your heart had just shattered into a million pieces of clari-crystalline.
Fast forward to tonight, the reason for your great stress was that the Jedi were on their way to Mandalore and you still had no idea if Kenobi was actually with them or not. After you hacked their communication the first time, they must have caught wind and secured their lines better. Maul had been pacing around the throne room all day trying to get everyone ready for an attack. You honestly felt for him, to have someone you love so dearly end up being your sworn enemy. No wonder he was so grumpy all the time. You certainly understood the heartache even if it was a different circumstance for both of you.
You made your way back from the palace gardens into the throne room where Maul was causing a fuss with the servants about the decor it seemed.
“What? What are these?! This is not the way of your people. To act like we live in the gutters?! Take these all away!!” he huffed as he thrust the pile of tapestries into the hands of a servant.
“Lord Maul, I am at your service.” you spoke confidently as you dutifully walked up to him. He turned to look at you and relief washed over his rigid frame relaxing himself a tiny bit.
“Ah, (y/n). A sight for sore eyes. Tell me how much time do we have until the Jedi arrive?” he raised a tattooed eyebrow in concern as he asked you.
“By my calculations they will be here in five hours.” you answered him with ease, that was something you at least felt confident in from your spying.
“Excellent. I will meet you in your office in one hour to discuss my plan for you. Don’t be late.” he extended a tattooed finger to point at you as he made his demands. You’d be lying if you said he didn’t still make your heart stop and butterflies swirl in your stomach.
“I will be there waiting, my Lord.” you turned in a rush to walk away, not wanting him to see your flushed cheeks. Right behind you, one of the servants was carrying a bucket of mop water and you knocked right into them, their small frame no comparison for yours covered in armor and they tumbled backwards and then overcorrected forward practically throwing the dirty mop water onto Maul. In an instant Maul, now soaked, held his hand out and started force choking the servant lifting them from the ground, their hands clawing at their throat and flailing their legs.
“Maul, No!” you yelled without thinking jumping out at him to pull his arm down.
“It was my fault. I ran into them.” you tried to reason with him as you gently pulled his arm down. He snarled and looked at the servant now fallen into a pathetic slump onto the floor.
“Get out of my sight.” he hissed and the servant picked up the bucket and ran off down the hall. Maul looked down at the mess of himself and growled,
“These were my finest robes. Now what am I to do?”
“Lord Maul, all your robes look fine on you. Go get yourself cleaned up, I’ll see to it that everything gets done in here and we can still meet in an hour.” you put your arm on his back and tenderly led him out of the room as you reassured him.
“Very well. Make certain it is spotless in here. I can’t have it look like I’m running a crime syndicate in a garbage dump here. Next they will be comparing my aesthetics to the Hutts. I loathe at the very thought.’ His fist clenched up as he grimaced and walked out of the throne room. You walked back to the spilled mop water and helped the servants clean. It was not above you to help the staff out especially when you knew something was partially your fault.
If anyone should get employee of the week, it’s me, you amused yourself with the thought. What would you gift yourself? You day dreamed about dark sabers, new beskar armor, or a new ship, maybe just a really nice house somewhere far away. The throne room was now spotless and you came to your senses realizing you had been here for quite some time. You were to meet with Maul in less than 10 minutes. 
You hurried out of the throne room, down the hall to your office. Technically you had plenty of time to get there, but you liked to be ready for Maul and had also wanted to tidy things up for your neat freak boss. You made your way down a corridor, your pace somewhere between a soft jog and speed walking, when you heard Maul’s voice nearby. You stopped to listen and although he was using his usual serious and dominating tone, there was something off about it. 
“I’m not sure I’ve made your acquaintance.” a strange voice rang out, muffled by the door. 
Who was in there with him? you thought with a slight panic.
“I’m surprised you could have forgotten me so easily, after I killed your master and you left me for dead on Naboo.” Maul’s voice was strained each word spitting out of him as a separate unit from the coherent thought. Your panic began to rise as you could hear the two voices back and forth. Finally the stranger belted out,
“I’ve defeated you before and I can defeat you again!” the sounds of a light saber igniting and you didn’t have to think about barging in, it was now or never. You practically tore the door down in your rush to Maul’s aid, blaster out and ready to fire. 
What you saw was more shocking than anything for which you could have prepared yourself. Maul was almost fully immersed in a bubble bath. Bubbles were spilling out onto the floor and all around him. He had fashioned a crew cut and beard out of bubbles around his dark red face, horns barely protruding out of the bubbles, and his bright yellow eyes widened in horror at seeing you in his refresher. Your jaw might as well have been on the floor, but you couldn’t even be bothered to think about what you were doing, what was Maul doing? He was holding two small figurines one of which looked eerily similar to himself, the other wearing a tan robe and small beard. They were actually remarkable looking figures, but why? 
“Maul, my..I heard voices and a light saber, I thought you were…a tiny figurine, what are you holding?” you couldn’t even form a coherent thought, words spilling out of you with no direction.
“Nothing. It’s nothing.” He threw the figurines across the floor and crossed his arms looking straight ahead avoiding your judgmental stare. Finally you picked your jaw up off the ground and reached down to pick up one of the figurines. It was the tan one with a crude little beard holding a miniature light saber.
“I um, I am relieved you are ok. I’m terribly sorry I burst in on you like this. I get so worried about you sometimes.” you admitted plainly. If there was a time to bare it all, now was it. Even if it wasn’t reciprocated, maybe it would help ease his own embarrassment. Maul was silent and you panicked  trying to replace the tension in the air with just about anything else.
“Hey you know, this little guy looks a lot like one of those Jedis I was spying on a little while ago.” you turned the figure over in your hands studying it.  At once Maul jumped out of the bathtub, water and bubbles flying everywhere,
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“Hey did you really mean it when you said I look good in all my robes?” Maul leaned over to ask you later that night, after you all had chased the Jedi out of Mandalore.
“Maul. all your robes are identical.”
thanks for reading xoxo
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tornrose24 · 4 years
Separation (Red Diamond AAU Drabble)
A certain (and very spoilerific, considering when it happens in the Steven Universe cartoon) familiar scene... but with a twist. (Also bit of a warning: there’s blood/ injuries involved.)
Original Gem AU (as well as zircon!George, sapphire!Harold, peridot!Melvin, and tourmaline!Poopypants) belongs to angerydj. Alexandra belongs to me.
(Honestly I was bored and wanted to write something. Then I remembered something I haven’t written out yet which will require a part 2 in the future).
Of all the gems George and Harold had faced, Watermelon Tourmaline was one of the most recurring antagonists. An old gem from their Homeworld days, he had been quite persistent in trying to catch them as well as Red Quartz when he was still around. It was one thing fighting him during the war all those centuries ago, but it was another when it turned out he was still around and was able to come back to earth.
 But after he found out that Alexandra had Red Quartz’s–No, Red Diamond’s–gem, he became more dangerous than before. To him, capturing Red Quartz would not only ensure a personal victory over the rebels, but would ensure that no one on Homeworld would ever make fun of him again.
Unfortunately it appeared that this was not going to be like old times. This time he had wised up and had enough back up to ensure a different outcome.
He distracted the sapphire and zircon and their allies with his machines while he himself chased after Alexandra in the destroyed ruins that was once Red Diamond’s base. (It was unfortunate that his young assistant and fellow scientist Orange Peridot decided to ally himself with the little miscreants, but he had other things to care about). Alexandra tried to run away, but Watermelon Tourmaline caught up and all it took was a few attacks from the robot he piloted to make the girl crash to the floor with bruises across her body. He wanted ‘Red Quartz’ to suffer, and held off from doing serious damage, but he couldn’t believe how weak the gem was.
“Is that the best you can do, Quartz?!” Watermelon Tourmaline sneered from inside his robot.
“I’m... I’m not...” Alexandra wheezed as she tried to crawl away, even though she knew it was pointless.
She wasn’t able to crawl away in time when the robot roughly grabbed her between two fingers and held her up until she was facing him. “Stop running away and face me like a real gem!” He sneered. “Show your true self!” He still thought she was Red Quartz, she realized. He had no clue whose gem in her stomach really belonged to.
Watermelon Tourmaline gave her a sadistic look. “If you won’t, then I’ll make you!” One of the robot’s fingers opened up to reveal a small tweezer like appendage that shot out towards the child and forced her shirt up to reveal the beautiful shining stone in her midsection.
“No don’t!” Alexandra tried to wriggle free. She had no clue what would happen if the gem was pulled out and she didn’t want to find out.
The tweezers pinched the stone and began to tug at it. It hurt so much and Alexandra was screaming as the tugging made her feel as if her insides were going to be ripped out along with it.
“Come on out, Red!”
“NO!” She screamed as she heard George and Harold screaming for her. The moment they arrived on the scene, their eyes grew in alarm and they ran towards the robot with their weapons ready. 
But by then it was too late.
The gem finally pulled free–along with bits of human skin and blood that still clung to it.
The child’s scream was almost deafening. It was one of the most awful sounds imaginable. 
She was unceremoniously released and she crashed to the floor before anyone could reach her.
Watermelon Tourmaline let out a triumphant laugh as the zircon and sapphire reached Alexandra. “FINALLY!” The robot held up the gemstone that was half coated in blood. “I FINALLY CAPTURED RED QUARTZ! NOW EVERYONE WILL GIVE ME THE RESPECT I RIGHTFULLY DESERVE!”
Both George and Harold had been kneeling beside Alexandra as she cried in pain and clutched her injured navel where the gem once was. They both turned in anger at Watermelon Tourmaline and George was the first to strike. He quickly took out his tie whip and threw it out–willing it to extend as far as it could–until it wrapped around the robot arm’s tweezers.
“GIVE IT BACK!” George yelled as he tugged as hard as he could, while Harold also grabbed onto the weapon and tried to pull alongside him.
“LET GO YOU BRATS!” Watermelon Tourmaline snapped as the robot arm tried to pull away, but the young gems were able to hold their ground.
George tried to pull as hard as he could, but it was clear that something else needed to be done. In a desperate move, Harold took his shield out and threw it at the old gem in the robot. “NO YOU LET GO!” He yelled.
The shield managed to hit Watermelon Tourmaline right in the face, but in the process he pulled the lever for the arm at the same time and not only was the arm able to pull free from the whip, but the tweezers accidentally flung the red diamond into the air.
“NO!” George and Harold yelled when they saw what just happened. George quickly tried to throw the whip out to catch the diamond, but it was like trying to hit a fly with a stick and he missed.
The diamond fell to the ground and cracked perfectly in half on impact before the two halves flung into opposite directions and hit the ground.
“Oh no.” George voiced the fear he and Harold felt as a sinking feeling dropped in their stomaches.
“Ugh,” Watermelon Tourmaline got up and rubbed his face before noticing what happened to the gem. “Oh... well, I guess that’s just as good.” He shrugged. (Though it would have helped his cause if he was able to bring Red Quartz in alive).
“Oh no, oh no, oh no.” Harold shook his head and grabbed his hair as the robot moved its hand towards the broken halves of the diamond. If the diamond had shattered, and the only person who could fix it was now in bad shape, then–
Then to everyone’s shock both halves of the diamond started to glow.
“Wait, what?” Watermelon raised an eyebrow.
“WHAT?!” The zircon and sapphire yelled.
The images that began to form from the broken diamond halves were almost two exact copies of one another. And when they finished, they revealed two very unexpected figures. Both of whom should have been dead and gone.
For Benjamin, it was like waking up from a long sleep. He wasn’t able to register or remember much for a few moments as he held his head and tried to come to his senses. 
When he looked up, he thought he was seeing himself in a mirror in his Red Quartz form, who was also holding his head and trying to come to his senses.
What he was not expecting was for the mirror image to flinch away. “Red Diamond?!” The mirror image cried out.
“RED DIAMOND?!” Benjamin and his mirror image looked up as Watermelon Tourmaline turned pale pink with shock and nearly jumped out of his robot as he looked at Benjamin. Even though the diamond was dressed a little more causally than normal, and had a faint pink skin tone similar to Red Quartz’s own, there was no mistaking that it was the infamous, long believed to have been dead Red Diamond himself.
“What is going on?” Harold asked George. “You’re seeing this too, right? I’m seeing both–”
“I am.” George nodded as both Red Diamond and Red Quartz were finally face to face, with each persona having one half of the gem that they once had and now had once again.
“You’re–!” Benjamin’s eyes widened as he stared at his counterpart in confusion.
“But I thought you–!” Red Quartz stammered and pointed at his counterpart.
“Yeah, how are you still alive?!” Red Quartz panicked. He distinctly remembered destroying the evil diamond’s gem in one punch, causing him to flicker out of existence the moment it shattered into fragments.
“Wh-what is–?” Benjamin stammered as he tried to make sense as to where he was. The last thing he remembered was looking at his newborn child and holding her before he gave up his–
He looked at the half destroyed, now malformed gem in Red Quartz’s midsection before he looked at his own to see that it was in a similar state.
It was not supposed to look like that. And it wasn’t supposed to be a part of him anymore. In fact, he wasn’t supposed to still exist.
Alarmed, he turned around and the first thing he saw was George and Harold. Both were equally alarmed and horrified (once upon a time, he would have enjoyed seeing that look on their faces and had even longed for it) and they were standing beside a child of about six to eight years old. She was laying on the floor and grabbing her stomach which appeared to be bleeding as the blood stained her shirt and fingers. She was in a state between pain and fatigue, but she struggled to stay awake long enough to look back at him with eyes eerily similar to his own. For one crucial second Benjamin saw his wife in her features–the same freckles, same nose, and even her messy hair reminded him of Edith.
“Da...ddy?” Her voice was barely a wheeze.
George and Harold’s panic increased when they saw the realization in Benjamin’s eyes. When Watermelon Tourmaline noticed that the child was still present, he made a very horrible, stupid mistake on his behalf when he yelled:
“How is his disguise still present?! I thought it’d go away when I took the gem out!”
The deathly calm that fell was a moment of sheer terror for George and Harold.
The moment the zircon and the sapphire saw that the diamond figured out that the child was his own daughter and what had happened to her, they knew something horrible was about to happen.
The fire that began to erupt in Benjamin’s eyes was all too familiar to George and Harold, but they knew this was not the usual kind of anger he had–this kind was the one that was all too rare and far more terrifying. They watched as his body began to tense up and he turned towards the robot and the tourmaline inside it. His clueless other half was still completely lost, but even he saw that the diamond was about to do something unpleasant.
The diamond got up and his body began to flash with light and expand until a split second later a gigantic version of Red Diamond reached the robot and grabbed it. He was not quite at his original full height for some reason, but his form had regained its fire red hue–overcoming the almost human like pink skin tone that he had as Red Quartz and had kept when he originally shedded his original name for good.
They could only watch as Red Diamond tore into the robot. He punched at it and tore its parts off like a wild animal and even the way he was yelling sounded monstrous. The tourmaline inside the robot was screaming in fear for his life and tried to escape out of the robot, but the door was jammed and he couldn’t pull it free.
“Oh this isn’t good!” Harold pulled at his hair.
“Hey we got them all!” Rainbow Kyanite (the fusion of Bo the Bismuth and Gooch the Pink Tourmaline) managed to catch up to them while carrying the easily winded Melvin. Then they saw what was happening, they could only stare in shock.
“What do we do?!” Harold asked George.
“I don’t know, but we got to stop him!” George had no idea what would happen to Red Diamond while he was angry with only a broken gem, but it wasn’t going to be good. Both he and Harold didn’t see Red Quartz looking at Alexandra in confusion (she looked a little familiar to him, but unlike his other half he had no clue who she was or why she was hurt).
“Hey guys, what’s going on?!” The worried Red Quartz pleaded. “Why’s Red Diamond still alive?!”
“Not now!” George snapped as Harold readied his weapon. “Get Alexandra out of here!” He commanded to Rainbow Kyanite. “Melvin, we’ll need your help with this!”
“Right!” The fusion could only respond before letting go of Melvin and carefully picking up Alexandra before he hurried away as fast as possible. At the same time, George and Harold began their own fusion.
Meanwhile Red Diamond continued to viciously tear into the robot as he tried to get to the Watermelon Tourmaline. It had been so long since he felt such anger but this time it was so much worse and he barely registered anything else besides a buzzing in his head, the red in his vision, and the slight pain in his midsection. He didn’t notice his gem not only cracking a little or the angry white and orangish lightning like lines that were starting to flare up across his body.
Just when Red Diamond finally managed to brake the robot into a shapeless mess and was about to reach for the terrified Watermelon Tourmaline, Carnelian quickly grabbed his arm with all four of his arms.
“STOP!” The fusion of George and Harold yelled. While he was taller than the young gems, he was still shorter than the giant Red Diamond to the point that it was like a child trying to stop an adult.
“DON’T STOP ME!” Red Diamond screamed at them, with fangs for teeth and eyes burning an anger. He was oblivious to the beginning of a corruption slowly spreading from his gem–the lines creeping across his stomach and up his arms as he tried to pull free. When he finally managed to knock Carnelian away, he was soon met with a giant yo-yo that wrapped around his body and pinned his arms against his sides.
Melvin readied his arm canon as Red Quartz watched on. He was alarmed at the hatred in Red Diamond’s face–too similar to his own–as the large gem roared and tried to pull free. Why was Red Diamond trying to attack Watermelon Tourmaline? Why was Carnelian trying to stop him?
While Red Diamond was too focused on struggling to get free and snarling at Carnelian, Melvin built up enough energy in his arm canon. The orange peridot took aim and a huge blast of energy struck the diamond in the chest. Without any protective covering to shield himself, the energy blast exploded and the large gem bursted into light.
This time Carnelian was able to catch the broken diamond when it fell and he made sure to quickly bubble it.
Carnelian let out a huge sigh as Watermelon Tourmaline scrambled to get out of the wreckage of his robot. When he was able to pull himself free, he tried to escape, only to find himself hoisted up into the air by Red Quartz himself.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but you must have something to do with this.” Red Quartz frowned at the short gem.
“Me?!” Watermelon Tourmaline spat. “What about you?! Why was Red Diamond fused with you?! Why did he attack me?! Why–?!”
The Watermelon Tourmaline was shot by another blast from Melvin’s canon. He reverted back into his gem form, which fell to the floor, but unlike the red diamond, it didn’t shatter.
“I’ll take that, thank you.” Melvin grabbed the tourmaline and bubbled it as he resumed his usual air of arrogance as a way to mask his own confusion. Red Quartz stared at him, wondering why a gem that normally allied with Watermelon Tourmaline was helping George and Harold instead.
Carnelian unfused and George and Harold reappeared while holding the bubble that contained Benjamin’s half of the gem. It already had a few cracks on it from his rampage on Watermelon Tourmaline.
“What do we do now?” Harold asked, knowing full well that letting Benjamin reform anytime soon would be a bad idea. (He knew what both he and George were in for the next time they’d see him again).
“I honestly don’t know.” George admitted.
“Guys?” The two looked up to see Red Quartz. He gave them a shaky wave before asking “Can you tell me what’s going on now?”
To be continued
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